Reza Kahlili translated this Iranian video about Islamic prophecies of a coming messiah and the destruction of Israel and America
On January 23, 2015, a new narrative of the Reappearance emerged following the death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. On January 30, during a Friday Prayers address, Ahmad Jannati, secretary of the Guardian Council, congratulated all Muslims on the death — a comment that raised a few eyebrows but was not necessarily without its symbolic merit.
In one of the best-known stories about the portents of Reappearance, the sixth Shia Imam Jafar Sadegh (702-765) was quoted as saying: “If you guarantee the death of Abdullah for me I will guarantee you the Reappearance of [Mahdi].” Of course, the fact that Imam Sadegh lived in the 7th century and “Abdullah” is a common name in the Islamic world did not stop Iranians looking for signs of Mahdi’s return. The quotation was published numerous times on many websites.
The Nuclear Threat to the Imam
“Mecca is not a safe place for the Reappearance of the Imam of Time,” said Mehdi Taeb not long after the quotations about Abdullah showed up in the media. “The evil and despicable Obama is the US Commander-in-Chief and he controls all the nuclear weapons. If [Mahdi] reappears, Mecca will be wiped out in a few minutes.”
But even before the death of King Abdullah, new signs of Mahdi’s reappearance began to emerge out of Syria and Iraq. According to the literature on the phenomenon, when the Reappearance happens, three prominent “movements” will be active: an uprising in Yemen, the Khorasan movement, led by a descendant of Prophet Mohammad (called a seyed) — both which will lead to the formation of a pious government — and the adversarial Sufyani movement. According to the Reapparance narrative, the movements emerging from Yemen and the Khorasan group will band together as allies to fight the Sufyani movement, which is recognized in hadiths to be anti-Mahdi.
It would not be too difficult to fit current events into this narrative — which has been featured in “second coming” literature for a long time. For example, the “Yemenis” could be read as the Houthis, currently fighting against the Saudi government with Iranian support. Some time ago this badge of honor was assigned to Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanese Hezbollah, but recently, attention has turned to the Houthi Shias in Yemen.
The question of how ISIS fits in with the Sufyani has also been raised, with a number of religious authorities and principalist media outlets agreeing that it could be a sign of the emergence of the Sufyani. According to them, Saddam Hussein was the first Sufyani. Now that he is dead, we must expect a new one.
... “The events in Syria were bound to happen,” said Ali Saeedi, Ayatollah Khamenei’s representative to the Revolutionary Guards. “The portents of Reappearance are all around us,” said well-known preacher Alireza Panahian. “We cannot simply ignore the evidence.”
Because the Reappearance scenario dictates that when the Imam of Time or Mahdi returns, there will be no need for the clergy to “cover” as his deputies any longer, senior clergymen are not always wholly enthusiastic about the specifics of the narrative — though they would never dispute the overall assumption that it will happen.
"In the words of one Hadith, “God will send to this community [the Islamic Umma] at the beginning of every century someone who will renew its religion.”3 The existence of these traditions and the fact that many still fervently believe in them helps to explain the widespread upheaval in the Muslim world almost thirty years ago. In 1979, Juhayman al-Utaybi, a Saudi militant, took over the Holy Mosque in Mecca and proclaimed his companion to be either the Mahdi or the Qahtani (another messianic claimant).4 In that year, there was a major messianic upheaval in northern Nigeria in the form of the Maitatsine movement, which is still a problem today,5 as well as Mahdi claimants in Pakistan and other countries. All of this unrest occurred against the backdrop of the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, which provided the burgeoning radical Islamic movement with a rallying point and opportunity to coalesce around a common jihad."
"In the Shiite tradition, the Mahdi figure is ultimately the final in a chain of twelve imams who are all, with the exception of Ali b. Abi Talib (the son-in-law and fourth successor to the Prophet Muhammad), descendents of Muhammad. These Shiite imams differ from those found in Sunni Islam in that they are believed to possess exclusive knowledge of the past and future, have access to interpretations of the Quran to which no one else is privy, and constitute something of a continuation of the prophetic experience of Muhammad in that they have a unique connection with God. Consequently, according to Shiites, these imams alone have the legitimate right to rule the Muslim community."
"First among the major omens connected with the belief in the Mahdi’s imminent return is the appearance of his apocalyptic opponent, the Sufyani. Mainstream tradition tells that the Sufyani will be a tyrannical Arab Muslim ruler who will hail from the region of Syria and who will brutally oppress the Shiite peoples. Before the 2003 collapse of the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, many messianic writers in both the Sunni and Shiite traditions identified Saddam Hussein as the Sufyani. Since 2004, however, there has been a tendency to gloss over the classical belief in the Sufyani’s Syrian-Muslim identity and to identify him instead with the United States (as many Iraqis hold the U.S. responsible for the slaughters in their country.)"
"In the popular Shiite view, the Mahdi is a vengeful figure who will first take vengeance upon those Sunni Muslims who have opposed the rights of the family of the Prophet Muhammad to rule and who will then establish a messianic state that will encompass the world.12 The classical sources are unclear about whether or not the Mahdi will convert humankind to Islam. What the sources do make clear is that the Mahdi will be especially ruthless toward existing Islamic religious establishments: he will destroy mosques because they have become over-adorned and not true places of worship, and he will kill the ulama, or religious scholars, because they have failed to establish a just and properly Islamic order.13 In every way, the appearance of the Mahdi will cause a sharp and total break with existing Islamic norms."
"Even more extremist mahdist tendencies in Iraq have appeared in the form of movements like the Soldiers of Heaven, which was exposed in January 2007. Although a great deal is still unclear about this group’s origins and make-up, it was an ecumenical apocalyptic group that adhered to the idea that Iraq’s ulama were the source of all of the country’s problems and that they must be killed. Although it is possible to find beliefs that oblige violence against religious scholars in apocalyptic literature, there are no other messianic groups in Islamic history that actually attempted to carry them out. The figure behind the Soldiers of Heaven revolt was a charismatic leader named Ahmad al-Hassani. Hasani had taken for himself the title of al-Yamani, a minor forerunning messianic figure said to oppose the Sufyani in battle. His group numbered several thousands, spanned the Shiite-Sunni divide, and preached the destruction of the religious elite.21 Although a joint U.S.-Iraqi operation suppressed the Soldiers of Heaven in a January, 2007 battle that left hundreds dead, their doctrines raise interesting questions concerning the direction that such apocalyptic beliefs could take in the future. The ability of the Soliders of Heaven to bridge the sectarian gap was striking-especially in a country as divided as Iraq."
"It should be noted that most of the violence described inside the Shiite apocalyptic literature targets Sunnis or the Shiite religious establishment and not non-Muslims. However, this fact does not necessarily mean that future apocalyptic movements would confine their violence simply to these stated targets. Their ultimate goal is the establishment of a messianic state, and their reason for attacking the ulama in particular derives from their belief that the existing religious authorities are unjust and prevent the creation of a just state. In principle, any other force seen as obstructing the establishment of the messianic state could quickly become a target for violent mahdist movements."
In a speech to the Iranian leadership and foreign ambassadors, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that the present world order, led by the West and the U.S., contravenes God's decrees and is consequently collapsing before our eyes. He said that one of the reasons for the collapse is the awakening of the Muslim world under Iran's leadership.
In a speech to the Iranian leadership and foreign ambassadors, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that the present world order, led by the West and the U.S., contravenes God's decrees and is consequently collapsing before our eyes. He said that one of the reasons for the collapse is the awakening of the Muslim world under Iran's leadership.
The Khandaniha website posted an audio address by a cleric from Ahvaz province, Mir Ahmad Reza Hajati, in which he claims that Khamenei told his associates that the Hidden Imam had appeared to him and promised to arrive during his term as Supreme Leader.
Sources: Website of the Supreme Leader (Iran), July 10, 2010;, July 9, 2010
Nasrallah, as well as the Iranians surrounding the leader of Islamic Revolution Ali Khamenei, rely on facts contained in a religious book to demonstrate the inevitable Great War with Israel. They believe that this mystical book, called the Al-Jafr, tells them about the future and forthcoming events. Supporters of the Shiite Islamic Revolution, in Iran and all over the world, believe that this book was written by Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and inherited from him by Jafar al-Sadiq. It is worth mentioning that according to Shiite credence, Ali ibn Abi Talib was supposed to be the caliph following the death of Prophet Muhammad, but this never happened. Al-Jafr is a kind of science based on the knowledge of the unseen and on the science of huruf (letters of the alphabet) to predict facts that will occur in the future, leading up to Judgment Day.
According to Al-Jafr, the occurrence of major bloodbaths in Syria is one of the most prominent signs of reappearance. Moreover, according to the interpretation of Al-Jafr, the ruler of Syria will be killed within the scope of these events, and then the country will be ruled by a Sunni leader who will persecute Shiites, Alawites and Christians. This will continue until an army from the East (i.e. from Iran through Iraq) intervenes and kills the unjust ruler and liberates Syria. This army will keep marching toward Jerusalem to liberate it from the Jews. There, Imam Mahdi will appear to pray in Jerusalem along with the messiah. This is the scene where the earthly time comes to an end and the divine era — where justice, fairness and peace prevail — will start.
Moreover, by comparing the predictions in Al-Jafr and the sequence of events over the past two years, one may reckon that those who believe in this holy book have grown more confident in its predictions. In two years, Syria has witnessed bloody events that no one expected. After Obama’s threats to strike Syria, Al-Jafr’s predictions — that Bashar al-Assad will be killed and replaced by a Syrian Sunni leader who will retaliate against the religious sects that supported the regime, such as the Shiites, Alawites and Christians — have become more likely. All these signs indicate only one thing: the nearing appearance of Imam Mahdi.
Just as the world sees these events as political, the supporters of the Islamic Revolution in Iran view them as historical events that were cited in Al-Jafr and described as mere signs preceding the reappearance of Mahdi, according to the Shiite belief. Apart from these incidents in the Levant, these signs include the death or assassination of the Saudi king.
In this sense, the flared-up fronts and consecutive bloody events predicted by Al-Jafr seem to be in the process of fulfillment. According to Shiites who believe in this book, mainly Khamenei and Nasrallah, there is one possible explanation. The signs of reappearance of Mahdi are being successively unveiled, and the Great War with Israel and the disbelievers is just around the corner. All hopes are hanging on that nearing moment, when the victorious Shiites and Christians will stand in long lines while repeating the prayer of victory in Jerusalem following the Imam Mahdi and the messiah.
Shia scholars agreed that the conflagration leading to the return of the Mahdi and his apparition from concealment would be marked by a sequence of events or signs. These signs include: an uprising led by the 'Yemenite,' the Mahdi's advance scout or herald, whom some have seen as Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah; a battle with the Sufyani, a hypocritical tyrant associated with the Sunni oppression, thought amongst millenarian Shia to be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; the murder of the Mahdi's envoy; and the engulfing and destruction of an evil army in the Arabian desert. At which point, the Mahdi will reappear as the 'Lord of the Age', or the 'Lord of the Sword', to lead his army of wrath in its re-conquest of the world. The Mahdi will rule for either seven or 19 years (hadith scripture is divided on this issue), after which will come the Day of Judgment. The Mahdi's triumphant return to the stage of human history is eagerly anticipated as part of God's plan to rectify global injustices and bring about the victory of Shia Islam over its Sunni rivals. The Mahdi's role in fighting injustice and oppression, a legacy of the real persecution experienced by Shia in the early centuries of Islam, is a central tenet of Mahdism, and thus makes it an extremely attractive, and often very applicable, rallying tool. The notion that the Mahdi will first avenge the death of Imam Hussein, killed at Karbala in 680 AD by the Umayyad Caliphate, is central to Shia eschatology, and is a clear indication of the historical reach of the Sunni-Shia conflict as it exists in an eschatological framework.
Sufyani in Shiite Sources
Unanimously Shiite sources have
indicated that Sufyani will rise from Syria and that will be a
prerequisite matter for the arrival of Imam Mahdi (a.s.). Moreover
Shiite sources point out that the rise of Sufyani is inevitable and
certain. (From Imam Ali Riza a.s.).[1]
Sufyani will be from Abu Sufyan’s generation and he will emerge before
Mahdi (a.s.) which will be from the depths of Damascus in Syria.
Sufyani’s name will be Uthman (عثمان ) and his father’s name will be
Anbasa. (عنبسه ). (From Imam Muhammad Baqir a.s.).[2]
He will be from Utbah bin Abu Sufyan’s genaration and when Sufyani
appears, Mahdi (a.s.) will hide himself, and then he will reappear
again. (From Imam Muhammad Baqir a.s.)[3].
Sufyani will have mischievous and evil
personality and an ugly appearance. The physical appearance of Sufyani
is fat, horrible, and he has pockmarked face. His one eye will be with a
scar and he will be one-eyed. He is red, blond and blue (From Imam
Ja’far Sadiq).[4] He will never worship Allah at all and he will be never seen neither Mecca nor Medina (From, Imam Muhammad Baqir a.s.).[5]
Before Sufyani’s appear there will be a
terrible earthquake, anarchy and civil war in Syria. A voice will call
from the sky; from one of the villages of Syria called Jazira; the
Romans Byzantines will attack Ramla; at that time there will be more
conflict throughout the area until Syria is destroyed. The cause of its
destruction will be the occurrence of three standards there; the
standard of the Red, the standard of the Spotted and the standard of the
Sufyani. (From Imam Muhammad Baqir)[6].
İmam Baqir a.s. mentioned more details about the signs for the arrival
of the Mahdi (a.s.); a call from the heavens, a cry comes from the
direction of Damascus, one of the villages of Shaam called Jabiya gets
destroyed, a part of the mosque of Damascus falls down. (From Imam
Muhammad Baqir a.s.).[7]
Three groups or armies, named
differently in some sources, will fight or struggle with each other in
Syria before the arrival of Imam Mahdi (a.s.). Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.)
mentioned these three armies as piebald army, red army and army of the
Sufyani. He also mentioned, Hasanide, Umayyad, the Qaisiya and Sufyani
(From Imam Ja’far Sadiq a.s.)[8]
which will fight in Syria. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) indicate these
groups as Ashab, Abqa, Abras and Sufyani. (From Imam Muhammad Baqir
Before the arrival of Mahdi (a.s.) there
will be a terrible earthquake in Syria and army mounted on red horses
will be seen coming from the west, waving a yellow flag and entering
into Syria. When this happens, Kharashna, (Kharasta) a village of Shaam,
will collapse into the earth and people will witness the rising of
(Sufyani) the son of Hind, the liver-eater from the Yabis Valley (From
İmam Ali bin Ebi Talib a.s.).[10]
Sufyani will rule for a limited and short period of time, similar to
the duration of pregnancy of human beings or little more (From Imam
Ja’far Sadiq a.s.).[11]
The second sign is the rise of Sufyani with crucifix of gold and green
flags. His chief will be a man from Bani Kalab (From Imam Ja’far Sadiq
After the rise of Sufyani, in the month
of Rajab, he will defeat other two groups and conquer the Levant (Shaam,
Hams, Palestine, Jordan and Qanassireen) (From Imam Ja’far Sadiq a.s.)[13]
Sufyani will fight the spotted one first and he will kill him with his
followers and then he will fight the red one and he will kill him, too.
Bani Kalab will accompany Sufyani as they will be related to him from
the maternal side. Then Sufyani will move towards Iraq and pass over by
Qarqeesiya where a fight will break out. Sufyani will kill about hundred
thousands of arrogant people in this fight. Then Sufyani will send
around seventy thousand warriors towards Kufa. Sufyani army will kill,
crucify and capture many of the people of Kufa. While they are doing
this, an army will come from the direction of Khurasan. Along with this
army there will be some companions of the Qaim. A faithful man from Kufa
with weak followers will revolt, but he will be killed by the leader of
Sufyani’s army between Kufa and Heera. Sufyani will send troops to
Medina. Mahdi (a.s.) will flee from Medina to Mecca. The leader of the
army will be informed that Mahdi (a.s.) has gone to Mecca so he will
send a troop to follow him, but with no use. Mahdi (a.s.) will enter
Mecca frightfully and cautiously like Prophet Musa (a.s.). Sufyani will
send an army to the east and another to Medina and they will camp in
Baghdad, the unlucky city of Babel and they will slay more than three
hundred men and rape hundred ladies. They will also eliminate three
hundred men from Bani Abbas. (From Imam Muhammad Baqir a.s.).[14]
Shia sources have informed that Sufyani
will rule Kufa/Najaf area. According to the authentic sources Sufyani
will camp in land of stability (Najaf or Kufa) and he will sit on a
pulpit there (From Imam Ja’far Sadiq a.s.)[15] A large number of people will gather in Kufa and pledge allegiance to Sufyani (From Imam Zainul Abideen a.s.).[16]
The army of Sufyani will sink in the
desert at Baidah, located between Makkah and Madinah and none of them
will escape death except one who will announce the news. Imam Mahdi
(a.s.) will pray between Rukn and Maqam and his assistant will be with
him. Then he will address to the crowd and the people will pledge
allegiance to Imam Mahdi (a.s.). Sufyani will be in the Ramla valley at
that time. Sufyani will take action against Imam Mahdi (a.s.), numerous
amount of people will join Imam’s army and Imam Mahdi (a.s.) will move
to the north. When the two armies meet, it will be a day of exchange.
Those Shiites who are in the army of Sufyani will come out and join the
forces of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and those Sufyanis who are there in the army
of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) will also come out and join Sufyani.[17] Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said: “Imam Mahdi (a.s.) will defeat Sufyani in Hira, under a thick tree.[18]
‘Abdullah al-Mughayrah said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “During the advent of the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a), he will execute five hundred persons from the Quraysh while standing. Then, he will execute five hundred other people in the same manner, and this act will be repeated six times.” ‘Abdullah asked: “Will their number reach this?” The Imam (‘a) replied: “Yes; they as well as their friends.”9
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “During the uprising of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs), he will present the faith to each of the Nasibis.10 If they accept the truth, he would release them. He will behead anyone who would not accept the faith, or ask him to pay the jizyah11 just as what they collect from the Ahl adh-Dhimmah,12 and he (‘atfs) will banish him in remote villages and small towns.”13
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “When our Qa’im stages the uprising, he will recognize our enemies from their faces. Then, he will take them by their feet and heads and strike them with the sword (thus, eliminating them).”14
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “During the uprising of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs), all the Nasibis and enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) will be presented to the Imam (‘a). If they acknowledge Islam, which is the very wilayah of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a), he will release them and if not, he will kill them, or he will oblige them to pay the jizyah just as the Ahl adh-Dhimmah do.”42
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “During the uprising of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs), he will present his faith to each of the Nasibis. If they accept it, he would release them and if they do not he would behead them, or ask them to pay the jizyah just as they collect from the Ahl adh-Dhimmah today, and he will banish them from the cities to the villages (and farms).”43
5. Nasibis
‘Abdullah al-Mughayrah said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “During the advent of the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘a), he will execute five hundred persons from the Quraysh while standing. Then, he will execute five hundred other people in the same manner, and this act will be repeated six times.” ‘Abdullah asked: “Will their number reach this?” The Imam (‘a) replied: “Yes; they as well as their friends.”9
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “During the uprising of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs), he will present the faith to each of the Nasibis.10 If they accept the truth, he would release them. He will behead anyone who would not accept the faith, or ask him to pay the jizyah11 just as what they collect from the Ahl adh-Dhimmah,12 and he (‘atfs) will banish him in remote villages and small towns.”13
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “When our Qa’im stages the uprising, he will recognize our enemies from their faces. Then, he will take them by their feet and heads and strike them with the sword (thus, eliminating them).”14
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “During the uprising of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs), all the Nasibis and enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) will be presented to the Imam (‘a). If they acknowledge Islam, which is the very wilayah of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a), he will release them and if not, he will kill them, or he will oblige them to pay the jizyah just as the Ahl adh-Dhimmah do.”42
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “During the uprising of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘atfs), he will present his faith to each of the Nasibis. If they accept it, he would release them and if they do not he would behead them, or ask them to pay the jizyah just as they collect from the Ahl adh-Dhimmah today, and he will banish them from the cities to the villages (and farms).”43
The Imam (‘a) replied: “This verse has been revealed about al-Qa’im (‘atfs); it is when he rises up against the Jews, Christians, Sabeans, materialists, those who turned back from Islam, and the infidels of the east and west while offering Islam to them. He will command anyone who accepts it out of his own volition to perform the prayers, pay the zakat and do whatever a Muslim ought to do. He will behead anyone who refuses to become Muslim so much so that not a single infidel will remain in both the east and west of the globe.”
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “When Hadrat al-Qa’im rises up… he will come to Kufah and kill all the hypocrites (who do not believe in his imamah) there; destroy their palaces; and fight with their warriors, and he will kill so many of them that God would be pleased.”51
Shabestan News Agency Qom chapter reports the verse 4 to 7 in chapter Isra of the holy Quran in which there is a clear prediction which explains the responsibility of the believers in the end of times.
1. The two conspiracies of the Jews
When the 1st conspiracy of the Jews happens, the believers will attack them with great courage so that they send them into their holes. Afterwards they will make them out of their holes and punish them. This is the final promise of Allah (SWT) and there is no doubt in it. When the believers will occupy Palestine, the Jews will then regroup and make all their sources and people available for retaliation and they will then attack the believers after a long time.
When the 2nd conspiracy will begin, the believers will then conquer Al-Aqsa Mosque the way they had conquered it for the 1st time and they will destroy the bases of the Jews. This will be a serious battle. The second conspiracy is connected with the reappearance of the Imam (ATFS). According to Quran the reappearance will not happen as long as the 1st conspiracy of the Jews is routed. This is the reason they are aware of the meaning of these verses and they have preempted by establishing takfiris and ISIS.
Why it is being emphasized that this conspiracy is related to this era is because of the usage of the word Palestine. There have been other conspiracies as well in the history of Jews, Muslims and Christians but this time it has more affinity to the Palestine related conspiracy. When Imam Sadiq (A.S) was asked about what is meant by the word ‘Ibaad’? He (A.S) replied 3 times. By God these are the dwellers of Qom. (Bihar Al Anwaar, Allama Majlisi) while Qom got its importance after Imam Raza (A.S). Imam Khomeini (R.A) named the last Friday Youm Al-Quds and this is the point which hits Israel globally. It has also been said that this conspiracy (which we believe start from 1948) will engulf the whole world.
Shabestan news agency reported that Mikyal Al-Makarim fi Fawaid al-dua lil Qaem is the most valuable book of Shiite that was written by Ayatollah Syed Mohammad Taqi Mosavi Isfahani. The compiler has written in this book that we cannot fulfill the rights of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S). Therefore, it is obligatory on us to fulfill the rights of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) as much as we can……… task in the period of occultation is to wait for the appearance of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) and pray for his appearance. This book has described resemblance between Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) and Prophet Dawud (A.S), it states that Allah (SWT) had nominated Prophet Dawud (A.S) as his caliph on earth and said that “O Dawud, we have given caliphate to you on earth”. Allah (SWT) has also made Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) as his caliph on earth and said that “who except Allah (SWT) accepts the prayers of an upset person and resolves his problem and he has nominated you as his caliph on earth”. Allah (SWT) had softened iron for Prophet Dawud (A.S) and this is also discussed in holy Quran, similarly Allah (SWT) will also soften iron for Imam-e-Zamana (A.S). Stone talked with Prophet Dawud (A.S) and said that “O Dawud (A.S) take me and kill the Goliath”. Flag and sword will also talk with Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) and said that “O the pious person of Allah (SWT), move ahead and kill the enemies of Allah (SWT)”. It has been narrated that if any disbeliever hide him under the stone in the government of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) than that stone will call the believer and said that “O believer, a polytheist is hidden beneath me, kill him”. So, the believer will kill him.
Shabestan news agency reported that Ayatollah Najam ud Din Maroji Tabsi the teacher of Mehdaviat center has discussed the murder of devil at the time of appearance.
Murder of devil by Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) is objected but this objection is not about the thing that devil will be murdered by Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) or by Holy Prophet (SAWW) rather it is about the murder of devil.
Devil is not a human and if he is not a human than his murder is not possible because we cannot see him. Therefore, some people have objected the murder of devil whereas some have accepted it.
It is noteworthy that some narrations have described the murder of devil by Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) and some narrations described that devil will be killed by Holy Prophet (SAWW) during regression. However they, while describing its reason, said that devil will be killed twice, firstly he will be killed by Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) and than by Holy Prophet (SAWW) but we say that regression is only for humans.
Aqai Neli the renowned religious cleric of Shiites said that Imam Sajjad (A.S) described that devil will come in Kufa mosque and sit down and Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) will kill him. It should be noted that there is objection about the murder of devil not about the period of his murder.
It is objected that how Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) will do this because devil is not human and he cannot be seen. Quranic verses states that they can see us but we cannot see them, so it is proved that body of devil is subtle and they can appear in different shapes and anyone cannot saw them.
Aqai Neli said that this is not right. He has accepted the real issue that Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) will kill devil but he believes that there are no meanings of this objection because Allah (SWT) gives life and death to humans and it is clear that Allah (SWT) does not give death by himself rather angels do this by the orders of Allah (SWT).
So, it is proved that angels do this whereas Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) is above of angels and he is the representative of Allah (SWT) on earth and he will perform great jobs than this. He is the blessing of Allah (SWT) on creations and polytheism will be eliminated from earth by him and law and order will be established on earth by him.
[End of Times prophecy] Of course, it can be understood from other hadiths that the confrontations and encounters of the Imam (‘atfs) with the People of the Book would not always be the same. In fact, in some cases, he will allow them to remain in their religions by paying the jizyah. He will engage another group in discussion and debate, and in doing so, he will invite them to Islam. We can probably say that at the beginning of the uprising, he will engage in discussion with them and wage war with those who hide the truth.
[End of Times prophecy] Of course, it can be understood from other hadiths that the confrontations and encounters of the Imam (‘atfs) with the People of the Book would not always be the same. In fact, in some cases, he will allow them to remain in their religions by paying the jizyah. He will engage another group in discussion and debate, and in doing so, he will invite them to Islam. We can probably say that at the beginning of the uprising, he will engage in discussion with them and wage war with those who hide the truth.
Shabestan news agency reported that Ayatollah Najam ud Din Maroji Tabsi the teacher of Mehdaviat research center has reviewed the ancestry of Sufyani in the program named “morning show”.
He said that many narrations about Sufyani are present in the books of Shiite and Sunni Muslims. Sheikh Toosi Late has quoted a narration in his book named “Al-Gaybah” but this narration is not related to any infallible Imam (A.S). This narration states that “Sufyani will emerge from the land of Rome and he is the gift of Europe for east. He will be a Christian and signs of Christianity will appear from his face and there will be a cross in his neck”.
It has been described by Imam Sadiq (A.S), Imam Baqir (A.S) and Imam Ali (A.S) that Sufyani will be from the generation of Hind. He belongs to Syria, he will be powerful, his face will be dirty, there would be pimples on his face, when people look towards him than he will be looked as one eyed, his name is Ottoman, he belonged to the family of Sufyan and he will made Syria as his headquarter. It seems from this narration that he will belong to the generation of Bani Umayyad. It has been narrated that main goal of Sufyani is to kill the household of Holy Prophet (SAWW) and their lovers, he will send his troops in Kufa for the massacre of Shiites and he will not have mercy for any person because Shiite is the only sect that is following real Islam.
Shabestan news agency reported that when Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) will start movement than his behavior with different types of people will be different, some of them are belonged to a specific group or generation, some are the followers of the other religions, some people are apparently Muslims but they are hypocrites, some are religious people but they oppose Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) or they are followers of misguided sects. Imam (A.S) will fight against all of these groups.
Imam Baqir (A.S) said that when Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) will start movement than each and every Nasibi will be presented in front of him, if they have confessed the guardianship of Ahl-e-Bait (A.S) than they will be left otherwise they will be killed or they will be fined, as tax is taken from eligible persons in this period and they are exiled to villages and unpopulated area.
Abu Baseer said that he has asked from Imam Sadiq (A.S) that how Imam-e-Zamana (A.s) will treat with Nasibis and his enemies? Imam Sadiq (A.S) said that there will be no place for our opponents in our government. At that time, Allah (SWT) will declare their blood as permissible for us but now it is forbidden. So do not let anyone to deceive you and you must know that when Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) will start movement than he will take revenge from the enemies of Allah (SWT), Holy Prophet (SAWW) and his Ahl-e-Bait (A.S).
According to the report of Shabestan news agency there is a question which has motivated and kept busy the minds of humans towards itself and the question is how Imam of the Time (ATFS) will end the different Political systems and he will establish one international system.
It has been stated in the exegesis of Verse no 25 of Surah Fatah that Imam Sadiq (AS) has stated that there are some believers present in the wombs of non-believers and when our Imam will reappear then Allah (SWT) will separate believers from non-believers and believers will be born and after this our Imam will kill the non-believers and infidels.
Imam Sadiq (AS) has stated that when our Qaaim (ATFS) will reappear then he does not need your help.
Wahab bin Jameeh has asked that I have asked Imam Sadiq (AS) that what is the deadline for Satan?. He stated that it is time of reappearance of Qaaim (ATFS) and after his reappearance this deadline will finish.
ہمارے آئمہ نے بھی یہی کہا ہے کہ مکہ و مدینہ کا وارث اﷲ ہے اس کو بچانا بھی اﷲ نے ہے، ہم نے وہاں جنگ نہیں کرنی۔ امام مہدی (عج) جب ظہور فرمائیں گے تو امام مہدی (عج) مکہ و مدینہ میں جنگ نہیں کریں گے، مکہ میں جس صبح ظہور کا اعلان ہو گاتو اس کے بعد ایک قطرہ خون کا بہے بغیر پورا مکہ آپ ؑ کے سامنے سرنڈر کردے گا۔ آپؑ کی جنگ جو ہونی ہے وہ مکہ و مدینہ سے باہر ہونی ہے ۔ آپؑ کے ظہور سے پہلے جنگ ہوگی مکہ مدینہ میں خون خرابہ ہوگا وہ بھی اقتدار پسندوں کی طرف سے یہ وہ باتیں ہیں جو سنی روایات میں بھی ہیں اورشیعہ کے ہاں بھی ہیں۔
سفیانی(شامی) کی مدینہ پر چڑھائی
شام پر آل ابی سفیان کی حکومت قائم ہونی ہے امام مہدی (عج) کے ظہور سے پہلے شام میں تین گروہ آپس میں لڑیں گے، ایک گروہ اصھب کا ہو گا،ایک گروہ عبد اﷲ کا ہو گا ایک فلاں کا ہو گا۔ بعض لوگ تبصرے کر رہے ہیں اصھب کیونکہ شیر کے ناموں سے ایک نام ہے اور یہ اس وقت بشارالاسدہے اس کا نام بھی اسد ہے اور شاید یہی ہو اور اس کے بعد سفیانی نے آنا ہے کہاں سے آنا ہے؟ وہ بنی کلب قبیلہ سے ہوگاہے اوروہ وادی یابس سے آئے گا جو اُردن میں ہے اُردن کی سرزمین درعا میں داخل ہوگا۔ابھی جو منصوبہ بندی ہو رہی ہے یہ سارے جہادی شام میں موجود ہیں جن کی پشت پر اسرائیل ہے۔
امام علیہ السلام دعوت کےمرحلے میں اپنے اقدامات کے اہداف کو بیان فرمائیں گے اورلوگوں کے لیے کوئی ابہام باقی نہیں رہے گا تاکہ حق مکمل طورپرواضح ہوجائے۔ جب حق واضح ہوجائے گا توپھراگردشمنوں نے مخالفت کی تو ان کے خلاف عسکری اقدام کیا جائے گا۔
13 Jan 2018:
Shiites believe that emergence of Sufyani is final symbol of the appearance of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S). Sufyani is enemy of the soldiers of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S), he will rigorously fight before the appearance of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S), he will deceive people by religious dress, he will start his movement from Syria and then he will occupy Iraq and Hejaz and finally he will be killed by Imam Mehdi (A.S).
Hujjat ul Islam Jawad Jaffrey the teacher of Mehdaviat specialization center said that genealogy of Sufyani matches with Abu Sufyan and he is an extremist, murderer and dangerous person but these are not important for the identification of Sufyani rather these are apparent signs. Imam Sadiq (A.S) said that Sufyani cannot be recognized by his name then he said that wait for the appearance of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) when Sufyani will occupy five areas of Syria named Damascus, Homs, Palestine, Jordan and Qansarin. It is noteworthy that at present, these five areas of Syria are four countries named Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Jordan and the person who occupies these countries will be Sufyani. These incidents will happen in the period of six months and undoubtedly the person who occupies these countries in six months has done a great job and he will be Sufyani.
Hujjat ul Islam Abbas Ramzan Ali Zada, while conversing with the reporter of Shabestan, has quoted this sentence of pilgrimage "اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْكَ اَیُّهَا الْعَلَمُ الْمَنْصوُبُ وَالْعِلْمُ الْمَصْبُوبُ وَالْغَوْثُ وَالرَّحْمَةُ الْواسِعَةُ ..." and he, while defining great mercy, said that this is first proof of the globalization of Islam by Imam-e-Zamana (A.S). It is to be noted that Holy Prophet (SAWW) is mercy for the world because of this perfect religion and Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) will make this perfect religion as a global religion.
Hujjat ul Islam Ali Zada, while declaring faith of people on generous behavior of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) as the second argument of his great mercy, said that it is narrated that many Christians will embrace Islam in the period of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) and they will support Imam (A.S), as it is narrated in 159th verse of Surah an-Nisa that “every person will believe him before his death”.
He, while declaring establishment of justice and law and order as the third argument of his great mercy, said that 17th verse of Surah Al-Hadid states that Allah (SWT) will give life to earth after its death. Imam Musa Kazim (A.S) said that world is revived by the revival of justice so establishment of justice and law and order by Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) is the proof of his great mercy.
He, while declaring destruction of the heads of infidelity and atheism as the fourth proof of his great mercy, said that Holy Prophet (SAWW) said that implementation of an order of Allah (SWT) is better than the rain of forty days. Whereas, Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) will implement all orders of Allah (SWT).
He, while declaring blessings of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) for living and dead people as the fifth proof of his great mercy, said that blessings of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) for living people is the elimination of diseases and problems and revelation of all sciences but blessing of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) for dead people is that when they hear about the appearance of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) than they will become happy and they congratulate others and some of them will be raised and they become soldier of Imam-e-Zamana (A.S).
خبررساں ایجنسی شبستان کی رپورٹ کے مطابق جب حضرت مہدی علیہ السلام قیام
کریں گے تو آپ مختلف قسم کے گروپوں اورلوگوں کے ساتھ مختلف قسم کا برتاو
کریں گے۔ ان میں سےبعض ایک خاص قوم اورنسل سے ہوں گے اوربعض دیگرادیان کے
پیروکار ہوں گے ،کچھ لوگ اگرچہ ظاہری طورپرمسلمان ہوں گے لیکن منافقانہ
برتاو کریں گےیا کچھ خشک مقدس افراد ہوں گے کہ جو آپ کی مخالفت کریں گے یا
باطل فرقوں کے پیروکارہوں گے۔امام علیہ السلام ان میں سے ہرگروپ کےساتھ
مخصوص جنگ کریں گے۔
امام باقرعلیہ السلام فرماتےہیں کہ جب حضرت قائم علیہ السلام قیام کریں گے
تو ایک ایک ناصبی کوآپ کے سامنے پیش کیا جائے گا،اگرانہوں نے ولایت اہل
بیت علیہم السلام کا اقرارکرلیا توانہیں چھوڑدیا جائے گا وگرنہ انہیں قتل
کردیا جائے گا یا ان سے جزیہ لیا جائے گا۔جس طرح کہ اس دورمیں اہل ذمہ سے
جزیہ لیا جاتا ہے اورانہیں شہروں سے دیہاتوں اورویران علاقوں میں جلاوطن
کردیا جائے گا۔
ابوبصیرکہتےہیں کہ میں نے امام صادق علیہ السلام کی خدمت میں عرض کیا:
امام مہدی علیہ السلام کا ناصبیوں اورآپ کے دشمنوں کے ساتھ کیسا برتاو
ہوگا؟ توامام نے فرمایا: اے ابا محمد،ہماری حکومت میں ہمارے مخالفین کا
کوئی مقام نہیں ہوگا۔ اللہ تعالیٰ اس وقت ان کے خون کو ہمارے لیے حلال
قراردے گا لیکن آج ہم اورآپ پران کا خون حرام ہے۔ پس کوئی تمہیں دھوکہ نہ
دے اورجان لو کہ جب حضرت قائم قیام کریں گے تو آپ اللہ اوراس کے رسول
اورہمارے لیے انتقام لیں گے۔
مباحث مہدویت کے ماہر حجت الاسلام و المسلمین رحیم کارگر نے ٹیلی گرام کے ایک چینل میں اپنی ایک تحریر میں لکھا ہے:
ایک ایسے موعود کا انتظار کرنا، جس نے دنیا کو ظلم و ستم سے نجات دلانی ہے، دنیا کے مستقبل کے حوالے سے بنیادی کردار ادا کرتا ہے اس صورت حال میں خصوصاً یہ بات قابل غور ہے کہ ظہور سے پہلے مشرق وسطیٰ کے حالات خراب ہو جائیں گے۔
جیسا کہ جب مالک اشترؓ نے امام علی علیہ السلام سے امام مہدی عج کے زمانۂ قیام کے بارے میں سوال کیا تو امامؑ نے جو جواب دیا اس کا خلاصہ کچھ یوں ہے کہ آخری زمانے میں کچھ ایسے لوگ خروج کریں گے جو جرائم اور گناہوں کے مرتکب ہوں گے اور جزائر عرب پر قبضہ کر لیں گے، عراق کو فتح کریں گے اور خوف اور خونریزی کے ذریعے معاشرے کو بد امنی کی طرف دھکیل دیں گے۔ اس زمانے میں محتاط رہو اور اپنے آنکھوں اور کانوں کو امام زمانہ عج کی طرف متوجہ کر لو کہ وہ جلدی قیام کریں گے۔ (سید مصطفیٰ کاظمی، بشارۃ الاسلام، ص 74)
Shabestan news agency Mahdawiyat wing reported that Hujjatul Islam Rahim Kargar, the expert of Mahdawiyat and member of Islamic research center wrote on his telegram on the subject of "Futurolgy and analsysis of the sign of reaperance"
He wrote that Syria crises is one of the clear sign of the reapearance.
He added that The appearance of “Sufyani” has been also mentioned in many resources of hadith of Shiites and Sunnis like the appearance of “Dajjal” as a sign of the advent of great universal peacemaker, or as one of the events of End of Days.
Abu Hamza al-Thumali) asked Abu Ja’far (al-Baqir), peace be on him: “Is the revolt of the Sufyani one of the things which must happen?”
“Yes,” he replied. “The call is one of the things which must happen as is the rising of the sun from the west one of the things which must happen. The dispute of the Abbasids over the state is also one of them and the killing of the pure soul (al-nafs al-zakiyya). The appearance of the one who will arise (al-qa'im) from the family of Muhammad, may God bless him and his family, is another of the things which must happen.”
“How will the call be?” I asked.
“There will be a call from the sky at the beginning of the day indeed the truth is with Ali; and his Shia,'' he said. “Then at the end of the day, Satan will call from the earth -indeed the truth is with Uthman and his supporters. At that the false one will feel doubt.”
[al-Hasan Ibn Ali al-Washsha' (reported) on the authority of Ahmad Ibn A'idh, on the authority of Abu Khadija, on the authority of Abu Abd Allah (Ja'far al-Sadiq, peace be on him:]
(Ja’far al-Sadiq) said: “The one who will arise (al-qa'im) will not come forth until twelve of the Banu Hashim come forth before him, all of them summoning men to themselves.”
He wrote that Imam Sadiq A.S. said that at that time three flags would wave around the globe. Those three flags would be Sufiyani, Ashab, Abqa under those Syrian forces would fight.
ہمارے آئمہ نے بھی یہی کہا ہے کہ مکہ و مدینہ کا وارث اﷲ ہے اس کو بچانا بھی اﷲ نے ہے، ہم نے وہاں جنگ نہیں کرنی۔ امام مہدی (عج) جب ظہور فرمائیں گے تو امام مہدی (عج) مکہ و مدینہ میں جنگ نہیں کریں گے، مکہ میں جس صبح ظہور کا اعلان ہو گاتو اس کے بعد ایک قطرہ خون کا بہے بغیر پورا مکہ آپ ؑ کے سامنے سرنڈر کردے گا۔ آپؑ کی جنگ جو ہونی ہے وہ مکہ و مدینہ سے باہر ہونی ہے ۔ آپؑ کے ظہور سے پہلے جنگ ہوگی مکہ مدینہ میں خون خرابہ ہوگا وہ بھی اقتدار پسندوں کی طرف سے یہ وہ باتیں ہیں جو سنی روایات میں بھی ہیں اورشیعہ کے ہاں بھی ہیں۔
سفیانی(شامی) کی مدینہ پر چڑھائی
شام پر آل ابی سفیان کی حکومت قائم ہونی ہے امام مہدی (عج) کے ظہور سے پہلے شام میں تین گروہ آپس میں لڑیں گے، ایک گروہ اصھب کا ہو گا،ایک گروہ عبد اﷲ کا ہو گا ایک فلاں کا ہو گا۔ بعض لوگ تبصرے کر رہے ہیں اصھب کیونکہ شیر کے ناموں سے ایک نام ہے اور یہ اس وقت بشارالاسدہے اس کا نام بھی اسد ہے اور شاید یہی ہو اور اس کے بعد سفیانی نے آنا ہے کہاں سے آنا ہے؟ وہ بنی کلب قبیلہ سے ہوگاہے اوروہ وادی یابس سے آئے گا جو اُردن میں ہے اُردن کی سرزمین درعا میں داخل ہوگا۔ابھی جو منصوبہ بندی ہو رہی ہے یہ سارے جہادی شام میں موجود ہیں جن کی پشت پر اسرائیل ہے۔
Imam Muhammad b. ‘Ali al-Baqir (ع) has replied, “For a full eight months, he will have his sword unsheathed and will kill the enemies of Allah until Allah is satisfied.”1
Based on the narrations that are available to us, he will reappear in Mecca. After the elite of his followers join him there, they will then advance toward ‘Iraq, Sham (the present day Syria), and from there toward Jerusalem.
Thereafter the lands of Europe, Turkey, China, Afghanistan, and of other regions will be conquered by him, and so after eight consecutive months of fighting, the rule of justice will be established and peace and security will become prevalent. But about the duration of his rule, there is inconsistency amongst the narrations. Some of the related durations are as follows: 19 years and some months; seven years; 40 years; 10 years; 309 years, each year of which is equivalent to 20 or 40 normal years. And 40 days after his martyrdom or demise [depending on the narration], the earth and the sky will be demolished in preparation for the Day of Judgment.
روایات کی بنا پرامام زمانہ علیہ السلام کےاصحاب کے تین گروپ ہوں گے۔ پہلے گروپ میں بارہ افراد،دوسرے میں ۳١۳ افراد اورتیسرے میں دس ہزارافراد شامل ہوں گے اور امام صادق علیہ السلام فرماتے ہیں کہ جب تک یہ دس ہزارافراد جمع نہیں ہوجاتے اس وقت تک ظہورنہیں ہوگا۔ پس ۳١۳افراد کے جمع ہونے کو ظہورکی علامت قراردینا صحیح نہیں ہے۔
اوحدی نےکہا ہےکہ روایت کی بنا پران ۳١۳افراد میں سے چالیس خواتین ہوں گےاورمختلف روایا ت میں ہے کہ ان ۳١۳افراد میں سےاکثرکا تعلق ایران سے ہوگا اورامیرالمومنین علیہ السلام نے ایک روایت میں ایران میں ان افراد کے شہروں کے نام بھی بتائے گئے ہیں کہ جن میں آمل،ابہر، اردبیل، بروجرد،اصفہان،اہواز،دامغان،خوی،ساوہ،سبزوار،خراسان،قم،ری اورکچھ دیگرشہر شامل ہیں۔البتہ آخرالزمان کی روایات کو منطبق کرنے کے لیے روایت اورعلم رجال کی شناخت کی ضرورت ہے تاکہ ان روایات کی اسناد کو صحیح پرکھا جاسکے۔
انہوں نےمزید کہا ہےکہ امام خمینی رحمة اللہ علیہ نے فرمایا تھا کہ حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی ولادت کے وقت کسری محل کے چودہ کنگروں کے گرنے کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ چودھویں صدی میں ان کے بیٹے امام مہدی علیہ السلام ظہورکریں گے اورآج ہم چودہویں صدی میں واقع ہیں۔ اسی طرح قائد انقلاب اسلامی نےبھی مصلی تہران میں جوانوں سے خطاب کے دوران فرمایا تھا کہ اے جوانو اپنے آپ کو پہچانو اورآمادہ وتیارہوجاو کیونکہ ہم اس وقت عصرظہورمیں واقع ہیں۔
حوزہ علمیہ قم کےاورالمصطفیٰ یونیورسٹی کےاستاد آیت اللہ سید میرتقی حسینی
گرگانی نے خبررساں ایجنسی شبستان کے نامہ نگارسے گفتگو کے دوران حضرت
عیسیٰ علیہ السلام اورامام مہدی علیہ السلام کےمشترکہ اہداف اورمشابہتوں کے
بارے میں کہا ہےکہ میں نے﴿نزول عیسی اورظہورموعود﴾ کےموضوع پرایک کتاب
لکھی ہے جس میں اس موضوع کے بارے میں تمام توحیدی اورغیرتوحیدی ادیان
کےنقطہ نظرات کو بیان کیا گیا ہے۔
انہوں ںےمزید کہا ہےکہ اس کتاب کے ایک حصے میں حضرت عیسی علیہ السلام
اورحضرت امام مہدی علیہ السلام کے درمیان مشابہت کوبیان کیا گیا ہے کہ جن
میں سے ایک مشابہت یہ ہے کہ یہ دونوں ہستیاں حضرت داود پیغمبر کے والد
گرامی حضرت یسی کے نواسوں میں سے ہیں چونکہ امام زمانہ علیہ السلام کی
والدہ گرامی یعنی نرجس خاتون بھی باپ کی جانب سےحضرت داود کے والد یسی سے
جا ملتی ہیں۔ بنابریں دونوں ہستیاں ماں کی طرف سے ایک پیغمبرسے جاملتی ہیں۔
حوزہ علمیہ قم کے استاد نےکہا ہے کہ والد کی جانب سے حضرت امام زمانہ علیہ
السلام کا سلسلہ حضرت زہرا سلام اللہ علیہا سےملتا ہے اورحضرت زہرا سلام
اللہ علیہا اورحضرت مریم علیہا السلام کئی لحاظ سےمشابہت پائی جاتی ہے۔
مثال کے طور پردونوں سیدة النساء ہیں۔ دونوں صدیقہ ہیں۔ اسی طرح دونوں کا
لقب طاہرہ ہے۔
آیت اللہ حسینی گرگانی نےان دونوں بیبیوں کی ایک اورصفت بیان کرتے ہوئے
کہا ہے کہ یہ دونوں بیبیاں فرشتوں سے ہم کلام ہوتی تھیں۔ قرآن کریم نےحضرت
مریم کے بارے میں نقل کیا ہے کہ آپ نے فرشتوں سےکلام کی تھی اسی طرح صحیح
السند روایات میں آیا ہے کہ حضرت زہرا سلام اللہ علیہا کا ایک لقب محدثہ
تھا یعنی آپ فرشتوں سے ہم کلام ہوتی تھیں۔
انہوں نےمزید کہا ہے کہ حضرت امام زمانہ علیہ السلام اورحضرت عیسی علیہ
السلام کے درمیان ایک اورمشابہت یہ پائی جاتی ہے کہ دونوں ہستیاں زندہ ہیں۔
البتہ حضرت عیسی علیہ السلام آسمان پرہیں اورحضرت امام مہدی علیہ السلام
زمین پرہیں۔ اسی طرح ایک اورمشابہت یہ ہے کہ جب امام زمانہ علیہ السلام
قیام کریں گےتو حضرت عیسی علیہ السلام سے بھی آسمان سے نازل ہوں گے اور یہ
دونوں ہی قیامت کی علامات میں سے ہیں۔
انہوں نےکہا ہے کہ یہ دونوں ہستیاں انحراف اورالحاد سےجنگ کریں گی۔ امام
زمانہ علیہ السلام انحرافات اورگمراہیوں سےجنگ کریں گے اورحضرت عیسیٰ علیہ
السلام بھی انحرافات کے ساتھ کریں گے۔ یعنی دونوں ہستیاں ایک طرف حرکت کریں
گی؛ یعنی دونوں نام نہاد علماء کے ساتھ جنگ کریں گی۔ با الفاظ دیگر امام
زمانہ علیہ السلام برےعلماء اورحضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام گمراہ اور منحرف
پادریوں کے ساتھ جنگ کریں گے۔
امام باقرعلیہ السلام آیہ شریفہ (وَ قاتِلُوهُمْ حَتّی لا تَکُونَ فِتْنَةٌ وَ یکُونَ الدِّینُ کُلُّهُ لِلّهِ)﴿ انفال: ۳۹ ﴾کی تفسیر میں فرماتے ہیں کہ اس آیت کی تاویل ابھی نہیں آئی ہے۔ جب اس آیت کی تاویل متحقق ہوگی تو مشرکین قتل کردیے جائیں گے مگریہ کہ وہ ایمان لے آئیں۔ ﴿بحارالأنوار، ج 52، ص 378.﴾
امام صادق علیہ السلام فرماتےہیں کہ: إذا قام القائم لایبقی أرض إلّا نودی فیها شهاده أنْ لا إله إلّا الله و أنّ محمّداً رسول الله;( بحارالانوار، ج 52، ص 340﴾ جب ہمارے قائم علیہ السلام قیام کریں گے تو کوئی ایسی سرزمین باقی نہیں رہے گی کہ جس میں شہادتین﴿لاالہ الا اللہ ومحمد رسول اللہ﴾ کی آواز نہیں آئے گی۔
امیرالمومنین علیہ السلام حضرت امام مہدی علیہ السلام کے قیام کی طرف اشارہ کرتے ہوئے فرماتے ہیں کہ: کأنّی أنظر الی شیعتنا بمسجد الکوفه و قد ضربوا الفساطیط یعلّمون الناس القرآن کما اُنزل;( . بحارالانوار، ج 52، ص 366﴾۔ گویا میں اپنے شیعوں کو دیکھ رہا ہوں کہ وہ مسجد کوفہ میں جمع ہیں اوروہ اس میں خیمے لگا کر لوگوں کو اس طرح قرآن کریم کی تعلیم دے رہے ہیں کہ جس طرح وہ نازل ہوا ہے۔ بنابریں امام مہدی علیہ السلام کی عالمی تحریک کی حرکت کی بنیاد قرآن ہے اور آنحضرت قرآن کریم کی تعلیم دے کر اسے انسانوں کی زندگی کے لیےمشعل راہ بنائیں گے۔
امام علیہ السلام دعوت کےمرحلے میں اپنے اقدامات کے اہداف کو بیان فرمائیں گے اورلوگوں کے لیے کوئی ابہام باقی نہیں رہے گا تاکہ حق مکمل طورپرواضح ہوجائے۔ جب حق واضح ہوجائے گا توپھراگردشمنوں نے مخالفت کی تو ان کے خلاف عسکری اقدام کیا جائے گا۔
حضرت مہدی علیہ السلام قیام کریں گے توآپ مختلف گروپوں اورجماعتوں کا
سامنا کریں گے۔ ان میں سے بعض ایک خاص قوم اورنسل سے تعلق رکھتے ہوں گے،بعض
اسلام کے علاوہ کسی اوردین کے پیروکارہوں گے اوربعض اگرچہ ظاہری
طورپرمسلمان ہوں گے لیکن ان کا کردارمنافقانہ ہو گا اور یا وہ ٹیڑھی سوچ
رکھنے والے مقدس نما ہوں گے کہ جوآپ کی مخالفت کریں گے اوریا باطل فرقوں
کے پیروکارہوں گے۔امام زمانہ علیہ السلام ان سب کے ساتھ جنگ کریں گے۔
باقر علیہ السلام فرماتےہیں: امام باقرعلیہ السلام فرماتے ہیں کہ حضرت
مہدی علیہ السلام جب کوفہ کی جانب جائیں گے تو وہاں پربتریہ کے سولہ
ہزارافراد اسلحہ سے لیس آپ کے سامنے کھڑےہوجائیں گے؛ وہ سب قرآن کےقاری
اوردینی دانشورہوں گے، ان کی پیشانیوں پرمحراب بنے ہوں گے،راتوں کوجاگنے کی
وجہ سے ان کے چہرے زرد ہوں گےلیکن انہوں نے منافقت کا لبادہ اوڑھ رکھا
ہوگا۔ وہ سب بلند آواز سے کہیں گے: اے فاطمہ کے بیٹے جس راستے سے آئے
ہواسی راستے سے واپس چلے جاو کیونکہ ہمیں آپ کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔ امام مہدی
علیہ السلام نجف اشرف کے پیچھے سوموارکی ظہرسے لے کرشام تک ان کےساتھ جنگ
کریں گے اورسب کوقتل کردیں گے۔ اس جنگ میں امام زمانہ علیہ السلام کا ایک
ساتھی بھی زخمی نہیں ہوگا۔
13 Jan 2018:
حوزہ علمیہ اصفھان کے سربراہ نے بیان کیا: امام زمانہ (عج) شیعوں کی مدد سے فرعون وقت کی حکومت کو نابود کریں گے اور یہ خدا کا وعدہ ہے کہ شیعوں کو پیروزی نصیب ہوگی ۔
انہوں نے تاکید کی: رسول اسلام(ص) سے منقول ہے کہ میرا فرزند مھدی(عج) ایک شب و روز میں پوری دنیا پر مسلط ہوگا ، یہ روایت اس بات کی بیانگر ہے کہ بغیر کسی جنگ و جدال اور خون خرابہ کے دنیا پر امام زمانہ (عج) کی حکومت قائم ہوگی ، امام زمانہ(عج) کے سپاہی پلک جھپکتے سامراجیت کی حکومت پر قبضہ جمائیں گے ، کہ جیسے حضرت سلیمان(ع) کے زمانے میں پلک جھپکتے تخت بلقیس لایا گیا تھا ۔
حضرت آیت الله مظاهری نے بیان کیا: امام زمانہ(عج) کے دور حکومت میں قرانی تعلیمات و احکامات کو جامہ عمل پہنانے کی وجہ سے لوگوں کی مشکلات ختم ہوجائیں گی ، معاشرہ فقر و تنگدستی سے دور ہوگا ، امام زمانہ(عج) کی شھادت کے بعد اہل بیت علیھم السلام کی ہر ایک فرد زمین پر واپس لوٹے گی اور حکومت کرے گی ۔
۴۔ مہدویت بغیر نصاب کے
ہمارے ہاں مسلمان ہونے کے باوجود مہدویت ہمارے نظامِ تعلیم میں شامل نہیں ، جس کی وجہ سے ہم نسل در نسل مہدویت سے نا آشنا ہیں، ہم یہ سمجھتے ہیں کہ مہدوی حکومت محض ایک یا کچھ معجزات سے قائم ہو جائیگی۔ ضرورت اس ا مر کی ہے کہ مہدویت کو تمام تر تفصیلات کے ساتھ نصابِ تعلیم میں شامل کیا جائے تا کہ لوگ مہدویت کو اچھی طرح سمجھیں اور امام مہدیؑ ہونے کے جھوٹے دعویداروں کو بھی پہچانیں۔
۵۔ مہدویت بدونِ نظامِ حکومت
ہمارے ہاں اگر مہدویت پر بات کی بھی جاتی ہے تو بطورِ نظامِ حکومت نہیں کی جاتی، بلکہ مہدویت کو قیامت کی نشانیوں اور آخرت کی علامات سے جوڑ کر اس بحث کو ختم کر دیا جاتا ہے۔
مہدوی حکومت کی تشکیل کے لئے درست لائحہ عمل
۱۔ جمہوریت سے مہدویت کی خدمت
سب سے پہلے جمہور کو مہدویت سے آشنا کیا جائے اور عوام النّاس میں ایک مہدوی حکومت کے قیام کی تڑپ پیدا کی جائے، لوگوں کو قرآن و حدیث کی روشنی میں یہ سمجھایا جائے کہ ان کے تمام تر مسائل کا حل مہدوی حکومت کی تشکیل میں پو شیدہ ہے تاکہ لوگ کسی تشنہ شخص کی طرح مہدویت کی تشنگی کو محسوس کریں۔
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