Friday, January 15, 2016

One-way journey
Thread: Apostasy in different schools of Islam
The Cost of Faith: Persecution of Christian Protestants and Converts in Iran.
#Shia jurist Sheikh Tusi: Apostate who was born as a Muslim is separated from wife and killed without the chance to repent. If one converted to Islam and then leaves Islam, he is given the right to repent and killed if he does not return to Islam.
"Amina is happy to "now belong to a very special and beautiful community, the Muslim community." In the same breath, she laments this beautiful community's "lack of unity," "polarisation," "in-fighting" and "holier-than-thou attitudes." And she has not yet experienced life in a Muslim country! Why, she only has to ask her new sisters-in-Islam about their lives in their former Muslim homelands to find out the reality as opposed to the promise. Or wonder why tens of thousands of her brothers-in-Islam would much rather drive taxis or sell newspapers in New York and London than work as engineers or doctors in their own countries. No, it's not just about money, as some would argue, but about security, liberty, personal dignity, equality before the law and long-term future, for themselves and their children. Or ask why all member-states of the Islamic fraternity called Organization of Islamic Conference are in such a mess.
Amina needs only to reflect for a few moments at the phenomenon of Muslims in their hundreds of thousands voting with their feet by fleeing their Islamic homelands for the "decadent West" to realise that actions speak louder than words and that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. All myths and false promises dissipate before the reality. Indeed, even Amina is so perturbed by the ill-health of the umma that she prescribes a medicine: a second Islamic renaissance.
I doubt whether there was a first Islamic renaissance, or whether any renaissance can occur within the constricting boundaries of any faith. It is good to remember that central to any renaissance are rationalism and free thought, which hold nothing sacrosanct or beyond the pale of enquiry and criticism. And when Muslims begin to subject dogma to rational critique, and allow and welcome dissent, they wouldn't need a renaissance. I do hope, for Amina's sake, that she does not change her mind about her conversion, for if she did, she would have nowhere to hide. I wonder, too, whether those who formally inducted her into the fold of Islam even hinted to her the dire consequences of attempting to part ways with the venerable umma."
1845: Sunni and Shia Ulema in Iraq joins hands to try a Babi emissary Bastami on charges of blasphemy and apostasy. Shias ulema fell short of calling for Bastami's execution.
Political and legal status of apostates in Muslim countries
Persecution of ex-Muslims
Is repetence of an apostate acceptable?
Grand Ayatollah Sadiq Rouhani: Reptence is between him and Allah but the worldy punishment is still valid.

شفقناافغانستان-حضرت آیت‌الله العظمی سیّد صادق روحانی به پرسشی درباره توبه فرد مرتد پاسخ گفته است.
به گزارش شفقنا متن پرسش مطرح شده وپاسخ این مرجع تقلید شیعیان بدین شرح است:
استفتاء:آیا توبه فرد مرتد قبول است یا خیر؟ آیا حد از او ساقط مى شود؟
جواب باسمه جلت اسمائه؛ بین او و بین الله قبول است و در آخرت رستگار است; ولى حد ساقط نمى شود.
The reason behind this ruling is that the announcement of apostasy was not a result of matters within the bounds of personal freedom or logical conclusions. Rather, apostasy was often utilized as a sinister method to eliminate Islam and the beliefs of Muslims. Its use was as a result of political motives, not ideological or intellectual aspirations. This malicious practice on behalf of politicians, who were the enemies of Islam, could not be overlooked. As a result, Islam placed heavy penalties upon apostasy. Islam is in favor of using logical debates and discussions in order to reach definite conclusions in religious matters. If it were not for this obvious act of exploitation, this ruling would not have been enacted. In fact, freedom of thought and speech is in accordance with the essence of Islamic teachings, making it impermissible to punish anyone in pursuit of clarifying doubts and uncertainties which they may have. In regards to the jurisprudential aspect of this matter, it should be noted that laws enacted on behalf of an Islamic government are a division of jurisprudence itself, and thus not separate from the religion.
(Shia view)
ارتداد، ابراز و اظهار خروج از دین است، و غالباً به تبلیغ دیگران به خروج از دین می‌انجامد. مجازات مرتد شامل کسى که از دین خارج شده است، ولى آن‌را به دیگران ابراز و اظهار نکرده است نمی‌شود. بنابراین، مجازات مرتد به دلیل جرم و گناه اجتماعى اوست نه عقیده شخصى وى.
مرتد، حق عمومى مردم را در حفظ روحیه دینى جامعه می‌شکند، و تدین مردمى را که کارشناس در دین نیستند تهدید می‌کند. در صدر اسلام نیز عده‌اى از دشمنان اسلام نقشه کشیدند که به ظاهر اسلام بیاورند و سپس مرتد شوند تا با این کار، ایمان مسلمانان را تضعیف کنند.
اسلام براى جلوگیرى از این تهدید، مجازات سنگینى را براى ارتداد قرار داده است، گرچه راه اثبات آن‌را نیز سخت کرده است، به گونه‌اى که تنها عده محدودى در صدر اسلام به این مجازات محکوم شدند. از این‌رو؛ اثر روانى این مجازات بیش از خود آن، توانسته است فضاى سالمى براى عموم مردم فراهم سازد.
[Shia source] An apostate is liable to punishment because of his social crime and sin not because of his personal belief. Hence, if a person becomes an apostate but he does not declare his apostasy to others, he will not be entitled to punishment. In other words, if such a person has put all his efforts into knowing the truth, he will be justified in his apostasy, so God, the Almighty, will not punish him as he is not really a criminal within the realm of the individual rules pertaining to him. However, if he has been guilty of knowing the truth, he is considered to be also a criminal within the realm of individual rules. In fact, apostasy is not an individual crime since the apostate not only violates the right of general public to maintaining their religious spirit but he also undermines the faithfulness of those who are not experts in the religion.
In the early period of Islam also, a number of the enemies of Islam conspired against it by first accepting Islam and then turning away from it so as to weaken Muslims' faith.
In order to prevent this threat, Islam prescribed capital punishment for apostasy, though it made also difficult to prove it so much so that only a limited number of people in the early period of Islam were sentenced to this punishment. Therefore, the psychological impact of this punishment rather than the punishment itself has brought about a healthy atmosphere for the general public. Obviously, the punishment of an apostate persuades non-Muslims to accept Islam with more caution, exactitude and precision, thus it will prevent from a shallow and shaky faith.
Dina Nayeri:  Three years later, my mother, brother and I left Iran for real, this time after my mother had been dragged to jail for converting to Christianity, after the moral police had interrogated her three times and threatened her with execution.
(Extract from "Crime and Punishment in Islamic law" by Rudolph Peters, pp. 65)

According to most schools, apostasy is a hadd crime, to be punished with death. This is based on the following words of the Prophet Mohammed: ‘If someone changes his religion, then kill him.’54 In order to dispel any uncertainty (shubha), the apostate is granted a delay of three days for reflec- tion and repentance after his apostasy has been established in court. If he does not return to Islam, he is put to death. In Hanafite law, the delay for repentance is recommended and not obligatory. In Shiite law only an apostate who previously became a Muslim by conversion is entitled to this delay and to repentance, but not one who was born a Muslim. The latter cannot revoke his apostasy and must be put to death.
Unlike the other schools, the Hanafites and Shiites do not regard apostasy as a hadd offence. Further, they hold that only male apostates are to be executed, whereas female apostates must be imprisoned until they repent and be beaten at the hours of ritual prayer (according to the Shiites) or every third day (according to the Hanafites). Their justification for the death penalty is that apostates have become potential enemy combatants. Since during warfare women may not be killed, they exempt them from capital punishment.

If the apostasy consisted in insulting the Prophet (sabb al-nab ̄ı ), accord- ing to most schools the apostate is not given an opportunity for repentance, but is killed immediately after the sentence. The same is true for the zind ̄ıq, an apostate who to all appearances continues to be a Muslim. Since there is no way to ascertain what he really believes, his repentance cannot be accepted.
Sistani's view on apostasy

سوال: انسان کس عمر میں اپنے دین کا انتخاب کر سکتا ہے؟ اور کیا اسے دین انتخاب کرنے کا اختیار ہے یا نہیں؟
جواب: وہ مسلمان بچہ، جو سن تمییز میں ظاہرا مسلمان ہو اس کے لیے اسلامی آئین پر عمل کرنے کے سوا کوئی چارہ نہیں ہے، اس کے لیے اسلام کا انکار کرنا گمراہی کا سبب ہے اور اس پر مرتد کا حکم (سزائے موت) لگایا جائے گا۔
Murtad ki Iqsaam Fitri Milli aur Saza by Grand Aayat Ullah Muhammad Hussain Najfi Sy Sawal
Grand Ayatollah Bashir Hussain Najafi:
 Question: A Muslim girl who was converted to Christianity and married a Christian man, is this husband valid for her mother or her marriage is invalid and does not have any effect because it is rebelling?

Answer: In the name of the Almighty: The mother must stay away from this criminal girl who deserves to be arrested and beaten at prayer times until she dies or returns to Islam. The Muslim mother does not harass the infidel Christian by revealing the hijab before him.
السؤال:لدينا شخص مسلم من اب وام مسلمين وهو مسلم بالفطرة ولكن الان ارتد عن الاسلام اصبح مسيحي, فما الحكم على هذا الشخص ؟

الجواب:بسمه سبحانه فهو مرتد فطري فتجري عليه احكامه , والله العالم .
Question: We have a Muslim man from a Muslim father and mother who is a Muslim by nature but now he is rebelling from Islam. He became a Christian. What is the ruling on this person?

Answer: In the name of the Almighty, he is an fitri apostate, so that his judgments will be fulfilled,
Question : What is your ruling on apostates who convert from Islam to another religion? In your expert opinion, is there a punishment? If so, what is it?
Answer : There is no doubt that they deserve a very high punishment in the Hereafter. Almighty Allah said: “As for those who disbelieve, their patrons are false deities. They bring them out of light into darkness. Such are rightful owners of the Fire. They will abide therein.” (2:257)
The punishment in this life is not our duty.
Question : How do we explain the punishments imposed by the Sharia for various crimes, such as the death penalty for apostates, while the Quran says that there is no compulsion in religion?
Answer : Applying the Sharia-defined punishments is the duty of the Prophet and the Imams (peace be upon them). No doubt, applying them is a form of justice and not an oppressive act. The punishment is set in the Sharia after the evidence is established and becomes clear in such a way that the noncompliant is considered as an oppressor against himself and the society. As such, the Sharia-defined punishment is not considered against the human rights.
The verse alluded to refers to the fact that the religion is based on beliefs and beliefs are not imposed, and does not indicate that there is no punishment imposed by the Sharia for disbelief out of stubbornness and transgression. 
Question : What is the ruling on the punishment of apostasy and blasphemy?
Answer : Applying the Sharia-defined punishments is the duty of the infallible Imam (peace be upon him). 
Homicide is of the greater sins, but the holy phrase:
‘’Illa Bilhaqq’ (‘except for just cause’)
says that sometimes murder is necessary and right, including:
1. Retaliation of homicide
2. Incest
3. Adultery of a pagan with a Muslim woman
4. The adultery of the one who has spouse
5. One who claims prophethood
6. Vilifying and insulting the Prophet (S) and the immaculate Imams (as)
7. The adulterer who forces woman to do fornication
8. Muslim sorcerer
9. Corrupter and combatant who uses weapon for frightening people
10. Apostate
11. One who stands against and fights with just Imam of time
12. Polytheist
Extracts from Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveler), an authentic book of Shafi'i fiqah
O1.2 The following are not subject to retaliation:
-1- a child or insane person, under any circumstances (O: whether Muslim or non-Muslim. The ruling for a person intermitently insane is that he is considered as a sane person when in his right mind, and as if someone continously insane when in an interval of insanity. If someone against whom retaliation is obligatory subsequently becomes insane,
O8.4 There is no indemnity for killing an apostate (O: or any expiation, since it is killing someone who deserves to die).
the full penalty is nevertheless exacted. A homicide committed by someone who is drunk is (A: considered the same as that of a sane person,) like his pronouncing divorce (dis: n1.2));
-2- a Muslim for killing a non-Muslim;
-3- a Jewish or Christian subject of the Islamic state for killing an apostate from Islam (O: because a subject of the state is under its protection, while killing an apostate from Islam is without consequences);
-4- a father or mother (or their fathers of mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring; -5- nor is retaliation permissible to a descendant for (A: his ancestor's) killing someone whose death would otherwise entitle the descendant to retaliate, such as when his father kills his mother. 

(a) Apostasy

In all old and most new legal systems treason is awarded capital punishment. We have seen that Islam has rejected color, language, land, and similar other accidents and hazards of nature as the bases of “nationality,” and adopted instead the “identity of outlook on life” as the foundation to build a world-wide community. Even with its zeal for religious propagation, Islam admits no compulsion in religion,28 but intends to create a rigorous discipline among those who voluntarily enter its fold. Such seems to be the explanation of considering apostasy as a crime. At times one feels that Islam has needlessly provided for that, since apostasy among Muslims is practically non-existent. 
Maulana Syed Shehryar Raza Abedi explains Shia view on apostasy. 
Abdul Hakim Murad's view on Salman Rushdie, Apostasy and Khomeini's Fatwah
The four canonical schools of Sunni Islamic law, and also most pre-modern Shi’a jurists, recommend similarly drastic penalties, although the judge is enjoined to ‘look for ambiguities’ in order to avert the death penalty wherever possible.
The Ottoman Caliphate, the supreme representative of Sunni Islam, formally abolished this penalty in the aftermath of the so-called Tanzimat reforms launched in 1839. The Shaykh al-Islam, the supreme head of the religious courts and colleges, ratified this major shift in traditional legal doctrine. It was pointed out that there is no verse in the Qur’an that lays down a punishment for apostasy (although chapter 5 verse 54 and chapter 2 verse 217 predict a punishment in the next world). It was also pointed out that the ambiguities in the hadith (the sayings of the Prophet) suggest that apostasy is only an offense when combined with the crime of treason. These ambiguities led some medieval Muslims, long before the advent of modernisation, to reject the majority view. Prominent among them one may name al-Nakha’i (d.713), al-Thawri (d.772), al-Sarakhsi (d. 1090), al-Baji (d. 1081), and al-Sha’rani (d.1565). The debate triggered by the Ottoman reform was continued when al-Azhar University in Cairo, the supreme religious authority in the Arab world, delivered a formal fatwa (religious edict) in 1958, which confirmed the abolition of the classical law in this area.
Among radical Salafis and Wahhabis who do not accept the verdicts of the Ottoman or the Azhar scholars, it is generally believed that the majority medieval view should still be enforced.
Diplomatic pressure from Britain and France was instrumental in Ottoman ban on execution of apostates (21 March 1844)  
British ambassador Canning worked hard to abolish death penalty for religious conversions.
Sheikh Al-Azhar Mahmud Shaltut opposed death penalty for apostasy
Shaykh Subhani regrets that punishment that was prescribed for certain people under special circumstances was made to look like a general order. He says that it was the order for people who posed threat to Islamic state and became at war with Islam and not for any person who reverts to other religion.

A number of Islamic scholars from past centuries, Ibrahim al-Naka'I, Sufyan al-Thawri, Shams al-Din al-Sarakhsi, Abul Walid al-Baji and Ibn Taymiyyah, have all held that apostasy is a serious sin, but not one that requires the death penalty. In modern times, Mahmud Shaltut, Sheikh of al-Azhar, and Dr Mohammed Sayed Tantawi have concurred.
In conclusion, we must never confuse the issue of killing a murtad with the freedom of conscience guaranteed in the Glorious Qur'an. For a detailed discussion, one should read (1) the Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi's book on this issue: Jareemat ar-riddah wal murtadd (The Crime of Apostasy and Apostate) - published by Ar-Risalah foundation.
(2) Apostasy doesn't carry death penalty in Islam  (Book: Tabdili-e-Mazhab aur Islam) by Maulana Inayatullah Asad Subhani)-published by Idara Ihya-e-Deen, Bilariya Ganj, Azamgarh (UP, India) Pages: 108, Price Rs 30.
According to Ibn Taymiyya, it is obvious that punishment for apostasy depends on the degree of the apostate's harm to Islam as well as on the apostate's repentance, and that death is not the only method of punishment. In early Islamic history, Caliph Omar was asked if death is the only way to punish apostasy and in his response, he suggested another solution: “I expound upon them Islam, and if they refused then I put them into prison.” So imprisonment might be a alternative punishment in the case of simple apostasy. Among later jurists, Ibrahim An-Nakha' and Atthouri adopted Omar's view. 
From an Islamic standpoint Tantawi was considered a liberal reformer. He denounced female circumcision, once common in Egypt, and allowed abortion after rape. He banned the niqab (full face veil) in all Al Azhar's institutions and supported the French stance. He supported the legality of interest payments on monetary deposits, although Islam prohibits usury, and favoured judicial and administrative posts being open to women. He backed organ transplants. He argued that apostates from Islam should be left alone, rather than put to death, provided they did not belittle Islam or pose a threat to it. These were at a time when extremism fought him for the hearts of the Faithful. After the murder of 62 tourists and Egyptians by Islamist extremists in Luxor in 1997, he said "Fanaticism is the result of ignorance of Islam ... The role of Al Azhar is to bring back the lost ones to the truth ... We are against all fanaticism, all discrimination, all violence." 
Javed Ghamdi: no worldly punishment for apostasy. Only Allah can judge apostates.
The Islamic Shari'ah does not prescribe any punishment for the apostates. The orthodox view in this regard is based on an erroneous interpretation of a prophetic saying. 
Ayatollah Mohsen Araki saying: "If an individual doubts Islam, he does not become the subject of punishment - but if the doubt is openly expressed, that is not permissible." Extract from the page 230 of the book
"Heaven on Earth: A Journey Through Shari'a Law" By Sadakat Kadri.
(30 Jul 2014) – IHRDC’s latest 50-page report, Apostasy in the Islamic Republic of Iran, details the jurisprudential as well as the legal context in which apostasy cases are prosecuted in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The report takes an in-depth look at a number of apostasy cases involving a diverse range of defendants, and provides an account of the legal and religious issues raised in each case.
3.2.1. Davood 

The 22-year old Faisal Saeed Al-Mutar fled to the United States, partly due to his conflict with Islamists over his secular humanist identity, but also because his brother, cousin and best friend were killed in sectarian violence in his native Iraq.

Growing up in a moderate Shia family, the outspoken Al-Mutar received many death threats from Al Qaeda elements and the Shia Al-Mahdi Army, two influential and powerful religious militias operating in his country. And although it is not a crime to be an atheist in Iraq, religious militias often take matters into their own hands.
20 Oct 2010: "Muhammad al-Sammak, Sunni adviser to the chief mufti of Lebanon and secretary general of Lebanon’s Christian-Muslim Committee for Dialogue, and Ayatollah Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad Ahmadabadi, a Shia professor at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, spoke at the gathering at the invitation of the Pope."
Earlier Mr al-Sammak had said the death penalty for apostasy from Islam to Christianity dated from a time “when changing religions meant joining the enemy – it was punished as an act of treason”. While some still think converts should be punished, he said the “golden rule” of Islam is that “there is no compulsion in religion, that’s what the Koran says”.
Ayatollah Mohaghegh Damad said: “You are free to choose any religion in your heart, because religion is a very, very private matter for everybody, but conversion means something else. If you are no longer a member of your original faith group is an act of unacceptable “propaganda”.
"The punishment prescribed by the shari`ah for apostasy is death.
Even the terms used by the shari`ah for apostates give the idea of treason to this whole phenomenon. "Murtad" means apostate. Murtad can be of two types: fitri and milli.

(1) "Murtad Fitri" means a person who is born of a Muslim parent and then he rejects Islam. "Fitrah" means creation. The term "murtad fitri" implies that the person has apostate from the faith in which he was born.
(2) "Murtad Milli" means a person who converted to Islam and then later on he rejects Islam. Milli is from millat which means religion. The term "murtad milli" implies that the person has apostated from his religion and the Muslim community.
In the first case, the apostasy is like the treason against God; whereas in the second case, the apostasy is like the treason against the Muslim community. Probably, that is why the Sh`iah jurisprudence deals with these two kinds of murtads differently:

• A former kāfir who became a Muslim and then apostates (murtad milli), he is given a second chance: if he repents, then he is not to be killed; but if he does not repent, then he is to be killed.
• But one who is born as a Muslim and then apostates (murtad fitri), he is to be killed even if he repents. It is important to understand that in case a murtad fitri repents, Allāh may accept his repentance and he may be forgiven in the hereafter, but he still has to go through the punishment prescribed for his treason in this world.7
This punishment is only applicable in case of apostasy by men; in case of women, the punishment is not death but life imprisonment. And if such a woman repents, then her repentance is accepted and the punishment is lifted.
In writings of some of the Sh`iah jurists, one gets the sense that the punishment of murtad is to be implemented onlyā in dāru 'l-Islām (i.e., the Muslim world), and that if the murtad flees todāru 'l-kufr (i.e., the abode of kufr), then he is not to be pursued.8"
"The Sunni author of the authoritative al-Fiqh `ala 'l-Madhāhibi 'l-Arba`ah writes, "The four (Sunni) Imams agree that it is obligatory to kill a person whose apostasy against Islam is proven."19 The Sunni jurists, however, do not differentiate neither between the fitri and the milli apostate, nor between male and female apostate."

When the Prophet Muhammad (known as "mercy for the universe" in the Qur'ān) marched into the city of Mecca in the 8th year of hijra, he declared a general amnesty for all his enemies. However, the same Prophet named seven or eleven persons "who should be killed even if they are found holding on to the cover of the Ka`bah!"21 Those who like to understand or evaluate Islam from the secular/humanist point of view must realize that Islam should be judged on its own terms, and not by the secular ideals.
Out of those seven persons, one case is interesting and relevant to our discussion. It is an example of a murtad milli--a non-Muslim who became Muslim and then became kāfir again. His name was `Abdullāh bin Sa`d bin Abi Sarah, a foster-brother of `Uthmān bin `Affān. He had come to Medina and professed Islam, then he went back to Mecca and become a kāfir again.
In spite of the Prophet's order to kill `Abdullāh, `Uthmān sheltered him till after the conquest, and then brought him to the Prophet and asked for forgiveness. The Prophet remained quiet for a while hoping (as he himself said later on) that someone would stand up and implement his standing order by killing `Abdullāh. But when no one understood the meaning of his silence, the Prophet granted pardon to him.22
This is an example of murtad milli (a naturalized Muslim who reverts to kufr) who is to be given the chance for repenting; and if he repents, then he is not to be killed. This is exactly what the Sh`iah jurists also say.
The Qur'ān clearly says that, 
"There is no compulsion in the religion." (2:256)
What this verse actually means is that: "There is no compulsion in (accepting) the religion (of Islam)."
Once a person enters into the fold of Islam, the rules change. As soon as you become a Muslim by your own choice, you are expected to submit yourself to Allāh totally and completely. 
Shaykh al-Kulayni narrates a sahāh (correct) hadith from `Ammār as-Sābāti who said: I heard (Imam) Abu `Abdullāh (as-Sādiq) (a.s.) saying, "A Muslim from among the Muslims who renounces Islam and rejects the prophethood of Muhammad and considers him untrue, then verily his blood is lawful (mubāh) for anyone who hears that from him, his wife is to be separated from him the day he became murtad, his wealth will be divided among his heirs, and his wife will observe the`idda of a widow (i.e., four months). The Imam is obliged to kill him, and not ask him to seek forgiveness."11
When the Prophet Muhammad (known as "mercy for the universe" in the Qur'ān) marched into the city of Mecca in the 8th year of hijra, he declared a general amnesty for all his enemies. However, the same Prophet named seven or eleven persons "who should be killed even if they are found holding on to the cover of the Ka`bah!"21 Those who like to understand or evaluate Islam from the secular/humanist point of view must realize that Islam should be judged on its own terms, and not by the secular ideals.
Shia view of apostasy

Chapter 1
 - Summary of rules of the apostate

Chapter 2 - A child from a mixed marriage choosing shirk over Islam

Chapter 3 - Ruling of a convert who apostates

Chapter 4 - Ruling of the female apostate

Chapter 5 - Ruling of the heretic and of the hypocrite

Chapter 6 - Ruling of the ghulat and the qadariyya

Chapter 7 - Ruling of someone who reviles the Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله or falsely claims prophethood

Chapter 8 - Ruling of the runaway slave and of the apostate who steals

Chapter 9 - Ruling of someone who prays to an idol

Chapter 10 - Aggregate of what establishes kufr and apostasy
(Wasail Al-Shia By Al-Hurr Ameli - Volume 28, page 324)

وسائل الشيعة (آل البيت) - الحر العاملي - ج ٢٨ - الصفحة ٣٢٤
[ 34865 ] 3 ـ وبالإسناد عن ابن محبوب ، عن هشام بن سالم ، عن عمار الساباطي ، قال : سمعت أبا عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) يقول : كل مسلم بين مسلمين ارتد عن الإسلام وجحد محمدا ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) نبوته وكذبه فان دمه مباح لمن سمع ذلك منه ، وامرأته بائنة منه ( يوم ارتد ) فلا تقربه ، ويقسم ماله على ورثته ، وتعتد امرأته عدة المتوفى عنها زوجها ، وعلى الإمام أن يقتله ولا يستتيبه .
ورواه الصدوق بإسناده عن هشام بن سالم .
ورواه الشيخ بإسناده عن سهل بن زياد ، وأحمد بن محمد جميعا ، عن ابن محبوب .

3 – And by the isnad from Ibn Mahbub from Hisham b. Salim from `Ammar as-Sabati.  He said: I heard Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام saying: Every Muslim amongst the Muslims who apostates from Islam and denies the prophethood of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله and gives the lie to him, his blood is allowed for whoever hears that from him.  His wife is separated from him from the day he apostatized, so she is not to approach him.  His wealth is divided upon his heirs, and his wife observes the `idda of the one whose husband has died from her.  And it is upon the Imam to kill him and not seek his repentance.
And as-Saduq narrated it by his isnad from Hisham b. Salim.
And the Shaykh narrated it by his isnad from Sahl b. Ziyad and Ahmad b. Muhammad both from Ibn Mahbub.
(باب المرتد) 1 - محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد، وعلي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، وعدة من أصحابنا عن سهل بن زياد جميعا، عن ابن محبوب، عن هشام بن سالم، عن عمار الساباطي قال:
سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: كل مسلم بين مسلمين ارتد عن الاسلام وجحد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله نبوته وكذبه فإن دمه مباح لمن سمع ذلك منه وامرأته بائنة منه يوم ارتد، ويقسم ماله على ورثته تعتد امرأته عدة المتوفى عنها زوجها وعلى الامام أن يقتله إن أتوه به ولا يستتيبه (1).
Ruling of the female apostate

[ 34879 ] 1 ـ محمد بن الحسن بإسناده عن محمد بن علي بن محبوب ، عن يعقوب بن يزيد ، عن ابن أبي عمير ، عن حماد ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) في المرتدة عن الإسلام قال : لا تقتل وتستخدم خدمة شديدة وتمنع الطعام والشراب إلا ما يمسك نفسها ، وتلبس خشن الثياب ، وتضرب على الصلوات .
ورواه الصدوق بإسناده ، عن حماد ، عن الحلبي مثله ، إلا أنه قال : أخشن الثياب .

1 – Muhammad b. al-Hasan by his isnad from Muhammad b. `Ali b. Mahbub from Ya`qub b. Yazid from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Hammad from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام regarding the female apostate from Islam.  He said: She is not killed, rather she is forced to serve a harsh serving, prohibited (from) food and drink save what will keep her alive, she wears coarse clothing, and is stricken upon the prayer.
And as-Saduq narrated it by his isnad from Hammad from al-Halabi, except that he said: the coarsest of clothing.
6 – Chapter on the ruling of the ghulat and the qadariyya

[ 34891 ] 1 ـ محمّد بن يعقوب ، عن محمد بن يحيى ، عن أحمد بن محمد ، عن ابن أبي عمير ، عن هشام بن سالم ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : أتى قوم أمير المؤمنين ( عليه الصلاة والسلام ) فقالوا : السلام عليك يا ربنا ! فاستتابهم ، فلم يتوبوا ، فحفر لهم حفيرة وأوقد فيها نارا وحفر حفيرة إلى جانبها اخرى وأفضى بينهما فلما لم يتوبوا ألقاهم في الحفيرة وأوقد في الحفيرة الاخرى حتى ماتوا .
وعن علي بن إبراهيم ، عن أبيه ، عن ابن أبي عميرمثله .
ورواه الشيخ بإسناده عن علي بن إبراهيم .

1 – Muhammad b. Ya`qub from Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Hisham b. Salim from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام.  He said: A group came to Amir al-Mumineen عليه السلام, and they said: Peace be upon you, O our Lord! So he sought their repentance, but they did not repent.  So he dug a pit for them and lit a fire in it and dug a pit to its other side and conveyed between them (i.e. joined the two pits to one another).  So when they did not repent he threw them in the pit and lit (the fire) in the other pit until they died.
And from `Ali b. Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Abi `Umayr likewise.
And the Shaykh narrated it by his isnad from `Ali b. Ibrahim.

وعن ابن عباس – رضي الله عنهما – أنه قال : «لا تقتل المرتدة» ، ولأن كفر المرأة لا يساوي كفر الرجل في كونه داعياً مفضياً إلى الخراب فلا يساويه في استحقاق القتل لما عرف
"It is narrated from Ibn Abbas that he said, “The female apostate is not killed.” This is because the unbelief of the woman is not equal to the unbelief of the man — which leads to (physical) devastation. So, she is not equal in the liability to be killed, as is known." - Abu Laith Al-Samarqandi (d. 983 AD)
Punishment for Claiming Divinity of the Imaams (عليهم السلام)

Here is a SaHeeH hadeeth taken from Rijaal Al-Kashee, about the infamous `Abd Allaah bin Saba’.
حدثني محمد بن قولويه، قال حدثني سعد بن عبد الله، قال حدثنا يعقوب بن يزيد و محمد بن عيسى، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن هشام بن سالم، قال : سمعت أبا عبد الله (عليه السلام) يقول و هو يحدث أصحابه بحديث عبد الله بن سبإ و ما ادعى من الربوبية في أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب، فقال إنه لما ادعى ذلك فيه استتابه أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) فأبى أن يتوب فأحرقه بالنار.
From Hishaam bin Saalim said: I heard from Abaa `Abd  Allaah (عليه السلام)  and he said: “And he narrated from his companions the narration of `Abd  Allaah bin Sabaa’ and he called (to people) the lordship/divinity of Ameer Al-Mumineen `Alee bin Abee Taalib (عليه السلام). So he (عليه السلام) said: That Ameer Al-Mu’mineen ordered him to repent, but he refused. Then Ali let him burn in fire."
1.     Al-Kashee, Rijaal Al-Kashee, pg. 107, hadeeth # 171

عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي عُمَيْرٍ عَنْ هِشَامِ بْنِ سَالِمٍ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ أَتَى قَوْمٌ أَمِيرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ع فَقَالُوا السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكَ يَا رَبَّنَا فَاسْتَتَابَهُمْ فَلَمْ يَتُوبُوا فَحَفَرَ لَهُمْ حَفِيرَةً وَ أَوْقَدَ فِيهَا نَاراً وَ حَفَرَ حَفِيرَةً أُخْرَى إِلَى جَانِبِهَا وَ أَفْضَى مَا بَيْنَهُمَا فَلَمَّا لَمْ يَتُوبُوا أَلْقَاهُمْ فِي الْحَفِيرَةِ وَ أَوْقَدَ فِي الْحَفِيرَةِ الْأُخْرَى [نَاراً] حَتَّى مَاتُوا
A group came to Ameer Al-Mu’mineen (عليه السلام), and they said: “Assalaamu `Alayka (Peace be upon you), O our Lord (rabbanaa)! So he asked for their repentance, but they did not repent. So he dug a ditch for them and lit a fire in it and dug a ditch to its other side and conveyed between them. So when they did not repent he threw them in the ditch and lit in the other ditch until they died.
1.     Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol. 7, pg. 258-259, hadeeth # 18
1.       Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is Hasan (Good) à Mir’aat Al-`Uqool, vol. 23, pg. 401
Man la yahdhuruhul faqih:
وروي السكوني، عن جعفربن محمد، عن أبيه، عن آبائه عليهم السلام (أن المرتد عن الاسلام تعزل عنه إمرأته، ولا تؤكل ذبيحته، ويستتاب ثلاثا فإن رجع وإلا قتل يوم الرابع إذا كان صحيح العقل
قال مصنف هذا الكتاب رحمه الله: يعني بذلك المرتد الذي ليس بابن مسلمين[/b]
.............Imam Ja'far al Sadiq(as) narrated from his(as) father(as) from his forefathers(as) "One who apostates from Islam his woman would be separated from him, his zabiha(slaughtered meat) would not be eaten and he would be asked to come back to Islam for 3 days and if he doesn't then on the 4th day he would be killed provided he's sane."
The author of the book (Shaikh Sadooq, one of the greatest scholars ever of the shi'ites) says "This is referring to the apostate who's not an offspring of muslims.(i.e. that's why he's being offered to come back to Islam within 3 days, whereas a born muslim wouldn't get this chance and should be immediately killed)."
So as is clear from the above, Shaikh Sadooq (ra) definitely didn't try to twist these ahadith in an apologist manner. Here, see some more. Even the one who doesn't fast in ramadan deliberately for 3 consecutive days even though he's warned by the Imam should be put to death.
محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن عثمان بن عيسى، عن سماعة قال:
سألته عن رجل وجد في شهر رمضان وقد أفطر ثلاث مرات وقد رفع إلى الامام ثلاث مرات، قال: يقتل في الثالثة
..............Imam(as) was asked about the man who in the month of Ramadan doesn't fast 3 times and he's brought to the Imam 3 times (as in each time he's been brought to the Imam and warned but doesn't listen). Imam(as) said "He's to be killed on the 3rd."
And just for the record, the Imams(as) did implement the law of apostasy on ordinary people just for leaving Islam and not just for the ghulat.
Man la yahdhuruhul faqih:
وفي رواية موسى بن بكر، عن الفضيل عن أبي عبدالله عليه السلام (أن رجلا من المسلمين تنصر فاتي به علي عليه السلام فاستتابه فأبى عليه، فقبض على شعره وقال: طئوا عباد الله [عليه] فوطئ حتى مات
...............Imam Ja'far al Sadiq(as) said "A man among muslims became christian so he was brought to Ali(as) who asked him to repent, he refused, (so Ali) grabbed his hair and said "Trample him, slaves of Allah" so they trampled him to death.
In writings of some of the Sh`iah jurists, one gets the sense that the punishment of murtad is to be implemented onlyā in dāru 'l-Islām (i.e., the Muslim world), and that if the murtad flees todāru 'l-kufr (i.e., the abode of kufr), then he is not to be pursued.8
8. Shaykh al-Mufid, al-Muqni`ah (Qum: Jami`a Mudarrisin, 1410) pl 781; Ibn Hamzah at-Tusi, al-Wasilah ila Nayli 'l-Fadilah (Qum: Maktaba as-Sayyid al-Mar`ashi, 1408) p. 424-5; Muhaqqiq al-Hilli, Sharā'i` al-Islām, vol. 4 (Tehran: al-Istiqlāl, 1409) p. 961-2.
آیت ’’لَاۤ اِکْرَاہَ فِی الدِّیۡنِ‘‘ سے معلوم ہونے والے احکام:
(1)… صفاتِ اِلہِیَّہ کے بعد ’’لَاۤ اِکْرَاہَ فِی الدِّیۡنِ‘‘ فرمانے میں یہ اشارہ ہے کہ اب عقلمند آدمی کے لیے قبولِ حق میں تاخیر کرنے کی کوئی وجہ باقی نہیں رہی۔  کسی کافر کو جبراً مسلمان بنانا جائز نہیں مگر مسلمان کو جبراً مسلمان رکھنا ضروری ہے کیونکہ یہ دینِ اسلام کی توہین اور دوسروں کیلئے بغاوت کا راستہ ہے جسے بند کرنا ضروری ہے، لہٰذا کسی مسلمان کو مُرتَد ہونے کی اجازت نہیں دی جاسکتی یا تو وہ اسلام لائے یا اسے قتل کیا جائے گا۔ اللہ  تعالیٰ نے بنی اسرائیل کے مرتدین سے فرمایا تھا
’’فَاقْتُلُوۡۤا اَنۡفُسَکُمْ ‘‘          (بقرہ: ۵۴)                       ترجمۂکنزُالعِرفان
اپنے آپ کو قتل کے لئے پیش کر دو۔
"On July 20, 1992, Tahir Iqbal, a 33-year-old Christian paraplegic was murdered by unidentified assailants while being held in judicial lock-up awaiting trial for blasphemy... Tahir Iqbal, who was born a Muslim, converted to Christianity. His conversion caused resentment among his neighbors and members of his family, including his stepmother. According to a neighbor, Iqbal was visited by a number of young Muslim men some time after his conversion who questioned him about his decision. After they left his house, they went to the maulvi of the local mosque, Maulvi Pirzada Ali Ahmad Sabir Chishti, and asked him to rebut Tahir Iqbal's statements. On December 7, 1990, the maulvi filed an FIR against Iqbal, accusing him of desecrating a copy of the Qur'an and speaking against the Holy Prophet....Tahir Iqbal had no legal representation for several months until a group of lawyers, including Naeem Shakir and Asma Jahangir of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, took the case. The lawyers reported receiving threats from colleagues of Maulvi Pirzada, some of whom also appeared at many of Iqbal's court hearings and attempted to intimidate the judge.....The complainant, Maulvi Pirzada, and others, filed a request on April 23, 1992, for Tahir Iqbal to be sentenced to death for converting to Christianity."
"GEO (March 27, 2006) Kamran Khan asked Mufti Munib ur Rehman how would a truly Islamic state treat a Muslim who had abandoned Islam and embraced another religion. Munib ur Rehman replied that such a person would be given death sentence. He said Islam used no coercion in religious matters but it meant that there was no compulsion to embrace Islam, but there was no freedom to exit Islam. Such a man would be murtad and be given death unless he did tauba. A woman did not have to be killed she would be allowed to die in jail." 
A murtadd from Islam does not inherit in the opinion of the four Sunni schools, irrespective of his apostasy being 'an fitrah or 'an millah,7 except if he returns and repents before the distribution of the heritage. (al-Mughni, vol. 6)
The Imamiyyah observe: A murtadd ‘an fitrah, if a male, will be sentenced to death without being asked to repent, and his wife will observe the 'iddah of death from the time of his apostasy, and his estate will be distributed even if he is not executed. His repentance will also not be accepted concerning the dissolution of his marriage, or the distribution of his estate, or the wujub of his execution, though it will be accepted in fact and by God, as well as in regard to other issues such as the ritual cleanliness of his body and the validity of his acts of worship (‘ibadat). Similarly, he may own after his repentance new properties acquired through work, trade, or inheritance.
A murtadd 'an millah will be asked to repent. If he does so, he will have all the rights and obligations of Muslims. If he does not repent, he will be executed and his wife will observe the 'iddah of divorce from the time of his apostasy. Then if he repents while she is undergoing 'iddah, she will return to him and his property will not be distributed unless he dies or is killed.
A woman will not be sentenced to death irrespective of her apostasy being 'an fitrah or 'an millah. But she will be imprisoned and beaten at the times of salat till she repents or dies. Her heritage will be distributed only after her death. (al-Sayyid Aba al-Hasan's Wasilat al-najat and al-Shaykh Ahmad Kashif al-Ghita’sSafinat al-najat, bab al- 'irth)
Some senior Shi’a clerics such as Ayatollah Sadeq Rohani believe that denying the infallibility of the Shi’a Imams qualifies as apostasy.[20] Applying this view, a Shi’a Muslim who decides to become a Sunni could potentially be charged with apostasy. This view is not shared by all Shi’a jurists.[21]
Some jurists hold that even having doubts about Islamic principles could be grounds for apostasy.[22] For instance, Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, an influential Iranian cleric, has stated that having doubts over the concept of amr bi ma’ruf, or commanding others to good deeds, could lead one to become an apostate because doubting this principle is tantamount to denying the essence of Islam.[23]
Source: The following Shi`ite pronouncement on apostasy in Islam appeared in Kayhan International, March 1986.
However, apostasy is a matter of treason and ideological treachery, which originates from hostility and hypocrisy. The destiny of a person who has an inborn handicap is different from the destiny of one whose hand should be cut off, due to the development of a dangerous and infectious disease.
The apostasy of a Muslim individual whose parents have also been Muslim is a very infectious, dangerous, and incurable disease that appears in the body of an ummah (people) and threatens people’s lives, and that is why this rotten limb should be severed.
An apostate is an adversary who has penetrated the Islamic ummah as the faith column of the enemy of Islam and Muslims and who has taken advantage of his natural situation.
Apostasy is escape from the pattern of creation and nature and that is why the word “voluntary” has been adopted for such an apostate and that is the reason why the punishment of a voluntary apostate is heavier than that of an innate apostate. Can the penalty of escaping from the path and pattern of nature and creation be anything other than annihilation? This is the same thing that has been crystallized in the penal code of Islam.
The anti-apostasy punishments of Islam are proper laws to rescue mankind from falling into the cesspool of treason, betrayal, and disloyalty and to remind the human being of his ideological commitments. A committed man should not violate his promise and vow, especially his promise to God. All the punitive laws of Islam have a similar goal. For example, they ask, why is a thief’s hand cut for stealing five hundred or one thousand tomans? This is the denial of the value of the human being! But the fact is that a thief’s hand is not cut off for the sake of a hundred or a thousand tomans, but his hand is severed for having deprived the human society of security. In other words, a thief’s hand is cut for the revival of human values.
An objective and real proof of the fact that apostasy always has a treacherous and warlike nature and revolves around high political and social positions indeed, and not around the free adoption of a belief, as it is alleged, can be seen in the events of the early days of Islam.
After the demise of the Prophet of Islam (SAWA), most Arab tribes became apostate under the influence of their errant, arrogant, and idolatrous chiefs. These apostates were led by the false claimers of prophethood. Their first step after the Prophet’s death was to attack Medina and other centers of Islam. In the wars that the bellicose apostates waged against Muslims, fifty or sixty thousand people were killed and the number of casualties is unprecedented in Arab history.
Their most heinous ringleaders were “Ablaha ibn Ka`b” known as “Asswad Ghassi”; in Yemen “Mosailimah Kadhdhab” at Hadra Moat, and “Taliha Ibn Khowailad Assadi” in the Bani Assad tribe. These wars, and similar wars, which occurred later, show the tyrannical nature of apostasy and justify the necessity of a decisive combat against it.[15]
19 Dec 2005:
A Baha'i who was wrongly jailed in Iran for 10 years died in his prison cell of unknown causes on Thursday, 15 December 2005, the Baha'i International Community has learned.
Mr. Dhabihu'llah Mahrami, 59, was held in a government prison in Yazd under harsh physical conditions at the time of his death.
Arrested in 1995 in Yazd on charges of apostasy, Mr. Mahrami was initially sentenced to death. His sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment after an international outcry and widespread media attention.
"The worldwide Baha'i community mourns deeply the passing of Mr. Mahrami, who was unjustly held for a decade on trumped-up charges that manifestly violated his right to freedom of religion and belief," said Bani Dugal, the principal representative of the Baha'i International Community to the United Nations.
"While the cause of his death is not known, Mr. Mahrami had no known health concerns," said Ms. Dugal.
"We also know that Mr. Mahrami was forced to perform arduous physical labor and that he had received death threats on a number of occasions.
"In this light, there should be no doubt that the Iranian authorities bear manifest responsibility for the death of this innocent man, whose only crime was his belief in the Baha'i Faith," said Ms. Dugal.
"In our mourning, we nevertheless hope that Mr. Mahrami's unexplained passing will not go unnoticed by the world at large and, indeed, that his case might become a cause for further action towards the emancipation of the Baha'i community of Iran as a whole," said Ms. Dugal.
Born in 1946, Mr. Mahrami served in the civil service but at the time of his arrest was making a living installing venetian blinds, having been summarily fired from his job like thousands of other Baha'is in the years following the 1979 Iranian revolution.
Although Iranian officials have asserted that Mr. Mahrami was guilty of spying for Israel, court records clearly indicate that he was tried and sentenced solely on charge of being an "apostate," a crime which is punishable by death under traditional Islamic law.
Although Mr. Mahrami was a lifelong Baha'i, the apostasy charge apparently came about because a civil service colleague, in an effort to prevent Mr. Mahrami from losing his job, submitted to a newspaper an article stating that he had converted to Islam.
When it later became clear to Iranian authorities that Mr. Mahrami remained a member of the Baha'i community, they arrested him and charged him with apostasy for allegedly converting from Islam to the Baha'i Faith. On 2 January 1996, he was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court, a conviction that was later upheld by the Iranian Supreme Court.
All the schools of thought agree that a person’s apostasy must be proven by the testimony of two male witnesses. Furthermore, all agree that the apostate’s punishment is death. 
The Hanafis state that he will first be offered a re-invitation to Islam. If he has left Islam because of doubt then the Imam will try to remove his objections and queries. He will be imprisoned for three days, to give him time to reconsider his decision. Imam Shafi adds that it is forbidden to kill the apostate before this period of three days. During this time, he will given food and drink regularly; this will come from his own money. If he does not have enough money then the food will be paid for by the Bayt al-Mal (Islamic central fund). He is not punished or tortured during this three-day period. 
If the apostate still refuses to revert, then he is killed.


Abdur Rehman (2006),3566,188903,00.html
23 March 2006: Senior Muslim clerics demanded Thursday that an Afghan man on trial for converting from Islam to Christianity be executed, warning that if the government caves in to Western pressure and frees him, they will incite people to "pull him into pieces."
"Rejecting Islam is insulting God. We will not allow God to be humiliated. This man must die," said cleric Abdul Raoulf, who is considered a moderate and was jailed three times for opposing the Taliban before the hard-line regime was ousted in 2001.
...three Sunni preachers and a Shiite one interviewed by The Associated Press in four of Kabul's most popular mosques said they do not believe Rahman is insane.
"He is not crazy. He went in front of the media and confessed to being a Christian," said Hamidullah, chief cleric at Haji Yacob Mosque.  "The government is scared of the international community. But the people will kill him if he is freed."
Raoulf, who is a member of the country's main Islamic organization, the Afghan Ulama Council, agreed. "The government is playing games. The people will not be fooled."  "Cut off his head!" he exclaimed, sitting in a courtyard outside Herati Mosque. "We will call on the people to pull him into pieces so there's nothing left."  He said the only way for Rahman to survive would be for him to go into exile.
But Said Mirhossain Nasri, the top cleric at Hossainia Mosque, one of the largest Shiite places of worship in Kabul, said Rahman must not be allowed to leave the country.  "If he is allowed to live in the West, then others will claim to be Christian so they can too," he said. "We must set an example. ... He must be hanged."
The clerics said they were angry with the United States and other countries for pushing for Rahman's freedom.
"We are a small country and we welcome the help the outside world is giving us. But please don't interfere in this issue," Nasri said. "We are Muslims and these are our beliefs. This is much more important to us than all the aid the world has given us."
24 March 2006:
Syed Asif Mohsni, Shiite Cleric:
"Its an internal problem that a Muslim has converted or retreated from his religion. He (Abdul Rahman) used to be a very good man when he was a Muslim. He now retreats and turned his back from God's nature, from human nature and he became against all God's gifts. He has also turned against all humanity by doing this, so this guy must be executed."

Dr. Mohammad Ayaz, Cleric and Scholar:
"It is the law of the Islamic world, its the law of all constitutions in Islamic countries. It is clearly written in the constitution of Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia. Its clear that the man who converts, he must be killed. The apostate must be killed and there is no doubt about it."
Senior clerics in the Afghan capital have voiced strong support for the prosecution and have warned they would incite people to execute Rahman unless he reverted to Islam.  That message was reiterated at Friday prayers.
Shiite Cleric Syed Asif Mohsni told followers: "He (Abdul Rahman) now retreats and turned his back from God's nature, from human nature and he became against all God's gifts. He has also turned against all humanity by doing this, so this guy must be executed."
5 April 2006: An Afghan expert on Islamic law on Wednesday defended the death penalty for Muslims who convert to other religions, as debate continued over the case of a Christian convert who fled to Italy.
Sher Ali Zarifi, head of religious jurisprudence in the country's Science Academy of leading intellectuals, did not refer to Abdul Rahman by name but told a meeting of scholars that punishment for apostasy under Islam was death unless the convert recanted.
Rahman was last month secretly flown to Italy after being released from jail amid pressure from Western countries.
Citing Islamic teachings, Zarifi said male converts should also face other punishments, including the seizure of their wealth and nullification of their marriage. - Sapa-AFP

Apostasy Act 2006 Pakistan

In 2007, a bill to impose the death penalty for apostasy for males and life imprisonment for females was proposed in Parliament but failed to pass.
8 May 2007:
قومی اسمبلی نےاسلام سے منحرف ہونے والے کو سزائے موت دینے کا بل منظور کرلیا لیکن پیغمبر اسلام کی شان میں گستاخی کی سزا کے قانون میں دیگر مذاہب کے پیغمبروں کو شامل کرنے کے بل کو مسترد کردیا ہے۔
منگل ایوان میں نجی کارروائی کا دن ہوتا ہے اور اس موقع پر جب ایم پی بھنڈارا نے ضابطہ فوجداری میں توہین رسالت سے متعلق شقوں میں ترمیم کا بل پیش کیا تو پارلیمانی امور کے وزیر ڈاکٹر شیرافگن نیازی اور حزب مخالف کی مذہبی جماعتوں کے اراکین نے اس کی شدید مخالفت کی۔
ڈاکٹر شیرافگن نیازی نے ایم پی بھنڈارا پر کڑی نکتہ چینی کی اور الزام لگایا کہ وہ مسلمانوں کی دل آزاری کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
ایم پی بھنڈارا نے کہا کہ وہ عیسائیت اور بدھ مت سمیت دیگر مذاہب کے پیغمبروں کی شان میں گستاخی کرنے والوں کے لیے وہی سزا تجویز کرنا چاہتے ہیں جو مسلمانوں کے پیغمبر کی شان میں گستاخی کرنے والوں کے لیے پہلے سے موجود ہے۔
انہوں نے مسلمانوں کی دل آزاری کرنے کا الزام مسترد کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ وہ صرف اقلیتوں کے لیے مسلمانوں کے ساتھ برابری کا حق مانگ رہے ہیں۔
اس پر متحدہ مجلس عمل کے اراکین اسمبلی نے شدید احتجاج کیا اور کہا کہ وہ توہین رسالت کے قانون میں کسی طور بھی ترمیم نہیں ہونے دیں گے۔
9 May 2007: A draft bill adopted in first reading by Pakistan’s National Assembly is now before a standing committee. Tabled by a six-party politico-religious alliance, the Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal or MMA, the Apostasy Act 2006 which the government sent to the committee would impose the death penalty on Muslim men and life in prison on Muslim women in case they leave Islam. It would also force them to forfeit their property and lose legal custody of children.

4 Nov 2007:

: I'd like to give the floor to Dr. Gamal again. 76% of the young people here believe that a Muslim does not have the right to change his religion. How do you respond to that?
Gamal Al-Bana: That is very saddening. This result indicates a lack of knowledge regarding the essence of Islam, which is faith and liberty. If belief is not based on awareness and conviction, it is worthless. As the Koran says: "If it had been thy Lord's will, they would all have believed." In other words, every Muslim has the right to change his religion as much as he likes, and nobody is allowed to stand in his way, because this is a question of freedom of conscience, and it is forbidden to intervene in matters of people's conscience. Talk to him, persuade him, hold a dialogue with him, but do not force him. You presented three options: Dialogue, killing, or the legal system. What do the legal system or killing have to do with people's conscience?
Gamal Al-Bana: That is very sad. Most of you are young and do not believe in freedom.
29 Jan 2008: Richard Dawkins, Jonathan Dimbleby on the Big Debate BBC January 29, 2008. Deobandi cleric Dr. Mukadam said that punishment of apostasy was death in an Islamic state.
Oct 2008:
A month ago, the Iranian parliament voted in favour of a draft bill, entitled "Islamic Penal Code", which would codify the death penalty for any male Iranian who leaves his Islamic faith. Women would get life imprisonment. The majority in favour of the new law was overwhelming: 196 votes for, with just seven against.
Hossein Soodmand, was the last man to be executed in Iran for apostasy, the "crime" of abandoning one's religion. He had converted from Islam to Christianity in 1960, when he was 13 years old. Thirty years later, he was hanged by the Iranian authorities for that decision.

 In 1990, there was no parliamentary law mandating the death for apostates. What, then, was the legal basis for Hossein Soodmand's execution?
"After the revolution of 1979, Iran's rulers wanted to turn Iran into an Islamic state, and to abolish the secular laws of the Shah," explains Alexa Papadouris of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a human rights organisation that specialises in freedom of religion. "So the clerics instituted a mandate for judges presiding over criminal cases: if the existing penal code did not include legislation on whether a certain kind of behaviour is an offence, then the judges should refer to traditional Islamic jurisprudence." In other words: sharia law.
9 July 2010:
Hameed al-Daraji was shot dead on Wednesday, June 14, in the Sunni Arab city of Samarra, north of Baghdad. According to security officials, his son confessed in custody that he had killed his father over his conversion to Christianity.
Sarab Emad, a grocery store owner in Samarra, said he agreed with the killing of a murtad. However, he said, “he should have been killed by his tribe, not his son”.

“Even the Prophet Abraham did not kill his father, who was an infidel,” he said.
Iraqi religious and political leaders of both sects agreed that the killing of converts was sanctioned by Islam.
“It is every Muslim’s duty to kill the murtad,” said Sheikh Mohammed al-Ghreri, a Sunni cleric based in al-Ali al-Adhim mosque in southern Baghdad’s Zafraniyah neighbourhood.

A senior Shia cleric who did not wish to be identified by the press confirmed to IWPR that the Prophet Mohammed had said those who changed their faith ought to be killed. 
18 Jul 2010:
فارس نیوز ایجنسی کے مطابق شمالی عراق میں امریکی عیسائی مشنریز نے اپنی فعالیت تیز کر دی ہے۔ رپورٹ کے مطابق عیسائی مبلغین نے سلیمانیہ میں عیسائیت کو فروغ دینے کیلئے ایک سکول قائم کر لیا ہے۔ اسکے علاوہ وہ علاقے میں ریڈیو اسٹیشنز، خواتین کے مراکز، اسپتال اور کلیسا بھی بنا رہے ہیں۔ ان تمام کاموں کیلئے مالی وسائل امریکی وزارت دفاع اور وزارت خارجہ مہیا کر رہی ہے۔ 
عیسائی مبلغِین یہ تمام سرگرمیاں مقامی کرد رہنماوں کے تعاون سے انجام دے رہے ہیں۔ 


Syed Musa (2011)
11 Feb 2011: An ethnic Hazara, a minority group long oppressed in Afghanistan, Mr. Mussa grew up a Shiite Muslim in the central highlands around Bamian Province. He lost his leg to a land mine as a young man serving in the army of the Soviet-backed government. For the last 16 years before his arrest, he worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross, helping amputees get fitted with artificial limbs.
He became intrigued by Christianity, he said, when a jet bombed a neighbor’s home in Kabul where he lived during the civil war that followed the Soviet withdrawal. The home’s owner, an impoverished porter with eight children, was at the market when the bomb hit, killing seven of his family members. But not long after, two foreign women drove up and helped dig through the rubble amid gunfire from factional forces.
“When I saw these women and their compassion for my people, it affected me,” he said. “I asked people who they were and they said they are the followers of Jesus Christ.
In time he found another Afghan Christian in his neighborhood who gave him a copy of the New Testament, and later baptized him.
He now spends his days at Kabul Detention Center, living in a corridor among a handful of other prisoners. He signed an agreement late last year with a foreign lawyer but then never saw him again. Unbeknownst to Mr. Mussa, a judge barred the lawyer, a South African, from representing or seeing Mr. Mussa.
A second lawyer visited last month, Mr. Mussa said. But to him the lawyer seemed more like a prosecutor, asking him who converted him, who prayed with him and if he believed the Koran was the complete book of God.
“If you go back to Islam, I can help you,” Mr. Mussa recalled the lawyer, Mohammad Mostafa, saying.
Mr. Mostafa, who declined interview requests, works for the Legal Aid Organization of Afghanistan, which said he still represented Mr. Mussa. His boss, Mohammad Afzal Nooristani, said defense lawyers — a profession barely a few years old here — were loath to take apostasy cases, fearing reprisals from the authorities and the public.
Mr. Nooristani has even heard mullahs broadcast ominous warnings during Friday Prayer. “They said people who represent infidels are also infidels,” he said.
Mr. Mussa, meanwhile, longs to see his wife and children again. He wants either to be freed or to go to court, even if it means his execution. “Staying in here,” he said, “is like dying every minute.”
Arrested with Musa was Ahmed Shah Reza, whom Musa had met at Christian gatherings but soon discovered to be a spy working, he said, for Grand Ayatollah Mohseni, a hardline Shiite cleric who runs an Islamic school in Tehran. In jail Reza renounced Christianity and was released by order of the attorney general.
Musa was accused of apostasy, and the attorney general’s office announced he could be hanged pending a trial. But scheduled court appearances came and went, postponed as the government faced mounting embarrassment over the case. 
7 June 2010: NDS chief, Amrullah Saleh, described the agency‟s initial findings on proselytizers in Afghanistan and urged the MPs to exercise caution in judging the matter. He explained that while his department has no evidence against the two NGOs named by Noorin TV, Norwegian Church Aid and Church World Service, the agency does have the names of eleven other organizations it suspects of proselytizing. But the intelligence head asked MPs to exercise caution in making judgments based on a single TV package, the source of which, he said, was unknown. In line with the alleged tie to Iran reported above, Saleh acknowledged possible global political interests in the case. “I won‟t assert that there is definitely intelligence warfare happening, but our strongest guess is that there is.” He confirmed that one of the detained "converts" confessed during interrogation to “taking instructions from Qum.” Saleh also explained the ease of manipulating the public‟s emotions (against the West) by staging such events.
“I thank the director of national intelligence for clarifying the issue. Some neighboring countries try to portray Afghanistan as an occupied country where Christianity is proselytized freely,” said Mir Ahmad Joyenda (Kabul) [Ismaili Shia MP].
Other MPs called for an examination of the motivations for conversion. “I think one needs to look into the reasons why people convert. Poverty, asylum seeking, lack of religious knowledge, and widespread immorality are the reasons why people convert,” asserted Nasrullah Sadeqi Zadah Neeli (Daikundi) [Shia Hazara cleric from Hezb-e-Wahdat]. 
25 Feb 2011: Sayed Mussa, 46, ran the risk of a death sentence for apostasy. His release came after months of discreet diplomatic efforts between the Afghan government and western representatives in Kabul.
Attacks on Christian converts in Iran (2008-2009). Page 174-175 of the book "Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians" By Paul Marshall, Lela Gilbert, Nina Shea
30 Oct 2011:
Ameer Karwani Islami, Maulana Ghulam Rasool Hami, has expressed serious concern over the alleged role of Christian missionaries in converting young Kashmiri Muslim boys and girls to Christianity. Addressing a gathering here on Sunday, Hami said some Christian missionaries were trying to alter the Muslim majority character of Jammu and Kashmir at the behest of America and Israel. 
“We ask Muslims who have fallen for the trap of these missionaries and converted to Christianity to present themselves before Ulema before Eid-ul-Azha, and seek repentance from Allah,” he said. “Otherwise, Karwani Islami and Darul-Ifta will convene a joint session of Ulema and Muftis on November 11 and issue a fatwa(decree) of  social boycott against these  converts,” Hami said. 
Hami said the Ulema will not remain silent over the activities of Christian missionaries. “ They are luring young Muslims with money to convert and we will go to any extent to stop their activities,” he said. Hami said, being a Muslim majority state, liquor should have been banned in Jammu and Kashmir. 
“Instead, the government under a well planned conspiracy is promoting liquor among youth ,” he said. Hami said it was ironic that the government had allowed a liquor shop opposite the Children’s hospital in Sonawar. “If the government doesn’t revoke the license of the liquor shop, Karwani-i-Islami would take to the streets,” he said. He appealed youth to follow the footsteps of Hazrat Amir Kabeer, Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Noorani, and fight the conspiracies being hatched against Islam.

From KashmirDispatch:


Banin Qataya (2012)
11 May 2012: Sheikh Ahmad Kataya, the father of the missing Muslim girl baptized by a priest, said on Thursday evening that “a number of monks and priests practiced witchcraft and sorcery” on his daughter to make her convert to Christianity.
In a phone call to LBC television, Kataya said that Christian clergymen were also “trying to convert all Shia kids in the Bekaa area of Baalbek with sorcery.”
A Maronite clergyman, identified as Walid Gharios but also known as Father Elias Maroun Gharios, was abducted in Baalbek on Monday after he “baptized a Muslim girl who left her parents’ house.” He was subsequently released. 

Kataya, who is also a Shia cleric, said that his daughter “suffered from schizophrenia and used to fantasize that she could see the Christ and Virgin Mary.”
He also said that the abduction of his daughter by Christian priests “targeted the honor of the Shia sect,” and called on every Shia to help him find his daughter.
Moreover, he accused the security forces of solving only a part of the problem instead of trying to solve it entirely.
“The problem is that the girl was kidnapped by a number of Christian monks, while the security forces only focused on the abduction of Father Gharios.”
7 May 2012:  Baalbek Priest Kidnapped after 'Baptizing Muslim Girl'
11 May 2012:  “Father of baptized Muslim girl accuses priest of practicing sorcery on her
14 May 2012:  Baalbek Archbishop Hands Muslim Girl who Converted to Christianity Back to Her Family
2012:  On May 7, unknown persons kidnapped a Christian priest at gunpoint in the Bekaa, reportedly because he baptized a Shia woman who fled her home after converting to Christianity. The kidnappers released the priest after several hours. The priest reported that the kidnappers were searching for the woman’s location. Government officials denounced the kidnapping. The Archbishop of Baalbek-Deir al-Ahmar told the press the woman’s father, a Shia cleric, had physically and psychologically tortured her following her conversion to Christianity. Her father told local television that monks and priests “practiced witchcraft and sorcery” on his daughter to bring about her conversion, and accused Christian religious leaders of trying to convert other Shia children in Baalbek. On May 14 the woman was returned to Hizballah Shura Council member Sheikh Mohammad Yazbeck with Archbishop Atallah after her family pledged not to pressure her to convert back to Islam.

5 Jul 2016: "Some are angry at me for pointing out the legacy of Ibn Taymiyya in the religious violence that is sweeping us," prominent scholar, Abdul-Salam al-Wail, professor of sociology at King Saud University, wrote on his Twitter account.
"To the Shaikh al-Islam (Ibn Taymiyya), human life is cheap and his legacy clarifies this," he added, using the honorific of the renowned scholar, who spent time in jail for his beliefs and who resisted Mongol invaders.Wail said that while Ibn Taymiyya was a prolific scholar for his time, he pointed to his fatwas that permit a son to kill an apostate father, saying they contradict the essence of Islam.
The case drew a rare intervention from the Saudi Islamic affairs minister, Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz Al al-Sheikh, who was quoted as saying that Ibn Taymiyya's fatwa allowing a son to kill his father had been taken out of context.
قتل کردو کہ وہ مرتد ہیں یا اس لئے کہ وہ سلطانِ اسلام کے باغی ہیں مگر یہ قتل شاہِ اسلام کرے گا نہ کہ عام مسلمان ۔(مراٰۃ المناجیح،۵/ ۲۹۹)
جزیہ کے متعلق چند امور خیال میں رہیں۔ایک یہ کہ عجمی کفار پر جزیہ ہے خواہ مشرکین ہوں یا اہل کتاب یا مجوس۔دوسرے یہ کہ مشرکین عرب سے جزیہ نہیں لیا جائے گا وہاں کے اہل کتاب سے جزیہ ہوگا ،مشرکین عرب کے لیےیا اسلام یا قتل مگر شوافع کے ہاں صرف اہل کتاب و مجوس سے جزیہ لیا جائے گا،مشرکین سے مطلقًا نہ لیا جائے گا۔تیسرے یہ کہ مرتد مرد سے جزیہ نہ لیا جائے گا،اس کے لیے یا قتل ہے یا اسلام۔رب فرماتاہے:"تُقٰتِلُوۡنَہُمْ اَوْ یُسْلِمُوۡنَ"۔چوتھے یہ کہ مرتدین کی بیوی بچے جو مرتد ہوجائیں قتل نہ کیے جائیں گے غلام بنالیے جائیں گے۔چنانچہ حضرت صدیق اکبر نے مسیلمہ کذاب کو نبی ماننے والے بنی حنیفہ پر جہاد کیا ان کی عورتیں بچے غلام لونڈی بنائے۔چنانچہ خولہ بنت جعفر حنفِیہ حضرت علی کو دی گئیں جن سے محمد ابن حنفِیہ پیدا ہوئے۔(مرقات)
20 Oct 2010: "Muhammad al-Sammak, Sunni adviser to the chief mufti of Lebanon and secretary general of Lebanon’s Christian-Muslim Committee for Dialogue, and Ayatollah Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad Ahmadabadi, a Shia professor at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, spoke at the gathering at the invitation of the Pope."
Earlier Mr al-Sammak had said the death penalty for apostasy from Islam to Christianity dated from a time “when changing religions meant joining the enemy – it was punished as an act of treason”. While some still think converts should be punished, he said the “golden rule” of Islam is that “there is no compulsion in religion, that’s what the Koran says”.
Ayatollah Mohaghegh Damad said: “You are free to choose any religion in your heart, because religion is a very, very private matter for everybody, but conversion means something else. If you are no longer a member of your original faith group is an act of unacceptable “propaganda”.
21 July 2010

آیت الله سبحانی:
ارتداد ایک طرح سے عوامی حقوق کی پائمالی ہے / دنیا میں فساد کی بنیاد یھودی ہیں

 حضرت آیت الله جعفر سبحانی نے کہا : دنیا میں بربادیوں کی بنیاد یھود ہیں اور زمان پیغمبر میں مرتد ہونا یھود کا حربہ تھا یعنی در حقیقت یہ یھودیوں کی سازش تھی مگر پیغمبر اکرم صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم نےاس اگے روک لگادی ۔
مراجع تقلید میں سے حضرت آیت الله جعفر سبحانی گذشتہ روز مدرسه علمیہ نواب مشهد میں کلام اسلامی کے سلسلہ وار درس میں مرتد کی سزا کے بارے میں اقوام متحدہ کے بیانیہ کی جانب اشارہ کرتے ہوئے کہا : سب سے پہلے یہ کہ دین اسلام میں آزادی فراوان ہے مگر زندگی کے نظام کے سلسلے میں اسلام نے بشر کو قانون کے دائرے میں رکھا ہے اور اگر اسلام انسان کو قانون کے دائرے میں لے ائے تو اس کا مطلب مجبور ہونا نہی ہے ۔

حوزه علمیہ قم کےاس استاد نے یہ بیان کرتے ہوئے کہ اسلام میں تمام قوانین محترم ہیں اور انسان اپنی زندگی میں مختار ہے کہا: اس کے باوجود اسلام میں کچھ ایسے احکامات اورقوانین بھی موجود ہیں جومخرب عوامل کو روکنے کی غرض سے رکھے گئے  ہیں جیسے شراب کی حرمت جو عقل کے مخالف ہے یعنی مست انسان عقل کھودیتا ہے ، یا قمار چونکہ دشمنی کا سبب بنتا ہے یا غیبت چونکہ دوسرے کی ابروریزی کا سبب ہے اسلام میں حرام ہے ، اسلام میں محرمات نےانسانوں کے ہاتھ باندھ رکھے ہیں کیوں کہ یہ حرام کام انسانوں کی بے چارگی کا سبب بنتے ہیں جو انسانی ترقی کے خلاف ہے ۔    

حضرت آیت الله سبحانی نے اس مطلب کی جانب اشارہ کرتے ہوئے کہ ظاھری امور میں دباو ڈالا جاسکتا ہے کہا : باطنی امور میں دباو بے اثر ہے اور عقائد کی دنیا میں دباو قابل تسلیم نہی ہے کیوں کسی عقیدہ کو ماننا اسے تصدیق کرنے کے برابر ہے اورتصدیق کچھ بنیادی اور ابتدائی باتوں پرمنحصر ہے کہ جب تک اسے فراھم نہی کیا جائے گا انسان تصدیق نہی کرسکتا اس لئے انبیاء اور اولیاء خدا دنیا میں عقل ترین فرد ہیں تاکہ انسانوں کی عقل کی تکمیل کرسکیں اور جھاد کوبھی اسلام میں مشکلات کے دور کرنے کے لئے رکھا گیا ہے تاکہ لوگ ازادی کے ساتھ زندگی گزار سکیں ۔
حوزه علمیہ قم کےاس استاد نے کہا : اسلام کی ترقی کا وسیلہ تبلیغ تھا اور اگر اسلام میں جھاد رکھا گیا ہے تو اسلام کی ترقی کی راہ میں روکاوٹوں کے دور کرنے کی غرض سے رکھا گیا ہے لھذا قران نے سوره نحل آیه 125 میں کہا « ادْعُ إِلِى سَبِیلِ رَبِّکَ بِالْحِکْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ وَجَادِلْهُم بِالَّتِی هِیَ أَحْسَنُ إِنَّ رَبَّکَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَن ضَلَّ عَن سَبِیلِهِ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمُهْتَدِینَ» یعنی اسلام کی جانب کچھاو بے مثال ہے مگر اس کی راہ میں موجود موانع کو اٹھانا بہت ضروری ہے تاکہ منطق موثر رہے ،   

انہوں نے مرتد ہونے کو اسلامی نظام کے خلاف ایک سازش بیان کیا کرتے ہوئے کہا : الحادی نظام میں مرتد ہونا اس نظام کے لئے بے اثر ہے اگر کوئی مسلمان کافر ہوجائے تو الحادی نظام کو نقصان نہی پہونچے گا کیوں کہ وہاں نظام کی اساس وبنیاد دین ومذھب پر استوار نہی ہے ہاں اگر دین مذھب پر نظام استوار ہوتا اور عوام کی اکثریت متدین ہو اور ان میں سے ایک کافر ہوجا ئے اور خاموش رہے کوئی اسے کچھ بھی نہی کہے گا اور اگر گفتگو بھی کی مگر تظاھر نہی کیا تو بھی کوئی اسے کچھ بھی نہی کہے گا مگر اگر یہ مرتد اپنے ارتداد کی تبلیغ کرنے لگے تو درحقیقت اس کی یہ تبلیغ نظام کے خلاف تبلیغ ہے اور اسی بنیاد پر اس سے اسلامی قوانین کے مطابق برتاو کیا جائے گا ۔
29 April 2011:
خبرگزاری رسا ـ نشست علمی نقد و بررسی شبهات فقهی و کلامی ارتداد به همت معاونت پژوهش مجتمع آموزش عالی فقه در شهر قم برگزار شد.

The scientific news conference of the jurisprudential and verbal doubts about apostasy was held by the Vice-Chancellor of the Jurisprudence Complex in Qom.

به گزارش خبرنگار خبرگزاری رسا، نشست علمی نقد و بررسی شبهات فقهی و کلامی ارتداد روز پنج شنبه هشتم اردیبهشت ماه به همت معاونت پژوهش و با همکاری گروه معارف اسلامی مجتمع آموزش عالی فقه در مسجد این مجتمع برگزار شد.

The scientific meeting of criticism of the jurisprudential and verbal theories of apostasy was held on Thursday, May 8th, by the Vice-Chancellor of the research and in collaboration with the Islamic Studies Department of the Jurisprudence Complex in the mosque of this complex.

وی افزود: منافق کسی است که وقتی که در جمع مسلمانان است می گوید من مسلمانم، اما زمانی که در جمع کافران است، می گوید من کافرم، چنین شخصی به تعبیر قرآن کریم همانند برخی از حیوانات است که لانه های شان دو درب دارد.
He added: "The hypocrite is who, when he is Muslim, says that I am Muslim, but when he is in the group of unbelievers, he says," I believe that such a person in the Holy Quran is like some animals whose nests have two doors. "


حجت الاسلام رضا نژاد افزود: شخص مرتد اگر مرد باشد، فقها حکم به قتل او داده اند، اما اگر فرد مرتد زن باشد فقها حکم به تعزیر و زندانی شدن او داده اند و باید توجه داشت که زن به خاطر ارتداد کشته نمی شود.

Hojatoleslam Reza Nejad added: If an apostate is a man, the jurists have sentenced him to death, but if the apostate is a woman, jurists have ordered her imprisonment, and it should be noted that the woman is not killed for apostasy.

وی در خصوص علت اختلاف حکم مرتد در زن و مرد گفت: یکی از اسرار این تفاوت این است که زنان در انتخاب و تغییرشان احساسی هستند، بر خلاف مردان که اگر مردی مرتد شد میدان دار تبلیغ علیه اسلام می شود از این رو فقهای ما حکم به قتل او داده اند.
He said about the reason for the difference in apostasy between men and women
"One of the secrets of this difference is that women are emotional in their choice and change, unlike men, if an apostate is a man, he will be a proponent of propaganda against Islam, therefore our jurists have ordered for his murder.

وی با اشاره به آیه لااکراه فی الدین افزود: در انتخاب اصل دین اکراه و اجباری نیست و کسانی که می خواهند دینی را انتخاب کنند در اصل آن آزاد هستند و تا زمانی که انتخاب نکرده اند حکم ارتداد به آنها اطلاق نمی شود، اما بعد از پذیرفتن دین باید به یک سری قوانین و مقررات پایبند و ملتزم باشند.

Referring to the verse, 'There is no compulsion in religion' he added: "The choice of the religion is not compulsive in religion, and those who want to choose a religion are in principle free and, until they have chosen, the apostasy does not refer to them, but after accepting religion should adhere to a series of laws and regulations.
این استاد حوزه گفت: پیامبران الهی همیشه با ادله روشن و معجزه راه را به مردم و جامعه نشان می دادند و مردم با اختیار و اراده دین را انتخاب می کردند و بعد از اختیار نیز طبیعتا باید به یک سری قوانین و محدودیت ها پایبند باشند، مثل اینکه اگر فردی تابعیت و ملیت یک کشور دیگر را پذیرفت باید به قوانین آنها احترام بگذارد و به محدودیت های آنها پایبند باشد.

The professor said that the Divine prophets always showed the people and the society with clear evidence and miracles, and people elected the will of religion and, of course, they should naturally follow a series of laws and restrictions, It seems that if a person accepts the nationality of another country, they should respect their laws and adhere to their constraints.

وی ابراز داشت: این محدودیت ها هم عقلی و هم عرفی است و اگر محدودیت و قانونی درکار نباشد هیچ قانونی پایدار نخواهدماند.

He said: "These restrictions are both rational and customary, and if there is no legal limitation, no law will persist."

حجت الاسلام رضا نژاد افزود: برگشت از دین دو نوع است،
یک بار بعد از انتخاب دین برای فرد شک و شبهه ای پیش می آید که این امر به ارتداد نمی انجامد،
 اما اگر فرد بعد از اختیار کردن دین برگشت
 و علیه اسلام موضع گیری کرد در اینجا حکم ارتداد شامل می شود.
Hojatoleslam Reza Nejad added: "Leaving religion is twofold,
One day after the changing religion, a person has a doubt, then this does not lead to apostasy.
 But if the person after changing the religion opposed Islam. Here is the verdict of apostasy.

حجت الاسلام ابراهیمی دبیر این نشست درادامه سؤالی را مطرح کرد و گفت: اگر کسی اسلام آورد و بعد برایش به دلایلی شبهه ای پیش آمد و البته علیه اسلام تبلیغ نکرد، آیا به چنین فردی مرتد گفته می شود یا خیر؟

Hojjatoleslam Ebrahimi, the secretary of the meeting, raised a long-standing question and said: "If someone brought Islam and then came to him for some reason and, of course, he did not advertise against Islam, is he apostates to such an individual?"

حجت الاسلام جعفری در پاسخ به این سؤال گفت: قرآن کریم برای کسی که اسلام را اختیار نکرده باشد یک سری برنامه و برای کسی که اسلام را اختیار کرده نیز یک سری برنامه های خاص دارد.
In answer to this question, Hojatoleslam Jafari said: "The Holy Quran for a person who has not taken Islam is a series of programs, and for a person who has taken Islam, there is also a series of special programs.

وی افزود: برخی از افراد حتی در لباس روحانیت آزادی ارتداد را به آیه شریفه لااکراه فی الدین مستند کرده اند، در حالی که این آیه در مقام تکوین است نه تشریع و اگر کسی اسلام را انتخاب کرد تبعا باید قیود، شروط و محدودیت های آن را نیز بپذیرد چراکه عالمانه دین را انتخاب کرده است.

He added that some people, even in clergy, documented the freedom of apostasy to the verse of 'There is no complusion in religion', while this verse is in the genesis and not the decree, and if anyone chooses Islam, he must be bound by its constraints, conditions and restrictions. Because he has deliberately chosen religion.
حجت الاسلام جعفری بیان داشت: طبق نصوص و کلمات فقها تبلیغ علیه اسلام جزیی از مفهوم ارتداد فقهی نیست، اما اگر فرد توبه کرد بینه و بین الله توبه او پذیرفته می شود.
Hojjatoleslam Jafari stated: According to the words of the jurists, spreading propaganda against Islam is not part of the concept of jurisprudential apostasy, but if he repents, he will be accepted.
حجت الاسلام رضا نژاد نیز در تکمیل این بحث گفت: حضرت امام راحل در تعریف مرتد می فرمایند مرتد کسی است که از اسلام خارج شود و کفر را اختیار کند و در این گونه مواقع حکم ارتداد جاری است.

Hojjatoleslam Reza Nezhad also added: "Imam Khomeini, in the definition of apostate, states that an apostate is one who is expelled from Islam and takes away disbelief, and in such cases the verdict of apostasy is current.

فلسفه ارتداد در اسلام و وجه عقلی آن
The philosophy of apostasy in Islam and its rational form

این استاد حوزه علمیه قم در پاسخ به سؤالی دیگر درباره فلسفه ارتداد در اسلام و وجه عقلی آن نیز گفت: حکمت تشریع حکم ارتداد می تواند اموری از جمله جلوگیری از انتخاب کورکورانه، جلوگیری از تحقیر دین، دفاع از عقاید و اصول دینی و حفظ مصالح اشخاص و جامعه اسلامی باشد.

In the answer to another question about the philosophy of apostasy in Islam and its rational aspect, Qom's professor of Qom's Seminary also said: The wisdom of defining the verdict of apostasy can be as follows: preventing blindly choosing, preventing religious humiliation, defending religious beliefs and principles, and protecting material Individuals and the Islamic community.

وی تاکید کرد: در هیچ جامعه انسانی مشاهده نمی کنیم که به افراد آزادی صددرصد بدهند که در هر شرایطی هر کاری را که خواستند بکنند، حتی در جوامع سکولار و لیبرال نیز این گونه است و آزادی در چارچوب قانون و در گرو حفظ حقوق جامعه و افراد است و البته این امر منطقی نیز هست.

He stressed: "We do not observe any human society that gives 100% of people freedom to do whatever they want in any circumstances, even in secular and liberal societies, and freedom in the law is dependent on the maintenance of community rights and And it is logical, of course.
حجت الاسلام رضانژاد تصریح کرد: آنها با نگاه لیبرالی خود قائل و معتقد به یک سری محدودیت ها هستند حال عده ای در پذیرش دین بگویند ما با استناد به اصل آزادی می خواهیم دین را کنار بگذاریم.

Hojatoleslam Rezanidhad said: "They believe in liberalism and believe in a series of limitations. Now, some say in accepting religion, we want to dismiss religion based on the principle of freedom.

وی تاکید کرد: ما از نظر اعتقادات دینی و ادله عقلی معتقد و مدعی هستیم که دینی برتر از اسلام وجود ندارد و کسانی که دم از ارتداد می زنند شبهه علمی ندارند، بلکه شبهه فعلی دارند و راهزنانی هستند که راه را بر افراد سد می کنند.

"We believe in religious beliefs and rational evidences, and we argue that there is no religion superior to Islam, and those who tolerate apostasy do not have a scientific doubt, but they have a current pitfalls, and they are banditants who block the way to people," he said. .

در ادامه این میزگرد علمی حجت الاسلام غلامرضا در سخنانی با بیان دیدگاه های خود در موضوع بحث گفت: دین مبین اسلام برای حفظ و صیانت خود احکامی را قرار داده است و اگر کسانی مرتد می شوند از روی هوی و هوس است نه از روی تحقیق.

In a follow-up to this scientific conference, Hojatoleslam Gholam Reza expressed his views on the topic of discussion: "The religion of Islam is a means of preserving and protecting ourselves, and if people are apostate, they are crazy and not crazy."

وی افزود: شهید مطهری نیز در یکی از آثار ارزشمند خود علل گرایش به مکاتب مادی را بیان کرده است که محققان باید به این اثر استاد مطهری بیشتر توجه کنند.

He added: "Martyr Motahari also stated in one of his valuable works the reasons for the tendency towards material schools, which the researchers should pay more attention to the work of Professor Motahari.

حجت الاسلام ابراهیمی تاکید کرد: مبانی اسلامی به قدری مبرهن و متقن است که اگر به درستی تبیین شود همگان به حقانیت دین مبین اسلام پی خواهند برد.

Hojatoleslam Ebrahimi emphasized: "Islamic foundations are so vague and clear that if properly explained, everyone will understand the truth of the religion of Islam.

حجت الاسلام جعفری در ادامه این میزگرد علمی گفت: کسی که مدعی مسلمانی است و می گوید من احکام اسلام را قبول دارم، اما احکام ارتداد را قبول ندارم باید به او گفت شما مقلد هستید یا مجتهد؟ اگر چنین فردی مجتهد باشد حکم او برای خودش حجت است، اما اگر مجتهد نیست باید توجه داشته باشد و بداند که فقها در این زمینه چه می گویند.

Hojjatoleslam Jafari continued in the following scientific roundtable: "Whoever claims to be Muslim and says," I accept the commandments of Islam, but I do not accept the terms of apostasy, should you say that you are an artist or mujtahid? " If such a person is a mujtahid, his sentence is for himself, but if he is not a mujtahid, he must pay attention and know what the jurists are saying in this regard.
التزام به اسلام مساوی با التزام به احکام ارتداد است

Commitment to Islam is equal to the obligation of apostasy
وی بیان کرد: همه فقهای اسلامی به جز ابن جنید اسکافی آن هم در استتابه مرتد ملی، مساله ارتداد اجماع دارند، البته با توجه به اینکه این عالم ابتدا سنی بوده و سپس شیعه شده است چندان به مخالفت او توجه نمی شود.
He stated: "All Islamic jurists, except Ibn Janid Asqafi, have consensus regarding Murtad Milli, although with the fact that this scholar was initially Sunni and then Shi'a, he is not much regarded.
حجت الاسلام جعفری التزام به اسلام را مساوی با التزام به احکام ارتداد دانست و گفت: کسانی که در ارتداد تردید کرده اند غالبا افرادی هستند که با انگیزه های سیاسی این کار را کرده اند و در بین آنها افراد روحانی هم وجود دارند و اینها باید بدانند اگر فقه و اسلام را قبول دارند یکی از احکام مسلم در اسلام حکم ارتداد است و نمی توانند از آن سرباز بزنند.

Hojjatoleslam Jafari referred to Islam as equal to the promise of apostasy and said: those who have doubted apostasy are often people who have done this with political motives, and there are spiritual people among them, and these should know. If they accept fiqh and Islam, one of the most definite rulings in Islam is the apostasy and they can not give it a soldier.
22 Nov 2011:
کشمیری سماج میں پھیل رہے ارتداد اور اخلاقی گراوٹ کے خلاف فوری اقدمات کی ضرورت پر زور دیتے ہوئے متحدہ مجلس علماء نے ایک کمیٹی تشکیل دے کر عیسائی مشنری اداروں کے کام اور ان اداروں میں ترویج نصاب کی باریک بینی سے جانچ کرنے کی بات کی ہے
میر واعظ منزل راجوری کدل میں منعقد یک روزہ کانفرنس میں مختلف مسالک اور اداروں سے وابستہ علماء نے یک زبان ہوکر مشنری اداروں کی طرف سے خفیہ طور لالچ دیکر نوجوانوں کی ارتداد کی طرف مائل کرنے کی کاوشوں کی مذمت کرتے ہوئے اپیل کی کہ مسلکی اورگروہی اختلافات سے بالاتر ہوکر اس سیلاب کے خلاف فوری اقدامات کئے جانے چاہئیں ۔

اجلاس میں ایک کمیٹی تشکیل دینے کا فیصلہ کیا گیا جو مشاورت کے تحت مشنریوں کے ان اقدامات کیخلاف اقدام کرے گی۔اپنے خطاب میں حریت کانفرنس چیرمین میرواعظ کا کہنا تھا کہ ارتداد کے مسئلہ میں سیاست کو ایک طرف چھوڑ کر سب کو آگے آکر مل جل کر اپنے فرائض انجام دینے کی ضرورت ہے ۔

انہوں نے کہا کہ اگر چہ ان مشنری اداروں نے تعلیم اور خدمت خلق کے میدان میں کافی سرگرمیاں انجام دیں ہے تاہم پچھلے کچھ عرصہ سے لگ رہا ہے کہ ان کی دلچسپیاں تبدیل ہورہی ہے اور آج ہمارے پاس کئی ثبوت ہیںکہ تعلیم کے ساتھ ساتھ ان مراکز میں کئی اور نہجوں پر بھی کام ہورہا ہے ۔ 

ان کا کہنا تھا کہ علماء نے آج کے اجلاس کے دوران اپنی تجاویز کھل پر پیش کیں اور اب مشاورت کے بعد عملی اقدمات کے بارے میں فیصلہ لیا جائے گا ۔

میر واعظ نے کہا کہ لالچ دیکر بھولے بھالے عوام کو عیسائیت کی طرف راغب کرنا ہمیں قطعی برداشت نہیں اور علماء مل جل کر اس معاملے کی تہہ تک جائیں گے اور اس کی پشت پر جو لوگ ہیں، انہیں بے نقاب کیا جائے گا ۔

انہوں نے علماء پر زور دیا کہ وہ جمعہ اور دیگر مواقع پر عوام کو اس طوفان ارتداد سے خبردار کریں اور اپنے ارد گرد کے ماحول کی پوری طرح خبر رکھیں ۔
اجلاس میں کشمیر کی تمام سرکردہ دینی، ملی اور سماجی تنطیموں کے ذمہ داروں اور نمائندوں جن میں جمعیت اہلحدیث جموںوکشمیر، دارالعلوم رحیمیہ بانڈی پورہ، انجمن تبلیغ الاسلام، انجمن شرعی شیعیان، جمعیت ہمدانیہ، جماعت اسلامی، اسلامک اسٹیڈی سرکل، کاروان اسلامی، اتحاد المسلمین ، جمعیت حمایت اسلام، انجمن نصرۃ الاسلام، دارالعلوم بلالیہ ، اہلبیت فائونڈیشن، دارالعلوم قاسمیہ، دارالعلوم سوپور، کنزالعلوم گاندربل، رحمتہ للعالمین ٹرسٹ کشمیر، انجمن علمائے احناف، جمعیت اہلسنت و الجماعت، پیروان ولایت اور دیگر ضلعی جامع مساجد کے مقتدر خطیبوں اور ائمہ حضرات کی ایک بڑی تعداد نے شرکت کی۔

اجلاس میں متفقہ طور پر ایک قرارداد پاس کی گئی جس میں مراعات اور مفادات کا لالچ دیکر لادین سرگرمیوں اور ارتداد کی زہریلی وبا پر گہری فکر و تشویش کا اظہار کیاگیااور اس کے انسداد کیلئے ایک مربوط ، مستقل اور مسلسل جدوجہد اور حکمت عملی اپنانے پر زوردیا گیا۔
Nov 2011:
Separately, well-known Muslim clergyman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq recently launched a website,, entitled “Council for Protection of Faith,” for a committee formed in November 2011, “after numerous cases of apostasy came into light” and “to thwart nefarious designs of pervasive forces and the deep-rooted conspiracy of making youth apostate and defectors by giving them concessions and benefits secretly.”
Besides the “guilty verdict” against Pastor Khanna, Borst and Messa, mufti deputy Nasir-ul-Islam reportedly said an investigation against Parvez Samuel Kaul, principal of a local Christian missionary school, was underway.
The court also ordered all Christian schools to teach Islam and other faiths.
30 Jan 2012:
متحدہ علماء اہلسنت نے اس اجلاس میں ارتداد کے مسئلے اور اس کے خلاف آئندہ لائحہ عمل کو حتمی شکل دیتے ہوئے کرشن مشنری کے زیر اہتمام چلنے والے اسکولوں کے ذمہ داروں کو مزید وضاحت کے لئے طلب کیا جائے گا۔ 

ترجمان نے وضاحت کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ ریاست جموں و کشمیر ایک حساس نوعیت کی ریاست ہے اور اس میں صدیوں پرانے بھائی چارے کو کسی بھی قیمت پر نقصان پہنچانے کی اجازت نہیں دی جائے گی۔ انہوں نے وضاحت کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ اقلیتی فرقوں سے وابستہ لوگ ہمارے عزیز اور بھائی ہیں اور ان کی حفاظت اسلامی نقطہ نگاہ سے ہمارے لئے فرض ہے اور ہم اس فرض منصبی کو کسی بھی قیمت پر انجام دینگے۔ تاہم صلیبی مذہب کے زبردستی پرچار کی ہم قطعاً اجازت نہیں دینگے۔
3 Jul 2012:

انہوں نے مزيد بيان کيا : کچھ لوگ يہ کہتے ہوئے کہ « پيغمبراسلام صل اللہ عليہ والہ وسلم کے زمانے ميں مرتد کو پھانسي نہيں دي گئي جبکہ اس زمانہ ميں يقينا مرتد رہے ہوں گے مگر انہيں کيوں نہيں قتل کيا گيا » دوسرے يہ کہ « بہت سارے مرتد مشکوک ہيں اور ان کے ذھنوں ميں سوالات ہيں لھذا اپ انہيں کيسے قتل کرسکتے ہيں ؟ » ? 

انہوں نے کہا : کچھ افراد کا کہنا ہے کہ « مرتد کے سلسلے ميں روايات بہت کم ہيں » جبکہ يہ باتيں وہ کہے جو خود فقيہ ہو ، مرحوم کليني نے کتاب کافي ميں 23 روايتيں ، شيخ صدوق قمي نے من لايحضره الفقيه ميں 11 روايتيں ، شيخ طوسي نے کتاب تهذيب الاحکام ميں 30 روايتيں اور کتاب مستدرک الوسائل ميں روايات مذکور ہيں کہ اگر ان روايتوں کو يکجا کرديا جائے تو ضرورت سے بھي زيادہ ہوں گي ? 

حضرت آيت الله سبحاني نے ايک شبھہ کا تذکرہ کرتے ہوئے کہ « اگر مرتد کو پھانسي دي جائے تو معاشرہ ميں حرج ومرج اور بے نظمي پيدا ہوجائے گي » يعني يہ کہ جوکوئي بھي اپنے دشمن پر ارتداد کا الزام لگادے تو اسے قتل کرديا جائے گا اور يہ بے نظمي کا سبب ہوگا کہا : اس کا شبھہ کا جواب يہ ہے کہ مرتد واجب القتل ہے مگر موضوع ارتداد عدالت ميں ثابت ہونا ضروري ہے اور اس لحاظ سے مرتد ثابت کرنا اسان نہ ہوگا بلکہ نہايت دشوار کام ہوگا ? 

انہوں نے مزيد کہا : اگر کوئي کسي کا مرتد ہونے کے الزام ميں قتل کردے اور وہ کوٹ ميں ثابت کرلے جائے تو بھي بعض فقہاء کے نظريہ کے مطابق اسے سزا دي جائے گي اور اگر ثابت نہ کرپايا تو اسے قتل کرديا جائے گا ?
2 Jul 2012:
اس مرجع تقلید نے یہ بیان کرتے ہوئے کہ اگر انسان مرتد ہوجائے تو اس کے اعمال ختم ہوجائیں گے کیوں کہ ارتداد باعث بنے کا اس کے اعمال کے ذخیرہ میں اگ لگ جائے کہا 
قتل مرتد موجودہ روايتوں سے ثابت ہے ، ہاں اگر عورت مرتد ہوجائے تو اسے قتل نہيں کيا جائے گا ، چاھے وہ مرتد ملي ہو يا مرتد فطري ، اور وہ يہ اس بناء پر ہے کہ عورت فکري حوالے سے مرد کي بہ نبست کمزور ہے اور اس کے برخلاف مرد عطوفت کي دنيا ميں عورت سے کمزور ہے اسي بنياد پر عورت چاھے مرتد فطري ہو يا ملي قتل نہيں کي جائے گي ?

انہوں نے مزيد کہا : علماء اھل سنت مرتد فطري اور ملي ، مرد وعورت کے درميان کسي فرق کے قائل نہيں ہيں ان کي نگاہ ميں چاروں قسموں کا ايک ہي حکم ہے کہ مرتد کوتوبہ کرنے کے لئے تين دن کي مہلت دي جائے گي ، توبہ نہ کرنے کي صورت ميں اسے قتل کرديا جائے گا ? 

انہوں نے اس بات کي ياد دہاني کرتے ہوئے کہ شيعہ کے نزديک مرتد فطري عورت کو مہلت دي جائے گي مگر مرتد فطري مرد کو ھرگز مہلت نہيں دي جائے گي کہا : قتل مرتد کے سلسلے ميں کيا علماء اھل سنت کے پاس روايتيں موجود ہيں ؟ جواب يہ ہے کہ جي ہاں روايتيں موجود ہيں ، اھل سنت کي روايتوں ميں ايا ہے کہ تين افراد واجب القتل ہيں ، ايمان کے بعد کافر ہونے والا ، شوھر دار عورت سے بد فعلي کرنے والا اور محترم انسان کا خون بہانے والا ، اس لحاظ سے قتل مرتد کوئي ايسي بات نہيں ہے جو فقط شيعہ کتابوں ميں ہي ہو اور فتوے بھي ايک جيسے ہيں ہاں شيعہ کتابيں سنيوں سے کہيں زيادہ قوي ہيں ، پس معلوم ہوا کہ مرتد کے سلسلے ميں شيعہ وسني کے نظريات ميں اتفاق ہے اختلاف نہيں ہے ? 
حضرت آيت الله سبحاني نے اخر ميں ياد دہاني کي : اس گفتگو کے چھيڑنے کي وجہ يہ تھي کہ کچھ لوگ يہ کہتے ہيں کہ «لا اکراه في الدين » دين ميں کوئي جبر نہيں ہے اور مرتد بھي يہي کہتا ہے کہ ميں دين سے پلٹ گيا ، «لا اکراه في الدين » اس ايت کے ائينہ ميں ميري مرضي چاھے ميں مسلمان رہوں چاھے کافر ?
7 Jul 2012:
مرجع تقليد قم ميں سے حضرت آيت الله جعفر سبحاني نے عقائد وکلام اسلامي کي پانچويں نشست ميں جو کل صبح مدرسہ علميہ نواب مشھد مقدس ميں منعقد ہوا ، عصر معصومين ميں احکام مرتد کے اجراء نہ کئے جانے کے شبھہ کا جواب ديتے ہوئے کہا : فرض کريں زمانہ معصومين عليھم السلام ميں کسي حکم کے اجراء کيا موقع نہ آيا مگرحکم موجود تھا تو کيا اُن احکامات کو آج بھي اِن کے اِجراء ہونے کا موقع ہونے کي صورت ميں اجراء نہيں کيا جائے گا ؟ 

انہوں نے مزيد کہا : يہ شبھہ مِن جُملہ ان شبھات ميں سے ہے جسے وہابي بيان کرتے ہيں اور وہ اِس بات کے معتقد ہيں کہ جسے رسول اسلام اور صحابہ کرام نے انجام نہيں ديا اس کا آج بھي انجام دينا حرام ہے اور وہ اسي بنياد پر اس مسئلہ کو سب کے سامنے پيش کرتے ہيں ، اور يہ يہي وہ بنياد ہے جس کي بناء پر وہابيت سعودي حکومت کو نہيں پسند کرتي ، سعودي حکومت اور وہابي ملاوں کے درميان اختلاف کي ديواريں کھڑي ہوگئي ہيں ? 


انہوں نے اَيسے احکامات کو مثال کے ذريعہ روشن کرتے ہوئے کہا : کچھ لوگ رسول اسلام کے زمانے ميں مرتد ہوگئے مگر وہ پيغمبر اسلام کي دسترس سے دور تھے ، شهيد حنظلہ کے والد اسلام کے آتے ہيں مسلمان ہوگئے کيوں کہ وہ مرسل اعظم کے اعلان رسالت سے قبل ہي رسول خدا کے سلسلے ميں گفتگو کيا کرتے تھے مگر بعد ميں مرتد ہوگئے اور مکہ مکرمہ فرار کرگئے اور فتح مکہ کے بعد شام فرار کرگئے ، لھذا اگرھم ديکھتے ہيں کہ پيغمبر اسلام نے کسي حکم کو اجراء نہيں کيا تو وہ اس بنياد پر تھا کہ اس کے اِجراء کا موقع نہيں آيا تھا اور شهيد حنظلہ کے والد جيسے لوگ پيغمبراسلام کي دسترس سے دور تھے ? 
اس مرجع تقليد نے قيامت کے موضوع ميں قيامت کو دين کي بنياد بتاتے ہوئے کہا : ھر وہ دين جو خدا کي طرف منصوب ہومگر اس ميں قيامت نہ ہو تو وہ دين ، الھي دين نہيں ہے بلکہ وہ ايک مَسلک ہے جيسے کہ بہاييت ، وہ دين جس ميں قيامت نہ ہو اَيسے گھر کے مانند ہے جِس کا ستون نہ ہو ?
26 Aug 2013: A Revolutionary Court in Tehran has sentenced an Iranian Christian convert to 10 years in prison for his Christian work, according to an Iranian Christian news agency.
Mohammad-Hadi Bordbar, who was arrested on Dec. 27, 2012, was sentenced by Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, according to Mohabat News. The judgment was delivered by Judge Pir-Abassi, a judge notorious for his harsh sentences.
Bordbar, aka Mostafa, was given five years for his membership in an "anti-security organization" and an additional five-year term for being part of a gathering with alleged intent to "commit crimes against national security."
The verdict states that Christian evangelical activities amount to "Zionism," to fight the Islamic regime of Iran by establishing evangelical ministries and organizations and holding underground worship meetings.
15 March 2015: Dr Usama Hasan, Senior Researcher at Quilliam, on the BBC's The Big Questions on 15/03/15. The question discussed is "Do British Muslims have a problem with apostates?".

Nissar Hussain
15 Dec 2015:  A British Pakistani Muslim who converted to Christianity faces constant threats and life threatening situation owing to reprisal from the Muslim community.
In keeping with details, a British Pakistani Muslim Nisaar Hussain converted to Christianity along with his wife and children. Nissar Hussain, converted to Christianity in 1996, along with his wife Kubra Hussain and brought up his five children as Christians. Despite living in the UK, the family has been constantly facing severe persecution from Muslim family members and Muslim neighbours
Nissar Hussain was born in England to Pakistani Shiite Muslim immigrants. He grew up in a Shiite Muslim household. He says he encountered Christianity for the first time at the age of 15, when one of his fellow school pupil whom he describes as, “a skin head, a racist, a real bovver boy, hard as nails” changed his ways suddenly.
5 Nov 2016:
A FATHER who said he suffered “seven years of persecution” has been forced to flee his home under armed guard amid fears for his safety.
Nissar Hussain was with his family when police arrived and moved him to a safe place.
Mr Hussain said the culmination of the “extreme persecution” had devastated his family and the dramatic arrival of armed police was a complete surprise.
“My family are distraught and extremely traumatised to be leaving,” said Mr Hussain.
“But when your life is at stake there is no other choice.”
Mr Hussain converted to Christianity 20 years ago, but says in recent years he has been subjected to harassment and violence by sections of the Islamic community.
“This extreme persecution by certain people in the Muslim community because we are converts has broken us as a family,” he said.
“We are fragmented and I do not know how we will recover from this. We haven’t functioned properly for years."
He said "serious questions" needed to be answered.
Last year, Mr Hussain was hospitalised after his kneecap was smashed and his hand broken during an attack outside his home in St Paul’s Road, Manningham.
Two hooded men, one armed with a pick-axe handle, assaulted him in a vicious attack caught on CCTV.
At the time, Mr Hussain said he and his family were being driven out of the city and he was making plans to leave. This week he had started packing up his belongings when the police arrived on Thursday.
He briefly returned home yesterday to collect more items, with police guarding, before leaving Bradford for good.
The 50-year-old, who was a nurse before leaving work due to post-traumatic stress disorder, said his six children, aged eight to 24, and wife would never see their friends again.

15 June 2016:
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb: "The four schools of law all concur that apostasy is a crime, and that an apostate should be asked to repent, and that if he does not he should be killed."


"There are two verses in the Quran that clearly mention apostasy, but they did not define a specific punishment. They left the punishment for the Hereafter, for Allah to punish them as He sees fit. But there are two hadiths [on apostasy]. According to the more reliable of the two, a Muslim can only be killed in one of three cases, one of which is abandoning his religion and leaving the community. We must examine these two expressions: 'Abandoning religion' is described as 'leaving the community.' All the early jurisprudents understood that this applies to someone who leaves his religion, regardless of whether he left and opposed his community or not. All the early jurisprudents said that such a person should be killed, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman - with the exception of the Hanafi School, which is said that a female apostate should not be killed."

Interviewer: "Why?"

Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb: "Because it is inconceivable that a woman would rebel against her community. This underscores the fact that apostasy should be punished by death only if the apostate constitutes a danger to society."
16 Dec 2016: A second court hearing took place today (14 Dec.) for four Iranian converts to Christianity charged with “acting against national security”.
Youcef Nadarkhani, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Saheb Fadaie and Mohammad Reza Omidi were initially arrested on 13 May. The first hearing took place on 15 October.
No verdict was given after today’s hearing, so the four may face a third hearing, though no date has yet been set. The maximum sentence for the charge is six years in prison.
Nadarkhani previously served almost three years in prison for apostasy, a charge for which he once faced the death sentence, before his release in 2012.
In October, Mossayebzadeh, Fadaie and Omidi were also sentenced to 80 lashes each for drinking alcohol (wine) during Holy Communion. (Non-Muslims are permitted to drink alcohol in Iran, but leaving Islam is forbidden, so Iranians cannot be recognised as ‘non-Muslims’.) Their appeal against this hearing will take place on 9 February. It is the second time Omidi has been convicted of drinking alcohol. A third conviction could lead to his execution.
15 Jan 2017:
The five-year prison sentence against Christian convert Ebrahim Firoozi for his alleged missionary activities has been confirmed by the Appeals Court in Tehran, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) has learned.
The ruling, issued on January 15, 2017, also requires Firoozi to spend two years in exile in the village of Sarbaz in a remote part of Sistan and Baluchistan Province, according to an informed source who spoke to CHRI on the condition of anonymity. 
20 Feb 2017: An Iranian mother and son who converted to Christianity have been arrested in the north-western province of West Azerbaijan.
Anousheh Reza-Bakhsh (known as Veronika) and her son Soheil (known as Augustine) were arrested on 20 February at their home in Urmia, the provincial capital.
Mohabat News reports that it is the first known arrest of Christians in the city since 2008. Urmia, with nearly 700,000 inhabitants, is famous for housing the Cathedral of St. Mary the Mother of God, whose origin dates back to the 16th Century.
Middle East Concern (MEC) reports that the mother and son, who had become Catholics, were baptised in Istanbul in August last year, after which they returned home and “continued to read and learn about the Christian faith”.
2 March 2017:
Morocco: the Apostate no Longer Faces Death
A recent step taken by the kingdom’s ulama represents a turning point. The attempt to curb extremism 
8 March 2017:
Bethel Church, a gospel-centred evangelical church in Waterloo Street, has all the usual activities one would expect in churches today: prayer meetings, Sunday services, after-school activities and so on.

But what makes the place so intriguing is that it is home to a very diverse congregation, especially a growing Iranian Christian community fleeing from persecution. 
17 March 2017: Shiraz-Days before New Year,converts to Christianity Hamid Saniee & Soraya Yassi seized by Islamic Security in night raid raid on their home 
29 March 2017:  Barelvi cleric Afzal Qadri issues fatwa that in an Islamic state, any Muslim who leaves Islam is to be executed.
21 Apr 2017: [Article on Murta Fitri and Murtad Milli]
در ادامه انتشار سلسله درس های خارج فقه مرحوم آیت الله العظمی فاضل لنکرانی، بخش بیست و هفتم تقریر درس این مرجع فقید شیعه با موضوع: « خصوصیت حد ارتداد‏ » را منتشر می کند.
Following the publication of the jurisprudence series of the late Grand Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani, section 26 publishes the lesson of this Shi'ite reference to the theme of "the character of apostasy."
 در باب مرتد فطرى، باید پس از بلوغ، اسلام را با عقلش پذیرفته باشد علاوه بر اینکه در زمان انعقاد نطفه ‏اش والدین یا یکى از آنان مسلمان باشد و در مرتد ملى نیز باید پس از بلوغ یک کفر بالاصاله ‏اى پیدا کند، سپس اسلام بالاصاله‏ اى بیاورد و پس از آن مرتد گردد. این معنا با کلمه ارتداد نیز مساعدت دارد.

  In the case of the Murtad Fitri, after adolescence, he must accept Islam with his intellect, in addition to the fact that at the time of the co-formation of his sperm, parents or one of them are Muslim, and in the apostate also must find a superstructure after puberty, then Islam is brought to the forefront and then apostate. This meaning also helps with the word apostasy.

 احکام مرتد فطرى‏
امام راحل در تحریرالوسیله‏ در باب ارث مى‏فرماید: توبه مردى که ارتدادش فطرى باشد، مقبول نیست و باید کشته شود. زوجه‏اش از او جدا مى‏شود و باید عده وفات (چهار ماه و ده روز) نگاه دارد. اموالش نیز بین ورثه‏اش تقسیم مى‏گردد؛ یعنى شارع به سبب ارتداد از او سلب مالکیت کرده و حکم موت را بر او جارى مى‏کند؛ و همان‏طور که به سبب مرگ اموالش به ورثه منتقل مى‏شود،
ارتداد نیز همان خصوصیت را دارد. (تحریرالوسیله/2/367/مسئله10)
Rules for Murtad Fitri:
Imam Khomeini writes in Tahrir ul Wasila: "Repentance of a man who is murtad-e-fitri is futile, is unacceptable and he must be killed." His wife is separated from her, and she should have Idh after his death (four months and ten days). His property is also divided among his heirs; that is, according to Sharia, due to his apostasy his property is confiscated and he is given death sentence; as well as her apostasy due to the death of her property, apostasy Has the same characteristics. (Tahrir-ul-Wasila / 2/367 / Issue 10)
22 June 2017:
During Ramadanreligious lectures in Shiite cities in Iraq's center and south — the main base of the Islamic parties — attacked the spread of secular and atheistic ideas, which are viewed as threats to Iraqi society.
Former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has extensive influence among the politically ambitious pro-Iranian factions within the Popular Mobilization Units military organization. He warned May 30 of a supposed dangerous conspiracy by secular and nonreligious movements to take power from Islamic parties and gain control for themselves.
Many atheists have been forced to flee Iraq because of harassment and threats. Jamal al-Bahadly, an atheist who is vocal about his views on social networking sites, said he received death threats from Shiite militias in Baghdad, forcing him to leave the country in 2015. He emigrated to Germany.
“As an atheist, I was deprived of the most basic civil rights in Iraq. I feel that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights does not include me and my fellow atheists in Iraq," Bahadly told Al-Monitor. Iraq voted in favor of the declaration in 1948 at the United Nations General Assembly.
Leaders of Islamic movements repeatedly say they've seen a rise in the number of atheists in Iraq. Their statements of concern fuel even more concern among the ruling Islamic parties, who fear a decline in their political power. 
5 July 2017:
World Watch Monitor reported that three Christians – a pastor and two converts to Christianity – had been given lengthy jail terms, but now it emerges that a fourth man, another convert, was also sentenced.
Kaviyan Fallah-Mohammadi was sentenced to 10 years in jail for “acting against national security by organising and conducting house-churches”, as was fellow convert Hadi Asgari. The third convert, Amin Afshar-Naderi, received an additional five-year sentence – so 15 years in all – for “insulting the sacred” (blasphemy). 
6 July 2017:
Four more Christians received lengthy jail sentences in Iran last week, it has emerged, taking the total number sentenced in the last month to 12.
Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Saheb Fadaie, Mohammad Reza Omidi and Youcef Nadarkhani were each sentenced to ten years in prison. Omidi and Nadarkhani – a pastor who previously served almost three years for apostasy, a charge for which he once faced the death sentence before his release in 2012 – were also sentenced to two years in exile in southern Iran, the opposite side of the country to where their families live. They received their verdicts (dated 24 June) on 6 July, following a hearing on 14 June.
20 July 2017: One judge in Iran has issued 10-15-year prison sentences to at least 11 Christian converts in less than two months.
11 August 2017:
Christianity has been growing at an exponential rate in the last couple of decades in Iran, causing the Islamic government a great deal of concern. In a most recent expression of their distress, one of the high profile Islamic seminary officials, Ayatollah Alavi Boroujerdi, stated “accurate reports indicate that the youth are becoming Christians in Qom and attending house churches”.
However, this is not a new development. Earlier reports had also shown a surprising rise in the number of Iranians turning away from Islam and converting to Christianity.
One of the most senior Islamic Shi’ite clerics who has repeatedly expressed his concern over the spread of Christianity among the youth in the country is Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi. He, as well as most of his colleagues blame the foreign influence for the conversion of young Iranians to Christianity. 
17 Oct 2017:
Five more Iranian converts to Christianity have been arrested in recent weeks, three of whom are still being detained.
Church leader Mohammed Ali Torabi, 39, was arrested on 10 October in the western city of Dezful, and is being held in an unknown location. Two other converts were arrested alongside him but later released, according to advocacy group Article 18.
Meanwhile, Mehrdad Houshmand and his wife Sarah were arrested, interrogated and then detained in the capital, Tehran, for participating in a Christian funeral service, including “reading prayers based on Christian teachings”.
Kiaa Aalipour from Article 18 told World Watch Monitor the Iranian government “sees Christian converts as a constant threat to the Islamic identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.
“The Iranian regime is very fearful of the growth of Christianity in Iran,” he said. “If more and more Iranians convert to Christianity, the legitimacy of the Iranian regime, which is based on an Islamic theocracy, will be totally lost.”
23 Oct 2017:
An Iranian convert to Christianity has been arrested in the western city of Dezful, the fourth such convert arrested in the city in recent weeks.
Abdol-Ali Pourmand was arrested on Saturday (21 October) after a raid on his home two days before, during which materials including Bibles and Christian CDs were confiscated. 
31 Oct 2017:
Since the family of the Christian convert prisoner, Abdol-Ali Pourmand, who has been in prison for two weeks, has not yet been officially informed of their loved one’s charges, their efforts to hire proper legal representation for him have been hindered.
Mr. Pourmand (Elias) who is 38 years old, is one of the ministers at the Payam-e Aramesh (Message of Peace) house church in Dezful. He was arrested on October 19, 2017 and immediately transferred to Ahwaz.
His family told Mohabat News that the judge handling Mr. Pourmand’s case told them they do not have the right to hire a lawyer to represent him in court.
21 Nov 2017:
Mohabat News reports that Abdol-Ali Pourmand, 38, and Mohammed Ali Torabi, 39, who are both members of the same ‘house church’ – Payam-e Aramesh (Message of Peace) – have also been forced to sign blank pieces of paper, which could be used as evidence they confessed their crimes or renounced their faith.
Kiaa Aalipour from advocacy organisation Article 18 told World Watch Monitor that Pourmand has also been forced to take part in Islamic prayers.

24 Nov 2017:
An Iranian convert to Christianity has had his 10-year prison sentence upheld after losing his appeal.
Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh was sentenced in May alongside three Azerbaijanis. All four men were given 10-year sentences for “missionary activities” and “actions against national security” in Iran.
However, the three Azerbaijanis – Eldar Gurbanov, Yusif Farhadov and Bahram Nasibov – were allowed to leave Iran in November 2016 and are unlikely to be forced to return, despite their representatives also failing to overturn their verdicts during the 12 November hearing, World Watch Monitor understands

12 Dec 2017:
Four Iranian converts to Christianity have been arrested in the city of Karaj, Alborz province, less than two weeks before Christmas, reports say.
In an interview with Radio Farda, Article 18 spokesman, Kiarash A’lipour confirmed the news, adding, “Milad Goudarzi, Amin Khaki, Alireza Nour-Mohammadi and Shehabuddin Shahi were all arrested by security forces on Tuesday, December 12, in Karaj”.
On Tuesday, the government’s official news agency, IRNA reported that “Elements of a devious Christian cult who were promoting it and attempting to disrupt the market and economic order have been arrested”.
IRNA did not elaborate what it meant by “disrupting market and economic order.
One of the detainees, Amin Khaki was earlier detained along six of his fellow Christians in 2013 and recently freed after serving his term in a prison in Ahvaz, capital of Khouzestan province, southwestern Iran.
Many Muslims who converted to Christianity have been arrested in recent years, days before Christmas.
Last year, in a joint statement, 19 human rights organizations called on the international community to press Iran to end the persecution of newly converted Iranian Christians.
According to Christian and human rights organizations, “In less than two months, since June 2017, Judge Mashallah Ahmadzadeh of Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran has issued long prison sentences to at least 11 Christian converts and the former leader of the Assyrian Pentecostal Church in Iran.”
On July 6, Ahmadzadeh sentenced four Protestant Christian converts to 10 years in prison each in a trial completely lacking due process, according to Mansour Borji, the advocacy director of Article 18, a London-based organization that defends Christians in Iran.
“Charges against these Christians is legally unfounded, and their conviction to 10 years’ imprisonment is violating the obvious right of freedom of opinion,” Borji told Radio Farda. “So many Christians in Iran are accused of merely attending Mass and prayer gatherings even in the privacy of their homes. They are all waiting for the Revolutionary Courts’ verdict against them.”
There are no recent official statistics available on the number of Christians in Iran, but 117,704 were counted in a 2011 state census, CHRI maintained. Those who said were Christians in an official census mostly belong to recognized and tolerated traditional ethnic churches, such as Armenian churches.
But evangelical or other new Christian movements, which are spreading covertly among Muslims, are treated harshly by the Islamic Republic.
In 2010, the World Christian Database (WCD) recorded 270,057 Christians in Iran. Some Christian organizations argue the number is much higher.
At least five church leaders have been murdered and hundreds more have been either interrogated or incarcerated in Iran since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
Publishing the Persian version of the Bible in Iran is forbidden, while several churches have been forced to shut down.

2 Feb 2018:
TABRIZ, E.Azerbaijan- Islamic Security abducts Ali Amini, a locally famous confectioner, in midnight raid. His crime: holding prayer sessions at his home for new converts to #Christianity. In his 60s, Amini converted to Christianity 45 years ago before mullahs seized power.

11 Feb 2018:
In secret trial by Islamic Court, new convert to Christianity Nasser Navard-Goltapeh, aged 32, is sentenced to 10 years in prison after refusing to return to Islam. He was arrested with 3 other new converts from neighboring Azerbaijan Republic who were expelled to Baku.

27 Feb 2018:
ساجد الرحمان نے کہا کہ غیر مسلموں کی شناخت ظاہر ہونا انتہائی ضروری ہے، جس کو ریاست نے کافر قرار دیا وہ مسلمان کا نام استعمال نہیں کر سکتا، ریاست کو اس مرتد کے لئے قانون سازی کرنا ہوگی، اقلیتوں کو شناخت ظاہر کرنی چاہیئے۔ ان کا تحفظ ریاست کی ذمہ داری ہے۔
جسٹس شوکت عزیز صدیقی نے کہا مرتد کے لئے ملک میں قانون سازی کی ضرورت ہے، کیا 30 سال سول سروس کرنے کے بعد شناختی کارڈ میں تبدیلی کرنے والے کے لئے سزا ہونی چاہیئے؟ ساجد الرحمان نے جواب دیا کہ ریاست کو سخت سے سخت سزا تفويض کرنی چاہیئے۔ جسٹس شوکت عزیز صدیقی نے کہا کہ اس ساری کارروائی کا مقصد مقننه کو قانون سازی کی جانب توجہ دلانا ہے۔

1 Mar 2018:
Justice Siddiqui remarked that there were several youth who changed their religious status to get foreign citizenships.
In the meantime, Allama Mohsin Naqvi, former member of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) as an amicus curiae submitted before the court that protection of basic teachings of Islam was the responsibility of an Islamic state.
He told that during the regime of Caliph Umar, registers were prepared for identification of Muslims and non-Muslims.
Allama Naqvi said that during the past 10 years, 10,000 people converted from Islam to Ahamdiyya and it was a very concerning situation for the society.
Allama Naqvi said that this situation should be controlled by protecting the rights of the minorities.

6 Oct 2018:

در حكومت اسلامي حتي افراد مرتد نيز آزادند ولي اين آزادي تا جايي است كه آن‌ها ارتداد خود را اظهار نكرده و در صدد تبليغ عقيدة جديد ارتدادي خويش برنيايند؛ زيرا اگر چه اينان در داشتن عقيده آزادند ولي آزادي بيان اين افراد محدود به عدم اخلال به نظم عمومي و مباني اسلامي است كه در قانون اساسي بر آن تأكيد شده است. حکم ارتداد در واقع نوعي حکم سياسي و امنيتي است و در مورد افرادي به کار گرفته مي‌شود که با اظهار ارتداد و بازگشت از دين، درصدد تضعيف ايمان ديگران برآمده و به صورتي با اسلام و نظام اسلامي اعلان خصومت و ستيز کنند. واقعيت موجود در جامعه ما نشان مي دهد که بسياري از افراد به علل گوناگون، که اغلب ريشه روان شناختي دارد نه علمي و تحقيقي، نسبت به باورهاي خود دچار ترديد و گاه ارتداد مي‌شوند اما کسي با آن‌ها کاري ندارد. حکم ارتداد تنها در باره کساني مطرح شده است که با انواع شگردها و روش‌ها درصدد جذب ديگران و ايجاد ترديد در باورهاي آنان هستند.
Even apostates are free in Islamic rule, but this is so long as they do not express their apostasy and do not seek to propagate their new apostate doctrine, because although they are free to believe, their freedom of expression is limited to non-interference. It is the Islamic general principles underlying the constitution. The apostasy verdict is actually a political and security verdict, and is applied to those who, by declaring apostasy and returning to religion, seek to undermine the faith of others and to declare hostility to Islam and the Islamic system. The reality in our society shows that many people, for various reasons, often of psychological rather than scientific and scientific origin, are skeptical and sometimes apathetic about their beliefs, but no one has anything to do with them. The apostasy judgment is only for those who, by a variety of methods and methods, seek to attract others and to cast doubt on their beliefs.

9 Nov 2018:
موارد دیگری چون حفظ آبرو، عدم ارتکاب به جرایم و فواحش و … همگی از مفاسد فردی ارتداد است.

۳_ دفع حداقلی:

اسلام برای اینکه اشخاص، به زودی و با هر شبهه ای، اقدام به کفر نکنند؛ قانون ارتداد را وضع کرده است؛ طبق این قانون، اگر شخصی در جامعه اسلامی، دچار تردید در اسلام شود؛ حق ندارد کفرش را اظهار نماید. به عبارت دیگر، حکومت اسلامی، می پسندد شخص هر چند در باطن کافر است، اما با ظاهری اسلامی در بین مسلمانان به زندگی خود ادامه بدهد. این خواسته حکومت، باعث می شود شخص با مسلمانان گفتمان داشته و تعامل نماید و در اثر تکرر این واقعه، شبهه شخص مرتد از بین برود و کافر شدنش، منتفی شود.

این قاعده، برای افراد جامعه ی اسلامی که از بهره علمی و بنیه اعتقادی کافی برخوردار نیستند؛ عامل بازدارنده ایست تا با کفر زودهنگامشان، به افکار جامعه آسیب وارد نسازند.

۴_ جلوگیری از جنگ روانی:

همانطور که در عنوان «تشریع حکم ارتداد» گذشت، کفار با استفاده از ایمان آوردن های صوری و کفر مجدد و … قصد تخریب ایمان مومنان را داشتند؛ اگر این هدف کفار به نتیجه می رسید؛ جنگ روانی عظیمی علیه حکومت اسلام و مسلمانان آغاز می شد و مسلمانان بسیاری بر اثر این جنگ روانی، حتی اعتقادات یقینی خود را رها می کردند.

اسلام با تشریع حکم اعدام برای مرتد، از این حیله کفار و آغاز این جنگ روانی، جلوگیری کرد.

۵_ جلوگیری از اقدام عجولانه و انتخاب کورکورانه:

اسلام، حکم ارتداد را سخت معین کرده است تا از اقدام های عجولانه و انتخاب های کورکورانه جلوگیری به عمل آورد. به این بیان که هر کس با هر دلیل ساده و پیش پا افتاده ای، اقدام به تغیر دین نکند.  و یا با کمترین دلیلی، دینی را قبول ننماید. پس بنابراین لازم است که در حکومت اسلامی، مسلمانان با دلیل متقن و دینی را قبول نمایند. سپس با دلیل متقن دین اسلام را انکار نمایند. به همین دلیل تقلید در انتخاب دین ممنوع و باطل اعلام شده است.

از آنجا که اسلام از عدم وجود دلیل متقن و مفید برای انکار اسلام و یا نقد آن مطمئن می باشد؛ پس با اقتدار تمام، حکم به مجازات مرتدین می دهد؛ چرا که هیچ دلیل قانع کننده ای برای ترک اسلام وجود ندارد؛ جز شبهات که با تحقیق مرتفع می گردند.

آیا یک مسلمان، به صرف انکار، اعدام می شود؟

در پاسخ می گوییم که طبق آنچه از احادیث و روایات و احکام اسلام برداشت می شود، این است که چهار شرط اساسی باید در عمل مرتد باشد تا حکم ارتداد بر او جاری شود:

۱_ خروج از اسلام تحقق بیابد.

۲_ این خروج، از روی اختیار باشد (نه از روی اجبار و کراهت و …)

۳_ انکار جاحدانه باشد (یعنی از روی علم باشد نه از روی جهل و یا فراموشی و …)

۴_ اقدام عملی بر ضد اسلام

بنابراین شخصی که در امری دینی شک و تردید دارد و یا از روی جهل یک مساله ی ضروری دین را منکر شده است (بدون اینکه بداند آن مساله دینی است) و یا از روی اجبار و کراهت و … مجبور به این انکار و خروج از دین شده باشد و یاهمه شرایط را داشته باشد، اما علیه حکومت و یا اسلام، اقدامی عملی ننماید و انکارش را نمایان ننماید، حکم ارتداد بر وی ثابت نخواهد بود.

معرفی کتاب:

برای اطلاعات بیشتر و تکمیلی، کتاب ارتداد در اسلام، تالیف عیسی ولائی را توصیه می نماییم.

Other things such as protecting your reputation, not committing crimes and offenses, etc. are all personal corruption of apostasy.

Minimal disposal:

Islam has instituted the law of apostasy in order for individuals not to act sooner or later in any form of infidelity; it has the right to declare infidelity if a person in Islamic society is in doubt. In other words, the Islamic State, although favorable in the interior, continues to live a Muslim life among Muslims. This demand of the government causes one to engage and interact with the Muslims and to eliminate the apostate's suspicion and disbelieve in the repetition of this event.

This rule is a deterrent to those in the Islamic community who do not have enough scientific and vigorous beliefs to cause harm to public opinion by their early disbelief.

Prevent Psychological Warfare:

As the title of "apostasy decree" states, the infidels were trying to destroy the faith of the believers by means of formal beliefs and disbelief, and so on. As a result of this psychological war, many Muslims abandoned even their certain beliefs.

Islam outlined the death penalty for apostates, preventing this trick of infidels and starting this psychological war.

Prevent hasty action and blind choice:

Islam has strictly defined apostasy to prevent hasty acts and blind choices. That is to say, everyone, for whatever simple and trivial reason, should not change his religion. Or, for the least reason, do not accept religion. Therefore, it is necessary for the Islamic government to accept Muslims for a valid and religious reason. Then deny Islam with a valid reason. For this reason, imitation of religion is forbidden and invalid.

Since Islam is convinced of the lack of a solid and useful reason to deny Islam or criticize it, then with full authority, it condemns the apostates because there is no compelling reason to abandon Islam except for the suspicions that With research.

Is a Muslim executed for denial?

In response we say that according to what is said from the hadiths and traditions of Islam, there are four basic conditions that must be applied in apostasy in order for the sentence of apostasy to apply to him:

7. Exit from Islam.

2_ This exit is voluntary (not by compulsion,…)

2- Deny it by virtue (that is, by science, not by ignorance or forgetfulness, etc.)

Practical action against Islam

So a person who is skeptical of a religion or has ignored the essential issue of religion (without knowing it is a religious issue) or has been forced to deny it and leave religion. If he has been and is aware of the situation, but does not take action against the government or Islam and does not deny it, the sentence of apostasy on him will not be fixed.

book introduction:

For further details, we recommend The Book of Apostasy in Islam by Jesus the Wise.

27 Nov 2018: "Ofogh Hawzah" publication includes Grand Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani's answer to the why apostates should be killed despite Quranic injunction that "there's no compulsion in religion".

▪ دوم: فساد دنیا غالباً از یهود است.

ارتداد در زمان پیغمبر‌ صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم، برنامه یهود بود. آن‌ها بچه‌هاى یهودى را آموزش می‌دادند که بروید و نزد پیغمبر «لا اله الا الله» بگویید که ما از کلیمى بودن برگشتیم. مدتى با پیغمبر نماز بخوانید و بعداز یکى دو ماه بگویید نه، ما نپسندیدیم. سپس برگردید و شعار ضد دین بدهید تا دیگران (مسلمانان) هم برگردند. آیه دارد: «وَ قالَتْ طائِفَةٌ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْکِتابِ آمِنُوا بِالَّذى أُنْزِلَ عَلَى الَّذینَ آمَنُوا وَجْهَ النَّهارِ وَ اکْفُرُوا آخِرَهُ لَعَلَّهُمْ یَرْجِعُونَ؛(11) و جمعى از اهل کتاب (از یهود) گفتند: (بروید در ظاهر) به آن‌چه بر مؤمنان نازل شده، در آغاز روز ایمان بیاورید، و در پایان روز کافر شوید، شاید آن‌ها (از آیین) خود باز گردند.» این ترفندها در زمان پیغمبر‌ صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم و پس از او هم بود و الآن هم همین را تعقیب می‌کنند.
Second: The corruption of the world is predominantly Jewish.

Apostasy was the program of the Jews at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP). They taught the Jewish children to go and say to the Prophet "la loya" that we were returning from being religious. Pray for a while with the Prophet, and say no, after a month or two, we did not like it. Then go back and give the slogan "anti-religion" so that others (Muslims) will return. (11) And a group of the people of the Book said: "Go forth in appearance," to what has been revealed to the believers, and to the believers, and to the believers, Believe in the beginning of the day, and disbelieve at the end of the day, maybe they will return (to their religion). "These tricks were at the time of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) and his followers, and they are now following.

▪ سوم: ارتداد برخلاف آزادى است و یک نوع تجاوز به حقوق عمومى به شمار می‌رود.

در نتیجه اول، گفته شد که ارتداد نوعى توطئه علیه نظام است، در این‌جا می‌گوییم ارتداد، نوعى تجاوز به حقوق عمومى است؛ زیرا عموم جامعه، نظام اسلامى را پذیرفته و به جمهورى اسلامى نه یک کلمه بیش و نه یک کلمه کم رأى داده‌اند، حال اگر آدمى مرتد بشود و ارتداد را تبلیغ بکند، او در حقیقت می‌خواهد افکار و خواست عمومى را تضعیف کند و حق عموم را از بین ببرد.

در تمام جهان، حقوق عمومى معتبر بوده و افراد در حدود آن آزاد هستند. اسلام نیز می‌گوید: هم حقوق عمومى معتبر است و هم حقوق فردى؛ اما به شرط این‌که به سعادت خودش لطمه نزند. پس تفاوتى که ما با غرب داریم این است که غرب براى آزادى فقط یک شرط قائل است و می‌گوید: آزادید به شرط این‌که به حقوق عمومى تجاوز نکنید؛ اما ما می‌گوییم: آزادید به شرط آن که به حقوق عمومى و حقوق شخصى خود هم تجاوز نکنید؛ مثلاً خودکشى و شرابخوارى حرام است؛ زیرا تجاوز از سعادت فرد است.

▪ چهارم: مصالح جامعه بر مصلحت فرد مقدم است.

در تمام جهان می‌گویند: مصالح جامعه بر مصلحت فرد مقدم است و این یک مسئله عمومى است. در کشور ما کم و بیش این قانون مطرح است؛ مثلاً شهر به توسعه نیاز دارد و لذا احتیاج به خیابان کشى دارد. مصلحت فرد می‌گوید: این خانه، مال من است، چرا خرابش می‌کنید؟ ولى مصلحت جامعه اقتضاى خراب کردن خانه را دارد! لذا دولت، جمع بین دو حق می‌کند و مبلغ خانه را به قیمت روز پرداخت می‌کند؛ زیرا مصالح جمع بر مصالح فرد مقدم است.

حکم ارتداد و مرتد در کشورهایى با دیدگاه اعتقادى، مانند حکم جاسوس در کشورهاى الحادى است.

جاسوس در تمامى کشورها به اشد مجازات محکوم است و هیچ کس هم اعتراضى نمی‌کند و احدى هم اجازه ندارد درباره جاسوس شفاعت کند؛ چرا؟ زیرا زشتى آن به قدرى روشن است که جاى شفاعت ندارد. اگر هم بخواهند شفاعت کنند از راه‌هاى دیگرى وارد می‌شوند و مثلاً می‌گویند نادان و بچه است یا او را تحریک کرده‌اند.

Third: Apostasy is contrary to liberty and is a type of violation of public rights.

As a result, apostasy was said to be a kind of conspiracy against the system, here we say apostasy is a violation of public law, because the public community has accepted the Islamic system and has not voted for the Islamic Republic, not a single word or a low word. Now, if an individual becomes apostate and propagates apostasy, he actually wants to weaken public thoughts and demands and destroy public right.

Across the globe, public rights are valid and people are free to do so. Islam also says that both public rights are valid and individual rights, but on condition that they do not harm their own happiness. So the difference we have with the West is that the West is only one of the conditions for freedom, saying: "You are free, provided you do not violate public rights, but we say:" Freed on the condition that you do not violate your public rights and your personal rights " ; For example, suicide and wine-making is forbidden, because it is the transgression of one's happiness.

▪ Fourth: The interests of society are ahead of the individual's interests.

In the whole world, they say: the interests of the society are preceded by the interests of the individual, and this is a general issue. In our country, more or less this is the law; for example, the city needs development, and therefore it needs a street. Excerpts said: "This house is mine, why do you ruin it?" But the expediency of the community requires the destruction of the house! Therefore, the government pays a sum of two rights and pays the price of the house at the price of the day, because the aggregate of the aggregate is on the individual's interests.

The verdict of apostasy and apostate in believing countries is like a spy's sentence in heinous countries.

The spy is sentenced to the highest punishment in all countries, and nobody protests, and no one is allowed to intercede with the spies, why? Because its ugliness is so clear that there is no place for intercession. If they want to intercede, they will enter other ways, for example, they say they are ignorant and childish, or have provoked him.

In our country, the apostate also has the same spy order. The apostate is in fact with

در کشور ما مرتد نیز حکم همان جاسوس را دارد. مرتد در حقیقت با
In our country, the apostate also has the same spy order. The apostasy is intrigued by the propaganda of the enemy. So the cruelest punishment that is about the spy is raised.

 پنجم: ارتداد نوعى واپسگرایى است.
مرتد اگر دنبال یک دین اکمل برود، حرفى نیست، ولى مرتد میرود زرتشتى میشود و مثلاً به آتش احترام میگذارد و سجده میکند!
رجوع به مسیحیت نیز واپسگرایى است. مسیحى میگوید: خدا در ژانویه متولد شد و مسیح متولدشده، خداست! مسیح از نظر آنها پیغمبر نیست. در المنجد نوشته که «المسیح هو الله المتجسد»! خدا اگر خداست تولدش چه معنى دارد؟! اسلام یک چنین واپسگرایى را تجویز نمیکند.
 ششم: ارتدادهاى کنونى ارتدادهاى سیاسى و به تعبیرى دلارى و ریالى است.
جوانان عزیز! اساتید و دانشجویان محترم! امروزه ارتدادها، سیاسى هستند. شبکههاى استعمارى پول میدهند که جوانها مرتد شوند تا بعداً از اینها بهرهبردارى سیاسى کنند. پس ارتداد واقعى نیست؛ بلکه سیاسى است. همین شبکهها گاهى اوقات مسایل جنسى را که بسیار اغواگر هستند، ابزار خود میسازند تا بتوانند در داخل کشور، یک هسته مخالف درست کنند. تمام اینها سیاسى است. این ارتدادها ارتداد واقعى نیستند؛ بلکه شبیه همان ارتداد یهود در زمان پیامبرند. البته آنها ارتداد اولشان سیاسى و دومى واقعى بود؛ اما اینها از همان ابتدا سیاسى است.

▪ Fifth: apostasy is a kind of retrogression.

An apostate if he stops following the perfect religion (Islam), there is nothing to say about that point, but he adopts (inferior religions) to Zoroastrianism and, for example, respects the fire and prostrate himself!

Referring to Christianity is also a retrogression. The Christian says: God was born in January and Christ is born, God is! Christ is not a prophet in their eyes. In Almundhad wrote that "Al-Masiyah Al-Almuddsud"! God, if God, what does his birth mean? Islam does not prescribe such a retrogression.

▪ Sixth: Current archetypes are political archetypes, in the sense of the dollars and Rials.

Dear youth! Dear professors and students! Nowadays, apostasy is political. Colonial networks cost young people to become apostate so they can later exploit them politically. Therefore, apostasy is not real; it is political. The same networks sometimes make their sexual instruments, which are so seductive, that they can create an opposite core inside the country. All this is political. These apostasy are not true apostasy; they are similar to Jewish apostasy at the time of the Prophet. Of course, their first apostasy was a political one, and the latter was real, but these are political from the beginning.

30 Nov 2018:
Iranian cleric Saeed Rahai: UK has decriminalised blasphemy & apostasy. People don't get why a "murtad-e-fitri" (apostate who was a born Muslim) deserves death penalty. That's bcz he completely discards his human dignity and can't be treated as a human.
دولتی مثل بریتانیا که قوانینی برای مقابله با توهین مقدسات داشت و آن را به عنوان جرم تلقی می کرد مجبور شد که قانون خودش را عوض کند و توهین به مقدسات را دیگر جرم نشمارد و امروز در صحنه بین المللی کشورهای اندکی را می‌بینید که این دو بحث یعنی ارتداد و بحث توهین به مقدسات را جرم می‌شمارند.
حجت الاسلام والمسلمین رهایی خاطرنشان کرد: همیشه اشکال بوده از جانب مذهبی‌ها و غیر مذهبی‌ها که ارتداد چطور می‌تواند به صورت مطلق جرم‌انگاری بشود و مجازات چنین سنگینی نسبت به مرتد فطری اعمال بشود که در حقیقت مرتد فطری گویا از کرامت انسانی به کلی بری می‌شود و معامله انسانی با او نمی‌شود.

15 May 2019:
Ayatollah Hashim Bathai: No sane person leaves Islam for Christianity i.e. a forged faith. Converting from Islam to Christianity is like dropping out of the master's program and enrolling in the undergraduate program. Apostates deserve death penalty.

نماینده مردم تهران در مجلس خبرگان افزود: باید بدانیم که مسحیت در مواردی امروز جعلی است و حتی کتاب انجیل نیز دستخوش تحریف شده است، در دین واقعی مسحیت حضرت مسیح می گوید اگر کشیده ای به شما زدند طرف دیگر صورت تان را مقابل فرد بگیرید اما آیا ترامپ نیز پیرو همین مسیحیت است. ایا مسحیتی که در کلیسای لندن ترویج می شود نیز همان مسیحیت واقعی است پس چرا این کلیسا از بمب اتمی دفاع کرد؟

The representative of the people of Tehran in the Assembly of Experts added: "We must realize that Christianity is fake in some cases today, and even the book of the Gospel has been distorted, in the true religion of the intercession of Jesus Christ says if you pulled you on the other side of your face face to face, Is Trump a follower of the same Christianity. Is the mysticism promoted in the Church of London the true Christianity, so why did the church protect the atomic bomb
آیت الله بطحایی اظهار کرد: هیچ عاقلی دین پاک اسلام را رها نمی کند و به سمت جعلیات مسیحیت نمی رود اما تنها عامل این موضوع در انحراف به سمت مسیحیت فقر است. دولت وقتی به فکر تامین نیازهای اقشار جامعه نباشد فقر برای افراد کمر شکن می شود و افراد به سمت تحریفات مذهبی منحرف می شوند.

Ayatollah Bhuthehai stated: "No wise man will leave the pure religion of Islam and will not go to the forgeries of Christianity, but the only reason for this is to deviate to the Christianity is poverty. The government does not pay attention to the needs of the social strata of the population, and people are diverted to religious distortions.
عضو مجلس خبرگان تصریح کرد: از نظر حقوقی باید بسیاری از حقوق در جامعه رعایت شود تا کسی تمایلی برای گرایش به سمت ادیان تحریف شده نداشته باشد. در این موضوع حوزه های علمیه وظیفه دارند که مسائل را برای تمام اقشار جامعه بیان کند و صدا و سیما نیز در این امر موظف است تا روشنگری های واقعی در مورد دین اسلام ارایه کند.

A member of the Assembly of Experts stated that, in legal terms, many rights should be respected in society so that no one tends to tend to distorted religions. In this regard, the seminaries have a duty to express issues for all strata of the society, and the voice and the IRM are required to provide real enlightenment about the religion of Islam.

وی گفت: انحراف از دین اسلام به سمت دین مسیحیت مثل این است که فرد از طی مدارج تحصیلی در سطح کارشناسی ارشد انصراف بدهد و به سطح کاردانی تنزل پیدا کند زیرا دین اسلام در میان تمام ادیان الهی دین تکمیلی است. از نظر حکمی گرایش مسلمان زاده مرد یا زن، دختر یا پسر به سمت مسحیت مرتد محسوب می شود و حکم مرتد اعدام است.
 He said the deviation from the Islamic religion towards Christianity is like having a person drop out of the master's degree program and enrolling it to undergraduate level program, because Islam is among all the divine religions of complementary religion. In terms of verdict, any Muslim male or female, daughter or son is who converts to Christianity is  considered to be an apostate, and it the sentence for apostate is death.

آیت الله بطحایی تصریح کرد: افرادیکه به سمت مسیحیت تبشیری گرایش پیدا کردند در مساجد نبودند که به سمت ادیان دیگر منحرف شدند این فرد در خارج از مسجد درگیر تبلیغاتی شده است که چهره واقعی اسلام را نمی شناسد.

Ayatollah Bhuthehani stated that those who converted to evangelical Christianity were not in mosques that were diverted to other religions. The person outside the mosque was involved with propaganda that did not recognize the true face of Islam.

وی ادامه داد: مساجد جهره اسلام را از نظر اجتماعی، سیاسی، فرهنگی در میان تمام اقشار جامعه باید به خوبی تبین کنند تا کسی گرایشی به سمت ادیان دیگر نداشته باشد. کسی که به سمت ادیان دیگر غیر از اسلام تمایل پیدا می کند اگر اهل مسجد باشد تمایلی به سوی دیگر ندارد.

He continued: "Mosques of Jahreh Islam should be well-balanced socially, politically, and culturally among all sections of society, so that there is no tendency towards other religions." Someone who tends to other religions other than Islam, if he is from the mosque, he is reluctant to other religions,

نماینده مردم تهران در مجلس خبرگان اظهار کرد: وظیفه دولت است تا نیروهای سیاسی و اطلاعاتی در این موضوع دقت کنند با رفتن برخی افراد به سمت ادیان دیگر گردی به کبریای دین اسلام نمی نشیند اما این موضوع می تواند به عنوان یک نقص در جامعه اسلامی باشد که افراد برای اندکی پول دین آبا و اجدادی و دین مترقی اسلام را از دست بدهد و به سمت آیین جعلی مسیحیت بروند.

The representative of the people of Tehran in the Assembly of Experts stated: "It is the duty of the government to ensure that the political and intelligence forces pay attention to this issue by not going to some other religions to other religions, but this can be a defect in the Islamic society." To lose people for a little money for the ancestral religion and the progressive Islam of Islam and go to the false religion of Christianity.

ایت الله بطحایی گفت: حضرت عیسی و ان انجیلی که بر ایشان وارد شد را تکریم می کنیم و برای ما مقدس است اما دینی که در دست ترامپ و دست نشانده های اوست تحریفی و جعلی است. وظیفه دولت است تا نقایص خود را درسطح جامعه برطرف کند و دین اسلام را به خوبی برای شهروندان خود تبین کند تا این اتفاق رخ ندهد./
 It said: "We rever Jesus and Gospels that were revelead to them, and are holy to us, but the religion that is in the hands of Trump and his puppets is false. It is the duty of the government to resolve its deficiencies at the community level and to perfect the religion of Islam well for its citizens, in order not to happen.

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