Friday, December 16, 2016

Regressive Ahmadism
20 Jan 1990: But the men around the table, despite being victims of persecution, with 185 of their own texts proscribed, have no conception that tolerance is a good idea. They cannot understand my jokes, and I cannot understand their logic. What is it about Islam that makes its members demand to be taken so seriously, whilst at the same time talking rubbish? In Ireland one of their leaders insisted that eating pork makes you homosexual. I am constantly hearing from them that women have to be veiled, as the alternative is to see them made into playthings. It seems that Muslims think no outsider can judge them on their words, because no one else has the authority to do so. They live in a kind of overgrown boy's Wendy House, impervious to the complexities of the big world outside.


Jewish British Bankers World Government, Freemasonry, Protocols of the elders of Zion: Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad explains his view on the New World Order conspiracy, seeking to control the whole world through corruption, immorality, starvation, fear and ignorance. Zionism as explained in the book 'Waters Flowing Eastward' is reviewed. The late Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad was the leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

Furqan Force (Jihad)
Ahmadi view on Furqan force and jihad
Extract from page 116 of the book "From Sufism to Ahmadiyya: A Muslim Minority Movement in South Asia" By Adil Hussain Khan.
Personal account of a Furqan Force volunteer


Thus in on 22 September 1895, Ahmad published a circular demanding that the government amend Indian Penal Code 298 to make blasphemy against any religious founder a punishable offense. In 1927, Ahmadis took the lead in agitating against publication of the book Rangila Rasul by its Hindu author Raj Pal and demanded that it be banned. This included legal action by the movement’s prominent member Sir Zafrullah Khan. Defense of the honor of the Holy Prophet Muhammad has become such an integral part of the Ahmadiyya identity that Ahmadis have been at the forefront of demanding blasphemy laws around the world. Thus when he spoke to the parliament members, the current leader of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat demanded the same of the British government, “Governments need to make policies that establish and protect mutual respect, through which hurting the sentiments of others or causing them any type of harm should be outlawed.” 
Page 91-93 of the book "From Sufism to Ahmadiyya: A Muslim Minority Movement in South Asia" By Adil Hussain Khan. Ahmadis led the campaign against Rangeela Rasul publication.
[Ahmadis's view on Rushdie]"There can be no denying that this was not the work of Salman Rushdie alone. His very limited knowledge of Islam coupled with a totally un-Islamic upbringing, the huge financial backing to this project and the similarity with earlier literary attacks on the Holy Prophet(sa) and Islam, all point to a powerful conspiracy against the religion that is regarded as a threat to Western thinking and idealism. All the signs point to a conspiracy between the Jews and the Christians in collusion with a mercenary, or indeed a modern day Faust. It was as if this union or marriage was devised and made, not in Heaven, but in the other place !"

Jan 9, 2015:  Imtiaz Ahmed, an imam with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, said it should be against the law to publish cartoons that depict religious figures in a derogatory way.

“Of course we defend freedom of speech, but it has to be balanced. There has to be a limit. There has to be a code of conduct,” Ahmed said.

“We believe that any kind of vulgar expression about any sacred person of any religion does not constitute the freedom of speech in any way at all.”

Ahmed said there should be limits placed on freedom of speech to prevent the publication of offensive material. He says that seems to be the case for events such as the Holocaust. Members of the public denounce those who say the Holocaust never happened. 
11 Feb 2015: Tokyo-based publisher Daisan Shokan released a book on Tuesday containing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad previously published in the French satirical weekly paper Charlie Hebdo.
But a Muslim organization has maintained that printing the cartoons themselves is an affront to Islam.
A Pakistani Muslim living in Aichi Prefecture expressed regret over the publication at a press conference in Nagoya. "We cannot forgive any insult to the religion," said 36-year-old Anees Ahmad Nadeem, leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community's Japan unit and operator of an Islamic mosque in Tsushima in the central Japanese prefecture. 

Misogynist statements of Ahmadi caliphs
Ahmadi khalifa mocks Syeda Warsi, British Muslim MP for not wearing hijab.
In a Friday sermon in 2004 dealing with the “Relationship of Husband and Wife”, the Caliph, the Supreme religious leader, of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, said among other things the following (originally in Urdu):

If the woman continues in a rebellion only then you are allowed to punish her, not that at every little thing you slap her or you pick up the stick…”

The book “Islam on Marital Rights” by Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad, Chief of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission in East Africa, provides practical guidance for married couples. The following are excerpts from the book which appears on Ahmadiyya’s website:

Men have been allowed a degree of superiority over women… for the smooth running of family life, man has been made the head of the household and in that sense placed above the women…
The Duties of Women…
The wife’s second duty is that she should be obedient to and co-operative with her husband and give him the respect…
Many wives do not consider it necessary to be docile and obedient to their husbands and insist on imposing their own wishes on them and want their husband to play the second fiddle. This is not correct. A good wife must obey her husband
Wife’s Ideal Qualities…
The wife should not allow anyone into the house whom the husband does not like…
The wife must not go out of the house without the permission of her husband
But in all other matters [except ordering to commit a sin] she must obey. If she does not do so she will be deemed disobedient, and the husband will be entitled to take disciplinary action against her in the manner and within the limits as prescribed by the Holy Quran for such cases. It says:
And for those (wives) on whose part you fear disobedience, admonish them and leave them alone in their beds, and chastise them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them.” (4:35)
Steps in respect of the above command have to be taken with the greatest care and due consideration. By leaving them alone in their beds does not mean perpetual separation. In the case of a very stubborn woman, who does not mend herself as a result of separation, which in no case should exceed four months, the husband should take recourse by giving a bit of corporal punishment. But this must be the last recourse.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has given very clear instructions on this point. He has advised that the punishment should be light, so light that it must not leave any mark on the body. And he has positively forbidden slapping ones wife on the face…
It is also reported that once the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “If a husband invites his wife to his bed and she refuses, the angels keep cursing her the whole of the remaining night.”
Calling upon the women to realize their duty of obedience to their husbands, the Promised Messiah (a.s.) once said, “For the woman it is imperative that she should obey her husband
A very important duty of women is prescribed by the Holy Quran in the following verse:
And stay in your houses with dignity.” (33, 43)…
This verse, therefore, calls upon the Muslim women to restrain their activities to their homes and not to go outside without a valid reason
The above Quranic injunction demands that women should mostly confine themselves to their houses…
It is wrong to conclude from the above sayings that the woman is totally barred from stepping out of the house.
Nevertheless, it is incorrect to hold that it is a part of a woman’s duty to go out and earn her own living by working in offices and factories. The true sphere of her activities is certainly her house…
When I read Ali A. Rizvi's The Atheist Muslim, I first came across a controversial revelation to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, as recorded in Tadhkirah. What's interesting is that it can be found in the Urdu version, but not the English.
This fits with growing evidence I'm seeing of Ahmadiyyat trying to reinvent itself in the West, drifting from the statements of its founder and early khulifa.
I produced a short 5 minute video walking through this issue, and demonstrating that the Jama'at publication on their website, has no English rendering of this revelation.
(This is a new auxiliary YouTube channel I've setup for sharing short clips, mirroring videos of others, etc.)
UPDATE: It's interesting how the Lahori Ahmadis make some connections to what the Qadian Jama'at's 2nd Khalifa wrote about non-Ahmadi Muslims. See:
In the early 1900s India: Dr. Abdul Hakim Khan, a former Ahmadi Muslim, is paraphrased by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who sets up a trap that his son, the 2nd Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, later walks into. See: …, from the Lahori Ahmadiyya Jama'at.
Men and women in the Community are strongly encouraged to marry within the Community — or else be ex-communicated. At the same time, there is no single venue or event — not even weddings46 of one’s family or friends — where single men and women have religious sanction to interact.
Mainstream Sunni Muslims, while they implement varying degrees of segregation, are often far less rigid about this practice. In fact, the Islamic Society of North America hosts an annual matrimonial banquet where men and women get to interact in person.
In recent years, the Ahmadiyya Community in America has held a matrimonial event at its annual convention, the Jalsa Salana. However, marriageable men do not get to meet marriageable women at that event. Instead, they meet the fathers of marriageable women.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community further prohibits Ahmadi Muslim women from marrying Muslim men who are not Ahmadi. The specifics have varied over the years. Modification and enforcement of these rules are also at the discretion of the Ahmadiyya Khalifa of the time.
These prohibitions are not a religious edict, but described by the late Mirza Tahir Ahmad (the 4th Khalifa of the Community) as an administrative edict. 
In 2010 for example, a large number of attendees at an Ahmadi Muslim wedding were publicly excommunicated from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for participating in festivities that included music and dancing. This was not Saudi Arabia. This all took place in the USA—Virginia to be precise.
A brave Ahmadi Muslim woman asks the Jama'at about inter-religious marriages + the sexist connotations. So on point.
24 Nov 2011: Mirza Masroor Ahmad have to final rights to kick out anyone from the jamat Ahmadiyya.He giving warnings to Ahemdis women to who do not use parda.

Ahmadi Muslim Jama'at' was a Canadian Muslim group. They published an essay "Homosexuality & Islam" which views homosexual behavior as a symptom of the decadence of society.
"As this process continues, people find and invent even more bizarre and perverted means to satisfy natural urges, and trends like child and adult pornography, bisexuality, homosexuality and bestiality appear."
They make a number of points:

 "....either the sexual license will cure itself through its own excesses (as it is doing now in the shape of numerous venereal diseases) or the wrath of God will fall in shape of multitudes of Sodoms, Gomorrahs and Ubars."
  • Homosexuality has been considered deviant behavior throughout human history. 
  • Homosexuals have redefined sexual abuse of children as "natural and acceptable.
  • Homosexuality cannot be caused by genes because: 
    • there are essentially no gays and lesbians in Russia, China and many other countries 
    • if there is a "gay gene" it would cause homosexuality to die out quickly because homosexuals typically do not have children. 
    • Homosexuality "is utterly contrary to every natural law of human and animal life, and counter to the morals, purposes and institutions of a procreative society." 4
13 August 2011: Hajia Sadika Bonsu Yeboah, President of the Ladies Association of the Ahmadiyya Muslims Mission, on Sunday attributed the rise of homosexuality in society to the negative influences of human rights. 
According to her, homosexuality had been on earth for a long time, but had become more popular in recent times due to negative effects of human rights. 
He said for this reason, society must abhor it and fight against other negative influences of human rights.
23 August 2013: Question/Answer Session Homosexuality - Islamic View - 26th Annual National Ijtima` 
Despite holding many progressive beliefs, and reassuring everyone that he, and all Ahmadis must have “love for all and hatred for none”, his views on same-sex marriage don’t quite fit with secular, liberal British values. Upon being asked about the issue he laughs, pauses and then says: “The Quran says it is illegal. Homosexuality is against the nature of a person. If everybody has same-sex marriage, humankind will vanish from the face of the earth.” No matter how progressive many Muslims claim to be, most refuse to budge on the issue of homosexuality.
Germans are up in arms over MGA said in his book 'Islami Usool ki Filasfi' that eating pork causes homosexuality.
Shafiq Mirza's "Shehr-e-Sudoom" (The City of the Homosexuals) is an interesting reading. This book is available at

Besides his remarks about homosexuality, MGA also thought that "the meat of a quail can cause plague". (See Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Part 2, p.132).

In a youth magazine of the Ahmadiyya community, which wants to build a mosque under protests of adjacents resident in Heinersdorf, the suspicion is expressed that there is a connection between Homosexuallity and the consumption of Pork. In the youth journal of the Jamaat, the youth magazine of the education department, edition no. 26, it means: “Humans are, what they eat; Also this Aphorism can be referred to the effects of pig meat consumption to the human moral behavior, because a shameless animal like the pig coins/shapes or supports the development of certain behaviors of the consumer (…) Our loved fourth Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (…) expressed in that context that he sees the increasing tendency to Homosexuality with pig meat consumption in our society and that there is a connection.”

Ahmadi khalifa Masroor explaining beautifully why Ahmadis shouldn't take part in Halloween. (Friday Sermon 29 Oct 2010). Halloween has Satanic origin and it makes children disrespectful to parents and elders, and leads to polytheism


Oct 2017: After a nationwide search, Younus settled on River Run. With a planned mosque and views of the river, the development offered what was advertised as a “peace village” for people 55 and older.
“This will be a community of 49 spacious brand new homes (Villas) for Ahmadi Muslims with a dedicated mosque within walking distance,” read a website this year advertising the community. That language was later removed, replaced with an update that touted an “audio feed from the adjacent mosque” for the daily call to prayer — before that language also was removed.
The plan to market to Muslims proved successful, Younus said, and 22 units were sold within months after a lottery was held among Ahmadis who wished to buy them.
Some elected officials and residents, however, complained, saying the planned community violated fair-housing laws. Others questioned whether their town should open its arms to a neighborhood initially designed for Muslims.

Miserable End of Bhutto as Per Divine Prediction-2/2. 
As per presentation: "The prophecy is fulfilled the Measurable Death of Zulfikar Ali Butto." 
Miserable end of General Zia - Divine Prediction of Mirza Tahir Ahmad {Urdu} daielallah 

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