Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Persecution of Bahá'ís

US Report on Oppression of Baha'is in Yemen

Iran Press Watch: Documenting the Persecution of the Baha'i Community in Iran

Apartheid Against Baha'is in Iran

BBC Persian Kasra Naji's documentary on Bahais in Iran

Shia Mullah on Iranian TV says Baha'is are impure (najas), they have no right to bury and their corpses should be collected by the municipality with the rest of the trash.
این آخوند در تلویزیون میگوید: #بهاییان  حق دفن ندارند و جسد آنها باید بدست شهرداری و با بقیه زباله ها جمع شود!



سوال:اسلامی جمہوریہ ایران میں مقیم،بہت سے بہائی مذہب کے لوگ، اظہار کرتے ہیں کہ ہم ایران کے عام قانون کے پابند ہیں اور ہم نے کسی طرح کی کوئی خلاف ورزی نہیں کی ہے لیکن پھر بھی ہمارے حقوق، ضائع ہوتے ہیں، سوال یہ ہے کہ اصولاً کیا بہائی مذہب خصوصاً ایران میں مقیم بہائی مذہب والے، اہل ذمہ میں شمار ہوں گے؟
جواب دیدیا گیا:ہم جانتے ہیں کہ موجودہ حالات میں، بہائی گری، فقط ایک مذہبی مسئلہ نہیں ہے بلکہ زیادہ تر سیاسی حیثیت کا حامل ہے اور بہت زیادہ قرائن وشواہد موجود ہیں جن سے پتہ چلتا ہے کہ یہ لوگ غیروں اور دیگر ممالک کے فائدے کے لئے کام کرتے ہیں، بعض مغبی ممالک کے پارلیمنٹ کی طرف سے شدّت سے، ان کا دفاع کرنا، منجملہ ایک قرینہ اور شاہد ہے ، لہٰذا ان حالات میں ان کو ایک ایسے گروہ کی نظر سے نہیں دیکھا جاسکتا جو مسالمت آمیز زندگی کا خواہاں ہو،حقیقت میں یہ لوگ محارب ہیں، (یعنی کافر حربی اور حالت جنگ میں ہیں

بهایی کافر حربی است از این رو که از هرگونه تلاش و کوشش ضد مسلمانان ابا ندارند.[38] لذا بهایی ­ها مرتد و نجس هستند

Makarem's fatwas on Bahais

سؤال: معاشرت با بهایی و آموزش و پرورش آنها چه حکمی دارد؟
جواب: بهایی کافر حربی است زیرا از هرگونه تلاش و کوشش ضد مسلمانان ابا ندارند. آموزش و پرورش آنها جایز نیست. مصادره اموال آنان مانعی ندارد مگر اینکه فعالیتی نداشته باشند.
(Bahais are kabir harbis)

Makarem's fatwas on Bahais
معاشرت با بهائیان: «بهائیان کافر حربی هستند؛ زیرا از هرگونه تلاش و کوشش ضد مسلمانان ابا ندارند.
(Bahais are kabir harbis)


*آیت‌الله نوری همدانی:

آیت الله نوری همدانی از مراجع تقلید شیعه حکم پیروان فرقه ضاله بهائیت از نظر طهارت و نجاست را نجس  و ازدواج با افراد این فرقه منحرف را جایز نمی‌دانند.(1)

* Ayatollah Nouri Hamadani:

Ayatollah Nouri Hamadani, a Shi'ite imitation authority, condemns the adherents of the deviant sect Baha'i  as unclean and does not allow marriage with their followers (1).

*آیت‌الله مکارم شیرازی

آیت‌الله مکارم شیرازی اعضای فرقه ضاله بهائیت را از زمره مسلمین خارج دانسته و هرگونه رابطه­‌ای با آن‌ها را حرام اعلام کردند و ارتباط با آن‌ها را مقید به مواردی دانستند که امید ارشاد و هدایت آن‌ها باشد.(2)

* Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi has dismissed members of the deviant sect Baha'i as out of Islam and forbade any relationship with them, limiting their relationship to those whose hope is guidance and guidance (2).

*آیات تبریزی و سیستانی

آیت‌الله تبریزی از دیگر مراجع شیعه در پاسخ به سؤالی مبنی بر اینکه  معامله با بهائی­‌ها اگر از نظر اقتصادی موجب تقویت آن‌ها شود چه حکمی دارد، فرمودند:
 کسانی که با عواید خود به دشمنان اسلام و مسلمین کمک می کنند٬ تقویت و اعانت و تأیید آنان جایز نیست،

همچنین آیت‌الله سیستانی نیز معامله با بهائی‌ها را
جایز نشمردند.(3)

* Tabrizi and Sistani verses

Ayatollah Tabrizi, among other Shia authorities, said in response to a question about what it would be like to trade with the Baha'is,  if that could economically strengthen the enemies of Islam and Muslims, that's not permissible. Those who help the enemies of Islam and Muslims with their own income are not permitted to support, endorse or endorse them,

Ayatollah Sistani also does not allow deals with the Baha'is.

 *آیت‌الله صافی گلپایگانی

آیت‌الله صافی گلپایگانی در پاسخ به این سؤال که پیروان فرقه ضاله بهائیت از نظر طهارت و نجاست چگونه‌اند و آیا اجتناب از تماس با آنان لازم است؟ فرمودند: نجس هستند و اجتناب از آن‌ها واجب است. والله العالم، همچنین ایشان فرمودند: فرقه بهائیت دینی ندارند و ضال و مضل هستند و کافر می‌­باشند و نجس هستند و ازدواج با آن‌ها حرام است و همچنین تبلیغ و ترویج آن‌ها حرام و جائز نیست، مؤمنین باید با شناخت کامل از عقائد حقه شیعه اثناعشری دفاع نموده و خودشان را از شر مکائد شیطانی و دشمنان محافظت نماید و مانع فعالیت و ترویج آنان شوند. والله العالم(4)

* Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani

What are Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani's answer to the question that followers of the Baha'i Faithfulness are purified and unclean, and is it necessary to avoid contact with them? They said: they are impure and it is obligatory to avoid them. Walah al-Alam also said: The Baha'i faith has no religion and is not a Muslim, they are infidels and are impure and marriage with them is forbidden and their preaching and propaganda is forbidden. Shias must protect themselves from evil practices of enemies and prevent them from working and promoting them. Walla al-Alem (4)

حضرت آیت­الله علوی گرگانی: «بهائیان حق تبلیغ مسلک خود را ندارند و در صورت تبلیغ، حاکم شرع طبق صلاحدید خود می­توتند آنان را تعزیر کند و در صورت صلاحدید حاکم شرع و عدم ترک رفتار نامناسب خود به طوری که صدق مقابله با حکومت اسلامی بکند، شمول عنوان مفسد فی الارض بعید به نظر نمی­رسد». و «از نظر ما هزینه کردن از بیت­المال برای آنان چه در جهت علمی یا غیر آن جایز نیست»

(Baha'is have no right to advertise their profession. In the event of propaganda, the ruler of the Shari'a will, at their discretion, punish them, and if the ruler of the Shari'a desires it and does not abandon his inappropriate behavior in such a way as to confront the Islamic government, the inclusion of the title of the corruptor on earth is unlikely It does not seem)
حضرت آیت­الله مکارم شیرازی: «می­دانیم مسئله­ی بهائی­گری در شرایط کنونی تنها یک مسئله مذهبی نیست، بلکه بیشتر جنبه­ی سیاسی دارد و قرائن فراوانی در دست است که آنها به نفع بیگانگان فعالیت می­کنند و دفاع شدید مجالس قانون­گذاری بعضی از کشورهای غربی از آنها از جمله این قرائن است؛ بنابراین در چنینن شرایطی نمی­توان با آنها به عنوان گروهی که می­خواهند در این مملکت زندگی مسالمت­امیز داشته باشند نگاه مردو آنها در واقع محارب هستند. انها یکی از مصادیق روشن کافر حربی هستند و می­دانیم کافر حربی در اسلام احترامی ندارد، ولی آن مقدار که برای حفظ سمعه­ی اسلام در خارج و امنیت جامعه در داخل لازم است باید رعایت گردد».
معظمٌ­له در استفتایی که اخیراً به عمل آمده نیز فرموده­اند: «افراد فرقه ضاله­ی بهائیت جزء کفار حربی محسوب می­شوند، زیرا از هرگونه تلاش و کوشش بر ضد مسلمانان اِبا ندارند. 20/3/89»


 در اسلام علما و فقهای دینی پیروان فرقه ضاله بهاییت را کافر حربی می‌دانند، کافری که با مسلمانان پیمان ذمه نبسته و از احکام دولت اسلامی اطاعت نمی‌کند
(In Islam, religious scholars and religious scholars regard the followers of the Bahais as "infidels of war", which are not Muslims who have committed a covenant and do not obey the laws of the Islamic state.)

آیت‌الله مکارم شیرازی:

بهایی کافر حربی است زیرا از هرگونه تلاش و کوشش ضد مسلمانان ابا ندارند. آموزش و پرورش آنها جایز نیست. مصادره اموال آنان مانعی ندارد مگر اینکه فعالیتی نداشته باشند.
(Baha'is are infidels because they do not have any anti-Muslim efforts. Their education is not allowed. Their property confiscation has no obstacles unless they have no activity.) 

Ayatollah Bahjat's fatwas on Bahais
- آیا تصرف در اموال بهائیان حرام است؟ «خیر» [7]
(Is it forbidden to seize property in Baha'is? "No")
8- آیا بهائیانی که در کشور اسلامی هستند، در امان هستند؟ «خیر.» [8]

( Are Baha'is in the Islamic country safe? "No")

Shia fatwas against Bahais

Since the start of the Islamic revolution, 241 Baha’is have been executed in Iran. Few people know that 40 Baha’i soldiers died or remain missing-in-action after serving in the Iran-Iraq war. More importantly, none of them are recognized by the official Martyr’s Foundation because they are regarded as apostates.
In this they are unique.
The Jewish and Zoroastrian communities in Iran (each roughly 20,000 strong) also sent sons and brothers to the war against Iraq. Their dead are recognized by the Martyrs Foundation and their families are entitled to lifetime stipends and various other benefits.

Jan 1845: Shia mullahs killed Bahais in Iran but in Ottoman Iraq (1845), they refused to ratify Sunni fatwa calling for execution of Babi emissary (fearing Shias would be next) and asked for his exile or imprisonment #PragmaticTheology. Extract from "The Sunna and Shi'a in History: Division and Ecumenism in the Muslim Middle East", page 77-83, Chapter 'Encounters between Shi'i and Sunni Ulama' by Meir Litvak

And in the mid-19th century, about 20,000 Baha’is were killed in Iran...During the 20th century, there have been occasional surges in the persecution of Baha’is on the part of the Iranian government. In 1933, for instance, there was a ban on Baha’i literature; Baha’i marriages were not recognized; and Baha’is in public service were demoted or fired. In 1955, the government oversaw the demolition of the national Baha’i center in Tehran with pickaxes. 
In 1993, the special representative of the then Human Rights Commission, Reynaldo Galindo Pohl, reported that he discovered an official Iranian government memorandum that was signed by [Supreme Leader Ayatollah] Ali Khamenei and issued by the Supreme Revolutionary Cultural Council in which it was clear from the document that their aim is to slowly and very quietly suffocate the Baha’i community in a way that won’t arouse international suspicion.

Ivel, Iran: [In mid-1950s, a Shia cleric of Hojjateya] endeavoured to prevent their cows from grazing in the same pasture, on the basis that the Baha'i cows were "unclean".  For a few days, the cattle belonging to the Baha'is were confined to their barns while those of the Muslims went to graze. The Baha'is repeatedly referred the matter to the village head, appealing for compassion to be shown to the animals. Consequently, a decision was made to have the cows enter the pasture from opposite sides, so as to respect the decree.

Could we say that there was a coalition between the shah’s court and the clergy in the post-coup period? It seems to have shown itself in the anti-Baha’i campaign that the shah’s government unleashed. 
You could definitely say that there was a collation between Shah and the Shia Marja, i.e. Ayatollah Borujerdi. We have documents on this. Ayatollah Borujerdi had issued a message to the shah, saying that “we worked with you (ie. the shah and the monarchy) to bring down Mossadegh and crack down on the communist party and now expect you to work with us to crackdown on the Baha’is, who are a great enemy of Islam.” As much as I know, the shah did collaborate with them. The events of 1955 and 1956 and propagations of [anti-Baha’i preacher, Mohammad Taqi] Falsafi on radio during the holy months of Ramadan and Muharram happened with the shah’s consent. It was rare for the Shah Mosque in the Tehran Bazaar to be given to a Shia preacher to freely propagate against the Baha’is.

Social and political tensions continued to fuel attacks against Bahá’ís prior to the Iranian Revolution, the most notable taking place in 1955 in Teheran when mullas and army officials joined hands in destroying the Bahá’í National Headquarters, and the government ordered the suppression of all Bahá’í activities. As a result, Bahá’í holy places were occupied and ransacked, homes and farms looted and burned, Bahá’í cemeteries desecrated; adults were beaten, young women abducted and forced to marry Muslims, chil‐ dren expelled from schools and many dismissed from their employment (Momen, 1981, p. viii). The situation advanced to a point where the complete suppression of the Bahá’í community could have become a matter of fact, had not the United Nations under Dag Hammarskjöld and the U.S. State Department intervened on behalf of the Iranian Bahá’ís (Martin, 1984).
In the remaining years prior to the Iranian revolution, the Shah’s secret service agency SAVAK and government agents sought to deflect the fury of reactionary Muslims against the Shah by provoking anti‐Bahá’í hysteria. SAVAK instructed its regional directors to cooperate with the Society for Islamic Teaching in systematically suppressing the Bahá’ís, while warning that such activities must not provoke public disturbance (Mujtahid, cited in Martin, 1984, p. 33).
Already prior to his return to Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini had expressed his view of Bahá’ís as traitors, Zionists, economic plunderers and enemies of Islam (Abrahamian, 1993, p. 48). In an interview to Professor James Cockroft of Rutgers University in January 1979 he made it clear that Bahá’ís were not going to be tolerated as a religious minority:
Question:    Will there be either religious or political freedom for the Bahá’ís under an Islamic government?
Answer:  They are a political faction; they are harmful. They will not be accepted.
Question:  How about their freedom of religion – religious practice?
Answer:  No. (Cockroft, 1979, p. 20) 

 مہر 1341( 8 اکتوبر 1962 ) کو صوبائی ضلعی کونسلوں کا بل امیر اسداللہ کی کابینہ میں پاس ہوا جس کی بنیاد پر انتخابات میں حصہ لینے کے لئے امیدوار کے مسلمان ہونے، قرآن کریم کے ذریعہ حلف اٹھانے، رائےدہندگان اور خود امیدوار کے لئے مرد ہونے کی شرط ختم کردی گئ البتہ خواتین کے انتخابات میں حصہ لینے کی آزادی کچھ دیگر مقاصد پر پردہ ڈالنے کے لئے تھی۔ پہلی دوشرطوں کو ختم کرنے کا مقصد بہائی عناصر کوملک کے معاملات میں مکمل طورپر دخیل کرنے کو قانونی شکل دینا تھا کیونکہ شاہ کے لئے امریکہ کی حمایت کی شرط یہ تھی کہ ایران اسرائیل کے ساتھ اپنے تعلقات کو فروغ دے اور ایران کے تینوں اہم اداروں یعنی مجریہ، مقننہ اورعدلیہ میں سامراجی مسلک بہائيت کے پیروکاروں کی موجودگي اسرائیل کے ساتھ ایران کے تعلقات میں فروغ کویقینی بناسکتی تھی۔ البتہ حکومت نے اس بل کے تعلق سےحالات کا اندازہ لگانے میں سخت غلطی کی چنانچہ اس بل کی منظوری کی خبر شائع ہوتےہی حضرت امام خمینی رحمت اللہ علیہ نےقم اورتہران کے بزرگ علماء سے صلاح ومشورہ کرنے کے بعد بھرپور احتجاج کیا ۔

Imam Khomeini’s views on Bahaism, printed in the Arabic Kayhan in 1982, are quoted as follows: "Even if we do not have any witness which could serve as a proof to the fact that Bahais are U.S. mercenaries and spies, Reagan’s support for them is the best proof to this claim."

Mr. Khanjani was a member of the so-called third National Spiritual Assembly, which was banned in 1983 and also saw four of its nine members executed by the government in 1984. He later formed the “Yaran” or “Friends,” which tended to the spiritual and social needs of the Baha’i community in the absence of a formally elected Baha’i leadership.
“When they found him in 1987, everyone thought he was dead because so many of his colleagues at the assembly were killed, but they released him,” says Ferida. “After that it became slightly better for our family and Baha’is generally."
The situation improved slightly when President Khatami came to power in the late 1990s, but only in relative terms: Baha'is were allowed to sit and pass university entrance exams only if the information about the student's religion was omitted from the form. But if a student's religion was discovered, registration would be withdrawn, and the student faced immediate expulsion. Since then, Iranian governments have found new ways to block Baha'is from higher education, usually through forcing them to deny their religion, which goes against the Baha'i faith. Under ultra-conservative President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who came to power in 2005, life for Baha'is once again deteriorated, and the patterns that started then are still in place today. 
“The law changed and Baha'is were no longer allowed to go to university,” says Pooneh. “All of a sudden, my uncle Saeed had a month to finish his studies, which would normally take two years, otherwise he wouldn’t qualify."
Today, Baha’i students and teachers are forbidden from attending or teaching at regular universities in Iran. Again, they face immediate expulsion if their religion is identified either during the entrance process, or while they are enroled at a college or university. They are banned from holding religious ceremonies or gatherings, as well as being denied basic rights, including the right to a proper burial and access to higher education. The authorities routinely block Baha’is from advancing in their careers and from certain types of employment, including government jobs.
Nika Khanjani, the niece of Jamaloddin Khanjani, explains how many Baha’is have moved their families abroad to ensure their children have every possible opportunity in life, including access to higher education, even if they would prefer to remain in their homeland of Iran.

Restrictions on Baha’is started to gradually spread following the fall of the monarchy, until the repression reached its peak during the reign of the Baath regime. The regime issued a set of decisions against Baha'is in 1970, and published them in the Official Gazette of Iraq. Under these decisions, the Baha'i religion was officially banned and Baha'is were deprived of all their property and forbidden from registering their religion in civil records. Furthermore, they were ordered to delete references to the Baha’i faith from existing records and replace them with one of the three officially recognized Abrahamic religions. Subsequently, a large number of adherents were imprisoned and many Baha’i political and religious followers were sentenced to death in the late 1970s.
The above risks led Baha'is to either completely close themselves off or emigrate from Iraq. Despite the openness that followed the fall of deposed president Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, Baha'is in Iraq are still hiding, living in fear of declaring their social identity and preferring not to practice their religion in public.
One Baha'i woman told Al-Monitor that after being released from the “prison” of Hussein’s regime, she felt that she had moved from a small prison to a societal one, harsher and more violent than the former. Life in “prison,” she felt, used to protect her from the culture of exclusion toward Baha’is prevailing in Iraqi society.
Saad Salloum, a specialist on Iraqi minorities, told Al-Monitor that the regime change in 2003 in no way changed the situation for Baha’is. The Baha'i religion is still officially banned and Baha’is are still not allowed to list their religion on civil records. They have not regained their confiscated property and the decisions issued against them have not been abolished.
Despite all of the violence and exclusion practiced against Baha’is, there have been a recent set of legal and religious developments that serve the interests of Baha'is and improve their social status, even if legal progress is slow. According to Statement No. 42 published in issue 4224 of Iraqi Facts on Dec. 26, 2011, Iraqi Culture Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi issued a decree whereby the house that was inhabited by Baha'u'llah when he was in Baghdad is now deemed a heritage site. It is worth noting that the location has turned into a Shiite ceremonial hall known as “Sheikh Bashar,” currently located in the Al-Tala'eh neighborhood of Baghdad.
However, Salloum said that the place had been torn down in an attempt to discourage the Baha'is, who were not deterred and show willingness to rebuild it if offered the chance.

In a recent interview with the Persian-language Radio Farda, a Baha’i International Community spokesperson, Simin Fahandej, said that the land on which the Baha’i cemetery sits is now owned by a Revolutionary Guard, and that three years ago it announced plans to build a cultural and sports complex on the site. The cemetery’s burial ground holds the remains of more than 900 Baha’is, including “10 women who were hanged in 1983 for their refusal to recant their Baha’i beliefs,” the Baha’i International Community said in a May 8, 2014 statement.
According to the Baha’i International Community, between 2005 and 2012 “at least 42 Baha’i-owned cemeteries were attacked in some manner.”
“The targeting and harassment of Baha’is, both living and dead, shows how deeply entrenched the government’s intolerance is against Iran’s Baha’i community,” Stork said. “Those who are supposed to be protecting the Baha’i community should call a halt to this campaign of repression.”

The single greatest example of violence towards Baha'is occurred in 1983 in the southern city of Shiraz. A few years earlier, in February 1979, the suburb of Sa'diyeh had been rocked by an anti-Baha'i pogrom that left over two hundred homes and businesses looted and burned. In 1981, five Baha'i leaders, and in 1982 another three, were executed. In October and November 1982, mass arrests were carried out by local members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The stage was set for further violence.
After a prolonged persecution, at the beginning of June 1983, in accordance with Islamic tradition, the 22 remaining Baha'i detainees in prison were offered four last opportunities to convert to Islam and save their lives. They all declined.
Ten women who were hanged had been charged with the crime of teaching children's classes. The classes, known as Dars-e Akhlaq, "Morality lessons," are similar in nature to Christian Sunday schools or Jewish religious classes for children. They teach moral behaviour that could come straight from any Judaeo-Christian ethics curriculum. All ten had been tortured and interrogated for months before their execution. The youngest, Mona Mahmudnizhad, seventeen at the time of her death, has become a symbol of Baha'i martyrdom.
It is reported that while in prison Mona was bastinadoed on the soles of her feet with a cable and forced to walk while bleeding. One account states that she kissed the hand of her executioner and then the rope itself, before putting it around her own neck. Her father was arrested and executed at about the same time. During the trial of another young victim, 23-year-old Roya Eshraqi, a veterinary student, the judge said "You put yourselves through this agony only for one word: Just say you are not a Baha'i and I'll see that... you are released..." Ms. Eshraqi is said to have responded, "I will not exchange my faith for the whole world."
From January 2014 through May 2015, the Baha'i International Community documented more than 6,300 items of anti-Baha'i propaganda in Iran's official or semi-official media. A report on the media campaign to demonize Baha'is is available here. 

The Baha’is in Iran – its largest religious minority, with 300,000 people – are subjected to discrimination on religious grounds rather than race. They are not part of a project to serve one section of society – they are simply excluded from society. Iranian governments for generations have tried to further this aim. The policy is rooted in a 1991 memorandum, signed by Iran’s then and current supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which said that the progress of the Baha’is should be “blocked” by denying them work opportunities and higher education.
In Iran and apartheid South Africa, education has been used as a tool to impose hierarchy, discrimination and division

یہی احساس مقابلہ کرنے قربانی دینے اورپایدار رہنے کاایک بہت بڑا عامل ہے اوریہی اللہ اوراسلام کے دشمنوں کوخوفزدہ کئے ہوئے ہے اوریہی ان کے مسلسل خوف اورڈرکا راز ہے۔ اس لئے انہوں نے ہمیشہ نظریہ مہدویت کو کمزورکرنے کی کوشش کی ہے اوراس میں شکوک وشبہات پیدا کرنے کے لیے قلموں کو خریداہے کہ انہوں نے ہمیشہ مسلمانوں کے اتحاد کو پارہ پارہ کرنے انہیں گمراہ کرنے اوراپنے صحیح نظریات سے منحرف کرنے اپنے فاسد عقائد کی ترویج کرنے کے لیے ان کے اندر ربابیت بہائیت ، قادیانیت، اوروہابیت جیسے نئے نئے فرقے پیدا کیے ہیں ۔

انگلینڈ کے بعد امریکیوں نے بھی ان کو اپنے مقاصد کے لئے استعمال کرنا شروع کر دیا اور اس طرح یہ
کے ایجنٹ ہو گئے۔ عباس افندی کے وصیت نامہ کے برخلاف شوقی آفندی مقطوع النسل رہ گیا اور شوقی آفندی کی موت کے بعد ڈاکٹر شعبی کے بقول (مقارنۃ الادیان ج ۱ص ۳۰۹) بہائیت رسمی طور پرصہیونیت کا حصہ بن گئی یا اس نے اپنے چہرہ سے نقاب ہٹا کر صیہونزم کا چہرہ اختیار کر لیا۔ اس حقیقت کا اعتراف دیگر مصنفین نے بھی کیا ہے اور پھر اسرائیل میں منعقدہ عظیم کانفرنس میں ’’میسن‘‘ نامی ایک امریکی صہیونیت کو بہائیت کا عالمی رہبر منتخب کر لیا گیا

On the night of June 18th, 1983, the Islamic revolutionary authorities in Shiraz, Iran, hanged ten women and teenage girls for refusal to deny their belief in the Baha'i Faith. For three days before their deaths the victims had endured barbarous treatment at the hands of Shi'ih Muslim clergymen and revolutionary guards who, on June 15th, had similarly executed the husbands, father and son of four of them. These new deaths brought to 160 the number of Baha'is in Iran who have been shot or hanged by the Islamic regime.
One of the two founders of the Faith, known to his followers as the Bab (the "Door" or "Gate"), was executed in 1850 at the urging of Shi'ih clerics, and some 20,000 of the early believers perished in massacres also incited by the latter.
Khabar-i-Junub, Feb. 22, 1983: Twenty-two Baha'i death sentences were passed in February, but, in order to exert maximum psychological pressure on the victims, the authorities did not reveal which of the nearly one hundred Baha'is imprisoned in Shiraz were to die. As each month passed one or two of the prisoners would occasionally be hanged without notice. The final series of executions were timed for the month of Ramadan, the period of the Muslim fast. 

Feb 22, 2010: Iranian Television Series Defames the Baha’i Faith

A Faith Denied: The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran 

Catholic, Anglican, Protestant, and evangelical churches are not regarded as heritage communities and are afforded few rights. Christian worship must be in the Assyrian or Armenian languages, not in Farsi. Several Protestant and evangelical leaders have been murdered by government agents in recent years, and last year reports surfaced of a renewed crackdown against churches operating in people’s homes, with reportedly 50 or more arrests. Mandeans have sought in vain for official recognition based on their historic ties to John the Baptist.

Members of the Bahai faith, an independent religion that originated in 19th-century Iran, are treated far worse: as heretics to be persecuted outright. According to Iranian law, Bahai blood is considered mobah —that is, it can be spilled with impunity. Over two hundred Bahais have been executed since 1979. An enemy of Islam was written on some of their corpses. In 1979 the Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guards) demolished the house of the Bab, a sacred Bahai site in the southwestern city of Shiraz, and the place where it stood has since been paved over for an Islamic center. The burial shrine of Quddus, a prominent follower of the Bab, was destroyed at Babol in 2004. Bahais can gather only underground—at private homes or in surreptitiously rented halls.
Converts from Islam to any other faith are regarded by the state as apostates who can be put to death. Iran bans non-Muslims not only from proselytizing but from most public religious expression in the presence of Muslims. The Intelligence Ministry closely monitors Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian religious communities. These groups are routinely denied permission for formal contacts with foreign co-religionists.
The tomb of Daniel, from the Old Testament, is exploited by the regime to promote its relentless anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli propaganda. One mural features an imaginary scene of Iranian forces joining Palestinian fighters in seizing Jerusalems Temple Mount. Nearby slogans denounce Jews, Zionism, and Israel. Jews have stopped visiting the site altogether.
 All university applicants must pass an examination in Islamic theology. Bahais have been essentially barred from higher education.
Minority storeowners must display prominent signs indicating they are najasa (ritually unclean). Bahais have no property rights, and their homes and business are vulnerable to confiscation.
Any non-Muslim responsible for a Muslims death faces capital punishment, in accordance with medieval Islamic jurisprudence. Conversely, Muslims do not face capital punishment or even long prison sentences for murdering a non-Muslim, though they are fined. Exceptions are in the murder of a Bahai or a Muslim apostate no compensation whatsoever is required. In a court proceeding, a non-Muslims testimony is valued at half that of a Muslims. A non-Muslim who converts to Islam becomes the sole inheritor of his or her familys assets.

The U.S. State Department's 1998 Human Rights report says Jewish businessman Ruhollah Kadkhoda-Zadeh was executed in May 1998 without benefit of public charge or legal proceedings, although it may have been in connection with his alleged role in helping Iranian Jews flee the country. Usually, entire Jewish families are not allowed to leave Iran together, nor are Jews issued with the multiple-exit visas other Iranians get. Although there is a Jewish member of parliament, they are effectively barred from most other public offices and face barriers in getting public sector jobs. 

Around 20 Muslim converts to Christianity disappeared in 1997-1998 after the authorities learned of their baptisms. Zoroastrians face uneven application of laws and pressure to convert to Islam. 

Muslims also experience varying degrees of repression. The murder last July of Sunni cleric Amman Naroui of Zabol, allegedly by government agents, was never investigated. Sufi organizations report increasing repression. Senior Shia clerics, such as Ayatollahs Hossein-Ali Montazeri-Najafabadi and Seyyed Hassan Tabatabai-Qomi, and their followers, are repressed for questioning the theocratic system and its leadership. 

The situation faced by unrecognized religious minorities, especially Bahais, is even worse. According to the 1999 Amnesty International Report on human rights in Iran, 20 members of the Bahai faith are still imprisoned. A Bahai was executed in Mashhad last July for converting a Muslim woman. Harassment is frequent.

13 Sep 2004:
BAHA'IS SOUND THE ALARM ON ABUSES IN IRAN. The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States asserts, in an advertisement in "The New York Times" of 12 September, that the Iranian government has persecuted the 300,000 members of the religious minority for the last quarter century, the Baha'i World News Service reported (http://www.bwns.org/story.cfm?storyid=323; see the advertisement at http://www.bahai.org/pdf/ad20040912.pdf). The advertisement compares the Iranian theocracy's actions with those of the Taliban when it destroyed the ancient rock statues of Buddha at Bamian, Afghanistan. 

The Iranian government's most recent attack on the Baha'i faith is the destruction in June of the Tehran house of Mirza Abbas Nuri, father of Baha'i founder Mirza Hussein Ali Nuri (also known as Bahaullah). A 13 September press release from the Baha'i community notes that, earlier in the year, Iranian authorities destroyed the gravesite in Babol of Mullah Mohammad-Ali Barfurushi, a prominent Baha'i known as Quddus. Bani Dugal, a Baha'i representative, described these developments as "part of a concerted plan on the part of the Iranian government to gradually extinguish the Baha'i Faith as a cultural force and cohesive entity." (Bill Samii)

IS THE HOJJATIEH SOCIETY MAKING A COMEBACK? Friday Prayer leaders throughout Iran warned their congregations in early July of renewed activities on the part of the Hojjatieh Society -- a strongly anti-Baha'i movement that has long been regarded as a potent, if secretive threat to the ruling elites (both imperial and clerical) that have run Iran since the Hojjatieh Society was created in the middle of the last century. In Shahrud, Ayatollah Abbas Amini said that Hojjatieh activists are recruiting new members in the city's mosques, Radio Farda reported on 11 July. 

The Hojjatieh Mahdavieh Society was established in 1953 by a preacher from Mashhad, Sheikh Mahmud Halabi, who supported Prime Minister Mohammad Mussadiq. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi allowed the society to pursue its anti-Baha'i activities after Mussadiq's August 1953 ouster, in exchange for the clerical community's support for his renewed reign. Society member Mohammad Taqi Falsafi's anti-Baha'i sermons were broadcast by state radio, for example, and Tehran's Military-Governor Teimour Bakhtiar took a pick-ax to the Baha'i temple in Tehran in May 1955. Around that time, Halabi persuaded the Marja-yi Taqlid (source of emulation) Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Tabatabai Borujerdi to issue a fatwa banning transactions with Baha'is, according to Baqer Moin's "Khomeini: Life of the Ayatollah" (1999). 

After that, the Hojjatieh Society entered a period of relative inactivity, although the same cannot be said of Falsafi. The shah's court minister, Assadollah Alam, wrote in his diaries that in 1963 Falsafi preached against the shah's reform program and, after a June 1963 riot, Alam had Falsafi imprisoned (Assadollah Alam, "The Shah and I," Alinaghi Alikhani, ed. [1991]). 

There is more to the Hojjatieh Society than its anti-Baha'i beliefs, however, although the depths of those beliefs say a great deal about the society. While Baha'i leader Mirza Hussein Ali Nuri (1817-1892) -- who declared himself a prophet known as Bahaullah (most Muslims view Muhammad as the final prophet in Islam) -- disputed the existence of a hidden imam, Hojjatieh members believe that true Islamic government must await the return of the hidden imam, or Mahdi, who is currently in occultation. For much the same reasons, the Hojjatieh Society opposed Ayatollah Khomeini's theory of Islamic government and Vilayat-i Faqih (rule of the supreme jurisconsult). It favors collective leadership of the religious community, and opposes religious involvement in political affairs. 

29 Jan 2008:
Iran has sentenced three members of the Bahai faith to four years in jail for security offences and 51 others to suspended prison terms.
They were convicted for propaganda against the system in the southern city of Shiraz, a judiciary spokesman said, without giving details.
The Bahai faith is viewed as heresy by Iran's religious authorities.
The spokesman said the 51 suspended sentences were conditional on attending courses by state propaganda officials.
The defendants were arrested early last year, according to officials.
The authorities said they were proselytising in the southern city of Shiraz under the cover of helping the poor.
Speaking at his regular news conference, spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi said the 51 had already been freed.

14 April 2008: In recent months, there have been a number of reports about threats and the harassment of Baha'i followers in Shiraz. 

Enjavinejad, who is also the head of the Friday Prayers congregation in Fars Province, is known for having preached against Baha'is and Wahhabism. The controversial cleric was quoted on April 14 by the hard-line daily "Kayhan" as saying that it's up to intelligence officials to find out who's behind the explosion. But he added that "we believe that it's possible that Baha'is had a hand in this."

May 10, 2008: "The Secret of Armageddon" - An Iranian TV "Documentary" Claims That "a Jewish Plan for the Genocide of Humanity," Includes a Conspiracy for the Takeover of Iran by Local Jewish and Bahai Communities

16 June 2009:

دو بہائی اور ایک سنی شیعہ ہوگئے

16 June 2009:
حال ہی میں غزہ میں صہیونیوں کے جرائم کے بارے میں اقوام متحدہ کی رپورٹ پر غور کو چھ مہینوں تک مؤخر کرنے کی درخواست دینے والی فلسطینی اتھارٹی کے غیر قانونی بہائی صدر "ابومازن محمود عباس" نے یمنی سرزمین پر سعودی حملے کی حمایت کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ہم سعودی عرب کے "حق دفاع" کو تسلیم کرتے ہوئے یمن کے اقتدار اعلی کی بھی حمایت کرتے ہیں اور "سعودی عرب پر حوثیوں کے حملے" کی مذمت کرتے ہیں۔

16 June 2009:

Former Iranian Parliament Speaker Hadad Adel: BBC Teeming with Bahais; Stands for 'Bahai Broadcasting Company'

Following is an excerpt from an interview with Hadad Adel, speaker of the Iranian Parliament, which aired on Iranian TV Channel 2, on June 17, 2009.

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memri.org/legacy/clip/2164.

Hadad Adel: "The BBC sympathizes with these people. It is the same BBC network that is teeming with Bahais, who take vengeance against the Iranian people. In fact, the managers of many departments in BBC Farsi TV, which began airing a few months ago, are Bahais. I think that the Iranian people should no longer view the word BBC as an acronym for 'British Broadcasting Company,' but as an acronym for 'Bahai Broadcasting Company.' In other words, it is the voice of the Bahais - not that there is such a big difference. After all, the English created the Bahais. The people should not trust this network."

24 Nov 2009: A popular conservative newspaper critical of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has been closed down for carrying a photograph of a temple of the banned Baha'i faith, media reported today.

27 Feb 2010:
حجت الاسلام موسی زاده با تشریح اهداف پنهان فرقه های انحرافی در جامعه اظهار داشت: بهائیت و وهابیت ساخته و پرداخته استعمار انگلیس و سیاست های تفرقه افکنانه دولت بریتانیا است.
Hojatoleslam Musa Zadeh, describing the hidden goals of diverse sects in society, said: Baha'ism and Wahhabism are made by British colonialism and divisive policies of the British government.

18 April 2010:
حضرت آیت اللہ العظمی مکارم شیرازی نے کہا: بہائیت اور وہابیت جیسے بناوٹی مذاہب خرافات کے مجموعے ہیں اور حال ہی میں بعض نفس پرست لوگوں کے ذریعے شیطان پرستی کو فروغ دیا جارہا ہے جبکہ یہ لوگ پہلے سے ہی شیطان کے تابع چلے آرہے تھے

10 May 2010: Books About Zen, Baha’i Faiths Banned At Tehran Book Fair

17 June 2010:
غیرقانونی صدر بہائی و صہیونی اتحاد کی علامت جناب محمود عباس ابو مازن ابھی تک صہیونیوں کے ساتھ بات چیت کی کوشش کررہا ہے۔

3 July 2010: The reports from Ivel residents say that by June 22, almost 50 houses belonging to Bahais had been flattened.
Bahais are banned from working in government offices, and they are not allowed to study at university. Iranian inheritance laws do not apply to Bahais, and Bahai businessmen are often denied a licence to set up shop. Bahai cemeteries have also been desecrated.
Nearly 300 members of the faith have been executed so far - mostly in the first few years of the revolution. Some Bahai leaders were executed shortly after the revolution. Others were arrested and have not been heard of until today.
Mohammed Javad Larijani, head of the human rights council of the Iranian judiciary, defends court action against the religious group. "Bahais have to answer to the courts in Iran because they engaged in cult-type activities contrary to the the most basic human rights of the people," Mr Larijani told the UN Human Rights Council.

3 Nov 2010:
حجت الاسلام سجادي نے وضاحت کي : منحرف بھائي مذھب اپنے مذھب کي تبيليغ و ترويج ميں جو وسيلہ و راہ و روش اختيار کرتے ہيں ان ميں سے ايک جنسي کشش ہے يہ گمراہ مذھب اپنے مختلف پروگرام ميں جيسے محرم و نا محرم کا ايک ساتھ مخلوط پروگرام اور احساسي و عاطفي رابطہ کے ذريعہ لوگوں کو اپنے اس منحرف مذھب کي طرف مرغوب کرنے کے لئے زمينہ سازي کرتے ہيں 

18 Jan 2011: since late October 2010, some 12 shops belonging to the Baha'is in Rafsanjan have been raided and set ablaze, including a household appliance store and a stationery shop. She added that some 20 Baha'i homes and businesses in that city have also received threatening letters in which they were warned against having any contacts with Muslims. Baha'is were addressed in those letters as "members of the misguided Baha'ist sect," Ala'i said. She said there have been similar attacks by security forces in the towns of Karaj, west of Tehran, and Sari and Semnan in northern Iran.

19 Apr 2011:
 حجت الاسلام همایون، کارشناس بهایی پژوهی، در گفت‌و‌گو با خبرنگار خبرگزاری رسا، با اشاره به پرسش های مطرح شده درباره معاشرت با بهاییان گفت: دین مبین اسلام با توجه به جهانشمولی و جامع نگری که دارد، برای تماس، معاشرت و معامله با پیروان دیگر ادیان، مذاهب و فرق قوانین خاصی را وضع کرده است.
Hojatoleslam Hamayoon, an expert on Baha'i studies, said in an interview with the correspondent of Rasa News Agency, referring to the questions asked about socializing with the Baha'is: "The religion of Islam, according to its universal and comprehensive viewpoint, is for contacting, communicating and dealing with other followers. Religions, religions and divisions have laid down certain rules.
وی در ادامه افزود: در همین راستا، دین اسلام به هر کس که یکی از ضروریات دین را قبول نداشته یا منکر خدا است و یا شریکی برای خداوند متعال قائل می شود،‌ کافر یا مشرک می گوید و تماس، معاشرت و معامله با این افراد قوانین خاص خود را دارد.
He added: "In this regard, the Islamic religion tells anyone who does not accept one of the essential requirements of religion or denies God or a partner to Allah Almighty, and calls, socialize and deal with this People have their own rules.
حجت الاسلام همایون اظهار داشت: از این رو مراجع بزرگوار تقلید در پاسخ به این پرسش ها، پس از تحقیق، تفحص در دین اسلام و پس از بررسی اعتقادات فرقه ضاله بهاییت، این گونه اسنتباط کرده اند که بهاییان کافر و نجس هستند.
Hojatoleslam Homayoun stated: "Therefore, the impartial authorities in response to these questions, after investigating, investigating in the religion of Islam, and after examining the beliefs of the cult of Baha'is, have made it clear that Baha'is are unbelievers and unclean.
وی خاطر نشان کرد: به طور مثال مقام معظم رهبری، حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای، در پاسخ به پرسشی درباره چگونگی معاشرت با بهاییان این گونه فتوا داده اند«جمیع افراد فرقه ضاله بهائی محکوم به کفر و نجاست هستند و از غذا و سایر چیزهایی که با رطوبت مسری در تماس با آنها بوده است باید اجتناب کرد و بر مومنین واجب است که با حیله و فسادگری این فرقه گمراه مقابله کنند».
He noted, for example, the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, in answering a question about how to associate with the Baha'is in this fatwa: "All people of the cult of Baha'i denigrators are guilty of blasphemy and neglect, and of food and other things Which has been contacted with contagious humidity, must be avoided and it is imperative for the faithful to confront the trickery and corruption of this misguided sect. "
این کارشناس بهایی پژوهی یادآور شد: فاضل مازندرانی، نویسنده بهایی در کتاب اسرارالآثار جلد دوم صفحه 182 به نقل از علی محمد باب، درباره امام زمان(عج) می گوید «شهادت می دهم که بعد از ابواب اربعه دارای بابی نیست و شهادت می دهم که در ایام غیبت آن حضرت علمائی حافظ و نگهبان از طرف آن حضرت حجت بر مردمند و کسی که یکی از آنها را انکار نماید کافر شده و از خاسران خواهد بود».

The Baha'i expert mentioned: Fadhil Mazandarani, the writer of Baha'i in the Book of Secrets of the Second Volume 182 quoted by Ali Mohammad Bab, says about Imam Zaman (aj): "I bear witness that I do not have a Bobby after the Abu Gabbay and testify In the absence of this, the holy scholars of Hafez and the guard on the part of Hazrat Hojjat on the man, and one who denies one, will disbelieve and will be a pervert. "

وی ادامه داد: این سخنان از سوی کسی مطرح می شود که بهائیان وی را نقطه اولی و آغازگر جریان بهائیت می دانند؛ وی به عنوان مبشر به ظهور حسینعلی نوری در اعتقادات بهائیت دارای جایگاهی ویژه بوده و قبر او در اسرائیل غاصب با شکوه و جلالت خاصی در نزد بهائیان دارای تقدس و احترام است.

He continued: These words come from a person who Baha'is consider as the first point and initiator of the Baha'i Faith; as a proponent, Hossein Ali Nouri's rise to Baha'i beliefs has a special place, and his grave in Israel is a magnificent usurper. There is a certain respect for the Baha'is.
حجت السلام همایون تأکید کرد: علی محمد باب، کسی را که پیامبر اسلام و حضرت ولی عصر ( عج ) را قبول داشته باشد ولی منکر یک نفر از نواب اربعه حضرت باشد را کافر دانسته است.
Hojjat Al-Salam Homayoun emphasized: Ali Muhammad Bab, considered the Prophet of Islam and Hazrat-i-Vali-e-Asr (as) but denies one of the prophets of the Prophet Muhammad as infidel.
وی تصریح کرد: اما بهاییان نه تنها نواب آن حضرت را قبول ندارند بلکه وجود مقدس حضرت صاحب الزمان(عج) را به عنوان محمد ابن الحسن موهوم و خرافه می دانند و هیچ اعتقادی به امام دوازدهم شیعیان ندارند.
He said: "But the Baha'is not only do not accept the prophet of the Prophet, but the sacred existence of the Prophet Sahib Al-Zaman (as) as Muhammad Ibn al-Hassan, a muhum and superstition, and they have no belief in the twelfth Imam of the Shiites.
این کارشناس بهایی پژوهی در پایان گفت: از این رو با توجه به گفته علی محمد باب، به عنوان آغازگر جریان بهائیت و کسی که سخن وی برای بهائیان مستدل است، از نظر بهاییت نیز بهاییان کافر هستند.
At the end, the Baha'i expert said: "Therefore, according to Ali Mohammad Bab, as the initiator of the Baha'i Faith, and to anyone who is reasonably well-known to Baha'is, Baha'is are also infidels for Baha'is.

3 Aug 2011:
یاد رہے کہ تاجیکستان کے صدر امامعلی رحمانوف نے حال ہی میں اسلام کے خاتمے کی غرض سے عجیب و غریب اقدامات کئے ہیں جن میں درج ذیل اقدامات خاص طور پر قابل ذکر ہیں:1۔ 18 سال سے کم افراد کی مساجد میں حاضری پر پابندی2۔ باضابطہ رجسٹریشن نہ ہونے کے بہانے کثیر تعداد میں مساجد کی بندش3۔ بچوں پر محمد اور عبداللہ جیسے نام رکھتے پر پابندی4۔ 40 سال سے کم افراد کی داڑھی رکھتے پر پابندینیز رحمانوف حکومت نے والدین اور گھرانوں سے کہا ہے کہ وہ اسلامی ممالک میں زیر تعلیم بچوں کو فوری طور پر واپس بلائیں کیونکہ ان ممالک میں ان کے بچوں کو دہشت گرد بنایا جارہا ہے۔ واضح رہے کہ منحرف بہائی فرقہ تاجیکستان میں بہت زیادہ اثر و رسوخ رکھتا ہے اور مبصرین کا خیال ہے کہ رحمانوف حکومت بہائیوں کے زیر اثر اسلام کے خلاف لڑ رہی ہے

25 Sep 2011:
۔وزیر اطلاعات سے پوچھا گیا کہ کیا قبل ازیں حکومت نے اعلان کیا تھا کہ "بی بی سی کے ساتھ تعاون غیر قانونی ہے اور ممنوع ہے؟" جس کے جواب میں انھوں نے کہا: ہم نے اپنے قومی مفادات کی بنیاد پر بی بی سی کی سرگرمیاں منع کردی ہیں اور اس سے قبل بی بی سی کے ساتھ براہ راست اور بالواسطہ تعاون کرنے والوں کو بلاواسطہ اور بالواسطہ طور پر خبردار کیا گیا کیونکہ بی بی سی ایک ذریعۂ ابلاغ نہیں ہے بلکہ ایک تنظیم ہے جس کا ظاہری بھیس ایک ابلاغی ادارے کا ہے لیکن اس کا اصل اور بنیادی تشخص بہائی، صہیونی ہے اور اس کا مشن سیاسی / جاسوسی (Intelligence-Politico) ہے۔ انھوں نے کہا کہ سنہ 2009 میں ایران میں رونما ہونے والے فتنے میں بی بی سی کا کردار فتنہ گردانی کا کردار تھا اور وہ کردار درحقیقت بی بی سی کے عملیاتی ذمہ داری (Operatinal Mission) کا حصہ تھا۔

9 Nov 2011: Hojjat-ol-Islam Seyyed Mahdi Alizade Mousavi, Iranian university and seminary professor explained unity to ignore the differences between religious denominations and slammed Wahhabism and other fake religions for their divisive efforts....

He referred to the Triangle of Evil and said there are three derivative attitudes in the world which are backed by the colonialists. 

"Baha'i and Qadiani and Wahhabism are the three sides of this triangle out of which the last one is responsible for the division among the Muslims," said Hojjat-ol-Islam Seyyed Mahdi Alizade Mousavi.

8 May 2013:
صہیونی ریاست کے چینل 10 کے رپورٹر نے فلسطینی اتھارٹی کے غیر منتخب بہائی صدر محمود عباس

28 June 2013:
علمائے اہل تشیع نے شجاعت کا مظاہرہ کیا اور برطانیہ کا پیدا کردہ فرقہ ’’بہائیت‘‘ کو کافر اورنجس قرار دے کر یہ واضح کر دیا کہ اس فرقہ کا اہل تشیع سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ہے۔یہ شجاعت ہم اہلسنت کے علماء سے دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں کہ وہ بھی واضح الفاظ میں یہ کہیں کہ اس وہابی تکفیری گروہ کا اہلسنت سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ہے۔

August 1, 2013: Iran's supreme leader is urging Iranians to avoid all dealings with members of the banned Baha'i sect in a possible prelude to further crackdowns on the minority.
An Iranian news website, Tasnim, reported Wednesday that Khamenei called the Baha'i "deviant and misleading."

2014: The government generally prevented Bahais from burying their dead in accordance with their religious tradition, and many of their cemeteries have been destroyed. HRANA reported that Iranian authorities buried two Bahai women in October in the city of West Azerbaijan in a manner not in accord with Bahai tradition and without notifying the women’s families. The UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran reported in October IRGC officials demolished a Bahai cemetery in Shiraz in May despite appeals from the surrounding community and from human rights groups. An IRGC commander in Shiraz justified the destruction of the cemetery by saying the Bahai Faith was a “foul, unclean, and rootless sect” and that Bahais had “no rightful place” in Iranian society, according to the International Policy Digest.


Destruction of historic Baha'i cemetery in Shiraz

In April 2014, it was learned that elements of Iran's Revolutionary Guards had begun destruction of a historic Baha'i cemetery in Shiraz, apparently to make way for a new sports and cultural center. After the excavation of a large but shallow hole, demolition was halted for several months in the face of international pressure and the expression of outrage on the part of Iranians from all walks of life. But in August 2014, reports emerged (link is external) from Iran saying that the Revolutionary Guards had resumed construction on the site, removing human remains from some 30 to 50 graves and pouring a concrete foundation for the complex, which will reportedly include a library, mosque, restaurant, theatre, child care facility, and sports hall. The cemetery is the resting place of some 950 Baha’is, many of whom were historic or prominent figures in the Baha’i community of Iran. Interred at the site, for example, are ten Baha'i women whose cruel hanging in 1983 came to symbolize the government's deadly persecution of Baha'is.
In September 2014, three high level UN human rights experts called for a halt to the cemetery's destruction, a plea that has so far gone unheeded.
In addition to the demolition of the Baha'i cemetery in Shiraz, there have been in recent months other attacks. On 12 December 2013, the Baha'i cemetery in Sanandaj was partly destroyed. Reports from Iran say the morgue, where bodies are washed, along with the prayer room, a water tank, and the walls of the cemetery were destroyed, apparently as the result of a long-running government effort to confiscate the cemetery land and razed is buildings. In Semnan recently, attackers destroyed the Baha'i cemetery there in two stages. In October/November 2012, intruders demolished the morgue and in December 2012/January 2013, they covered all the graves 40 centimeters deep in dirt using bulldozers. The municipality whose bulldozers were used for this purpose denied knowledge of the incident and promised to repair the damage. In December 2012, the Baha’i cemetery in Yazd was vandalized.

6 Feb 2014:
 آیت اللہ سید ابو الفضل بہاءالدینی نے قم میں مسجد الغدیر میں خطاب کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ سعودی عرب کے بادشاہ کے پوتے نے اعلان کیا ہے کہ اس سال شیعوں کے خلاف سعودی عرب کا بجٹ تین عرب ممالک کے بجٹ کے برابر ہے۔ انگریزوں نے ایران میں بہائیت ، اسماعیلیوں میں آقاخانیوں، پاکستان میں قادیانیوں اور عرب ممالک میں وہابیوں کو ایجاد کیا۔
انھوں نے کہا کہ سید جمال الدین اسد آبادی کی تحریک کا جب آغاز ہوا تو اس وقت انگریزوں نے بھی دین بنانے کے سلسلے میں اپنی فعالیت شروع کردی اور انگریزوں نے ایران میں بہائیت ، اسماعیلیوں میں آقاخانیوں، پاکستان میں قادیانیوں اور عرب ممالک میں وہابیوں کو جنم دیا۔ انھوں نے سید جمال الدین اور حضرت امام خمینی (رہ) کی تحریکوں کے درمیان فرق بیان کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ سید جمال الدین سلاطین کی اصلاح کرنا چاہتے تھےجو ممکن نہیں تھا لیکن حضرت امام خمینی (رہ) سلاطین کے پاس نہیں بلکہ عوام کے پاس گئے اور اپنی تحریک کا آغاز عوام کے اندر سے شروع کیا۔

7 Jul 2013:
حجت الاسلام والمسلمین سید حسین علی موسوی زاده با اشاره به فعالیت فرقه  ضاله بهائیت در فضای مجازی، گفت: بهائيان با راه اندازي سايت هاي فارسي به ظاهر شخصي و غير تشکيلاتي و با اسامي گمراه کننده، در فضای مجازی حضور فعالی دارند.
Hojatoleslam and Muslim Seyyed Hossein Ali Mousavizadeh, referring to the activities of the cult of the Baha'i cult in cyberspace, said Baha'is are active in cyberspace by setting up seemingly personal and non-organizational Persian sites with misleading names.
وی ادامه داد: حيله‌ ديگري که اين فرقه به آن دست زده است، حضور در تالارهاي گفتگو و وبلاگ‌هاي فارسي زبان با اسامي ناشناخته است؛ متأسفانه، در حال حاضر پایگاه های متعدد اینترنتی و انبوهی از وبلاگ های زبان فارسی به تبلیغ مسلک بهایی مشغول هستند و بعضاً در پوشش عنوان مقدس مهدویت، به پخش اطلاعات غلط و وارونه درباره حضرت ولی عصر (عج) مبادرت ورزیده و افراد مختلف به ویژه جوانان تحصیل کرده را گمراه می‌سازند.
He continued: The other villain in this cult is attending the forums and blogs of the Farsi language with unknown names; unfortunately, many online databases and a wealth of Persian blogs are currently engaged in Baha'i advertisements. And sometimes in the cover of the sacred title of Mahdism, spread information about the Prophet'Ali-e-Asr (Aj), misleading and inversely, and mislead people, especially educated young people.
این کارشناس حوزوی یادآور شد: حمایت بی‌دریغ رژیم صهیونیستی، آمریکا و انگلستان، امکانات تبلیغی فراوانی را برای این فرقه در فضای مجازی فراهم آورده است.
The Hawzah expert recalled that the Zionist regime's support, the United States and the United Kingdom have provided many opportunities for cult in the cybercafe.

18 Feb 2014:
The Baha'i minority has been running spying operations for Israel's notorious secret service Mossad and the US spy agency, CIA, and Iran has irrefutable evidence and documents to prove this claim, a senior lawmaker said.
Chairman of the parliament’s Cultural Commission Ahmad Salek made the remarks in an interview with Didehban Center in Tehran on Tuesday.
“I declare very explicitly that Baha’ism is an espionage organization which gathers intelligence for the CIA and Mossad and there are abundant documents to prove this,” he added.

11 March 2014:  “Today, the world has concluded that Islam is a universal religion and that the creation of Salafism, Wahhabism, Takfirism, Baha’ism, sectarianism, and false mysticism are an obstacle to the formation of a universal Islamic government. Thus, it is imperative that Sunni scholars inform the average Sunni laypeople of the theory of Mahdaviyah,” Ayatollah Lankarani concluded.

2 May 2014: Sabetan said more than 40 Baha'i-owned cemeteries have been desecrated in Iran since 2005. 

4 Dec 2014: At the beginning of December, the Friday imam of Rafsanjan in Kerman province called for the expulsion of Baha'is from the city, describing the faith as an "impure sect.”
According to Fars News Agency, Abbass Ramazani-pour accused the religious minority of “doing many things” and “following various plans” that had a negative impact on the city. He said residents of the city supported the idea of the expulsion.
Ramazani-pour also announced that any transaction with the followers of the faith is prohibitted.
In a meeting of the district authorities, he added: "Numerous sects were created among the people in the course of history and the Holy Koran predicted this. Several such sects are present in the district of Rafsanjan.  Due to people's negligence, their members manage to live among the normal people and continue to do business with them, without being recognized. There are a few Jews in the city's bazaar doing business, but the order of Islam for Jews is different from the Baha'ii faith. This faith is impure, according to the fatwa of the clergy.”

15 Dec 2014:
آیت الله بجنوردی در یک مصاحبه سال ۹۳: وقتی آقای روحانی خواستند #منشور_حقوق_شهروندی را تدوین کنند، مسئول ایشان با من مشورت کردند، اینکه میگوییم حق تحصیل، #بهاییان #حق_تحصیل ندارند. آنها اصلا حق شهروندی ندارند!!اضافه میکنند این مساله از روح فرمان ۸ ماده ای امام گرفته شده!! #بهایی
Ayatollah Bojnourdi in an interview of year 93: When Mr. Rouhani asked to draft # charter-law-wise men, they were consulted with me, saying that they are entitled to study, # Baha'is are not entitled to education. They do not have the right to citizenship at all! They add that this is a matter of the spirit of the 8th Imam's rule! # Bahai

15 Dec 2014:
آیت الله محمد موسوی بجنوردی از روحانیون سر‌شناس ایرانی و از نزدیکان آیت الله روح الله خمینی بنیانگذار جمهوری اسلامی ایران می‌گوید که بهائیان در این کشور، حقوق شهروندی ندارند. 
Ayatollah Mohammad Mousavi Bojnourdi, a prominent Iranian cleric and close friend of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said that the Baha'is in this country do not have citizenship rights.

Feb 2015:
Intelligence Ministry agents raided a number of Baha’i homes in Tehran, Isfahan and Kerman and arrested 16 Baha’i citizens on February 16 and 17.
Though eleven of the 16 detained have now been released, the arrests are the latest in a systematic campaign of brutality against the Baha’is, Iran’s largest minority religion.

18 Feb 2015:

حجۃ الاسلام  سید وکیلی نے اس مطلب کہ داعش اوربہائیت،قینچی کے دوپھل ہیں کہ جنہیں صہیونیوں اورمغرب کی حمایت حاصل ہے،کی ضرورت پرزوردیتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ اس چیزپریقین نہیں کیا جاسکتا ہےکہ امریکہ ،داعش کوجواسلحہ اورسازوسامان فراہم کررہا ہے وہ عراقی عوام کےلیے ہو بلکہ وہ اپنے اس اقدام کے ذریعے تکفیری گروپوں کومضبوط کرنے کی کوشش کررہا ہے۔
انہوں نے مزید کہا ہے کہ امریکہ کہ جواس وقت داعش کے خلاف جنگ کا دعویدارہے،نے چند مہینوں کے اندراندرصدام کی حکومت کا تختہ الٹ دیا تھا،وہ آج کس طرح ایک چھوٹے سے دہشتگرد گروپ کوتباہ نہیں کرسکتا ہے؟
انہوں نے کہا ہے کہ مغرب،بہائیت کی حمایت اوربین الاقوامی سطح پرایران پرسیاسی دباو ڈٓال کراپنےا ہداف تک پہنچنے کےلیے اس گروپ کومضبوط کرتاہے اورجب ایٹمی توانائی کی بات ہوتی ہے وہ آزادی اظہاررائے کی بات کرتا ہے کہ جودرحقیقت بہائیت کی حمایت شمارہوتی ہے۔

19 Feb 2015:
 بہائیت ایک باطل اور اسلام دشمن مذہب ہے۔ حجت الاسلام طارمی
انہوں نے کہا بہائیت کا فرقہ اس لئے بنایا گیا تاکہ اسلام کو نقصان پہنچایا جائے اس فرقے کے بانیوں نے دو بنیادی اسلامی عقائد کو ناصرف نشانہ بنایا بلکہ اعلان کیا کہ یہ نظریات باطل ہیں۔
حجت الاسلام طارمی نے مزید کہا ان میں سے ایک رسول اللہ(ص) کی خاتمیت ہے اسی طرح ان لوگوں کے عقیدے کے مطابق اسلام بھی نسخ ہوگیا ہے اور اب نیا دین آگیا ہے جس کا نام بہائیت ہے۔
انہوں نے کہا بہائیت نے شیعوں کے عقیدہ مہدویت کو بھی نشانہ بنایا ہے اور اس عقیدے کے خلاف من گھڑت باتیں کی ہیں۔ انہوں نے مزید کہا شیعوں کا عقیدہ ہے کہ اس وقت امام زمانہ(عج) زندہ ہیں اور پردہ غیبت میں ہیں لیکن بہائیت ناصرف اس عقیدے کو مانتے ہیں بلکہ اس عقیدے کے خلاف پروپیگنڈہ کرنے میں مصروف ہیں۔
حجت الاسلام ڈاکٹر حسن طارمی نے کہا بہائیت کے مبلغین کی ایران میں دعوت کی طرف اشارہ کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ یہ فرقہ 1260 ہجری میں وجود میں آیا۔ اب ایران کے تعلیمی اداروں میں اس باطل مذہب کی تبلیغ کی جارہی ہے۔

21 March 2015: The deputy of Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute noted that Wahhabis are frightened by the promotion of the virtues of Lady Fatimah, but emphasized that loving the Holy Family of the Prophet is based on the Quran.

Hujjat al-Islam Rajabi explained that Wahhabism was created by the hands of the colonialist powers – the United States and the United Kingdom. They are engaged in promoting a form of Islam which is contrary to true Islam. Wahhabism was created to promote division and dissention in the Islamic world and to consider Shi’ites as infidels. DAESH (ISIL) was founded upon the Takfiri-Wahhabi ideology and in this name, they commit crimes.....
Hujjat al-Islam Rajabi said that Wahhabis are the mercenaries of the US, UK and the Zionists, adding that one of the goals of this dangerous group is to create quarrels between Sunnis and Shi’ites. He warned all Muslims to be careful of their cunning plots. He said the best way to eliminate and destroy the enemies of Islam’s plots to sow discord between Sunnis and Shi’ites is to love the Prophet Muhammad’s Holy Family as this action promotes unity among Muslims. “The enemy seeks to damage Islam by creating divisiveness among Shi’ites and Sunnis,” he explained.

Hujjat al-slam Rajabi continued by stating that the enemies’ propaganda against Islam is meant to create differences among Muslims by destroying their unity and affection. They seek to dominate Muslims by the strategy of “divide and rule.” In order to do this, they established Wahhabism and Baha’ism.

His Eminence explained that Muslim unity can mitigate and prevent the attacks of the arrogant countries. He also emphasizing that even among the Shi’ah, there are those working against Islamic unity and have been hired by the enemies. “They have established dozens of satellite channels which propagate cursing the caliphs (and revered personalities of the Sunnis) and fuelling division among Muslims. It should be noted that the weakness of Muslims is due to the arrogant powers,” he explained.

16 Aug 2015:
شفقنا (پایگاه بین المللی همکاری های خبری شیعه) -حضرت آیت‌الله العظمی شبیری زنجانی به پرسشی درباره قبول هدیه از بهایی پاسخ گفته است.

به گزارش شفقنا متن پرسش مطرح شده وپاسخ این مرجع تقلید شیعیان بدین شرح است:

آیا می‌توانیم از شخصی که بهایی شده، هدیه قبول کنیم و در آن تصرف نماییم؟

مسلمانی که مرتد شده و بهایی گشته مالک اموالش نیست و گرفتن هدیه از بهایی اگر موجب تقویت یا تأیید این فرقه ضالّه که دشمن دین و مذهب حقّه هستند شود یا خوف تضعیف عقیده حقّه شیعه در آن باشد حرام است و باید از آن اجتناب شود.

Grand Ayatollah Shabiri Zanjani: A Muslim who becomes an apostate or Baha'i loses ownership of his property. It is forbidden to accept gifts from Baha'is if it reinforces/confirms this wicked sect i.e. enemy of Islam, or weakens Shia beliefs.

8 Sep 2015:
شہر تبریز کے امام جمعہ اور رہبر انقلاب اسلامی کے نمائندے آیت اللہ مجتہد شبستری نے اس جوان کو مذہب حقہ قبول کرنے پر مبارک باد پیش کی اور کہا کہ اسلام کے دشمن صدر اسلام سے مسلمانوں کو پاش پاش کرنے کے در پہ رہے ہیں اور سچے دین سے لوگوں کو جدا کرتے رہے ہیں تاکہ مسلمانوں کے درمیان ہمیشہ جنگ و  جدال کا سلسلہ جاری رہے اور اس سے وہ اپنا فائدہ حاصل کریں۔
انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ آج بھی دشمن شب و روز جوانوں کے ذہنوں میں مختلف طرح کے شکوک و شبہات پیدا کرنے میں کوشاں ہیں اور انہیں دین سے دور کر رہے ہیں۔
رہبر انقلاب کے نمائندے نے فرقہ بہائیت کو وجود میں لائے جانے کی وجہ مسلمانوں کے درمیان اختلاف پیدا کرنا اور آپس میں لڑانا قرار دیا اور کہا: ہر وہ دین جو انسانوں کے ہاتھوں تبدیلی اور تحریف کا شکار ہو جائے وہ انسان کی سعادت کا باعث نہیں بن سکتا بہائیت بھی ایک ایسا ہی فرقہ ہے۔ اس فرقہ میں معنویت نام کی کوئی چیز نظر نہیں آتی اور نہ ہی خدا و رسول کو صحیح سمجھا گیا ہے۔

14 Oct 2015:
Two teachers face long prison sentences for educating Baha’is, who are banned from pursuing further education in Iran. After repeated harassment and intimidation, married couple Azita Rafizadeh and Peyman Kushak-Baghi have been convicted for their involvement with the Baha’i Open University (BIHE).

15 Jan 2016: Destruction of Bahai cemeteries in Iran

26 April 2016:
حوزہ علمیہ قم کی کلام کی علمی انجمن کے رکن حجة الاسلام سید ہادی سید وکیلی نےخبررساں ایجنسی شبستان سےگفتگوکرتے ہوئےٹیلیگرام پربہائیت کے وسیع پروپیگنڈوں پرخبردارکرتےہوئے کہا ہےکہ آج کل کیوں کہ بہائیوں کی عید رضوان ہے۔ لہذا وہ ان ایام سےاستفادہ کرتےہوئےٹیلیگرام کےصارفین کےدرمیان گمراہ کن افکارکی تبلیغ کرتے ہیں۔

انہوں نےمزید کہا ہےکہ مربوطہ عہدیداروں کو آگاہ ہونا چاہیےکہ بہائیت کبھی بھی اپنی تبلیغ اور سرگرمیوں کو نہیں چھوڑے گی اسی وجہ سے آج ہم دیکھتےہیں کہ وہ سائبرسپیس اورسوشل میڈیا پرمختلف قسم کےکلپس اوراشعاروغیرہ کے ذریعے سرگرمیاں انجام دے رہی ہے۔

انہوں نے کہا ہےکہ درحقیقت عید رضوان ایسی عید ہے کہ جب حسین علی نوری﴿بھاء اللہ﴾ نے«من یظهر الله» ہونےکا دعویٰ کیا تھا۔ اس عید کا واقعہ کچھ اس طرح کہ جب بابیوں کا بغداد سےاستنبول کی طرف جلاوطن کیا جارہا تھا تو انہوں نےبغداد کےمجیدیہ باغ میں بہائیت کا ایک فرقے اوردین کےعنوان سے تعارف کروایا تھا اوردرحقیقت یہ چیز بابیوں اوربہائیوں کےدرمیان نقطہ اختلاف ہے۔

حجة الاسلام سید وکیلی نےمزید کہا ہےکہ بہاء اللہ بعض اوقات اپنےآپ کو نیا پیغمبرکہلواتا تھا اور بعض اوقات موعود بیان کہلواتا تھا،یعنی من یظھراللہ کےدعویٰ کا کیا مطلب ہے اوراس کا کیا معنی ہے،بہاء اللہ کےکلام میں بھی یہ چیزمبہم ہے اورآج بہائیوں نےاس دعویٰ کی تفسیرمیں مختلف نظریات بیان کیے ہیں اوریہی اختلاف نظریات ہی اس کے دعویٰ کے جھوٹے ہونے کی دلیل ہے۔

انہوں نےکہا ہے کہ بھاء اللہ تقیہ سےاستفادہ کرتا ہے جبکہ بابیت اوربہائیت کے دین میں یہ چیزحرام ہے اوراس نے ایک مدت تک اپنےاس دعویٰ یعنی من یظھراللہ کو اپنے بھائی صبح ازل اوراس کے حامیوں سے مخفی رکھا ہےدرحقیقت یہاں پرتقیہ کا ایک واضح مصداق متحقق ہوتا ہے جبکہ بہائیت اوربابیت تقیہ کو حرام سمجھتے ہیں۔

انہوں نے مزید کہا ہےکہ دوسری جانب بہاء اللہ کس طرح من یظھراللہ ہوسکتا ہے جبکہ وہ علی محمد شیرازی ﴿باب﴾ سے کسی قسم کو کوئی تعلق نہیں رکھتا ہے جبکہ بابیوں کے درمیان ایسے افراد موجود تھے کہ جوعلی محمد شیرازی کے ساتھ گہرا تعلق رکھتے تھے اوربلند مقام رکھتے تھے۔

13 May 2016:  Dominated by an extremist interpretation of Shiite Islam, Iran’s government has a long-term goal to eradicate the more than 300,000-member Baha’i community, the country’s largest non-Muslim religious minority. While pursuit of that goal remains, its intensity ebbs and flows in response to the level of world attention and outrage. Unfortunately, there are signs from this past year that persecution is on the upswing, calling for greater world outrage at Iran’s abuses of this peaceful religious community.
Since Iran’s Khomeini revolution of 1979, authorities have killed more than 200 Baha’i leaders, and more than 10,000 have been dismissed from government and university jobs. 
Baha’is effectively are prohibited from attending colleges, chartering their own worship centers or schools, serving in the military, and obtaining various kinds of jobs.
Even Baha’i marriages are not recognized.
Over the past 10 years, about 850 Baha’is arbitrarily have been arrested. As of February 2016, more than 80 remain imprisoned, including the Baha’i Seven — Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi, Saeid Rezaie, Behrouz Tavakkoli, Vahid Tizfahm, Fariba Kamalabadi and Mahvash Sabet. 
According to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, on which we serve, there were ominous signs of a renewed government crackdown over the past year. In Tehran and other municipalities, Baha’i homes have been ransacked, Baha’i-owned shops closed, Baha’i religious materials confiscated and Baha’i members arrested. In January 2016 alone, 24 Baha’is in the Golestan province were sentenced to prison terms of up to 11 years simply for engaging in the religious activities of their faith.
Iran’s government also continues to issue a steady drumbeat of propaganda that demonizes and dehumanizes its Baha’i population. In 2014 alone, pro-government media and print outlets published nearly 4,000 anti-Baha’i articles in which Baha’is typically are portrayed as immoral traitors, agents of foreign powers, and strangers and aliens who don’t belong in the country.
what distinguishes mistreatment of the Baha’is is the stark evidence that eradication is the goal. From laws that push Baha’is to the margins of society to government-sponsored propaganda that degrades and dehumanizes, from mass detention and imprisonment to the closing of businesses, from allowing societal violence against Baha’is to failure to prosecute perpetrators, all signs suggest that Iran’s government seeks religious cleansing of this community.

17 May 2016:
حوزہ علمیہ قم کے مرکز تخصصی کلام و ادیان کے شعبہ ’’انحرافی فرقے‘‘ کے سرپرست اعلیٰ حجت الاسلام علی رضا روزبھانی نے شبستان نیوز ایجنسی کے نمائندے سے گمراہ فرقے بھائیت سے ربط و تعلق کے حوالے سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے اس بات کا اظہار کیا ہے کہ چونکہ فقہی نکتہ نظر سے کفر نجاست کا موجب ہے اور کافر انسان نجس ہوتا ہے اس لیے کفار کے ساتھ آمدورفت رکھنا اور ان کے ساتھ سماجی تعلقات رکھنا شرعی لحاظ سے حرام ہے۔

انہوں نے اس بات پر تاکید کی کہ بعض فرقے مثلاً بھائیت وغیرہ اسلام کے جمہوری نظام سے بالکل متصادم ہیں اور اسلام کے مقابلے میں کھڑے ہیں اور یہ لوگ کافر حربی کا حکم رکھتے ہیں۔

انہوں نے اپنی بات کو جاری رکھتے ہوئے کہا کہ بہائیت کا مرکزی ادارہ بیت العدل اسلام کے نظام سے کلی طور پر متصادم ہے۔ یہ لوگ اسلام کے دشمن ہیں اور ان سے کسی بھی قسم کا رابطہ رکھنا ان کی تقویت اور اسلام کی کمزوری کا باعث ہے۔

18 May 2016: In response to the criticism of Ms Hashemi's visit and calls for her to be prosecuted, her father issued a terse public reprimand saying she had made a big mistake that had to be rectified.
He described the Bahai faith as "a deviant sect", which "we disavow and have always done". Observers say Mr Rafsanjani might have come under pressure to act.
While the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has not commented publicly on the issue, his website this week reposted a fatwa, or legal ruling, denouncing Bahais as unclean.
The Iranian authorities deny that the country's Bahais, whose faith is not recognised by the constitution, suffer discrimination.
However, Bahai children are denied entry to universities, and Bahai business owners complain of regular harassment by the authorities.
There have been many attacks on Bahai cemeteries across the country. One cleric even went on state television recently to say Bahais who died should be collected and disposed of by the municipal authorities.

17 May 2016: Speaking during his jurisprudence course at Qom’s Grand Mosque on Monday, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazireferred to the animosity of the deviant Baha’i sect toward Islam and Muslims and said that it should be noted that our opposition to this sect is not only because of their enmity toward Islam and their plots against Muslims but they are certainly among the foreign agents of the United States and Israel.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi explained that Baha’ism has always been supported by the imperial powers of the world and the enemies of Islam and that the most important centres of this cult are in Israel and the US. 

“Throughout the hatred history of existence, they he enemies of Islam have used them as a tool against Islam and it is possible that such actions are a prelude to recognizing them,” he said.

17 May 2016:
حجت الاسلام احمد سالک رئیس کمیسیون فرهنگی مجلس امروز (سه‌شنبه، 28 اردیبهشت) طی نشستی در مجلس شورای اسلامی با موضوع دفاع فائزه هاشمی از حقوق بشر و سرکرده بهائیت در ایران با تاکید براینکه «فرقه بهائیت دست پرورده یک سازمانی اطلاعاتی آمریکایی و انگلیسی است و از سال‌ها قبل چندین جریان را در کشورهای آفریقایی و ایران به راه انداخته است»، گفت: این جریان در ایران عنوان وهابیت را به خود گرفت و هویدا؛ نخست وزیر رژیم طاغوت در رأس آن قرار داشت؛ در حالی که این جریان ضاله آثار منفی بسیاری در جامعه گذاشته است.
Hojatoleslam Ahmed Salek, chairman of the parliament's cultural commission today, during a meeting in parliament with the topic of Faezeh Hashemi's defense of human rights and head of the Baha'i faith in Iran, underlining that "the Baha'i Faith is an American and English intelligence organization and From several years ago, it has launched several streams in the countries of Africa and Iran, ". He said the current wave took the title of Wahabism in Iran, and Hoveyda, the prime minister of the Taghut regime was at its head,  while this eruption has left many negative effects in society.
اجازه ورود فائزه هاشمی به دانشگاه آزاد داده نشود

رئیس کمیسیون فرهنگی مجلس با تاکید بر اینکه رفتارهای خانواده یک روحانی بر علیه انقلاب هرگز قابل دفاع نیست، تصریح کرد: دانشگاه آزاد، اساتید و دانشجویان باید از فائزه هاشمی اعلام برائت کند و اجازه ورود او را به دانشگاه نداده تا دانشگاه از وجود این عناصر پاکسازی شود و بنده از آقای دکتر میرزاده می‌خواهم نسبت به حضور اطرافیان آقای هاشمی در دانشگاه آزاد نگاه جدی داشته باشند.

Do not let Faezeh Hashemi enter the university

The head of the parliament's cultural commission emphasized that the behavior of a clergyman's family against the revolution could never be defensible, stated: The Azad University, professors and students must declare Faezeh Hashemi indignant and not allow him to enter the university to the University of these elements I would like to ask Mr. Mirzadeh to take a serious look at Mr. Hashemi's presence in Azad University.

دفاع از جریان بهائیت جرم است

حجت الاسلام سالک با درخواست از دستگاه‌های قضایی برای پیگیری این موضوع، بیان کرد: باید پشت پرده این ماجرا مشخص شود چراکه دفاع از جریان بهائیت جرم محسوب می‌شود به همین دلیل قوه قضاییه باید وارد جریان شود.

Defending the Baha'i Faith is a crime

Hojatoleslam Selek, at the request of the judiciary to pursue this matter, stated: "It should be revealed what's behind the scenes because defending the Baha'i faith is a crime, so the judiciary must enter."
بیش از 348 شبکه ماهواره‌ای ملاقات فائزه هاشمی را با سرکرده بهائیت پوشش دادند

رئیس کمیسیون فرهگی مجلس با بیان اینکه این نوع حرکت‌ها به معنای آب ریختن به آسیاب دشمن است، تاکیدکرد: متاسفانه بیش از 348 شبکه ماهواره‌ای ملاقات فائزه هاشمی را با سرکرده بهائیت پوشش داده و سوءاستفاده‌‌های بسیاری از این جریان بر علیه جمهوری اسلامی ایران کردند. ضمن آنکه نگرانم مبادا این افراد با اصل ولایت زاویه داشته باشند و با رفتارهای خود دشمنان را علیه ایران بشورانند، به همین دلیل به‌عنوان نماینده ملت اعتراض خود را در دفاع از حقوق آن‌ها بیان می‌کنم.

More than 348 satellite networks covered Faezeh Hashemi with the head of Baha'ism

The head of the parliamentary committee, arguing that these types of moves are meant to pour water into enemy mills, emphasized: unfortunately, more than 348 satellite networks covered Faezeh Hashemi with the head of the Baha'i faith and misused many of the current round against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Meanwhile, I worry that these people will be angry with the principle of Velayat, and they will violate their enemies with their behaviors, for which reason, as representatives of the people, I will protest myself in defense of their rights.

18 May 2016: Speaking during his jurisprudence course at Qom’s Grand Mosque on Monday, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi referred to the animosity of the deviant Baha’i sect toward Islam and Muslims and said that it should be noted that our opposition to this sect is not only because of their enmity toward Islam and their plots against Muslims but they are certainly among the foreign agents of the United States and Israel.

18 May 2016:
آیت الله حسن ممدوحی عضو جامعه مدرسین حوزه علمیه قم در گفت وگو با خبرنگار خبرگزاری رسا، به تبیین ماهیت  فرقه بهائیت و علت مخالف اسلام و تشیع با این فرقه پرداخت و گفت: این ها فرقه نبوده و یک مشت جاسوس هستند.
Ayatollah Hassan Mamdouhi, a member of the Qom Seminary Teachers Society, in an interview with the correspondent of Rasa News Agency, explained the nature of the Baha'i Faith and the cause of opposition to Islam and Shia with the sect, and said, "They are not a sect and are a spy fist."

وی افزود: بهائیت جاسوس بوده و از فراماسونری غرب انشقاق پیدا کرده اند، این ها فرقه و نحله محسوب نمی شوند و دینی ندارند؛ بهائیان به هیچ چیز حتی مواردی که گاهی ادعا می کنند اعتقاد ندارند و مأمور صهیونیسم بین المللی ، آمریکا و انگلستان به شمار می روند.

He added that Baha'is were spies, and they fell apart from Western Freemasonry, This is a sect that don't count, they did not have a religion; the Bahá'ís did not believe anything, even those that they sometimes claim, and they are agents of international Zionism, the United States and the United Kingdom They are counting

20 May 2016:
فرقه آلوده و کثیف بهائیت جایی در ایران ندارد/ دولت مصوبه مجلس در گرفتن غرامت از آمریکا را اجرایی کند

The dirty and secretive cult of Baha'ism has no place in Iran / Parliament adopts parliamentary resolution to take compensation from the United States
خطیب نماز جمعه تهران با انتقاد از حامیان فرقه بهائیت که می‌خواهند حق حیات یک فرقه کثیف و آلوده را به عنوان آزادی مطرح کنند، گفت: کدام دنیا، کدام کشور و کدام قانون اساسی اجازه می‌دهد دشمنش در کشورش زندگی کند.

The Friday prayer prayer leader in Tehran, criticizing the supporters of the Baha'i sect who want to claim the right to live a dirty and infected sect as freedom, said which country, which country and which constitution allows his enemy to live in his country.
به گزارش خبرنگار خبرگزاری رسا، آیت‌الله محمد امامی کاشانی در خطبه‌های عبادی سیاسی نماز جمعه این هفته تهران که در دانشگاه تهران برگزار شد با اشاره به مدعیان دروغین مهدویت و مسیحیت در عصر غیبت، فرقه آلوده بهائیت را پرورش یافته دست استعمار و استثمار خواند که رهبر آنان مدعی مهدویت بود.

According to Reza News Agency, Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani, in the Friday prayer sermons of Tehran's prayer held this week at Tehran University, referred to the false claimants of Mahdism and Christianity at the time of their absence, cultivated a satirist who was Baha'ism, called the hand of colonialism and exploitation, the leader They claimed Mahdiism.
وی افزود: هدف استعمار قرار دادن مرکز بهائیت در فلسطین بود اما به اندازه‌ای این فرقه کثیف و آلوده بودند که این امکان فراهم نشد و چون نتوانستند کاری از پیش ببرند، عده‌ای را به نام صهیونیست با هدف ایجاد مزاحمت برای کشورهای اسلامی علم کردند.

He added that the goal was to colonize the Baha'i Center in Palestine, but to a large extent this dirty and infected sect was not possible, and because they could not do anything, they called some Zionists in an attempt to harass Muslim countries.

 وی با بیان این‌که بعدها ریشه و اساس بهائیت در اسرائیل شکل گرفت و رهبر اینها با عنوان باب ابتدا خود را به عنوان فرستاده امام غایب و بعد خودِ امام غایب معرفی کرد، گفت: اگر یک فرقه کثیف و آلوده بخواهد حق حیات خود را به عنوان آزادی مطرح کند، کدام دنیا، کدام کشور و کدام قانون اساسی اجازه می‌دهد دشمنش در کشور زندگی کند.

He stated that later the origins of the Baha'is were formed in Israel, and the leader of these, titled "Bob," first described himself as the deputy of the absent Imam and himself the absent Imam, said: "If a dirty and polluted sect asks for its right to life as Freedom, which world, which country and which constitution allows its enemy to live in the country.
آیت‌الله امامی کاشانی با اشاره به کشتار فجیع فرقه داوودیه در سال 1993 به دست دولت بوش، اظهار داشت: آمریکا که اینقدر دم از آزادی می‌زند فرقه‌ای به نام داوودیه را که معتقد بودند عیسی بن مریم‌(ع) برمی‌گردد و منتظر بودند، تحمل نکردند و بزرگان، بچه‌ها و زن‌های آنان را کشتند و گفتند خودکشی کرده‌اند.

Ayatollah Emami Kashani, referring to the devastation of the Davoudiyah cult in 1993 by the Bush administration, stated: "The United States, which is so free from freedom, did not endure a sect called Dawoodia, who believed that Jesus the son of Mary (AS) was awaiting, and The elders killed their children and women and said they had committed suicide.

20 May 2016:
 راهیپمایی اعتراضی مردم قم نسبت به هنجار شکنی فائزه هاشمی
  Fighting the Protesters of Qom People Against Faezeh Hashemi's Norm
مردم ولایی و نمازگزاران جمعه شهر مقدس قم پس از اقامه نماز جمعه در اعتراض به هنجار شکنی فائزه هاشمی در دیدار با بهائیان راهپیمایی کردند و خواستار برخورد جدی قوه قضاییه با وی شدند.
The Provincial People and the Friday Prayers of the Holy City of Qom, after Friday prayers, marched in protest against Faezeh Hashemi's normalization of the Baha'is, calling for a serious crackdown on the judiciary.
به گزارش خبرنگار خبرگزاری رسا، مردم ولایی و نمازگزاران جمعه شهر مقدس قم امروز پس از اقامه نماز عبادی و سیاسی نماز جمعه که به امامت آیت الله حسینی بوشهری در مصلای قدس برگزار شد، در اعتراض به هنجار شکنی فائزه هاشمی در دیدار با بهائیان راهپیمایی کرده و نسبت به این مسأله اعتراض کردند.

According to Reza News Agency, the people of Hawaii and the Friday prayers of the holy city of Qom, after the Friday prayer and prayer prayers of the Friday prayer that was held on Ayatullah Hosseini Bushehri's imamate in Mosselah Qods, march in protest against the breach by Faezeh Hashemi during the meeting with the Baha'is. And they objected to this issue.
در این تجمع اعتراضی اقشار گوناگون مردم به ویژه طلاب حضور داشته و با سر دادن شعارهای«مرگ بر فتنه گر»، «مرگ بر منافق»، «فتنه گر بهایی پیوندتان مبارک» و «فتنه گر رسوا شده مشت نفاق وا شده» خواستار برخورد جدی قوه قضاییه با فائزه هاشمی شدند.

The protest gathered by the various strata of the people, especially the scholars, called for "Death to the hypocrite", "Death to he hypocrite " and "Seducer Bahai your contacts are happy" by the slogans "Death to sedition"; The judiciary grew up with Faezeh Hashemi.

همچنین حاضران با سردادن شعارهایی همچون« یا حجت ابن الحسن ریشه فتنه بکن»، «خونی که در رگ ماست هدیه به رهبر ماست»، «ما پیرو ولایت هستیم تاشهادت»، «دفاع از بهایی، آخر به چه بهایی» و «ما پیرو حسینیم، ساکت نمی‌نشینیم» نسبت به هنجارشکنی اخیر اعتراض کرده و بر لزوم هشیاری جامعه تأکید کردند.

Also, presenting with slogans such as "Ya Son of Hassan set the root of sedition", "the blood that is in our vein is a gift to our leader," "We are the follower of the Velayat till the martyrdom," "Defending the Baha'i, at what price" and "We follow Hossein, we are not silent ", have protested against the recent hijacking and stressed the need for community consciousness.

28 May 2016: [Article on Shia Marjah's fatwas on Bahais]
چرایی حساسیت علما و بزرگان در رابطه با بهائیت/بهائیت و وهابیت مجموعه ای از خرافات هستند
Why the sensitivity of ulama and elders in relation to Baha'ism / Baha'ism and Wahhabism as they are collection of superstitions

حجت الاسلام والمسلمین سروری در گفت وگو با خبرگزاری «حوزه» با اشاره به تاسیس فرقه ضاله بهائیت توسط پیر استعمار بریتانیای خبیث گفت: ظهور فرقه بهائیت ناشی از کج روی و کج‌فهمی و درک نادرست از قرآن و مفاهیم دینی است؛ در برخی موارد نیز دخالت دشمنان داخلی و خارجی برای فریب و گمراهی مردم و سست نمودن ایمان و اعتقادات جامعه اسلامی این فرقه ظاهر شده است.

Hujjat al-Islam and the leader of the Muslim world, Seroory, in a conversation with the "Hosea" news agency, referred to the  role of old British colonial government in the establishment of the cult of the misguided Baha'i sect said: "The emergence of the Baha'i Faith is due to a misunderstanding and misunderstanding of the Qur'an and religious concepts; in some cases, Internal and external enemies have appeared to deceive and mislead the people and to weaken the beliefs and beliefs of the Islamic society of this cult.
وی افزود: مواردی که در آموزه های این فرقه گنجانده شده افراد را به قعر چاه گمراهی فرستاده و آنها را گرفتار می سازد، بهائیت برای خود احکامی را هم به گمان خویش نازل شده می داند، به عنوان نمونه یکی از احکام آنها در خصوص ازدواج این است که بیش از یک زن جایز نیست، ازدواج با زن پدر حرام ولی با بقیه محارم مانند مادر و خواهر و … حلال است.
He added: "The cases that are included in the teachings of this sect have led people to astray and mislead them, Baha'ism considers itself to have given its rulings by God in its own opinion., For example, one of their sentences on marriage is that marriage with more more than one woman is not allowed, marrying with the father's wife is haram but not with  marrying other mahram such as mother and sister is lawful.
این محقق و پژوهشگر حوزه بیان کرد: از آنجایی که خطر این فرقه ضاله همواره در کمین جوانان است،علما و مراجع عظام تقلید هر کدام در اظهار نظر های جداگانه ای در خصوص بهائیت و معاشرت با اعضای این فرقه سخنانی را مطرح کرده اند تا دشمنان به اهداف و آرزوهای خود که تسلط بر مردم و بهره برداری مادی از جامعه به نفع قدرت های طاغوتی از طریق این فرقه است نرسند.
The scholar and researcher of the field stated: Since the danger of this misguided sect is always in the ambush of the youth, the ulama and the great authorities of imitation, each in a separate comment on Baha'ism and association with the members of this sect, have spoken words to the enemies Do not achieve their goals and aspirations that dominate the people and material exploitation of society in favor of tribal powers through this cult.
وی گفت: فتوای رهبر انقلاب در خصوص این فرقه آن است که « از هرگونه معاشرت با این فرقه اجتناب کنید»؛ رهبر معظم انقلاب در خصوص بهائیان می فرمایند: همه پیروان فرقه گمراه بهائیت محکوم به نجاست هستند و در صورت تماس آنها با چیزى، مراعات مسائل طهارت در رابطه با آنها، نسبت به امورى که مشروط به طهارت است، واجب است. ولى رفتار مدیران و معلمان و مربیان با دانش‌‏آموزان بهایى باید بر اساس مقررات قانونى و اخلاق اسلامى باشد، از هرگونه معاشرت با این فرقه اجتناب کنید.
He said that the fatwa of the leader of the revolution regarding this sect is "to avoid any kind of association with this sect." The Supreme Leader of the Revolution says to the Baha'is: All the followers of the secession of the Baha'i faith are condemned to the neglect, and if they contact with something, It is obligatory to observe the issues of purity in relation to them, in relation to matters that are conditional on purification. But the behavior of managers, teachers and educators with students should be based on legal and Islamic ethics, avoiding any intercourse with this sect.
نویسنده کتاب زندگی به سبک آفتاب گفت: فتوای آیت الله العظمی  مکارم شیرازی در خصوص بهاییان آن است که «بهائیان کافر،مرتد و نجس حساب می شوند»؛ حضرت آیت الله مکارم شیرازی در خصوص ارتباط با فرقه بهائیت می گویند: بهائیان کافر،مرتد و نجس حساب می شوند،از نظر شرعی تبلیغ این فرقه حرام است چون بهائیان نجس و کافر هستند،هر گونه ارتباط با آنها حرام است مگر در مواردی که امید ارشاد و هدایت آنها باشد.
The author of the book of life in the style of sunbathing said: The fatwa of the great Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi in Baha'is is that "Baha'is are infidels, apostate and impure"; Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi says in connection with contact with the Baha'i sect: Baha'is are infidels, apostate And unclean, it is forbidden to advertise this sect for religious reasons because Baha'is are unclean and unbelievers; any communication with them is forbidden except in cases where the hope of guiding and guiding them is.
این نویسنده حوزوی بیان کرد: مذاهب ساختگی خرافی از جمله فرقه ضاله بهائیت و وهابیت مجموعه ای از خرافات هستند؛ طرفداران خرافات نمی گذارند با علما تماس گرفته شود چون خرافاتشان باطل می شود؛ مردم اگر احکامشان را از سرچشمه که همان اهل بیت(ع) و علما و بزرگان هستند بگیرند هیچ وقت گرفتار خرافات نخواهند شد
The Hawzai writer said: "The supreme fabrications of religion, including the banal cult of Baha'ism and Wahhabism, are a collection of superstitions; superstitions do not allow contact with the scholars because their superstition is invalidated; if people follow their precepts from the source of the Ahlul Bayt (as) And they are scholars and elders, they will never be caught up in superstitions.
حجت الاسلام والمسلمین سروری بیان کرد: آیت الله العظمی  نوری همدانی ارتباط با بهائیان را باطل می دانند؛ ایشان هر گونه ارتباط و معامله با پیروان این فرقه ضاله را حرام دانسته اند؛کار کردن برای بهائیان و گرفتن دستمزد از آنها ،هدیه گرفتن از بهائیان و هدیه دادن به آنها،تبلیغ بهائیت و کمک دادن به آنها حرام است.
Hujjat al-Islam and Muslim said that: Ayatollah Majid Nouri Hamedani considers contact with the Baha'is as void; they have forbidden any communication and deal with the followers of this sect. Working for the Baha'is and getting a wage from them, giving away Baha'is It is forbidden to give gifts to them, promoting Baha'is and helping them.
وی گفت: آیت الله العظمی صافی گلپایگانی در خصوص آداب و معاشرت با بهائیان اظهار می دارند:نجس هستند و اجتناب از آن‌ها واجب است. والله العالم، فرقه بهائیت دینی ندارند و ضال و مضل هستند و کافر می‌­باشند و نجس هستند و ازدواج با آن‌ها حرام است و همچنین تبلیغ و ترویج آن‌ها حرام و جائز نیست، مؤمنین باید با شناخت کامل از عقائد حقه شیعه اثناعشری دفاع نموده و خودشان را از شر مکائد شیطانی و دشمنان محافظت نماید و مانع فعالیت و ترویج آنان شوند.
He said the great Ayatullah Safi Golpayegani commented on the wisdom and association with the Baha'is: Najis, and their avoidance is obligatory. Wali ala'alam does not have a religious denomination and they are distressed and disbelievers and are impure and marriage is forbidden to them, and their propagation and promotion are not forbidden and unreasonable. The believers must defend the Thai Shi'a with the full knowledge of the beliefs of the Shi'ites and make themselves Protect evil enemies from evil and prevent them from acting and promoting them.
وی افزود:حضرت  آیت‌الله محمدعلی علوی گرگانی نیز درباره حکم معاشرت با اعضای فرقه ضاله بهائیت اظهار می دارند: از نظر ما بهایی‌ها کافر هستند و معاشرت با آن‌ها اگر موجب خدشه به دین، ایمان و اعتقادات فرد شود، حرام است، والا کراهت دارد و در هر حال، اصل معاشرت به نظر ما امری مذموم و ناپسند است.
He added: "Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Alawi Garghani also stated that the Baha'is should be socialized with the members of the cult of the Baha'is:" We believe that the Baha'is are infidels and that their association with them is harmful to the religion, beliefs and beliefs of the individual, it is forbidden, In any case, the principle of socialization seems to us to be disproportionate.

این محقق حوزه بیان کرد: آیت الله  العظمی وحید خراسانی درمورد انجام معاملات تجاری باپیروان فرقه بهائیت بیان کرده اند: اگر باعث تقویت آنان از جهت عقائد و یا فرهنگ و یا اقتصاد باشد جایز نیست؛ همچنین آیت الله العظمی سبحانی نیز بیان کردند: فرقه بهائیت امروز با طرح مسائل کلامی برای متزلزل کردن عقاید جوانان تلاش می‌کنند.
The field scholar stated: Ayatollah Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani has stated that it is not permissible to do business with Bahraini battalions: if they strengthen them in terms of beliefs or culture or economy, then the Ayatollah Sobhani also said: The Baha'i Faith Today, they are working on verbal issues to shake up the ideas of young people.
وی گفت: حضرت آیت الله سبحانی در باره فرقه بهائیت و نیز تبلیغ و شبهه‌افکنی آنها بیان کردند :در حال حاضر بهائیت و شیطان‌پرستی برای مبارزه با اسلام و دینداری جوانان تبلیغ می‌کنند تا جوانان را از راه به در کنند و در نتیجه آن مرتکب جرم شوند که تحقیق و مطالعه در این زمینه‌ها خوب است؛ همچنین ایشان در مورد این فرقه انحرافی اظهار داشته اند:فرقه بهائیت امروز با طرح مسائل کلامی برای متزلزل کردن عقاید جوانان تلاش می‌کنندقبل از انقلاب اسلامی خطر بهائیت کمتر احساس می‌شد ولی این مساله در شرایط فعلی بسیار جدی می‌باشد اساتید حوزه‌های علمیه کسانی که با طلاب غیر ایرانی سر و کار دارند باید به هوش باشند که این فرقه بر عقاید جوانان لطمه وارد نسازند،چون بهائیت نه تنها به عنوان فرقه دینی به شمار نمی‌روند، بلکه یک مسلک سیاسی هستند که از اسلام خارجند.

He said that the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sobhani spoke about the secession of Baha'is as well as their propaganda and pseudo-deportation: they are currently promoting Baha'ism and Satanism to fight against Islam and the religion of youth, to bring young people out of the way and thereby commit crimes. That research and study in these areas is good; they also have stated that this secular sect is believed: the Baha'i community today is working on verbal issues to shake up the ideas of young people. Before the Islamic Revolution, the threat of Baha'ism was less felt, but in the current situation, It is serious that the professors of the seminary are those who are not with other scholars Iranians should have the intelligence that the sect will not harm young people's beliefs because Baha'is are not only a religious sect, but also a political profession that goes away from Islam.
احکام خطرناک بهاییان
Dangerous rules of Bahais
حجت الاسلام والمسلمین سروری بیان کرد: احکام و اعتقادات خطرناک  بهایی ایرانی شامل، لواط برای فاعل شرعا حلال، و برای مفعول تمرین تواضع و مستحب است! ازدواج با خواهر و مادر و خاله و عمه جایز است!، زنا و دزدیدن دختر مورد پسند قبل از ازدواج جایز و نشانه علاقه مرد است!، شرب خمر و استعمال تریاک و حشیش جایز است!
Hujjat al-Islam and Muslim said: "The dangerous precepts and beliefs of the Iranian Baha'i, sodomy for the holy act of the law, and for the purpose of practicing humility and mustahab! Marriage with Sister, Mother, Aunt, and Aunt is permissible! Adultery and kidnapping of a lovely girl before marriage is a sign of love for men! Drinking Khmer and using opium and hashish is permissible!

و حجاب حرام و نشانه بردگی است!، محمد(ص) خاتم(نگین) انبیا بوده و نه آخرین آنها، پس پیامبرانی بعد از او امده اند!، امام زمان فردی به نام بهاءالله بوده و ظهور کرده اند و شهید شده اند!، تمام احکام قرآن باطل شده و اقای بهاءالله کتابی جدید به اسم بیان نازل کرده است!.
The hijab is forbidden and signs of slavery! Muhammad (PBUH) Khatam (Negin) is the prophets, not the last ones, so the Prophets are after him! The Imam was a time man named Baha'u'llah and appeared and became a martyr! All the Qur'an's verdicts have been revoked and Baha'u'llah has revealed a new book in the name of expression!
وی گفت: فردی معتاد به حشیش،به اسم حسین علی نوری (بانام مستعار بهاءالله) با تحریک انگلیس، در ابتدا ادعا کرد نائب امام زمان(عج) است، سپس گفت که من امام زمان هستم و قبلا تقیه کرده بودم و بعد گفت پیامبری با دین و کتاب جدید هستم؛ در نهایت هم مدعی شد که خداست!درحال حاضر مقدس ترین مکان بهاییان و مقر فرماندهی آنها به اسم بیت العدل در اسرائیل است.
He said an addict to hashish, called Hossein Ali Nouri (aka Baha'llah), with the provocation of England, initially claimed that he was the deputy of the Imam of Time (ajj), then he said that I am the Imam of the time and had previously been a takiyah and then said the Prophet I am with the religion and the new book; eventually he claimed that God is! At the moment, the holiest place is Baha'is and their headquarters in the name of Beit Al-Adl in Israel.
بهاییان در دوران پهلوی:
Baha'is in the Pahlavi era:
نویسنده کتاب بی بصیرتانی از تاریخ کربلا بیان کرد: تمام پست های کلیدی ایران قبل از انقلاب به دست این فرقه بود، و به نوعی شاه نوکر حلقه به گوش آنها بود، پس ازین جهت بدترین ضربه از انقلاب اسلامی را بهاییان خوردند، چون دستشان از منابع کشور کوتاه شد

The author of Unbelievable Book of Karbala states: "All the key posts of Iran before the revolution were in the hands of this secession, and they were some kind of valiant king of the ring, then the Baha'is ate it for the worst impact of the Islamic Revolution, Country resources shortened.

اقدامات علیه انقلاب:
Measures against the revolution:.
وی گفت: ترویج بی بند وباری از سنین کم با تاسیس مهد کودک، پیاده روی الزامی زیباترین دختران بهایی با بدترین حجاب ممکن در خیابان ها و مراسمات و محافل مذهبی، برای ترویج و عادی سازی بی حجابی، تأسیس شبکه من و تو برای القای حس عقب ماندگی به شیعیان ایران، همکاری گسترده با بی بی سی برای سم پاشی و شایعه پراکنی، شرکت گسترده در فتنه ٨٨ طبق دستورات رژیم اسرائیل، پهن دام برای جوانان با برگزاری پارتی های مختلط با توزیع مواد مخدر و مشروبات الکلی،نفوذ در دستگاهای دولتی برای جاسوسی و خرابکاری و خیانت، تاسیس ارتش ٨۰۰۰ نفریِ سایبریِ فارسی زبانان اسرائیل، ترویج فساد اخلاقی مثل همجنس بازی و تشویق جوانان به زنا در فضای مجازی با تأسیس کانال های مبتذل اخلاقی و منحرف سیاسی، مثل به سوی دموکراسی درتلگرام و فعالیت گسترده اقتصادی، با تأسیس عینک فروشی، ساعت فروشی و بوتیک های لوکس در شهرهای بزرگ از جمله اقدامات بهاییان در سالهای اخیر بوده است.
He said: promoting unrestrained barefoot from an early age with the establishment of a kindergarten, the mandatory walks of the most beautiful girls of Baha'i with the worst veil in the streets and ceremonies and religious circles, to promote and normalize the veil, to establish my network and you to induce a sense of The backwardness of the Shiites of Iran, extensive cooperation with the BBC for spitting and rumors, a large company in Fetnah 88, according to the orders of the Israeli regime, widespread livelihood for young people by holding mixed parties with distribution of narcotics and alcoholic beverages, penetration into government agencies For spying and sabotaging and treason, the establishment of the 8,000-strong Israeli Cypriot army, promoting corruption Fighting like homosexuality and encouraging young people to adultery in cyberspace by setting up vulgar channels of moral and deviant politics, such as toward democracy in the telegram and widespread economic activity, with the establishment of glasses, watches and luxurious boutiques in major cities, including Baha'i acts Has been in recent years.

6 June 2016: Iranian News Agency Publishes List of Baha’i Businesses in Zahedan to Incite Violence and Intimidation Against Them

21 Jan 2016:
آیت اللہ عبدالکریم عابدینی:
امام جمعہ قزوین نےمزید کہا ہے کہ امریکہ،برطانیہ،اسرائیل اوربعض دیگرممالک بہائیت، وہابیت، اورقوم پرست تفکرجیسے فرقوں کی ایجاد کے ذریعے مسلمانوں کے اتحاد کو نقصان پہنچانے کے درپے تھے لیکن جب وہ اپنے ان منحوس اہداف میں کامیاب نہ ہوئے تو انہوں نے داعش گروپ کو تشکیل دیا ہے۔
انہوں نےکہا ہے کہ اسلامی ممالک میں ولایت اورقیادت کے نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے داعش گروپ ان ممالک کے اتحاد کو نقصان پہنچانے میں کامیاب ہوگیا ہےلیکن قائد انقلاب اسلامی کی ہدایات اوراس بحران میں ان کے سپاہیوں کی مداخلت کی وجہ سے اسلامی ممالک تباہی سے بچ گئے ہیں۔

22 March 2016:

On the third day of his detention, one of Zabihi’s interrogators told him that if he agreed to participate in a religious debate about the Baha’is faith and Islam, “the interrogations would be off the table and you will be done sooner.” Zabihi refused the invitation and pointed out that the interrogators had repeatedly warned him that religious minorities in Iranian are not allowed to engage in religious debates and proselytizing. At midnight on March 14, which was Zabihi’s last night in solitary confinement, the interrogator played a tape of statements made by Mahnaz Raoufi, a convert from Baha’ism to Islam, and told him “I would like you to understand that your religion is a fake religion, and I want to guide you towards the true religion of Islam.”
When Zabihi was arrested, he was charged with “propaganda against the regime,” but was later told he was accused of “propaganda against Islam and the Koran.” By changing the charge, the interrogator wanted to focus his questions on the religious beliefs and the commands of the Baha’i faith, so that Zabihi’s case would grow in volume, and the interrogator could prove Zabihi’s guilt not by his actions, but by his words.
The interrogator insisted that Zabihi must answer questions about his beliefs, even though Article 23 of the constitution of the Islamic Republic explicitly states that “the investigation of individuals' beliefs is forbidden, and no one may be molested or taken to task simply for holding a certain belief.”
In the course of his multiple arrests, the Intelligence Ministry interrogators repeatedly told Zabihi, “You Baha’is have no place in this country. You are third-class citizens and you have no civil rights. We cannot tolerate your presence and eventually you must leave this country.” These sentiments were also expressed to his family. 

14 June 2016:
آیت الله علوی بروجردی بهائت را همچون وهابیت ساخته و پرداخته قدرت های استعماری در میان جوامع مسلمان دانست.
Ayatollah Boroujerdi Alavi: Bahaism, like Wahhabism, was created by colonial powers among Muslim communities.
به گزارش خبرگزاری رسا، دفتر آيت الله علوي بروجردي پيرامون بيانات این استاد حوزه در دیدار با شيخ خالد مطر التميمي اطلاعیه ای صادر و توضیحاتی درباره فرقه بهائیت ارائه کرد.
Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Boroujerdi Alavi on the field during a meeting with Sheikh Khalid said Professor Matar al-Tamimi gave a statement and description of the Bahai sect.

بهائيت همانند وهابيت و قادياني از مذاهب ساخته و پرداخته قدرت­ هاي استعماري در ميان جوامع مسلمان است كه بر اساس افكار باطل و منحرف در دوران اخير شكل گرفته و هدف آن ايجاد اختلاف و چند دستگي در جامعه اسلامي بوده است.
Bahá'ís, like the Wahhabis and Qadianis, are religions that have been built up by colonial powers among Muslim communities based on the false and distorted thoughts of recent times and aimed at creating dissonance in the Islamic society.

11 July 2016:
بهائیت و صهیونیست ها نخستین گروه های مبلغ

بی حجابی در ایران

Bahais and Zionists are the groups who preach against Hijab in Iran
مدرس حوزه علمیه زنجان با اشاره به حمایت های صورت گرفته از بدحجابی و بی حجابی در ایران از سوی برخی از فرقه های منحرف، گفت: براساس اطلاعات سازمان های امنیتی بهائیت و صهیونیست ها جزء نخستین گروه های مبلغ و مروّج بد حجابی و بی حجابی در ایران هستند.

Instructor of the Zanjan seminary, referring to some of the devious sects, has been referring to the veil-lessness in Iran, said: According to the information provided by security organizations, Baha'is and Zionists are among the first groups who preach bad hijab and no hijab in Iran.

28 July 2016: Current situation of Bahais in Iran

17 August 2016: The Huthi armed group in control of parts of Yemen must immediately ensure the release of all 27 members of the Bahá’í religion who have been detained in the capital, Sana’a, for a week without charge, in a blatant case of persecution of a minority faith.
In another case, Bahá’í member Hamed Haydara is due for his final court hearing on 25 September 2016. He was detained in December 2013 and accused of trying to convert Muslims to the Baha’i faith. He is also charged, among other things, with apostasy, working on behalf of the Israeli government and undermining the independence of the Yemeni State, all of which carry a mandatory death sentence under Yemeni law.

According to the Baha’i International Community, a Baha’i resident of the city of Yazd was killed by two men with a knife on the twenty-sixth of September of this year.
While the Baha’i community refers to the murder of 63-year-old Farhang Amiri as a religious hatred killing, Colonel Mohammad Reza Mazidi, the social deputy of the Yazd province police chief, told ISNA that “a two million Toumans (approx $6,230) financial dispute was the motive for the murder of the 63-year-old in Qasim Abad in Yazd.” Colonel Mazidi has added that police officers were able to arrest the killers quickly.
The No to harassment and imprisonment of Baha’i Citizens Campaign, as well as BahaiNews, quoted an “informed source” that the attackers of Mr. Farhang Amiri had confessed to the murder conviction solely because of conscience issues, as this person was a Baha’i and they consider Baha’is to be apostates.
According to BahaiNews, the Mr. Amiri’s family has long been under surveillance. The day before the murder two men went to his house, saying they wanted to buy his pickup, but the son of Mr. Amiri told them that he was not aware that the truck was for sale, so the two left. A day later, these two men attacked and injured Mr. Amiri with a knife in front of his house. He died shortly after being transported to the hospital. Local shopkeepers caught one of the assailants and delivered him to the police while another person who was said to be his brother was detained by police shortly after. BahaiNews said earlier this Baha’i’s father had been murdered by the hands of extremist religious forces in Hormozak in Yazd at the time of the opening of the Baha’i House of Worship in Chicago (in 1953), and the murder of Farhang Amiri took place before the inauguration of the House of Worship in Chile( in 2016).
Bani Dugal, Senior Representative of the Baha’i International Community to the United Nations, referring to the murder of Farhang Amiri, said: “Unfortunately these heinous acts are a sequel to long-standing systematic efforts by Iranian officials to encourage hatred and intolerance against Baha’is.”
The Baha’i International Community, in a report published on Tuesday October 25, declared that the attacks on Baha’is in Iran have been vigorously continued during the administration of President Hassan Rouhani, but the government uses more sophisticated tactics to oppress the Baha’i community, so as to hide its actions from the eyes of the world. The report says that since the beginning of the Rouhani Administration, 151 Baha’is have been arrested in Iran, 388 businesses have been targeted by economic harassment, and 28 young Baha’is have been expelled from university. In this detailed report, in which the various aspects of arrests, expulsions from universities and economic pressures are laid out, the international community has been asked to call the government of Iran to take action instead of merely to talk.
The Baha’i community also released a letter addressed to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani last September. Bani Dugal, the senior representative of the Baha’i International Community, in the letter, referring to the government’s declaration that it was acting to foster “justice for all Iranian citizens alike, and to create jobs and reduce unemployment,” pointed out the economic apartheid policies which have been applied against Baha’is in Iran, and demanded an investigation into “the severe economic oppression against the Baha’i community of Iran.”
The situation of Baha’is in Iran in recent years has attracted the attention of the human rights activists and organizations, but it seems that any improvement in the status of Baha’is in Iran in the face of Shi’ite clerics’ religious rulings as well as the Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader, is blocked. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, in response to a question asked by the Parsineh website, told Shi’ite Muslim believers: “Any association with this deviant and deceitful sect must be avoided.” He had said earlier “All the people of the Baha’i sect are convicted of blasphemy and ritual impurity.”
Grand Ayatollahs such as Behjat, Mokarram Shirazi, Safi Golpayegani and Fazel , in different rulings, have described Baha’is as being members of a “deviant cult and ritually unclean people.” The only dissident, Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, had said during his lifetime that Baha’is were subjected to “civil rights”, but he also, according to his information affairs officer, in 2008 said he believed: “This sect is among the infidels, but they are not hostile disbelievers…And as long as they do not carry out activities against the Islamic Republic, they have citizenship rights.”

2016: Authorities continue to expel Baha’i students from universities in Iran, despite international condemnation and calls for their right to pursue higher education to be upheld. In August 2016, 129 Baha’i students were informed that their university files were “incomplete” — meaning they could not pursue further education.  
In late December 2016, Nazanin Nikouseresht, a freshman studying at the Literature and Human Sciences Department of Shiraz University, was expelled and banned from continuing her education just two and a half months into her English Literature course.

In October, Mona Houshmand, a freshman Baha’i student, was expelled and prevented from attending Bojnord School of Architecture. 

2 Sep 2016:
Asma Jahangir is friend of Shirin Ebadi, and a Qadiani. Just like Bahai, Qadiani was also a deviant sect created by the British.

14 Sep 2016:
وقتی یک فمینیست حامی بهائیت، مأمور ویژه حقوق بشر در ایران می شود!
انتخاب « عاصمه جهانگیر» زن فعال حقوق بشری، به عنوان گزارشگر ویژه سازمان ملل در امور ایران تنها ویترین زیبایی از ماجراست.
When a Baha'i-backed feminist is the Special Envoy of Human Rights in Iran!
The selection of "Asma Jahangir", a human rights activist, as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the affairs of Iran, is a beautiful showcase.

Oct 2016: Authorities in Iran continue to expel Baha’i students from  universities, upholding the September 2016 decision to classify the student files of 129 Baha’is as “deficient” or “incomplete.” 
Mona Houshmand, a 2016 freshman Baha’i student, was expelled and prevented from attending the Bojnord School of Architecture because of her religious beliefs on October 19, 2016.

24 Oct 2016: The two men who carried out the attack on September 26, 2016 are brothers. “He was a Baha’i, so we killed him to buy us paradise for seven generations,” they wrote on their interrogation papers.
... In 1955, Hormozak was a Baha’i village. Following the radio broadcast of a series of inflammatory anti-Baha’i speeches by the preacher Ayatollah Falsafi, a large group of extremists from surrounding villages stormed Baha’i homes in Hormozak and brutally killed the seven Baha’is using knives and farm instruments.
.....According to Islamic law, non-Muslims are divided into two groups: Dhimmi (“protected”) non-Muslims — “People of the Book,” such as Christians, Jews and the Zoroastrians — and harbi (“war”) infidels, including Baha’is. They enjoy no protection from the law. Of course, individual Islamic rulers determine how people belonging to the infidel group will be treated in any given society, but Shia religious authorities all agree that a Muslim cannot be executed for killing a non-Muslim unless he “makes a habit of it.” If a Muslim kills a “protected” non-Muslim then he is subject to pay retribution, but this rule does not apply to “war infidels.”  

30 Oct 2016:
Tasnim News close to #IRGC shamefully calls Asma Jahangir "Baha'i #Zionist" as new UN sp Rapporteur on #Iran.

3 Nov 2016:
حضرت آیت الله مکارم شیرازی نے اس اشارہ کے ساتھ کہ اسلامی جمہوریہ ایران میں اقلیت کی فہرست میں شامل کئے جانے کی بہایت کی کوشش اور اس منحرف فرقہ کو صیہونی حکومت سے وابستہ سیاسی پارٹی جانا ہے ۔
انہوں نے بہائیت کی طرف سے اسلامی جمہوریہ ایران میں اقلیت کے عنوان سے ان کو شمار کئے جانے کی کوشش کی طرف اشارہ کرتے وضاحت کی : اس زمانہ میں بہائیت کی کوشش تھی کہ ان کو اس ملک کی بنیادی قانون میں اقلیت میں شمار کیا جائے جس کو مذہب امور کے بخش نے قبول نہیں کیا اور ہم لوگوں نے کہا کہ آپ لوک ایک مذہب نہیں ہیں بلکہ آپ لوگوں کا صیہونی حکومت کی طرف سے پیدا کی گئی ایک سیاسی پارٹی میں شمار ہوتا ہے ۔
مرجع تقلید نے وضاحت کرتے ہوئے بیان کیا : ہم لوگوں نے تاکید کی کہ آپ لوگوں کا مرکز و تعاون و حمایت صیہونی حکومت کی طرف سے ہے اس وجہ سے آپ لوگوں کا شمار ایک دین و مذہب کے عنوان سے شمار نہیں کیا جائے گا بلکہ اسرائیل سے وابستہ ایک سیاسی پارٹی ہیں ۔

30 Nov 2016:
Authorities in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, should immediately and unconditionally release a Baha’i man arbitrarily detained for nearly four months and end persecution of the Baha’i religious community, Human Rights Watch said today.
Keyvan Qadari, 43, is the last of five dozen Baha’is detained after mass arrests on August 10, 2016. Most were released within days, but two other men were held until November 27, and then released. Qadari has not been charged, brought before a judge, or given access to a lawyer. The authorities have repeatedly refused to allow him to meet with his family, permitting only a single phone call in September.
Sanaa-based authorities have arbitrarily arrested and detained members of the Bahai’i community previously. This includes Hamed Kamal Muhammad bin Haydara, who has been detained since December 2013, and is facing the death penalty, apparently for his religious beliefs. His next court hearing is on December 4. Houthi authorities earlier detained the al-Sakkaf brothers for two days after they attended a hearing in Haydara’s case in March 2015, interrogating them about their faith and other members of the community.
Dec 2016: On 31 December 2016, six Baha’i citizens who were students at Islamic Azad University of Roudehen were expelled because of their belief in the Baha’i Faith.

9 Jan 2017:
Ahmad Fanaian was a Baha'i citizen in the province of Semnan, Iran. His torched lifeless body was found on his property today. Hate crime is suspected. As with all previous suspicious deaths of Baha'is in Iran, it is unlikely that law enforcement will investigate or bring the perpetrators to justice.

9 Jan 2017:
Question: Do Baha'is in an Islamic country deserve safetey? Ayatollah Bahjat: No A Baha'i in Semnan was murdered

استفتا: آیا بهائیانی که در کشور اسلامی هستند، در امان هستند؟
 آیت‌الله بهجت: خیر یک شهروند بهایی در سمنان به قتل رسید  

11 Jan 2017: #Bahai-s who gave lives in #Iran-Iraq war are not martyrs, Iran’s veterans foundation declares

16 Jan 2017:
Dorna Esmailie and Maedeh Hossieni Rad, from the cities of Shiraz and Esfahan, were expelled from university because of their belief as Baha’is.
According to the Human Rights on Iran’s website, quoting Baha’iNews, Dorna Esmailie was expelled while preparing for midterm exams for the seventh semester of her studies. Based on a reliable source close to this student: “Miss Esmailie, on 8 January 2017 was ready to sit for her second test. The responsible examiner contacted her, saying he had been informed by the Assessment Office in Tehran that she has been expelled from the university, hence she was not allowed to sit for her exams. Miss Esmailie enquired of the university’s president as to the reason for her expulsion from the university. She was told that “it is a confidential matter and she must inquire directly from the Office of Assessment.” After contacting the office in Tehran, Mr. Noor, the officer in charge, replied that “he was informed by the Office of Information and he is not responsible for such an outcome.”
Maedeh Hossieni, a Baha’i citizen residing in Esfahan, has been barred from continuing her studies at the University of Technology of Esfahan.
Ms. Hossieni had earlier had her enrollment in university jeopardized when, during her university entrance exam, she was faced with the prospect of “incomplete documentation”. This was later rectified, and Ms. Hossieni was allowed to enroll, but now has been expelled from the university.
Exclusion of Baha’is from universities is based on a document dated 2nd Feb, 1991 approved by the “Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution”. This document indicates that Baha’is are not permitted employment in any government establishment and are barred from continuing their education in higher institutions of learning.
Based on the third Article of the same document, not only should Baha’is be stopped from enrolling in any university, but also if their identity as a Baha’i becomes known after the enrollment, they must be barred from continuing their education.
Deprivation of the Baha’is has been systematically implemented since the Islamic Revolution and the beginning of the Iranian Cultural Revolutions.

18 Jan 2017: Since the creation of the Bahai faith in the mid-19th Century, the Iranian Shia establishment has called them "a deviant sect", principally because they reject the Muslim belief that Mohammed was the last prophet.
On official websites they are described as apostates, and as "unclean".
But it is when a student has finished school that the problems really begin.
As a Bahai, Shirin was told she could not enter university. Her only option was to secretly attend the Bahais' own clandestine university - the Bahai Institute for Higher Education (BIHE), set up in the mid-1980s by Bahai teachers and students who had been thrown out of Iranian universities after the revolution.

The BIHE degrees are accepted by most US universities - as Mona's was at Columbia University - and many BIHE volunteers are based in the US.
"Students and instructors in Iran can end up in jail just for being students and instructors. So they are not only doing something that is hard for them to do, but dangerous to do," says Prof Thane Terril, a convert to the Bahai faith who now runs online teacher training courses for post-graduate students.

18 Jan 2017: Expulsion of a Baha’i Couple from Payame-Noor University in Yazd Province

20 Jan 2017: 6 #Baha’i students expelled from Roudehen Open Islamic University because of their faith

22 Jan 2017: 
In this interview that Masih Alinejad has conducted with Ayatollah Alidoost, she directed him a question about the possibility of the expulsion of Muslim-Americans from the US after the presidency of Trump. The Ayatollah responded by telling Masih that he personally thought that such an action on the side of Trump was unlikely to take place. Speaking of action, Masih directed him a question about the places where such “actions” are concretely taking place against the believers of certain religions. That place in question is Iran and the believers that we are referring to are Baha’is. So, she asked the ayatollah why believers of the Baha’i faith in Iran were being deprived of an education and why they were being forced to leave the country to lead a decent life. Of course, Ayatollah Alidoost, visibly quite frustrated by this question, responded by saying “Well, this is your opinion” and hung up the phone…

24 Jan 2017: #NimaEighanian denied entry into university because of his #Bahai faith despite ranking 155th on Iran national exam

31 Jan 2017:  Last week Shokoufeh Ranjbar, a midwifery student in Orumiyeh, was expelled from the University after she had completed eighty credits of education because she is a Baha’i. 

31 Jan 2017: As reported by BahaiNews, Nasim Mahboub Rahvafa is a Baha’i resident of Shiraz who was barred from entering university after successful participation in the Iranian University Entrance Examination in 2015 because she is a Baha’i.
According to BahaiNews, this Baha’i resident participated in the examination in the field of computer software, and like other believers in the Baha’i Faith, who have been prevented from continuing their education, this Baha’i resident was also blocked.

5 Feb 2017:
علامہ عارف واحدی نے قادیانیوں کی طرف اشارہ کرتے ھوئے کہا کہ قادیانی ایک سامراجی مذہب ھے ان کے مراکز لندن اور غربی ممالک میں ھیں اسی طرح بہائی اور بابی باطل مذاہب بھی یہودیوں کی پیداوار ھیں جن کے مراکز اسرائیل میں ھیں یہ سب مذاہب ختم نبوت کے منکر ھیں ان کو کسی بھی سرکاری پروگرام میں مدعو نہ کیا جائے جناب راجہ ظفر الحق صاحب سے گذارش ھے کہ سرکاری پروگراموں میں ان منحرف مذاہب کے پیروکاروں کو دعوت نہ دی جائے

6 Feb 2017:
This academic year, a total of 129 students were denied access to university courses.  On September 18, 2016, dozens of Baha’i students applying to university were told they would not be able to pursue further education. As in other years, Baha’i applicants were prohibited from selecting a major and denied admittance to universities and other institutions of higher education.

6 March 2017:

Shakib Zabihian, a Baha'i programmer who fled religious persecution in Iran in 2013, is behind an education startup in his new home of Los Angeles.

Zabihian is the co-founder of Toot, a startup that launched a nationwide text message-based tutoring service on Thursday. For the past year, Toot has operated in the Los Angeles area as an on-demand tutoring service: Using the Toot app, students can hire a tutor for an in-person or digital sessions.
But now, Toot is expanding its footprint -- and making it even more convenient for students to seek help via text. For now, the text tutoring is only available for certain subjects: Math, science, physics and statistics.
14 March 2017:
According to BahaiNews, Niloufar Mousavi, a Baha’i resident of the town of Karaj, who had been studying at Payam Nour University in Qazvin province, was barred from continuing her education on 4 January 2017, during her first semester exams.

24 March 2017: Fifth Term Civil Engineering student from Shahid Beheshti University, Baha’i Afrooz Zabihi, was banned from continuing her education after completing 90 credit hours, because of her religious faith. Miss Zabihi has several achievements in the Shining Genius Test in her name.

14 April 2017: More than one hundred and twenty days after of the closure of dozens of businesses of Baha’is in Mazandaran province, provincial officials have shown no indication of any positive or effective measures undertaken to eliminate overt discrimination against Baha’is.

20 April 2017:  #Islamic Security arrests 7 #Bahai citizens on raids on their homes in #Bandar #Abbas and Qeshm island in the Persian Gulf, no reason given.

20 April 2017: #Yemen: A faction in group aligned w/#Saleh (supported by #Iran) continue to harass Yemeni #Bahai-s, arresting two so far. @ahmedshaheed

20 April 2017: Just weeks ago, an employee of the @ICRC who is a #Bahai was arrested on 5 April in #Sanaa simply because of his faith. #Yemen #FoRB

21 April 2017:
Orders for the arrest of at least 25 Baha'is have been issued by certain authorities in Sana'a who are harassing the Yemeni Baha'is and pressuring them to recant their faith.
The baseless and nonsensical accusations levelled against the Baha'is include showing kindness and displaying rectitude of conduct in order to attract people to their Faith. These accusations bear a striking resemblance to those encountered by the Baha'is in Iran, and in fact, reports indicate the influence of Iranian authorities behind incidents transpiring in Yemen.

28 April 2017:
Last week three Baha’i men were arbitrarily detained; one of them was subsequently released following public outcry and local negotiations. According to information obtained by Amnesty International, dozens of members of the Baha’i community received threatening calls around ten days ago from the Prosecutor General of the Specialized Criminal Court, demanding that they present themselves at his office for interrogation about Baha’ism, or would risk being rounded up from their homes. Some of those who received the calls are individuals who had previously been arbitrarily detained. The children of some of the members of the Baha’I community are at risk of being detained alongside their parents because they have nowhere else to go.

30 Apr 2017:

عوام کی عدم آگہی اور مسئولین کی غفلت کے سبب "پاکستان بہائیت کے سانپ کا بل بن گیا ہے" جہاں اس مرتد گروہ کے جشن میں وزیر مملکت برائے مذہبی امور سمیت پارلمانی نمائندے بھی شرکت کرچکے ہیں۔

خبر رساں ادارے تسنیم کے مطابق گزشتہ روز وزارت مذہبی امور و بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی کے بینر تلے ہونے والی تقریب میں دوشیزاؤں کے فحش رقص اور غیر اخلاقی حرکات نے تقریب میں موجود علماء اور سامعین کو حیران کر دیا۔ 
تفصیلات کے مطابق اس تقریب میں ممبران قومی اسمبلی کے ساتھ ساتھ وزیر مملکت برائے مذہبی امور و بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی پیر امین الحسنات بھی موجود تھے جنہوں نے تقریب کے اختتام پر بطور مہمان خصوصی خطاب بھی کیا۔ 

14 June 2017: Two murderers of a Baha'i in Iran are now on bail, despite confessing to their crime:

15 June 2017:
آیت الله حائری شیرازی با بیان اینکه وهابیت و بهائیت دو تفکر ضرارگونه برای ضربه به اسلام هستند، گفت: وهابیت خشک مذهبی و بهائیت دچار تجدد و هر دو از اسلام دور هستند.
Ayatollah Haeri Shirazi said that Wahhabism and Baha'ism are two indispensable ways of striking Islam, said Wahhabism is a religious and Baha'ism that is modernized, and both are far from Islam.

27 June 2017:
Faridodin Haddad Adel, who is related by marriage to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, runs a high school for boys, part of an elite, multi-branch franchise of educational institutions. The Farhang (“Culture”) schools specialize in humanities and literature.
On June 27, Haddad asked his Twitter followers to recommend top students who might benefit from enrolling at his school. He was particularly interested in hearing about boys who were currently studying at schools with below average academic records. 
But when someone tweeted back to ask Haddad if the invitation could be extended to students from underprivileged parts of the country or people from the Baha’is faith, Haddad’s seemingly generous spirit changed.  “Farhang has two branches in [the disadvantaged province of] Sistan,” he responded, but tweeted that the school would never accept Baha’is. “We have not fallen so low as to give service to the [English] Queen’s servants. How dare you to ask such a question?”
Someone else tweeted the point that children do not choose their own religion. “Why shouldn’t they be educated to…choose for themselves?” 
But Haddad showed little patience for the idea of Baha’is being innocent. They “grow up, go to school and [then] harm the religion, the country and the revolution,” he posted. 

Lower levels of education are still open to Baha’is, but in the summer of 2013, Ayatollah Khamenei added a level of segregation in schools too. When asked what should be done if Muslim and Baha’i students use the same sanitary facilities such as soap or drinking fountains, or if a Baha’i shook the hand of a Muslim child, the ayatollah issued the following fatwa: “All followers of the devious Baha’i sect are unclean [untouchable] and in case of [physical] contact with them…the obligatory measures for cleansing must be taken.”
Since the revolution, this extreme religious position that charges Baha’is with being “deviant” and “unclean” has been used to justify or even encourage people who have physically attacked or murdered Baha’is. Activists have suggested that some of these murders have been organized with the support of figures within the regime. Often, perpetrators of the crimes believe they have the blessing of the Shia Muslim religion and the state. More often than not, the murder of Baha’is is treated with silence and those responsible escape punishment.

17 July 2017: Denial of Burial for 44 Baha’is in Tabriz

August 2017: At least 7 Baha’is are languishing in the jails administered by the Houthis

4 Sep 2017:
انہوں نے بیان کیا : بہائیت گمراہ دین کے ماننے والے دین اسلام کی تعبدیات میں شبہ افکنی کے ذریعہ دین اسلام کی بنیادی اصول کو نقصان پہوچانے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں ؛ بہائیوں نے اس بیان کے ساتھ کہ ہم لوگ چاہتے ہیں خوشحال رہیں اور اسلام نے ہم سے یہ خوشی چھین لی ہے ، وہ لوگ نامحرم عورتوں اور مردوں کے درمیان اختلاط پیدا کرنے کی کوشش میں ہیں ، بعض بہائیت کی پیروی کرنے والے ضعیف النفس مسلمانوں کو تعبدیات سے دور کرنے کے لئے کہتے ہیں کہ گرمی کے زمانہ میں روزہ رکھنا صحیح نہیں ہے ۔
حضرت آیت الله مظاهری نے اپنی گفت و گو کو جاری رکھتے ہوئے بیان کیا : تقریبا ۵۰۰ سٹرلائیٹ چائینل دین اسلام خاص کر شیعت کے خلاف دن و رات فعالیت انجام دے رہی ہیں ، کچھ روز پہلے خبر ملی کہ تقریبا ۲۶۰۰ انٹرنیٹ چائینل ہمارے جوانوں کو دین سے دور کرنے کی کوشش میں کام کر رہے ہیں ؛ وہ مسائل جو دین اسلام کو تباہ کرنے کے لئے بیان کی جا رہی ہے وہ بے بنیاد و بغیر کسی علمی و عقلی دلائل پر ہے لیکن وہ شیعہ کے جوانوں کے متاثر کر سکتے ہیں یا بعض کو دین سے متنفر کر سکتے ہیں ۔
حوزہ علمیہ اصفہان کے سربراہ نے اس بیان کے ساتھ کہ دشمنوں نے جو مسلمانوں کے خلاف فعالیت انجام دی ہے اس میں کچھ حد تک کامیاب بھی ہوئے ہیں وضاحت کی : دشمن بعض ضعیف النفس و بے عقل و نادان مسلمان سے غلط استفادہ کرتا ہے اور ان کو دین اسلام کی اصول سے بد گمان کرتا ہے ؛ اصول دین کو قبول کرنے میں استحکام نہ پایا جانا سبب ہوا ہے تا کہ دشمن ہر روز بعض افراد کو ان کے کمزور ایمان کی وجہ سے منحرف کرے

25 Sep 2017:
Two members of the persecuted Baha’i faith in Iran have been offered university enrollment in exchange for renouncing their religion, according to information received by the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).
According to the Baha’i-focused Payam News, in recent weeks at least 100 Bahai’s were rejected by Iranian universities despite passing entrance exams in 2017.
The rejected students received the following message: “Dear applicant, please go to the University Evaluation Organization (UEO) to answer questions about defects in your file.”
“When I went to the UEO’s office three weeks ago, an official with the last name ‘Jafari’ directly told me that my file had a problem because I’m a Baha’i,” a 19-year-old member of the faith, who asked not to be identified, told CHRI on September 24, 2017.
“The official put two forms in front of me,” added the student. “One form was for personal information and the other contained a statement that I would not follow the tenets of the Baha’i faith, whose leadership is based in Palestine, and agree not to carry out any religious activities.”
The rejected student said he did not sign the statement and instead asked for a blank piece of paper, on which he wrote: “I am a Baha’i and I believe in my faith. I love my country and if I am accepted at the university, I will not discuss my faith as long as I am not asked anything about it.”
“Mr. Jafari said the authorities would look into my case and let me know if I had been accepted,” added the student. “We said goodbye and I left, but I still haven’t heard anything.”
“This is the second year I was unable to enter the university and study like others my age,” said the student.
An 18-year-old student who was denied access to higher education in Iran told CHRI that he was told at the UEO that he would only be allowed entry into the university if he converted to Islam.
“The UEO authorities said I would have the opportunity to gain a university education if I wrote a statement that I am now a Muslim and repent forever for being a Baha’i,” said the student. “I refused to write it and so I was denied enrollment.”
“This is a clear example of an inquisition and a violation of human rights,” added the student, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “I also had a similar experience when I won placement in a high school for the gifted, but the headmaster found out about my religion and refused to enroll me.”
The student told CHRI that the Parliament, judiciary and the president’s office all refused to look into the complaints he filed about the incident.
News about the ongoing denial of higher education to Baha’is in Iran in 2017 emerged as Judiciary Spokesman Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei claimed on September 17, 2017, that “no individual is arrested simply for being a Baha’i or a follower of any other faith.”
He was responding to questions about Mahvash Sabet, a Baha’i community leader who was released from prison on September 18, 2017, after serving 10 years in prison for her religious beliefs.
Iranian officials deny prosecuting Baha’is for their religious beliefs, but the community is one of the most severely persecuted religious minorities in Iran. The faith is not recognized in the Islamic Republic’s Constitution and its members face harsh discrimination in all walks of life as well as prosecution for the public display of their faith.
According to Article 1of Iran’s Supreme Cultural Revolution Council’s student qualification regulations, which were approved by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in 1991, students who take the national enrollment exam must be either Muslim or followers of other constitutionally sanctioned religions. Article 3 also states that if a student is discovered to be a Baha’i after enrolling in a university, he or she will be expelled.
There are currently some 90 members of the Baha’i faith in prison in Iran due to the practice of their religion, including six community leaders.
In December 2014, Ayatollah Mohammad Mousavi Bojnourdi, a former member of the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council, declared: “We will never accept that Baha’is have the right to education. They don’t even have rights as citizens.”

19 Oct 2017:
On October 17, an eight-year-old boy was left terrified and alone as armed men raided his family’s home in Kermanshah, southwestern Iran, and took away his parents.
As with most children his age, the boy had never been left on his own. So why did Iranian authorities with guns detain his parents, Kambiz Moradipour, an optician who runs a glasses store, and his wife, Sino Rasouli, a seamstress, with such violence? What was their crime? Belonging to the Baha’i faith. 
Moradipour said that seven more Baha’is had been arrested in Kermanshah the same morning: Payman Ghiami, Foroozan Amini, Ezat Shahid, Amrollah Eslami, Amir Kadivar, Nematollah Shadabi and Sepideh Ahrari. 
The arrests come as Baha’is around the world get ready to celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of the faith’s founder, Baha’u’llah, who was born in Tehran in 1817. The event will be celebrated over the weekend of October 20 to 22.
A Baha’i citizen was also arrested in the northern city of Rasht on October 15, according to the Iran-focused Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA). Her whereabouts remain unknown, the news agency said.

22 Oct 2017: IRGC weekly's coverage of Bahais can be characterized as obsession. This time accuses it of being "a party in service of the West, Zionism"
And of course can't ignore how "the enemy" apparently wants to use "feminism" as a tool to "infiltrate in arena of women."

22 Oct 2017:

بہائیت کے خطرناک عزائم سے عوامی عدم آگہی اور حکومتی غفلت کے باعث پاکستان میں ایک خطرناک سازش فروغ پانے لگی ہے۔

خبررساں ادارے تسنیم کے مطبق قادیانیت سے زیادہ خطرناک سازش سے عوام اور حکومتی ذمہ داران غافل ہیں جس کے باعث پاکستان میں بہائیت پھلنے پھولنے لگی ہے۔
ذرائع کے مطابق بہائیت کے خطرناک عزائم سے عوامی عدم آگہی  اور حکومتی غفلت کے باعث پاکستان میں ایک خطرناک سازش  فروغ پانے لگی ہے۔
بہائیت کے خفیہ اہداف کی تکمیل کے لئے وفاقی دارالحکومت اسلام آباد، راولپنڈی سمیت ملک کے دیگر شہروں میں مراکز کھلم کھلا کفریہ عقائد کا پرچار کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ صہیونی ایجنڈے کو پروان چڑھانے میں مصروف ہیں۔
علاوہ ازیں بہائیت کے پرچار کے لئے سوشل میڈیا کو بھی بروئے کار لایا جارہا ہے اور سادہ لوح عوام کو ملک میں موجود دفاتر سے رابطے کرنے کو کہا جاتا ہے۔
جس طرح قادیانیت سادہ لوح عوام کو پیسے اور ملک سے باہر بھجوانے کا لالچ دیکر اپنے جھانسے میں گرفتار کرتی رہی ہے اسی انداز میں بہائیت بھی اس وقت مصروف عمل ہے۔ 
افسوس ناک امر یہ ہے کہ اہل تسنن کے ساتھ ساتھ تشیع سے تعلق رکھنے والے افراد اور علمائے کرام کا بھی ان مراکز میں آنا جانا نوٹ کیا گیا ہے۔

23 Oct 2017:
When Dr Zarif mentioned that many Baha’is insist on putting their religion down in all application forms and if they didn’t, there wouldn’t be any problem, I said that if the government wants to fix this, they should remove the religion column so it is the same for everybody, Muslim, Christian, Jewish or Baha’i. Baha’is are not allowed to lie.

26 Oct 2017:
مجلس وحدت مسلمین پاکستان کے مرکزی رہنما علامہ اصغر عسکری

پاکستان میں بہائیت کے بڑھتے اثر و رسوخ کے بارے میں علامہ کا کہنا تھا کہ اس میں کوئی شک نہیں ہے کہ جس طرح قادیانیت ایک استعماری ایجنڈا تھا، اسی طرح بہائیت بھی ایک انحرافی فرقہ ہے، استعماری طاقتیں ان کی پشت پناہی کر رہی ہیں، پاکستان میں ان دنوں بہائیت کے پروگرام بڑھ رہے ہیں، لوگوں کے ساتھ ان کے روابط ہونا شروع ہو گئے ہیں، یہاں وزارت داخلہ اور وزارت مذہبی امور کی ذمہ داری ہے کہ ایسے انحرافی گروہ جو خود کو مسلمان کہتے ہیں، ان پر کڑی نظر رکھیں اور اس حوالے سے ہمیں آواز اٹھانی چاہیے، اور خاص طور پر مختلف این جی اووز جو فنڈنگ کر رہی ہیں، اس پر حکومت کڑی نظر رکھے تاکہ ان کے فتنے اور گمراہی سے قوم بچ سکے۔

8 Nov 2017:
Three Baha’i citizens in Iran, already deprived of higher education, have reportedly each been sentenced by a notoriously hard-liner judge, Mohammad Moqisseh, to five years in prison.
After being summoned to court six times, Tara Houshmand, Rouhie Safajoo, and Sarmad Shadabi were finally charged with “acting against national security through membership in the misleading Baha’i cult” and sentenced, the Human Rights Activists News reported on November 8.
The convicted Baha’is participated in a university admissions contest in 2014 but were not allowed to view their rankings and were practically deprived of the right to higher education.
They sought help from different institutions, including the Iranian president’s office and the Higher Education Ministry.
However, their attempts failed. The three were arrested in early 2015 but released on bail a month later.

7 Nov 2017:
وحدت نیوز(مانٹرنگ ڈیسک) چونکہ عالم اسلام دو حصوں شیعہ اور سنی میں تقسیم تھا، اس لئے بوڑھے استعمار نے بڑی چالاکی کے ساتھ چار جعلی مذاہب کی بنیاد رکھنے کی پلاننگ کی، دو کے لئے عرب اور دو کے لئے عجم کو چنا گیا اور پھر ان علاقوں سے اہم شخصیات کا انتخاب کیا گیا،مجلس وحدت مسلمین صوبہ کے خیبرپختونخواہ کے سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ اقبال بہشتی نے بہائیت اور دیگر انحرافی مذاہب اور تحریکوں کے حوالے سے بین الاقوامی خبر رساں ادارے  کے ساتھ خصوصی گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہاکہ عالمی استکباری طاقتیں اسلام سے خوفزدہ ہیں جس کی بڑی وجہ یہ ہے کہ یہ استعماری طاقتیں انسانیت کا استحصال کرتی ہیں، اور ان کی راہ میں سب سے بڑی رکاوٹ اسلام ہے۔ لہذا ان طاقتوں نے اسلام کے خلاف سازش کی اور اٹھارویں صدی میں اسلام مخالف تحریکوں اور نئے انحرافی جعلی مذاہب کی بنیاد رکھی گئی۔ چونکہ عالم اسلام دو حصوں شیعہ اور سنی میں تقسیم تھا، اس لئے بوڑھے استعمار نے بڑی چالاکی کے ساتھ چار جعلی مذاہب کی بنیاد رکھنے کی پلاننگ کی، دو کے لئے عرب اور دو کے لئے عجم کو چنا گیا اور پھر ان علاقوں سے اہم شخصیات کا انتخاب کیا گیا۔
ان چار انحرافی مذاہب میں سے وہابیت اسلام کے نام پر بڑی تیزی سے پروان چڑھا، قادیانیت نے بھی پذیرانی حاصل کی، تاہم شیعہ دنیا میں بننے والی انحرافی مذاہب تیزی سے پروان چڑھنے میں ناکام رہے، جس کی بڑی وجہ شیعیت میں اجتہاد کی ہے۔
اسی طرح ان کے عقائدی ٹارگٹ بھی مختلف تھے،وہابیت رسول خدا صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ وسلم کے روحانی پہلو کو کم کرنے اور قادیانیت ختم نبوت کو ٹارگٹ کرنے کے لئے میدان عمل میں اترے، شیخیت نے غلو کو پروان چڑھایا اور بہایئت کے ذریعے عقیدتی کے ساتھ ساتھ اخلاقی انحراف پیدا کیا گیا جیسا کہ محارم کے ساتھ شادی وغیرہ۔
پاکستان میں قادیانیت کے خلاف شعور موجود ہے لیکن بہائیت کے خطرات سے پاکستانی عوام آگاہ نہیں ہیں۔ ایران میں ناکامی کے بعد بہائیت نے برصغیر اور یورپ کا رخ کیا ہے، بہائیت کا نظریاتی مرکز غاصب صہیونی ریاست  کے شہر حیفہ میں ہے، بہائیت باقی تینوں سے زیادہ خطرناک ہے، ان کا مرکز اسرائیل ہے، شمالی علاقہ جات سے لیکر کراچی تک بہائیت کے چھوٹے بڑے مراکز موجود ہیں، عوام، خواص، اداروں اور وزارت داخلہ اور مذہبی امور کو اس حوالے سے حساسیت دکھانے کی اشد ضرورت ہے۔

8 Nov 2017: At least 30 shops belonging to #Bahai-s sealed in #SistanBaluchestan Province

Nov 2017:
Fereydoun Ahrassani, 82 year old old man #Bahai, got his shop closed due to his religious beliefs. His residential home was also confiscated to become part of the mosque. He is selling dolls in the cold season in front of his closed shop.

20 Nov 2017:
– Seven Baha’i citizens were sentenced at Branch Three of the Revolutionary Court of Zahedan (Sistan and Baluchestan Province), to a combined total of 18 years imprisonment on charges of membership in the Baha’i Community.
An informed source told HRANA, “All seven of these individuals are residents of Sistan and Baluchestan province. They were interrogated by the Ministry of Intelligence agents in April 2017 in Zahedan, and a case against them was developed with charges of acting against national security through ‘membership in Baha’i Community’ which was simply referred to as ‘membership in the deviated sect’ in the text of the verdict.”
Their identities have been reported as Houshang Mokhtari (of Saravan); Bijan Eslami and Mehdi Abadi (of Khash); Ali Mohammad Anvari and Ali Abadi (of Iranshahr); Bahador Kamjoo, Roshan Baroghi, and Fahimeh Eshagh Noorabadi (of Chabahar).
The trial of these individuals was held some time ago, and their sentences were issued on the basis of the summons handed down on Thursday, November 16th, by Branch Three of the Revolutionary Court of Zahedan, chaired by Judge Mohammad Reza Sardi. According to the sentence notification, each received a sentenced of 3 years.

2 Dec 2017:
On December 2, authorities arrested three young Baha’i women in Kermanshah. According to a source close to the Baha’i community in the city, the guards who arrested Soheila Shadabi, Naghmeh Shadabi and Farzane Amini told the families they didn’t know what the reason for the arrests was, but that they were “just doing their job.” The last round of arrests had been conducted by the feared paramilitary Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

16 Dec 2017:
Negin Ghadamian arrested to serve a 5-year sentence that was originally handed down in 2013 on charges of “acting against national security through membership to the Baha’i deviant sect” and working with the “illegal” BIHE. 

29 Dec 2017:
At least sixteen businesses run by Baha’i citizens are sealed off in recent weeks in Tabriz, the largest city in northwestern Iran, reports say.
In an interview with Radio Farda, the Baha’i International Community, BIC spokesperson, Simin Fahandej confirmed the reports on Thursday, December 28.
The reason for forced closure of Baha’i owned businesses has not yet been officially disclosed.
Earlier, President Hassan Rouhani’s special aide for citizens’ rights, Shahindokht Molaverdi had announced that she had correspondence with relevant officials over the closure of Baha’is businesses.
Thousands of the followers of the Baha’i Faith have been imprisoned, tortured, or executed since the rise of the Islamic Republic, almost forty years ago.
Many followers of this Faith have been deprived of their basic civil, social and economic rights. Baha’i youth are systematically denied admission to institutes of higher education, and Baha’is suffer economic pressure through bans from government jobs and forced business closures.
According to some sources, the number of Baha’is who have been deprived of entering universities in the current year is more than 100. They were all denied entry solely for believing in their faith, Baha’ism.
Iran officials have not yet reacted to the news.
All of the Baha’i applicants who checked their test results online received a short message saying, “Dear applicant, there’s a flaw in your file. Please contact the Response Unit of the Appraisal Agency.”
According to Article 1 of Iran’s Supreme Cultural Revolution Council’s Student Qualification Regulations, approved by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in 1991, students who take the national enrollment exam must either be Muslim or followers of other constitutionally sanctioned religions.
Article 3 states that if a student is discovered to be a Baha’i after enrolling in a university, he or she will be expelled, Center for Human Rights in Iran, CHRI had earlier reported.
However, supporting citizens’ rights regardless of their faith, race and ethnicity has been one of Hassan Rouhani’s promises since he started running for presidency in 2013.
Furthermore, president Rouhani signed an official proclamation last year labelled as “Citizens’ Rights Charter” to promote respect for all citizens and social groups.
Nevertheless, the charter has yet to be implemented
Reportedly since the 200th anniversary of the Baha’I prophet last month, there has been a marked increase in pressure on adherents of the faith. This includes summons and arrests, as well as forced closure of Baha’i owned businesses in various cities of Iran.

2 Jan 2018: Abhorrent. After 3 yrs of unfair trial, #Huthis start 2018 by sentencing #Bahai Hamid Haydara to death. This shameful sentence must immediately be quashed, he must be released unconditionally, as he is a prisoner of conscience targeted for his conscientiously held beliefs #Yemen

2 Jan 2018: Houthi militia in Yemen have sentenced detainee Hammed bin Haidara to death on the backdrop of his Baha'i beliefs and decided to shut down all Baha'i quarters in the country

8 Feb 2018: Anti-Bahaism Courageous #Iranian movie director draws attention at Fajr Film Festival in #Tehran to lack of freedom to make #film about  #Zoroastrian and #Bahai soldiers who died during Iran-Iraq war in 80s. #FreedomOfSpeech

10 Feb 2018:
A court verdict from the government’s Department of Justice regarding the murder of a Bahá’í man states that, “as the victim was a Bahá’í at the time of accident… and the fact that the provision of blood money [diyeh] is only legally applicable to Muslims”, the accused is acquitted of charges. An official letter from the General Office of the Department of Education in Tehran to a junior high school student states that she “was a very well-behaved student”, but that she was being expelled “in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic as she is a follower of the Bahá’í sect”. A letter from the General Affairs Educational Office of the University of Isfahan to a student states that, as she is “a follower of the Bahá’í sect”, she is “not permitted to pursue [her] studies”. A letter from the Court of Administrative Justice to a person with disabilities informs him that he has been “dismissed from his job due to his membership in the Bahá’í sect”, that his pension benefits have been stopped, and that his further complaints to the court are “deemed invalid and rejected”. A letter from the Ministry of Education to one of its employees states that she is “dismissed from service in the [Ministry] of Education” and is “ordered to return all salaries received” as she is “affiliated with the illegal Bahá’í sect”.

14 Feb 2018:
Iranian hardliners bash Deputy Foreign Minister who condoled #AsmaJahangir's death.

عاصمہ جہانگیر  به درک واصل شد
#AsmaJahangir gone to hell
 معاون وزیر امور خارجہ  ایران ابراز اندوہ کر د 
Deputy Foreign Minister (Gholamhossain Dahghan) expressed his grief! 
 دہقانی: واقعا نا راحت شدم 
Dahghani: This incident made me uncomfortable.
 ابراز اندوہ !!! غلامحسین دہقانی معاون وزیر امور خارجہ جمہوری اسلامی ایران از مرگ گزاریشگر بہ گزارشھای ننگین از نقض حقوق بشر در ایران در  پروندہ ہای اسلامی قصاص حما یتش از بھائیان و برازندان نظام مشہور است طنز بیشرمانہ ایست Griefed !!! Gholam Hossein Daghani, the deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has expressed grief over the death of a reporter for reports of the human rights violations in Iran. and her support for Bahais and satire of Guardians of the Islamic Republic is a shameful comedy.
از حامیان اقدامات خشونت آمیز و کشتر مسلمانان در ہند بہ رهبری بھرتیا بود .  زن سکولار  پاکستان ، یکی از سر سخت ترین حملہ کنندگان بہ قوانین محلی قرآن و شریعت در کشور ھای خاور میانہ بود  

 This secular lady was a follower of deviant Qadiani sect, friend of Muslim-killer BJP, & strong critic of Shariah laws in Mid-Eastern nations"

22 Feb 2018:
BUSHEHR- Fresh crackdown starts against Bahai religious community with arrest of seven, including five women, on charges of holding discussion groups at their homes and possessing literature linked to their faith. 

1 Mar 2018:
Shahab Shoghifar a disabled #Iran - Iraq war veteran, a #Bahai is barred from conducting business in Aligoodarz. Why? Hasn't he paid dearly for defending the country? #economicapartheid

7 Mar 2018:
لاھور:ملی یکجہتی کونسل کی مجلس عاملہ کا اجلاس منصورہ میں منعقد ھوا جس میں شیعہ علما کونسل پاکستان کی طرف سے مرکزی سکریٹری جنرل علامہ عارف حسین واحدی اور علامہ سبطین سبزواری نے شرکت کی۔باقی بھی تمام جماعتوں کی بھرپور نمائندگی موجود تھی۔علامہ عارف واحدی نے علمی تحقیقی کمیشن کی رپورٹ پیش کی اور اپنے خطاب میں کہا کہ ختم نبوت کے خلاف ھر وقت سازشیں ھوتی رھتی ھیں مختلف فتنے سامراجی طاقتوں کی طرف سے اٹھائے گئے الحمد للہ ھم نے اپنی اتحاد و وحدت کے ساتھ عوام کو بیدار رکھا اور ھر سازش ناکام ھوئی،پھر بھی ھوشیار رھنے کی ضرورت ھے وطن عزیز میں قادیانیت کا فتنہ بھرپور قوت سے سامنے آیا اس سازش کا مقابلہ ھم نے ملکر کیا ۔آجکل ایک اور سامراجی فتنے اور شرارت کو ملک میں پھیلانے اور ترویج کی سازش ھو رھی ھے جو فتنہ بہائیت ھے اس کے مراکز بھی اسرائیل اور مغرب میں ھیں اور اسلام و مسلمین کے خلاف بہت بڑی سازش ھے ،میں اس لئے ذکر کر رھا ھوں تاکہ آپ آگاہ رھیں کہ بہائی فتنہ بھی قادیانی کی طرح امت اور ختم نبوت کے خلاف سازش ھے 


23 Mar 2018: In Friday sermon, Iran-backed #Houthi leader Abdul Malik declares #Bahais “a devilish plant sowed by Israel” and compares them to #Ahmadis and #Christians who are all aggressively trying to destroy Islam in Yemen.

23 Mar 2018:
The campaign coincided with the threats made by the leader of Ansaruallah, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, against the Baha’is, Ahmadis, Christians and a number of Islamic sects during his Friday speech on the occasion of Rajab Friday. Al-Houthi used an explicit sectarian hostile language against several religions, sects, and ideologies in Yemen and intensively against the Bahá’ís. He appealed to his followers, especially intellectuals, people in media, clergy and activists to launch a cultural, social, and intellectual war against these minorities.

23 Mar 2018:
The leader of the Houthi rebels, Abdulmalik Al Houthi, urged his loyalists to attack Yemen’s Baha'i population calling the minority group “a devilish plant sowed by Israel”.
The rebels have launched an social media campaign spurring their members to attack the group. Since the statement, there have been reports of Houthis storming residences in Sanaa believed to belong to members of the marginalised sect.

11 May 2018:
“There were three different booths at this year’s [Tehran International Book Fair] offering a series of books against the Baha’i faith." The books were published with state funding and are intended to sow suspicion and hatred of Bahai's in #Iran.
“There has also been a great increase in the number of book fairs offering volumes on this topic,” he said. “Their [the government’s] goal is one thing and that is to give people the impression that Baha’is are morally corrupt Zionist agents who spy for Israel and that their faith was created by colonialist powers like Britain and America.” 
A survey conducted by the Baha’i International Community found that more than 300 print articles,10,000 web pages and 58 seminars were created and disseminated by agencies tied to the Islamic Republic to spread misinformation about Baha’is between 2013 and 2017.

25 May 2018:
The Baha’i International Community (BIC) says Baha'is in Iran are facing a new wave of arrests and raids on their homes across different cities in the country.
The community said in a May 25 statement that the "systematic nature" of the arrests in a number of provinces including Isfahan, Alborz and Razavi Khorasan, suggests "a coordinated strategy on the part of government authorities."
"In many cases, detentions have been accompanied by raids on personal homes and the seizure of religious books and writings," the statement said.

29 May 2018:
According to multiple sources, non-Shia Muslims and those affiliated with a religion other than Islam, especially members of the Bahai community, continued to face societal discrimination and harassment, and employers experienced social pressures not to hire Bahais or to dismiss them from their private sector jobs. Bahais reported there were continued incidents of destruction or vandalism of their cemeteries.

4 Jun 2018:
Payam Vali’s eyeglass lens manufacturing business in the Iranian city of Karaj was shuttered by the authorities in 2008 because of his religious beliefs. Ten years later, he’s still fighting to get it back.
“Ten years ago, six lens crafting shops in the Nazarabad district were shut down,” he said. “Five of them belonged to Baha’is. The only one who continued to operate was a Muslim.”
“After they sealed my shop, I wasn’t working for nine months and I went to various government offices every day from eight in the morning to two in the afternoon to follow up on my case,” he added.
“Then my financial situation got very bad and I had to start another business selling cosmetic and health products. But they stopped me from doing that, too,” Vali said.
He continued: “I was supplying products to skin specialists in Karaj. After six months, one of the best dermatologists was summoned by the provincial health office and he got lectured for two hours by several Intelligence Ministry agents who ordered him to stop ordering my products. They told him Baha’is are politically corrupt, which is a lie.”
“So they used this tactic to gradually ruin my second business, too,” said Vali. “Little by little, it became harder to work as word spread to other skin specialists who naturally became scared of doing business with us. Eventually, we couldn’t continue the business and I have been practically without work for two years.” 
In November 2016, dozens of Baha’i-owned shops across Iran were shuttered while their owners briefly closed them down to honor the birthdays of two of the faith’s holiest figures. 
Vali told CHRI that when he complained to the Administrative Justice Court about the closure of his business, he was told he must make a pledge to the Intelligence Ministry not to convert Muslims to the Baha’i religion. 
“I told the judge that we are constantly being accused of things like spying… and as a citizen I have the right to defend my reputation and to tell the people that these accusations are without foundation and violate my rights as a citizen,” Vali said. 
“We are the same as followers of any other religion,” he added. “But when we defend ourselves based on our constitutional rights, they try to hide their shame by accusing us of ‘propaganda against the state.’”
Despite decades of international condemnation of their discriminatory behavior, Iranian leaders—particularly the country’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei—have justified the continued persecution of Baha’is by describing them as “unclean” and even forbidding Muslims from shaking hands with members of the faith.
Vali also told CHRI that anti-Baha’i propaganda led to the death of his brother.
“The slanderous attacks against Baha’is during all these years resulted in the death of my 12-year-old brother on June 9, 1990,” he said.
“Three months before it happened, a cleric came to our village mosque near Nazarabad and started spreading hatred against Baha’is and said anyone who spills the blood of a Baha’i, his sins will be forgiven and will go to heaven,” explained Vali. “I was 10-years old at the time and I heard these things from my Muslim classmates.”
“I didn’t understand that the people were being psychologically brain-washed to attack Baha’is,” he added. “Then, three months later, my brother went missing and his body was found in a well. The climate was very much against Baha’is at the time and my father decided not to take the case to court.”

26 Jul 2018:
Fataneh Nabilzadeh, a Baha’i resident of the city of Mashhad, has been transferred to the city’s Central Prison in Vakilabad to start serving a one-year sentence.
Intelligence Ministry agents arrested Nabilzadeh about five years ago at her home. Her crime was that she had administered tests to her son and another Baha’i student on behalf of the Baha’i Institute for Higher Education (BIHE).
Baha’is in Iran are barred from attending institutes of higher education. In response, Iranian Baha’is established BIHE, an underground university that conducts many of its classes remotely and online.

Fanatical Shias consider Baha’is to be “unclean.” As a Baha’i resident who lives in Mashhad told IranWire, for years, “Baha’i women inmates at Vakilabad Prison [have been] kept separate from other prisoners because of ‘cleanliness’ issues. They even have different hours for walking in the prison yard to minimize the chances of encounters between Baha’is and other inmates.”
6 Aug 2018:
Sarir Movaghan, a 23-year-old Baha’i student, has been expelled from Isfahan’s Azad University just one semester before she was due to complete her Bachelor’s degree in architecture. She had been at the university since 2014. After the expulsion, security agents raided and searched Movaghan’s home in Isfahan and interrogated her for hours.
A month has passed since her expulsion and her letter to the security office, but Sarir has still not received any answers. During her last visit to the office, she asked for a copy of the expulsion order, but she was told that she would not be getting anything on paper. When she told the official in charge that, like all Iranian citizens, she wanted to study in her own country, she was told: “You belong to a deviant sect and you are not allowed to study in this country. Go abroad and study!”

15 Sep 2018:
On Saturday, #Huthis started trying 24 Baha'is in the Specialized Criminal Court in #Sanaa - including 8 women & a child - on charges of spying for Israel, #UK and #US and proselytizing, with some charges carrying the #death penalty under #Yemen-i law (1) 

27 Sep 2018: Mehdi Hajati a member of Shiraz city council was detained for trying to get two Baha’i citizens released from prison. They accused him of defending Baha’i faith by simply trying to get these two prisoners released. #Ira


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