Monday, January 07, 2008

Pakistan - After the Assassination

Pervez Hoodbhoy's interview to an Italian newspaper in the wake of Benazir's assassination. It is indeed disheartening to see that while Pakistani "man on the street" is up in arms against military authoritarianism, he feels shy of condemning theocratic authoritarianism with the same vigor. One can only hope that demise of Musharraf in any near-future does not lead to Iranian-style "revolution" in Pakistan.

Almost everyone holds the government responsible for the assassination. Tragically, suicide bombings are not condemned with any particular vigor. There is no strong reaction against the mullahs, madrassas, and jihadis. Perhaps people are afraid to criticize them because this might be seen as a criticism of Islam. Interestingly, in all the street demonstrations I have gone to after the Bhutto assassinations, there was no call for cracking down on extremists. Yesterday I met the lone taxidriver who thought the Islamists did it. I tipped him well.

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