Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Genetic Capitalism: Next Sequel of Evolution

Making long-term predictions is a safe bet: if they turn out to be true, one will be hailed as a genius till kingdom come, otherwise, one won't be alive to be taken to task for that. :)

According to the crystal ball of Dr. Curry of London School of Economics, in coming 100,000 years, human species is headed towards a “genetic capitalism” where it will be split into two sub-species of genetic “haves” and “have-nots”.

Meanwhile, humans will surpass in intelligence, health and longevity for the next 1000 years. Men will evolve squarer jaws, deeper voices and bigger penises - that's definitely a welcome development :).

Not to be outdone, women will develop lighter, smooth, hairless skin, large clear eyes, glossy hair, among other - but most significantly - pert breasts. :)

Alas, it will take about 1000 years for Dr. Curry's vision of "brave new world" to be realized. Many a slip between the cup and the lip!

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