Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Islamist illiberalism across the board.

Page 56 of the book "Muslims on the Americanization Path?" edited by Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, John L. Esposito: Hanafi jurists say that Islamic laws not applicable to Muslims residing in non-Muslim lands. But Shafi, Hanbali and Shi'i jurists argue that Sharia laws are applicable in the abode of Islam and in the abode of non-Muslims. Most Maliki jurists oppose residence in non-Muslim countries but other schools allow.

Khamenei: Prophet Mohammad showed no mercy to those who waged “soft war” on Islam

Could we say that there was a coalition between the shah’s court and the clergy in the post-coup period? It seems to have shown itself in the anti-Baha’i campaign that the shah’s government unleashed. 
You could definitely say that there was a collation between Shah and the Shia Marja, i.e. Ayatollah Borujerdi. We have documents on this. Ayatollah Borujerdi had issued a message to the shah, saying that “we worked with you (ie. the shah and the monarchy) to bring down Mossadegh and crack down on the communist party and now expect you to work with us to crackdown on the Baha’is, who are a great enemy of Islam.” As much as I know, the shah did collaborate with them. The events of 1955 and 1956 and propagations of [anti-Baha’i preacher, Mohammad Taqi] Falsafi on radio during the holy months of Ramadan and Muharram happened with the shah’s consent. It was rare for the Shah Mosque in the Tehran Bazaar to be given to a Shia preacher to freely propagate against the Baha’is.

Yes, there is not much known about Ayatollah Khomeini’s views on the coup and Dr Mossadegh’s two-year rule. But there is a story that he told after the revolution, when he came back to Iran and was speaking about the National Front and stood against their opposition to the principle of qisas [legal punishment by retribution]. The National Front had called for a rally against qisas and Khomeini didn’t like that, and called them mortads [apostates] who were acting against Islam. This was in 1981.They were repressed at the time and became irrelevant afterwards. 
After the 1979 revolution, it became clear that he didn’t like Mossadegh and didn’t support him and he had indeed predicted that he’d be “slapped by Islam.”

In 1994, during the Fourth German-Iranian Conference on Human Rights at Teheran, the conservative Shiite cleric Ayatollah Taskhiri encapsulated this worldview. While conceding that “all human beings are potentially equal before God,” Taskhiri insisted that a devout Muslim, “he who fulfills his duty faithfully . . . ultimately can claim a higher degree of actual dignity” than the non-observant Muslim “who fails to accept the religious standard, let alone he who refuses to accept his divine vocation altogether,” the unbeliever. In short, a claim to human rights can only be satisfied if the claimant follows Islam faithfully. In this spirit, the CDHRI announces that “All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity,” but then insists that “the true religion is the guarantee for enhancing such dignity along the path to human integrity.”  To  Westerners, with their increasingly sacred commitment  to  treating all alike, such unabashed discrimination is unjus t, but in  Islamic ethics, justice is defined as “placing everything in  its  appropriate place,” not granting equality to one and all regardless of status. In fact, giving equal rights to those  whom  God has allocated a lesser place in His creation, is  a sign of  contempt for His sovereignty, and an act of rebellion . As the  president of Sudan, Omar Al-Bashir explained to Western  critics of sharia in 1995: “How do you expect us to introduce equality when inequality is the will of God?”

Allama Jawad Naqvi: Imamia doctrine is opposed to democracy because only God can be sovereign. Apolitical Imamat was promoted by Sufis. 'Sufiana Imamat' is not a solution.

Jawwad Modarassi: Whoeover refused to pay Zakat in and Islamic state, is a kafir and should be killed.

آیت الله ناصر مکارم شیرازی در سومین شب از لیالی قدر در مسجد مدرسه علمیه امام کاظم(ع) گفت: اخیراً در سخنان یکی از دولت مردان بیان شده بود، امام علی(ع) ولایت و امامت را با آرای مردم دانسته و گفته، دموکراسی میراث علی(ع) است؛ این حرف، حرف عجیبی است؛ زیرا شما یک ذره از نهج البلاغه را دیده‌اید و خطبه‌های دیگر و آیات قرآن را ندیده‌اید؛ اولاً شما باید آیات قرآن را ببینید، بیان می‌کند،
 ولی شما کسی است که در حال رکوع زکات داد؛ خداوند این ولی را تعیین کرده است؛ آیات ولایت در قرآن کریم فراوان است.

وی بیان کرد: امام علی(ع) در این سخن به اتمام حجت در مقابل مخالفان می‌پردازند؛ علاوه بر آن از مسلمات مذهب شیعه است که امام(ع) و ولی از سوی خداوند تعیین می‌شود نه آرای مردم.
Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi, on the third night of Lali Qadam, said in a mosque of the Imam Kazem School of theology:" Recently, in a speech by a male government, Imam Ali (AS) of the province And Imamate has been considered by the people and said that democracy is the legacy of Ali (as); this is a strange thing because you saw a piece of Nahj al-Balaghah, you did not see other sermons and verses of the Qur'an; first, you should see Quranic verses , States,
 But you are the one who baptized zakat; God has appointed this wali; the verses of the province are abundant in the Holy Quran.

He stated: Imam Ali (AS) in this speech completes Hojjat versus the opponents; besides, it is a Shiite religion that Imam (AS) and Wali are determined by God, not the votes of the people.

Ayatollah Nouri Hamdani: “It’s the duty of each one of us to preserve this honour and dignity. Muslims must be so powerful that the enemies feel a sense of fear from us.

The influence of clerical fatwas in modern Iraqi history can be traced back to the creation of the Iraqi state in the 1920s. It began with a fatwa issued by Shiite cleric Ayatollah Mahdi Al-Khalisi against the election of Faisal as King. Al-Khalisi issued a fatwa stating that “elections and the participation of Iraqi citizens… oppose God, the Prophet, and the Imams.” This fatwa represented the beginning of a long struggle between successive governments and clerics. In 1961, the Shiite cleric Ayatollah Sayyed Muhsin al-Hakim issued a fatwa prohibiting membership of the communist party. The fatwa stipulated that “membership in the communist party is prohibited for it is a heresy, atheism.” Some considered the fatwa dangerous, giving the government a mandate to attack party cadres. But through the history of Iraq there are many examples of fatwas being used for political gain.
Ayatollah Sayyed al-Yacoubi, the spiritual leader of al-Fadhila Islamic Party, which controls Basra provincial council, recently issued a fatwa banning transactions with capital investment companies. Meanwhile, another cleric, Sheikh Qassem al-Taei, recently prohibited the drinking of “Pepsi Cola and Coca-Cola,” on the basis that “Pepsin – a key ingredient in both drinks – is extracted from pig intestines.” Al-Taei also banned men’s beauty salons which provoked the assassination of some barbers by extremists.


Homicide is of the greater sins, but the holy phrase:
‘’Illa Bilhaqq’ (‘except for just cause’)
says that sometimes murder is necessary and right, including:
1. Retaliation of homicide
2. Incest
3. Adultery of a pagan with a Muslim woman
4. The adultery of the one who has spouse
5. One who claims prophethood
6. Vilifying and insulting the Prophet (S) and the immaculate Imams (as)
7. The adulterer who forces woman to do fornication
8. Muslim sorcerer
9. Corrupter and combatant who uses weapon for frightening people
10. Apostate
11. One who stands against and fights with just Imam of time
12. Polytheist

To punish a mohareb, Article 282 empowers the judge to hand out one of the four specified punishments at his own discretion: Death by hanging, crucifixion, amputation of the right hand and left foot, or banishment.

پس ولی فقیہہ کی حکومت وحی کی حکومت ہے۔ ذاتی حکومت نہیں ہے کہ وہ تمام قباحتیں جو دیگر ذاتی حکومتوں میں پیش آتی ہیں۔ یہاں بھی آئیں، یہاں اللہ کی حکمرانی ہے اور بس آخر میں ان مطالب کی تائید کے لیے امام راحل کی کتاب ”حکومت اسلامی“ سے اقتباس پیش کرتا ہوں، چونکہ اسلامی حکومت قانون کی حکومت ہے۔ اس لیے قانون دان بلکہ دین شناس فقہاء ہی کو اس کا سربراہ ہونا چاہیے۔ فقہا ہی کو ملک کے انتظام اور اجراء کے امور کا نگران ہونا چاہیے۔ یہی حضرات احکام الٰہی کے اجراء، اخذ مالیات، سرحدوں کی حفاظت اور حدود وتعزیرات کے نفاذ کے امین ہیں۔ انہیں چاہیے قانون اسلام کو معطل یا اجراء میں کمی و زیادتی نہ ہونے دیں۔ اگر فقیہ زانی کو حد لگانا چاہے تو شریعت کے معین کردہ طریقہ پر لوگوں کے درمیان سو تازیانے لگائے، وہ ایک تازیانے کی کمی یا زیادتی کا حق نہیں رکھتا۔

ایران کے صوبہ فارس کے ادارہ تبلیغات اسلامی کے سرپرست نے کہا اگر اسلامی جمہوریہ ایران سربلند ہے تو وہ ولایت فقیہ کی وجہ سے ہے انہوں نے کہا اگر اسلام سے ولایت فقیہ کو خارج کردیں تو آل سعود کا اسلام ہوگا۔

منکر یکی از ضروریات اسلام کافر است
آیت­الله فقیهی با بیان این­که منکر یکی از ضروریات اسلام کافر است، خاطرنشان کرد: اگر کسی منکر ضروری اسلام باشد، کافر است؛ شخصی که خداوند متعال، پیامبر خدا(ص)، قرآن و ائمه اطهار(ع) را قبول دارد، اما مثلا حجاب را قبول ندارد، چنین شخصی کافر است؛ چرا که مسأله حجاب در قرآن آمده است و کسی که حجاب را قبول نداشته باشد، قرآن را قبول ندارد، اگر قرآن را قبول ندارد، یعنی این که پیامبر(ص) را قبول ندارد، چرا که پیامبر(ص) قرآن را آورده است و در نهایت خدا را قبول ندارد و کافر می­شود؛ منکر یکی از ضروریات اسلام کافر است و حکم کفر را دارد در صورتی گمان می­کند کافر نیست.
Ayatollah Mohsen Faqihi: One who denies one of the necessities of religion is an infidel. whoever accepts the Prophet (s), the Qur'an and the Imams (AS), but does not accept the veil, such a person is infidel, because the issue of veiling in The Qur'an has come and the person who does not accept the veil does not accept the Qur'an,

Surprisingly, Ayatollah Nouri Hamadani, a pro-government marja in Qom, replied differently. Penalties are better carried out in public, he said, and if it has adverse effects on some, then they should not participate.

محقق کرکی کہتے ہیں: شیعہ فقہاء میں اس مطلب پراتفاق پایا جاتا ہے کہ جامع الشرائط فقیہ کہ جسے مجتہد کہا جاتا ہے،تمام موارد میں ائمہ اطہارعلیہم السلام کا نائب ہے۔(۴)
محقق اردبیلی کہتے ہیں: فقیہ تمام امورمیں امام کا نائب ہے(۵)۔ فقیہ، امام معصوم کا خلیفہ اورجانشین ہے؛ پس جو چیز اسے دی جاتی ہے وہ امام معصوم کے سپرد کی گئی ہے۔
جواہرالکلام کےمولف کہتے ہیں: روایات سے استفادہ ہوتا ہےکہ فقیہ مکمل طورپراختیار رکھتا ہے اور وہ تمام اختیارات کہ جو امام کےلیے ہیں ،اس کے لیے بھی ثابت ہیں۔(۶)
امام خمینی  ولایت فقیہ کے بارے میں لکھتے ہیں: جن جن مقامات پرائمہ اطہارعلیہم السلام کو ولایت حاصل ہے فقہاء بھی وہ ولایت رکھتے ہیں۔(۷) ان کی نظر میں حکومت اورسیاست سے مربوط وہ تمام امورکہ جو پیغمبراکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم اورائمہ اطہارعلیہم السلام کے لیے معین ہیں۔عادل فقیہ کے بارے میں بھی مقررہیں اورعقلی طور پران دونوں کے درمیان فرق کا قائل نہیں ہوا جاسکتا ہے؛ کیونکہ اسلامی حاکم شریعت کے احکام کا نافذ کرنے والا، الہی قوانین اورحدود کو قائم کرنے والا ، اسلامی ٹیکسزوصول کرکے پھراسے مسلمانوں کے فائدے اورمصالح میں خرچ کرنے والا ہے۔(۸) وہ مزید کہتے ہیں کہ امت کی ولایت اورسرپرستی کا مسئلہ عادل فقیہ سےمربوط ہے اوروہ مسلمانوں کی قیادت کی صلاحیت رکھتا ہے ۔ ۔۔  پس عادل فقہاء پرواجب کفائی ہےکہ وہ اسلامی حکومت تشکیل دیں۔ بنابریں اگر کسی زمانے میں ایک فقیہ نے اسلامی حکومت تشکیل دے دی تو پھرتمام فقہاء پرلازم ہے کہ وہ اس کی پیروی کریں اوراگران تمام فقہاء کےاجتماع اوران کی ہماہنگی کے ساتھ اسلامی حکومت قائم ہوسکتی ہے تو ان سب پرواجب ہے کہ وہ مل کراس کا اہتمام کریں اور اسلامی حکومت کو تشکیل دیں۔(۹)

حوزہ علمیہ قم ایران کے استاد نے یہ بیان کرتے ہوئے کہ انسان ، اعلم مرجع کی تقلید کرے کہا: اعلم وہ ہے جس کا فتوا دیگر مراجع تقلید کی بہ نسبت امتیازات کا حامل ہے ، اور اعلم یا ذاتی صلاحیتوں کی بنا پر بنتے ہیں یا مطالعہ اور تحقیق کی بنیاد پر بنتے ہیں ۔
انہوں نے یہ بیان کرتے ہوئے کہ مراجع کی پیروی امام زمانہ(عج) کی پیروی ہے کہا: بعض کا یہ کہنا کہ تقلید لازم نہیں ہے بلکہ انسان دین کے بارے میں جو کچھ بھی جانتا ہے اسی پر عمل کرے یہ ایک غلط بیان ہے ، ہر کسی کو فتوا دینے اور اهل بیت(ع) کے نظریات بیان کرنے کا موقع نہیں دینا چاہئے ، امام خمینی کے قول مطابق امریکا کا صدر جمھوریہ بھی فتوے دینے لگا ہے اب فقط یہ بچ گیا ہے کہ وہ کتاب عروه الوثقی پر حاشیہ لگائے ، اور آج بھی کچھ ایسا ہی ہے ہر کوئی فتوا دینے کو تیار ہے ۔
ہر کسی کو فتوے دینے کی اجازت نہ دیں
آیت الله هادوی تهرانی نے یہ بیان کرتے ہوئے کہ ہر کسی کو فتوے دینے کی اجازت نہ دی جائے کہا: کسی سیاسی فرد کی جانب سے کسی آیت کی تلاوت پر ممانعت صحیح ہے مگر اس کا یہ بیان کہ فلاں آیت کی تلاوت چوں کہ غفلت کا سبب ہے حرام ہے ، یہ بیان قابل قبول نہیں ہے کیوں کہ غیر فقیہ کی جانب سے فقھی نظریات پیش کیا جانا مناسب نہیں ہے ۔
انہوں نے یہ بیان کرتے ہوئے کہ جوان ابتداء بلوغ سے ہی تقلید کریں اور اعلم کی تلاش کریں کہا: تقلید یعنی اهل بیت(ع) کی پیروی اور مراجع کی تقلید کرنے والے اهل بیت(ع) کے پیرو شمار کئے جائیں گے اور قیامت کے دن انہیں اهل بیت(ع) کی صف میں شمار کیا جائے گا البتہ اگر اعلم نہ مل جائیں تو بہتر ہے ورنہ پھر تمام مراجع تقلید برابر ہیں انسان جس کی چاہے اس کی تقلید کرے

Prior to the adoption of the new Penal Code, Iran was the only country that punished consumption of alcohol by death, provided it was the third occasion and the accused receives a hadd punishment on each of the prior offenses.75 There were no reported executions for consumption of alcohol in 2013.76 Under the new Penal Code, the crime of drinking or ingesting certain liquids and beer is punishable by 80 lashes.77 If, however, a repeat offender commits the hodood offense of drinking alcohol, upon the fourth offense, that person shall be sentenced to death.78 

Article 136 stipulates that repeat offenders who commit an offence punishable by hodud, and are punished every time, shall be sentenced to death on the fourth occasion. This article has failed to specify the hodud offences and has only mentioned the death sentence for the fourth-occasion theft in Article 278. Nevertheless, articles 220-288 have defined the hodud offences as follows: fornication and adultery, sodomy, lesbianism, pimping, cursing the prophets, theft, drinking alcohol, qadf (false accusation of sodomy or fornication), moharebeh, corruption on earth and rebellion.

Repeat offenders are sentenced to death on the fourth occasion that they are convicted of a hadd offense that does not otherwise call for the death penalty.

Many of them are so torn between their desire to present Islam as a religion of tolerance and their determination to force their fellow-citizens back into the Islamic fold that they end up in complete incoherence. Take the ayatullah Sabzawari, a Shi'ite cleric who published his exegesis in 1997. He starts by interpreting the no compulsion verse to mean that compulsion is unnecessary, impossible, and forbidden: it couldn't be clearer. He adds that Islam was not established by the sword: fine. But Muslims do have to fight, he says, not to convert people by force, only to restore them to their original nature, which is Islam. In his view this is not really compulsion, for like other Imamis he combines the second Mu'tazilite argument with the old idea of Islam as original human nature (fitra) and argues that to deny Islam is to deny one's own identity and will, so that being forced to live as a Muslim is simply to be restored to one's self. Besides, he says, compulsion only affects the external man, and sometimes it is actually a good thing for both the public order and the victim; indeed, what would be more repugnant in moral term than leaving people to work for their own damnation? In short, forced conversion is unnecessary, impossible, forbidden, required, a good thing, and highly commendable.
Or for a Sunni example, take Dr 'Amir 'Abd al-'Aziz , editor with Yusuf al-Qaradawi and others of the Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, who published an exegetical work, in Arabic, in 2000. He too starts by affirming that the "no compulsion" verse rejects forced conversion. "It is not permitted for Muslims to convert infidels to the faith by force", he says, "for that kind of thing is no use, leads to no good, and does not bring about faith in the hearts of their own free will". He adds that it is not necessary to use force either, for Islam is a clear religion based on cogent arguments (many traditional exegetes say that too). On the contrary, he declares, the coercive method is characteristic of vacuous, odious, self-absorbed egoists and oppressive authorities. So there is no coercion. But, he says, the verse was revealed specifically about Christians and Jews. Idolaters and similar godless and permissive people have to be compelled to adopt Islam, since they cannot be accepted as dhimmis and do not deserve any consideration because of their godlessness, stupidity, error and foolishness. In other words, Muslims are not permitted to convert anyone force, but "anyone" really just means dhimmis, as in traditional law. All others have to be forced, above all Muslim secularists.

[Extracts from Ayatollah Abul Qassim Khoei's book "Islamic Laws"]
2794. If a person commits adultery with one of his mehrams who are united by ties of consanguinity like mother and sister he should be killed under the orders of the Religious Head and the same order applies if an unbeliever commits adultery with a Muslim woman. It has been said in many traditions that awarding one of the religious punishments becomes the cause of people abstaining from unlawful things; it secures their present world and the Hereafter, and it is more beneficial for them than rain falling for forty days.
2795. If a free man commits adultery he should be whipped one hundred times, and if he commits adultery thrice and is whipped one hundred times on each occasion, he should be killed, if he commits adultery for the fourth time. If a person has a permanent wife or a slave girl, and has had sexual intercourse with her in the state of being adult, sane and free, and on have sexual intercourse with her any time he likes, and in spite of that he commits adultery with a woman, who is adult and sane, he should be stoned to death.
2796. It is well known that if a man sees another man committing adultery with his wife, and has no fear of sustaining harm, he can kill both of them. However, it appears difficult that this order should be valid. However his wife does not become unlawful for him.
2799. If a child kills his father or mother intentionally, he should be killed, and if a father kills his child intentionally he should pay diyah (blood-money) in accordance with the orders which will be related later and should be beaten as much as the Religious Head may deem fit.
2800. If a person kisses a boy lustfully the Religious Head can whip him thirty to ninety nine times as he deems fit. And it has been narrated that the Almighty Allah puts a nozzle of fire in the mouth of that man; the angels of the heavens and the earth and the angels of blessing and wrath curse him, and Hell will be ready for him. However, if he repents of his sin his repentance is accepted.
2801. If a man arranges the meeting of a man and a woman or adultery or of a man and a boy for sodomy, he should be whipped seventy five times. And it is well known that after whipping him seventy five times his head should be shaved and he should be taken round in the streets and the bazaars and should be expelled from the place where he performed this act. However, this order is not proved.

Islam has prescribed severe penalty for a serious offence like adultery. Some of the aspects are given in the points mentioned below.
1) If a person commits an incestuous fornication he is to be killed according to Islamic laws.
2) If one sees that a stranger is fornicating with his wife, then he can kill both of them if he considers himself safe in doing so. But if he does not feel safe or if he does not wish to kill them, then apparently his wife is not prohibited for him.
3) If a Kafir commits adultery with a Muslim woman, he is to be killed according to Shari’a. Similarly, if a Muslim is punished thrice for fornication and is again proved guilty for the fourth time, he is to be executed.
4) If the person is sane, major, and legally married, and has a wife with whom he could establish sexual relation whenever he wants, and in spite of this he commits fornication with another sane, mature woman, he has to be stoned to death according to the Islamic law. And according to some Mujtahids, he must first be given a hundred lashes.
5) If a man does not fulfill the conditions listed in the above point, and if he commits fornication with a woman then his penalty according to Islamic law is a hundred lashes. Similarly, the married woman who willingly commits fornication should be stoned to death. If she is unmarried, then the penalty for her is a hundred lashes.

 امام محمد باقر علیہ السلام فرماتے ہیں:
حَدٌّ یُقَامُ فِی الْأَرْضِ أَزْكَى فِیهَا مِنْ مَطَرِ أَرْبَعِینَ لَیْلَةً وَ أَیَّامِهَا [وسائل الشیعہ، جلد 18، صفحہ 308]
"زمین پر ایک شرعی حد کا اجرا چالیس دن کی مفید اور پاکیزہ کرنے والی بارش سے بہتر ہے۔"  
لیکن امریکی اسلام کی نظر میں شرعی حدود اور سزاوں کا اجرا شدت پسندی سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ ایسے اسلام میں قاتل اور مجرم افراد کے ساتھ وہی رویہ اختیار کئے جانے پر تاکید کی جاتی ہے جو مغربی دنیا میں اختیار کیا جاتا ہے۔ 
امریکی اسلام میں جو گناہ مغربی اقدار سے ہم آہنگی اور مطابقت رکھتے ہوں، ان میں کوئی برائی نہیں اور تمام فیصلوں میں مغربی طاقتوں کی رضامندی کو مدنظر قرار دیا جاتا ہے، جبکہ قرآن کریم میں ارشاد ہوتا ہے:
وَ لَنْ تَرْضىٰ عَنْكَ اَلْيَهُودُ وَ لاَ اَلنَّصٰارىٰ حَتّٰى تَتَّبِعَ مِلَّتَهُمْ ﴿البقرة، 120﴾
"یہودی اور نصرانی اس وقت تک تم سے راضی نہیں ہوں گے جب تک تم ان کے قانون کی پیروی نہیں کرو گے۔"

لہذا مغربی طاقتیں صرف اسی صورت میں ہم سے راضی ہوں گی، جب ہم دین مبین اسلام کی حقیقت کو ترک کرکے صرف اپنے ظاہر کی حد تک اسلام کا خیال رکھیں اور اسلام کا لبادہ اوڑھ کر مغربی اقدار اور قوانین کی پیروی کرنے لگیں۔ اگرچہ تکفیری گروہوں اور وہابی حکومتوں میں سب سے زیادہ امریکی اسلام کی خصوصیات پائی جاتی ہیں، لیکن ہمیں سیکولر اور لادین حکومتوں سے بھی غافل نہیں ہونا چاہئے، کیونکہ ان میں بھی ایک حد تک یہ خصوصیات دیکھنے کو ملتی ہیں۔

One who does not offer prayer is a sinner but one who denies prayer being part of religion is a kafir and to be killed (clip from 2.38)

3. One who leaves the salat with the intention of its being lawful to leave it, should be killed if he was born in a Muslim family. Or he should be made to repent and turn from sin, if he has embraced Islam after being infidel. If he refuses repentance he should be killed.2 In case he claims to have probable suspicion, he will be exempted from punishment. But if he be not deeming ignorance of salat as lawful, he should be rebuked and censured (ta'zir). If he returns to this act (again) he should be censured. If he repeats it for a third time he should be killed. Some legists said: he should be killed in  the fourth time, the view which is nearer to precaution.

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s recent declaration that security forces should “fire at will” against presumed enemies of the state is an established policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).

Article 630- When a man sees her wife committing zina with another man, provided that he is certain that his wife is willing [to have sex], he can kill both of them in the same position; however if he knows that his wife acts under coercion, he may only kill the man [i.e. her rapist]. The same rule applies to assault and battery.

The "hands" of the father shall not be cut off for stealing the property of the son. But, if, conversely, the son steals, his "hands" shall be cut off.

Even in stoning #Islam #Iran does NOT give women equal rights she must be buried till her chest,she cant escape while man only till his hips


 قد مر أن من أفطر في شهر رمضان عالما عامدا إن كان مستحلا فهو مرتد (1400)، بل وكذا إن لم يفطر ولكن كان مستحلا له، وإن لم يكن مستحلا عزر بخمسة وعشرين سوطاً، فإن عاد بعد التعزير عزر ثانيا فإن عاد كذلك قتل في الثالثة، والأحوط قتله في الرابعة.
A person breaking the fast in the month of Ramadan, knowingly and deliberately, is an apostate. He will be liable to ta'zir (chastiement) of 25 lashes in the first time. If he repeats breaking the fast, he will be liable to ta'zir again. If this act is repeated for a third time he should be killed but as a precaution, he should be killed for a 4th time.

(12)A person breaking the fast in the month of Ramadan, knowingly and deliberately, will be liable to ta'zir (chastiement) in the first time. If he repeats breaking the fast, he will be liable to ta'zir again. If this act is repeated for a third time he should be killed.
13) Whoever copulates with his fasting wife forcibly in the month of Ramadan (during time of fasting), will be liable to two kaffarahs, and nothing is requires of her. But if she submits to him willingly, the fast of both of them will be invalidated, and everyone will be liable to kaffarah individually, and to ta'zir of 25 lashes.
Whoever insults (reviles) the just ruler, should be killed (as he is considered an infidel).


Punishment for Intentionally Breaking Your Fast for Three Days

عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عِيسَى عَنْ يُونُسَ عَنْ أَبِي بَصِيرٍ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ مَنْ أُخِذَ فِي شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ وَ قَدْ أَفْطَرَ فَرُفِعَ إِلَى الْإِمَامِ يُقْتَلُ فِي الثَّالِثَةِ
“Whoever is caught in the month of RamaDaan and he is breaking (his fast), he is taken to the Imaam, and he is killed in the third (offense)”
1.     Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol. 7, pg. 258, hadeeth # 12
1.       Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is Muwaththaq (Reliable) à Mir’aat Al-`Uqool, vol. 23, pg. 401

I do not understand why Al-Majlisi has graded this hadeeth as Muwaththaq (Reliable), since all of the narrators in the chains are thiqaat (pl. thiqah) and a 12’er Shee`ah. This hadeeth should be graded as SaHeeH.

ابْنُ مَحْبُوبٍ عَنْ هِشَامِ بْنِ سَالِمٍ عَنْ بُرَيْدٍ الْعِجْلِيِّ قَالَ سُئِلَ أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ ع عَنْ رَجُلٍ شَهِدَ عَلَيْهِ شُهُودٌ أَنَّهُ أَفْطَرَ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ ثَلَاثَةَ أَيَّامٍ فَقَالَ يُسْأَلُ هَلْ عَلَيْكَ فِي إِفْطَارِكَ إِثْمٌ فَإِنْ قَالَ لَا فَإِنَّ عَلَى الْإِمَامِ أَنْ يَقْتُلَهُ وَ إِنْ هُوَ قَالَ نَعَمْ فَإِنَّ عَلَى الْإِمَامِ أَنْ يَنْهَكَهُ ضَرْباً
From Burayd Al-`Ijlee said: Aboo Ja`far (عليه السلام) was asked about a man who witnesses upon him (say) they witness that he broke (his fast) from the Month of RamaDaan three days. So he (عليه السلام) said: “Ask him: ‘Do you (belief) that breaking (your fast) is a sin?’ And if he says: “No”. It is upon the Imaam (leader) that he kills him, and if he says “Yes”, then it is upon the Imaam that he strikes him hard (?)”
1.     Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol. 7, pg. 259, hadeeth # 20
1.       Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is Hasan (Good) à Mir’aat Al-`Uqool, vol. 23, pg. 402

2004: Among other things, the Mahdi Army imposed compulsory veils on women in the southern cities of Iraq. It also destroyed liquor shops and killed their owners. During Christmas of last year alone, this group killed 8 Christians accused of selling liquor in the city of Basra. They kill their opponents after accusing them of being members of the Baath party. Hardly a day passes without the killing of a few people and tossing their bodies into residential areas to terrify people and their opponents. The army also cultivates "pleasure marriage," which is another form of prostitution and now a very profitable business in the regions they rule. They oppress any form of freedom of expression, including the freedom to organise and demonstrate. They brutally repress any mass protest. This group, along with the Kurdish nationalist parties, has incited sectarian and ethnic frictions in Kirkuk, which claimed the lives of dozens of people and prepared the ground for a full-scale ethnic and sectarian war in this city. They kill workers who cooperate with the coalition after branding them "enemy collaborators".
Muqtada al-Sadr's paper, al-Hawza, has published fatwas to kill communists, secular people, women, and followers of other faiths and has incited violence against opponents.

Radical Muslims torturing dogs in Sharifabad, Iran

۳۔اور جن مسا ئل میں متوکل نے امام ؑ کی طرف رجوع کیا اُن میں سے ایک مسئلہ یہ ہے کہ متوکل کے پاس ایک ایسے نصرانی شخص کو لایا گیا جس نے مسلمان عورت سے زنا کیا تھا ،جب متوکل نے اُس پر حد جاری کرنے کا ارادہ کیا تو وہ مسلمان ہو گیا ،یحییٰ بن اکثم نے کہا :اس کے ایمان کے ذریعہ اُ س کا شرک اور فعل نابودہو گیا ،بعض فقہا ء نے اُس پر تین طرح کی حد جاری کرنے کا فتویٰ دیا ،بعض فقہا ء نے اس کے خلاف فتویٰ دیا ،تو متوکل نے یہ مسئلہ امام علی نقی ؑ کی خدمت میں پیش کیا،آپ ؑ نے جواب میں فرمایا کہ اس کو اتنا مارا جائے کہ وہ مرجائے ،یحییٰ اور بقیہ فقہاء نے اس کا انکار کرتے ہوئے کہا :ایسا کتاب و سنت میں نہیں آیا ہے ۔ متوکل نے ایک خط امام ؑ کی خدمت میں تحریر کیا جس میں لکھا : مسلمان فقہا اس کا انکار کر رہے ہیں اور ان کا کہنا ہے کہ یہ کتاب خدا اور سنتِ رسول میں نہیں آیا ہے۔ لہٰذا آپ ؑ ہمارے لئے یہ بیان فرما دیجئے کہ آپ ؑ نے یہ فتویٰ کیوں دیا ہے کہ اس کو اتنا مارا جائے جس سے وہ مرجائے ؟امام ؑ نے جواب میں بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم کے بعد یہ آیت تحریر فر ما ئی :(فَلَمَّاجَاءَتْہُمْ رُسُلُہُمْ بِالْبَیِّنَاتِ فَرِحُوابِمَا عِنْدَہُمْ مِنْ الْعِلْمِ وَحَاقَ بِہِمْ مَاکَانُوا بِہِ یَسْتَہْزِءُون فَلَمَّارَأَوْا بَأْسَنَا قَالُواآمَنَّا بِاﷲِ وَحْدَہُ وَکَفَرْنَابِمَاکُنَّا بِہِ مُشْرِکِینَ )۔ ’’پھر جب اُن کے پاس رسول معجزات لیکر آئے تواپنے علم پر ناز کرنے لگے ،اور نتیجہ میں جس بات کا مذاق اڑارہے تھے اسی نے اپنے گھیرے میں لے لیا ہے ۔پھر جب انھوں نے ہمارے عذاب کو دیکھا تو کہنے لگے کہ ہم خدائے یکتا پر ایمان لائے ہیں اور جن باتوں کا شرک کیا کرتے تھے سب کا انکار کررہے ہیں ‘‘۔اور متوکل نے امام ؑ کا نظریہ تسلیم کر لیا

7 Dec 2015:
حضرت آیت اللہ خامنہ ای نے اسی سلسلے میں بعض نعروں اور تقریروں پر بھی تنقید کی کہ جو بظاہر اسلامی ہیں لیکن انکے حقیقی معنی مختلف ہیں۔

آپ نے اس سلسلے میں ایک مثال کا ذکر کرتے ہوئے فرمایا کہ آجکل رائج رحمانی اسلام کی اصطلاح دو خوبصورت لفظوں سے بنی ہے لیکن اس کے حقیقی معنی کیا ہیں؟ آیا اس سے مراد یہ ہے کہ قرآن کے برخلاف کہ جس نے انسانوں کو مومن، کافر، دشمن اور دوست میں تقسیم کیا ہے کیا تمام انسانوں سے صرف اور صرف رحمت سے پیش آیا جائے؟ اور جو لوگ اسلام اور ملت ایران سے دشمنی برتتے ہیں خداوند متعال کے فرمان کے برخلاف ان سے محبت، مودت اور معدلت سے پیش آیا جائے؟

آپ نے اس طرح کی غیر سنجیدہ اور سطحی گفتگو کو غلط اور گمراہ کر دینے والا قرار دیا اور فرمایا کہ آیا رحمانی اسلام مغربی لبرل ازم کی پیداوار ہے؟ اگر ایسا ہے تو یہ اصطلاح نہ اسلامی ہے نہ رحمانی اور نہ ہی عاطفی، چونکہ لبرل ازم اومانزم پر مبنی فکر یعنی خدا اور معنویت کی نفی کی وجہ سے وجود میں آئی ہے کہ جس کی بنیادیں طاقتوار افراد کے فائدے پر استوار ہیں۔

18 April 2017:
 انہوں نے اپنی گفت و گو کو جاری رکھتے ہوئے بیان کیا : قرآن کریم فرماتا ہے کہ مسلمان کی طاقت و قدرت اس حد تک ہو کہ دشمن ہمیشہ اس سے خوف و رعب میں رہیں ، مسلمانوں کو چاہیئے کہ مضبوط سماج کی تشکیل میں قدم بڑھائیں تا کہ حقیقی اسلام کے نظریہ کو نافذ کیا جا سکے ؛ ہر سماج و معاشرے کو ایک ناظم کی ضرورت ہے کہ امام زمانہ عج کی غیبت کے زمانہ میں مدیریت و نظارت کی ذمہ داری ولی فقیہ پر ہے ۔
 حضرت آیت الله نوری همدانی نے اس بیان کے ساتھ کہ ثروت و دولت و اسلام کی عظیم ذرائع سے اچھی طرح استفادہ کیا جائے

Ammar Nakshwani: "There is no compulsion in religion" principle is about Usul-e-Din (tauheed, adalat, imamat etc.) but not about furu-e-din (rituals, prayers etc.) From 46 minutes onwards.

He fought against the Iranian Constitutional Revolution and was executed for treason by Constitutionalists as a result. Today he is considered a martyr (shahid) in the fight against democracy by Islamic conservatives in Iran.

Mesbah despised Shariati and declared him an apostate, but Beheshti opposed the declaration.
One such cleric is the reactionary Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi, who has consistently declared that democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place in Islamic teachings.

Obeying the Islamic jurist and leader is exactly the same as monotheism in obedience and following forbidden democracy is exactly the same as polytheism in obedience. It is for this same reason that the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran states that after the president has been elected, the consent or endorsement of the Islamic jurist and leader is necessary, because the people’s vote does not by itself give him the religious authority to rule and be obeyed. The endorsement of the Islamic jurist and leader makes obeying the president tantamount to obeying Allah, and exactly the same as monotheism.

Ayatollah Mohsin al-Hakim issued fatwa proclaiming communism ''irreligious and blasphemous" on 15 Feb 1960 (page 90) and gave another death fatwa against communists in 1963 (page 91)

In 1979, the repressive regime of the Shah was overthrown and replaced by an Islamic republic. In the immediate aftermath of the Revolution, millions of white cover books were sold on the pavements outside Tehran University. But some months later, groups of men and women, claiming themselves members of Hezbollah, or God's Party, took control of the streets, smashed the windows of bookshops, and set fire to books they deemed immoral. Soon the new government banned books written by or about the Shah, as well as books dedicated to him or the royal family. Eventually, this censorship extended to books on Marxism, Darwinian evolution, and anything else seen as contradictory to religious doctrine.

The famous fatwa,or Islamic legal opinion, that decreed punishment for anyone having anything to do with Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses might be regarded not as something new but as a continuation of an old heritage, passed down from the Shah, which he in turn inherited from other despots who came before him. It is worth noting that in 1988, one year before the fatwa, another book of Rushdie's, Midnight's Children, was published in Iran and was awarded a prize as the best Persian translation of the year. After the fatwa, all copies of it were confiscated.

"1982, [Iran]: Writer Ata Nourian, a member of the Iranian Writers Union, is killed for his 'anti-Islamist ideas.'
"1984, Iran: 83-year-old Ali Dashti, the author of a book critical of Islam, dies in prison after mistreatment.
"1987, Iran: 80,000 books, labeled as 'attacking Islam,' are burned at Isfahan University.
"In February 1989, Iranian writers Amir Nikaiin, Manouchehr Behzadi, Djavid Misani and Abutorab Bagherazdeh, and two Iranian poets, Said Soltanpour and Rahman Hatefi, are killed for their liberal ideas that are regarded as an attack on Islam.
"In Iran, cartoonist Manouchehr Karimzadeh is sentenced to 10 years in prison for sketching a soccer player who slightly resembles [Ayatollah] Khomeini. The cartoonist and the editor of the newspaper [that published the cartoon] are flogged. Their [prison] sentences are later reduced.
"In May, in Iran, university lecturer and human rights activist E. Sahabi is arrested for participating in a conference in Germany, and is accused of 'anti-revolutionary behavior.'
"On October 14 in Egypt, literature Nobel prize laureate Nagib Mahfuz, aged 83, is stabbed in the throat by a young extremist in Cairo. Al-Gamma'ah Al-Islamiya takes responsibility for the assassination attempt...
"In Iran, author Saiidi Sirjani is murdered in prison for publishing his works outside the country after they are banned in Iran.
"In Iran, Ahmad Miralai, a translator of foreign literature, is murdered.
"1996, Iran: Four 'subversive' writers and editors are murdered: Ghafar Hosseini, Reza Mazlooman, Ebrahim Zalzadeh, and Ahmad Tafazoli...
"In Iran, [several] writers, journalists and academics - Pirouz Davani, Hamid Pour, Hajizadeh, Majid Sharif, Daryoush and Parvaneh Furouhar, Muhammad Jafar Pouyandeh, and Muhammad Mokhtari - are murdered by fundamentalists because of their writings.
"In Turkey, journalist Nuredin Sirin is sentenced to 20 months in prison for writing that 'we must support the oppressed even if they are atheists.'
"1999, Iran: The religious reformist Hadi Khamenei is beaten by Islamist students...
"In Iran, the Canadian-Iranian journalist Zahra Kazemi is brutally tortured by the Iranian police and then murdered in detention - [all] for writing her articles.
"2004, Iran: The musician and poet Ahmad Bayat Mokhtari is abducted and run down by a car in Chiraz because of his artistic activities.
"January 23, 2006, [Iran]: Journalist Elham Afrotan, head of the weekly Tamadone Hormozgan, is imprisoned with six others... [for writing] an article comparing Ayatollah Khomeini's [rise to power] with the AIDS [epidemic]. The journalists are arrested in Bandar-Abbas…"

20 Jan 1990: But the men around the table, despite being victims of persecution, with 185 of their own texts proscribed, have no conception that tolerance is a good idea. They cannot understand my jokes, and I cannot understand their logic. What is it about Islam that makes its members demand to be taken so seriously, whilst at the same time talking rubbish? In Ireland one of their leaders insisted that eating pork makes you homosexual. I am constantly hearing from them that women have to be veiled, as the alternative is to see them made into playthings. It seems that Mus- lims think no outsider can judge them on their words, because no one else has the authority to do so. They live in a kind of overgrown boy's Wendy House, impervious to the complexities of the big world outside.

1992: Video of men stoned to death in Iran

Public hanging in Iran

13 August 1997: 
The "Vampire of Tehran," a taxi driver convicted of raping and murdering nine women in Iran, was hanged from a crane in Tehran on Wednesday (13/8) in front of cheering masses.
Gholamreza Kordieh, 28, who was dubbed the "vampire" because he picked up his victims at night in his taxi, was whipped 214 times by relatives of his victims before his execution at the Olympic village west of the capital.

29 Oct 2004:
حکومت کے حامی اور متحدہ قومی موومینٹ کے سینیٹر عباس کمیلی نے کہا کہ پیغمبرِ اسلام اور خلفاء نے بھی سربراہ حکومت اور فوج کے سپہ سالار کے دونوں عہدے ایک وقت میں اپنے پاس رکھے تھے لہٰذا صدر جنرل پرویز مشرف کے دو عہدے رکھنے پر کسی کو اعتراض نہیں کرنا چاہیے۔
ان کے بیان پر حزب مخالف کے اراکین نے سخت احتجاج کیا’نو نو، اور ’شیم شیم، کے نعرے بھی لگائے۔ متحدہ مجلس عمل کے سینیٹر مولانا راحت حسین نے عباس کمیلی پر جوکہ ایک ذاکر بھی ہیں، توہیں رسالت کا الزام لگایا۔
عباس کمیلی کی بات پر حکومت کے حامی اراکین ڈیسک بجا کر خوشی کا اظہار کرتے رہے۔ عباس کمیلی نے حزب مخالف کو چیلنج کیا کہ وہ قرآن کی کوئی آیت یا کوئی حدیث پیش کریں جس میں سربراہ حکومت اور سپہ سالار کے دو عہدے ایک شخص کے پاس ہونے کی ممانعت ہو۔
انہوں نے دعویٰ کیا کہ وردی مقدس ہے اور اس کی توہین قرآن کی توہین ہے، وردی کی مخالفت جہاد کی مخالفت ہے۔ عباس کمیلی نے کہا کہ ہر نوجوان کو وردی پہننی چاہئے تاکہ جہاد اور فساد میں فرق رہے۔

8 Nov 2004: 
The move to block Web sites has the support of a senior cleric, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, who declared in September in the hard-line daily newspaper Kayhan that Web sites should be blocked if they "insult sacred concepts of Islam, the Prophet and Imams," or "publish harmful and deviated beliefs to promote atheism or promote sinister books."

Bookstores in Iran disappear not because of high rents but because of state repression. Along with newspaper closures, arrests of intellectuals, journalists, and writers, bookstores have been closed down in large number. Bookstores are a refuge for thoughts, a place for exchange of ideas, and hence, subversive and dangerous for tyranny.
Morgh-e-Amin, a bookstore and publishing house in central Tehran, was attacked by “the supporters of the party of God” (Ansar-e Hezbollah) in August 1995. The justification was the publishing of Gods Laugh on Mondays, a novel about a homosexual basiji, a paramilitary volunteer. “The supporters of the party of God,” humiliated to be associated with homosexuals, first beat the bookstore personnel and then poured gasoline on the books, and burned down the bookstore. No one was arrested or prosecuted.
In winter 2004, Roshangaran, a prominent publisher of women’s books, was burned down. In the mid-2000s, when bookstores in Tehran opened small cafés where book tables, book launches, and literary meetings were organized, the authorities’ attacks intensified.  
In 2007 alone, six bookstores were targeted for crackdown in Tehran. To survive, many bookstores have stopped selling books and become office supplies shops (lavazem ul-tahrir fouroushi). Some others sell only schoolbooks. Many good books, often “banned” books, have moved beyond the bricks and mortar of bookstore shelves to the sidewalks in front of Tehran University. 

26 Nov 2007:
The swift move by Iran's Islamic Culture and Guidance Minister to ban a newly published novel by Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez has once again put the spotlight on the phenomenon of censorship in Iran.

The ban on "Memoirs of My Melancholy Whores," published in Iran as "My Sad Sweethearts," has raised new concerns about the fate of many banned writers and hundreds of other banned books in Iran.
In the last two years, the removal of parts and whole pieces of works by well-known poets such as Souzani Samarghandi, Omar Khayam, Molana Jalaledin Rumi, Nezami Ganjavi, Abid Zakani, Iradj Mirza, and even some lexicons from Ali Akbar Dehkhoda and Farhang Moeen has occurred.

Additionally, the works of popular literature by such people as Samak Ayar and Hossein Kord Shabastri have been published only after the elimination of some of their main elements.

The main target of censorship has been some of Iran's best contemporary writers and researchers, such as Sadegh Hedayat, Sadegh Choobak, Ebrahim Golestan, Gholamhossein Saaedi, Ahmad Kasravi, Ali Dashti, Ebrahim Poordavoud, Zabih Behrouz, and others.

2 March 2009:
Last week, Iranian government media launched a campaign against Shabestari, calling a recent speech he gave in Isfahan "blasphemy." In that speech, Shabestari said that "if in a society the three concepts of God, power, and authority are mixed up, a political-religious despotism will find strong roots...and the people will suffer greatly."

Ahmad Khatami, the acting chief imam of Tehran and a member of the Experts Council, called Shabestari's statements "atheism." Khatami said Shabestari "is opposed to the principle of Velayate Faqih," the political theory that Iran's Islamic republic is based on.

30 June 1990: A month ago, Iranian authorities in Tehran launched a major crackdown on violators of the Islamic rules governing women's dress. An unknown number of women -- some estimates say more than 1,000 -- were detained or arrested for wearing too much makeup, failing to cover their ankles or allowing their scarves to slip off their heads.
Diplomats reported that a Yugoslav businessman visiting Tehran was pulled from his car and arrested for wearing a tie, a piece of attire seen as insultingly ornate by some of Iran's religious leaders. In addition, notices appeared reminding merchants that it is illegal to display women's underwear in storefront windows.

Sep 7, 2009: Hardline Shiite cleric and the spiritual and religious father of members of the administration said during a speech he delivered at ayatollah Khamenei's office in the city of Qom that opponents to the rule of the Islamic republic supreme leader are "moharebs" [enemies of God] and that "Democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place" in Islamic theology.

30 August 1999: Speaking before the Tehran Friday Prayers on 6 August, Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, who is the Tafresh Prayer Leader and a member of the Assembly of Experts, said about Islam's enemies: "They presented principles such as tolerance and compromise as absolute values while violence was introduced as a non-value." Mesbah-Yazdi believes that "the taboo -- that every act of violence is bad and every act of tolerance is good -- must be broken." Opponents of violence -- "even some of the elite" -- have been "deceived and entrapped" by "foreign propaganda," he said. Mesbah-Yazdi believes that "The enemies of Islam must also feel the harshness and violence of Islam."
"Kayhan" editorialized on 5 August that an insider is "someone whose heart beats for Islam, the revolution and the Imam," while outsiders are those who have "separated their path from the line of the Imam, the system, and the people who, by relying on 'citizens' rights,' want to introduce themselves as equal partners." Opponents of Mesbah-Yazdi's views were denounced by "Jebheh" on 14 August as followers of "American Islam."  

9 Sep 1999: The paper infuriated conservatives earlier this month by publishing an article saying Iran should do away with the death penalty in line with universal standards of human rights.

The call for ending the death penalty drew an immediate condemnation from Iran's conservative Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who said that journalists who question the tenets of Iran's Islamic law are "apostates" liable themselves for the death penalty. In keeping with the spirit of Khamenei's words, a conservative-dominated press court quickly put to death the offending paper, despite Neshat printing an apology to readers, saying it had no intention of offending or questioning Islam.

8 Jan 2001:  Some 262 people were arrested during the raid on a New Years party at Tehran's ASP apartment complex. Interior Ministry official Jahanbakhsh Khanjani said that those arrested included two Arabs, two Westerners, and two Indians. Khanjani went on to say that the guests were arrested for their inappropriate appearances, and later reports cited alcohol consumption and mingling between sexes.   A woman who received 70 lashes after being arrested indicated in an interview with RFE/RL's Persian Service that the security personnel employed excessive force, using batons against the female guests. The people who were arrested were taken to a Ministry of Intelligence and Security facility and then transferred to Evin Prison, where they remained overnight. A judge then came and decreed that 11 out of 126 women were to be flogged.  ...  The continuing actions of hardline vigilante groups in Iran's capital city, however, make Police 110 look redundant. The vigilantes raided Tehran cinemas showing the film "Mix," which features women playing musical instruments, in front of a mixed audience, "Entekhab" reported on 2 January. (Bill Samii)  

30 April 2001:  in a sermon at the Qods Mosque in Qom, Mesbah-Yazdi praised Navvab Safavi, the assassin of author Ahmad Kasravi, and he encouraged taking similar steps against the enemies of Islamic government ("Dowran-i Imruz," 18 January).
One of Mesbah-Yazdi's proteges and a Haqqani alumni, Hojatoleslam Qaravian, recently told a student conference that despotism was not necessarily a bad thing and could be justified when it means "obeying the divine decree." Qaravian went on to say that public opinion is meaningless, otherwise one would think that the opponents of Imam Hussein at Karbala were right because of their superior numbers, the Iranian Students News Agency reported on 21 April.  

18 Nov 2002: Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi said in a pre-sermon speech in Tehran: "The prophets of God did not believe in pluralism. They believed that only one idea was right," according to IRNA. Mesbah-Yazdi directly criticized President Khatami's use of the term "independence, freedom, and progress" (istiqlal, azadi, va pishraft) rather than the term "independence, freedom, and Islamic Republic" (istiqlal, azadi, va Jomhuri-yi Islami).

6 Dec 2002: Hard-line vigilantes, best known for disrupting reformist gatherings and beating up students, declared a “holy war” Wednesday to rid Iran of reformers who promote democracy and challenge the country’s supreme leader.
The declaration in the weekly newspaper of the hard-line group Ansar-e-Hizbullah, the chief organization of the vigilante movement, appeared to be a direct challenge to Iran’s reformist president, Mohammad Khatami.
Masoud Dehnamaki, a vigilante ideologue, also said Wednesday that Iranians who try to appease Iran’s enemies such as the United States “should be stopped.”
The article in the weekly newspaper Ya Lesarat, the usual vehicle for announcing Ansar-e-Hizbullah decisions, warned that the time has come for a “revolutionary jihad,” or holy war, to remove reformers from power and replace them with “idealist and religious” officials.


Public execution and flogging are “a basic principle of Islam,” Mesbah-Yazdi has said, and the government should regulate the content of speech “just as it checks the distribution of adulterated or contaminated foodstuffs.” Because “Mesbah” sounds like the Farsi word for crocodile, he is known by his critics as Ayatollah Crocodile. (A cartoonist was once imprisoned for depicting him as a reptile, shedding crocodile tears as he strangled a dissident writer with his tail.)
“We shall wait to see what place these foxes who claim to be the supporters of reform will occupy in hell,” Mesbah-Yazdi proclaimed. If Iranians believed in their supreme leader as the agent of God, second-guessing his judgment through elections was tantamount to holding a referendum on whether or not Damavand was the highest peak in Iran. What if 51 percent of the public said that it was not? “It doesn’t matter what the people think,” Mesbah-Yazdi was quoted as saying. “The people are ignorant sheep.” He has also said, “Islam was the government of God, not the government of the people.” 
Mesbah-Yazdi’s statements on most of these matters were a matter of public record, and they were even blunter. “If someone tells you he has a new interpretation of Islam, hit him in the mouth,” he said in 2000. Two years later, he said, “The prophets of God did not believe in pluralism. They believed that only one idea was right.” On Sept. 4, 1999, he said: “Killing hypocrites does not require a court order, as it is a duty imposed by the Shariah on all genuine Muslims. The order of Islam is to throw them down from a high mountain and kill them outright.” He spoke the following month of the need to break the unnecessary taboo on violence.
If such a taboo existed in the Islamic republic, it had been broken. That year, a string of dissidents were murdered under suspicious circumstances. In the writings that led to his prison sentence, Ganji accused Mesbah-Yazdi of sanctifying such actions with whispered fatwas and members of the Haqqani circle of direct involvement in the murders. A member of the shadowy vigilante group Ansar-e Hezbollah, which had violently attacked student demonstrators in July 1999, lent credence to Ganji’s claims with videotaped testimony in which he said that Mesbah-Yazdi had encouraged the group to assassinate a reformist politician. “Now, on the issue of whether I authorized the assassination of individuals,” Mesbah-Yazdi declared unapologetically in March 2001, “I must say that Imam Khomeini, may God be satisfied with him, issued a decree saying that shedding Salman Rushdie’s blood was a religious obligation and, therefore, he advocated resorting to violence as well.”
Zibakalam described Mesbah-Yazdi’s reading of velayat-i-faqih as a radical version of the one first proposed by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. But when I looked back through the lectures in which Khomeini first delineated the theory in Najaf in 1970, I found a vision strikingly similar to Mesbah-Yazdi’s. At that time, Khomeini had little truck with popular sovereignty. He quoted the Koran and sayings attributed to Muhammad: “The prophet has higher claims on the believers than their own selves” and “The scholars are the heirs of the prophet.” The only legitimate legislation was that which had already been made by God, and this would be administered by the learned jurist, who would rule over the people like a guardian over a child.

Ibn Baqīr relates that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) was informed about the person who took interest and considered it as permissible as mother’s milk. Imam (a.s.) said:
“If Allah gives me power over this man, I would strike off his head.”5
It is clear that to consider interest Harām is an article of faith. One who disregards this and says that interest is not Harām becomes an apostate. The Imam (a.s.) can also have him killed.

Caution! Graphics [18+] Iran: The Shiite religion of peace hanged women. Disgusting.

Iran hanging 2 man accused of robbery

ہر سال مختلف اسلامی ممالک میں  ماہ محرم کے پہلے  جمعے کو شیرخوار بچوں کا ایک عظیم اجتماع ہوتا ہے جس میں مائیں اپنے بچوں کو شبیہ علی اصغر(ع) بنا کر یہ عہد کرتی ہیں کہ اگر کل امام حسین (ع) کا ششماہہ علی اصغر اپنے وقت کے امام پر قربان ہوا تو آج ہمارے نونہال بھی اپنے وقت کے امام پر قربان ہونے کےلیے تیار ہیں۔

اسی حوالے سے منگل کے دن چھ محرم الحرام صبح 09 بجے  امام بارگاہِ نچاری میں شہزادہ علی اصغر(ع) کے نام  پرمجلس اور حسینی اطفال کے اجتماع کا پروگرام منعقد کیا گیا ہے۔ جن ماؤں کے ایک سال تک کے بچے ہیں، وہ اس محفل میں شرکت کرکے اُم رباب(ع) کو علی اصضر(ع) کا پُرسہ پیش کریں گی۔

حجۃ الاسلام انصاریان نےاس مطلب کہ عرش اوراس کےاطراف کے فرشتے ہمیشہ اہل ایمان کے لیے دعا کرتے ہیں،کی وضاحت کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ جو شخص مومن نہیں ہے اورنماز نہیں پڑھتا ہے اس کے لیے کوئی دعا نہیں کی جاتی ہے۔
انہوں نےمزید کہا ہے کہ جب کائنات کے دعا کرنے والے دعا کرتےہیں تو ان کی دعا اجنبی افراد کو شامل نہیں ہوتی ہے بلکہ ایسے افراد کو شامل ہوتی ہےکہ جو اللہ تعالیٰ اوراس کے فرشتوں سے آشنا ہوں۔
حوزہ علمیہ کےاستاد نےکہا ہےکہ جو شخص امت مسلمہ کے درمیان زندگی بسرکرتا ہے اورنماز سےروگردانی کرتا ہےاس میں ابلیس کا تکبرپایا جاتا ہے۔
انہوں نے مزید کہا ہےکہ اللہ کے بندے اپنے نیک کاموں پرمغرور ہونے کی بجائے خوش ہوتےہیں اوراگروہ غصے میں آتے ہیں تو کسی کو نقصان نہیں پہنچاتےاوراللہ تعالیٰ جب بھی انہیں کوئی نعمت دیتا ہے تو وہ عمل میں اس کا شکریہ ادا کرتے ہیں یعنی اسی راہ میں خرچ کرتے ہیں کہ اللہ تعالیٰ جسے پسند کرتا ہے۔
حجۃ الاسلام انصاریان نےآخرمیں کہا ہے کہ بے نمازی شخص ابلیس والا تکبررکھتا ہے اوراس کے عذاب میں کوئی چھوٹ نہیں ہے اورقیامت کے دن کوئی بھی اس کی مدد نہیں کرسکے گا کیونکہ وہ اجنبی ہے۔ قرآن کریم فرماتا ہےکہ نماز تمام موجودات کے لیے ہے اورجوشخص نماز نہیں پڑھتا ہے اس کا کوی جاننے والا نہیں ہےکہ جو قیامت کے دن اس کی مدد کرسکے۔

حکم قطعی انکار نص صریح قرآن درباره قصاص "ارتداد" است
حجت الاسلام موسوی گفت: اگر کسی مواردی که صریحاً قرآن به آن اشاره کرده از جمله قصاص را منکر شود،‌ ارتداد در مورد وی قطعی است. 
وی در پایان گفت: این نظر مراجع عالی‌قدر و معصومین (ع) است که کسی که منکر یکی از ضروریات دین شود، مرتد است. 

"Since 2003, public movements such as the "Wear it Right" campaign have worked to raise awareness about the correct way to wear the hijab. Streets in Iraq are filled with placards and banners hung on electrical poles and on high-rise buildings that depict how to wear the hijab and urge women to wear it."
The munaqaba is usually associated with fanatic Sunnism and affiliated with IS and other Sunni groups in the Western and northern areas of the country, while the muhannaka belongs to Shiite factions."

"Alireza Panahian, a representative of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and one of the most conservative clerics in the country, compared Iranians who are “Westoxified” to the threat of the terrorist group Islamic State (IS), formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)."

1 Jan 2004: EU representative Francesc Vendrell said on Thursday he was "very disturbed" after the chairman to Afghanistan's constitutional convention branded as "infidels" delegates who did not want the country described as Islamic.
The delegates collected more than the necessary 151 signatures and presented an amendment calling for the word "Islamic" to be removed from article one of the draft constitution, which describes Afghanistan as an "Islamic republic".
"We won't vote on this. People who suggest such things are infidels," said Sibghatullah Mujaddedi, chairman of the loya jirga, meeting to ratify the new constitution. The meeting was adjourned to Saturday after around 200 delegates boycotted the start of voting on disputed articles.
"I was very disturbed this morning when chairman Mujaddedi, perhaps not realizing what he was saying, that he threatened the delegates who had sponsored an amendment suggesting that Afghanistan be called the 'republic of Afghanistan' instead of the 'Islamic republic of Afghanistan'," Mr Vendrell told reporters in the huge white tent where the loya jirga has been meeting since Dec 14.
"I found that very puzzling from a person like Mujaddedi who is a Sufi leader and I always expected him to be tolerant," he said. "This is the word I expected to hear from the Taliban but I never heard it."

6 Feb 2005: "We will accept no compromise," said a statement by Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Ishaq al-Fayad, one of the three top Shiite clerics who serve beneath the most senior religious leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. Al-Fayad said separation of religion and state must be "completely rejected."

9 Sep 2005:  Indian tennis star Sania Mirza has refused to be drawn into a controversy over what she wears on court.
Haseeb-ul-hasan Siddiqui, a leading cleric of the Muslim organisation the Sunni Ulema Board, said: "The dress she wears on the tennis courts not only doesn't cover large parts of her body but leaves nothing to the imagination."  Mr Siddiqui said Islam did not allow women to wear skirts, shorts and sleeveless tops in public.  "She will undoubtedly be a corrupting influence on these young women, which we want to prevent," he said.

Oct 25, 2006: Reports suggest that two people were stoned to death in May and at least eight women currently face stoning sentences. 
Under Islamic laws as applied in Iran, the punishment for adultery is stoning. It is widely considered to be among the cruelest of punishments. Women are buried up to their chests in a pit; men are buried up to their waists. And their hands are tied behind their backs. Then, as lawyer Elham Fahimi explains, they are struck with rocks until they die.
"They put them in a hole and they wrap them in a kafan [a white sheet used for burial] -- this is how it should be done, according to the law," Fahimi says. "Then they call on those who have not committed any crimes to come and throw stones."
Death by stoning is slow and painful. Islamic code prescribes that "the stone should not be so big as to kill the offender with one or two stones" and "nor should it be as small as pebbles."
Abbasgholizadeh says it is unclear how many stoning sentences have been issued and carried out in Iran since reports of the moratorium emerged four years ago.
"Currently they don't carry out stoning in public. I don't know [why], maybe because of public opinion or international pressure," Abbasgholizadeh says. "Now it seems that they do it in the prison courtyards by prisoners or prison guards [casting the stones]. I even know...a political prisoner who was detained three or four years ago and had seen from his cell that they brought a woman and forced other female detainees to stone her."
The head of Iran's judiciary, Ayatollah Mahmud Hashemi-Shahrudi, has not reacted publicly to the activists' calls for an end to stonings. 

26 Dec 2005: The main focus of hard-line anger was a gathering of several hundred youngsters at Mohseni Square in affluent northern Tehran on the night of Ashura. "In the sunset of Ashura, women and girls in tight clothes and transparent scarves and guys dressed in Western fashion lit candles while laughing their hearts out," said the "Ya Lesarat" weekly, mouthpiece of the feared Ansar-e Hezbollah hard-line vigilante group, members of whom later dispersed the crowds. Other newspapers printed pictures from the Mohseni Square gathering, focusing on young girls wearing make-up, laughing, and mingling freely with the opposite sex. 


Morality killings in Iran

Extract from the page 102 of the book "Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader" By Kasra Naji

April 18, 2007: The Iranian Supreme Court has overturned the murder convictions of six members of a prestigious state militia who killed five people they considered “morally corrupt.”
According to the Supreme Court’s earlier decision, the killers, who are members of the Basiji Force, volunteer vigilantes favored by the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, considered their victims morally corrupt and, according to Islamic teachings and Iran’s Islamic penal code, their blood could therefore be shed.
The last victims, for example, were a young couple engaged to be married who the killers claimed were walking together in public.
Iran’s Islamic penal code, which is a parallel system to its civic code, says murder charges can be dropped if the accused can prove the killing was carried out because the victim was morally corrupt.
This is true even if the killer identified the victim mistakenly as corrupt. In that case, the law requires “blood money” to be paid to the family. Every year in Iran, a senior cleric determines the amount of blood money required in such cases. This year it is $40,000 if the victim is a Muslim man, and half that for a Muslim woman or a non-Muslim.
In a long interview with the Iranian Student News Agency, a Supreme Court judge, Mohammad Sadegh Al-e-Eshagh, who did not take part in this case, sought Wednesday to discourage vigilante killings, saying those carried out without a court order should be punished.
At the same time, he laid out examples of moral corruption that do permit bloodshed, including armed banditry, adultery by a wife and insults to the Prophet Muhammad.
“The roots of the problems are in our laws,” said Mohammad Seifzadeh, a lawyer and a member of the Association for Defenders of Human Rights in Tehran. “Such cases happen as long as we have laws that allow the killer to decide whether the victim is corrupt or not. Ironically, such laws show that the establishment is not capable of bringing justice, and so it leaves it to ordinary people to do it.”
The ruling stems from a case in 2002 in Kerman that began after the accused watched a tape by a senior cleric who ruled that Muslims could kill a morally corrupt person if the law failed to confront that person.
Some 17 people were killed in gruesome ways after that viewing, but only five deaths were linked to this group. The six accused, all in their early 20s, explained to the court that they had taken their victims outside the city after they had identified them. Then they stoned them to death or drowned them in a pond by sitting on their chests.
Three of the families had given their consent under pressure by the killers’ families to accept financial compensation, said Mr. Ahmadi, the lawyer.
Such killings have occurred in the past. A member of the security forces shot and killed a young man in 2005 in the subway in Karaj, near Tehran, for what he also claimed was immoral behavior by the victim.
A judge caused outrage in 2004 in Neka, in the north, after he issued a death sentence for a 16-year old girl for what he said were chastity crimes. After the summary trial, he had her hanged in public immediately, before the necessary approval from the Supreme Court.
Neither man has been punished.


2 May 2007: One senior cleric, Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani, recently compared "bad veiling" to a contagious disease and said it should be confronted in order to protect all of society.

24 June 2007: The country’s police chief boasted that 150,000 people — a number far larger than usual — were detained in the annual spring sweep against any clothing considered not Islamic. More than 30 women’s rights advocates were arrested in one day in March, according to Human Rights Watch, five of whom have since been sentenced to prison terms of up to four years. They were charged with endangering national security for organizing an Internet campaign to collect more than a million signatures supporting the removal of all laws that discriminate against women.
Eight student leaders at Tehran’s Amir Kabir University, the site of one of the few public protests against Mr. Ahmadinejad, disappeared into Evin Prison starting in early May. Student newspapers had published articles suggesting that no humans were infallible, including the Prophet Muhammad and Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
The National Security Council sent a stern three-page warning to all the country’s newspaper editors detailing banned topics, including the rise in gasoline prices or other economic woes like possible new international sanctions, negotiations with the United States over the future of Iraq, civil society movements and the Iranian-American arrests.

21 Dec 2007: A top Muslim cleric in Iran, Hojatolislam Gholam Reza Hassani said on Wednesday that women in the country who do not wear the hijab should be killed.
“Women who do not respect the hijab and their husbands deserve to die,” said Hassani, who leads Friday prayers in the city of Urumieh, in Iranian Azerbaijan. “I do not understand how these women who do not respect the hijab, 28 years after the birth of the Islamic Republic, are still alive," he said.
“These women and their husbands and their fathers must die,” said Hassani, who is the representative of the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in eastern Azerbaijan.
Hassani's statements came after two Kurdish feminists in Iran were accused of being members of an armed rebel group and of carrying out subversive activities threatening the security of the state.

29 Dec 2007:  "Religious vigilantes have killed at least 40 women this year in the southern Iraqi city of Basra because of how they dressed, their mutilated bodies found with notes warning against “violating Islamic teachings,” the police chief said Sunday. Maj. Gen. Jalil Khalaf blamed sectarian groups that he said were trying to impose a strict interpretation of Islam.
Since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the rise of a Shiite-dominated government, armed men in some parts of the country have sometimes forced women to cover their heads or face punishment. In some areas of the heavily Shiite south, even Christian women have been forced to wear headscarves."

Jan 2008: 
Usually, executions in Iran are by hanging. But according to recent Iranian press reports, two men convicted of homosexual rape in Fars, southern Iran, were sentenced to death by putting them in a sack and throwing it off the top of a cliff.

According to Iran's form of Islamic Shari'a law, homosexuality is punishable by death and the judge can choose from five methods including throwing off a height and demolishing a wall on the offender, a method whose use has not been reported in the past 30 years.

About six months ago, a man convicted of adultery was stoned to death in Ghazvin.

7 Jan 2008:
The amputation sentences were carried out in Zahedan, the capital of Iran's southeastern Sistan-Baluchistan Province. The five men were found guilty of armed robbery, hostage taking, and firing at police, though officially they were convicted of "acting against God" and "corruption upon this Earth."

With doctors watching, the convicted men's right hands and left feet were amputated. Traditionally, the right hand is amputated for a first serious offense and the left foot for a second serious offense. The right hand-left foot amputation is referred to as "cross amputation."

The Iranian Student News Agency (ISNA) reported the amputations on January 6, though it is not clear when the sentences were carried out or if the amputations were done in prison or in public.
The amputations also come just six months after a man was stoned to death in Qazvin Province, west of Tehran, for alleged adultery. The stoning was widely condemned by the international community and by many Islamic leaders in Iran.

31 Jan 2008:
The sister of a 48-year-old musician and teacher, Abdollah Farivar Moghaddam, told Radio Farda this week that the country's highest court recently rejected an appeal against Moghaddam's death sentence by stoning for adultery.

Moghaddam's sister suggested a prosecutor recently responded almost gleefully in rejecting her appeals, vowing to publicly execute the father of two as soon as he received the high court's verdict in writing.

20 July 2008: At least eight women and one man have been sentenced to be stoned to death in Iran and may be executed at any time, the lawyers defending several of those sentenced said.
The eight women, ranging in age from 27 to 43, had convictions including prostitution, incest, and adultery. The man, a 50-year-old music teacher, was convicted of illegal sex with a student.

11 August 2008: Besides the terrible killings inflicted by the fanatics on those who refuse to pledge allegiance to them, Al-Qa'eda has lost credibility for enforcing a series of rules imposing their way of thought on the most mundane aspects of everyday life.
They include a ban on women buying suggestively-shaped vegetables, according to one tribal leader in the western province of Anbar.
Sheikh Hameed al-Hayyes, a Sunni elder, told Reuters: "They even killed female goats because their private parts were not covered and their tails were pointed upward, which they said was haram.
"They regarded the cucumber as male and tomato as female. Women were not allowed to buy cucumbers, only men."
Other farcical stipulations include an edict not to buy or sell ice-cream, because it did not exist in the time of the Prophet, while hair salons and shops selling cosmetics have also been bombed.
Most seriously, Sheikh al-Hayyes said: "I saw them slaughter a nine-year old boy like a sheep because his family didn't pledge allegiance to them."
Such tactics have triggered a backlash among Sunnis, whom Al-Q'aeda had claimed to be protecting, the sheikh and military leaders said.

5 March 2009:
The stoning was carried out in the northern city of Rasht during the Iranian month of Esfand which ended on March 20, judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi said.
He said the woman involved in the case has 'repented and so has not been stoned.' Under Irans Islamic law, adultery is still punishable by stoning, which involves the hurling of stones in public at a partially buried convict. A man is buried up to his waist and a woman up to her shoulders.
Convicts are spared if they can free themselves.
Aftab-e Yazd newspaper reported that a 30-year-old government employee identified only as 'V', was stoned to death in a Rasht prison on March 5. Some Iranian news websites identified him as Vali Azad.
Five Iranians have reportedly been stoned to death in the past four years, including two men in Mashhad last December, despite a 2002 directive by judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahrudi imposing a moratorium on such executions.

18 June 2009: When it was uttered it was meant as a ­biting put-down to the thousands who dared to question his re-election as president of Iran.
"The nation's huge river would not leave any opportunity for the expression of dirt and dust," said Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a rather elliptical reference to the surging protests on the streets of Tehran.
For good measure he followed up with some more earthy language comparing claims of massive election fraud in last week's poll to the passions of supporters of a beaten football team after a match.
He then went on to accuse his opponents of "officially recognising thieves, homosexuals and scumbags" in exchange for their votes.

The hard-line Ayatollah Azizollah Khoshvaght died in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday [Feb. 20] after a pilgrimage to Mecca.
Khoshvaght was not only a vociferous critic of Iran’s Reformists and Green Movement, dubbing the latter’s leaders, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Hojjat al-Islam Mehdi Karroubi, “apostates,”

26 June 2009: Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, a member of the clerical leadership, used the platform of Friday prayers at Tehran University to level charges that the regimes opponents were "rioting" in defiance of God's will.
Those arrested should be punished harshly, he said, while their leaders could face the death penalty as enemies of the Islamic Republic.

5 Nov 2009: Ulema of Bareilly sect on Thursday endorsed the fatwa issued by Deoband clerics against reciting of national song Vande Mataram.
"We also think that fatwa issued against Vande Mataram is right because in Islam it is not permitted to worship any other God. Although we love our country but we cannot worship it. Our Prophet has preached us to love our country. We love it," Sajjada Nasheen of Dargahe Ala Hazrat Maulana Subhan Raza Khan said in Bareily.
General Secretary of All India Jamaat Raza Mustafa Maulana Shahabuddin saying that they cannot recite Vande Mataram echoed similar views. "We have reservations on some of its lines which is not in accordance with our religious faith. But it does not mean that we do not love our country. We need no certificate for our patriotism," he added.
Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind on November 3 asked its community members of the community not to recite Vande Mataram. Darul Uloom's fatwa department had issued the edict in 2006 describing recitation of Vande Mataram as anti-Islamic.

3 July 2009: Two weeks before the elections, Mesbah-Yazdi issued a fatwah legitimizing any means necessary to keep Ahmadinejad in power. That was a religious green light for the thousands of people Ahmadinejad appointed to power in his first term -- including those in the Interior Ministry tasked with conducting the election -- to help Ahmadinejad if they had a mind to. 

14 August 2009: A senior Iranian cleric seen as Ahmadinejad's spiritual mentor said obeying the head of government was like obeying God, the moderate "Etemad-e Melli" newspaper said.

Firebrand cleric Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi believes the authority of Khamenei comes from God, not from the people.

Khamenei presides over a complex political and clerical system known as vali-ye faqih, or religious jurisprudence, with the president in charge of the day-to-day governing of the country.

"When a president is endorsed by the vali-ye faqih, obeying the president is like obeying God," the daily quoted Mesbah-Yazdi as saying.

Dec 9, 2009: On the eve of the June presidential election, Yazdi said that the legitimacy of the Islamic regime does not stem from a popular vote but from its "divine mission." He also reportedly issued a fatwa, or religious decree, instructing election officials across the country that rigging the vote results to save the Islamic system from infiltration by what he called "anti-Islamic" forces is permitted. 

22 Dec 2009: Members of an Islamic militia and "plainclothes men" attacked the home of a senior pro-reform cleric, Ayatollah Yusuf Sanei, in the holy city of Qom today, a reformist website said. 

The Norooz site said attackers insulted Sanei, beat up some of his associates, and broke windows. There was no immediate official comment.

The demonstrators chanted, "The city of Qom is no city for hypocrites," and signed a statement calling for Sanei to be defrocked, Fars reported.

One of the signatories, cleric Ahmad Panahian, said: "The trenches of the hypocrites in Qom must be destroyed."



28 Dec 2009: At least eight people have been killed in some of the bloodiest confrontations in months between Iranian opposition supporters and security forces.

31 Dec 2009: Demonstrators in Tehran chanted “Death to Mousavi.” Some shouted “Rioter hypocrites must be executed” and held up a banner that read: “We sacrifice our blood for the supreme leader.”
The government gave all civil servants and employees a day off to attend rallies and organized buses to transport groups of schoolchildren and supporters from outlying rural areas to the protests.
Hardline cleric Ahmad Alamolhoda called opponents of the supreme leader cows and goats, and said they were supporters of Satan.
“Enemies of the leader, according to the Quran, belong to the party of Satan,” Alamolhoda told demonstrators in Tehran in comments broadcast on state TV. “Our war in the world is war against the opponents of the rule of the supreme leader.”
The Internet threat against the opposition leaders appeared on a blog in the name of an unknown group calling itself the Bright Shooting Star Suicide Bombers Brigade. It said a group of suicide attackers has been set up in the holy city of Qom, 80 miles (130 kilometers) south of the capital.

The hard-line Ayatollah Azizollah Khoshvaght died in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday [Feb. 20] after a pilgrimage to Mecca.
Khoshvaght was not only a vociferous critic of Iran’s Reformists and Green Movement, dubbing the latter’s leaders, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Hojjat al-Islam Mehdi Karroubi, “apostates,”

8 Jan 2010: An Iranian conservative cleric, Ayatollah Haeri Shirazi, has said on state television that instead of jailing opposition protesters, it would be better to kill them.

Here is the link to the video of parts of his controversial comments, aired by Iran's state television.

Discussing the protest movement, Shirazi said:  “The more of them are killed, the more it is in the benefit of the people. If the police forces kill some of them, it is to our benefit."

"When they are detained, it is bad; when they are arrested, it is bad. Do not make victims out of your enemies,” the cleric added.

He also warned about challenging Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and chanting slogans against him and his rule. 

He said the supreme leader is not a person with a soft turban on his head that can be beaten. 

“His support comes from Imam Mahdi [the Hidden Imam]” who is made of iron, he said, adding that those who dare to challenge him will break their heads.

10 May 2010: Books About Zen, Baha’i Faiths Banned At Tehran Book Fair


21 May 2010: In Tehran, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati called for a crackdown on all Iranian woman, beginning with "government employees and students."
Referring to female students, Jannati said that they may face disciplinary committees if they refuse to abide by the state's interpretation of a uniform Islamic dress code and that the success of their exams may be contingent on their conformity to the moral order.
Jannati said that hospitals and other public centers should also not avoid scrutiny. He praised the Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution, one of the institutions that drove the 1979 Islamic Revolution, for adopting a plan two years ago to enforce chastity and the wearing of the hijab, though it was blocked.
"Those who obstructed this law should be held accountable.... Why haven't you implemented this law yet?"
Jannati's sermon was broadcast on state radio.
On Jan. 29, he praised the regime for executing members of the peaceful protest movement that grew out of the contended presidential elections and urged more executions "to please god," as reported by Voice of America.
In Mashhad, the second largest city in Iran, similar cries could be heard by Ayatollah Ahmad Alam-al-Hoda. During his sermon, Alam-al-Hoda connected the issue of immodest dress to foreign influence.  "Badly veiled women and girls are like foot soldiers of the United States. Our enemies intend to pull the rug of religion from under the feet of our youth by spreading bad veil in the society," as reported by Fars News Agency.
Ultimately, Alam-al-Hoda said women's dress has an effect on men. "Anytime badly veiled women and girls sport strong makeup to deviate a young man from the right path, the enemy will be pleased with victory. These badly veiled women are knowingly or unknowingly fighting on the enemy's front."  
On Dec. 30, Alam-al-Hoda was the first to publicly proclaim at a pro-government rally in Tehran that opposition leaders should be tried as enemies of God, according to Agence  France -Presse.

19 June 2010: A senior Iranian cleric has decreed dogs are "unclean" and should not be kept as pets -- a move aimed at discouraging Western-style dog ownership in the Islamic state, a newspaper reported on Saturday.
Dogs are considered "unclean" under Islamic tradition but, while relatively rare in Iran, some people do keep them as pets.
By issuing a fatwa -- a religious ruling -- Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi has sent a clear message that this trend must stop.
"Friendship with dogs is a blind imitation of the West," he was quoted as saying in Javan daily. "There are lots of people in the West who love their dogs more than their wives and children."
Guard dogs and sheep dogs are considered acceptable under Islamic law but Iranians who carry dogs in their cars or take them to public parks can be stopped by police and fined.

10 July 2010: More than 150 documented cases of execution by stoning in Iran since (1980-2010)

14 July 2010: In the latest such controversy, Mr Ahmadinejad, who never wears a tie in public, has gone on record as saying that no religious leader has banned the tie, which since the 1979 Islamic revolution has been regarded as a symbol of Western culture.
He was criticised by Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, normally close ally of the Iranian president, who said: "I say to him that many religious dignitaries believe ties should not be worn.
"The supreme guide (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) himself has said in a fatwa (religious edict) that the wearing of ties or bow ties is not permitted."
The tie has in past years been making a comeback in Iran, especially at events such as weddings and funerals.
Ayatollah Khatami also criticised the president for saying it was not a problem for a man to shave his beard. "I call on Mr Ahmadinejad not to take up complicated religious questions because this weakens the government," he said.
In June, the Iranian president aroused the wrath of fellow hardliners and several top Shiite clerics for criticising a police crackdown on improperly veiled women.

July 2010: 
Arrested on 17 and 18 July 2010, Iman Masjedi, Amir Latifi, Mohammad Reza Gholizadeh, Ladan Mostoufi Ma’ab, Hanieh Sate Farshi, Hojat Nikoui and Sepehr Ebrahimi, all students aged from 19 to 28, were unjustly accused of anti-government propaganda, “insulting what is holy,” actions against national security “in collaboration with organizations hostile to the Revolution,” insulting the Prophet and Moharebeh (rebelling against God). Under Iran’s criminal code, all these crime are punishable by death.
A Tehran revolutionary court withdrew the charges of insulting the Prophet and Moharebeh on 16 April but heavy sentences were nonetheless handed down. Masjedi and Ebrahimi were sentenced to eight years in prison. Gholizadeh and Farshi were given seven years. Nikoui and Ma’ab got five years. And Latifi was sentenced to seven years in prison and 74 lashes.
The lawyers and families of these detainees were only recently notified of the sentences.

" For young women in Iran, this means strict regulations on what is and what is not acceptable dress; the condemnation of make-up and nail varnish; being in public with men who are not their close relatives, and constantly being stopped and questioned by morality patrols made up of women dressed in all-enfolding black chadors, who will drag them to a police station and fine them for infringements.
And the infringements are numerous. In 2010, the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences circulated a 23-point directive, which stipulated that "men must wear loose, long-sleeved shirts and women must have their 'manteau' coats completely buttoned up at all times. With the exception of wedding bands, all gold rings and bracelets are banned for both sexes. Fingernails must be kept short, clean and free of nail polish. Shoes must not have high heels or pointed toes. Chewing gum in class and laughing out loud in public places are also prohibited."
In 2010, the Chief Prosecutor of Mashhad, Mahmud Zoghli, launched a drive to crack down on "bad hejab," imposing a fine of approximately $1,300 for each breach of the law. This was confirmed nationally by the Interior Minister and Chief of Police, Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar. Behind this clampdown lies the conservative parliament and the clerical institutions that overshadow it. Although only some 14% of Majlis members are now clerics, parliament itself is heavily overshadowed by 'ulama [religious scholars] in all other branches of government. These branches include the Guardian Council, the Expediency Council, the Assembly of Experts, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, the judiciary, as well as outside powers such as the Revolutionary Guards."

24 Oct 2010:
Representatives of religious and political parties on Saturday endorsed calls for declaring former president Pervez Musharraf “liable for murder” for his “unpardonable crimes against humanity” at a conference held here.
The conference, organised by the Jamoori Watan Party (JWP), directly linked the former military ruler to the killing of innocent people and the desecration of the Holy Quran in Jamia Hafsa. Representatives of the Jamaat-i-Islami, Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam (JUI-I), Majlis Wahadat Muslimeen Pakistan, Shia Ulema Council Balochistan, Tanzeem-i-Islam Pakistan, Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam-S  and religious scholars took part in the conference.
Among the 36 scholars who attended the conference were Dr Maulana Attaur-Rehman, Maulana Abdul Qadir Luni, Syed Hashim Mosvi, Wilaiat Hussain Jaffari, Qari Mahrullah, Moulvi Matiullah, Zia-ul-Rehman Farooqi, Abdul Matin Akwandzada, who along with others marked their signatures on the declaration.

 24 Oct 2010: "Expansion of 12 disciplines in the social sciences like law, women's studies, human rights, management, sociology, philosophy....psychology and political sciences will be reviewed," said Abolfazl Hassani, from the education ministry.
"These sciences' contents are based on Western culture. The review will be the intention of making them compatible with Islamic teachings."
Mr Hassani said Iranian universities will not be allowed to open new departments in these disciplines and the curricula for existing departments would be revised.
Iran's hard-line rulers accuse the West of trying to harm the Islamic state by influencing the country's young generation with "decadent" culture.
Pointing to the enrolment of some two million out of a total of 3.5 million university students in the humanities, Iran's most powerful figure Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called in August for modification of these studies.
"Many disciplines in the humanities are based on principles founded on materialism disbelieving the divine Islamic teachings," Mr Khamenei said.
"Thus such teachings will lead to the dissemination of doubt in the foundations of religious teachings."

16 Nov 2010: Iran has unveiled a number of "Islamic" products including an Islamic tie.  
The tie, which is shaped like the sword of Imam Ali (cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad who is considered by Shi'a as his rightful successor) and decorated with an Islamic hadith (a saying attributed to Muhammad), has been registered in the Islamic republic by inventor Hemat Komeili. (For a picture, click here.) 

Komeili has been quoted as saying that his tie has been approved by some of the sources of emulation. He says it appears beautiful like a tie in addition to being based on Islamic values. 

Ties came under attack in Iran following the 1979 revolution as one of the symbols of "decadent" Western cultures. It was reported that men with ties were detained in the early days of the revolution and according to unconfirmed reports in some cases their ties were cut off. 

Some Iranian men still wear ties in public even though it is generally condemned and disapproved by the country's leaders and clerics. 

Meanwhile an Iranian company says it has created the first Islamic doll.

Iran had in the past created two dolls, "Sara" and "Dara," which were to counter Barbie and Ken but reportedly were not very popular. The new doll, which is branded Islamic and not Iranian, has the Arabic name "Fatima." 

Hossein Homay Seresht, of the company Fam that created Fatima, says the doll is meant to fight the "enemies' cultural invasion" of the Islamic republic. 

Seresht says that Iran's enemies are increasingly targeting 3-year-old kids.

"The Westerners, by creating Barbie and marketing it, are encouraging bad veiling and not wearing the hijab; all of these factors led us to take it as our duty to present Islamic dolls to the market," he said.

The company has also produced the "Hijab Forbidden" software, which despite its name is designed to promote the Islamic hijab, or veiling.

Seresht says the software includes video clips of Islamic fashion, speeches about the hijab and a "Hijab Messenger," an instant messaging service that he said is based on the same model as Yahoo messenger but that chat can only take place with "people who are defined within the system." 

He provides no further details and does not say whether it means that only people who are wearing the hijab or those who support the hijab can use it. 

18 April 2011:

حضرت آيت الله نوري همداني نے دين مبين اسلام ميں جنگ اور جہاد کے فرق کو بيان کرتے ہوئے وضاحت کي : جہاد امام يا نائب امام کے حکم کي بنا پر انجام پاتا ہے ليکن جنگ ميں يہ شرط نہي ہے جنگ ملک کي توسيع کے لئے انجام دي جاتي ہے اور اسي طرح جہاد کا ھدف اور مقصد اصلاح ہے ليکن جنگ کا ھدف تباہي ہے ?

انہوں نے اس بيان کے ساتھ کہ جنگ ميں اصالت وسائل و اسلحہ ہے ليکن جہاد ميں اصالت ايمان ہے اظہار کيا : امريکا جس بنا پر اس جہادي فکر سے خوف کھا رہا ہے اپنے سعودي عرب کے سفر ميں اس نے اس ملک کے سربراہوں سے تاکيد کي تھي کہ جہاد اور امر بالمعروف و نہي عن المنکر جيسے الفاظ کو طالب علموں کے ديني کتابوں سے حذف کر ديا جائے

28 May 2011: Open kitchens are the latest addition to the list of supposedly un-Islamic items and behaviors in the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

According to conservative cleric Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, open kitchens don't allow homeowners to be protected from the eyes of their guests.

"Women should be allowed to do their work while they have guests without being watched by others," Amoli was quoted as saying in a meeting in the holy city of Qom, where he is based.


Owning dogs is considered un-Islamic, even though some Iranians own them. Some people also wear tight or colorful clothes and makeup in public, all of which are officially no-no's. So are trendy hairstyles, but that doesn't stop some young men from sporting them.

Other actions and activities that have been deemed un-Islamic -- with varying degrees of correspondence to what actual people do -- include Western music, ties, the mingling of individuals of opposite sexes, women entering sports stadiums to watch soccer games, and advertising for banks.
... Hard-line cleric Mebah Yazdi said last year that social sciences are not just un-Islamic, but they're against Islam. He argued that social-science graduates, who he said deal with matters such as freedom and human rights, cannot be expected to have a deep belief in Islamic principles.
...After he was sacked last year, former Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki accused President Mahmud Ahmadinejad of un-Islamic behavior.

"Sacking a minister while [he is] on a mission is un-Islamic, undiplomatic, offensive, and outside the practices of politics," Mottaki was quoted as saying.

Here are pictures of celebratory actions branded as un-Islamic in the Iranian hard-line media.

14 June 2011: Iranian men have been banned from wearing necklaces in the latest crackdown by the Islamic regime on "un-Islamic" clothing and haircuts.
Thousands of special forces have been deployed in Tehran's streets, participating in the regime's "moral security plan" in which loose-fitting headscarves, tight overcoats and shortened trousers that expose skin will not be tolerated for women, while men are warned against glamorous hairstyles and wearing a necklace.

22 July 2011: In a meeting with librarians and publishing industry leaders this week, Khamenei said the activity of reading should be encouraged but warned against books carrying "a public appearance but with specific political hidden motives."
"Not all books are necessarily good and not all of them are unharmful, some books are harmful," he said, according to his official website, Khamenei.ir.
titles ranging from uncensored version of Plato's Symposium to Louis-Ferdinand Céline's Journey to the End of the Night and works by James Joyce, Gabriel García Márquez, Kurt Vonnegut and Paulo Coelho have been banned in recent years by Iran's ministry of culture and Islamic guidance which vets all books before publication.

31 July 2011:  Ayatollah Syed Ahmad demands 25 public lashes for not fasting during Ramadan

11 April 2012: Mufti Ubaidur Rahman of Darul Uloom Mazhar-e-Islam of Bareilly Sharif (the Barelvi sect) has barred Muslims from offering namaz with Shahi Imam Syed Ahmed Bukhari .

The fatwa comes at a time when Bukhari is locked in a political battle with Azam Khan , a minister in Akhilesh Yadav's cabinet .

In a decree issued on Tuesday, the mufti said offering namaz with Bukhari was un-Islamic. "Those with trimmed beards are not allowed to lead a session of namaz. According to the Islamic law, one should have a handful of beard."

"Otherwise too, his activities are against Islam. Instead of thinking for the community, he prefers giving benefits to his relatives."

15 July 2012: Regular officers and members of the "morality police" raided 87 cafes and restaurants in a single district of the capital Tehran on Saturday and arrested women for flouting the Islamic dress code, according to the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA).
"These places were shut for not following Islamic values, providing hookah to women, and lacking proper licenses," said Tehran police official Alireza Mehrabi, according to ISNA. Women are not allowed to smoke hookah, water pipes, in public.

27 Dec 2012: ABF has documented long history of unfair #DeathPenalty trials for Sunni Iranians, eg Bahram Ahmadi

15 May 2013:
  مئی کے الیکشن میں حصہ لیکر پوری پاکستانی قوم نے اللہ کی ربوبیت کا انکار کیا ہے، علامہ سید جواد نقوی

31 May 2013:
مرجع عالیقدر آیت اللہ العظمیٰ محمد تقی بہجت کی برسی کی تقریب سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے مولانا امیر حسین جعفری نے کہا ... مچھلیاں سمندر میں بھی دین کے طالبعلم کے لئے دعا مغفرت کرتی ہیں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ آج ہمارے منبروں سے علماء کرام کی توہین انتہائی افسوسناک امر ہے۔ علی ابن ابیطالب علیہ السلام کے نمائندوں کا مزاق بھی اڑایا جاتا ہے اور اس پر علی (ع) کا نعرہ بھی لگایا جاتا ہے۔ ایسی مجلس و محفل پر حسین (ع) راضی نہیں ہیں۔ ایسی مجلس کو ہم مجلس حسین (ع) اور ایسے منبر کو ہم منبر رسول (ص) نہیں کہہ سکتے۔ تقلید کا مزاق اڑانے والوں کے گھروں میں ہندوانہ رسومات پر شد و مد سے عمل کیا جاتا ہے۔ شادی بیاہ کے موقع پر رسم و رواج کے نام پر شریعت پامال ہونے پر ہم پریشان کیوں نہیں ہوتے۔

مولانا امیر حسین جعفری نے کہا کہ آج دنیا کے گوش و کنار میں مرجع عالیقدر آیت اللہ العظمیٰ محمد تقی بہجت کو خراج تحسین پیش کیا جارہا ہے۔ ان ہستیوں نے کردار کی طاقت سے دلوں پر حکومت کی۔ امام زمانہ (ع) کے دیئے ہوئے نظام سے دنیا کو اپنا گرویدہ بنایا۔ نظام ولایت فقیہ کی مخالفت کرنے والے کا مذہب شیعہ سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ہے۔ نظام ولایت فقیہ، یعنی حکومت اسلامی امام زمانہ (ع) کا دیا ہوا نظام ہے۔ امام زمانہ کی نصرت اور امام(ع) کاسپاہی بننے کے لئے ہمیں ان کے نظام یعنی نظام ولایت فقیہ سے منسلک ہونا پڑے گا۔

3 June 2013: No official statistics are available, but human rights groups estimate that the Iranian authorities currently hold at least 10 women and men who face possible execution by stoning on adultery charges. At least 70 people have been executed by stoning in Iran since 1980. The last known execution by stoning was in 2009.

28 Sep 2013: Iran has the world's highest rate of execution by stoning. No one knows how many people have been stoned but at least 11 people are in prison under sentence of stoning, according to an Iranian human rights lawyer, Shadi Sadr.
Sadr, who has represented five people sentenced to stoning, said Iran carried out stonings in secret in prisons, in the desert or very early in the morning in cemeteries. "Pressure from outside Iran always helps. The Islamic Republic pretends that they don't care about their reputation, but they do care a lot," added Sadr, who lives in exile in Britain.
In 2010, the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman sentenced to death by stoning for alleged adultery, caused international outcry. The authorities have suspended her sentence but she remains in prison. Officials withdrew stoning from a new draft penal code last year, but have since reinserted it.

19 Oct 2013:
مجلس وحدت مسلمین پاکستان کے جنرل سکریٹری حجت الاسلام راجہ ناصر عباس جعفری نے عید الاضحی کے موقع پر سر زمین قم پر تحصیل علم دین میں مصروف پاکستانی طلاب و افاضل سے ملاقات کی ۔

انہوں نے اس ملاقات میں یہ کہتے ہوئے کہ جو لوگ نظام ولایت فقیہ کے بارے میں شکوک اور شبہات رکھتے ہیں وہ عملاً سیکولر، فاشسٹ، استکباری اور غیر اسلامی نظاموں کو اپنی زندگیوں میں قبول کر لیتے ہیں کہا: نظام ولایت فقیہ، زمین پر خدا کا نظام حکومت ہے ، نظام ولایت فقیہ عقل اور نقل دونوں طریقوں سے ثابت ہے اور صرف جن کے پاس عقل نہیں ہے، ان کو اس بارے میں شک رہتا ہے۔

27 Jan 2014: Freedom House has condemned the execution in Iran of acclaimed poet and activist Hashem Shaabani.
The watchdog said Shaabani, 32, was put to death on January 27.
An Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal reportedly had sentenced the poet to death, along with 14 others, last July on charges that included "waging war on God."


11 Feb 2014: Baghdad headquarters of the Al-Sabah Al-Jadid newspaper bombed, five days after it published a much criticized cartoon of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei. The explosion caused a great deal of damage but no injuries.

21 Feb 2014:
منکر حکم قصاص مرتد است

 آیت الله سید محمد شاهچراغی ظهر امروز در خطبه‌های آئین سیاسی عبادی نماز جمعه این هفته سمنان که با حضور پرشور مردم مؤمن و خداجوی سمنان و مسئولان استان و شهرستان در مسجد امام خمینی (ره) سمنان برگزار شد اظهار کرد:  منکر قصاص در واقع منکر قرآن و آیات الهی است.
وی با اشاره به مرتد خواندن یکی از منکران حکم الهی قصاص توسط امام خمینی(ره) تصریح کرد: قصاص زندگی است و در آیات قرآن بسیار به آن تأکید شده است.

25 Feb 2014:
http://mojahedin.org/linksen/1593 On Wednesday, 26 February 2014, Iranian regime henchmen brought a death row youth to a public execution in the city of Karaj. The youth wished to see his mother as a last request, yet the stonehearted State Security Forces denied his request. The youth resisted and stood on his request yet the SSF units attacked him and eventually performed the execution.

11 April 2014: Kadhem al-Haeri, a cleric who has close ties with the Islamic Dawa Party and the Iranian regime, issued a fatwa March 30 banning the election of secular candidates in the upcoming elections. Large banners were hung in many areas of Baghdad and included a picture of the marja (spiritual guide) and the signature of the party’s office. The banners read: “It is forbidden to elect secular candidates.”
Many threats have been leveled by extremist groups against prominent figures in the civil movement. Among those threatened are Fatima al-Bahadli, a feminist activist from Basra, and Saad Salloum, an academic and journalist. The latter brought his human rights and minority rights activism to a halt after he was threatened through letters, phone calls and messages on social media.

27 May 2014:
On 27 May 2014, 12 information activists in several cities were sentenced by the regime’s revolutionary courts to a total of 135 years in prison for social-media activities.
On 28 May 2014, journalist Saba Azarpeyk was arrested. Her family does not know the charges against her or where she is being held. A reporter for the monthly Tejarat-e-Farda and Etemad, a daily paper, Azarpeyk was taken into custody at her office by intelligence ministry agents in civilian clothes. Azarpeyk had been one of the victims of “Black Sunday” a repressive operation in January 2013 against media workers in which 19 journalists were arrested.
According to the Khaibaronline website, which is close to conservative hardliners and intelligence agencies, the journalist was “conducting enquiries concerning media of the Revolutionary Front” – a term used to designate conservatives aligned with the Supreme Guide.
This arrest takes place against the backdrop of a fierce conflict between rival factions within the regime. The factions and their intelligence arms finance and direct their own media organizations. These are hate media, used as weapons in power struggles and to aid in the repression of independent journalists and civil society activists. They enjoy complete impunity.
In addition, the intelligence ministry and the Revolutionary Guard create counterfeit websites with critical content or insults directed at the regime and its leaders. The purpose is to trap web users by inciting them to post commentaries.

4 June 2014: Criticism also came from hard-line clerics, who used their May 30 Friday Prayers sermons as a platform to speak against Rohani.

During Tehran's Friday Prayers, Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said it was the state's duty to guide people to heaven. "The mission is to smooth the path to heaven, therefore the government is duty bound to pave the way to lead people to heaven," the hard-line cleric said.
Ayatollah Alamolhoda, the Friday Prayer leader of the city of Mashhad, also criticized Rohani in his sermons. "We will stand against all of those preventing people from reaching heaven with all of our force, not only with a whip," he said.
Hojatoleslam Hamid Rohani, the founder of the Islamic Revolution Documentation Center, also blasted Rohani. "Why does the president say no one should be sent to heaven by the lash? The majority of people have voted for the establishment and said that religious rulings should be enforced," the cleric was quoted as saying by Iranian media.
He added that those who speak out against lashing citizens to lead them to heaven are bent on creating "chaos" in the country.

July 14, 2014: Two men were flogged in public in the south-central Iranian city of Shiraz for eating during fasting hours in the holy month of Ramadan.
Fasting in Ramadan is considered a religious duty for Muslims.
The police chief of Iran's Fars Province, Ahmad Ali Goudarzi, was quoted by Iranian media on July 13 as saying that each of the men received 80 lashes.

23 July 2014:  An Iranian judge sentenced a Christian man to have his lips burnt with a cigarette for eating during the day in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
The barbaric punishment was carried out in public in a square in the city of Kermanshah.
Five other Muslim men were also flogged in public with 70 lashes for not fasting during Ramadan, the city's deputy governor Ali Ashraf Karami said.

22 Sep 2014: Eleven people have reportedly been arrested in the southern Iranian province of Shiraz after allegedly sending insulting SMS text messages about Islamic republic founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

2 Dec 2014:
It's aimed at children, but instead of princes and princesses, fairies and magicians, the heroes of Lebanon's "Mahdi" magazine are the "fighters who fell resisting the Israeli enemy".
Produced by Lebanon's Hezbollah movement for the last 11 years, Mahdi aims to teach a new generation the militant Shiite group's ideology of "resistance" to the Jewish state.
Packed full of stories inspired by the lives of Hezbollah militants, its cartoons represent bearded fighters and its puzzles teach children how to avoid Israeli landmines.
One recent edition of the magazine featured stories set in the three decades when Israel occupied southern Lebanon.
One told of a fighter who detonated a bomb against an Israeli patrol in his occupied village, another of a "hero" Amer, who confides in his mother that he will participate in "a martyrdom operation".
Amer blows himself up, killing and wounding 25 Israeli officers and soldiers, and his name is not revealed until 2000, when Nasrallah praises his bravery.
Hezbollah's strong Iranian influence is also reflected in the magazine, with the Islamic republic's founder Ayatollah Khomeini hailed in its pages in a feature on "the best leaders".
Critics have said the magazine exposes children to violence and teaches them that their identity as Shiite Muslims takes precedence over being Lebanese.

15 Jan 2015: Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani has met with a group of members of the organizing committee for a commemoration of the life of the martyr Sayyed Navvab Safavi, emphasizing that Iran needs to revive the culture of jihad in society.
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani appreciated the committee’s commemoration and plans to build a monument to acknowledge the commendable efforts of Shahid Navvab Safavi, who founded the Fedayan-e Eslam group and was martyred by the Shah’s brutal regime in 1955.
“Shahid Navvab Safavi had a great prominence and we must pay attention to his life and actions and propagate them to the people,” Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani explained.
He added that Shahid Navvab Safavi is a great role model for Iranians and they should act as he did so that they too can become role models.
One of the characteristics of Shahid Navvab Safavi, who’s birth name was Sayyed Mojtaba Mir-Lohi, and the Fedayan-e Eslam group he founded, was the existence of members like Sayyed Abdol-Hoseyn Vahedi, the group’s second-in-command. It was said that he was a great speaker who attracted the admiration of many sources of emulation, including Ayatollah Mohammad-Baqir as-Sadr.
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani explained that for several years the Islamic Republic of Iran has been suffering from the pressures exerted by the oppressive enemies but the Iranian people do not have a sense of resistance and jihad like they used to. “By his resistance against the oppressor of his time, Shahid Navvab Safavi awakened the people by both armed and spiritual resistance,” he explained.
The renowned source of emulation emphasized the importance of jihad in Islam, stating that there are many narrations which explain this Islamic duty, saying: “Islam describes jihad as an honour and gives many recommendations about the jihad and narrations also state that the mujahidin [those who perform jihad] will enter paradise along with their weapons on the Day of Judgement and the angels will welcome them. For this reason, Shahid Navvab Safavi revived Islam.”

25 Jan 2015:
آیت الله نوری همدانی : سیکولر فکر کی اسلام میں کوئی جگہ نہیں ہے


 March 6, 2015: An Iranian man who permanently disfigured another in an acid attack has had his eye gouged as punishment.
The man, only identified as Hamid S., poured acid over victim Davoud Roshanaei in 2005, causing him to lose an eye and an ear.
An Iranian court sentenced him to qesas, 'retribution in kind' and he has now had his eye and ear surgically removed at a prison in Karaj, 
A team of doctors then removed his left eye, but postponed the removal of his right, state-owned Hamshahri newspaper reported according to the New York Daily News.

7 April 2015: A senior Iranian cleric who acted as a peace broker over the Salman Rushdie affair has said that Britain should outlaw "Islamophobic" films and video games if it wants to prevent its Muslim youngsters becoming radicalised.
The warning has come from Ayatollah Salman Safavi, a long-time confidante of the regime, who conducted back channel talks between Britain and Iran in the wake of furore over Mr Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses in 1989.

23 April 2015:
برطانوی مسلم انتہاء پسند مبلغ انجم چودھری نے فتویٰ دیا ہے کہ تمام مسلمان ارکان پارلیمنٹ اور ووٹر مرتد اور کافر ہیں۔ ٹویٹر پر انہوں نے ایک پیغام میں الیکشن میں ووٹ ڈالنے کے عمل کو خلاف اسلام قرار دیا اور کہا کہ یہ اسلام کے خلاف ایک گناہ ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ پارلیمنٹ مذہبی قوانین کی خلاف ورزی کرتی ہے کیونکہ واحد قانون ساز صرف اللہ ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ برطانیہ میں جو بھی مسلمان پارلیمنٹ کا الیکشن لڑرہے ہیں یا جو مسلمان ان میں ووٹ دیتے ہیں، وہ مرتد ہیں یعنی انہوں نے اپنا عقیدہ چھوڑ دیا ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ جو بھی مسلمان ایسا کرتا ہے وہ اس بات پر یقین نہیں رکھتا کہ اللہ ہی واحد قانون ساز اور کمانڈر ہے اور یوں وہ کافر ہوجاتا ہے۔ انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ مسلمان کسی ایسے امام کی پیروی نہ کریں جو کہتا ہے کہ ووٹ ڈالنا مذہبی طور پر جائز ہے۔ یاد رہے کہ انجم چودھری برطانیہ میں کالعدم تنظیموں ”اسلام فور یوکے“ اور ”المہاجرون“ کے سربراہ ہیں۔ وہ ان دنوں برطانیہ میں مسلمانوں کو ووٹ ڈالنے سے منع کرنے کی مہم چلارہے ہیں۔ واضح رہے کہ پاکستان میں بھی اہل تشیع حلقہ میں علامہ جواد نقوی وہ شخصیت ہیں کہ جو الیکشن میں حصہ لینے کو اللہ کی ربوبیت کا انکار قرار دیتے ہیں اور اس کو خلاف اسلام تصور کرتے ہوئے دین کیلئے نقصان دہ سمجھتے ہیں۔

29 April 2015: President Hassan Rohani sparked the debate when he addressed police commanders in Tehran on April 25.
"Police do not have a duty to enforce Islam," he was quoted as saying by Iranian media. "Police have a single task, which is to enforce the law."
That judgement, however, was not shared by the country's highest authority, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
In a speech posted on his website just a day after Rohani's comments, the supreme leader advised police that "your job is to serve society, the Islamic republic, and Islam's victory."
Khamenei's comments were front-page news for Kayhan, which suggested that Rohani's view was in violation of Islamic teachings.​
The ultra-hard-line daily argued that committing a “haram” act in private or public is considered a crime and, therefore, preventing that crime falls under the duties of law enforcement.
"Expressing these comments is wrong because our laws are nothing but Islam," said Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi. The prominent cleric said it was the duty of all citizens, police forces or otherwise, to implement Islamic laws.
He suggested that comments to the contrary could give a "green light" to the morally corrupt because it would signal to them that they can do whatever they want and the police will not interfere.
Another cleric, Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani, said he was "very worried" by Rohani's comments.
"Many young people were martyred, maimed, and taken captive, and their aim was to revive Islamic values and implement holy Islamic laws,” Golpayegani said of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani, meanwhile, blasted Rohani's remarks and noted that the constitution of the Islamic republic was based on Islamic criteria.

18 May 2015: Atena Daemi was sentenced to 7 years in prison for her FaceBook postings against forced hijab.... “Atena was convicted of ‘assembly and collusion against national security,’ and ‘propaganda against the state,’ for her opposition to forced hijab [female dress] through her Facebook posts, and her opposition to the capital punishment through participating in gatherings, as well as gatherings she attended to protest the situation of Kobane children [in Syria],” the source added.

21 June 2015:
Dadkhoda Salari, the prosecutor general in the city of Kerman said on Friday: “Any individual who eats or drinks in public places could face a prison term of 10 days to two months and 74 lashes,” the state-run Mehr news agency reported.
Another state-run news agency warned the public that special patrols have been stationed at streets and public parks in Tehran during the holy month of Ramadan to deal with those who drink, eat or smoke in public.
“The police will deal with those individuals who smoke, drink water and other liquids, eat a snack or food in public,” the state-run ISNA news agency reported.
Last year hundreds of Iranians were lashed in public under the medieval laws of the religious dictatorship which can sentence offenders to 74 lashes and two months in prison for eating during Ramadan.
At least 200 people were flogged in last year in the Iranian province of Qazvin for eating in public during Ramadan.
In 2014, Qazvin official Ismail Sadeghi-Niaraki acknowledged the scale of medieval punishments now being carried out within the regime under the rule of so-called 'moderate' president Hassan Rouhani.
He said: "Exceptional measures were taken by the judiciary in Qazvin province during the month of Ramadan to deal with those eating in public.”
"Over this period, 400 people were arrested and some were given warnings. Another 200 had their cases reviewed by the judiciary and the flogging sentence was carried out within 24 hours of their arrest."
Last year, a Christian man in Iran was sentenced to have his lips burnt with a cigarette for eating during the day in Ramadan. The savage punishment was carried out in public in the city of Kermanshah.

2015: On 28 June, authorities at the Central Prison in Mashhad, Khorasan Province, amputated four fingers from the right hands of two men sentenced for theft, apparently without anaesthetic.

13 July 2015: Failure to conform to the Islamic Republic's dress code, including wearing the mandatory black 'chador', or veil, causes women in Iran to become sick and suffer from illnesses in the intestines and stomach, a senior cleric of the Iranian regime has said.
"The state should make education of the chador mandatory right from the start, since this will allow school pupils to grow up with modesty and they will see its effects in society," said Seyyed Abolhassan Mahdavi, who holds the rank of Ayatollah in the regime and sits as a member of the Assembly of Experts, a clerical body of 88 senior mullahs who are tasked with appointing the regime's Supreme Leader.

Mahdavi, who is also the regime's Friday prayers leader in Isfahan, central Iran, and the Supreme Leader's representative in the Red Crescent, made the remarks on Monday in an interview with the state-run Fars News Agency.

Aug 2015:
[Iraqis] who took part in anti-government demonstrations in August 2015 still angrily recall the comments that Iranian officials made at the time. Hassan Firouzabadi, who was chief of general staff of the Iranian Armed Forces at the time, said that the leaders of the protests were not Muslims and that their goal was to overthrow the Muslim political parties of Iraq.

26 Oct 2015:  “In today’s modern world they have created an idol stretching across the entire earth in which they live, and from morning to night they are busy worshipping this idol which they have named modernisation and civilisation however in reality only the face of the idol has been changed,” the head of the Islamic Sciences Academy in Qom, Hujjat al-Islam Mir Baqeri, said.
“In order for us to become true monotheists we must connect to the Ahl al-Bayt. True monotheism is entering the house of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and journeying in this valley of light until we reach the very source of this light.”

Hujjat al-Islam Mir Baqeri pointed to the different level of polytheism: “A monotheist is somebody who has manifested the traits and characteristics of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, and on the opposite side polytheism is in the first level idol worship, on the second level to desire from and rely upon something other than God, and on the third level of polytheism are the tyrannical leaders that call people towards the idol worship.”

“If somebody seeks the true monotheism they must perform good deeds and not associate partners to God, because the understanding of the phrase ‘There is no God but Allah’ is that we must recognise polytheism and reject it – even the hidden polytheism – which according to traditions is more difficult to discern than a black ant on a black rock on a dark night.”

Regarding the role of the Infallible Imams in true monotheism, Hujjat al-Islam Mir Baqeri stated: “Polytheism towards God most certainly begins with rejection of the Wilayah of the Infallibles, because entering into the valley of the Infallibles is the same as entering into the valley of monotheism.”
“Our existence is similar to a plant seed and the infallible Imam is similar to the clouds which bring the rain, and the sun which shines upon us, and the sky which gives us shade, and the fertile earth from which we grow; therefore if we were to follow the Imam we allow ourselves to grow and reach perfection.”

In a fatwa issued on behalf of Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, the supreme Shiite religious authority in Iraq, it was said that he does not permit playing with the "Clash of Clans" video game app or selling it. In a Friday sermon on January 15, 2016, cleric Khdeir Al-Madani said, in response to a question posed: "Sayyed [Al-Sistani] does not permit playing this game or selling it." The sermon aired on the Iraqi Karbala TV.

Khdeir Al-Madani: "Karrar from Babil asks: 'Is there a problem with the game Clash (of Clans)?' Clash of Clans is a game you play on your cellphone. Sayyed (Al-Sistani) does not permit playing this game or selling it. Some people play this game, while others play it and sell it as well. Sayyed (Al-Sistani) does not permit either playing it or selling it."

May 14, 2015: Several books have already been confiscated from one of Iran's largest cultural events, the annual Tehran International Book Fair, which kicked off last week.
They include Why Nations Fail, a 2012 treatise by Daren Acemoglu and James Robinson that examines why some nations are rich while others are poor, and argues that "it is man-made political and economic institutions that underlie economic success" or failure.

August 24, 2015: "The Najaf Nationality Directorate, south of Baghdad, refused to grant a travel permit to civil activist and Iraqi citizen Intisar Alyawi al-Mayali July 5 because she appeared unveiled in the photo attached to her passport. This incident sparked outrage and highlighted once again the conflict between secularists and the conservative current typified by Islamist groups.

On Jan. 19, 2014, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani replied to an inquiry made by an Iraqi university student, seeking his opinion on the phenomenon of tabarruj in colleges and institutes. In a response published in various media outlets, Sistani said, “A woman’s spirit is not reflected in her tabarruj and ornaments, rather in her chastity and conservative appearance before other people.”
This statement by Iraq’s highest Shiite religious authority is widely considered an order that cannot be misinterpreted or contested. It is in line with the strict orders of the different religious authorities, such as Muhammad al-Sadr, who have all stated the necessity of wearing the veil. As a result, more women have agreed to wear the veil and niqab, a clear indication that religion and conservative thought are spreading in Iraqi cities for both Shiites and Sunnis.
In this conservative environment, “It has become commonplace to advise unveiled women to wear the veil,” said Najaf teacher Suha al-Tarihi, who chooses not to. “If they do not comply, sometimes this advice then becomes coercion to wear the veil. Some teachers in Najaf have been forced by the school administrations to wear the veil,” she told Al-Monitor."

14 Oct 2015: Poets Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Mehdi Musavi were sentenced to prison terms of 11 1/2 years and nine years after being convicted of charges that include "insulting sanctities."...Ekhtesari and Musavi were also each sentenced to receive 99 lashes for "kissing [the cheeks] and shaking hands with unrelated members [of the opposite sex.]" Shaking hands in public with unrelated members of the opposite sex is forbidden in the Islamic republic.

3 Jan 2016: Iran hangs a disabled man, Mehdi Ranjkesh.

22 Jan 2016:
پاکستان کی انقلابی شخصیت حجۃ الاسلام و المسلمین علامہ سید جواد نقوی کا جامعہ جعفریہ گجرانوالہ میں 22 جنوری 2016 کو نماز جمعہ کا خطبہ جس میں انہوں نے موجودہ حالات کا تجزیہ پیش کیا ہے:
الہٰی نظام ہی تنہا وہ نظام ہے جو اللہ تعالی نے مقرر فرمایا ہے جس نظام کے اندر نجات ہے اور وہ نظام امامت و ولایت ہے ،اس کا کوئی متبادل نظام نہیں ہے ۔یوں نہیں ہے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے اختیار دیا ہوا ہے کہ تمہاری مرضی ہے کہ نظام امامت اپنالو یا اس کا کوئی متبادل نظام اپنا سکتے ہو، اس کو کوئی متبادل نہیں ہے ، انسان ولایت خدا میں ہے یا ولایت طاغوت میں ہے 

23 Feb 2016:
An appeals court has sentenced Iranian filmmaker Keywan Karimi to one year in prison on charges of “insulting the sacred” and “spreading propaganda against the regime,” reducing his initial sentence of six years’ imprisonment.

Keywan Karimi, 30, said on Monday, February 22 that his prison sentence was reduced to one year, but he is still to receive 223 lashes as stipulated in the original sentence.

“I have no intention of leaving the country and I shall service the sentence,” he said, as quoted by the Times of India. “Even when I am in prison, I will make films.”

After almost two years of hearings, Karimi was found guilty on the propaganda and insult charges in connection with his documentary about political graffiti in Tehran, Writing on the City.  The film, which according to his lawyer had not been publicly screened, looks at how graffiti has changed in Tehran in recent years, particularly in response to political and social events.

Karimi was also sentenced to receive lashes as punishment for having “illicit relations” because he shook hands with a woman to whom he was not related.

26 Feb 2016: The entire adult male population of a village in southern Iran has been executed for drug offences, according to Iran’s vice-president for women and family affairs.
The matter came to light earlier this week after Shahindokht Molaverdi revealed it during an interview with the semi-official Mehr news agency in rare comments from a senior government official highlighting the country’s high rate of executions of drug traffickers.
“We have a village in Sistan and Baluchestan province where every single man has been executed,” she said, without naming the place or clarifying whether the executions took place at the same time or over a longer period. “Their children are potential drug traffickers as they would want to seek revenge and provide money for their families. There is no support for these people.”

5 March 2016: The revered professor in the Islamic Seminary of Qom explained that the separation of religion and the world would led to both of them going astray, saying: “On the one hand, monotheism, worship of God would turn into idolatry and on the other hand transactions would turn into usury, bribes, corruption and other vices.”
Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi noted that throughout history, Islam has seen visionary efforts by some scholars who sought to reform the corruption caused by the separation of religion and state, including Nasiruddin al-Tusi, who with divine wisdom, was able to fight both the Abbasids and the Mongols and laid the groundwork for divine rule.   http://alamolhoda.com/post/1921 https://www.kaleme.com/1394/12/21/klm-239298/ http://www.entekhab.ir/fa/news/257803 https://twitter.com/SAMRIReports/status/1005469140868624384 https://twitter.com/SAMRIReports/status/1005467439545683970 https://twitter.com/AmirTaheri4/status/707954011949948928 10 March 2016: #Ayatollah Alam Al-Hoda: Secularism was introduced by #Omar (2nd Caliph) against #Ali (4th Caliph) who opposed separating faith and politics

24 March 2016: Iran Supreme Court Issues Man Gouging of Eye Punishment. The date of implementation of the retribution sentence for Saman has not been announced by Iranian authorities.

2 April 2016:
علامہ امین شہیدی کا کہنا تھا کہ پاکستان کو لبرل سیکولر بنانے کی سازشوں کا ڈٹ کر مقابلہ کیا جائے گا، پاکستان اسلام کے نام پر بنا اور یہاں اسلامی نظام ہی نافذ کیا جائے گا۔ علماء نے اعلان کیا کہ ملک بھر میں تحریک نظام مصطفٰی چلائی جائیگی اور اسلام آباد کی جانب ملین مارچ بھی کیا جائیگا۔
علامہ سبطین سبزواری نے کہا کہ پاکستان میں اسلامی نظام کا نفاذ وقت کی ضرورت بن چکا ہے، مغرب پرست حکمران ملک کو بھی مغربی رنگ میں رنگنے کیلئے سازشیں کر رہے ہیں، یہی وجہ ہے کہ کبھی عجلت میں تحفظ نسواں کے نام پر خواتین کی تذلیل کروانے کا بل پاس کروا لیا جاتا ہے تو کبھی انسانی حقوق کے نام پر عوام کے حق پر ڈاکہ ڈالا جاتا ہے۔

14 April 2016: The Tasnim News Agency, which is close to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, recently put the question of buying and selling sperm, and the insemination of a woman with the sperm of somebody who is not her husband, to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Khamenei replied that such insemination by itself is not problematic, but that the resulting child “does not belong to the husband of the woman in question, but to the owners of the sperm and the egg.”
Ayatollah Ali Sistani, a leading Shia cleric in Iraq, says that insemination of a woman with the sperm of any man other than her husband “is definitely not allowed” unless the insemination is done in vitro, or outside the woman’s womb. He also believes that the child belongs to the sperm donor, and not to the woman’s husband.
The hardline Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi has also addressed the question. He says that insemination by a strange man “is banned by sharia and the resulting child is illegitimate.” But he suggests another way to use fertile sperm. “The only way to use the sperm of a strange man is for the husband to temporarily divorce his wife,” he says. “The woman enters into a temporary marriage with the said man, even if they do not meet in person. Then the sperm from the man is taken and is combined with the woman’s egg.  After the claim to the remaining time in the temporary marriage is relinquished [by the sperm donor] and the permanent wedding with the former husband is renewed, the fertilized egg is planted in her womb.” According to Shirazi, the child from this fertilization can only inherit from the woman and the sperm donor, not the woman’s husband.
Hassan Yousefi Ashkevari, a religious scholar, tells IranWire that Islamic jurists fall into contradictions because they lack specialized knowledge of the subject. He poses a question to such jurists: “When the sperm of the donor is transferred to the womb or the egg of a woman, it is a transaction like the selling of any other property, regardless of whether the seller has received money or has contributed it as a gift. How can the result of a transaction be considered the child of the seller with all the legal and religious consequences of a father-child relationship?”

7 April 2016:
 امین شہیدی :پاکستان کی  موجودہ حکمران جماعت عالمی استکباری ایجنڈے کی تکمیل کے لئے اسلامی جمہوری اقتدار کے مقابل لبرل اور سیکولر اقتدار کی ترویج میں کوشاں ہیں ، جس کی مثال حالیہ دنوں ممتاز قادری کی پھانسی اور تحفظ حقوق نسواں بل ہے ۔

8 April 2016: Mashhad Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Alamolhoda: "Bad hejab is a sin worse than embezzlement." #Iran

12 April 2016:
شیعہ علماء کونسل پاکستان کے مرکزی سیکریٹری نے کہا : جس طرح تمام مسالک نے مل کر تکفیریت کا مقابلہ کیا اسی طرح ہم سب مل کر اس لہر کو روکیں گے اور ان قوتوں کو جو ملک کو لبرلیزم کی جانب لیکر جارہی ہیں ان کو ناکام بنائیں گے ۔
حجت الاسلام عارف واحدی نے وضاحت کرتے ہوئے کہا : زنا بالجبر کے بل کا کیا معنی ہے پاکستان ایک اسلامی ریاست ہے زنا ایک جرم ہے زنا بالجبر پر قانون آئیگا زنا پر نہیں آئے گا یہ مغربی سوچ ہے پاکستان میں ایسا بل لانا پاکستان سے مزاق ہے اسلامی قوانین سے مزاق ہے 

18 April 2016: Tehran police chief Gen Hossein Sajedinia recently announced his department had deployed 7,000 male and female officers for a new plainclothes division ─ the largest such undercover assignment in memory.
Authorities say the division, which started work last week, will patrol major Tehran streets and intersections, policing transgressions including harassment against women and excessive car honking and engine noise.
Critics fear the unit's main focus, however, will be enforcing the government-mandated Islamic dress code, which requires women be modestly covered from head to toe.
Influential ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani alluded to those concerns about moral erosion during a recent Friday sermon in Tehran, saying that a woman driving without a veil "cannot be called freedom".

29 April 2016:

An Iranian woman was reportedly publicly flogged 100 times on Wednesday in the Iranian state of Isfahan for an alleged extramarital affair four years ago.

Iran’s state-run Serat News Agency first reported the incident, noting that the flogging was carried out in the city of Golpayegan. The woman, identified only by the initials S.T., is reportedly serving a 15-year prison term for the alleged murder of her husband in July of 2012; the 100 lashes had also been deemed part of her punishment at the time.

9 May 2016: Ayatollah Khamenei’s representative in Esfahan province of Iran, Ayatollah Sayyed Yousef Tabatabaeinejad noted the anniversary of the establishment of Iran’s Organization for Mobilization of the Oppressed (Basij) on the orders of the late Imam Khomeini and stated: “The Basij was established during the [Iran-Iraq] War and it also established a revolutionary spirit for the entire nation and it still has this revolutionary spirit."

The Supreme Leader’s representative in Esfahan province emphasized the fact that the revolutionary Islam is the same as pure Muhammadan Islam, saying: “Some say our Islam is not revolutionary Islam, but we must say to them that non-revolutionary Islam is the same as American Islam. Islam commands us to be firm against the enemies and be kind and compassionate toward each other and not be afraid of anything.”

15 May 2016:
Among English language books, Arshin Adib-Moghaddam’s A Criti­cal Introduction to Khomeini was banned. Remarkably, that book is a propaganda piece for the mullahs’ regime, written by a regime apolo­gist. However, the mere use of the word “critical” in the title next to the name of the revered founder of the Islamic Republic doomed the book.

12 June 2016: A Hindu octogenarian has been beaten black and blue in a rural Sindh district for eating during the fasting month of Ramazan
Gokal Das was having Biryani around 6pm on Friday when Ali Hassan Haidrani and his brother Mir Hassan threw the elderly man on the ground and beat him black and blue. “Haidrani, who is posted elsewhere, was on vacation in Hayat Pitafi village.” 

31 July 2016: opposition figures Mousavi, wife U prof Rahnavard & Karroubi have been under house arrest w/ being charged for 2000 days 
4 August 2016:
Iranian weekly Ya Lesarat al-Hussein (Those Who Want to Avenge the Blood of [Shiite Imam] Hussein) is once again in hot water — this time over a controversial headline about Iranian actors. On July 6, it ran a full page with pictures of actors next to their wives at the Hafez Film Festival, accompanied by a short piece titled “Who is the 'dayuth' [cuckold]?” The story goes on to explain that a dayuth — which is a particularly vulgar word in Persian — is a man who is oblivious to his spouse’s sexual relations with other men, in a seeming critical reference to the way the actors’ wives dressed.

On March 2, 2006, I was browsing the news when I came across an item about the publication of a sex-education calendar in Qom. The provincial Ministry of Guidance had published the calendar, which on every page carried Islamic sex advice. For example, it said “marry a virgin with big buttocks so you will have many children,” or “do not copulate in the afternoons so that your child will not be born cross-eyed,” or “if you eat zucchini with lentils you can engage in intercourse more,” or “feed frankincense to a pregnant woman because if the child is a girl she will have a fair face, plump legs and will grow to have a happy marriage.”
I briefly mentioned the calendar in the blog I was writing at the time: “This rubbish was printed in the official calendar of Qom’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance with the financial backing of the government. But we, a private newspaper, published a story about the gang rape of a girl, and for the past three months we have had to go back and forth to the court.”
This ended up creating all sorts of trouble. The real problem was the word I’d used, “rubbish.” The same day someone from the office of the Director General of Yazd’s Ministry of Islamic Guidance called me and referred to the words of Jafar Sadegh, the sixth Shia imam and an important theologian of the faith, as “rubbish.” I was not really aware that Imam Sadegh had said such things but they had the books to prove it.
A month later, in April of 2006, the newspaper was closed, with a thousand adverse financial consequence and regrets.

6 July 2016:  Moharebeh (Allah) literally means waging war against God, but under Article 279 of the penal code it is described as “drawing a weapon on the life, property or honor [referring to female members of one’s family] of people or to cause terror as it creates insecurity.” Article 281 of the penal code stipulates that the charge of moharebeh applies to bandits, thieves and smugglers who resort to arms and disrupt public security or the security of roads.
In addition, under Article 504, a mohareb (a person who commits moharebeh) includes anyone who effectively encourages combatants, or encourages those serving in the military to rebel, escape, surrender, or to disobey military orders with the intention of overthrowing the government or to defeat national forces fighting against the enemy. 
Punishment for moharebeh includes: hanging, crucifixion, amputation of the right hand and the left foot or banishment. The judge appointed to deal with moharebeh cases has discretionary powers to decide which punishment will be implemented.  

Farzad Kamangar, a Kurdish teacher and trade unionist who had never taken part in any armed activities, was executed on moharebeh charges in January 2014. Authorities executed journalist and civil rights activist Yaghoub Mehrnahad in July 2008 on the same charge. There are many more examples. 
Under Article 286 of the new penal code, a mofsed (a person who commits efsad fel arz) refers to a person who “commits crimes against individuals’ physical integrity, crimes against national security, causes disruption to the economic structure of the country, commits arson and destruction, distributes poisonous or dangerous substances, or runs corruption and prostitution centers.” The charge also refers to the scale of the damage done: the accused can be found guilty of spreading corruption if he or she “causes severe disruption to the public order of the country or causes extensive damage to the physical integrity of individuals or private and public property, or spreads corruption or prostitution on a large scale.” The punishment for efsad fel arz is execution. 

6 Sep 2016:
در اسلام لیبرال دموکرات مسلمان نداریم
آیت الله سید احمد علم الهدی در جلسه اول درس خارج فقه حکومتی با رد این ادعا که عده ای خود را لیبرال دموکرات مسلمان می دانند، آن را با اسلام قابل تطبیق نداست و گفت: اصل مسلم در لیبرال دموکراسی این است که حاکمیت حق مردم است، در حالی که براساس توحید حاکمیت حق خداست.
In Islam, we do not have Muslim liberal democrats
Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmed Alam al-Hadi, in the first session of the lesson of jurisprudence, rejected the claim that some consider themselves Muslim-liberal Muslims, he did not apply it to Islam, and said: "The fundamental principle in liberal democracy is that the rule of the people is right." , While on the basis of monotheism, the rule of God is God's. 

 اگر کسی گفت حاکمیت حق مردم است و توجهی به این نکته داشت که مردم را شریک خدا قرار داد می شود مشرک و اصلا موحد نیست. اگر گفتیم لیبرال دموکرات مسلمان، یعنی مشرک مسلمان. مگر می شود کسی مسلمان باشد و در همان حال مشرک هم باشد. فلذا ما نمی توانیم هر اندیشه ای را در جریان مدیریت جامعه قبول کنیم.
If one says that the sovereignty of the people is right, and that attention should be paid to the fact that people are made a partner of Allah, He is a polytheist and not at all alike. If we say, we are a Muslim liberal Muslim, a Muslim polytheist. If anyone is Muslim and at the same time he is a polytheist. Therefore, we can not accept any thought in the management of society.

5 Oct 2016: Some Iranian women have welcomed Paikidze's support for an issue they have long campaigned on.
"I have never experienced the freedom of not wearing a veil without the fear of the morality police," wrote artist and activist Atena Daemi in an emotional Facebook post.
Currently on home leave from a seven-year prison sentence, Daemi wrote that she was paying the price for challenging the law in Iran and posting a photo of herself without her headscarf.
"The judge told me that by opposing the headscarf I am opposing the Koran, that I have committed blasphemy and that I should be executed."

6 Oct 2016: Iranian authorities must immediately repeal the conviction and sentence of Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee, a writer and human rights activist who is due to begin serving six years in prison on charges including “insulting Islamic sanctities” through the writing of an unpublished story about the horrific practice of stoning, Amnesty International said today.
“The charges against Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee are ludicrous. She is facing years behind bars simply for writing a story, and one which was not even published – she is effectively being punished for using her imagination,” said Philip Luther, Research and Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International....
at least one woman, Fariba Khalegi, who was arrested in November 2013 and has been accused of alleged involvement in the murder of her husband, was facing death by stoning in Iran. 
“Khalegi was initially released without charges but was later charged with having a sexual relationship with her husband’s alleged murderer,” the report said. “On 15 October 2014, she was reportedly convicted of adultery and sentenced to death by stoning. On 27 January 2015, the supreme court reportedly upheld the sentence.”

9 Oct 2016:
فلسفه حماسه عاشورا نفی سکولاریسم است
The epic philosophy of Ashura is the negation of secularism

وی ادامه داد: برترین «معروف» حکومت حقه ای است که شایستگان زمام آن را بدست گرفته اند و عهده دار اسلام ناب نبوی است و بدترین منکر خلافت نااهلان و الگوی حکومتی غیراسلامی است. نخستین مولّفه سیاسی قیام امام حسین(ع)، تشکیل حکومت اسلامی بود.
مشاور استاندار آذربایجان‌شرقی در امور روحانیت دومین بعد حماسه عاشورا را نفی سکولاریسم دانست و تشریح کرد: معاویه و پسرش یزید عملاً تفکر «سکولاریستی» را رواج می دادند، امام حسین(ع) با قیام خونین خود نشان داد که مرز سیاست از دیانت جدا نیست و در اسلام بین این دو هم گرایی و هماهنگی وجود دارد./
He continued: "The most well-known is the trick by the rulers and takes away the pure prophetic Islam, and the worst deniers of the caliphate of the marriage and the pattern of a non-Islamic government. The first political component of Imam Hussein's uprising was the formation of an Islamic government.

The adviser to the governor of Azerbaijan in the affairs of the clerical organization described the second dimension of the epic of Ashura as a rejection of secularism, and explained that Mu'awiya and his son Yazid practically promoted "secularism". Imam Hussein (AS) showed with his bloody uprising that the boundary of politics was not separate from religion. And in Islam there is a convergence and harmony between these two.

27 Oct 2016: `Ahwazi human rights activists have reported the murder of a three-year-old girl, Raghad Abbas (pictured), who died instantly on being shot through the heart as she sat in the back of her parents’ car when Iranian security forces opened fire indiscriminately on the vehicle on Monday October 24th.
...As in November 2015, hundreds of Ahwazis protested after an unarmed 17-year-old Ahwazi boy, Ali Jalali, was shot dead during a raid by regime security forces on a popular street market in the city’s Al Nadha neighbourhood.

31 Oct 2016: 
Iran's Islamic Republic has arrested the organizers of a march last week near the tomb of the ancient Persian king Cyrus the Great that attracted thousands of people celebrating the country's pre-Islamic glory.
"The main leaders and organizers of this gathering who chanted unconventional slogans against the (Islamic Republic's) values have been arrested," said prosecutor Ali Salehi in the provincial capital Shiraz on Monday, according to Fars news agency.  
A senior Shi'ite cleric, Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani, denounced the gathering and its participants on Sunday.  
"These people are against the Revolution. I wonder how they can gather around Cyrus's tomb and chant the same slogans (about Cyrus) that we chant about our supreme leader," Fars quoted him as saying. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has both the highest religious and political power in Iran.

8 Nov 2016: An Iranian thug has been blinded as punishment for throwing acid in the face of a four-year-old girl who then lost her sight.  

17 Nov 2016:
Iran’s authorities have used crude propaganda tactics to dehumanize death penalty victims in the eyes of the public and divert attention away from the deeply flawed trials that led to their death sentences, said Amnesty International in a new report published today.
Broadcasting injustice, boasting of mass killing highlights how the Iranian authorities embarked on a media campaign following the mass execution of 25 Sunni men accused of involvement in an armed group on 2 August 2016, by flooding state-controlled media outlets with numerous videos featuring forced “confessions” in an attempt to justify the executions.

25 Nov 2016:
کراچی: سندھ اسمبلی سے منظور ہونے والے اقلیتوں کے تحفظ کے بل کو علمائے کرام اور دینی اسکالرز نے آئین اور اسلام کے خلاف قرار دے دیا۔ علمائے کرام کا کہنا ہے کہ اسلام کے نام سے حاصل ہونے والے ملک میں غیراسلامی بل کو مسترد کرتے ہیں۔
مذہب کی جبری تبدیلی کے خلاف سندھ اسمبلی میں بل منظور ہوگیا۔چیئرمین رویت ہلال کمیٹی اور ممتاز عالم دین مفتی منیب الرحمان کا کہنا ہے کہ یہ بل آئین کے خلاف ہے۔اسلام اپنی خوشی سے قبول کیا جاتا ہے جس پر پابندی نہیں لگائی جاسکتی۔
علامہ امین شہیدی نے بل کو اسلام، انبیا اور قرآن کے خلاف قرار دے دیا۔انہوں نے یہ تک کہہ دیا کہ بل کی منظوری سے لگتا ہے کہ ہم کسی کٹر ہندو معاشرے میں رہ رہے ہیں۔
معروف اسکالر علامہ زبیر احمد ظہیر نےبھی سندھ اسمبلی کے بل کی مخالفت کردی۔وفاق المدارس کے سیکرٹری قاری حنیف جالندھی کا کہنا تھا کہ وہ اس بل کو مستر د کرتے ہیں۔

25 Nov 2016:
مصطفائی تحریک پنجاب کے صو بائی سینئر وائس پریذیڈنٹ ملک خالد مسعود گھنجیرا نے کہا کہ اقلیتوں کے حوالے سے سندھ اسمبلی میں پیش کیا جانے والا بل قانون ،شریعت اور آئین کے خلاف ہے ۔ 

26 Nov 2016:

اقلیتی بل کی منظوری قرآن و سنت کے منافی ہے ، علماء کرام

حکمراں مذہبی معاملات میں ٹانگ اَڑانے کے بجائے عوامی مسائل پر توجہ دیں، مفتی تقی عثمانی بِل آئین سے بھی متصادم، ہرگز قبول نہیں ، قاری عثمان، مفتی علیم قادری، صوفی حسین لاکھانی
 جمعیت علماء پاکستان کے مرکزی نائب صدر پیر طریقت مفتی محمد عبدالعلیم قادری نے کہا کہ اقلیتی قانون اسلام سے بیزاری کا ثبوت ہے ، قانون کو کارنامہ قراردینے والے بتائیں آخراسلام سے وہ بیزارکیوں ہیں؟ اگر ان کو پاکستان میں اقلیتوں کا لفظ برالگتاہے تو وہ اُس ملک میں چلے جائیں جہاں غیر مسلم اکثریت میں ہیں، ہمیں کوئی اعتراض نہیں ہوگا لیکن اسلامی نظریاتی مملکت خداداد پاکستان میں ایسانہیں کرنے دیاجائے گا۔ جماعت اہلسنّت پاکستان کراچی کے ناظم صوفی حسین لاکھانی نے کہا کہ سندھ کے حکمراں شریعت سے متصادم قانون بنا کر اپنی عاقبت خراب نہ کریں ، سندھ حکومت کو بل کے حوالے سے علماء سے مشاورت کر کے اعتماد میں لینا چاہیے تھا۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ یہ بل اسلام کی ترویج و اشاعت روکنے کے مترادف ہے ۔ کوئی بھی غیر مسلم اپنی مرضی سے جب اور جس عمر میں چاہے اسلام قبول کر سکتا ہے ۔ - 

26 Nov 2016:
اہلسنت کے 50 سے زائد مفتیوں نے سندھ اسمبلی میں پاس ہونیوالے تبدیلی مذہب کے بل کو غیر شرعی قرار دیدیا

26 Nov 2016:

سندھ اسمبلی سے منظور ہونیوالا اقلیتوں کے تحفظ کا بل شریعت کے منافی ہے، راغب نعیمی

26 Nov 2016:

جمعیت علماء پاکستان کے مرکزی سیکرٹری جنرل اور مرکزی جماعت اہل سنت کے نگران اعلیٰ شاہ محمد اویس نورانی صدیقی نے کہا ہے کہ پیپلز پارٹی نے مرحوم ذولفقار علی بھٹو کی قبر پر لات مار دی ہے اور وہ قانون پاس کروائے ہیں جو ان کے نام سے جڑتے بھی نہیں ہیں، اسلام قبول کرنے کی عمر کے حوالے سے شرعیت اور قرآن میں کوئی قانون نہیں ہے، یہ قانون بدبددار سیکولر قانون ہے۔
یہاں وہی قانون بنے گا جو قرآن و سنت کے مطابق ہوگا، قرارداد مقاصد اور آئین پاکستان کی بے حرمتی کے لئے یہ قانون ذہر قاتل ہے، جمعیت علماء پاکستان صوبہ سندھ کی مجلس مشاورت سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے انتہائی برہمی کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے جمعیت علماء پاکستان کے مرکزی سیکرٹری جنرل اور مرکزی جماعت اہل سنت کے نگران اعلیٰ شاہ محمد اویس نورانی صدیقی نے کہا ہے کہ حضرت علی کرم اللہ وجہہ الکریم نے فقط نو برس کی عمر میں اسلام قبول کیا، حضرت معاذ اور معوذ رضی اللہ عنہ نے کم عمری میں اسلام قبول کیا، سندھ اسمبلی اسلام دشمن قوتوں کا مرکز بن چکی ہے، اقلیتوں کو اکثریت کے مخالف کھڑا کیاجا رہا ہے تاکہ انتشار اسمبلی سے نکل کر سڑکوں تک آجائے، اسلام اقلیتوں کے تحفظ کا حکم دیتا ہے مگر اس کا مطلب یہ نہیں ہے کہ ہم قرآن کے مقابلے میں گیتا اور بائبل کو برابر سمجھ لیں گے، اس قانون کی منظور ی سے اسمبلی کی جماعتوں نے مذہبی قوتوں سے دشمنی مول لی ہے، تمام مذہبی جماعتوں نے ہمیشہ بین المسالک اور بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی کی بات کی ہے مگر اسلام قبول کرنے پر سزا کے قانون نے ایک لکیر کھینچ دی ہے اور تمام مسلمانوں کے دل میں خلش پیدا کردی ہے، پاکستان میں دیگر مذاہب میں لوگ داخل نہیں ہورہے ہیں۔
سب سے زیادہ تعداد میں اسلام قبول کرنے والے ہیں، ایسے میں اس قانون سے خیر کی امید نہیں رکھی جا سکتی ہے، شاہ محمد اویس نورانی صدیقی نے کہا ہے کہ شرابیوں نے شراب پر پابندی ختم کروا دی،ہو سکتا ہے کہ کل کوئی ہندو کھڑا ہو کر کہے کہ قانونی زنا کا اڈہ بھی کھولا جائے تو سندھ اسمبلی میں کوئی یہ کام بھی کر گزرے، یہاں چند خود غرض اور اسلام دشمن لوگوں نے اپنے خواہشات کے تقاضے کے لئے اقلیتوں کا سہارا لیا ہوا ہے اور اقلیتوں کو کسی بھی ایسے محاذ پر استعمال کرلیا جاتا ہے، جمعیت علماء پاکستان شراب اور اسلام قبول نہ کرنے کے قانون کے خلاف ہر محاذ پر جنگ کریگی اور سپریم کورٹ میں جائے گی۔

27 Nov 2016:
سندھ اسمبلی میں اسلام دشمن بل پاس ہونا سمجھ سے بالا تر ہے،صاحبزادہ شاہ اویس نورانی

27 Nov 2016:
The secretary-general of Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan (JUP) – Noorani, Shah Ovais Noorani, has said that his party will not accept the recently adopted bill banning forced conversion because it is ‘against the spirit of Islam’. The bill, the first of its kind in Pakistan, was passed in the Sindh Assembly recently to promote religious freedom and protect the rights of minorities.

28 Nov 2016:

سندھ اسمبلی کا اقلیتی بل انتہاپسندی کو ہوا دے گا، شاہ اویس نورانی

28 Nov 2016:
انجمن طلباء اسلام رہنمائوں محمد اکرم رضوی ،عامر اسماعیل ،طیب شیخ ،ملک خرم شہزاد۔اشتیاق احمد بھٹی ،ملک زبیر مصطفائی،طاہر سہیل مصطفائی نے سندھ اسمبلی میں اقلیتوں کے تحفظ کے نام پر منظور کیا گئے بل کو شریعت کے منافی قرار دیتے ہوئے مسترد کر دیا ہے ۔
3 Dec 2016:
The four detainees – Baktash Abtin, Fatemeh Sarhadizadeh, Mohammad Mehdipour and Mazdak Zarafshan – are being held in an undisclosed detention centre following their violent arrest yesterday.
They were among a crowd of some 100 people seeking to gather peacefully in Emamzadeh Taher Cemetery in Karaj, near Tehran, yesterday to commemorate the killings of prominent intellectuals and writers Mohammad Mokhtari and Mohammad Ja’far Pouyandeh by Ministry of Intelligence officials in 1998. The killings have never been independently investigated. The authorities reacted by deploying police vehicles and dozens of uniformed and plain-clothes law-enforcement officers to disperse the crowd and prevent them from entering the cemetery. 

Iran's prolific use of corporal punishment, including flogging, amputation and blinding, throughout 2016

Jan 2017: Iran public execution of a guy

Pictures of public hangings in Iran

4 Jan 2017:
Police in Canada are investigating allegations of hate speech by a local imam who called a publisher and its administration ‘devil’ and ‘kaafir’.
Professor Syed Badiuddin Soharwardy, an imam at a mosque, has been under investigation by the Calgary Police for spreading hate messages against a local publisher on a mass level through internet.
A number of people reported to the police that Soharwardy launched a malicious campaign against a local publisher (unnamed due to the sensitivity of the nature) with the support of his followers, provoking the public at large.

Jan 2017:  Iranian journalists Mustafa Barari and Arash Shoaa, from Gilan Noveen and Gilan No news websites, have received flogging sentences and a fine by the Revolutionary Court in Rasht city, north of Iran, following the complaint of one member of the Iranian Parliament over their publications.
The journalists, who were charged with “spreading lies” and “publication without a license”, now face 114 and 40 floggings as well as 1 million Rial (almost 30,000 Euro) fine for the charge of “insult”. They have appealed the sentences and both websites are still controlled by the authorities, media added.
Furthermore, another journalist received 40 lashes on 5 January in the city of Najaf Abad after a court found him guilty of inaccurately reporting about the number of motorcycles confiscated by police in the city, according to human rights groups. Last year, an appeal court sentenced journalist Mohammad Reza Tathi to 459 lashes last July for “publishing lies” and “creating unease in the public mind” through his writing.

22 Jan 2017: Iran has banned more than 160,000 social media accounts and websites in the past year arguing they were spreading “atheism and corruption”.

3 Feb 2017:
Iran's supreme court has ruled that a woman must be blinded in one eye as punishment for an acid attack that left her victim sightless, using the principle of "eye for an eye" of Islamic Sharia law, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on Thursday.

10 Feb 2017: Isfahan Friday prayer leader Yusuf Tabatabi Nejad: Anyone who doesn't comply with the Supreme Leader is not a Shia or not even a Muslim.

1 March 2017:
Hujjat al-Islam Ali-Reza Panahian expressed regret that society today has misunderstood religion and Islam hasn’t been properly propagated and added, “Today, they have introduced an essentially non-political religion or placed politics on the periphery, while the axis of religion is politics.”
....Hujjat al-Islam Panahian said that the idea of separation of religion is superficial thinking and is even considered as a mental illness
... He added if pilgrimage, supplicating and prayer was enough why did the Ahlul-Bayt engage in jihad? Why were the saints trying to build an Islamic state? Why did Imam Khomeini rise up? Was Lady Fatimah martyred by accident? Was the movement of Lady Fatimah and Imam Ali, who visited the homes of the Muhajirin and the Ansar, not political? Engagement in prayer, supplicating and pilgrimage isn’t sufficient.  

12 March 2017:
A jailed American-Iranian and his wife have been formally charged with hosting parties in Tehran, while another couple were given the death penalty for running a "cult", the Tehran prosecutor said on Monday.
No names were given, but the dual national and his wife are thought to be the high-profile owners of an art gallery in the capital that regularly hosted events for dignitaries and foreign diplomats prior to their arrest last summer.
The case "is related to a woman and man who provided alcoholic drinks, and encouraged corruption and debauchery by holding mixed parties," said prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi.
He said 4,000 litres of alcohol had been found in the basement of their building in northern Tehran.  
The couple are known to be members of the Zoroastrian religion, who are allowed to have alcohol for private use but are banned from sharing it with Muslims.
Dolatabadi also described a separate case of a couple who "by founding a cult and attracting individuals, were active in sexual deviation."
They were found guilty of "corruption on Earth", a charge introduced after the 1979 revolution that carries the death penalty. 
While President Hassan Rouhani has made good on his vow to improve ties with the West through a deal to curb Iran's nuclear programme, his promises to ease social restrictions at home have come to nothing. 
In January, Tehran's chief prosecutor said as many as 70 "spies" were serving sentences in the city's prisons - only a handful of which have been made public.

15 March 2017:  Marjan Davari, a 50-year-old researcher and translator, has been convicted of ‘spreading corruption on earth’ and sentenced to death by Branch 15 of Tehran Revolutionary Court. Charges such as ‘liaison’, ‘association and collusion against the state’, ‘membership in Eckankar religious group’ through translating their books, are also mentioned in court order. 

31 March 2017: Friday sermon by #Ayatollah Panahian: Without knowing it #Plato adopted Islam's lesson that democracy is subterfuge for making slaves of men

31 March 2017:  Friday sermon by #Ayatollah Panahian: Democracy means oppression of weaker elements of society and weaker nations;only #Islam can stop that.

April 2017: Al-Monitor obtained a copy of a letter that Ali al-Jalihawi, the imam of the Mahdi Mosque in Diwaniyah province, sent to Asaib Ahl al-Haq to express his solidarity with that group regarding the university incident.
“There is a violent tendency placed by the devil in the hearts of some Muslims, especially young people affected by globalization and Western thoughts," the letter said. "There is a movement fighting the Islamic [reform] path and we cannot remain silent on this. We all need to stand up against [the movement] until it disintegrates and disappears.”
On April 1, the Islamic Euphrates TV channel of the Supreme Islamic Council had aired a documentary that mentioned a fatwa of Mohsen al-Hakim, the former highest-level Shiite authority, who declared communists to be infidels in 1960. The Euphrates channel is owned by his grandson, Ammar al-Hakim, the head of the National Alliance political bloc, which is predominantly Shiite.

8 April 2017:  Ayatollah al-Najafi highlighted the importance of genuine Islamic thoughts as the result of Ahl-ul-Bayt's (as) doctrine and said, "The path to Jihad and martyrdom is open in Shia Islam; this is what is keeping our faith alive and dynamic."

18 April 2017: Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati said that religious minorities should not be allowed to run in Muslim-majority cities, claiming it would violate Islamic law and go against comments by the founder of the Islamic Republic, the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. 

4 May 2017:
تبصرہ: علامہ راجہ ناصر عباس جعفری
اس وقت عالمی سطح پر لیبرل ازم کی حامی قوتوں اور سلفی تکفیری قوتوں کے درمیان ایک ایسااسٹریٹیجک الائنس هے جسکی اساس اور بنیاد آئیڈیالوجیکل هے .یعنی ظہور امام عصر عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف کا راستہ روکنا هے .چونکہ ظہور امام عج سے یہ دونوں نظام جنکی روح صیہونی هے شکست کهائیں گے اور دنیا پر نظام مهدویت حاکم بو گا .اسی لئے ظہور امام کی حامی قوتوں کو اپنے اس ظالم ،فاسد اور وحشی اور حیوانی سسٹم کے لئے خطرہ سمجھتے هیں ، اور اپنی پوری طاقت، عیاری اور مکروفرہب کے ساتھ ظہور امام کی حامی قوتوں پر حملہ آور هیں 

لیبرل ورلڈ آرڈر جس زندگی کی طرف دعوت دیتا هے اسے امریکن یا یورپین لائف اسٹائل کہتے هیں جس کا سمبل لاس ویگاس هے .جہاں جوا هے اور شراب ،جہاں زنا هے اور هم جنس بازی ،آج هی جرمنی کی صدر اعظم انجیلا مرکل نے روسی حکومت سے کہا هے کہ هم جنس بازوں کے حقوق کا خیال رکهے ،ایسا نظام جس کا طبیعی نتیجہ یہ هے کہ بچے حرام زادے هوں.فیملی سسٹم نہ رهے ،پاک دامن اور عفت معاشرے سے ختم هو جائے .سنا هے کہ آل سعود کا شہزادہ بهی ریاض میں بے حیائی کا بڑا مرکز بنانے جا رها هے

7 May 2017:
It seeks to ensure, among other targets by 2030, that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
Iranian hardlineres say that implementing of the agenda paves the path for infltration of foreingeres and promoting western life-style and liberalism values in Iranian comunity.

14 May 2017:
An Iranian woman, who cheated on her husband, has been sentenced to lashes and two years of washing dead bodies in a morgue by a court in capital Tehran, a local news agency reported.

26 May 2017: #Iraq Shia Cleric Najafi draw attention of preachers to "Growing signs of #Atheism",ask authorities to close Restaurants on days of Ramadan.

June 2017:
According to RSF’s tally, at least 94 Internet users, mostly Telegram users, have been arrested since the start of 2017. In most cases, journalists and citizen-journalists arrested by the regime are charged with cyber-crimes or immoral acts.

Iran is ranked 165th out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2017 World Press Freedom Index.

1 June 2017:  Al-Hakeem calls for striking atheism in Iraq "with an iron fist"

11 Jun 2017:
ننماینده ولی فقیه در خراسان رضوی گفت: فرد سکولار کافر است زیرا منکر توحید ربوبیت می باشد اما چون 'لا اله الا الله' گفته، نجس نیست. نماینده ولی فقیه در خراسان رضوی گفت: فرد سکولار کافر است زیرا منکر توحید ربوبیت می باشد اما چون 'لا اله الا الله' گفته، نجس نیست.
Ayatollah Alam al-Hoda: : "The secular person is infidel because he denies the monotheism of God, but since he says 'la ila ha illa lillah', he is not ritually unclean.

15 June 2017: Iraqi MP Baligh Abu Kalal calls Jassem Helfi, an anti-corruption activist, an atheist and infidel.

22 June 2017:
During Ramadanreligious lectures in Shiite cities in Iraq's center and south — the main base of the Islamic parties — attacked the spread of secular and atheistic ideas, which are viewed as threats to Iraqi society.
Former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has extensive influence among the politically ambitious pro-Iranian factions within the Popular Mobilization Units military organization. He warned May 30 of a supposed dangerous conspiracy by secular and nonreligious movements to take power from Islamic parties and gain control for themselves.
Many atheists have been forced to flee Iraq because of harassment and threats. Jamal al-Bahadly, an atheist who is vocal about his views on social networking sites, said he received death threats from Shiite militias in Baghdad, forcing him to leave the country in 2015. He emigrated to Germany.
“As an atheist, I was deprived of the most basic civil rights in Iraq. I feel that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights does not include me and my fellow atheists in Iraq," Bahadly told Al-Monitor. Iraq voted in favor of the declaration in 1948 at the United Nations General Assembly.
Leaders of Islamic movements repeatedly say they've seen a rise in the number of atheists in Iraq. Their statements of concern fuel even more concern among the ruling Islamic parties, who fear a decline in their political power.

5 July 2017:
Several Islamic centers including the leadding Shiite center, Islamic Center of Hamburg, Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta al-Masriyyah, Egypt’s al-Azhar university and Turkey’s main Muslim authority, Diyanet condemned establishment of the Berlin’s liberal mosque.
Ayatollah Ramezani, Head of the Islamic European Union of Shiite Scholars and Theologians who is also Imam of Islamic Center of Hamburg said in reaction to establishment of Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque that it is deriding Islamic teachings.

July 2017:
In July 2017, four Pakistanis were executed in Iran after the authorities claimed that drugs were discovered in the truck that they were travelling in. This included a 10 year-old boy, whose only crime was to be in the truck at the time the drugs were discovered.
In the same month, another Pakistani national, who had been arrested at the age of 13 on similar charges, was executed following eight years in a Zahedan prison.

1 Aug 2017:

“I wear a headscarf despite being an atheist,” said Ms. Ahmed, who studies biology at the school, about 115 miles south of Baghdad. “It is difficult not to wear it in southern Iraq. Few women take the risk not to cover their hair. They face harassment everywhere.”
Her fears stem from the remarks of powerful politicians such as Ammar al-Hakim, the head of Iraq’s Islamic Supreme Council, a major Shiite political party and the president of the National Alliance, a Shiite parliamentary bloc.
“Some are resentful of Iraqi society’s adherence to its religious constants and its connection to God Almighty,” Mr. al-Hakim said on his party’s TV channel in May, claiming a rising tide of atheism was threatening the Arab world. “Combat these foreign ideas.”

23 Aug 2017:
آیت الله علم الهدی ادامه داد: این موضوعات برای کسی که خدا را قبول ندارد یا سکولار فرق می کند. سکولار، مسلمان نیست، اگر گفتیم کسی سکولار و مسلمان است مثل این است که بگوییم یک نفر مسلمان است اما عرق خوری و شرب خمر را حلال می داند.
Ayatollah Alam al-Hoda continued: These issues are different for anyone who does not accept God or secular. A secular is not a Muslim, if we say that someone is secular and Muslim, it's like saying that a person is a Muslim but he considers drinking alcohol to be halal.

4 Sep 2017: Iraqi Shia cleric Muhammad Mehdi al-Khalisi: Secularism is devil's horn and its followers are  atheists.

30 Sep 2017:
انسان عاشورایی از نظریات سکولار پیروی نمی کند
وی تصریح کرد: حکومت لُب سیاست است. انسان عاشورایی نمی تواند تز جدایی دین از سیاست را که رضاخان به دنبالش بود، قبول کند. امیرمؤمنان(ع) در روایتی فرمودند «الاِسلامُ والسُّلطَانُ العادِلُ أخَوَان، لا يَصْلُحُ واحِدٌ مِنْهُما إلاّ بصاحِبِهِ، الاِسْلامُ اُسٌ، والسُّلطانُ العادِلُ حارِسٌ، وَمَا لا اُسَّ لَهُ فَمُنْهَدِمُ، وَمَا لا حَارِسَ لَهُ فَضايعُ » یعنی دین اسلام و حکومت عادل دو برادر هستند که اسلام اساس آن بوده و حکومت اسلامی نگهبان این اساس است و آنچه اساس یا نگهبان نداشته باشد، از بین می رود.
آیت الله خاتمی با اشاره به الگوگیری انقلاب اسلامی ایران از نهضت سیدالشهدا(ع) افزود: امام راحل عظیم الشأن ما نیز بیش از 40 سال پیش فرمودند «اگر کسی دین را از سیاست جدا بداند، پیامبر اکرم(ص) و امیرمؤمنان(ع) را تکذیب کرده است.»
[Ayatollah Ahmad Janati]
One who follows Ashura does not follow secular views

He stated: "The government is the policy of politics. Ashurai can not accept the thesis of separation of religion from politics as pursued by Reza Khan. Amir al-Mu'minān (as) stated in a narration: "Islam and the Just Sultan are brothers, not one of them is suitable except with his companion, Islam S, and the just Sultan Hares, and what does not belong to him." The basis of this is that the Islamic Guardianship is based on this principle and that it does not have any basis or guardian.

Ayatollah Khatami referred to the model of the Islamic Revolution of Iran from the movement of Seyyed-ul-Shohada (AS), adding: "Our impatient, the great Lashhan, also wrote more than 40 years ago," If anyone separates religion from politics, he denies the Prophet (s) and the Amir al-mominen. "

26 Oct 2017: Mozgan Siami, Iranian-Azeri magazine editor, holds poster 'I keep religion away from politics'. Iranian authorities arrested her recently

22 Jan 2018:
Mullah being interviewed on state TV says those who insult mullahs must have their "tongues pulled out of their throats." #Iran #HumanRights

2 Feb 2018:
احمد خاتمی در نماز جمعه تهران: هرکس برعلیه حاکم عادل اسلامی قیام بکند، در فقه ما حکم باغی اعدام است
Ahmad Khatami: according to religious rules, the just sentence for those who “pour into the street against the righteous Islamic ruler” is the death penalty.

9 Feb 2018: Ayatollah Alam al-Hoda today: "The #Koran in Sura Towbah (Repenting) verse 120 makes it obligatory for all Muslims to march on 22 Bahman (11 February) in support of our Islamic Revolution and government."

11 Feb 2018: Thread on Iranian hardliners celebrating death of Asma Jahangir

13 Feb 2018: Karim Zargar, found guilty of "corruption on earth" for promoting neo-Sufi Eckankar beliefs, has been executed in Iran. Marjan Davari, another member of this mystical group, has also been sentenced to death and awaits execution.

27 Feb 2018: Grand Ayatollah Nasir Makarem Shirazi: Quranic verse "There's no compulsion in religion" is based on the principle that people's hidden beliefs are not changed. That does not mean everyone is free to DO anything and there is no red line.
حضرت آیت الله مکارم شیرازی با اشاره به تمسک برخی به آیه «لا اکراه فی الدین»  برای توجیه کارهای خلاف ابراز داشت: این آیه برای اصول اعتقادی است که نمی شود عقاید باطنی مردم را عوض کرد، لا اکراه فی الدین بدان معنا نیست که همه برای هرکاری آزاد هستند و خط قرمزی وجود ندارد.

17 Feb 2018: Ali Akbar Velayati, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's top adviser on international affairs, paid an official visit to Iraq from Feb. 15-18. ...
“We will not allow liberals and communists to govern in Iraq,” Velayati said during a speech Feb. 17 at the Founding Conference of the Iraqi Assembly of Islamic Unity in Baghdad.

25 Feb 2018:
صدیقی: حکم مقابله با ولی فقیه اعدام است
TEHRAN- Ayatollah Kazem Sadiqi: In Islam punishment for opposing the "Supreme Guide" (Wali al-Faqih) in any form and on any issue is either death or the cutting of both feet and hands. His clemency so far  must not be taken for granted.
(You've been warned!)

4 Mar 2018:
Amir al-Kufaishi (Iraqi cleric) on @Afaqiraqtv (run by #Shia Dawa party) compares secularists to ISIS. "We eliminated ISIS with weapons but how do we eliminate secularists in universities who corrupt minds of our youth by propagating infidelity & atheism"
وكان الكفيشي قد قال خلال حلقة أسبوعية سابقة بثتها قناة "آفاق" الفضائية، "هؤلاء الذين أخذوا يفسدون عقول شبابنا وبناتنا في الجامعات والمؤسسات من أصحاب الفكر العلماني المتفسخ، الذين ينشرون مبادئ الكفر والإلحاد الشيوعية الكافرة، والمبادئ القومية الشريرة والمدنية التي يتحدثون بها ليل نهار".
"Those who have been corrupting the minds of our young men and women in universities and institutions of decadent secularists who propagate the principles of infidelity and infidel atheism, and the evil and civil principles that they speak day and night," Al-Kafishi said during a previous weekly broadcast by Afaq, .

11 Mar 2018:
Ayatollah Mohsen Araki: If someone prays and fasts but disobeys Mahdi, that worship is considered Satanic worship. Obedience to the Allah must be done through obedience to Supreme Leader (Khamenei), otherwise it won't be acceptable.

11 Mar 2018:
Iraqi security forces in Dhi Qar province (South Iraq) are pursuing 4 atheists who are accused of holding meetings to spread atheism.

28 Apr 2018: #Rahmanian, editor of a reformist newspaper @SharghDaily, is arrested for insulting women of Mashhad city after he published a report about prostitution in the city's suburbs. ...
Mashhad’s hardline prosecutor is known for a comment in which he had said “prosecutors are only a bit less authoritative than God.”

The father and paternal grandfather have full authority over the children who have not yet reached the age of puberty.
When a child reaches the age of puberty, then there are three different situations:
(a) a child who is baligh but not mentally mature: in this case, the father and the grandfather still have their authority over him or her. Such a child cannot take a decision on marriage without the approval of the father or the grandfather.
(b) a male child who is baligh and also mentally mature: in this case, he has full right to decide about his own marriage.
(c) a girl who is baligh and mentally mature: There are four different opinions on this issue.28 But the majority of the present mujtahids say that in her first marriage, a baligha and mentally mature girl cannot marry without the permission of her father or grandfather. And if such a girl had already married before. then she has full right to decide for herself in the case of her second marriage.29
This law is in place to act as an extra protection for the honor of a teenage girl. However, if the father or grandfather refuses to give his consent to a proposal of a suitable man, then a religious judge can over-ride the decision of her father or grandfather. Similarly, if the father or grandfather is inaccessible, then there is no need for his permission.

A man is allowed to see without hijab the woman whom he intends to marry. However, this permission is just for the man or the woman to see the prospective spouse once;30 it is not a perpetual license to go out together! I strongly recommend that such a meeting should take place with the supervision of the parent or the guardian.

Question: Is it haram for me to go to to a gym ( a training center for body builders) where women and men both can sign up for training there? It is nearly impoossible to find a gym that is only restricted for men, here in Scandinavia (Denmark). How should I act?
Answer: It is not allowed.

Question: Are we allowed to adopt children and consider them as our own children?
Answer: It is permissible for a person to adopt a child and taking care of a deserving child is earns the individual reward, but the child is not considered his son or daughter; the child remains a stranger (non-mahram) to him or his wife and he or she does not inherit the person who has adopted him or her. Adoption in the sense to change a child's name and register him in his ID card as his own child is not permissible. It is not permissible to change the child's father name.

Question: What is the stance of Islam in regards to adopting children and if a child is with the family from his or her early days and develops a bond, do the laws of Mahram and Non-Mahram still have to be observed?
Answer: Adoption in the sense of claiming a child as your own son or daughter and getting an ID card for him or her in your name is not permissible. However, there is no Ishkaal (objection) in taking care of a child, raising him or her and showing love and care which is rather good but the child's lineage has to be preserved. In addition, developing a bond does not cause Mahramiyat. The child should be informed about it and if he cannot inform the child, he should record it somewhere or ask someone to bear witness that he/she is not his child.

Islam allows adoption of children - the Holy Prophet (S) adopted Zaid bin Thabit.  However, the child will not inherit the parents. And the child is not Mahram to both parents the way the natural child would be. 


Q17: Should a believer sever his kinship ties with his female relatives if they insist on not wearing Hijab when they leave the house? Should one do the same with his relatives in general if they insist on drinking wine, abandoning the daily prayers or the like?
A: Yes, it is permissible to cut the ties with them; actually, it is obligatory if by doing so he is forbidding evil when its conditions are fulfilled.

Q20: If shaving the beard is common in a society, so a barber cannot refuse to shave it, is this profession still permissible for making a living?
A: A society's convention does not change the ruling of the Sharia. The prohibition of shaving the beard remains as it is. Therefore, one who is not allowed to shave his beard, the barber is prohibited from doing so for him, and the money he receives for shaving it is unlawful.
Q21: Is it permissible to take payment for shaving Muslims' beards:
A.                If the individual has a valid excuse – like fear, illness and the like – for shaving the beard?
A: He may do so and may receive his fees for it.
B.                 What if he is not excused for shaving the beard?
A: It is not permissible and the fee is unlawful.
Q22: Is it permissible to receive the fee if the one having his beard shaven is non-Muslim?
A: Shaving the beard of a non-Muslim is not permissible. If a Muslim does so, he does not deserve the fee for it. But he can take it from him without an intention to form a Sharia-recognized transaction.
Q23: Should the barber find out if the one who is having his beard shaven is a Muslim or a non-Muslim, excused or not, if he does not know?
A: A barber is not permitted to shave anyone's beard except after his knowledge that he is permitted to do so and that he is excused for doing so, and one’s faith has nothing to do with it.

Question: Can I buy a building in which one of the tenants operates a liquor store or a pub?
Answer: You may buy the building but must terminate the lease of that particular tenant as soon as possible based on the agreement (i.e., immediately or at the renewal time).
It is haram to rent out a vehicle for transporting intoxicants.
It is haram to work for a company that produces such drinks, in any form of job: as a driver, worker, accountant, guard, typist, etc.
It is not permissible for a Muslim to sell or serve intoxicating drinks, or even to wash the glasses used for that purpose. Wages from such work are unlawful.

It is forbidden to make a complete statue or sculpture of a living being. However, there is no problem in buying or selling pictures of such statues or sculptures, even though it is makruh.
Making a sculpture of a limb by itself is permissible.
Of course, drawing, painting or carving a living being is permissible. Similarly, making statutes or sculptures of non­ living things like flowers or trees is permissible.
Sculpting, painting or drawing of living or non-living things or symbols that are used as objects of worship by other religions is not allowed. So making, buying or selling idols or religious symbols such as a cross would not be permissible.
Question ID  2448  -  Interaction in Social Life
"is it ok or forbidden or makrooh or haram to chat on whatsapp or Facebook with namahram women or men"

Answer:-  Chatting with non Mahram is not allowed in Islam unless it is a serious matter like seeking advice from a specialist or learning from your teacher etc.
Question ID  2032  -  Interaction in Social Life
is it permissible to talk or add friends who are female on facebook just because they are from the same class you are in and you have daily interactions with them?

Answer:-  No , it is not allowed to talk or chat or contact non Mahram unless there is a real need for religion or life.

Question: Is Kosher meat halal?

Answer: It is not halal.
Question: Are chickens slaughtered by Christians Halal?
Answer: They are not halal.

 Wearing a dress whose cloth, colour, or stitch, is not befitting to the status of a person, or is unusual for him, is haraam if it is undignified or humiliating. But if he offers namaz with such a dress, even if it is only enough to cover his private parts, his prayers will be valid.

 If a man wears the dress of a woman, or a woman wears the dress of a man, adopting it as a usual garb, as a precaution, this is haraam. But praying in that dress, in any situation, will not invalidate namaz.

It is not permissible to bury a deceased Muslim in the graveyard of non-Muslims, except if a section of that graveyard is specifically reserved for Muslims. Similarly, no non-Muslim can be buried in the graveyard of Muslims. When it is neither possible to get a grave for a deceased Muslim in the graveyard of Muslims, nor transfer the body to a Muslim country for burial in a Muslim graveyard, that deceased Muslim may be buried in the graveyard of non-Muslims.

A Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian or a Jewish woman in temporary marriage. Based on precaution, it is obligatory to refrain from marrying a non-Muslim woman in permanent marriage.A Muslim man is not allowed to marry, neither permanently nor temporarily a non-Muslim woman who is not among Ahlul Kitab. Based on obligatory precaution, a Muslim man must refrain from marrying a Zoroastrian woman, even temporarily. As for a Muslim woman, she is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim man at all. 

1153. It is not obligatory to give reply to the Salam said in jest, or the Salam of a non-Muslim man or woman who is not a Zimmi (an infidel living under the protection of an Islamic Government). And if he/she is a zimmi, it is sufficient, on the basis of obligatory precaution, to answer saying 'alayka' only.  

Question: Some schools in the West make it obligatory that their male and female students learn dancing. This dancing is neither accompanied by the common song, nor is it for entertainment; it is part of the educational curriculum. So, is it harãm for the parents to allow their sons and daughters to attend such classes? 
Answer: Yes, if it contravenes the religious upbringing. Rather it is, based on obligatory precaution, forbidden absolutely, if the student has reached the age of maturity — except if he has a valid reason for approving of it; for example, if he follows a mujtahid who allows it. In the latter case, nothing prevents him from allowing his child to take part in [such activity].

A female is not permitted to touch a ghayr mahram man, which is inevitable in washing and examining. The questioner should avoid contact with male patients while training as a nurse.

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