Rights of non-muslims in an Islamic state
- http://www.nawaiwaqt.com.pk/%D8%A8%D9%82%DB%8C%DB%81-%D9%86%DB%8C%D9%88%D8%B2/15-Mar-2013/%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%85%DB%8C%DA%BA-%D8%BA%DB%8C%D8%B1-%D9%85%D8%B3%D9%84%D9%85-%DA%A9%DB%92-%D8%AD%D9%82%D9%88%D9%82
- http://www.minhajbooks.com/urdu/btext/cid/15/bid/286/btid/304/read/txt/%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%86-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%85%DB%8C%DA%BA-%D8%A7%D9%82%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%AA%D9%88%DA%BA-%DA%A9%DB%92-%D8%AD%D9%82%D9%88%D9%82.html
- http://www.urdupoint.com/islam/articles/article/islam-main-gair-muslim-k-huqooq-900.html
Extract from page 77 of the book "Tolerance and Coercion in Islam: Interfaith Relations in the Muslim Tradition" By Yohanan Friedmann about nuanced take of Islamic jurists on classification of polytheists. Hanbali and Shafi say that jizya is to be taken only from Ahle Kitab, while non-Ahle Kitab non-Muslims have only two options: to become Muslim or get killed. Imam Awzai and Imam Malik accept jizya from all non-Muslims. Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Abu Yusuf say only Arab polytheists have to convert or get killed, while Ibn Jahm say this option was only for Quraysh polytheists.
Pagan Arabs were forced to embrace Islam, and had no other choice. Extract from page 104 of the book "Tolerance and Coercion in Islam: Interfaith Relations in the Muslim Tradition" By Yohanan Friedmann
Umayyads not interested in systematic conversion fearing loss of poll-tax. Extract from page 77-78 of the book "The Rule of Empires: Those Who Built Them, Those Who Endured Them, and Why" By Timothy Parsons
Extract from page 20 of the book "Towards an Islamic Theory of International Relations: New Directions for Islamic Methodology and Thought" by Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman. Nuanced take of jihad and jizya by classical Muslim jurists.
{ حَتّٰی یُعْطُوا الْجِزْیَۃَ:حتّٰی کہ وہ جزیہ دیں۔} اس آیت میں اہلِ کتاب سے جزیہ لینے کا ذکر ہوا ۔اسلامی سلطنت کی جانب سے ذمی کافروں پر جو (مال) مقرر کیا جاتا ہے اسے جزیہ کہتے ہیں۔ عرب کے مشرکین سے جزیہ قبول نہیں کیا جائے گا بلکہ ان کیلئے دو ہی صورتیں ہیں قبولِ اسلام یا جنگ۔ بقیہ دنیا بھر کے کافروں سے جزیہ پر صلح ہوسکتی ہے۔
Page 194 of the book "Jews of Islam" by Bernard Lewis:
the Ayatollah Khomeini's references to the position of the non-Muslims in the Islamic state. In his programmatic book on Islamic government, he indicates unequivocally that they would be required to pay the poll tax, in return for which they would profit from the protection and services of the state; they would, however, be excluded from all participation in the political process. See his Hukuma Islamiyya, n.p. (Beirut), n.d., pp. 30ff.; Vilayat-i Faqih, n.p., n.d., pp. 35ff.; English version (from the Arabic), Islamic Government (U.S. Joint Publications Research Service 72663, 1979), pp. 22ff.; French version (from the Persian), Pour un gouvernement islamique (Paris, 1979), pp. 31ff. Another version in Hamid Algar, Islam and Revolution: Writings and Declarations of Imam Khomeini (Berkeley, 1981), pp. 45ff. Indeed, one of the Ayatollah's main grievances against the shah was that his legislation allowed the theoretical possibility (never in fact realized before the fall of the monarchy) of non-Muslims exercising political or judicial authority over Muslims.
Hardliner position.
The "dhimma" was the most oppressive in Morocco, where Jews were subjected to what Norman Stillman called “ritualized degradation”,[50] as well as in Yemen and Persia.[51]
Almohads and Muslim authorities in Yemen practiced forcible conversion
of children. Ye'or and Parfitt believe that this practice was based on
the belief that every child is born a Muslim.[66] Suspecting
a lack of sincerity on the part of Jews who were forcibly converted to
Islam, Almohad rulers took Jewish children from their parents and raised
those children as Muslims.[67] In Yemen, a 1922 Zaydi statute known as the Orphans Decree obligated
the state to take under its protection and convert any dhimmi child
whose parents had died (later extended to include fatherless children).[68] Although possibly intended to alleviate the plight of orphaned children, the Jewish community was dismayed,[69] and Jewish leaders who helped hide orphans were imprisoned and sometimes tortured.[70] Despite this, the Jews in Yemen generally continued to feel that their position in society was secure.[71]
Page 25 and 26 of the book "Jews of Islam" By Bernard Lewis:
Even when attending the public baths, non-Muslims were supposed to wear distinguishing signs suspended from cords around their necks, so that they might not be mistaken for Muslims when disrobed in the bathhouse. (Under Shi'a rules, they were not allowed to use the same bathhouses.)
Some Shi'a jurists went so far as to maintain that a Muslim heir will always preempt dhimmi heirs, and thus if a dhimmi died leaving a number of dhimmi heirs and a single Muslim heir, the latter alone could inherit to the exclusion of all others. The application of this rule, particularly in periods of forced conversion, could cause considerable hardship. It was the subject of frequent complaint among the Jews of Iran.
"ISIS and the Wahabis are not far enough from mainstream classical Sunni Islam for us to think they are just some demonic eruption from outer space; for example, classical Islamic theology recommends cutting the hands of thieves, stoning adulterers, going on jihad (not just some inner jihad of the Karen Armstrong type, but the real deal), capturing slaves, buying and selling concubines, killing apostates and so on; ISIS of course goes much further in their willingness to kill other Muslims, to rebel against existing rulers and to bypass common humanity and commonly cited restrictions and regulations about prisoners, hostages, punishments and so on, but when they say classical Islam permits the first set of things noted above, they are not lying, the apologists are lying."
and the Wahabis are not far enough from mainstream classical Sunni
Islam for us to think they are just some demonic eruption from outer
space; for example, classical Islamic theology recommends cutting the
hands of thieves, stoning adulterers, going on jihad (not just some
inner jihad of the Karen Armstrong type, but the real deal), capturing
slaves, buying and selling concubines, killing apostates and so on; ISIS
of course goes much further in their willingness to kill other Muslims,
to rebel against existing rulers and to bypass common humanity and
commonly cited restrictions and regulations about prisoners, hostages,
punishments and so on, but when they say classical Islam permits the
first set of things noted above, they are not lying, the apologists are
lying. - See more at:
http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?t=18867 As per the Encyclopedia of the Quran, Vol. 5,
"Q 2:256, “There is no compulsion in religion . . .” (lā ikrāha fī l-dīni) has become the locus classicus for discussions of religious tolerance in Islam. Surprisingly enough, according to the “circumstances of revelation” (asbāb al-nuzūl) literature (see occasions of revelation), it was revealed in connection with the expulsion of the Jewish tribe of Banū l-Nadīr from Medina in 4⁄625 In the earliest works of exegesis (see exegesis of the Quran: classical and medieval), the verse is understood as an injunction (amr) to refrain from the forcible imposition of Islam, though there is no unanimity of opinion regarding the precise group of infidels to which the injunction had initially applied. Commentators who maintain that the verse was originally meant as applicable to all people consider it as abrogated (mansūkh) by q 9:5, q 9:29, or q 9:73 (see abrogation). Viewing it in this way is necessary in order to avoid the glaring contradiction between the idea of tolerance and the policies of early Islam which did not allow the existence of polytheism — or any other religion — in a major part of the Arabian peninsula. Those who think that the verse was intended, from the very beginning, only for the People of the Book, need not consider it as abrogated: though Islam did not allow the existence of any religion other than Islam in most of the peninsula, the purpose of the jihād (q.v.)against the People of the Book, according to q 9:29, is their submission and humiliation rather than their forcible conversion to Islam.[...]
These tolerant attitudes toward the non-Muslims of Arabia were not destined to last. After the Muslim victory in the battle of Badr (q.v.; 2⁄624), the Qur_ān started to promote the idea of religious uniformity in the Arabian peninsula. q 8:39 enjoins the Muslims “to fight… till there is no temptation [to abandon Islam; fitna] and the religion is God’s entirely” (cf. q 2:193).Once this development took place, the clauses in the _ahd al-umma bestowing legitimacy on the existence of the Jewish religion in Medina had to undergo substantial reinterpretation. The clause stipulating that “the Jews have their religion and the believers have theirs” was now taken to mean that the Jewish religion is worthless (ammā l-dīn fa-laysū minhu fī shay.[...] According to them [spiritualist theologians], q 2:256 is not a command at all. Rather it ought to be understood as a piece of information (khabar), or, to put it differently, a description of the human condition: it conveys the idea that embracing a religious faith (q.v.) can only be the result of empowerment and free choice (tamkīn, ikhtiyār). It cannot be the outcome of constraint and coercion (qasr, ijbār). Phrased differently, belief is “an action of the heart (q.v.)” in which no compulsion is likely to yield sound results (li-anna l-ikrāh _alā l-īmānlā ya_i__u li-annahu _amal al-qalb). Religious coercion would also create a theologically unacceptable situation: if people were coerced into true belief, their positive response to prophetic teaching would become devoid of value, the world would cease to be “an abode of trial” (dār al-ibtilā_; Rāzī, Tafsīr, vii, 13; Ibn al-Jawzī, Zād, iv, 67; see trust and patience; trial) and, consequently, the moral basis for the idea of reward and punishment would be destroyed. This argumentationuses the verse in support of the idea of free will. p.292
Similar was the fate of q 109:6, which was declared abrogated by q 9:5 (āyat al-sayf ) or interpreted as a threat against the polytheists. This new attitude was also expressed in the prophetic tradition according to which “no two religions will coexist in the Arabian peninsula” (lā yajtami_u dīnāni fī jazīrat al-_arab). Despite the apparent meaning of q 2:256, Islamic law allowed coercion of certain groups into Islam. Numerous traditionists and jurisprudents ( fuqahā_) allow coercing female polytheists and Zoroastrians (see magians) who fall into captivity to become Muslims — otherwise sexual relations with them would not be permissible (cf. q 2:221; see sex and sexuality; marriage and divorce). Similarly, forcible conversion of non-Muslim children was also allowed by numerous jurists in certain circumstances, especially if the children were taken captive (see captives) or found without their parents or if one of their parents embraced Islam. It was also the common practice to insist on the conversion of the Manichaeans, who were never awarded the status of ahl al-dhimma. Another group against whom religious coercion may be practiced are apostates from Islam (see apostasy). As a rule, classical Muslim law demands that apostatesbe asked to repent and be put to death if they refuse. P. 292 "
As Friedman explains in, Tolerance and Coercion in Islam,
"Both verses that are said to have abrogated Quran 2:256 speak about jihad. It can be inferred from this that the commentators who consider Quran 2:256 as abrogated perceive jihad as contradicting the idea of religious freedom. While it is true that religious differences are mentioned in both Quran 9:29 and 9:73 as the reason because of which the Muslims were commanded to wage war, none of them envisages the forcible conversion of the vanquished enemy. Quran 9:29 defines the purpose of the war as the imposition of the jizya on the People of the Book and their humiliation, while Quran 9:73 speaks only about the punishment awaiting the infidels and the hypocrites in the hereafter, and leaves the earthly purpose of the war undefined. Jihad and religious freedom are not mutually exclusive by necessity; religious freedom could be granted to the non-Muslims after their defeat, and commentators who maintain that Quran 2:256 was not abrogated freely avail themselves of this exegetical possibility with regard to the Jews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians. However, the commentators who belong to the other exegetical trend do not find it advisable to think along these lines, and find it necessary to insist on the abrogation of Quran 2:256 in order to resolve the seeming contradiction between this verse and the numerous verses enjoining jihad. p. 102-3t al-_arab). Despite the apparent meaning of q 2:256, Islamic law allowed coercion of certain groups into Islam. Numerous traditionists and jurisprudents ( fuqahā_) allow coercing female polytheists and Zoroastrians (see magians) who fall into captivity to become Muslims — otherwise sexual relations with them would not be permissible (cf. q 2:221; see sex and sexuality; marriage and divorce). Similarly, forcible conversion of non-Muslim children was also allowed by numerous jurists in certain circumstances, especially if the children were taken captive (see captives) or found without their parents or if one of their parents embraced Islam. It was also the common practice to insist on the conversion of the Manichaeans, who were never awarded the status of ahl al-dhimma. Another group against whom religious coercion may be practiced are apostates from Islam (see apostasy). As a rule, classical Muslim law demands that apostatesbe asked to repent and be put to death if they refuse."
From Tolerance and Coercion in Islam
"Both verses that are said to have abrogated Quran 2:256 speak about jihad. It can be inferred from this that the commentators who consider Quran 2:256 as abrogated perceive jihad as contradicting the idea of religious freedom. While it is true that religious differences are mentioned in both Quran 9:29 and 9:73 as the reason because of which the Muslims were commanded to wage war, none of them envisages the forcible conversion of the vanquished enemy. Quran 9:29 defines the purpose of the war as the imposition of the jizya on the People of the Book and their humiliation, while Quran 9:73 speaks only about the punishment awaiting the infidels and the hypocrites in the hereafter, and leaves the earthly purpose of the war undefined. Jihad and religious freedom are not mutually exclusive by necessity; religious freedom could be granted to the non-Muslims after their defeat, and commentators who maintain that Quran 2:256 was not abrogated freely avail themselves of this exegetical possibility with regard to theJews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians. However, the commentators who belong to the other exegetical trend do not find it advisable to think along these lines, and find it necessary to insist on the abrogation of Quran 2:256 in order to resolve the seeming contradiction between this verse and the numerous verses enjoining jihad. p. 102-3t al-_arab). Despite the apparent meaning of q 2:256, Islamic law allowed coercion of certain groups into Islam. Numerous traditionists and jurisprudents ( fuqahā_) allow coercing female polytheists and Zoroastrians (see magians) who fall into captivity to become Muslims — otherwise sexual relations with them would not be permissible (cf. q 2:221; see sex and sexuality; marriage and divorce). Similarly, forcible conversion of non-Muslim children was also allowed by numerous jurists in certain circumstances, especially if the children were taken captive (see captives) or found without their parents or if one of their parents embraced Islam. It was also the common practice to insist on the conversion of the Manichaeans, who were never awarded the status of ahl al-dhimma. Another group against whom religious coercion may be practiced are apostates from Islam (see apostasy). As a rule, classical Muslim law demands that apostatesbe asked to repent and be put to death if they refuse."
- See more at: http://www.3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2015/03/isis-and-islam-beyond-the-dream.html#sthash.FezlP2kl.dpuf
http://www.hudson.org/content/researchattachments/attachment/1136/20061226_noncombatantsfinal.pdf"Both verses that are said to have abrogated Quran 2:256 speak about jihad. It can be inferred from this that the commentators who consider Quran 2:256 as abrogated perceive jihad as contradicting the idea of religious freedom. While it is true that religious differences are mentioned in both Quran 9:29 and 9:73 as the reason because of which the Muslims were commanded to wage war, none of them envisages the forcible conversion of the vanquished enemy. Quran 9:29 defines the purpose of the war as the imposition of the jizya on the People of the Book and their humiliation, while Quran 9:73 speaks only about the punishment awaiting the infidels and the hypocrites in the hereafter, and leaves the earthly purpose of the war undefined. Jihad and religious freedom are not mutually exclusive by necessity; religious freedom could be granted to the non-Muslims after their defeat, and commentators who maintain that Quran 2:256 was not abrogated freely avail themselves of this exegetical possibility with regard to theJews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians. However, the commentators who belong to the other exegetical trend do not find it advisable to think along these lines, and find it necessary to insist on the abrogation of Quran 2:256 in order to resolve the seeming contradiction between this verse and the numerous verses enjoining jihad. p. 102-3t al-_arab). Despite the apparent meaning of q 2:256, Islamic law allowed coercion of certain groups into Islam. Numerous traditionists and jurisprudents ( fuqahā_) allow coercing female polytheists and Zoroastrians (see magians) who fall into captivity to become Muslims — otherwise sexual relations with them would not be permissible (cf. q 2:221; see sex and sexuality; marriage and divorce). Similarly, forcible conversion of non-Muslim children was also allowed by numerous jurists in certain circumstances, especially if the children were taken captive (see captives) or found without their parents or if one of their parents embraced Islam. It was also the common practice to insist on the conversion of the Manichaeans, who were never awarded the status of ahl al-dhimma. Another group against whom religious coercion may be practiced are apostates from Islam (see apostasy). As a rule, classical Muslim law demands that apostatesbe asked to repent and be put to death if they refuse."
- See more at: http://www.3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2015/03/isis-and-islam-beyond-the-dream.html#sthash.FezlP2kl.dpuf
According to the statements of the Hanafis, they think that only aggression on the part of the infidels makes their lives forfeit; therefore those who are unable to fight—like the disabled—should not be harmed. This means that the Hanfis attached greater importance to the general principle than to the anti-infidels one. On the other hand, the Shafi'is accept at face value the directive in the verse “Kill the infidels”; idolatry, according to them, is the legal ground for killing, and the lives of all the infidels are forfeit—including the disabled, the elderly, and so on.
It is no accident that Muslim law has no term analogous to that of noncombatants, or civilians, in international law. Rather, it has defined lists of various categories of people, which do not include all the non-combatants. These lists are based on an ancient and deeply rooted tradition, according to which four categories of people should not be harmed: women, minors, the elderly, and monks. It appears that at the basis of this tradition lies the principle, or custom, of not killing bystanders. Muslim law did not extend this principle to include all bystanders. On the contrary, this principle was largely rejected in favor of another principle, one that held that only those who are incapable of harming Muslims in any way, due to physical, mental or other limitations, should not be harmed. The Shafi'is refute this principle too, and prohibit harming only women and minors (because of traditions transmitted from the Prophet), although some of the Shafi'is extended this prohibition to others as well, on the basis of analogy. The most stable element found in the rules concerning the “non-combatants” is that of refraining from harming women and minors. These two groups are mentioned in the earliest lists, and there are almost no disagreements about the prohibition against killing them under any circumstances. Even when men included in the list of “noncombatants” lose this classification after being taken prisoner, the lives of women and minors are still considered to be protected. When women and minors who have been taken prisoner cannot be taken into Muslim territory, the jurists do not order killing them (unlike their ruling regarding male prisoners). An opinion permitting the killing of women and children is rare and is considered aberrant (gharib). Abu Yusuf’s ruling concerning arbitration is yet another witness to the stability of the “non-combatants” status granted to women and children: according to Muslim law, the enemy have the option of surrendering unconditionally and entrusting the decision about their fate to a named Muslim arbitrator. Abu Yusuf rules that if the arbitrator decrees that women and children should be executed, his decree contradicts the Prophetic Custom (sunna) and is therefore illegal. It is also noteworthy that no distinction is made between women and children belonging to the People of the Book (kitabis) and those of other religions. The rule that forbids killing includes all women and children, whereas rules concerning men distinguish between kitabis and idolaters. By taking this approach toward women and children the Muslims are continuing a very long tradition."
Jihadist groups offer a variety of justifications for attacks on civilians. Some argue that because non-Muslim armies are killing Muslim civilians, they are reciprocally justified in killing non-Muslim civilians. Others say civilians contribute to the war effort in “deed, word or mind”. Still others say it is sometimes impossible to distinguish civilians from combatants.
Islam’s prohibition against targeting civilians has exceptions - namely necessity. Mohammad Ibn al-Hassan al-Shaybani, the first Muslim jurist to codify Islamic rules of war, wrote in his seminal treatise, for example, that flooding enemy cities was acceptable even if women, children, slaves or Muslim prisoners were inside their gates. Some degree of collateral damage is seen to be acceptable if it helps achieve an imperative goal. In other words, the ends justify the means.
In the autumn 2011 issue of its monthly magazine Inspire, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) argued that if combatants and non-combatants were mixed together and integrated, it was permissible for Muslims to attack, even if civilians are killed, “but this should only be done with the intention of fighting the combatants.”
پیر سعید نقشبندی:۔ غیر مسلم تو ہمارے ذمی ہیں، ان کے بارے میں بھی ہم سے پوچھا جائے گا، لیکن مسلمان کی شان اس سے زیادہ بڑھ کر ہے۔
Ziauddin Ahmed (1975). "The concept of Jizya in early Islam". Islamic Studies 14 (4): 293.
Quote: The tax of jizya is imposed on the non-Muslims subjects of a Muslim state. In view of the general body of the Fuquha, it is imposed upon the non-Muslims as a badge of humiliation for their unbelief, or by way of mercy for protection given to them by the Muslims. Some Fuqaha consider this tax as punishment for their unbelief, there being no economic motive behind its imposition, because their continued stay in a Muslim land is a crime, hence they have no escape from being humiliated.
"The normal interpretation was that the jizya was not only a tax but also a symbolic expression of subordination. The Qur'an and tradition often use the word dhull or dhilla (humiliation or abasement) to indicate the status God has assigned to those who reject Muhammad, and in which they should be kept so long as they persist in that rejection.
.... Thus, for Mahmud ibn 'Umar al-Zamakhshari (1075-1144), author of a standard commentary on the Qur'an, the meaning of these words is that "the jizya shall be taken from them with belittlement and humiliation. He [the dhimmi, i.e., the non-Muslim subject of the Muslim state] shall come in person, walking not riding. When he pays, he shall stand, while the tax collector sits. The collector shall seize him by the scruff of the neck, shake him, and say: 'Pay the jizya!', and when he pays it he shall be slapped on the nape of his neck." Other authorities add similar details—such as, for example, that the dhimmi must appear with bent back and bowed head, that the tax collector must treat him with disdain and even with violence, seizing his beard and slapping his cheeks, and the like. A piece of symbolism prescribed in many law books is that the dhimmi's hand must be below, the tax collector's hand above, when the money changes hands. The purpose of all this is made clear by a fifteenth-century jurist of the rigorous Hanbali school who, after prescribing these and similar acts of ritual humiliation to be performed in public "so that all may enjoy the spectacle," concludes: "Perhaps in the end they will come to believe in God and His Prophet, and thus be delivered from this shameful yoke." (Jews of Islam By Bernard Lewis)
Extract from page 196 of the book "Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery" by M. A. Khan:
Moderate position on friendship and social relations with non-Muslims
Apostasy a crime
A moderate Salafi position on taking citizenship of non-muslim countries.
Ibn al-Qayyim actually writes that congratulating non-Muslims for their kufr beliefs, realizing that you are congratulating them for those beliefs, is worse than congratulating them for acts of transgression and sin, such as fornication and murder.
Maulana Ishaq Salafi: Shia and Sunni should get united so that Jews and Christians get crushed
22 Nov 2010: "The government says it will not tolerate anti-Semitic and homophobic lessons being taught to Muslim children in the UK. BBC Panorama found that more than 40 Saudi Students' Schools and Clubs are teaching the official Saudi national curriculum to about 5,000 pupils.
1 Sep 2012: "A year-and-a-half after the critically acclaimed film Undercover Mosque was first screened, Dispatches goes undercover again to see whether extremist beliefs continue to be promoted in certain key British Muslim institutions. The film also investigates the role of the Saudi Arabian religious establishment in spreading a hard-line, fundamentalist Islamic ideology in the UK
Hate ideology of Saudi textbooks
Maulana Ishaq Salafi quoting a thesis of Deobandi Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi that (from 21.54) that don't befriend non-Muslims and Muslims can talk to and sign an agreement with kafirs only when kafirs are subjugated to Muslims like the hound is subjugated to the hunter. Otherwise, compromise with non-Muslims is an insult to Islam.
13 Feb 2011: "The school is the Darul Uloom Islamic High School in Birmingham..Channel
4 current affairs programme Dispatches filmed secretly inside it – and
instead discovered that Muslim children are being taught religious
apartheid and social segregation.
Moderate Deobandi position on residence in non-Muslim countries
A TV channel Express News holds a weekly talk-show “Point Blank with Lucman” which is hosted by Mr. Mobashir Lucman... On September 3, 2009 he invited three mullas, Jalil Naqvi a Shia, Amir ul Azim of Jamaat Islami and Tahir Mahmud Ashrafi, a Brelvi political cleric. .... Lucman introduced the subject by showing a video of the incident of Lathianwala where the police undertook the sacrilege of defiling the Ahmadiyya mosque. ..At this Allama Naqvi, the Shia took the plea that as the constitution of Pakistan has declared Ahmadis non-Muslims they should forego their link with Islamic practices like other non-Muslims. The Allama conveniently forgot that the fatwasof the majority of the ulama on the Kufr of Shias are more numerous and more severe than against Ahmadis. Tahir Ashrafi suggested that ‘Qadianis’ should have their own logo and Kalima as they believe in Mirza Qadiani.
Anti-Ahmadi views of Barelvi, Shia, Deobandi and Salafi clerics
(From 28.00) Maulana Ishaq Salfi quotes Maulana Abul Barkat saying that partition of India means conceding that a large part of India would be run according to the rules of infidels, and concession to infidelity (kufr) makes oneself an infidel.
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi: "Kufr and Islam are opposed to each other. The progress of one is possible only at the expense of the other and co-existence between these two contradictory faiths is unthinkable. The honor of Islam lies in insulting kufr and kafirs. One who respects kafirs, dishonors the Muslims. … They should be kept at an arms’ length like dogs…. The real purpose in levying jizya on them [the non-Muslims] is to humiliate them to such an extent that, on account of fear of jizya, they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It is intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honor and might of Islam." (Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi, Muslim revivalist movements in northern India in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Agra, Lucknow: Agra University, Balkrishna Book Co, 1965, pp. 247—50)
We recorded a number of speakers giving deeply disturbing talks about Jews, Christians and atheists.
We found children as young as 11 learning that Hindus have ‘no intellect’ and that they ‘drink cow p***’. And
we came across pupils being told that the ‘disbelievers’ are ‘the worst
creatures’ and that Muslims who adopt supposedly non-Muslim ways, such
as shaving, dancing, listening to music and – in the case of women –
removing their headscarves, would be tortured with a forked iron rod in
the afterlife."
Moderate Deobandi position on residence in non-Muslim countries
A TV channel Express News holds a weekly talk-show “Point Blank with Lucman” which is hosted by Mr. Mobashir Lucman... On September 3, 2009 he invited three mullas, Jalil Naqvi a Shia, Amir ul Azim of Jamaat Islami and Tahir Mahmud Ashrafi, a Brelvi political cleric. .... Lucman introduced the subject by showing a video of the incident of Lathianwala where the police undertook the sacrilege of defiling the Ahmadiyya mosque. ..At this Allama Naqvi, the Shia took the plea that as the constitution of Pakistan has declared Ahmadis non-Muslims they should forego their link with Islamic practices like other non-Muslims. The Allama conveniently forgot that the fatwasof the majority of the ulama on the Kufr of Shias are more numerous and more severe than against Ahmadis. Tahir Ashrafi suggested that ‘Qadianis’ should have their own logo and Kalima as they believe in Mirza Qadiani.
British Bankers World Government, Freemasonry, Protocols of the
elders of Zion: Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad explains his view on the New
World Order conspiracy, seeking to control the whole world through
corruption, immorality, starvation, fear and ignorance. Zionism as
explained in the book 'Waters Flowing Eastward' is reviewed. The late
Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad was the leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim
Anti-Ahmadi views of Barelvi, Shia, Deobandi and Salafi clerics
(From 28.00) Maulana Ishaq Salfi quotes Maulana Abul Barkat saying that partition of India means conceding that a large part of India would be run according to the rules of infidels, and concession to infidelity (kufr) makes oneself an infidel.
Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi: "Kufr and Islam are opposed to each other. The progress of one is possible only at the expense of the other and co-existence between these two contradictory faiths is unthinkable. The honor of Islam lies in insulting kufr and kafirs. One who respects kafirs, dishonors the Muslims. … They should be kept at an arms’ length like dogs…. The real purpose in levying jizya on them [the non-Muslims] is to humiliate them to such an extent that, on account of fear of jizya, they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It is intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honor and might of Islam." (Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi, Muslim revivalist movements in northern India in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Agra, Lucknow: Agra University, Balkrishna Book Co, 1965, pp. 247—50)
Dec 29, 2006: She
was presented by Channel 4 as an authentic - but anonymous - voice of
moderate British Islam. And on Christmas Day the veiled woman described
only as "Khadijah" was given a national televison platform for
propagating her views in an "alternative Christmas message" designed to
rival the Queen's. She told viewers Jack Straw was wrong to criticise
the veil, claiming concealing facial features "liberated" women.
went on, in an essay published on the Internet for fellow muslims:
"When I see large numbers of non-believers I feel very sad for them as
they remind me of rats or gerbils in cages going round and round on a
treadmill, believing that they are fulfilling their sole purpose in life
and reaching their true destiny (which is Argos).
"If only they could uncover their eyes and see the damage they cause themselves and to their children.
feel certain that if they were to have a tiny glimpse of what Islam
could give them there would be Mosques on every corner instead of pubs."
works for the radical Minhaj ul Qur'an group from its UK base at a
mosque in nearby Forest Gate - running a "sisters' group" for other
female muslims, travelling the country making converts, and broadcasting
on Asian local radio stations.
to her claims of being moderate, at an Islamic conference in Sheffield
this year Atkinson told fellow muslims it was morally wrong to listen to
any sort of music, or to watch soap operas. She urged the conference to
stop watching any television at all.
Qari Tayyib Naqshbandi saying that Israelis consider Palestinians animals. Jews tried to assassinate Prophet. They poisoned the Prophet at Khaybar that ultimately led to his death. Israel will be destroyed Muslim countries attack it. May Allah send a Saladdin, Ghaznavi or a disciple of Farooq-Azam.
July 19, 2016: Pir Afzal Qadri says one is no more Muslim if one stops speaking ill of Hindus, Sikhs, Wahhabis, Shias and Mirzais. It is permissible to work for Islam only, and not for humanity as Edhi and other NGOs did. It is preferrable to give water to a pig than to someone who insults Prophet and his wives.
[A Muslim] must disrespect and hate all those who disrespect and hate Allah Ta’ala and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) even if that person may be his beloved son.
.... Whoever performs a prayer of forgiveness for a dead Kaafir, or calls a Kaafir as one who is forgiven or a Jannati, or if someone calls a dead Hindu a "Bekanth Baashi" (Jannati), are themselves Kaafirs.
Page 150-156 of the book "Ahkam-e-Shariat" by Ahmad Raza Khan: it is forbidden to share secrets with and take help from non-Muslims. If needed, it is permissible to take help from dhimmi kafirs against harbi kafirs in a war like taking help from a tamed dog for hunting purposes. It is ok to be treated by a non-Muslim physician for external diseases, but forbidden to trust and befriend them as sincere friends for "internal" treatment. Some jurists forbid muslims to seek treatment from Jewish or polytheist physicians.
Pirzada Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai said: "And it has been described in the books of Hadith [sayings
of Prophet Muhammad] that Allah would provide such aid to the followers
of Islam that if a Jew would be hiding behind a tree branch or a stone,
then that stone would call out for the Muslim mujahid [to come] towards it and would tell him that a Jew is hiding behind me.
when the last Jew will be killed from this world, then peace would be
established in the world – so much so that snakes would roam among
people but would not bite. Wolves and goats would drink water from the
same quayside and goats would not have any fear from wolves. It is the
guarantee of world peace when the last Jew is slain. As long as there
are Jews in this world, peace cannot be established in the whole world.
Qari Tayyib Naqshbandi saying that Israelis consider Palestinians animals. Jews tried to assassinate Prophet. They poisoned the Prophet at Khaybar that ultimately led to his death. Israel will be destroyed Muslim countries attack it. May Allah send a Saladdin, Ghaznavi or a disciple of Farooq-Azam.
July 19, 2016: Pir Afzal Qadri says one is no more Muslim if one stops speaking ill of Hindus, Sikhs, Wahhabis, Shias and Mirzais. It is permissible to work for Islam only, and not for humanity as Edhi and other NGOs did. It is preferrable to give water to a pig than to someone who insults Prophet and his wives.
[A Muslim] must disrespect and hate all those who disrespect and hate Allah Ta’ala and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) even if that person may be his beloved son.
.... Whoever performs a prayer of forgiveness for a dead Kaafir, or calls a Kaafir as one who is forgiven or a Jannati, or if someone calls a dead Hindu a "Bekanth Baashi" (Jannati), are themselves Kaafirs.
Page 150-156 of the book "Ahkam-e-Shariat" by Ahmad Raza Khan: it is forbidden to share secrets with and take help from non-Muslims. If needed, it is permissible to take help from dhimmi kafirs against harbi kafirs in a war like taking help from a tamed dog for hunting purposes. It is ok to be treated by a non-Muslim physician for external diseases, but forbidden to trust and befriend them as sincere friends for "internal" treatment. Some jurists forbid muslims to seek treatment from Jewish or polytheist physicians.
Page 110 of the book "Ahkam-e-Shariat" by Ahmad Raza Khan: it is forbidden to ban cow slaughter to appease polytheists and one who does that will be raised with polytheists on the day of judgement.
Page 110 of the book "Ahkam-e-Shariat" by Ahmad Raza Khan: it is forbidden to ban cow slaughter to appease polytheists and one who does that will be raised with polytheists on the day of judgement.
In the book "Kufariya Kalimaat Ke Baare Mein Sawaal Jawaab" by Mohammed Ilyas Attar Qadri Rizvi, from page 428 to 440, he writes that it is haram to make friends with non muslims,it is forbidden to shake hands with a non-Muslim unless you are in a majboor situation and even then you can not shake hands wholeheartedly but with sheer bitterness,it is forbidden to respect a non muslim,giving them gifts is haraam and kufar, learning any knowledge from them (science technology etc) is haraam. Working for a non muslim is forbidden. Eating with non-Muslims is also haram. It is obligatory on Muslims to love friends of Allah (prophets, companions, saints) and hate enemies of Allah (non-Muslims, deviant Muslims).
اس سے معلوم ہوا کہ خدا کے نافرمانوں کے ساتھ یعنی کافروں ، بے دینوں ، گمراہوں اور ظالموں کے ساتھ بلاضرورت میل جول ،رسم و راہ، قلبی میلان اور محبت، ان کی ہاں میں ہاں ملانا اور ان کی خوشامد میں رہنا ممنوع ہے۔ ظالموں کے بارے میں امام محمد غزالی رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِفرماتے ہیں ’’(ظالموں کے ساتھ عملی طور پر تعاون تو ظاہر ہے اور) زبانی طور پر تعاون یہ ہے کہ وہ ظالم کے لئے دعا مانگتا ہے یااس کی تعریف کرتا ہے یااس کے جھوٹے قول کی صراحتاً تصدیق کرتا ہے، مثلاً زبان سے اسے سچا قرار دیتا ہے یاسر ہلا دیتا ہے یااس کے چہرے پر مُسَرَّت ظاہر ہوتی ہے یاوہ اس شخص سے محبت و دوستی ظاہر کرتا ہے ، اس سے ملاقات کا شوق رکھتا ہے اور اس کی عمر میں اضافہ اور ا س کی بقا کی حرص رکھتا ہے
مشرکین کے تحائف بھی قبول مت کرو
حدیث شریف: یزید بن عبداﷲ بن شخیر سے روایت ہے کہ حضرت عیاض بن حمار رضی اﷲ عنہ نے فرمایا کہ میں نے سرکار اعظم نور مجسمﷺ کی خدمت میں ایک اوٹنی تحفے کے طور پر پیش کی۔ فرمایا کیا تم مسلمان ہوگئے ہو؟ میں نے کہا نہیں سرکار اعظم نور مجسمﷺ نے فرمایا مجھے مشرکین کے تحفوں سے منع فرمایاگیا ہے۔ (ابو دائود حصہ دوم کتاب الخراج رقم الحدیث ۱۲۸۳)
یعنی ذمی کافر کو محرر بنانا یااور کوئی عمل ایسا سپر د کرنا جس سے مسلمانوں میں اس کی بڑائی ہوجائز نہیں،اس کا پوار بیان فتح القدیر میں ہے،حاوی میں ہے وہ مسلمان کے ساتھ ہر معاملہ میں دبا ہوا ذلیل رہے تو جب تك ا س کے پاس کوئی مسلمان کھڑا ہواُسے بیٹھنے نہ دیں گے،یہ بحرالرائق میں ہے،اور اس کی تعظیم حرام ہے۔ہدایہ میں ہے:
علماء نے فرمایا:سز اوارتریہ ہے کہ انھیں سوار ہونے ہی نہ دیں مگر(مرض وغیرہ کی)ناچاری سے پھر جب مجبوری کو سوار ہو تو ضرور ہے کہ مسلمانوں کے مجمع میں اترلیں۔
مقصود حدیث وحکم شرعی یہ ہے کہ جزیرہ عرب میں کسی غیر مسلم کا توطن وطول اقامت جائز نہیں، تجارت وغیرہ امورِ مرخصہ کے لئے آئیں اور چلے جائیں، ظاہرًا سال بھر تك قیام کی اجازت کسی کو نہ دی جائیگی۔تیسیرالمقاصد علامہ شرنبلالی پھر درمختار میں ہے:
حضورنبی ٔرحمت، شفیع اُمت صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم کا آ خری کلام یہ تھا: ’’یہود کو حجاز سے اور اہل نجران کو جزیرہ عرب سے نکال دو اور جان لو کہ قبروں کو سجدہ گاہ بنانے والے بد ترین لوگ ہیں۔‘‘
ابن عساکرنے اسماعیل بن زیاد سے روایت کی کہ حضرت علی مرتضیٰ کرم اللہ تعالیٰ وجہہ الکریممسجدوں پر گزرے جن پر قندیلیں روشن تھیں ، انھیں دیکھ کر فرمایا کہ اللہ تعالیٰ حضرت عمر رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ کی قبرکو روشن فرمائے جنہوں نے ہماری مسجدوں کو منور کردیا۔ امیر المومنین حضرت عمر فاروق رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ نے مسجد نبوی کی توسیع کی ، آپ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ ہی نے یہود کو حجاز سے نکالا۔
تفسیرکنزالایمان (احمدرضابریلوی))
یعنی مومنین سے یہ ہوہی نہیں سکتا اور ان کی یہ شان ہی نہیں اور ایمان اس
کو گوارا ہی نہیں کرتا کہ خدا اور رسول کے دشمن سے دوستی کرے ۔مسئلہ : اس
آیت سے معلوم ہوا کہ بددینوں اور بدمذہبوں اور خدا و رسول کی شان میں
گستاخی اور بے ادبی کرنے والوں سے مودّت و اختلاط جائز نہیں ۔
چنانچہ حضرت ابو عبیدہ بن جراح نے جنگ اُحد میں اپنے باپ جراح کو قتل کیا
اور حضرت ابو بکر صدیق رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ نے روز بدر اپنے بیٹے عبدالرحمن
کو مبارزت کے لئے طلب کیا لیکن رسولِ کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے
انہیں اس جنگ کی اجازت نہ دی اور معصب بن عمیر نے اپنے بھائی عبداللہ بن
عمیر کو قتل کیا اور حضرت عمر بن خطاب رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ نے اپنے ماموں
عاص بن ہشام بن مغیرہ کو روز بدر قتل کیا اور حضرت علی بن ابی طالب و حمزہ و
ابو عبیدہ نے ربیعہ کے بیٹوں عتبہ اور شیبہ کو اور ولید بن عتبہ کو بدر
میں قتل کیا جوان کے رشتہ دار تھے ، خدا اور رسول پر ایمان لانے والوں کو
قرابت اور رشتہ داری کا کیا پاس ۔
In the book "Kufariya Kalimaat Ke Baare Mein Sawaal Jawaab" by Mohammed Ilyas Attar Qadri Rizvi, from page 428 to 440, he writes that it is haram to make friends with non muslims,it is forbidden to shake hands with a non-Muslim unless you are in a majboor situation and even then you can not shake hands wholeheartedly but with sheer bitterness,it is forbidden to respect a non muslim,giving them gifts is haraam and kufar, learning any knowledge from them (science technology etc) is haraam. Working for a non muslim is forbidden. Eating with non-Muslims is also haram. It is obligatory on Muslims to love friends of Allah (prophets, companions, saints) and hate enemies of Allah (non-Muslims, deviant Muslims).
آیت میں یہود و نصارٰی کے ساتھ دوستی و موالات یعنی اُن کی مدد کرنا، اُن
سے مدد چاہنااور اُن کے ساتھ محبت کے روابط رکھنا ممنوع فرمایا گیا ۔ یہ
حکم عام ہے اگرچہ آیت کا نزول کسی خاص واقعہ میں ہوا ہو ۔ چنانچہ یہاں یہ
حکم بغیر کسی قید کے فرمایا گیا کہ اے ایمان والو! یہودیوں اور عیسائیوں کو
دوست نہ بناؤ، یہ مسلمانوں کے مقابلے میں آپس میں ایک دوسرے کے دوست ہیں
، تمہارے دوست نہیں کیونکہ کافر کوئی بھی ہوں اور ان میں باہم کتنے ہی
اختلاف ہوں ، مسلمانوں کے مقابلہ میں وہ سب ایک ہیں ’’ اَلْکُفْرُ مِلَّۃٌ وَّاحِدۃٌ‘‘ کفر ایک ملت ہے۔ (مدارک، المائدۃ، تحت الآیۃ: ۵۱، ص۲۸۹)
لہٰذا مسلمانوں کو کافروں کی دوستی سے بچنے کا حکم دینے کے ساتھ نہایت سخت وعید بیان فرمائی کہ جو ان سے دوستی کرے
وہ انہی میں سے ہے، اس بیان میں بہت شدت اور تاکید ہے کہ مسلمانوں پر یہود
ونصاریٰ اور دینِ اسلام کے ہرمخالف سے علیحدگی اور جدا رہنا واجب ہے۔ (مدارک، المائدۃ، تحت الآیۃ: ۵۱، ص۲۸۹، خازن، المائدۃ، تحت الآیۃ: ۵۱،۱/۵۰۳، ملتقطاً)
جو کافروں سے دوستی کرتے ہیں وہ اپنی جانوں پر ظلم کرتے ہیں۔اس سے یہ بھی
معلوم ہوا کہ اسلامی حکومت میں کفار کو کلیدی آسامیاں نہ دی جائیں۔ یہ
آیتِ مبارکہ مسلمانوں کی ہزاروں معاملات میں رہنمائی کرتی ہے اور اس کی
حقانیت روزِ روشن کی طرح عیاں ہے۔ پوری دنیا کے حالات پر نظر دوڑائیں تو
سمجھ آئے گا کہ مسلمانوں کی ذلت و بربادی کا آغاز تبھی سے ہوا جب آپس
میں نفرت و دشمنی اور ٹوٹ پھوٹ کا شکار ہوکر غیر مسلموں کو اپنا خیرخواہ
اور ہمدرد سمجھ کر ان سے دوستیاں لگائیں اور انہیں اپنوں پر ترجیح دی۔ اللہ تعالیٰ ہمیں عقلِ سلیم عطا فرمائے۔
http://www.dawateislami.net/bookslibrary/1933/page/515 اس سے معلوم ہوا کہ خدا کے نافرمانوں کے ساتھ یعنی کافروں ، بے دینوں ، گمراہوں اور ظالموں کے ساتھ بلاضرورت میل جول ،رسم و راہ، قلبی میلان اور محبت، ان کی ہاں میں ہاں ملانا اور ان کی خوشامد میں رہنا ممنوع ہے۔ ظالموں کے بارے میں امام محمد غزالی رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِفرماتے ہیں ’’(ظالموں کے ساتھ عملی طور پر تعاون تو ظاہر ہے اور) زبانی طور پر تعاون یہ ہے کہ وہ ظالم کے لئے دعا مانگتا ہے یااس کی تعریف کرتا ہے یااس کے جھوٹے قول کی صراحتاً تصدیق کرتا ہے، مثلاً زبان سے اسے سچا قرار دیتا ہے یاسر ہلا دیتا ہے یااس کے چہرے پر مُسَرَّت ظاہر ہوتی ہے یاوہ اس شخص سے محبت و دوستی ظاہر کرتا ہے ، اس سے ملاقات کا شوق رکھتا ہے اور اس کی عمر میں اضافہ اور ا س کی بقا کی حرص رکھتا ہے
مشرکین کے تحائف بھی قبول مت کرو
حدیث شریف: یزید بن عبداﷲ بن شخیر سے روایت ہے کہ حضرت عیاض بن حمار رضی اﷲ عنہ نے فرمایا کہ میں نے سرکار اعظم نور مجسمﷺ کی خدمت میں ایک اوٹنی تحفے کے طور پر پیش کی۔ فرمایا کیا تم مسلمان ہوگئے ہو؟ میں نے کہا نہیں سرکار اعظم نور مجسمﷺ نے فرمایا مجھے مشرکین کے تحفوں سے منع فرمایاگیا ہے۔ (ابو دائود حصہ دوم کتاب الخراج رقم الحدیث ۱۲۸۳)
احمد رضا بریلوی علیہ الرحمۃ کا موقف یہ تھا کہ موالات دوستی کو کہتے ہیں،
مسلمان کے دل میں کسی بھی کافر کی دوستی نہیں ہونی چاہئے خواہ انگریز ہو
یا ہندو، تحریك ترك موالات کے حامی انگریز کی دوستی ہی نہیں اس کے ساتھ
معاملات کرنے سے بھی منع کرتے تھے، دوسری طرف ہندو کی دوستی میں اس قدر آگے
بڑھ گئے تھے کہ اتحاد کی کوشش کررہے تھے۔
امام احمد رضا بریلوی نے تحریك خلافت اور تحریك ترك موالات کی مخالفت کی اور اختلاف کی
ایك وجہ یہ تھی کہ ان تحریکوں میں گاندھی ایسا مشرك لیڈر تھا اورمسلمان لیڈر اس کے مقتدی تھے، اس میل جول اور اتحاد کا اثر ہندوؤں پر تو کچھ نہ ہوتا البتہ مسلمان اپنے دین سے ہاتھ دھو بیٹھتے، اس موقع پر امام احمد رضا بریلوی نے ڈنکے کی چوٹ پر اس اتحاد کی مخالفت کی، اوراتحاد کرنے والے علماء اور لیڈر کو فرقہ گاندھویہ کا لقب دے کر ان کی شدید مخالفت کی
ایك وجہ یہ تھی کہ ان تحریکوں میں گاندھی ایسا مشرك لیڈر تھا اورمسلمان لیڈر اس کے مقتدی تھے، اس میل جول اور اتحاد کا اثر ہندوؤں پر تو کچھ نہ ہوتا البتہ مسلمان اپنے دین سے ہاتھ دھو بیٹھتے، اس موقع پر امام احمد رضا بریلوی نے ڈنکے کی چوٹ پر اس اتحاد کی مخالفت کی، اوراتحاد کرنے والے علماء اور لیڈر کو فرقہ گاندھویہ کا لقب دے کر ان کی شدید مخالفت کی
مرتد ، بد مذہب کو دوست بنانا اور ان سے دلی محبت رکھنا حرام ہے اگرچہ وہ
کلمہ پڑھتا ہو اور اپنے کو مسلمان کہتا ہو جیسے اُس زمانے کے منافق تھے۔
اعلیٰ حضرت رَحْمَۃُاللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ فرماتے
ہیں : کفار اور مشرکین سے اتحاد ووداد حرامِ قطعی ہے قرآنِ عظیم کی نُصوص
اُس کی تحریم سے گونج رہے ہیں اور کچھ نہ ہو تو اتنا کافی ہے کہ
وَمَنۡ یَّتَوَلَّہُمۡ مِّنۡکُمْ فَاِنَّہٗ مِنْہُمْ (مائدہ:۵۱)
واحد قہار فرماتا ہے کہ تم میں جوکوئی ان سے دوستی رکھے گا وہ بے شک انہیں میں سے ہے۔ (فتاوی رضویہ، ۲۱/۲۲۹)
(3)… دینی امور میں مشرک سے مد د نہ لی جائے۔ حضرت ابو حُمید ساعدی رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُسے روایت ہے ،نبی اکرم صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہ وَسَلَّمَنے ارشاد فرمایا ’’ہم مشرکین سے مدد نہیں لیں گے۔
(مستدرک، کتاب الجہاد، لا نستعین بالمشرکین علی المشرکین، ۲/۴۵۶، الحدیث: ۲۶۱۰)
کافر کی تعظیم حرام ہے:
دوم اسے
بعض مسلمانوں پر کوئی عہدہ ومنصب دینا جس میں مسلم پر اس کا استعلاء ہو
مثلا مسلمان فوج کے کسی دستے کا افسر بنانا یہ بھی حرام ہے،ابھی امیر
المومنین فاروق اعظم رضی اﷲ تعالٰی عنہ کا ارشاد سن چکے کہ اﷲ نے انھیں
خوار کیا میں گرامی نہ کروں گا اﷲ نے انھیں ذلت دی میں عزت نہ دوں گا،کتب
حدیث میں یوں ہے کہ جب ابوموسٰی اشعری رضی اﷲ تعالٰی عنہ نے اسے محرری پر
مقرر کیا امیر المومنین رضی اﷲ تعالٰی عنہ نے انھیں فرمان میں لکھا:
روانہیں کہ کافروں کو امین بنائیں حالانکہ اﷲ تعالٰی انھیں خائن بتاتاہے
یا ہم انھیں رفعت دیں حالانکہ اﷲ سبحٰنہ نے انھیں پستی دی،یاانھیں عزت دیں
حالانکہ ہمیں حکم ہے کہ کافر ذلت وخواری کے ساتھ اپنے ہاتھ سے جزیہ پیش کریں۔http://www.dawateislami.net/bookslibrary/1459/page/561
یعنی ذمی کافر کو محرر بنانا یااور کوئی عمل ایسا سپر د کرنا جس سے مسلمانوں میں اس کی بڑائی ہوجائز نہیں،اس کا پوار بیان فتح القدیر میں ہے،حاوی میں ہے وہ مسلمان کے ساتھ ہر معاملہ میں دبا ہوا ذلیل رہے تو جب تك ا س کے پاس کوئی مسلمان کھڑا ہواُسے بیٹھنے نہ دیں گے،یہ بحرالرائق میں ہے،اور اس کی تعظیم حرام ہے۔ہدایہ میں ہے:
علماء نے فرمایا:سز اوارتریہ ہے کہ انھیں سوار ہونے ہی نہ دیں مگر(مرض وغیرہ کی)ناچاری سے پھر جب مجبوری کو سوار ہو تو ضرور ہے کہ مسلمانوں کے مجمع میں اترلیں۔
بے تعظیمی کے ساتھ بھی کافر سے استعانت صرف وقت حاجت جائز ہے:
سوم بے حاجت اس سے استعانت کرنا یہ بھی ناجائز ہے
کافر سے صرف اس صورت کی استعانت جائز ہے:
چہارم اب ایك صورت یہ رہی کہ۱ دبے ہوئے مقہور کافر سے ۲بشرط حاجت ایسی استعانت جس میں نہ ۳اسے راز دار ودخیل کاربنانا ہو نہ ۴کسی مسلمان پر اس کا استعلاء ہو
مقصود حدیث وحکم شرعی یہ ہے کہ جزیرہ عرب میں کسی غیر مسلم کا توطن وطول اقامت جائز نہیں، تجارت وغیرہ امورِ مرخصہ کے لئے آئیں اور چلے جائیں، ظاہرًا سال بھر تك قیام کی اجازت کسی کو نہ دی جائیگی۔تیسیرالمقاصد علامہ شرنبلالی پھر درمختار میں ہے:
حضورنبی ٔرحمت، شفیع اُمت صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم کا آ خری کلام یہ تھا: ’’یہود کو حجاز سے اور اہل نجران کو جزیرہ عرب سے نکال دو اور جان لو کہ قبروں کو سجدہ گاہ بنانے والے بد ترین لوگ ہیں۔‘‘
ابن عساکرنے اسماعیل بن زیاد سے روایت کی کہ حضرت علی مرتضیٰ کرم اللہ تعالیٰ وجہہ الکریممسجدوں پر گزرے جن پر قندیلیں روشن تھیں ، انھیں دیکھ کر فرمایا کہ اللہ تعالیٰ حضرت عمر رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ کی قبرکو روشن فرمائے جنہوں نے ہماری مسجدوں کو منور کردیا۔ امیر المومنین حضرت عمر فاروق رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ نے مسجد نبوی کی توسیع کی ، آپ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ ہی نے یہود کو حجاز سے نکالا۔
ذمی اگر مسلمانوں کے ہمراہ قتال کرے یا راستہ بتائے تو سلطان اسے غنیمت سے کچھ عطا فرمائے جو مسلمانوں کے حصہ سے کم ہو
اعلیٰ حضرت ، امامِ اہلسنّت ، مجدد دین و ملت شاہ احمد رضا خان عَلَیہ رَحمَۃُ الرَّحمٰن فرماتے ہیں : (لباس کی شرائط میں سے تیسری شرط یہ ہے کہ) لباس کی وضع کا لحاظ رکھا جائے کہ کافروں کی شکل وصورت اور فاسقوں کے طرزو طریقے پر نہ ہو اور اس کی دو قسمیں ہیں : ایک یہ کہ ان کا مذہبی شِعَار ہو جیسے ہندوؤں کا زنار اور عیسائیوں کی خصوصی ٹوپی کہ ’’ہیٹ‘‘کہتے ہیں۔ پس ان کا استعمال کفر ہے اور اگر ان کے مذہب کا شِعَار تو نہیں لیکن ان کی قوم کا خصوصی لباس ہے تو اس صورت میں بھی اس کا استعمال ممنوع(ناجائز ہے) چنانچہ حدیث صحیح میں فرمایا: جو کسی قوم سے مُشابَہَت اختیار کرے وہ اسی میں شمار ہے۔ (فتاویٰ رضویہ ، ۲۲/۱۹۰)
اعلیٰ حضرت امام اہلسنت امام احمد رضا خاں بریلوی رحمتہ اﷲ علیہ کا فتویٰ
آپ فرماتے ہیں کہ قادیانی مرتد و منافق ہیں۔ مرتد منافق وہ کہ کلمہ اسلام اب بھی پڑھتا ہے۔ اپنے آپ کو مسلمان بھی کہتا ہے اور پھر اﷲ تعالیٰ اور رسول صلی اﷲ علیہ وسلم یا کسی نبی کی توہین کرنا یا ضروریات دین میں سے کسی شے کا منکر ہے۔ اس کا ذبیح محض نجس مردار حرام قطعی ہے۔ مسلمانوں کے بائیکاٹ کے سبب قادیانیوں کو مظلوم سمجھنے والا اور جس سے میل جول چھوڑنے کو ظلم اور ناحق سمجھنے والا اسلام سے خارج ہے اور جو کافر کو کافر نہ کہے‘ وہ بھی کافر ہے (احکام شریعت)
اور فرمایا کہ اس صورت میں فرض قطعی ہے کہ تمام مسلمان موت و حیات کے سب علاقے اس سے قطع کرلیں۔ بیمار پڑنے پر پوچھنے کو جانا حرام‘ مرجائے تو جنازے پر جانا حرام ہے۔ اس کو مسلمانوں کے قبرستان میں دفن کرنا حرام ہے‘ اس کی قبر پر جانا حرام ہے (فتاویٰ رضویہ شریف)
خیر خواہی اسلام حدودِ اسلام میں رہ کر ہے،مشرکین سے اتحاد وموالات اور ان کو راضی کرنے کو شعار اسلام کی بندش مشرك لیڈر کو اپنے دین کا ہادی ورہبر بنانا،مشرك لکچرار کو مسلمانوں کا واعظ ٹھہرانا،اسے مسجد میں لے جاکر جماعت مسلمین سے اونچا کھڑا کرکے لکچر دلوانا،اپنے ماتھوں پر مشرکوں سے قشقے لگوانا،مشرکوں کے مجمع میں مشرك لیڈروں کی جے پکارنا،مشرك لیڈروں کی ٹکٹکی اپنے کندھوں پر اٹھاکر مرگھٹ میں لے جانا،مساجد کو مشرك کا ماتم گاہ ٹھہرانا،اس کے ماتم کے لئے مساجد میں سربرہنہ ہونا،اس کے لئے نماز دعائے مغفرت کا اشتہار دینا،قرآن مجید اور رامائن کو ایك ڈولے میں رکھ کر دونوں کی پوجا کراتے ہوئے مندر میں لے جانا،مشرکوں نے قربانی گاؤ پر مسلمانوں کو بے دریغ ذبح کیا آگ سے پھونکا ان میں جو بعض گرفتار ہوئے اور ان پر ثبوت کامل پہنچ گیا،ان کے لئے رحم کی درخواست کرنا،ان کی رہائی کی ریزولیوشن پاس کرنا،صاف لکھ دینا کہ ہم نے قرآن و حدیث کی تمام عمر بت پرستی پر نثار کردی،صاف لکھ دینا کہ آج اگر تم نے ہندو بھائیوں کو راضی کرلیا تو اپنے خدا کوراضی کرلیا،صاف لکھ دینا کہ ہماری جماعت ایك ایسا مذہب بنانے کی فکر میں ہے جو کفر واسلام کا امتیاز اٹھادے گا،صاف لکھ دینا کہ ہم ایسا مذہب بنانا چاہتے ہیں جو سنگم وپریاگ(بتوں کی پرستشگاہوں)کو مقدس مقام ٹھہرائے گا۔یہ امورخیر خواہی اسلام نہیں کندچھری سے اسلام کو ذبح کرنا ہے،یہ سب افعال واقوال ضلال بعید و کفر شدید ہیں
The Qur`ān and Sunnah has forbidden friendship and affection for such a heretical innovator whose heresy does not reach to the level of kufr. Heartfelt love and affection for apostates and polytheists is even more impermissible and harām.
Al-Muhaddith Shaykh Abd al-‘Azīz al-Dehlawī (may Allāh shower him with mercy) says: “The person who makes friendship with and has love for heretics the light of īmān is stripped from him.” [Tafsīr ‘Azīzī Chapter 29]
Our salvation itself is in our following in the footsteps of our noble predecessors. They are the manifestation of “harsh with disbelievers merciful with the believers”.
To wish salaam to a kafir is permissible only when there is danger of some harm if he does not do so. Other wise as a principle it is haram to wish salaam to a kafir, is not permissible, rather to offer respect and respect to a kafir is itself an act of kufir.
It is forbidden to wear tie and also pants and shirts because Muslims should not imitate non-Muslims.
Sep 7, 2008: "On 7th September, a day prior to Dr Siddiqui’s murder, GEO TV aired a live discussion on its ‘Aalim online’ program, commemorating the 34th anniversary of Ahmadis being given ‘non-Muslim’ status by the government of Pakistan. Two mullas participated in the discussion via a live phone link. One was Saeed Inayatulla, a visiting cleric, interestingly based in Makka, Saudi Arabia and the other one was Shah Turabul Haq Qadri. The discussion panel in the studio comprised of two mullas, Muhammad Amin of the Madrassah Banoria, and mulla Muhammad Amin Shaheedi a Shia cleric, and was chaired by Aamar Liaquat, the anchor man. The three participants used highly provocative and slanderous language against the holy founder of Ahmadiyyat and promoted hatred against the Ahmadiyya community. They used the words “blood, Jihad and Duty to kill (Wajib-ul-Qatl واجب القتل)” etc. in this context, thereby openly violating one of the laws of the country. Such sectarian campaigns are rarely conducted by clerics through the electronic media, however whenever they have been carried out in the print media or from their pulpits, they have often resulted in bloodshed."
Sep 7, 2008: Muhammad Amin of Jamia Banoria (Sunni) and Amin Shaheedi (Shia) on Geo TV program "Aalim Online" declared Ahmadis wajib-ul-qatl. Shia cleric Muhammd Amin Shaheedi's segment is from 0.22.
Sep 10, 2008:
فدائیان ختم نبوت پاکستان کے مرکزی امیر مفتی عبدالحلیم ہزاروی، علامہ عقیل انجم قادری اور دیگر نے کراچی میں بدھ کو پریس کانفرنس کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ڈاکٹر عبدالمنان اور محمد یوسف قادیانی کا قتل جماعت احمدیہ کی باہمی چپقلش کا نتیجہ ہے۔
اعلیٰ حضرت ، امامِ اہلسنّت ، مجدد دین و ملت شاہ احمد رضا خان عَلَیہ رَحمَۃُ الرَّحمٰن فرماتے ہیں : (لباس کی شرائط میں سے تیسری شرط یہ ہے کہ) لباس کی وضع کا لحاظ رکھا جائے کہ کافروں کی شکل وصورت اور فاسقوں کے طرزو طریقے پر نہ ہو اور اس کی دو قسمیں ہیں : ایک یہ کہ ان کا مذہبی شِعَار ہو جیسے ہندوؤں کا زنار اور عیسائیوں کی خصوصی ٹوپی کہ ’’ہیٹ‘‘کہتے ہیں۔ پس ان کا استعمال کفر ہے اور اگر ان کے مذہب کا شِعَار تو نہیں لیکن ان کی قوم کا خصوصی لباس ہے تو اس صورت میں بھی اس کا استعمال ممنوع(ناجائز ہے) چنانچہ حدیث صحیح میں فرمایا: جو کسی قوم سے مُشابَہَت اختیار کرے وہ اسی میں شمار ہے۔ (فتاویٰ رضویہ ، ۲۲/۱۹۰)
اعلیٰ حضرت امام اہلسنت امام احمد رضا خاں بریلوی رحمتہ اﷲ علیہ کا فتویٰ
آپ فرماتے ہیں کہ قادیانی مرتد و منافق ہیں۔ مرتد منافق وہ کہ کلمہ اسلام اب بھی پڑھتا ہے۔ اپنے آپ کو مسلمان بھی کہتا ہے اور پھر اﷲ تعالیٰ اور رسول صلی اﷲ علیہ وسلم یا کسی نبی کی توہین کرنا یا ضروریات دین میں سے کسی شے کا منکر ہے۔ اس کا ذبیح محض نجس مردار حرام قطعی ہے۔ مسلمانوں کے بائیکاٹ کے سبب قادیانیوں کو مظلوم سمجھنے والا اور جس سے میل جول چھوڑنے کو ظلم اور ناحق سمجھنے والا اسلام سے خارج ہے اور جو کافر کو کافر نہ کہے‘ وہ بھی کافر ہے (احکام شریعت)
اور فرمایا کہ اس صورت میں فرض قطعی ہے کہ تمام مسلمان موت و حیات کے سب علاقے اس سے قطع کرلیں۔ بیمار پڑنے پر پوچھنے کو جانا حرام‘ مرجائے تو جنازے پر جانا حرام ہے۔ اس کو مسلمانوں کے قبرستان میں دفن کرنا حرام ہے‘ اس کی قبر پر جانا حرام ہے (فتاویٰ رضویہ شریف)
خیر خواہی اسلام حدودِ اسلام میں رہ کر ہے،مشرکین سے اتحاد وموالات اور ان کو راضی کرنے کو شعار اسلام کی بندش مشرك لیڈر کو اپنے دین کا ہادی ورہبر بنانا،مشرك لکچرار کو مسلمانوں کا واعظ ٹھہرانا،اسے مسجد میں لے جاکر جماعت مسلمین سے اونچا کھڑا کرکے لکچر دلوانا،اپنے ماتھوں پر مشرکوں سے قشقے لگوانا،مشرکوں کے مجمع میں مشرك لیڈروں کی جے پکارنا،مشرك لیڈروں کی ٹکٹکی اپنے کندھوں پر اٹھاکر مرگھٹ میں لے جانا،مساجد کو مشرك کا ماتم گاہ ٹھہرانا،اس کے ماتم کے لئے مساجد میں سربرہنہ ہونا،اس کے لئے نماز دعائے مغفرت کا اشتہار دینا،قرآن مجید اور رامائن کو ایك ڈولے میں رکھ کر دونوں کی پوجا کراتے ہوئے مندر میں لے جانا،مشرکوں نے قربانی گاؤ پر مسلمانوں کو بے دریغ ذبح کیا آگ سے پھونکا ان میں جو بعض گرفتار ہوئے اور ان پر ثبوت کامل پہنچ گیا،ان کے لئے رحم کی درخواست کرنا،ان کی رہائی کی ریزولیوشن پاس کرنا،صاف لکھ دینا کہ ہم نے قرآن و حدیث کی تمام عمر بت پرستی پر نثار کردی،صاف لکھ دینا کہ آج اگر تم نے ہندو بھائیوں کو راضی کرلیا تو اپنے خدا کوراضی کرلیا،صاف لکھ دینا کہ ہماری جماعت ایك ایسا مذہب بنانے کی فکر میں ہے جو کفر واسلام کا امتیاز اٹھادے گا،صاف لکھ دینا کہ ہم ایسا مذہب بنانا چاہتے ہیں جو سنگم وپریاگ(بتوں کی پرستشگاہوں)کو مقدس مقام ٹھہرائے گا۔یہ امورخیر خواہی اسلام نہیں کندچھری سے اسلام کو ذبح کرنا ہے،یہ سب افعال واقوال ضلال بعید و کفر شدید ہیں
مسئلہ ١٣٠: ازشہر بریلی مسئولہ منشی شوکت علی
صاحب محرر چونگی شب ١٨ذی الحجہ ١٣٣٩ھ
کیا فرماتے ہیں علمائے دین اس
مسئلہ میں کہ زکوٰۃ کا روپیہ کافر، مشرك ، وہابی، رافضی، قادیانی وغیرہ کو دینا
جائز ہے یا نہیں ؟بینواتوجروا۔
ان کو دینا حرام ہے اور ان
کودئے زکوٰۃ ادا نہ ہوگی، واﷲتعالےٰ اعلم
Misbahi also observed that saying Salaam is a form of
prayer and therefore may not be said to non-Muslims, adding: "The prayer
for forgiveness and wellbeing in favor of Kuffar [infidels] and Mushrikeen
[idolaters] is illegitimate and haram. Therefore, saying Salaam on a mobile
phone to a non-Muslim is extremely illegitimate and haram and extreme
haram." He cited Radd Al-Muhtar, a celebrated 18th-century work of
jurisprudence, as stating: "If a Muslim respectfully salutes a dhimmi
kafir, then he will become a kafir because respecting a kafir is kufr
[unbelief]." In his own words, the author explained: "Since it is
kufr [unbelief] to respectfully salute a dhimmi [non-Muslim living under Muslim
rule] kafir [infidel], respectfully saluting a kafir harabi of Hindustan [i.e.
Hindus of India] will be the kufr of the first order. Therefore, do not
salute/say salaam to the infidels and idolaters of here [India]."
Hindustan means India; harabi refers to a resident of Dar-ul-Harb, or the land
of war, as opposed to the Islamic world, which is seen as Dar-ul-Islam.
The author quoted several learned Islamic scholars of
yore and books of fatwas to argue that for reasons of expedience, it is okay to
greet an infidel and that in such a case it will not be considered as an act of
kufr (unbelief). He arrived at several conclusions, one of which is that
"to greet a kafir is not only haram, but kufr [an act that makes you an
The Qur`ān and Sunnah has forbidden friendship and affection for such a heretical innovator whose heresy does not reach to the level of kufr. Heartfelt love and affection for apostates and polytheists is even more impermissible and harām.
Al-Muhaddith Shaykh Abd al-‘Azīz al-Dehlawī (may Allāh shower him with mercy) says: “The person who makes friendship with and has love for heretics the light of īmān is stripped from him.” [Tafsīr ‘Azīzī Chapter 29]
Our salvation itself is in our following in the footsteps of our noble predecessors. They are the manifestation of “harsh with disbelievers merciful with the believers”.
To wish salaam to a kafir is permissible only when there is danger of some harm if he does not do so. Other wise as a principle it is haram to wish salaam to a kafir, is not permissible, rather to offer respect and respect to a kafir is itself an act of kufir.
It is forbidden to wear tie and also pants and shirts because Muslims should not imitate non-Muslims.
Sep 7, 2008: "On 7th September, a day prior to Dr Siddiqui’s murder, GEO TV aired a live discussion on its ‘Aalim online’ program, commemorating the 34th anniversary of Ahmadis being given ‘non-Muslim’ status by the government of Pakistan. Two mullas participated in the discussion via a live phone link. One was Saeed Inayatulla, a visiting cleric, interestingly based in Makka, Saudi Arabia and the other one was Shah Turabul Haq Qadri. The discussion panel in the studio comprised of two mullas, Muhammad Amin of the Madrassah Banoria, and mulla Muhammad Amin Shaheedi a Shia cleric, and was chaired by Aamar Liaquat, the anchor man. The three participants used highly provocative and slanderous language against the holy founder of Ahmadiyyat and promoted hatred against the Ahmadiyya community. They used the words “blood, Jihad and Duty to kill (Wajib-ul-Qatl واجب القتل)” etc. in this context, thereby openly violating one of the laws of the country. Such sectarian campaigns are rarely conducted by clerics through the electronic media, however whenever they have been carried out in the print media or from their pulpits, they have often resulted in bloodshed."
Sep 7, 2008: Muhammad Amin of Jamia Banoria (Sunni) and Amin Shaheedi (Shia) on Geo TV program "Aalim Online" declared Ahmadis wajib-ul-qatl. Shia cleric Muhammd Amin Shaheedi's segment is from 0.22.
Sep 10, 2008:
فدائیان ختم نبوت پاکستان کے مرکزی امیر مفتی عبدالحلیم ہزاروی، علامہ عقیل انجم قادری اور دیگر نے کراچی میں بدھ کو پریس کانفرنس کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ڈاکٹر عبدالمنان اور محمد یوسف قادیانی کا قتل جماعت احمدیہ کی باہمی چپقلش کا نتیجہ ہے۔
Nov 12, 2014: The Pakistan-based, anti-Semitic leader of the Muslims of the Americas organization has published a shocking new statement downplaying the evil of Hitler and accusing the British government of using the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) as a front.
Nov 12, 2014: The Pakistan-based, anti-Semitic leader of the Muslims of the Americas organization has published a shocking new statement downplaying the evil of Hitler and accusing the British government of using the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) as a front.
Muslims of the Americas (MOA) is led by Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani and says it has 22 “Islamic villages” around the U.S., including its 70-acre "Islamberg" headquarters in New York. MOA is a splinter group of Gilani’s militant Jamaat ul-Fuqra group in Pakistan.
A 2007 FBI file obtained by the Clarion Project this year and a wealth of documentation shows that Jamaat ul-Fuqra/MOA qualifies as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
The Clarion Project identified one of its enclaves in Texas earlier this year, prompting a dozen North American Muslim groups to call onthe U.S. government to label it as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
The November 8 article by
Sheikh Gilani repeats his normal anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about
the 9/11 attacks and Pearl Harbor, but this time he goes so far as to
imply moral equivalence between Hitler and Holocaust victims.
was no need for America to go to war against Hitler. Hitler was not the
enemy of America or the American people. There was a mutual animosity
between Hitler and the Jews. So, the American people paid a very heavy
price for fighting someone else’s war,” Gilani writes.
He then states that Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated as pretexts for the U.S. to attack other countries.
MOA has previously stated that the atrocities were setups by the Jews seeking a war on Islam.
In one MOA video, it is taught that Allah punishes
the Jews for being “stubborn and arrogant,” that a Zionist “hidden
hand” had “manufactured the crisis at Pearl Harbor in order to get
America to go to war” and Israel was “directly involved” in the 9/11
attacks so it could hijack the U.S. government.
his latest column, Gilani hits the same theme, claiming that “Many
government agencies want the world to believe that Osama Bin Laden
destroyed the World Trade Center” but “it was the job of insiders.”
detachment from reality is exemplified in Gilani’s ridiculous statement
that “Muslims have never committed genocide, or killed innocent,
unarmed people in the world anywhere in their entire history.”
Gilani claims that ISIS and Wahhabism, the Saudi brand of Islam, are the “brainchild of British intelligence.”
behalf of Qadri Sufis and other Muslims, I demand from the British
government to withdraw their support of their agents who are causing
death, destruction and genocide following their agenda in Pakistan and
elsewhere in many Islamic countries,” he writes.
Gilani then states his willingness to help draft a strategy against ISIS, positioning himself as the “moderate” solution.
In addition to MOA, Gilani identifies himself in the article as the leader of the United Muslim Christian Forum, the Vice Chancellor of the International Quranic Open University, Chairman of the AQG Sufi Research Institute at Islamville and President of Ahle Bayt Foundation International.
28, 2015: Senior Samajwadi Party leader and UP Cabinet Minister Azam
Khan’s proposal to build a temple for party president Mulayam Singh
Yadav may not fructify as Manzar-e-Islam, the supreme seat of Bareillvi
sect of Muslims at the Dargah of Aala Hazrat, Friday issued a fatwa
(edict), describing any such act by a Muslim as un-Islamic and
said a Muslim becomes sinner if he offers to construct a temple and
should seek pardon, else Muslims should shun having social contact with
such person.
act of a Muslim (who proposes to set up a temple) is not right. He
becomes sinner and it is compulsory that he seek pardon. (For the time
being) Muslims should stop mingling, meeting or greeting such person,”
the edict issued on March 21 said.
It is signed by Mufti Obaid bearing the seal of Manzar-e-Islam, Saudagaran, Bareilly, Dargah Aala Hazrat.
fatwa is not issued against any particular person but only on
“situations and conditions”, Faisal Khan asked about the status: “Can a
Muslim make an offer for constructing a temple? After such an act, can
the person be called a Muslim?”
Sajjada Nashin Subhan Ahmed Khan, who holds the supreme seat of Bareillvi sect of Muslims and is descendant of Aala Hazrat, confirmed the fatwa but said it was not against any particular person but applicable on every Muslim. Hence pointing towards anyone (Azam) is equivalent to spreading disturbance.
Sajjada Nashin Subhan Ahmed Khan, who holds the supreme seat of Bareillvi sect of Muslims and is descendant of Aala Hazrat, confirmed the fatwa but said it was not against any particular person but applicable on every Muslim. Hence pointing towards anyone (Azam) is equivalent to spreading disturbance.
Feb 13, 2016: All the five Sunni Mosques (listed below) in the area opposed the building of the new Ahmadiyya Mosque, citing the same excuses Islamophobes make up when opposing Mosques in the West.
- Scunthorpe Central Mosque and Madani Madressa – Sunni Deobandi Sect.
- Pakistan Islamic Centre – Sunni Deobandi Sect.
- Bangladeshi Sunni Mosque – Sunni Barelvi Sect.
- United Muslim Masjid – Sunni Barelvi Sect.
- Shah Jalal Jam-e Mosque and Islamic Centre – Sunni Barelvi (Fultoli ) Sect.
Feb 25, 2016: [Barelvi] seminary...has issued an uncharacteristic fatwa, this one against the humble tie. The fatwa states that the tie resembles the cross and when it is fastened around the neck, the symbol of the entire cross is visible. The pronouncement said it was forbidden for Muslims to "adopt the symbols of non-Muslims without a lawful reason, even if it is a single thing that makes them identical with non-Muslims in this way."
April 6, 2016: Anti-West and anti-semitic conspiracy theories at Jamia Ghosia mosque, Waltham Forest, London.
"One is not allowed to participate in a disbeliever’s funeral and going to a church for the purpose."
"It is not allowed for a Muslim to pray for a non-Muslim other than asking Allah to give him hidayah (guidance) towards Islam. Therefore whilst saying ‘bless you’ the intention should be ‘may Allah bless you with Islam’."
The Shafi’i jurist Imam al-Shirwani (رحمة الله عليه) states:
one who concords with the disbelievers on the days of their
celebrations should be given ta’zir (a discretionary punishment whose
relative amount is left for the Muslim ruler to decide under an Islamic
He then mentions:
“and also one who congratulates a dhimmi (Christian or Jewish resident under an Islamic state) on the day of their celebration.”
[Hasyiyah al-Shirwani ‘Ala Tuhfat al-Muhtaj Bi Sharh al-Minhaj, Imam ‘Abd al-Hamid al-Shirwani, Chapter 9 pg 212]]
non-Muslims on their festivals is not allowed and is strictly
prohibited. If someone deems it good (ie the non-Muslim festival), he is
out of the fold of Islam and will have to renew his Shahadah and
re-marry, if he is married.
marks the homecoming of the Hindu God, Ram, to his home after 14 years
of exile and Christmas marks the birth of Jesus Christ, who they believe
to be the son of God (may Allah forbid).
Ulama have clearly stated that a Muslim becomes a kafir (disbeliever)
if he deems any religious affairs of the Kuffar as good.
The famous book in usool, al-Ashbah Wa al-Nazdha’ir by Imam Ibn Nujaym, in its commentary Ghamz ʻUyūn al-Basāʼir it states;
مشایخنا ان من رأی امرالکفارحسنا فقد کفر حتی قالوا فی رجل قال ترک الکلام
عنداکل الطعام حسن من المجموسی اوترک المضاجعۃ عندھم حال الحیض حسن فہو
Scholars have unanimously agreed that if someone deems an act of the
disbelievers as good, he is in fact himself committed kufr, so that even
if a man says ‘to remain silent whilst eating is good as
fire-worshippers do’ or ‘not having sexual intercourse is a good act
that they perform (the fire-worshippers)’ he will become a kafir.” [Ghamz ʻUyūn al-Basāʼir]
When a non-Muslim touched A’la Hadrat
My master A’la Hadrat, Imam-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, Maulana Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan has said in Malfuzaat that: It is Fard on each and every Muslim to have love for all friends of Allah {i.e., Prophets, companions of the Prophets and Awliya-Allah (the friends of Allah), etc.} and to have hatred against His all enemies (i.e., disbelievers, atheists, apostates and the people holding corrupt belief). This is our absolute faith.
(During the same context, he said): I have found hatred in my heart against all the enemies of Allah ever since I came of age. ...
My master A’la Hadrat, Imam-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, Maulana Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan has said in Malfuzaat that: It is Fard on each and every Muslim to have love for all friends of Allah {i.e., Prophets, companions of the Prophets and Awliya-Allah (the friends of Allah), etc.} and to have hatred against His all enemies (i.e., disbelievers, atheists, apostates and the people holding corrupt belief). This is our absolute faith.
(During the same context, he said): I have found hatred in my heart against all the enemies of Allah ever since I came of age. ...
Meanwhile, a Hindu Brahman of the village was going past, the door
was open, so he saw me and came inside. Placing his hand on my
abdomen, he asked, ‘Do you have pain here?’ Due to the touch of
his impure hand on my body, I felt so much disgust and hatred that
I even forgot my pain. The trouble of the touch of an unbeliever on
my abdomen was more severe than the pain I had. One should have
such deep malice against them. (Malfuzaat A’la Hadrat, pp. 276)
Forbidding us to receive religious or worldly education from religious
bigot (i.e., a heretic), A’la Hadrat, Imam-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, Maulana
Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan has said: The company of
unbelievers is like a fire; even the well educated, sensible and adult
males destroyed their belief due to their company.
The involvement of Muslims in the activities of Christmas day, giving greetings and other than that is not permissible in any way, in some forms it is Kufr.”
it is prohibited for Muslims to attend or celebrate Christmas Day or congratulate them. And it is Kufr under some circumstances. (Darul Ifta Ahle Sunnat, Kanzul Eman Masjid, Babri Chowk, Gurumander, Babul Madina, Karachi-Pakistan)
- موالات: اس سے مراد قلبی اور دلی محبت ہے۔ یہ صرف ہم عقیدہ لوگوں ’اہلِ اسلام‘ کے ساتھ جائز ہے، کفار و مشرکین سے رازدارانہ تعلق، قلبی محبت اور ان کا ایسا احترام کہ جس سے کفر کا احترام لازم آئے، جائز نہیں۔
مرزا غلام احمد قادیانی اور اس کے ماننے والے قادیانی، احمدی اور لاہوری گروہ خارج از اسلام، کافر، مرتد اور زندیق ہیں
اور ان سے معاملات کا حکم دیگر کفار سے مختلف ہے کیونکہ یہ مرتد اور زندیق ہونے کے باوجود اپنے کفر کو اسلام کہتے ہیں۔ اس لیے اگر آپ کے ماموں کی مذکورہ اولاد عاقل و بالغ ہے اور ان کے سامنے اسلام کی دعوت پیش کی جا چکی ہے، اس کے باوجود وہ مذہبِ قادیانیت پر قائم ہیں اور اسی کے مطابق زندگی گزار رہے ہیں تو آپ ان کی مالی امداد نہیں کرسکتے۔ آپ کو ان سے قطع تعلقی اختیار کرنی چاہیے ورنہ آپ بھی قیامت کے دن محمد الرسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے مجرم ہوں گے۔
۱)جے جو کافر بولتے ہیں جیسے گاندھی وغیرہ کی یاعام ہنود کی،یہ بحکم فقہائے کرام کفر ہے،درمختار وغیرہ میں ہے:تبجیل الکافر کفر[1](کافر
کی تعظیم کفر ہے۔ت)یونہی جو نام کا مسلمان حد کفر تك پہنچ گیا ہو اس کی جے
کا بھی یہی حکم ہے،اور مسلمان کی جے بولنا بھی منع ہے کہ کفار سے مشابہت
(۲)مشرك کو مہاتما کہنا حرام ہے بلکہ بحکم فقہائے کرام کفر ہے اور ان کے جلسوں میں جانا ناجائز۔والله تعالٰی اعلم۔
کا اثر دل پر ہوتا ہے تو اگر کافروں کی طرح لباس پہناگیا یا کفار کی سی
صورت بنائی گئی تو یقینا دل میں کافروں سے محبت اور مسلمانوں سے نفرت پیدا
ہوجاوے گی غرضکہ یہ بیماری آخر میں مہلک ثابت ہوگی اس لئے حدیث پاک میں آیا
ہے: ’’مَنْ تَشَبَّہَ بِقَوْمٍ فَہُوَ مِنْہُمْ ‘‘ جو کسی دوسری قوم سے مشابہت پیدا کرے وہ ان میں سے ہے۔(1)
خلاصہ یہ کہ مسلمانوں کی سی صورت بناؤ تاکہ مسلمانوں ہی کی طرح سیرت پیدا ہو۔
23 August 2017: Sufi Barelvi cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi warns Trump that Prophet's lovers in Pakistan are awake to repel attack. Warns Muslims not to befriend Jews & Christians
23 August 2017: Sufi Barelvi cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi warns Trump that Prophet's lovers in Pakistan are awake to repel attack. Warns Muslims not to befriend Jews & Christians
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