Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Barelvis in India

ء میں اعلیٰ حضرت امام اہل سنت مولانا شاہ احمد رضا خان فاضل بریلی و حجۃ الاسلام مولانا شاہ حامد رضا خان بریلوی نے مفکرین ختم نبوت کو مرتد قرار دیا اور اس کے رد میں پہلی کتاب تحریر کرنے کا شرف حاصل کیا۔

اس دورمیں اس حقیقت کا ادراك سب سے پہلے امام احمد رضا بریلوی نے کیا اور بستر علالت سے"المحجۃ المؤتمنۃ"کتاب لکھ کر ہندومسلم اتحاد کی کوششوں پر کاری ضرب لگائی اور قوم مسلم میں نئی روح پھونك دی یہ کتاب تحریك پاکستان کی خشت اول کی حیثیت رکھتی ہے، یہ کتاب فتاوی رضویہ کی چودھویں جلد میں شائع کردی گئی ہے، ارباب حکومت، ماہرین تعلیم اورتاریخ پاکستان کے محققین کو اس کا مطالعہ کرنا چاہئے۔
مولانا کوثر نیازی لکھتے ہیں:
"امام رضاگاندھی کے بچھائے ہوئے اس دام ہمرنگ زمین کو خوب دیکھ رہے تھے انھوں نے متحدہ قومیت کے خلاف اس وقت آواز اٹھائی جب اقبال اور قائداعظم بھی اس کی زلف گرہ گیر کے اسیر تھے، دیکھا جائے تو دو قومی نظریہ کے عقیدے میں امام احمد رضا مقتداء ہیں اور یہ دونوں حضرات مقتدی، پاکستان کی تحریك کو کبھی فروغ نہ ہوتا اگر امام احمد رضا سالوں پہلے مسلمانوں کو ہندؤوں کی چالوں سے باخبرنہ کرتے۔"[1]
امام احمد رضا بریلوی علیہ الرحمۃ کا موقف یہ تھا کہ موالات دوستی کو کہتے ہیں، مسلمان کے دل میں کسی بھی کافر کی دوستی نہیں ہونی چاہئے خواہ انگریز ہو یا ہندو، تحریك ترك موالات کے حامی انگریز کی دوستی ہی نہیں اس کے ساتھ معاملات کرنے سے بھی منع کرتے تھے، دوسری طرف ہندو کی دوستی میں اس قدر آگے بڑھ گئے تھے کہ اتحاد کی کوشش کررہے تھے۔
امام احمد رضا بریلوی نے تحریك خلافت اور تحریك ترك موالات کی مخالفت کی اور اختلاف کی
ایك وجہ یہ تھی کہ ان تحریکوں میں گاندھی ایسا مشرك لیڈر تھا اورمسلمان لیڈر اس کے مقتدی تھے، اس میل جول اور اتحاد کا اثر ہندوؤں پر تو کچھ نہ ہوتا البتہ مسلمان اپنے دین سے ہاتھ دھو بیٹھتے، اس موقع پر امام احمد رضا بریلوی نے ڈنکے کی چوٹ پر اس اتحاد کی مخالفت کی، اوراتحاد کرنے والے علماء اور لیڈر کو فرقہ گاندھویہ کا لقب دے کر ان کی شدید مخالفت کی ، چونکہ امام احمد رضا بریلوی اور ان کے ہم مسلك علماء اہلسنت کا حلقہ اثر بہت وسیع تھا اس لئے ان کے مخالفین ابوالکلام آزاد وغیرہ کی بڑی کوشش تھی کہ وہ بھی ہمارے ساتھ تحریکوں میں شریك ہوجائیں۔
ایك شوشہ یہ چھوڑا گیا کہ ترکی کی حکومت چونکہ خلافت شرعیہ ہے اس لئے جو اس کی حمایت نہیں کرتا وہ کافر ہے، امام احمدرضا بریلوی سے اس سلسلے میں استفتاء کیا گیا توآپ نے فرمایا کہ جہاں تك خیرخواہی کا تعلق ہے وہ تو دل سے ہر مسلمان کے لئے فرض ہے ، اس میں قریشی ہونا شرط نہیں البتہ خلافت شرعیہ کےلئے دیگر شرائط کے علاوہ ایك شرط قریشی ہونا ہے، اس مسئلے پرآپ نے ایك رسالہ تحریر فرمایا جس کانام ہے:
"دوم العیش فی الائمۃ من قریش۔"

پاکستان بننے سے پہلے اہل سنت وجماعت آل انڈیا سنی کانفرنس کے پلیٹ فارم سے کام کر رہے تھے۔ اس کا قیام1897ء میں عمل میں آیا تھا۔ اس کانفرنس کے پہلے صدر اعلیٰ حضرت امام رضا خان فاضل بریلویؒ تھے۔ اس کانفرنس کے پلیٹ فارم سے اعلیٰ حضرت نے فتویٰ دیا کہ کسی غیر مسلم کے ساتھ کسی سطح پر اشتراک عمل نہیں ہوسکتا اور غیر مسلموں کے ساتھ مل کر کوئی قومی تحریک نہیں چلائی جا سکتی۔ اس طرح اعلیٰ حضرتؒ بر صضیر پاک وہند میں پہلے شخص تھے جنہوں نے 1897ء میں آل انڈیا سنی کانفرنس کے قیام کے بعد دو قومی نظریہ کی بنیاد رکھی۔
یہ ایک واضح حقیقت ہے کہ برصغیر میں اعلیٰ حضرت کے فتویٰ کے تحت کسی سنی نے کانگریس کی کبھی حمایت نہیں کی ۔ یہاں تک کہ آج بھی بھارت کی سنی عوام اعلیٰ حضرت فاضل بریلوی کے فتویٰ پر قائم ہیں۔
28مارچ1946ء کوبنارس کے مقام پر سنی کانفرنس منعقد ہوئی۔ اس کانفرنس میں پورے ہندوستان سے دس ہزار علماء کرام نے شرکت کی اور ہزاروں کی تعداد میں عوام نے اپنی شرکت کو یقینی بنایا۔ کانفرنس کی صدارت علامہ سید محمد کچھو چھوریؒ کر رہے تھے جو اعلیٰ حضرت فاضل بریلوی کے خلیفہ مجاز اور شاگرد تھے جبکہ مہمان خصوصی امیر ملت قبلہ علام سید جماعت علی شاہ علی پوریؒ تھے۔ حضرت محدث کچھوچھوریؒ نے اپنے خطبہ صدارت میں واضح فرمایا کہ مسلمان اور ہندو دو الگ الگ نظریہ حیات کے حامل ہیں جو کسی طور پر اکھٹے نہیں رہ سکتے اور پاکستان کا مطالبہ صرف مسلم لیگ کا مطالبہ نہیں ہے۔ یہ برصغیر کے تمام سینوں اور عاشقان مصطفےٰ ﷺ کی آواز ہے۔ اس لیے بالفرض قائداعظم ؒ اور مسلم لیگ اس مطالبے سے دستبردار بھی ہوجاتے ہیں تو سنی پاکستان قائم کرکے رہیں گے

"The myth of tolerance among the Barelvis was exposed long ago when Ahmad Reza Barelvi, the founder of this sect and his supporters did not participate in non-co-operation movement against the British on the plea that it was led by a Hindu leader Mahatma Gandhi. Pronouncing a fatwa he not only denounced the Deobandis as Kafirs and condemned them for accepting the leadership of a Hindu leader during freedom movement but also criticised those Muslims who joined hands with Kafirs (non-believers) even if it was for attaining Islamic objectives. His fatwa warned the Muslims neither to attend to the ailing non-Muslims nor to participate in their funerals. Difference of opinion between Deobandi and Barelvi was so bitter that during a fatwa-war over the shrine-associated rituals in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, “Ahmad Riza went to the extent of writing a fatwa accusing leading figures at Deoband – including Rashid Ahmed Gangohi, Muhammad Qasim Nanautawi and Ashraf Ali Thanvi – of being leaders of heresy and kafir”. His aversion with Deobandis is reflected in Fatwa-i-Rizvia, which “declares Deobandis as Kafirs and he who doubts that they are Kafirs are also Kafir” (The World of Fatawas by Arun Shourie, 1995, Page 646). “He objected to collaboration with Hindus in preference to ‘People of the Book’.” (Pakistan: Punjab Governor assassinated by “non-violent” Islamic group by Kal El on January 7, 2011).
During the period of Khilafat Movement, Mahatma Gandhi was advised to meet Ahmed Riza but when the latter was told that Gandhi wished to meet and speak to him- he said, “What would he speak about? Religion or worldly affairs? If it is worldly affairs, what can I partake in, for I have abstained from the world and have no interest in it?” (Al Mizaan, p. 335/ Islamic Encyclopedia). His fatwa also declared that the books and belief of Deobandis are worse than those of Hindus."

مولوی ابو البرکات بانی حزب الاحناف نے مسٹر جناح اور مسلم لیگ کے خلاف ایک فتوی دیا اس میں کیسی زبان استعمال کی گئی ملاحظہ فرمائیں:
’’لیگ کی حمایت کرنا اس میں چندے دینا اس کا ممبر بننا اس کی اشاعت و تبلیغ کرنا منافقین و مرتدین کی جماعت کو فروغ دینا اور دین اسلام کے ساتھ دشمنی کرنا ہے ۔اگر رافضی کی تعریف حلال اور جناح کو اس کا اہل سمجھ کر کرتا ہے تو وہ مرتد ہوگیا اس کی بیوی اس کے نکاح سے نکل گئی ۔
(الجوابات السنیہ :ص ۳۲:جماعت مرکزیہ اہلسنت مارہرہ )

11-14 Feb 1946:  Anti-Hindu violence in Calcutta instigated by Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, the scion of a Shia-Sufi family.

10 Oct 1946: Noakhali riots against Hindus instigated by Gholam Sarwar Husseini, the scion of a Muslim Pir family.
Barelvis object to the construction of a Wahabi mosque and a Hindu police officer trying to calm them down.

In 1988 the first fatwa against the ill famed Salman Rushdie was issued by Raza Academy after obtaining it from Jaanasheene Huzoor Mufti e Aazam which was published in the Daily Hindustan on the 11 November 88 and on 12th November in Inquilab and Urdu Times.
In 1990 America Attacked Iraq and the Academy announced to send one lakh volunteers for the safety for Harmain Shareefain, Madina Munawwara, Shrine of Hazrat Imam Husain, Saiyadina Imam Hasan, Saiyadina Huzoor Gause Aazam, Saiyadina Imaam e Aazam and other sacred places.

"January 21, 1998: Simmering tension between two sects of Muslims in Bombay came to the fore on Monday, when the Barelvi and Deobandi sects of Sunni Muslims clashed over a minor religious issue. In the unexpected outburst of violence, two Muslims were killed in the heart of the Muslim quarter of the city."

12 Feb 1999: In Bombay 100 activists from radical Muslim Raza Academy kicked and trampled on caricatures of Mr Rushdie outside a city centre mosque. Muslim activists in India have warned of violence if Mr Rushdie is allowed to visit.

6 Mar 2000: Taslima Nasreen, Bangladeshi writer, at a public meeting in central Mumbai on March 6. The Surendra Gavaskar Hall was packed beyond capacity. She elicited a warm and emotional response at the end of her speech that lasted just 10 minutes.  
....  Among the fundamentalist groups which objected to the visit were the Raza Academy, the All India Sunni Jamiatul Ulema, the Muslim Council and the Public Complaint Centre. In their letter to the Maharashtra Governor, signed by Raza Academy general secretary Mohammed Nori, the groups stated: "It seems Taslima Nasreen is being called as an experiment so that after her Salman Rushdie can also be called to India." They also asked the Governor to intervene and prevent Nasreen from entering Mumbai.

10 Jun 2005: Protesters gathered outside the Sunni Badi Masjid mosque after afternoon prayers, chanted anti-American slogans and waved banners declaring, "America beware! Allah is great."  The Raza Academy and the All India Sunni Jamiatul Ulema were among the prominent Sunni organisations attending the rally.  ..Some protesters spat on pictures of US President George W. Bush and burned an effigy of the leader.  Others pasted pictures of Bush and the American flag to toilets and pretended to urinate on them.

9 Sep 2005:  Indian tennis star Sania Mirza has refused to be drawn into a controversy over what she wears on court.
Haseeb-ul-hasan Siddiqui, a leading cleric of the [Barelvi] Muslim organisation the Sunni Ulema Board, said: "The dress she wears on the tennis courts not only doesn't cover large parts of her body but leaves nothing to the imagination." 

9 Sep 2005:  The Sunni Ulema Board says it is worried about her influence. "She will undoubtedly be a corrupting influence on these young women, which we want to prevent," Mr Siddiqui said.
The board recommended that she follow the example of Iranian women who wore long tunics and headscarves to play in the Asian badminton championship in Hyderabad this week.

7 Jul 2006: ''This attack was not an attack on two individuals, but on this system... this government. My men are not on the streets to get killed. We also have weapons.''
That was Deputy Chief Minister RR Patil doing some plainspeak in the State Legislature on Wednesday night's violence at Bhiwandi that saw two policemen being lynched by a mob protesting against the construction of police station.
While the mob, mostly members of the Raza Academy — a Muslim religious Academy — alleged that the land on which the police station was coming up did not belong to the police, the police were forced to open fire when the violent crowd tried to demolish the partially constructed police station.
Two persons were killed in the police firing and several policemen were injured. But later at night, two policemen in plainclothes who met with a minor motorcycle accident in the area, were spotted by the crowd and beaten up and bludgeoned to death without any provocation. Their bodies were then tossed into a bus which was then set afire.

5 Sep 2006: Abid Ali is 80 years old and has been married to 75-year-old Asgeri for as long as he can remember. But this week he repeated his wedding vows and performed a nikah because a top cleric issued a fatwa dissolving his marriage. Ali wasn't the only one. More than 200 couples had to re-do their nikah in Aharaula village, about 20 km from Moradabad. What happened? These Barelvi Sunni Muslims had committed the crime of attending a namaaz led by a cleric from the rival Deoband sect."

6 Sep 2006: "LUCKNOW: Mufti of Moradabad, Abdul Mannan Kalimi, on Tuesday said the teaching in Darul Uloom Deoband and Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow, were not in `conformity with Islamic principles.'
The Mufti who belonged to the Barelvi sect said that as long as these institutions were present, there was no need to find a Salman Rushdie among the Muslims. The Moradabad Mufti even dubbed the Wahabis (another sect) as non-Muslims.
Mufti Kalimi was in the news recently for issuing a controversial `fatwa' against about a hundred people belonging to the Barelvi sect who participated in "Namaz-e-Janaza" (prayer for the dead) in Ahraula village in Moradabad district on August 11. Their only fault was that they stood in prayer that was led by a Deobandi."

19 Feb 2007: Police is Nasik fired shots in the air to disperse a mob when clashes broke out between two muslim sects. Trouble broke out when miscreants on the Mumbai Agra Highway allegedly stoned members of the Tableeghi Jammat who were returning after a congregation in Malegaon. Nearly seven lakh faithful from across India had congregated in Malegaon for the Ijtema (religious congregation).
Traffic on the Mumbai-Agra highway was disrupted for an hour due to the incident. Meanwhile Nasik Police made provisions for diverting the flow of traffic away from the troubled area. Police officials said that no one was injured in the firing.
There are ideological differences between the Tableeghi sect and Barelvi Sect which sometimes take a violent turn.

18 Mar 2007:  "The president of the All India Ibtehad Council, Taqi Raza Khan, said he had declared the reward for anyone who carried out the "quatal" or "extermination" of the "notorious woman.""Taslima has put Muslims to shame in her writing. She should be killed and beheaded and anyone who does this will get a reward from the council," he said in a statement received in Lucknow, capital of northern Uttar Pradesh state. The council, based in the Uttar Pradesh town of Bareilly, is a splinter group of the influential All India Muslim Personal Law Board. Khan said the only way the bounty would be lifted was if Nasreen "apologises, burns her books and leaves." The bounty was not a fatwa as Khan, while a cleric, is not senior enough to issue Islamic decrees.
But it drew swift condemnation from one of south Asia's most powerful Muslim seminaries. The clergy of the Sunni seminary Dar-ul Uloom in Deoband in Uttar Pradesh, a state with a large Muslim population, said the call to behead Nasreen was "un-Islamic" and that clergy should not issue such "fatwas." "Unnecessary edicts increase friction in society and people of other religions start treating Islam as a barbaric religion," Mufti Arif, who sits on the board of the fatwa committee of Dar-ul Uloom, told AFP by telephone. At the same time Arif backed Khan's call for 45-year-old Nasreen's expulsion from India, where she is seeking permanent residence or citizenship."

7 Aug 2007:  A Special Reserve Police commandant who went to offer namaz at a mosque in Gondal, some 30 km from Rajkot, was turned away. The reason: the mosque is controlled by those subscribing to the Barelvi school, while the commandant follows the Deobandi ideology. Earlier, a police sub-inspector and a judge were turned away from prayers at another Barelvi mosque in the town. After the 2002 riots in Gujarat, Muslims of all sects and ideologies had united to rebuild their lives, their homes, their mosques. But of late, differences between followers of the Barelvi and Deobandi schools have come to such a head that Barelvi mosques in the Saurashtra-Kutch region have put up boards asking non-Barelvis not to enter. Those who turn up nevertheless are asked to

9 Aug 2007: HYDERABAD: Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasrin was roughed up by legislators of the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) and a mob led by them in the Press Club of Hyderabad on Thursday.  The feminist writer and author of several novels — including “Lajja” which was about the treatment of Hindus by Muslims in Bangladesh — was here on a visit to launch the translated versions of her works at a press conference. She had just completed her engagement when about 20 MIM activists, led by MLAs Syed Ahmed Pasha Qadri, Afsar Khan and Moazzam Khan, barged into the conference hall.  She looked in disbelief as they hurled abuses against her. Demanding to know “who had mustered the guts to invite her to Hyderabad, they wanted Ms. Nasrin to be handed over to them.  Without further warning, they began throwing books, bouquets, chairs, and whatever they could lay their hands on at her. Some persons in the mob almost got hold of her but Narisetti Innaiah, rationalist and chairman of the Center for Inquiry, who was her host, shielded her. He was injured in his face. A couple of journalists who went to their rescue also sustained injuries in the scuffle.

21 Sep 2007: LUCKNOW: Salman Khan is in the news again. A a much-revered Muslim seminary in Bareilly in west UP has issued a fatwa against Salman for attending a Ganesh puja.  The fatwa says that the actor ceases to be a true Muslim after worshipping Lord Ganesha in Mumbai recently. The order was issued as Islam prohibits all kinds of idol worship.  “A Muslim guilty of but-parasti (idol worship) ceases to be a true Muslim… he would have to recite the kalma in the name of Allah again, and publicly ask for forgiveness to become a Muslim,” said Maulana Farooq Barelvi, mufti at the “Darul Ifta Manzar-e-Islam” at Bareilly Sharif.

"Tauqeer Raza Khan, a senior cleric of Barelvi sect, in early November. Nasreen had then disapproved of the development on grounds that Tauqeer had declared a Rs 5 lakh bounty on her head in 2007 after taking serious offence to the contents of a Taslima's book where she had referred to Islam. This was followed by violent protests over renewal of her visa which in turn eventually saw her being bundled out of Kolkata by the authorities to Delhi.
"Taslima has put Muslims to shame in her writing. She should be killed and beheaded and anyone who does this will get a reward from the council," Tauqueer Raza, president of Ittehad e Millat Council (IeMC), had declared after taking serious offence to the contents of her book carrying reference to Islam."

"In 2007, he [Akbaruddin Owaisi] threatened to carry out the fatwa issued against author Salman Rushdie and behead writer Taslima Nasreen if she set foot in Hyderabad. "See what happened to Taslima and P V Narasimha Rao. They were forced into oblivion for hurting the sentiments of the Muslims," the MIM MLA said at the Nirmal meeting on December 24 as the crowd chanted 'Sher-e-Deccan'.

22 Feb 2008: Jaipur: Police have arrested 10 people for clashes that lead to 10 persons injured, three of them seriously. The clash occurred in Amritpuri’s Noorani Masjid between Barelvis and Deobandis. The police sources say that someone threw a stone when prayers were being offered which lead to a clash between the two groups. The environment was tense because of Ijtema organized by the Tablighi Jamaat earlier in the week. Barelvis objected to the speeches made in the Ijtema and this tension spilled over on Wednesday. Muslim threw stones at each others, at least two motorcycles and a few road side shops were torched."

17 June 2008: In an unprecedented mobilization of Muslims of various sects and schools of thoughts in Hyderabad against the Ahmadiya (Qadiani) community, the latter was stopped from holding its congregation in the city. As thousands of Muslims tried to march and lay a siege around the venue of their proposed meeting in a state owned building, the state government cancelled the permission on "technical grounds".
Not leaving the matter there, several Muslim organizations have also filed a caveat in the Andhra Pradesh High Court against granting any permission to Qadianis for conducting any public meeting or function in the state "in the name of Muslims or Islam".
Muzaffar Hussain Khan, who filed the caveat on behalf of reputed seminary Jamia Nizamia, and several organizations including Jamat-e-Islami, Majlis-e-Ulema-e-Deccan, Jamiatul Ulema, Sunni Dawat-e-Islami, Anjuman Mehdvia, Anjuman Quadria and Shia Asna-e-Ashari, said that such a move was necessary to make it clear to the court that Ahmadia community was not Muslim and it should not be allowed to carry out pubic activities in the name of Muslims and Islam."

8 July 2008: Grand Son of Hazrath Syedina Ghouse ul Aazam Allama Syed Kazim Pasha Quadri Almoosavi Aljeelani Sajjada Nasheen Khanqah e Mosavia; Fazil e Bareily, speech against Qadianism.

4 Aug 2008: While this power struggle is a pan-India phenomenon, it is assuming quite serious dimensions in Gujarat in the last six years. Recent clashes between the two groups in Surat, Kalol, Prantij, Himmatnagar and other towns and cities across Gujarat have only underlined the intensity of this conflict.
The tolerant Barelvis, who are okay with dargah-worship, have even put up notice boards outside scores of mosques in Gujarat banning the entry of the Tablighi Jamaat, the missionary wing of the Deoband school of Islam which preaches for a puritanical interpretation of the holy Quran.

Kadar Salot, the president of the Rajkot Saher Sunni Muslim Juna Masjid Trust, says: "The Tablighis want friction in society while people of Rajkot do not want any trouble. This is the reason why several mosques in Rajkot have banned their entry." "To keep Deobandhis at a distance, the trustees of the mosques may have resorted to pasting of notices," the chairman of Porbandar Dar-ul-Ulum, Abdul Sattar Amdani explains.

12 Sep 2008: MUMBAI: Veteran Bollywood scriptwriter Salim Khan, the father of actor Salman Khan, on Friday questioned a fatwa, religious edict, against him by some Muslim organizations for celebrating Ganeshotsav at their home here..... Mufti Manjar Hassan Khan Ashrafi Misbahi, the chief of Darul-Uloom Hijaziya Chishti, Mumbai, issued the 'fatwa' urging a religious boycott of the entire Khan family on Wednesday.

8 Nov 2008:
On November 8, 2008, members of India’s premier Sunni Muslim organisation, Raza Academy came together to demand a ban on Zahir Naik’s programme ‘Insaniyat Ke Liye Hal’ to be held from November 14-23 at Somaiya grounds. 

Maulana Ashraf Raza of the Darul-Uloom Hanfia Rizvia, Colaba also issued a fatwa against Naik. Members alleged that Naik had made derogatory statements about Islam’s prophet. Maulanas from the All India Sunni Tableeq Community were present. 
Members complained that on many occasions Naik had urged crowds to pray to Allah alone instead of Prophet Mohammed Paigambar, as he claims the prophet is human.

23 June 2009:
The fatwa issued by Mufti Mohammed Shoeb Raza Qadri and Mufti Muti-ur-Rehman of the Darul-uloom-Mazhar-e- Islam who stated that the entire Muslim community was hurt by Shahrukh's comments. Mufti Mohammed called Shahrukh a Kafir (non-believer) and said such person should be thrown out of Islam. He also said that in an Islamic state such remarks would have called for a death penalty against the accused. He also added that Shahrukh's marriage with Gauri was nullified and Shahrukh must not be allowed to be buried in any Muslim graveyard. 
Bareilly-based Markazi Darul Ifta which is a authority for issuing fatwas however dismissed the fatwas issued by clerics. They stated that since Shahrukh has issued clarification that he was misrepresented in his alleged statements he should not be held guilty. Shahrukh has made the alleged comments in an interview given to the Time n Style Magazine.

3 Feb 2010: "The Ghatkopar police have registered a criminal offence against Meraj Rabbani, a maulana of the Ahle Hadees sect, for allegedly hurting the religious sentiments of Barelvi Sunni Muslims. While addressing a gathering on Sunday night at Chirag Nagar, Ghatkopar West, Maulana Rabbani allegedly passed disparaging remarks against Khwaja Gareeb Nawaz, a Sufi saint of Ajmer who is highly revered by the Barelvis. Soon a huge mob of protesters gathered at the venue and demanded an apology from the maulana. Seeing the tense situation, the police whisked him away to safety."

Dec 19, 2010: "Security has been beefed up and a heavy contingent of PAC and Rapid Action Force personnel deployed to prevent any kind of backlash in the Bajaria locality in the Colonelganj police station limits after Deoband and Barelvi sects clashed with each other here on Friday.
The police had to use force to bring the unruly mob under control. A youth identified as Farhan sustained serious gun-shot wounds while several others got injured.

According to police, while one group belongs to Deoband sect, the other belongs to Barelvi sect. They said that the trouble began when a crowd of Barelvi sect, irked over the alleged unsavoury remarks made by the Rajya Sabha member Mahmood Madani, earlier, tried to set afire his effigy in the area."

June 28, 2011: The appointment of Mrs. Roohi Khan as new Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of Haj Committee of India by the government, appears to have caused heart-burns to some people who see it purely from an orthodox Islamic point of view. General Secretary of Raza Academy, Mumbai, Muhammad Sayeed Noori commenting on this says that not only Muslims but the whole world knows how strict orders there are in Islam about purdah. Just as it is forbidden for a man to see a woman, in the same way a woman also is forbidden to see a man and for a woman to come without purdah or veil in front of a na-mehram is haram. He said that it is true that there is no Islamic rule in India but inspite of this, only Muslims are concerned with Haj Committee and that too for fulfillment or performance of a religious obligation. According to him, there should be at least one department in which Muslims  interact with each other, it would be better if this should be kept free from women even before performance of a religious duty like Haj thousands of Hajis will have to be party to this haram ‘act’ (seeing a woman). If somebody behaves shamelessly with this woman or conversely if the woman herself behaves shamelessly with someone (man), Haj Committee will earn a bad name. He further said that today this post has been given to a Muslim woman, tomorrow some non-Muslim woman can be appointed to this post. He said that he had felt this danger at that very time when the Indian government had appointed a woman (Mohsina Qidwai) as chairperson of Haj Committee this year. Congress government has always been doing things by which Muslims’ sentiments could be hurt. This is the gift or legacy of Brahminic mentality. He made an appeal to Muslims to let their dislike at the appointment of a woman be known to the government through letters, newspapers etc.

July 21, 2011: "Last year, a city-based maulvi and a pass-out from Tadkeshwar seminary was booked for addressing Prophet Mohammed as 'brother' (bhai), which according to the Barelvis amounted to hurting their religious feeling. This issue is pending in the high court."

8 Oct 2011: Mumbai: Hindi film Azaan is in the eye of a storm with a section of Muslims objecting to the film's title. Azaan, which means a call to prayers, is also the name of a character in the film.

Muslims allege that the use of the word as the film's title is a "deliberate attempt to hurt the community's sentiments".
On Friday, Raza Academy and Anjuman Barkaat-e-Raza members protested at Bhendi Bazaar. "Azaan is Islamic invitation to prayers. It is a sacred word and should not have been used in a film's title. We request the film's producer to change it," said Saeed Noorie, Raza Academy's secretary.

2012:  He was declared an apostate by Mufti Tausif Raza Khan of the Bareilly seminary for writing the book, Firqa Parasti ka Khaatma, against sectarianism amongst Muslims. Although a Sufi centre, the Sunni radical seminary declared Qadri a non-Muslim, accusing him of encouraging idol worship at interfaith seminars. Mufti Tausif's fatwa on YouTube warned Muslims to stay away from Qadri`s rallies in India, something that had no effect. The Raza Academy affiliated to the Bareilly seminary, unsuccessfully tried to refrain Qadri from speaking in Mumbai through legal action.

11 Jan 2012: Muslim Ulema of Bareilvi sect has warned Congress of suffering political losses if it allowed Rushdie's visit.
A delegation led by General Secretary, Jamat Raza-e-Mustafa, Maulana Sahabuddin Rizvi handed over a memorandum to Law Minister Salman Khursheid yesterday during his visit and demanded that controversial writer should not be given a visa.
Rizvi said that if Rushdie's visit was not prevented Jamat would launch a country wide agitation to protest the move.

27 March 2012: Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) organized a huge rally to protest against the Ahmadiya sect and their activities in Hyderabad under the leadership of the local MLA of Malakpet constituency Mr. Ahmed Balala. Heavy security arrangements were made for the protest. The procession stopped at ACP Malakpet office and the MIM MLA with some of his supporters met the Assistant Commissioner of Police Malakpet Division Mr. Iqbal Siddiqui and demanded to close down the community center and to censor the activities of Qadiyanis in that area.

"In August 2012, at a public rally in Azad Maidan of Mumbai, organised by the Raza Academy, Barelvi clerics incited Muslim youths, leading to violence in which two youths were killed, about 45 policemen were injured and public property was damaged. Raza Academy, along with another religious group Madinatul Uloom Foundation, was ordered to pay Rs. 2.74 Crore. It seems the amount remains unpaid. It also protested against liberal Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen. In 2012, it threatened Salman Rushdie when he was to visit Jaipur for a literary event.  It issued a statement: "Raza Academy announces reward of Rs. 1 Lakh to anyone who hurls a slipper on Salman Rushdie's face on his visit to Jaipur. We also undertake to appoint a lawyer for him."

August 2012: Among the biggest benefactors of this policy is the Raza Academy, a Barelvi group known for its ability to rouse slum-dwellers by its religious rhetoric; for its violent clashes with the Deobandis, including evicting them from Barelvi mosques; its threats to the government of Muslim “ire” if Taslima Nasreen was granted citizenship and its demand that she be “kicked out” of the country; and recently, its announcement of a reward of Rs 1 lakh to anyone who threw a slipper at Salman Rushdie who was scheduled to attend the Jaipur Literary Festival. The media gives this fanatic bunch generous coverage because it provides good sound and visual bytes – always threatening something or to burn someone’s effigy or perform namaz on the roads on 6 December every year (the day the Babri Masjid was brought down).

"February 11, 2013: Taar Mohammed (73) could have never thought even in his wildest dreams that following the death of him and his wife (who died just five months after him), their family would be forbidden by a prominent Muslim sect from visiting the community’s burial grounds or worse be cited as ‘kafir” by a lawyer during the hearing in the Chhattisgarh High Court. On August 2, 2012, a resident of Rajnandgaon Taar Mohammed died after prolong illness. He was denied burial in his home-town and his body had to be taken for burial some 50 km away under police security. .... On January 1, this year Taar Mohammed’s 64-year-old wife Zubaida Begum breathed her last. Again, the family was denied any space in the Muslim graveyard and was threatened with dire consequences if they attempted to bring the elderly lady’s body to the graveyard....their family had to face strong opposition from the chairman of the Gole Bazar mosque in Rajnandgaon Javed Ansari and the so-called  caretaker or Mutawalli, Haji Shafeeq. The duo were often found in conflict with anyone they believed are Deobandis and even prevented Deobandis from entering the mosque for prayer.   The body of Zubaida Memon was kept for over two days at home. The Chhattisgarh court, listening to both the applicant and the respondents offerred a big relief. It ordered the immediate burial of the elderly woman on January 3, while directing the state administration and other respondents to ensure that the law and order is maintained in the region as tension kept mounting across the city. Ansari and Shafeeq stated that they didn’t allow the burial as the graveyard was allotted to the followers of Barelvi sect......Strangely enough, during the hearing counsel Prateek Sharma, who appeared on behalf of Shafeeq and Javed Ansari, reportedly referred to the deceased and her family as “kafirs” (non-believers) in the court. Sharma is also associated with Chhattisgarh Wakf Board which was one of the respondents against Hashim."

Dec 4, 2013: An First Information Report has been lodged against controversial Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen for allegedly hurting religious sentiments following a complaint by a prominet Muslim cleric in Bareilly district of north Indian state Uttar Pradesh.

The case was lodged last night at Kotwali police station by Hasan Raza Khan Noori Miyan, son of the 'sajjadanasheen' of Dargah-e-Ala Hazrat Maulana Subhan Raza Khan Subhani Miyan, who objected to certain tweets by Nasreen against clerics on November 6, police sources said here Thursday.

In the complaint, it was alleged that with her remarks against clerics on Twitter the writer had hurt the feelings of the Muslim community.

Earlier, during a meeting last evening, Noori Miyan said a fatwa is issued in the light of Hadees and Quran. It was demanded that the passport of the writer should be seized and she should be arrested.

Dec 30, 2013: On the last day of annual Urs-e-Razwi of Imam Ahmed Raza, commonly known as Aala Hazrat, a Muslim cleric drew support of lakhs of Ulemas for expulsion of Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasrin for allegedly hurting the sentiments of the community.
Hasan Raza Khan alias Noori Miyan, who had lodged a police complaint against Nasrin on December 4, said the author had hurt the religious feelings and launched a campaign against her with thousands of Ulemas, who had gathered at the Islamia College ground, raising their hands in support.

"She is spreading anti-Muslim feeling in the country and should be told to leave the country immediately. We would soon stage a series of protests against Nasrin. If needed, we will go to Supreme Court for her expulsion from India," said Noori Miyan who is son of the Sajjadanasheen of Bareilly"s Aala Hazrat Dargah, Maulana Subhan Raza Khan.

7 Jan 2014:

انجمن علمائے احناف جموں و کشمیر کے سربراہ مولانا اخضر حسین نے سرزمین اولیائے اکرام میں پھر سے ارتد اد کا مسئلہ پیدا ہونے پر تشویش کا اظہار کیاہے ۔ اپنے ایک پریس بیان میں انہوںنے کہاکہ درپردہ دین مبین کے خلاف سازشیں کرنے والوں اور ارتداد کو مدد کرنے والوں کو متنبہ کیاجاتاہے کہ وہ فوری طور پر اپنی حرکتوں سے باز آئیں ۔

"April 8, 2014: Brewing tension between the Barelvi and Deobandi Muslims took an ugly turn on Saturday, when more than 10 villagers were injured in a clash between the two factions.
Both the Deobandis and Barelvi Muslims have staked their claim on a two-storey building, which was being used by ‘Anjuman Islamia’, a religious body working for the welfare of the local Muslim community."

"July 30, 2014: The Barelvi adherents have sought intervention of the district administration to restrict Tablighi Jammat of Deobandi School of Muslims from disseminating Islamic education amongst the rural people. The Barelvis move came in the wake of reports of the Tablighi Jammat propagating conversions amongst the local population. The prominent leaders of the Barelivi Muslims headed by Farooq Ahmad Bhatt along with his supporters have complained against the activities of the Tablighi Jamaat. ... In April, the two groups clashed at Bashua village in Chamba district, when both schools had staked claims over two-storey building...Both the groups are being separately backed by the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party."

Feb 25, 2015: "Mufti Muhammad Ilyas of the newly-formed Muslim body Jamaat Ulama-e-Hind — who had claimed that Lord Shiva was the “first prophet of Islam” and Muslims are “followers of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism)” — seems to be in trouble with a religious group announcing a bounty on his head.
According to a Times of India report, "Bareilly-based All India Faizan-e-Madina Council, a socio-political group, has announced a bounty of Rs 1,00,786 on his head. The 'national president' of the outfit, Mooen Siddiqui Noori, on Monday said the cash award would be given only to a Muslim. An "Islamic" sword would also be presented to the killer."

March 28, 2015: Senior Samajwadi Party leader and UP Cabinet Minister Azam Khan’s proposal to build a temple for party president Mulayam Singh Yadav may not fructify as Manzar-e-Islam, the supreme seat of Bareillvi sect of Muslims at the Dargah of Aala Hazrat, Friday issued a fatwa (edict), describing any such act by a Muslim as un-Islamic and “illegitimate”.
It said a Muslim becomes sinner if he offers to construct a temple and should seek pardon, else Muslims should shun having social contact with such person.
“This act of a Muslim (who proposes to set up a temple) is not right. He becomes sinner and it is compulsory that he seek pardon. (For the time being) Muslims should stop mingling, meeting or greeting such person,” the edict issued on March 21 said.
It is signed by Mufti Obaid bearing the seal of Manzar-e-Islam, Saudagaran, Bareilly, Dargah Aala Hazrat.
Since fatwa is not issued against any particular person but only on “situations and conditions”, Faisal Khan asked about the status: “Can a Muslim make an offer for constructing a temple? After such an act, can the person be called a Muslim?”
Sajjada Nashin Subhan Ahmed Khan, who holds the supreme seat of Bareillvi sect of Muslims and is descendant of Aala Hazrat, confirmed the fatwa but said it was not against any particular person but applicable on every Muslim. Hence pointing towards anyone (Azam) is equivalent to spreading disturbance. 

April 29, 2015: New York: April 29, 2015. (PCP) Indian American Intellectual Forum IAIF in a press release said “We are horrified to note that Mulla Moin Siddiqui, President of All India Faizan-e-Madina Council, a radical Islamist organization, has declared a Fatwa and offered a bounty of 5 million Indian rupees on the head of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, a senior BJP leader and 2.5 million Indian rupees on the head of Sanjay Raut, a Shiv Sena Member of Indian Parliament, respectively”.

May 27, 2015:  Tension prevailed in Bareilly on Tuesday after Barelvi and Deobandi sects of Sunni Muslims clashed over the appointment of an Imam in a local mosque, Masjid Qutubkhana, in Lucknow. The appointment was necessary as the Imam of the mosque was arrested on sodomy charges Monday night. While the jailed Imam belonged to Deobandi sect, Barelvis tried to take over the mosque after he was arrested. Following this, the mosque was locked by the district administration. No namaz will be offered there for the next two days till the matter is resolved. 

New York: April 29, 2015. (PCP) Indian American Intellectual Forum IAIF in a press release said “We are horrified to note that Mulla Moin Siddiqui, President of All India Faizan-e-Madina Council, a radical Islamist organization, has declared a Fatwa and offered a bounty of 5 million Indian rupees on the head of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, a senior BJP leader and 2.5 million Indian rupees on the head of Sanjay Raut, a Shiv Sena Member of Indian Parliament, respectively”.
- See more at: http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/headlinenewsd.php?hnewsid=5310#sthash.BW9UCEbP.dpuf

"June 2, 2015: The dispute started with the appointment of an Imam after the last imam, Imtiyaz, was arrested on charges of sodomy on May 25. Imtiyaz belonged to the Deobandi school as did all the priests of the mosque for last 30 years. The Deobandis allege that the arrest of Imtiyaz was a conspiracy hatched by the Barelvis to take over the mosque.
After the arrest of Imtiyaz last Monday, the Barelvi group did try to take over the mosque which was strongly resisted by the Deobandis, resulting in stone pelting and violent clashes."

June 7, 2015: In the first incident, sectarian violence erupted between Deobandi and Barelvi sect of Muslims in Bareilly over the appointment of Imam in the Qutubkhana mosque. Following the clash, the mosque was locked on May 26 and Namaz has not been offered since then. Even the district administration’s intervention did not prove successful.
Following another clash between the two sects in Gorakhpur, a mosque in Rasoolpur Takia was locked down on June 2. The dispute in this case, too, was same — the appointment of Imam. “The first thing is Imaan. Then only we have Namaz, Haj and other things. So we are for our Imaan and will not accept anything else. We will not hesitate to take on roads. Let the mosques remain locked,” Barelvi cleric, Tasleem Raza Khan said. 

"June 26, 2015: Communalism has got a new dimension in Uttar Pradesh with growing tension between two Muslim sects in the state. In the latest incident, seven persons sustained serious injuries on Wednesday night as people of the Barelvi sect clashed with persons of the Deobandi sect in Noorpur area under Shivala Kalan police station of Bijnor district. The Barelvis accused the Deobandis of using foul language against them.
The clash, which is the third such incident in recent times, comes during the holy month of Ramzan. It was sparked by a heated discussion between Mohammad Shamim, a Deobandi, and Mohammad Kale Waseem over the religious practices of the two sects. Kale allegedly used abusive language against the Deobandi sect before more Barelvis gathered at the spot and beat up Shamim.
This was followed by a clash where hundreds of people from both the communities pelted stones and fired at each other. A large number of vehicles were also damaged by both sides. However, the police allegedly remained a mute spectator. "Forces have been deployed at the spot. The situation is under control. Elders of both the sects have been holding meetings to maintain peace and harmony," Circle Officer Mahesh Singh said.
Palika chairperson Haji Irshad Ali and former state minister Haji Qutubuddin Ansari reportedly met the people of the locality on Thursday and requested them to peacefully observe Ramzan.
Members of the two sects had earlier clashed on June 18 in Kemri area of Rampur over a venue. On May 27, Deobandis and Barelvis had clashed in Bareilly over the appointment of a new Imam of Masjid Qutubkhana."

July 13, 2015: With talks  failing to resolve the dispute between the Barelvi and Deobandi sects of Sunni Muslims over the appointment of Imam of Masjid Qutubkhana, which remains locked since May 26, the Bareilly district administration has referred the matter to Sunni Central Board of Waqfs in Lucknow under which the 98-year-old mosque is registered. The board, however, has washed its hands of the dispute, saying the appointment of an Imam does not fall under its jurisdiction.
Due to the lock down, namaz has not been offered at the mosque for the past one and a half months.

Sep 11, 2015:  The fatwa, issued by Raza Academy, demands that Muslims reject Majidi’s film titled ‘Muhammad: Messenger of God’ — first of the trilogy on the life of Prophet Mohammad. Last week, the group had written to Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, seeking a ban on Majidi’s film.  In the fatwa, they cite as the reason the Prophet’s word that no visual or picture of him be created or kept. The fatwa claims the film makes a mockery of Islam, and professional actors, including some non-Muslims, have been cast in the key roles.
The fatwa adds that the Muslims working on the film, especially Majidi and Rahman, have thus committed sacrilege and will have to read the kalma again and also solemnise their marriage again.

23 Oct 2015:
Renowned Sunni cleric and convenor of the Ittehad-e-Millat Council (IMC) Maulana Tauqeer Raza on Thursday demanded ban on sale and purchase of cow in the country . "Hindus first domesticate cows in their houses but after they stop giving milk, they sell it which leads to cow slaughtering. The seller and the person who slaughter cows are equally responsible for cow killing," said Raza, while addressing a press conference in Bareilly.

He also asked people to attack factories which export beef and said that he would assist them in this work even if he has to go to jail for it. He said, "Modi government had claimed that they will bring white revolution but after they came to power, there has been a 20% rise in beef export." The cleric said that after Bihar elections get over, he will stage a protest at Jantar Mantar to put pressure on the government to impose a ban on sale and purchase of cows.

30 Nov 2015:  Hundreds of Muslims in Malegaon, Dhule, Nandurbar and other parts of Maharashtra on Sunday staged massive protests against Marathi daily Lokmat over publication of a blasphemous cartoon in its Special Sunday Edition. Following the protests and complaints, police in Malegaon and Nandurbar registered cases against the editor and artist of the newspaper.  Outraged Muslims led by Ghulam Mustafa Rizvi, Dr Raees Rizvi, Yusuf Ilyas, Mufti Naeem Raza Misbahi and othere blocked the main road near New Bus Stand in Malegaon for about half an hour demanding immediate action against the newspaper.
The fatwa, issued by Raza Academy, demands that Muslims reject Majidi’s film titled ‘Muhammad: Messenger of God’ — first of the trilogy on the life of Prophet Mohammad. Last week, the group had written to Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, seeking a ban on Majidi’s film.
In the fatwa, they cite as the reason the Prophet’s word that no visual or picture of him be created or kept. The fatwa claims the film makes a mockery of Islam, and professional actors, including some non-Muslims, have been cast in the key roles.
- See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/entertainment-others/fatwa-against-a-r-rahman-majid-majidi-for-film-on-prophet/#sthash.KXUKse9E.dpuf

5 Dec 2015: Barelvi cleric Sufi Muhammad Kaleem Razvi demands Kamlesh Tiwari to be hanged, stoned or burnt publicly by Indian government. (4:35 onwards)"

11 Dec 2015: The protestors demanded the death penalty for Tiwari and asked for a stricter law against hate speech. "Kamlesh Tiwari has offended Muslims across India and he needs to be punished. We cannot hear any such words against our Prophet. The sentiments of Muslims should be respected. We demand that action be taken against Tiwari at the earliest. This kind of venom cannot be allowed to spread in society," said Haji Ehsaan, a leader of the Ittehad-e-Mliiat, a Muzaffarnagar-based Islamic organization. The organization printed pamphlets, inviting people to gather at the city's Shiv Chowk to protest against Tiwari's remarks. Close to a lakh people gathered at the spot.

4 Jan 2016: Kamlesh tiwari & Abdur rehman (Salafi cleric suspected of recruiting for Al-Qaeda in Indian Subcontinent) ko Fanshi By Mufti Golam Haider Rizvi Nasimi
Gulzar-e-Dastegir Conference.At Zakhri,Balasore,Odisha.4-1-2016.Organised by Quadri Nasimi Committee(Zakhri).Upload By Md Soyab Akhtar Khan(Niky)-8339889132-Whatsapp.from Basudebpur,Bhadraksarif.Gustakh-E-Rasool ka saza .

7 Jan 2016: The protest rally against Kamlesh Tiwari was organised by a Muslim organisation - Anjuman Ahle Sunnatul Jamaat (AJS)".

9 Jan 2016: Deobandi, Barelvi, and Shia clerics demand Kamlesh Tiwari to be hanged.

10 Jan 2016: "Eidgah locality in Agra witnessed tension on Sunday as groups owing allegiance to the Barelvi and Deobandi sects had an argument over who would be Imam of the local mosque. Miscreants pelted glass bottles and stones at each other as the argument escalated into a brawl. Police said a panchayat had been called to settle the issue of the ownership of the mosque. About 12 people have been arrested. The violence took place in Rustam Khan Ki Sarai locality under Rakabganj police station on Sunday morning. The mosque that was the focus of the dispute is the Toshavi Mosque, established in 1909. Witnesses said the current Imam, Ashraf Ali, who belonged to the Deobandi sect, found greater support during the panchayat. However, a local Muslim leader was keener on a Barelvi Imam. "Muslim leader Anwar wanted the Imam to belong to the Barelvi school. The majority of people attending the panchayat, however, wanted Deobandi Ashraf Ali to continue as Imam. Soon, someone started pelting stones and glass bottles at panchayat members. Many people were hurt, and the pelting of stuff went on for about 45 minutes before police arrived," said Ali Abbas, who witnessed the proceedings. Abbas said many local people ran home for cover. Police arrived and arrested about 12 people for the violence."

11 Feb 2016: "At 1 am on Tuesday, Yusuf, 88, died in Rajasthan’s Udaipur district. And at 11 in the morning, he was buried at a local graveyard.  But since he had refused to identify with any sect — such as Barelvi, Deobandi or Wahabi — during his life, locals from the Barelvi community allegedly removed his body from the grave and returned it to his home in Khanjipeer in an ambulance.  Yusuf and his family identify themselves only as Sunni Muslims."

12 Feb 2016: "The Gujarat High Court Thursday directed the district Superintendent of Police to decide on the request of a petitioner who has sought police protection for performing the Friday congregation prayers at Juma Masjid, Bajana, in Surendranagar district.  Justice Sonia Gokani disposed of a petition moved by Isubbhai Langha, a resident of Bajana who sought police protection between 1 pm and 2:30 pm at Juma Masjid for him and others for offering prayers on every Friday. The petitioner had said that he was compelled to approach the court due to a dispute growing between two Muslims sects — Barelvi and Deobandi. The petitioner Langha, who happens to be from Deobandi sect, has alleged the people from the other sect have been allegedly not allowing him and others to offer prayers at the mosque and on every Friday they are facing hurdles for entering the mosque. According to the petition, there have been three clashes between some people of the two sects which resulted into police cases in the past. And on every Friday when people from Deobandi sect go to the mosque, the oldest in Bajana, they are reportedly threatened by people from Barelvi sect."

25 Feb 2016: Bareilly: The influential Dargah Aala Hazrat seminary here, usually known for progressive pronouncements, has issued an uncharacteristic fatwa, this one against the humble tie. The fatwa states that the tie resembles the cross and when it is fastened around the neck, the symbol of the entire cross is visible. The pronouncement said it was forbidden for Muslims to "adopt the symbols of non-Muslims without a lawful reason, even if it is a single thing that makes them identical with non-Muslims in this way." On a question posed by Maulana Mohd Shahabuddin Razvi regarding fastening of tie, Mufti Azam Hind Alama Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari of this shrine termed the fastening of tie around the neck as "un-Islamic." The fatwa stated that "according to Christian belief, the cross is applicable to the structure on which Jesus was crucified. This sign is considered to be the reason of protection from misfortune and also regarded as a means of prosperity among Christians."
A copy of fatwa which is with TOI states that "tie resembles the structure of crucifixion. If one notice a tie fastened around the neck of a man, he will observe that the tie lying on the chest between the two shoulders in representing the entire cross."
Terming tie against Islam, Azhari, who passed the fatwa, said, "Muslims should refrain from adopting the symbols of non-Muslims without a lawful reason, even if it is a single thing that makes them identical with non-Muslims in this way."

28 Mar 2016: "Bareilly: In a fatwa which is likely to have far-reaching repercussions, the influential Dargah Aala Hazrat seminary here has banned Wahhabis from entering mosques of the Sufi Sunni Barelvi order. Clerics have said that followers of Wahhabism are "fundamentalists who believe in violence", while Sufi Sunni Barelvis believe in peace and harmony. The fatwa adds that if any Wahhabi enters a mosque of the order, he should be asked to leave or people should call the police."

10 Apr 2016: Varanasi district administration Friday sealed a mosque following a confrontation between Barelvi and Deobandi sects of the Muslim community over appointment of the Imam (head cleric) at the mosque. A group of people belonging to the Deobandi sect began an agitation after they reached the mosque for Friday prayers but found its main gates locked. They alleged that Barelvis had put the lock.
The two sects had had several confrontations since July last year when the then Imam, Maulana Sadrul Huda, died and Maulana Maroof took charge of the mosque. While Barelvis claim that Huda belonged to their sect and his successor should be from the same sect, the rival sect claims the deceased Imam was a Deobandi and Maroof is his genuine successor.

14 May 2016: Tauqeer's meeting with the Deobandis has stirred a sectarian storm, with Barelvi clerics including Tauqeer's brothers expressing strong disapproval. Hazrat Subhan Raza Khan, Tauqeer's elder brother and chairperson of Dargah Aala Hazrat, said in a statement that Tauqeer would face boycott if he did not apologise publicly. Tauqeer's younger brother, Maulana Tasleem Raza Khan, echoed the view. However, Tauqeer said that he will apologise only if a mufti issues a fatwa condemning his visit to the Deoband seminary.

19 May 2016: Agra's Mufti Mudassar Ali Qadri has decided to throw a spanner in the works by claiming that yoga is un-Islamic in many ways. He argued that many yoga postures were related to Hindu form of worship, including the chanting of 'Om' during Pranayama.

15 Jan 2017:
The family of middle-aged deceased Ahmed Husain alias Munna, who belongs to the Deobandi sect, was denied the right to bury Husain in the graveyard close to Delhi Gate by the Barelvi sect, who constitute the majority among Muslims in Chittogarh.

20 Feb 2017: Bareilly: On Monday, Bareilly-based religious organisation All India Faizan-e-Madina Council announced a bounty of Rs 10,786 on the head of Islamic scholar and journalist Tarek Fatah, a Canadian national originally from Pakistan. The organization has alleged that Fatah’s programme telecast on a private news channel was “anti-Muslim” and he, being the anchor of the programme ‘Fatah ka Fatwa’, had hurt Muslim sentiments. AIFMC head Moeen Siddiqui Noori also announced a bounty of Rs 5 lakh on the head of the channel’s owner Subhash Chandra.
At 1 am on Tuesday, Yusuf, 88, died in Rajasthan’s Udaipur district. And at 11 in the morning, he was buried at a local graveyard.
But since he had refused to identify with any sect — such as Barelvi, Deobandi or Wahabi — during his life, locals from the Barelvi community allegedly removed his body from the grave and returned it to his home in Khanjipeer in an ambulance.
Yusuf and his family identify themselves only as Sunni Muslims.
- See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/mans-body-exhumed-as-he-didnt-identify-with-sect/#sthash.EgLRL08U.dpuf

20 March 2017:
Trombay police has arrested 17 persons, including newly elected All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) corporator Shahnawaz Hussain, for allegedly vandalizing a police station over an objectionable social media post.
On Saturday, a complaint was lodged with Trombay police station against Arvind (20), a sweeper with the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation, for posting an objectionable picture on Facebook.
The same day, Arvind was arrested and booked under section 295-A (deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings or any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs) of the IPC along with sections of the Information Technology Act.
While in police custody, a group of people went to the Trombay police station late on Saturday night and demanded that the man be handed over to them, Additional Commissioner of Police (eastern region) Manoj Lohiya said.
A little after midnight, the enraged vandals set afire some parked police vehicles and vandalised the police station located in Cheeta Camp area.

5 April 2017:
The spiritual head of Ajmer dargah, who had supported a ban on the sale of beef, was on Wednesday "sacked" by his brother.
On Monday, Syed Zainul Abedin had also urged the government to ban the slaughter of all bovine animals to promote communal harmony in the country.
However, his support has not gone down well with his brother who on Wednesday "sacked" him for the "blasphemous" support and declared him a "non-Muslim".
Syed Alaudin Alimi claimed he had the support of the family in sacking Abedin and anointing himself as the new "deewan", spiritual chief, of the Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti mausoleum in Ajmer -- one of the most famous Muslim shrines visited by millions of devotees from across the sub-continent every year.

18 April 2017:
A senior member of a minority council issued a fatwa against singer Sonu Nigam for his comments over azaan. “If anyone can shave his hair, put a garland of old torn shoes around his neck and tour him around the country I personally announce an award of Rs 10 lakh for that person,” said Syed Sha Atef Ali Al Quaderi, vice president, West Bengal Minority United Council.

19 April 2017: 
In the last two days, several Muslim preachers have protested against the singer. The Raza Academy wrote a letter to Mumbai police commissioner Dattatray Padsalgikar, seeking an FIR against the singer for his "anti-religious remarks" and for "hurting religious sentiments and trying to provoke anger between communities".
Last night, a group of people from the community gathered outside Nagpada police station and demanded that an FIR be registered against the singer.

4 May 2017:
Nida Khan, daughter-in-law of Ala Hazrat family, and a victim of triple talaq was today attacked at her residence. However, Nida Khan who is also a petitioner on triple talaq row, survived the attack but her home was vandalised by the goons, ETV Urdu reported. According to a report, the attackers had vandalised Nida Khan’s residence and had threatened her to take back her petition on triple talaq matter. The incident took place on Thursday morning after which Nida Khan a residence of Bareli in Uttar Pradesh went ahead to file a complaint at Baradari police station.

12 August 2017: Asjad R Khan, Bareilly 'qazi' has asked Barelvi madarsas to celebrate I-Day but not sing National Anthem: Nasir Qureshi,Jamat Raza-E-Mustafa

21 Sep 2017:
Hyderabad: Sunni United Forum took out a massive rally from Qadri Chaman which went to DCP office, Purani Haveli, the Old City of Hyderabad where a written complaint was registered against a woman of Gujarat under the charges of blasphemy against Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).
The rally was led by Maulana Aulia Husaini Murtuza Pasha. Many Muslim clerics attended the rally. They demanded that the culprit should be arrested immediately otherwise their protest would be intensified.
They were holding placards on which it was written, “The person who indulged in blasphemy should be beheaded”.

20 Oct 2017:
After Union minority affairs minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said that the Haj Committee of India might consider the recommendation of allowing women aged over 45 years to make the pilgrimage without their close male relatives if they are travelling in groups of four or more, Sunni Barelvi clerics here criticised the move, calling it "un-Islamic". Clerics said that the motive of the authorities was to "make women work against Sharia".

25 Oct 2017:
Prominent clerics of the Barelvi sect on Tuesday accused the BJP government in UP of "trying to drive a wedge between Shia and Sunni communities" with the proposal to merge the Waqf boards of the two groups.

15 Nov 2017:
BAREILLY: Addressing a large crowd on the last day of Urs-e-Razviclerics at Dargah Aala Hazrat said that if the government tries to interfere in ShariatIndian Muslims will not sit silently but will raise strong opposition against it. "When former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi made sterilization compulsory, Mufti Mohammed Mustafa Raza issued a fatwa against it, forcing the then government to revoke the order. We will raise similar opposition if government intervenes into Shariat," said Maulana Tousheef Raza Khan while addressing the crowd.

Spokesperson of Dargah Aala Hazrat, Mufti Mohammed Salim Noori said, "There have been reports that the government is planning to form a UP Muslim Waqf Board by merging the separate Shia and Sunni Waqf boards. Also, there is a proposal to allow women aged over 45 years to make the Haj pilgrimage without their male relatives. This is against the Sharia law. There has been an increase in the interference of government in functioning of madrassas in UP and if government tries to impose any such proposal, we will take up the matter."

16 Jan 2018:
Two days after Shia Waqf Board president Waseem Rizvi said that he got death threats on his cellphone, a Bareilly-based religious outfit All India Faizan-e-Madina Council (AIFMC) announced a bounty of Rs 10,00,786 and a free Haj trip for anyone who brings them his (Rizvi’s) head.
The organisation said Rizvi had hurt religious sentiments of the Muslims by his ‘some madarsas acting as breeding ground for terrorists’ remarks.
Also, BJP’s district unit president (minority cell) of Azamgarh Sofiyan Khan plans to give Rs 51,000 to anyone who ‘spits on Rizvi’s face’. Khan burnt the Shia Board chief’s effigy and held demonstration against him in Sagdi Tehsil of Azamgarh here on Tuesday.
13 Feb 2018:  Indian #Barelvi outfit Raza Academy protests against 'blasphemous' Priya Varrier video.

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