Hazrat Amirul Mominin Ali (A.S.) was asked if he (A.S.) regarded drinking as a more heinous sin than adultery. To this he (A.S.) replied that he (A.S.) did, because the vice of adultery did not incite the sinner to any other sin, while a drinker is led off to adultery, to thieving, to man slaughter as also to forsake prayers.
Hazrat Imam Baqir (A.S.) has said the drinker will rise black-faced on the Doomsday, with his tongue protruded from his mouth, drip ping saliva on his chest - a state which the Almighty Allah is perfectly justified to place him in on the Day of Judgement.
From Judgements of Hazrat Ali (A.S.), it has been reported by Kulaini on the authority of Jabir that once the poet Najjashi was brought to Hazrat Ali (A.S.) with the accusation that he was found drunk during the holy month of Ramadan.
The accusation when proved, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) ordered for whipping the poet by eighty lashes which was carried out. The next morning the poet was ordered for another twenty lashes. When Najjashi asked Hazrat Ali (A.S.) the cause of the extra twenty lashes, as the order of the Holy Quran in such cases was only eighty, the holy Imam (Hazrat Ali A.S.) replied: "Twenty for discarding the chastity of the holy month of Ramadan.
نجاشی نے ماہ رمضان میں شراب پی لی، اسے حضرت امیرالمومنین علی (علیہ السلام) کے پاس لایا گیا۔ آپؑ نے اسے اسّی (۸۰) تازیانے مارے، پھر اسے قید میں ڈال دیا اور دوسرے دن باہر لائے اور اسے انتالیس (۳۹) تازیانے مارے۔ اس نے پوچھا: یاامیرالمومنینؑ! یہ اضافہ کیوں مارے؟ حضرتؑ نے فرمایا: کیونکہ تم نے اللہ کے سامنے جرات کی ہے اور ماہ رمضان میں روزہ توڑا ہے۔[6]
حضرت امام جعفر صادق(علیہ السلام) فرماتے ہیں: " أَنَّ عَلِيّاً (ع) أُتِيَ بِرَجُلٍ مُفْطِرٍ فِي شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ نَهَاراً مِنْ غَيْرِ عِلَّةٍ فَضَرَبَهُ تِسْعَةً وَ ثَلَاثِينَ سَوْطاً حَقَّ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ حَيْثُ أَفْطَرَ فِيهِ"[7]، "ایک آدمی کو حضرت علی (علیہ السلام) کے پاس لایا گیا جس نے ماہ رمضان میں دن کے وقت بلاوجہ روزہ افطار کرلیا تھا تو آپؑ نے اسے ماہ رمضان کے حق کی وجہ سے کہ اس نے اس میں افطار کیا تھا، انتالیس (۳۹) تازیانے مارے"۔
حضرت امام جعفر صادق (علیہ السلام) کا ہی ارشاد گرامی ہے: "مَنْ أَفْطَرَ يَوْماً مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ مُتَعَمِّداً خَرَجَ مِنَ الْإِيمَانِ"[8]، "جو شخص ماہ رمضان کے ایک دن کو جانتے ہوئے روزہ توڑے، وہ ایمان سے نکل گیا ہے"۔
نجاشی نے ماہ رمضان میں شراب پی لی، اسے حضرت امیرالمومنین علی (علیہ السلام) کے پاس لایا گیا۔ آپؑ نے اسے اسّی (۸۰) تازیانے مارے، پھر اسے قید میں ڈال دیا اور دوسرے دن باہر لائے اور اسے انتالیس (۳۹) تازیانے مارے۔ اس نے پوچھا: یاامیرالمومنینؑ! یہ اضافہ کیوں مارے؟ حضرتؑ نے فرمایا: کیونکہ تم نے اللہ کے سامنے جرات کی ہے اور ماہ رمضان میں روزہ توڑا ہے۔[6]
حضرت امام جعفر صادق(علیہ السلام) فرماتے ہیں: " أَنَّ عَلِيّاً (ع) أُتِيَ بِرَجُلٍ مُفْطِرٍ فِي شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ نَهَاراً مِنْ غَيْرِ عِلَّةٍ فَضَرَبَهُ تِسْعَةً وَ ثَلَاثِينَ سَوْطاً حَقَّ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ حَيْثُ أَفْطَرَ فِيهِ"[7]، "ایک آدمی کو حضرت علی (علیہ السلام) کے پاس لایا گیا جس نے ماہ رمضان میں دن کے وقت بلاوجہ روزہ افطار کرلیا تھا تو آپؑ نے اسے ماہ رمضان کے حق کی وجہ سے کہ اس نے اس میں افطار کیا تھا، انتالیس (۳۹) تازیانے مارے"۔
حضرت امام جعفر صادق (علیہ السلام) کا ہی ارشاد گرامی ہے: "مَنْ أَفْطَرَ يَوْماً مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ مُتَعَمِّداً خَرَجَ مِنَ الْإِيمَانِ"[8]، "جو شخص ماہ رمضان کے ایک دن کو جانتے ہوئے روزہ توڑے، وہ ایمان سے نکل گیا ہے"۔
Prior to the adoption of the new Penal Code, Iran was the only country that punished consumption of alcohol by death, provided it was the third occasion and the accused receives a hadd punishment on each of the prior offenses.75 There were no reported executions for consumption of alcohol in 2013.76 Under the new Penal Code, the crime of drinking or ingesting certain liquids and beer is punishable by 80 lashes.77 If, however, a repeat offender commits the hodood offense of drinking alcohol, upon the fourth offense, that person shall be sentenced to death.78
Article 136 stipulates that repeat offenders who commit an offence punishable by hodud, and are punished every time, shall be sentenced to death on the fourth occasion. This article has failed to specify the hodud offences and has only mentioned the death sentence for the fourth-occasion theft in Article 278. Nevertheless, articles 220-288 have defined the hodud offences as follows: fornication and adultery, sodomy, lesbianism, pimping, cursing the prophets, theft, drinking alcohol, qadf (false accusation of sodomy or fornication), moharebeh, corruption on earth and rebellion.
Repeat offenders are sentenced to death on the fourth occasion that they are convicted of a hadd offense that does not otherwise call for the death penalty.
The sixth Holy Imam, Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,
"Listening to music, songs and useless words cultivate hypocrisy in the heart, in the same way as algae grows in water."
(Al Kafi)
Al Kafi mentions a tradition of Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) that,
"Singing and music is a nest for the bird called hypocrisy."
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:
house where music is played is not safe from sudden disasters.
Supplications at such a place are not answered. Angels do not enter this
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
"Singing is the stepping stone to fornication."
(Mustadrakul Wasael)
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says,
"And all those wasteful pastimes are haraam which make one forgetful of Allah; like songs and playing musical instruments."
The traditions concerning the signs of the last stage before the Zuhoor of our Imam (a.s.) mention music:
"And you shall see that music will be so prevalent that no one will dissuade others nor will he find in himself the need to do so. And you shall see that music would be openly played even in the two sanctuaries (the city of Makkah and Madinah)."
(Mustanade Naraqi)
Amir ul-Mu’minīn ‘Ali (a.s.) says,
do not even enter a house that has wine, drum, tambourine or a flute.
Even the prayers of the inhabitants of this house are unacceptable. They
are deprived of barakat.”7
Hazrat Imam ‘Ali ar-Riďa (a.s.) has said,
“To listen to a musical instrument is one of the Greater Sins.”8
Hazrat Amirul Mominin Ali (A.S.) was asked if he (A.S.) regarded drinking as a more heinous sin than adultery. To this he (A.S.) replied that he (A.S.) did, because the vice of adultery did not incite the sinner to any other sin, while a drinker is led off to adultery, to thieving, to man slaughter as also to forsake prayers.
From Judgements of Hazrat Ali (A.S.), it has been reported by Kulaini on the authority of Jabir that once the poet Najjashi was brought to Hazrat Ali (A.S.) with the accusation that he was found drunk during the holy month of Ramadan.
The accusation when proved, Hazrat Ali (A.S.) ordered for whipping the poet by eighty lashes which was carried out. The next morning the poet was ordered for another twenty lashes. When Najjashi asked Hazrat Ali (A.S.) the cause of the extra twenty lashes, as the order of the Holy Quran in such cases was only eighty, the holy Imam (Hazrat Ali A.S.)
replied: "Twenty for discarding the chastity of the holy month of Ramadan.
replied: "Twenty for discarding the chastity of the holy month of Ramadan.
Fashion Hijab- Sayed Hossein al Qazwini: Beauty pageants are so disgraceful (from 20.20). When women don't wear hijab, she gives a message that I have no respect for myself and you don't need to respect me (from 20.34) Men have less control over sexual desires (31.00) Men can't control themselves, so women should not speak softly to men (33.33)
as an Iranian speaker noted at the conference, in 1987 in Qom Ayatollah Khomeini published a fatwa allowing the sale of musical instruments. This move angered the major grand ayatollahs and the fatwa has been regularly challenged since his death.
.... Famous Iranian singers are unwilling to perform in Iran where women are forbidden to sing solo. Their voices must be accompanied by men's on the grounds that they arouse dangerous passions in men. One speaker, a young Iranian woman journalist [Banafsheh Samgis], fell foul of the regime after she reviewed a book which claimed that the Prophet Muhammad allowed women to give concerts. The article, in a right-wing newspaper, led to demonstrations in Qom against her as well as the writer. All books were gathered up and destroyed. She was arrested and toughly interrogated but was eventually released. She spoke to the conference under a pseudonym.
d. The conlcusion of allowing non-Muslim women appearing in public as they wish in an Islamic society, will result in what we observe today in countries likes Lebanon and Eygpt; i.e spread of sexual corruption.
d. The conlcusion of allowing non-Muslim women appearing in public as they wish in an Islamic society, will result in what we observe today in countries likes Lebanon and Eygpt; i.e spread of sexual corruption.
e. one of the comments non-Muslims have on us is: they only care about their girls, but they rape ours! The idea of enforcing Hijab (as a means of protection) on Muslim women, but not on non-Mulism women confirms those thoughts!
In Iran, religious authorities state "it is forbidden" for a man to listen to female singer who is not his family...
Only Married Women Allowed to Play Music in Iran
زنا بدتر از قتل نفس است
امام رضا (ع) می فرمایند:
زیرا شخص قاتل بیش از یک نفر را نمی کشد و فاسد نمی نماید ولی شخص زناکار یک نسل را تا روز قیامت فاسد کرده و محرمات خدا را حلال نموده است(69).
زیرا شخص قاتل بیش از یک نفر را نمی کشد و فاسد نمی نماید ولی شخص زناکار یک نسل را تا روز قیامت فاسد کرده و محرمات خدا را حلال نموده است(69).
Adultery is worse than murder. Imam Raza said: Because the killer does not take more than one person is not corrupt, but the man corrupt and adulterous generation to Doomsday solvent God has forbidden
علاوه بر این امام صادق (ع) بیان داشته اند: شراب کلید همه بدی است و شراب راس همه گناهان است و نوشنده اش مکذب (دروغ شمار) کتاب خدا است؛ و نیز امیرالمؤمنین علی (ع) در جمعی فرمودند: همانا نوشیدن شراب از دزدی و زنا بدتر است. چون نوشنده شراب چون شراب می نوشد هم زنا می کند هم سرقت و هم می کشد کسی را که خدا کشتن او را حرام کرده و نمازش را ترک می کند.
Alcohol is worse than theft and adultery.
Hatim b. Isma’il narrated from al-Nadr b. Suwayd from al-Husayn b. ‘Abd Allah al-Arjani from Malik b. Musamma’ al-Musamma’i from Qa’id b. Talha, who said: 1 asked Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, about wine used in medications. He said: “It is not proper for anyone to seek a cure in what is forbidden.”
‘Abd Allah b. Ja’far narrated from Safwan b. Yahya al-Bayya’ from ‘Abd Allah b. Muskan from al-Halabi, who said: I asked Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, about a medication prepared with wine (al-khamr). It could not be prepared without it and was only a necessity. He said: “No, by Allah, it is not permissible for a Muslim to look at it, so how can he be treated with it? It is merely the same as the fat (shahm) of a pig (al-khinzir) used in such-and-such a medication which is not complete without it. Allah does not heal anyone with a medication of wine and the fat of a pig.”
Illalus Sharai by Sheik Saduq, page 443
اس عمل شریف سے معلوم ہوا کہ حکم قتل یا منسوخ ہے یا وہاں قتل کے معنے سخت مار ہے۔فرمایا نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے کہ مسلمان کا قتل سواء تین جرموں کے اور کسی وجہ سے جائز نہیں ہے:ارتداد،قتلِ عمد،زنا بعداحصان،وہ حدیث بھی اس جملہ کی
تائید کرتی ہے۔مرقات نے یہاں فرمایا کہ ایک چھوٹی جماعت نے گزشتہ حدیث کی بنا پرحکم دیا ہے کہ شرابی کو چوتھی بارقتل کیا جائے مگر ان کا یہ قول مخالف اجماع ہے یہ حدیث اس کی ناسخ ہے یا اس کا بیان ہے۔
اگر ہم لوگ امام اہلسنت امام احمد رضا خان محدث بریلی علیہ الرحمہ کی کتابوں اور آپ کے فرامین کا مطالعہ کریں تو یہ بات واضح ہوجائے گی کہ اعلیٰ حضرت علیہ الرحمہ بدعات و منکرات کے قاطع یعنی ختم کرنے والے تھے۔ اب مزارات پر ہونے والے خرافات کے متعلق آپ ہی کے فرامین اور کتابوں سے اصل حقیقت ملاحظہ کریں اور اپنی بدگمانی کو دور کریں۔
گانا زنا کا سبب بن جاتا ہے۔ رسولِ خدا (صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ) کا ارشاد ہے (عَنِ النَّبِیِّ) اَلْغِنَآءُ رُقْیَةُ الزِّنَا (مستدرک الوسائل‘ کتاب تجارت) "گانا‘ زنا کی سیڑھی ہے!"
گانے سے آدمی کی شہوت اُبھرآتی ہے اور اس کے بُرے نتائج سامنے آجاتے ہیں۔
In 2011, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi issued a fatwa declaring attendance at the Chaharshanbe Suri festival was "forbidden" (haram): "Chaharshanbe Suri is a superstitious tradition. We should not revive a superstitious tradition."
Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani expressed a similar opinion, saying in 2010, "Chaharshanbe Suri is an example of superstition and what people do in this day disturbs public comfort and, therefore, [attending it] is haram."
Tehran's temporary Friday prayer leader and Assembly of Experts member Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami argues that "enemies" have played a significant role in highlighting the festival: "Enemies try to show that national symbols outweigh religious expressions, in an attempt to weaken religion in society. They highlight Chaharshanbe Suri, Nowruz, etc. to achieve this goal."
[Anti-Yoga fatwas in Iran]
Hamid Reza Mazaheri-Seif, head of the Spiritual Health Institute in Qom, said that yoga’s new-age spiritualism was corrupting Islam and urged all decent Iranians, particularly members of the baseej, to protect the Islamic Republic against the “irreversible damages” yoga could cause. “The new teachers of yoga are often not even Indian,” he warned with bleak foreboding. “They’re European or American.”
In 2006, during a conference of intelligence and security chiefs in Qom, yoga was named glumly as a threat to Islam.
حجتالاسلام جواد امين خندقي در پايان بيان داشت: از ديگر مراسم شيطانپرستان جشن هالووين است كه مهمترين بخش آن موسيقي و روابط دختر و پسر ميباشد.
Hojatoleslam Jawad Amin Khandagi stated at the end: Another ceremony of Satan worshippers is Halloween party the most important part of which is music and relationships between girl and boy
Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani:
آیا جشن گرفتن و یا شرکت کردن در جشن کریسمس و هالووین جایز است؟
برخی از مسلمانان، کریسمس و هالووین را جشن می گیرند. در این خصوص می خواهم نظرتان را بدانم که آیا جشن گرفتن این ایام و یا شرکت در چنین جشن هایی حرام است؟
اگر چنین رفتار هایی موجب تقویت عقاید باطل باشد، حرام است، در غیر این صورت جایز است.
Is it allowed to celebrate or attend Christmas and Halloween parties?
Some Muslims celebrate Christmas and Halloween. In this regard, I would like to know if it is forbidden to celebrate these days or participate in such celebrations?
If such behavior reinforces false beliefs, it is forbidden, otherwise it is permissible.
Question ID 1153 - Youth issues |
Asa WR B Are we as muslims allowed to celebrate Valentines day? If not then what is the reasoning behind it. And what's the difference between celebrating birthdays and Valentines Day. Thanks Wasalam |
Answer:- Valentine was a Christian priest and we do not celebrate any matter from other religions. If they claim to celebrate Valentine a s a day of love, Islam teaches us love every day and wants us to show love to our beloved ones always not only in one day in the whole year. Celebrating birthday does not have link with non Muslim religious figure. Wassalam. Mohammad al-Musawi |
By keeping in mind the opinion of the majority of mujtahideen, it is not permissible to listen to the music while doing aerobic exercise. Exercise is not a modern phenomenon; it has been done without music and it can be done without music. The rule would be the same even if you are an instructor. Surely human creativity can produce other ways of motivating the participants in place of music! Sayyid M. Rizvi
Barelvi cleric oppose dhamal at Lal Shahbaz Qalandar's shrine
2000-2011: Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)Report On Threats/violence against musicians & attacks on music shops
Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, religious leaders and hardliners have imposed tight regulations and extensive bans on the country’s musicians and Iranian artists have continue to work in a repressive climate. Musical instruments are banned on television, solo female artists are prohibited from performing in front of audiences, universities are not allowed to host concerts on campus, and musicians are consistently banned, imprisoned and harassed by authorities.
Head of Yazd city council in Iran. Destroying symbol of a Zoroastrian fire temple from the city council building.
in 1994, Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Araki issued a fatwa (Islamic edict) banning all satellite television. He declared that: ‘Installing satellite antennae, which open Islamic society to the inroads of decadent foreign culture and the spread of ruinous Western diseases to Muslims is haram.’
On November 25, 1994, a confrontation occurred around a marathon relay race involving Bahrainis and Western expatriates alike that was a vehicle for raising funds for charities. On this occasion, the route of the race ran through several Shi`a villages in the vicinity of the capital.50 A group of Shi`a young men organized a protest, reportedly citing the participation of some Western women in running attire, which they considered to be an affront to local mores. The demonstrators held up protest signs, shouted slogans, and reportedly threw stones at the runners. According to Shaikh Ali Salman, whom the government later accused of fomenting the confrontation:
About a hundred youths went out for an hour to protest. They took banners to protest the race. They were dispersed about 1:30 p.m. The government says the youths threw stones. Maybe, but not enough to keep the marathon from proceeding to the Diplomat Hotel back in Manama, where it ended around 5 p.m.51
Banned books, films, writers and artists in Iran.
بے پردہ اوربے پردہ گي کي بہ نبست بے توجہي کا اظھار کرنے والے دونوں گنہگار ہيں
انہوں نے امر بالمعروف اور نہي عن المنکر کے مراتب کا تذکرہ کرتے ہوئے کہا : اجبار وجرمانہ حکومت سے متعلق ہے مگر گناہ گار سے نفرت کا اظھار ، حقارت اميز نگاہ اور ياد دہاني پوري عوام اورحکومت دونوں ہي کي ذمہ داري ہے ?
حوزہ علميہ قم ميں تفسير کے اس استاد نے فرمايا : اگر بے پردہ عورت کو نفرت و نيچي نگاہ سے دوسرے عورتيں ديکھيں تو وہ خود کو صحيح کرنے کوشش کرے گي اور يہ نگاہ واجب ہے ، ياد دہاني دوسرے مرحلے ميں ہے اگر کوئي چپے چوري يا کھلے عام رشوت لينے کا عادي ہو ، اگر کوئي تبہکار ہو ، اگر کوئي بد کردار ہو تو بسا اوقات تنفر اميز نگاہ سے اور کبھي روک ٹوک کے ذريعہ خود کو ٹھيک کرليتا ہے ?
انہوں نے مزيد کہا : ايسا نہي ہے کہ بے پردہ گي کي بہ نبست بے توجہ افراد کے اعمال نامہ ميں گناہيں نہي لکھي جائيں گي بلکہ دونوں کے نامہ اعمال ميں گناہ لکھي ہوں گي ?
In October 1999, a trip to France by the Iranian president at the time, reformist Mohammad Khatami, was postponed after he refused to attend a reception at the Elysee Palace because his request for alcohol-free meals was rejected.
Khatami visited France several months later, when his French counterpart Jacques Chirac invited him for afternoon tea.
In 2002, Spain canceled a state banquet in honor of Khatami after Tehran insisted on the alcohol ban.
Khatami decided to shake the hands of several women who approached him during a visit to the Italian city of Udine in 2007. A video and pictures of the handshakes with women who greeted the former president after a speech brought him trouble.
Hard-liners said he should have been defrocked for endangering Islam.
Khatami's office dismissed the photos as tampered-with and denied any handshakes had taken place.
For hard-line President Mahmud Ahmadinejad in 2013, it was a sympathetic hug that prompted an avalanche of criticism.
Ahmadinejad consoled and embraced the 78-year-old mother of his deceased friend, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, at the funeral, pictures of the event released by news agencies showed.
Hard-liners condemned Ahmadinejad's behavior and said he had violated Islamic norms. Again, presidential aides claimed the pictures had been photoshopped.
In 2006, Ahmadinejad was criticized for another perceived faux pas. He was said to have attended a ceremony at the Asian Games in Qatar that included women singing and dancing, The Guardian reported.
Any reference to sex, heresy, feminism, supporting religions other than Shiite Islam, mystic or exotic beliefs or even religions such as Buddhism, criticizing the government of the IRI, a historical account not compatible with the officially approved history, relationships outside wed-lock, nudity (even in books on history of art), pigs, dogs, alcoholic drinks, defending western democracies, and non-orthodox Islamic studies, may be subject to censorship (Sadi 2002). A few examples of the censored content are provided here.
When the book The Gift of Therapy: An open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients: Reflections on being a therapist, by Irvin D. Yalom (containing case studies to depict how patients and therapists can get the most out of therapy), was sent to the MCIG in 2007 by the Iranian Publisher Caravan Books, two paragraphs were asked to be removed because they mentioned homosexuality. One of them concerned the necessity of encouraging protected sex to a homosexual patient, and the second piece discussed the subject of openness when talking about sexual orientation. The mere mention of homosexuality made the censor decide that these parts should be removed.
The MCIG had also asked the publisher to remove chapters 47 and 63 from the book. Chapter 47 described a patient who, despite having a long-term relationship with his girlfriend, had grown a passion towards another woman. Chapter 63 concerned the conditions in which the therapists are recommended to touch their patients. The Publisher was also asked to change any references to ‘girlfriend’ and replace them with ‘fiancée’.
In another instance, 11 months after the translation of the novel Kafka on the Shore by Murakami was sent to the MCIG, the publisher was asked to apply a few changes to the book. One of the paragraphs was asked to be removed on the pretext that encouraging teenagers to leave home would loosen the sacred foundation of family. Another censored passage had nothing to do with morality but was considered to be propagating heresy, as it touched the concept of karma and reincarnation, which is taboo in Islamic Sharia. In the next part, the censor had touched a completely different aspect of censorship, in which all mention of genocide during the Holocaust was censored. Since Ahmadinejad has denied the Holocaust on several occasions, the MCIG has had a policy to censor any notions of this historical event in books.
For the book Raising Smart Kids for Dummies by Marlene Targ Brill, the censor requested the publisher to remove any notions of dancing throughout the book, as dancing is forbidden in Islam. The publisher was forced to replace the word ‘dance’ with ‘rhythmic movements’. For the Love Poems (translated as Sokut Ayandeyeh Man Ast: Silence is my future) by Erich Fried (a German poet), the subject of questioning ‘authorities’ was the victim of censorship: ‘Mit Leonardo los von den Autoritäten!’ (With Leonardo, let’s free ourselves from the authorities!) (p. 206).
28 July 2001:
28 July 2001:
Mr Hanaie said that he "killed the women for the sake of God, and for the protection of my religion because they were prostitutes and were corrupting other people".
"I wouldn't have been bothered even if I had killed 150 women because I wanted to clean the holy city of Mashhad from corrupt women and prostitutes," he said.
"After every single murder, I went back to the scene of the crime and helped the police to remove the body," he added.
The killings were dubbed the "spider murders" by people who thought the killer used headscarves to ensnare the women in the same way that a spider uses a web to trap its victims.
Prior to Mr Hanaie's arrest Iranian police had rounded up around 500 prostitutes in Mashhad to protect them from the murderer.
The killings had sparked outrage throughout Iran, not only because of safety concerns, but also because of the revelations about the extent of prostitution in Iran's holiest city.
1 May 2002:
1 May 2002:
A blasphemous article published late last month in the government-owned newspaper, Iran, has sent a wave of resentment in people belonging to different walks of life in Iran.
The article, written by an Iranian journalist Banafsheh Samgis said that the holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon him & his pure progeny) and Hazrat Sakina Bintul Hussain (Peace of Allah be upon them) enjoyed listening to music.
Hundreds of students of Hoza Ilmia Khurramabad launched a protest rally against the newspaper.
In the holy city of Qom, the clerics staged a protest rally Monday calling for the punishment of Culture Minister Ahmad Masjed Jame'ei and Abdollah Nasseri Taheri, who is in charge of the official Iranian news agency as well as the Iran daily, according to the Bonyan newspaper Wednesday.
"God's verdict should be enforced against them," the clerics chanted.
Wednesday, the journalist Banafsheh Samgis was in court after she was summoned for questioning over the article.
1 June 2003:
Hardline shia clerics and teams of armed "enforcers" have launched a campaign of intimidation against Baghdad restaurants, cinemas and shops selling alcohol in an attempt to enforce their strict interpretation of Islam.
At the Sinbad cinema, a grenade thrown through security gates into the foyer last week shattered glass casings and damaged the ceiling. Two mullahs had posted a notice ordering the cinema to stop showing pornographic films or close down. Najim Hamid, the manager, insisted that the Sinbad had never screened pornography, but as a precaution he had cut the love scenes from obscure European films screened at the cinema. Posters in the foyer, however, featured scantily clad women embracing bare-chested men.
The images would not even count as daring in the West, but were clearly too offensive for the attackers. Mr Hamid was asleep upstairs at the time of the dawn grenade attack. When he looked outside after hearing the blast, he saw a group of men led by one wearing the distinctive white turban of a Shia holy man.
Armed men headed by a cleric also threatened to bomb the home of a man who owns a fashionable fish restaurant. Dhia Fadhil was preparing to reopen after the war when the men arrived at Zaitoon on Abu Nawas street, a former haunt of Saddam Hussein's son Qusay.
"He was polite but very clear," said Mr Fadhil. "He told me that I could only open the restaurant if I do not sell alcohol or play Western music. The men were carrying pistols and Kalashnikovs. They told me not to force them to threaten me. They said my home would be bombed if I reported the warning to the Americans." The mullah told him that they were from the Hawza, the influential Shia seminary in the southern holy city of Najaf. It is the dominant power in the sprawling Baghdad suburb of Sadr City (formerly Saddam City).
Increasingly, the Hawza's leaders are in open conflict with the American forces and coalition occupation powers. Hundreds of shi'ites, who make up about 60 per cent of the population, protested in Baghdad last week over what they said was an American-led crackdown on the religious school in Najaf and the arrest of several clerics.
The biggest Shia armed faction, the 25,000-strong Badr Brigade, has rejected a coalition directive ordering militias to disarm.
At Friday prayers in Baghdad, several mullahs called for an immediate American withdrawal from Iraq. "Occupation cannot be accepted in exchange for the lifting of sanctions on Iraq," said Sheikh Kazem al-Abadi.
30 Dec 2003: Steven Farrell reports in the London Times (12/30) of Basra: "Many of the theatres and music halls where [musicians] used to play have been shut, or converted for use by the many new Islamic parties that claim to represent Iraq's Shia Muslims, the overwhelming majority in Basra. While ice-cream and electronics stores thrive, the fundamentalists have shut down all alcohol shops, aided by rocket-propelled grenades and the summary killing of liquor sellers. Video and CD stores have been closed or had their wares heavily censored. In one CD shop in central Basra, posters of Britney Spears have been taken down. In their place are speeches of ayatollahs, to appease the self-appointed moral guardians." He says that Shiite Islamist gangs have beaten up musicians returning from weddings, e.g.
20 Jan 2004: By most accounts, Sameer got off easy - the 42-year-old Christian liquor merchant received only a warning from the masked men who waved Kalashnikov rifles in his face and trashed his house in search of booze.
Others weren't as lucky. Abid Slewa was shot in the head as he unlocked the front door of his liquor store. Bashir Elias, caught selling alcohol from the back of his car, was shot to death Christmas Eve on a street crowded with cheering onlookers.
..... "These liquor shop owners, we talk to them and tell them that by selling alcohol they are injuring the whole community, bringing shame on all of us," said Sheik Abu Salaam, the Basra representative of hard-line cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
Under Islamic law, repeat offenders eventually would be put to death, he said.
"But we cannot harm them here ... it is against the law of Iraq," he said.
..... "If I leave my house with my head bare, people shout at me - they yell 'whore,'" said Aida Wahid, a 41-year Christian who owns a beauty salon.
Men tell of being stopped at intersections by gangs of Islamic activists and ordered to shut off music.
10 Feb 2004: Famous across Iraq for their sea shanties, musicians in southern Iraq's Basra port, who have endured conflict and poverty under the 12 years of sanctions, are facing a new threat from Shia radicals who want to silence their instruments.
Grenade attacks blamed on Shia extremists have already targeted the cluster of shops crammed with drums, lutes and trumpets in the backstreets of old Basra's Summar district, where musicians meet to practise and take bookings.
Concert halls and clubs in the city have also been shuttered by Shia religious leaders in the city, flexing their muscles after years of being held back by successive secular governments in Iraq.
"Two weeks ago, someone threw a hand grenade at my shop," said Nasrat Nasir, as he cleaned his battered old trumpet, largely held together with sticky tape. "The situation is very unstable and we feel restricted."
Denied public performances, Nasir's 15-man band Al-Surur (Happiness) and about 130 other singers and musicians in Basra must now rely for business on weddings and birthday parties held in private homes.
4 Oct 2004:
A number of jazz and classical music concerts in Iran have been cancelled by the authorities because of their "corrupting" influence, diplomats say.
The concerts had been arranged by foreign embassies in Tehran.
Two jazz performances organised by the Italian mission were called off last week only hours before they were due to start.
Diplomats say the reform-minded culture ministry is being squeezed by anti-Western hardliners.
"The culture ministry cancelled the concerts fearing there may be some attacks on the concert hall by hardliners," a foreign embassy official told Reuters.
...The conservative Jomhuri Islami newspaper said last week: "Our religious people are against such concerts which help to spread corrupt Western culture."
Diplomats said some audience members were detained at the end of a recent classical concert which had been organised to raise money for victims of last December's earthquake in Bam.
Most forms of Western music were banned following Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, though restrictions have eased since reformist President Mohammad Khatami was elected in 1997.
Classical music and jazz are broadcast on state radio, and the country held its first "Islamic pop" festival in 1999 - though women are banned from singing to men, and the audience is not allowed to dance.
The alternative rock group 127 was recently allowed to play at Tehran's art university.
5 Jan 2005: Iranian Leader Khamenei: Iran's Enemies Want to Destroy it with Miniskirts
A number of jazz and classical music concerts in Iran have been cancelled by the authorities because of their "corrupting" influence, diplomats say.
The concerts had been arranged by foreign embassies in Tehran.
Two jazz performances organised by the Italian mission were called off last week only hours before they were due to start.
Diplomats say the reform-minded culture ministry is being squeezed by anti-Western hardliners.
"The culture ministry cancelled the concerts fearing there may be some attacks on the concert hall by hardliners," a foreign embassy official told Reuters.
...The conservative Jomhuri Islami newspaper said last week: "Our religious people are against such concerts which help to spread corrupt Western culture."
Diplomats said some audience members were detained at the end of a recent classical concert which had been organised to raise money for victims of last December's earthquake in Bam.
Most forms of Western music were banned following Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, though restrictions have eased since reformist President Mohammad Khatami was elected in 1997.
Classical music and jazz are broadcast on state radio, and the country held its first "Islamic pop" festival in 1999 - though women are banned from singing to men, and the audience is not allowed to dance.
The alternative rock group 127 was recently allowed to play at Tehran's art university.
But conservative MPs have accused the culture ministry, which is run by reformists, of being too lax.
5 Jan 2005: Iranian Leader Khamenei: Iran's Enemies Want to Destroy it with Miniskirts
13 June 2005: Sheikh Abdul al-Bahadli, a firebrand cleric with an
artistic bent, drew a tree on a notepad. It was not a bad sketch.
After a pause his pen returned to the pad and drew a box around the
tree. "Is it not more beautiful if it is put in a frame?"
he asked.
was not an invitation to discuss aesthetics, but an argument for
women wearing the Islamic headscarf known as the hijab....... Mr Bahadli, an ally of the influential
cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, said music and television must not excite the
wrong emotions. "Mozart yes, Michael Jackson no."
27 June
2005: BASRA, Iraq — Physicians have been beaten for treating
female patients. Liquor salesmen have been killed. Even barbers have
faced threats for giving haircuts judged too short or too
fashionable. Religion rules the streets of this once cosmopolitan
city, where women no longer dare go out uncovered.
can't sing in public anymore," said Hussin Nimma, a popular
singer from the south. "It's ironic. We thought that with the
change of the regime, people would be more open to singing, art and
cars cruise the streets, carrying armed, plain-clothed enforcers of
Islamic law. Who they are or answer to is unclear, but residents
believe they are part of a battle for Basra's soul. In the spring,
Shiite and Sunni Muslim officials were killed in a series of
assassinations here, and residents feared their city would fall prey
to the kind of sectarian violence ailing the rest of the country.
conservative Shiite Islamic parties have solidified their grip, fully
institutionalizing their power in a city where the Shiite majority
had long been persecuted by the Sunni-dominated rule of Saddam
7 July
2005: In the music bazaar, a tattered warning sign appears on a
shuttered instrument shop owned by a famous musician known as Kareem
Trumpet. The sign denounces as "soldiers of Satan" the
city's "whorehouses and dealers in porn DVD's and gambling shops
and music stores."
bazaar is just blocks away from a strip where sidewalk alcohol
vendors once thrived, before armed vigilantes and policemen drove
them away. At least three former officials of the
Sunni-dominated Baath Party were gunned down in separate incidents,
and a Sunni Arab cleric was kidnapped near his mosque and shot dead.
Days later a Shiite cleric was fatally shot while going home.
women walk around without a head scarf and full-length black robe. A
young woman who gave her name as Layla said she could wear jeans
without a robe a year ago. But seven months before, as she strode
from her house, a group of men came up to her and warned her that she
was improperly dressed. She says she no longer goes out in
public without a robe.
Shiites do not have to legally enshrine Shariah, or Koranic law, to
exercise their will. Enforcement of Islamic practices is done on the
streets, in the shadows. "We're trying to do it culturally
rather than impose it by law," said Furat al-Shara, the local
representative for the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in
Iraq, a Shiite political party, known by the acronym Sciri, that
holds powerful positions in the national government. "In
the mosques and universities where people learn, we tell them it's a
negative thing to do," Mr. Shara said of drinking alcohol or of
women appearing in public without scarves.
Abdul Sattar al-Bahadli, a senior official in the Sadr movement,
which is prominent in the National Assembly, summed up the
conservative viewpoint:
Shariah exists everywhere in the world, in China, Korea or Japan, for
example, and not just in Iraq, everyone will be happy."
like Sheik Bahadli and Mr. Shara do not operate on the margins of
society here. Increasingly, people are going to them to sort out
day-to-day problems. As this reporter sat in Sheik Bahadli's office
one evening, three men walked in to ask him to settle a dispute
between a renter and his landlord.
loyal to Sciri and to Ayatollah Muhammad Yacoubi, a radical cleric
close to the Sadr movement, dominate the 41-seat Basra provincial
council as a result of the January elections. The two religious
groups are rivals. The governor, Muhammad al-Waeli, belongs to the
ayatollah's party. A faded poster of the white-bearded
Ayatollah Yacoubi appears on a gate outside Mr. Waeli's fortified
office, ordering Iraqis not to buy or sell American, British or
French cigarettes. Beside it hangs a poster of Ayatollah Khomeini
with even harsher words: "All the problems of Islam stem from
colonialism and the Great Powers."
21 July 2005: "We had complete freedom in the time of Saddam,
particularly the fine arts," said Qasim al-Sabti, deputy director of
Iraqi Artists Society. "You can say whatever you want through your
picture, not like theater, cinema and journalism."
Nevertheless, the collapse of Saddam's regime
raised hopes that new freedoms would inspire Iraq's artists. But some
artists say their hopes have been partly dashed by continued violence
and a growing fundamentalism inspired by Iraq's Shiite-dominated
Artists are shying away from nudes and other subjects that might offend Islamic sensibilities, al-Sabti says.
"Iraqi artists took their precautions and decided
no more pictures with nude women or men or drawing any erotic subjects
as they know they will be either killed or kidnapped," al-Sabti says. He
says many artists have turned to painting religious works for clerics.
Nov 2005:
Since September, the Culture Ministry has cancelled more than thirty concerts. The ministry has also announced the cancellation of the Fajr Music Festival on the grounds that it would overlap with the period of Moharram, the mourning ceremonies for the Shi’ite third imam, but after seeing the extent of public dissatisfaction and its negative impact on Ahmadi Nezhad’s image, the ministry allowed the festival to take place at a later date.
Nov 2005:
Since September, the Culture Ministry has cancelled more than thirty concerts. The ministry has also announced the cancellation of the Fajr Music Festival on the grounds that it would overlap with the period of Moharram, the mourning ceremonies for the Shi’ite third imam, but after seeing the extent of public dissatisfaction and its negative impact on Ahmadi Nezhad’s image, the ministry allowed the festival to take place at a later date.
16 April 2006: Adnan al-Sayegh, another Iraqi poet exiled in London, concurs. After fleeing Iraq under threat of death when one of his poems offended Saddam’s regime, al-Sayegh decided to return to his homeland in the spring of 2006. At a public reading in Basra, an armed Shia militiaman walked in and threatened to cut out his tongue, calling his poem “Slightly Mischievous Verses” sacrilegious. Terrified, al-Sayegh fled back to London. “After Saddam, we thought there would be freedom,” he explains from his central London flat, “but it’s still dangerous to publish even now.”
A friend of al-Sayegh’s, a poet and journalist, wrote an article about alSayegh’s spring reading in Basra and the incident with the militiaman but was too afraid to put his name on the article. “We are afraid now,” says alSayegh of artists in Iraq, momentarily forgetting his own recent exile, “of including any religious element in our work. Artists cannot depict a mosque in their paintings; writers can’t write anything about Islam. We are all afraid of offending the extremists.”
2 May 2006:
"It would have been better if you had avoided a hasty announcement and consulted," chided the hard-line Jomhuri Eslami newspaper, which usually praises Ahmadinejad as a champion of revolutionary values. Allowing the fairer sex into stadiums has "emboldened those loose elements that cruise streets and parks of Tehran," it said, evoking fears that Islamic Iran may experience some kind of "Summer of Love."
Many other conservative newspapers also felt free to protest the president's statement and actions. In addition, a string of far-right Members of Parliament (MPs) have been warning of "bare legs" and obscenities shouted at referees, while powerful right-wing Shiite clerics have started a 'pitch invasion.'
Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, considered to be Ahmadinejad's ideological godfather, has filed a complaint from his office in Qom, the clerical nerve-center just south of Tehran. Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Fazel-Lankarani, another Qom-based Shiite cleric with clout, has ruled that, "women looking at male bodies, even without enjoyment, is not permissible."
"When everyone can easily watch a match live at home, what's the necessity of having women and families in stadiums?" asked another grand ayatollah, Nasser Makarem-Shirazi. Ayatollah Mirza-Javad Tabrizi raised a red flag over the "gathering of men and women for corruption-driven actions and the committing of harams (actions forbidden by Islam)."
21 June 2006:
21 June 2006:
Riverbend points out that Muqtada al-Sadr has a fatwa against soccer, which he traces to the teaching of his father, also a prominent Shi’ite cleric, and Sharia. “I downloaded it,” she writes, “and this is a translation of what he says when someone asks him for a fatwa on football and the World Cup”:
“Not only my father but Sharia also prohibits such activities which keep the followers too occupied for worshiping, keep people from remembering [to worship]. Habeebi, the West created things that keep us from completing ourselves (perfection). What did they make us do? Run after a ball, habeebi… What does that mean? A man, this large and this tall, Muslim — running after a ball? Habeebi, this ‘goal’ as it is called… if you want to run, run for a noble goal. Follow the noble goals which complete you and not the ones that demean you. Run after a goal, put it in your mind and everyone follows their own path to the goal to satisfy God. That is one thing. The second thing, which is more important, we find that the West and especially Israel, habeebi, the Jews, did you see them playing soccer? Did you see them playing games like Arabs play? They let us keep busy with soccer and other things, and they’ve left it. Have you heard that the Israeli team, curse them, got the World Cup? Or even America? Only other games… They’ve kept us occupied with them — singing, and soccer, and smoking, stuff like that, satellites used for things which are blasphemous while they occupy themselves with science, etc. Why, habeebi? Are they better than us — no we’re better than them.”
“I listened to the fatwa, with him getting emotional about playing football,” Riverbend writes, “and I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Foreign occupation and being a part of a puppet government — those things are O.K. Football, however, will be the end of civilization as we know it, according to Muqtada.”
After the religious parties took control of the Ministry of Interior, they openly managed mass killings of prostitutes in Al Battaween in central Baghdad. On July 2006, Amal Kashkool witnessed the execution of six women and one man of Al Battaween. A bullet was fired into the back of the head and a second then fired into the victim’s back. Seven intelligence cars (Batta) brought the militia members to Ally 7 in Al Battaween. Those milita members then performed group-honour killing executions.
Mass killings of women took place in the southern cities of Basra and Umara between 2006-2008. Although some of them may have been accused of prostitution, the verdict was spread to include unveiled and made up women. It was enough for any vigilante to say that she was not good and the case would be closed immediately.
28 Sep 2006: Mr. Khasaf, 48, lives in Sadr City, the stronghold of the militia that answers to radical Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr. Some Shariah courts run by Sadr followers have deemed music to be un-Islamic, as the Taliban did in Afghanistan.
“If the neighbors hear the sound, they might not like it,” said Mr. Khasaf, a 25-year veteran of the orchestra. “The popular audience is not like you or me.”
Mr. Khasaf and the other members of his family have to sneak their instruments in and out of their neighborhood. But they at least manage to practice at home. Not so with Izzat Ghafouri Baban, a Kurdish trumpeter who lives in what he calls a “filthy place”: the strife-prone northeast neighborhood of Shaab, also under the sway of Mr. Sadr’s Mahdi Army.
“I can’t practice in my house because I’m surrounded by husseiniyas,” Mr. Baban, 41, said, referring to Shiite mosques that are named after the martyred grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. “Imagine if somebody hears there’s a musician in my home. They’d think I’m against religion.”
6 Oct 2006 : Iraqi Barbers and Their Customers Feel Threat of Sect-Based Grooming Rules
By Sudarsan Raghavan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, October 6, 2006
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, October 6, 2006
BAGHDAD -- The cleric's young men fanned out across the neighborhood, moving from shop to shop, posting the new religious decrees.
Printed neatly on white-and-green fliers, the edicts banned vices like "music-filled parties and all kinds of singing." They proscribed celebratory gunfire at weddings and "the gathering of young men" in front of markets and girls' schools. Also forbidden were the "selling of liquor and narcotic drugs" and "wearing improper Western clothes."
But at the bottom of the list of prohibitions was a single command. Scrawled in green ink, it read simply: "Cut hair."
"I feel powerless," lamented Moataz Hussein, 22, a wiry, soft-voiced teacher seated in a hair salon on the main road of the Tobji neighborhood on Sunday. His long, stylish black hair was now a recent memory. "They are controlling my life."
Amid the sectarian strife plaguing Baghdad, a wave of religious fundamentalism is curbing personal freedoms and reshaping the daily lives of Iraqis who have long enjoyed one of the most liberal lifestyles in the Arab world. The measures speak to a central question dangling over the future of Iraq: Can it remain a secular nation at a time when religion is exerting a powerful influence on every aspect of life, from politics to the mundane elements of society?
Consider the barbers of Baghdad. Sunni Muslim insurgents and Shiite Muslim extremists have imposed their own sets of rules for the cutting of hair. In recent months, barbers have been killed, threatened or forced to close their shops after being accused of giving haircuts that were considered un-Islamic or too Western.
The new decrees in Tobji, posted last week, came from a little-known council created by the local office of Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. It is called the Committee for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a title derived from a verse in the Koran.
Inside the hair salon, the flier was posted on a cream-colored wall next to a mirror, visible to every customer. The image of Sadr's father, Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr, a revered ayatollah, who was assassinated in 1999, is emblazoned on the flier, giving it the force of law.
It was signed "The Sadr Martyrs Office" and ended with a warning: "Those who do not comply with these rules will be held accountable."
Amjad Sabah knows what that means. In the past week, he said, he has lopped off the hair of 20 young customers at his salon, including Hussein. He fears a visit from members of the Mahdi Army, the Shiite militia linked to Sadr that many Sunni Muslims say runs death squads under the cloak of Islam.
"This is civilization gone backwards," said Sabah, 20, wearing an orange T-shirt, his hair short and his face cleanshaven. "You can't have, in 2006, haircuts that are similar to the 1970s. But if I don't cooperate, they will take me to their office and beat me up."
The U.S.-led invasion in 2003 ended decades of religious repression by the government of Saddam Hussein. Among Iraq's Shiite majority, the clerical hierarchy regained prominence, giving Sadr and others greater religious and political stature. But the new freedoms also ushered in a fervent fundamentalism -- exacerbated by competing Sunni and Shiite interpretations of Islam -- that has become more pronounced in the fourth year of war.
Women have been assailed for not wearing a veil or head scarf. Athletes have been killed for wearing shorts, because some consider it un-Islamic to reveal thighs. Liquor stores have been attacked, and male doctors have been killed for treating female patients. In Sadr's stronghold of Sadr City and other Shiite-dominated areas, Islamic courts deliver strict, homegrown justice.
In early August, a group of armed men walked into Abu Ahmed Jassim's barbershop in southeast Baghdad. They shot dead his 23-year-old brother and another barber, as well as two customers. Before they left, they set a bomb. Jassim arrived an hour later to find the charred carcass of his shop.
On Monday, Jassim, a short man with a ruddy face, was still visibly distraught. He had just returned from placing a framed picture of his brother at his grave in the Shiite holy city of Najaf.
In a low voice, he spoke of the handwritten note a child delivered to a barber in his neighborhood last year. It listed the names of eight barbers from five hair salons. It included Jassim and his brother. "Your destiny is very near," the note said.
Jassim said he knows why they were targeted. Shiite barbers like him practice khite , an ancient way of removing hair from cheeks and eyebrows with twists of a cotton thread. Radical Sunnis consider this ritual, as well as trimming or removing beards, to be prohibited under Islam.
"This is because of the Takfiri interpretation," said Jassim, referring to Islamic extremists who adhere to codes of conduct dating to the earliest days of Islam. "We are targeted 100 percent because we are Shiite."
In the past year, he said, he knew 13 barbers and two customers who were killed in the Baghdad neighborhoods of Adil, Shaab and Mashtal. Dozens more quit the business. "Many of the barbers have closed their shops, and the ones who haven't closed keep a gun in their shops," Jassim said.
He said he is making plans to seek asylum in Lebanon: "I've lost my spirit to work."
In a hair salon in the upscale Karrada neighborhood last week, Sameer Youssef, 32, a Christian, was snipping away at the coal-black hair of Walid Abdul Zahra, 27, a Shiite from the Dora district. He is among dozens of customers who drive through a tangle of checkpoints and barricaded roads to better neighborhoods to get a haircut because there's a shortage of barbers in their own volatile areas.
"I used to get my hair cut in Dora, but now all the barbers have closed their shops or have been killed," said Abdul Zahra, who has been coming to the salon for the past six months. "My barber was threatened and had to shut down."
Abdul Zahra said he wanted only an ordinary haircut, nothing "fancy" that would draw the attention of the Sunni extremists in his neighborhood. "I don't want to show too much skin," he said.
Even though Karrada's barbers have not been targeted, Youssef and colleagues on his corner have taken precautions. To prevent car bombings, they do not allow parking in front of their shops. Suspicious walk-in customers are politely turned away. And they keep their professions a secret.
"I told my neighbors I was making money as a taxi driver," Youssef said, flashing a weak smile. "I don't want to lose my life."
Throughout the year, Tobji has been an arena of sectarian violence marked by reprisal attacks between Sunni extremists and Mahdi Army militiamen. These days, the militia appears to be in control. During two visits over the past week, young civilian men clutching AK-47 assault rifles manned checkpoints in full view of Iraqi policemen passing through.
Other young men stood on street corners, clutching expensive Motorola walkie-talkies. Moqtada Sadr's face stared from billboards.
This protection, and the new edicts, have given Ali Abdul Latif the confidence not to fear Sunni extremists. He used to keep a wooden sign on his counter next to his clippers, hair creams and blades that read: "We don't do threads." Now the sign is gone, and Abdul Latif offers the thread to customers again.
But he can't carve sideburns or small goatees or gel floppy long hair. All that is considered Western, he and other barbers said. In the past week, Abdul Latif said, 15 youths have turned up at his shop, "all of them with hair down to the neck and shoulders." They wanted their hair short.
"They were scared. They didn't want to get noticed," he said.
On the streets of Tobji, they would have been, for the Sadrists consider themselves defenders of their faith. Abu Ahmed, the head of the local Sadr office, said he had placed "one or two men everywhere" -- at girls' schools, at the market, on the main streets -- to enforce the new edicts.
"Personal freedom is only in your house or property," said Abu Ahmed, who asked that his full name not be used. "In the streets, it is no longer a personal freedom."
Long hair, said Abu Ahmed, is banned because it makes men look feminine. Worse, he added, were haircuts that were long on the sides and short on top, because they were "Jewish haircuts."
"It is rejected in Islam that you imitate the Jews," Abu Ahmed said.
If someone is judged to have an improper hairstyle, he said, "we will take him to the barber and we'll ask the barber to cut his hair according to our regulations. If he refuses, we would send for his father or elder brother and tell them, 'Either you take this measure or we'll take the measure for you.' "
In the past week, he said, his men had ordered "five or six" men to get haircuts. They didn't object, he said.
Hussein was not one of them. He had cut his hair a few days before the Sadr office posted the fliers. He had seen people being beaten for having Western haircuts, he said.
"So I accepted readily to cut my hair, so I could be far away from any trouble for me and my family," Hussein said with a pained look, as he ran his fingers through his short hair.
"Perhaps, I thought, this trouble could cost me my life later."
8 Feb 2007:
Mohseni is launching a semi-Islamic television channel which does not focus exclusively on Islamic teachings. It will be Afghanistan's first such channel.
Called Tamadon, or "civilization", the network will go on air in a few months.
"Our television is the tongue of the silent majority ... These people want bread, water, clothes; these people want knowledge, they do not want Indian culture to govern them," he added when asked if music will be included in his programming.
... "We are backward in all aspects. Economically, we are in the 16th or 17th century, but our televisions air ten times sexier films (than Western countries)," he said.
16 March 2007: Associated Press interviewed a 21-year-old man who ran his own music store in eastern Baghdad until, in September 2006, followers of the radical shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr came to his shop and told him to shut it down. They left a letter saying:
16 March 2007: Associated Press interviewed a 21-year-old man who ran his own music store in eastern Baghdad until, in September 2006, followers of the radical shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr came to his shop and told him to shut it down. They left a letter saying:
- “You infidel and devil-follower … you deserve to die for pushing Muslims to corruption and adultery.”
young shop owner did not take the threat seriously at first, but then
men dressed in black sprayed his shop with gunfire, destroying it and
wounding him. He fled Baghdad and now works as an employee in a music
store in Sulaimaniyah which, like the rest of autonomous Kurdistan, is
largely secular.
manager of the Aldar Albaidaa music store chain confirmed that it is no
longer safe to sell music in central and southern Iraq.
7 May 2007: A prominent Iranian professor of fine art has been sacked from his university for allegedly offending a fully veiled woman during class.
Nureddin Zarrinkelk, known as the father of Iranian animation, is accused of having "insulted" the female student at Tehran University by showing some of her hair to other students.
Iranian Science Minister Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi has said that Zarrinkelk insulted the Islamic veil and has been banned from teaching in any university.
Iranian Science Minister Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi has said that Zarrinkelk insulted the Islamic veil and has been banned from teaching in any university.
5 June 2007: Three Barbers shot dead in West Basra, Iraq.
24 June 2007: there have been reports that some JAM cells are seeking to impose Taleban-like restrictions throughout the city. For example, barbers have been assassinated because they cut hair in a modern, un-Islamic style; produce vendors have been threatened for displaying bananas or tomatoes and cucumbers together due to perceived sexual connotations; ice vendors have been killed by gunmen who proclaim that the Prophet Mohammad did not drink cold water; taxi drivers are forced from their vehicles because the Prophet did not drive; and owners of tire repair shops have had their air compressors riddled with bullets by gunmen who say air has been provided by God who intended it to be free, not bottled up in tanks.
29 June 2007:
In May this year, the Imam of Mashhad demanded a ban on the practicing of music and ordered a closure of all music institutes in the city, and one of his colleagues the Imam of Bojnoord, was quoted as saying: “Live music and dance is haram (not allowed according to the religion) in Islamic countries. (…) Where instrumental music is played, this place is Satan’s place and you are not allowed to go to this area. Playing,” he said.
1 August 2007:
Whatever the constraints, some observers consider TV a portal to promiscuity. “Forty million people are living with H.I.V.-AIDS, and television is finally helping Afghanistan contribute to those figures,” the Ayatollah Asif Mohseni said with sarcasm.
He is an elderly white-bearded man, and while he is not related to the family who runs Tolo TV, he, too, has entered the television business, starting a station more inclined to showcase Islamic chanting. “We have an economy that is in ruins,” Ayatollah Mohseni said. “Do you think rubbish Indian serials with half-naked people are the answer?”
4 August 2007:
Police arrested 230 people and seized drugs, alcohol and 800 illicit CDs after raiding the event in Karaj, 12 miles west of Tehran. Those arrested included young women in skimpy and "inappropriate" clothing, officers said.
Reza Zarei, Tehran's provincial police chief, said the operation also resulted in the confiscation of 20 video cameras, with which organisers allegedly planned to shoot "obscene" films and then blackmail female participants.
The event included rock and rap performers as well as female singers, who are banned under Iran's Islamic laws. The authorities described the artistes as "satanist" without elaborating. Iran's rulers routinely label much of western-style popular music and culture as decadent.
2 Oct 2007: Karbala Radio forced to play music without lyrics.
18 Dec 2007: Iranian state media quote the police as saying that in the past few days, they have closed down 25 Internet cafes and given warnings to 170 cafe owners for "using immoral computer games and storing obscene photos," and for the presence of women without "proper hijab" on the premises. At least 23 people -- including several women -- have been detained for similar reasons.
26 Dec 2007: Sunni and Shiite militants began blowing up salons roughly two years ago. They killed several stylists and bullied others into putting down their scissors and makeup brushes for good, all in an effort to stamp out what they view as the corrupting spread of Western culture.
Besides beauty salons, militants have also targeted liquor stores, barber shops and Christian churches.
In the past year, most beauty salons in the Shiite-dominated southern city of Basra went underground, as they did in the Sunni-controlled neighborhood of Dora in west Baghdad.
7 Feb 2008:
An Iranian court has sentenced a 22-year-old man to death for his fourth violation of the country's ban on drinking alcohol.
Under Iran's Islamic Shari'a law, a person who is caught drinking for a fourth time may face capital punishment. First-time offenders are punished with cash fines, flogging -- 80 lashes for a single drinking offense -- or a jail sentence.
However, executions for drinking are very rare there. Amnesty International says a Kurdish man, Karim Fahimi, was sentenced to death in 2005 in the western city of Sardasht after having been convicted of drinking alcohol for at least the third time. It is not known if the sentence was carried out.
7 Feb 2008:
An Iranian court has sentenced a 22-year-old man to death for his fourth violation of the country's ban on drinking alcohol.
Under Iran's Islamic Shari'a law, a person who is caught drinking for a fourth time may face capital punishment. First-time offenders are punished with cash fines, flogging -- 80 lashes for a single drinking offense -- or a jail sentence.
However, executions for drinking are very rare there. Amnesty International says a Kurdish man, Karim Fahimi, was sentenced to death in 2005 in the western city of Sardasht after having been convicted of drinking alcohol for at least the third time. It is not known if the sentence was carried out.
20 March 2008: Iranian authorities have closed down nine, mostly lifestyle, magazines this week for publishing photos of "immoral" Western celebrities and reporting about their private lives.
other publications were warned to avoid printing similar photos and
stories -- or face losing their publishing licenses.
Culture Ministry announced the closures, accusing them of publishing
stories about "immoral and corrupt" Hollywood stars and for promoting
29 April 2008: Last week Haider Lefta took the boards off his shop renting out musical instruments and session bands for parties, and dusted off a wooden "oud" -- the traditional Arabic lute central to much Iraqi music.
The 26-year-old could scarcely contain his joy. He abandoned the business three years ago after Shi'ite Islamist militiamen bombed his shop, then threatened to kill him: music and parties were against Islam, the black-masked gunmen had said.
"I'm so happy. Those extremists bombed my shop three times but now they are gone: I can get back to my work," he said.
"I used to run a women's fashion shop in the town centre but had to close after death threats," said Azhar Abdul-Razzaq, a 40-year-old saleswoman, turned housewife by a militia crackdown on boutiques. "Now I'm thinking of reopening."
11 May 2008:
According to the Iraqi Artists' Association, at least 115 singers and 65 actors have been killed since the US-led invasion, as well as 60 painters. But the terror campaign has escalated in recent months as both Shia and Sunni extremists grow ever bolder in enforcing religious restrictions on the citizens of Iraq.
Singer Muthana al-Jaffar, 37, from Baghdad, said: 'The government is not giving us any protection. I witnessed two of my friends being killed for singing western songs at weddings. The Shia extremists who killed them shouted that that was the price they had to pay for singing "the devil's words".
'There is no life for artists in Iraq anymore. We are unable to work. Our families are starving because we cannot feed them.' He said he had sold his house, his car and his wife's jewellery to raise enough money to get to Syria. The Shia demanded 20 per cent of his house proceeds to allow him to leave safely, he added.
The Iraqi Ministry of Culture estimates that about 80 per cent of singers and other artists have now fled.
1 June 2008:
1 June 2008:
This was anything but an ordinary day inside Basra University's College of Fine Arts. Under the harsh constraints imposed by extremist Shiite Muslim clerics and militias that until recently controlled this city, men with Western hairstyles were threatened and beaten. Women without head scarves were sometimes raped and killed. Love was a secret ritual.
Shiite militias with such names as Vengeance of God and Soldiers of Heaven mingled with the larger and better-known Mahdi Army of Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. Assassinations and kidnappings gripped the city.
"People called them the Taliban," said Abdul Sattar Thabid al-Beythani, dean of the College of Fine Arts, referring to Afghanistan's puritanical former rulers.
On a recent night, Salam Hassan, 20, sold Arabic pop music CDs and cellphone ring tones on the sidewalk. A few months ago, Sadrists beat him up and fired a bullet that grazed his knee.
His crime: selling non-Islamic religious songs and ring tones.
After the offensive, he reopened. Now he sells 20 CDs a day, a sign that his customers also are bolder.
"The first thing I did was drink whiskey on the corniche," said Ali Jassim, 20, another CD vendor, wiry and dressed in a tight orange shirt. He then grew out his hair, now shiny and slicked back with gel. The militants used to grab young men with long hair and lop it off in public.
On a warm recent evening, Abdul Karim Ali, 49, took his wife, Fatima, and 6-year-old daughter, Shehab, on a boat ride on the Shatt al Arab.
It was their first in five years. The religious purists frowned upon women socializing in public. Kidnappers also targeted families and children for ransom.
Samer Riad, 23, an artist, is still reluctant to paint portraits of women, another practice outlawed by the fundamentalists.
"I have canceled this idea from my mind," he said. He continues to draw portraits of shanasheels, the wooden grills that cover many balconies here, from which women can look without being seen by the world outside.
"I will not be restricted by anything, if this lasts," said Riad, referring to the security improvements.
In 2005, extremists ordered Mohammed, a plastic surgeon, to shut down his practice. "You are changing what God had created," he recalled them telling him. He refused -- at first.
Four times, he said, militiamen linked to a religious faction in the Basra government tried to assassinate him. They also destroyed $80,000 worth of surgical equipment during a rampage through his office. He fled to Syria, returning last year.
But he has no plan to reopen his practice.
"The government is still the same," said Mohammed, who asked that his full name not be used because he feared for his life.
In March 2005, Mahdi Army fighters barged into a picnic held in the park by engineering students, killed a Christian woman and her fiance, and injured 15 people. They confiscated cellphones and destroyed tape players and music cassettes.
"They beat up everybody who was walking with a girl," recalled Salih Foaud, 22, as he stood near his stall of Spider-Man dolls and toy saucer sets. "For those girls not wearing a head scarf, they punched their faces. They broke one woman's jaw."
Jawad carries an Islamic head scarf in her purse -- just in case. Outside the college, she wears less makeup to avoid attracting the attention of extremists. Although she writes poetry, she's afraid to attend literary gatherings because women are not allowed to recite their work.
"The British did nothing to protect us," Zaki said. "If the Iraqi army leaves, perhaps we will be targeted more than before. They might take revenge on us because we are so free."
The dangers remain on campus as well. That morning, a Mahdi Army member stopped them in the hallway for walking too close together. He demanded to see Zaki's identification card and was never confronted by the school's administration.
"They are afraid he will regain power again," said Zaki, the brand name "American Classics" emblazoned across his T-shirt.
13 June 2008:
Shiite fundamentalists - like Sunni zealots of al-Qaida to the north - often targeted behavior they deemed un-Islamic or pro-Western, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and women wearing makeup or showing their hair uncovered.
29 June 2008: a boy caught selling beer on the city's waterfront was shot and killed in May. Residents say the militants still lurk, waiting to reassert themselves as soon as government forces withdraw. "I'm afraid to talk; they are still watching everything," says Haidar Abdel Zaher, 25, a resident of the Hayaniya neighborhood, which was one of Basra's most dangerous militia strongholds until recently. "The militias are still here, and the army won't be here forever. If they see me talking with a foreigner, they'll just wait until the army moves on to other battles and kill me then," he said. ...
The weapons cache hidden behind the false wall underscores the threat that militias still pose. Iraqi security forces stumbled upon the stockpile on a tip from its former resident, a Sunni police colonel who fled Basra two years ago when he received a death threat. He returned this month after hearing that Basra was improving and directed police to his old home, which had been turned into a militant safe house. As police searched the home, the colonel pointed to a white plaster wall where a closet door had once been, said Mohammad, the police lieutenant.
"He came in and said there used to be a door here," said Mohammad, pointing to a storage space behind the ripped-out wall. "We wouldn't have found it otherwise." Other such caches are buried in fields and hidden under floorboards throughout Basra, said Abed, the Iraqi army general. The army has unearthed some of those weapons caches and arrested more than 1,500 suspected militants, including 70% of the militias' leadership, Abed said.
"We are dealing now with the smaller guys, the tail end," he said. Tail end or not, whoever remains in Basra still has bite. Even though security forces are deployed throughout the city, militants continue to strike at critics and those who flout their austere vision of Islam. Over the weekend, the head of Basra's intelligence department was killed in a drive-by shooting in eastern Baghdad, the Associated Press reported.
Brig. Gen. Jabar Musaid had played a leading role in the recent crackdown against Shiite militias in Basra. Zaher, the frightened Basra resident, said one of his relatives was killed in May after he criticized the militias in a street-corner interview with an Iraqi television station.
A pair of Shiite clerics loyal to the government were killed in April. Since the government declared victory in Basra in April, there have been three bombings by militants at newly reopened music shops, which are symbols of the city's renaissance. "The people who do this have stones for brains," said Khairalla Qassem, who plays in a local music troupe that was attacked during a concert last month. "Unfortunately, they're still out there and still forcing us to live in fear."
Qassem rolls up his left pants leg to reveal a fresh 6-inch-long scar on his knee. In early May, Qassem was playing Basra's unique folk music, known as the Khashaba, at a wedding party in a private garden when someone tossed a grenade over the wall.
"Suddenly there was an explosion, and everyone was screaming," Qassem said.
"The music stopped." No one died in that attack, or in the subsequent three bombings that ripped through Qassem's music shop and the one next door, but the message was clear: Basra's musicians were not out of danger, even if the militias were out of sight.
The most recent bomb exploded June 9, shattering the front window and ripping holes through the sheepskin hides stretched over the store's tambourines and hand drums.
15 August 2008:
13 Nov 2008: 'The Mahdi Army and al-Qaeda only ever agreed on one point - that we are servants of the devil,' said 37-year-old Mohammed Rashid a music shop owner in the Fadel neighbourhood of central Baghdad.
13 June 2008:
Shiite fundamentalists - like Sunni zealots of al-Qaida to the north - often targeted behavior they deemed un-Islamic or pro-Western, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and women wearing makeup or showing their hair uncovered.
29 June 2008: a boy caught selling beer on the city's waterfront was shot and killed in May. Residents say the militants still lurk, waiting to reassert themselves as soon as government forces withdraw. "I'm afraid to talk; they are still watching everything," says Haidar Abdel Zaher, 25, a resident of the Hayaniya neighborhood, which was one of Basra's most dangerous militia strongholds until recently. "The militias are still here, and the army won't be here forever. If they see me talking with a foreigner, they'll just wait until the army moves on to other battles and kill me then," he said. ...
The weapons cache hidden behind the false wall underscores the threat that militias still pose. Iraqi security forces stumbled upon the stockpile on a tip from its former resident, a Sunni police colonel who fled Basra two years ago when he received a death threat. He returned this month after hearing that Basra was improving and directed police to his old home, which had been turned into a militant safe house. As police searched the home, the colonel pointed to a white plaster wall where a closet door had once been, said Mohammad, the police lieutenant.
"He came in and said there used to be a door here," said Mohammad, pointing to a storage space behind the ripped-out wall. "We wouldn't have found it otherwise." Other such caches are buried in fields and hidden under floorboards throughout Basra, said Abed, the Iraqi army general. The army has unearthed some of those weapons caches and arrested more than 1,500 suspected militants, including 70% of the militias' leadership, Abed said.
"We are dealing now with the smaller guys, the tail end," he said. Tail end or not, whoever remains in Basra still has bite. Even though security forces are deployed throughout the city, militants continue to strike at critics and those who flout their austere vision of Islam. Over the weekend, the head of Basra's intelligence department was killed in a drive-by shooting in eastern Baghdad, the Associated Press reported.
Brig. Gen. Jabar Musaid had played a leading role in the recent crackdown against Shiite militias in Basra. Zaher, the frightened Basra resident, said one of his relatives was killed in May after he criticized the militias in a street-corner interview with an Iraqi television station.
A pair of Shiite clerics loyal to the government were killed in April. Since the government declared victory in Basra in April, there have been three bombings by militants at newly reopened music shops, which are symbols of the city's renaissance. "The people who do this have stones for brains," said Khairalla Qassem, who plays in a local music troupe that was attacked during a concert last month. "Unfortunately, they're still out there and still forcing us to live in fear."
Qassem rolls up his left pants leg to reveal a fresh 6-inch-long scar on his knee. In early May, Qassem was playing Basra's unique folk music, known as the Khashaba, at a wedding party in a private garden when someone tossed a grenade over the wall.
"Suddenly there was an explosion, and everyone was screaming," Qassem said.
"The music stopped." No one died in that attack, or in the subsequent three bombings that ripped through Qassem's music shop and the one next door, but the message was clear: Basra's musicians were not out of danger, even if the militias were out of sight.
The most recent bomb exploded June 9, shattering the front window and ripping holes through the sheepskin hides stretched over the store's tambourines and hand drums.
15 August 2008:
In the past few weeks gunmen travelling the city on motorcycles have attacked hairdressers (for shaving off men's beards) and alcohol shops.
"A few months ago some people tried to hold large parties in the city," said one young man.
"They had a band, which was playing music but they had to stop when they were attacked by the militias."
30 Oct 2008:During the most violent years of the war, Iraqi heavy metal fans were besieged by threats from all sides, says Aws Adnan, one of two 21-year-old engineering students who organized the show.
Sunnis accused metal fans of supporting the Mahdi Army because they wore black like members of the Shiite militia, Adnan says. Shiites, meanwhile, suspected fans of being from al-Qaeda because their unkempt goatees resembled the mustacheless beards popular among hard-line Sunni Islamists, he says.
13 Nov 2008: 'The Mahdi Army and al-Qaeda only ever agreed on one point - that we are servants of the devil,' said 37-year-old Mohammed Rashid a music shop owner in the Fadel neighbourhood of central Baghdad.
In the back of his office hang the portraits of a saxophone player and a tambourine player, both murdered by the Mahdi Army's Shia militiamen in early 2006 at the height of Iraq's grisly sectarian violence.
'At his home in Sadr City and in front of his children, they killed and burned the corpse of my saxophone player, Ayad Hair. On the same day, they took Ali Mohammed and killed him. His corpse was found more than two years later.'
'They explained to their families that this will be the fate of all those who transgress holy law,' said Rashid, who reopened his shop earlier this year.
He faced similar harassment from al-Qaeda in Iraq, the Sunni extremist movement loyal to Osama bin Laden that has launched scores of attacks across the country targeting Shia civilians and US-led security forces.
'In March 2006, after they took over the neighbourhood, a group of masked jihadists destroyed my shop,' he said. The trumpets and drum covers still bear the jagged scrapes left by the vandals.
'What you are doing is forbidden, because music is the work of the devil,' Rashid remembers the assailants telling him before he fled to Syria. 'If you reopen your shop, you are dead.'
Hussein al-Basri, the head of Iraq's artists union, says there were more than 300 traditional bands playing in Baghdad on the eve of the US-led invasion in March 2003 but most of them stopped playing in 2004.
Since then around 50 musicians have been killed, and the number of active bands has dwindled to around 100, he said.
Music is still a dangerous profession in some parts of the country.
Eight months ago an orchestral group that had travelled to the southern town of Aziziyah was attacked by the Mahdi Army, which destroyed their instruments.
In the Allawi district of central Baghdad, Ahmed Omar Magid, 27, whose father played in the royal symphony in 1954 during the reign of King Faisal II, suffered the same treatment at the hands of Sunni fighters.
0n 23 March 2009, Afghanistan’s attorney general office arrested Fahim Kohdamani, the manager of Amroz TV, allegedly for broadcasting "anti-Islamic" and "vulgar" programmes on his music show ‘Biya wa Bibin’ (‘Come and See’)..
According the general attorney’s office, he was arrested because of a letter from the Commission for Media Complaints and Violations of Ministry of Culture which claimed that Amroz TV has been broadcasting some music programmes which allegedly “are against Islam values and Afghan culture”.
Najibullah Kabuli, president of Amroz TV and an Afghan parliament member, said to Freemuse’s Afghanistan correspondent Samay Hamed that there are “political issues behind this action, and that music is just an excuse”. Najibullah Kabuli said that the Commission for Media Complaints and Violation generally is calling Western and Indian music ‘against Islam values’, and that the ministry is advocating against certain music video clips with dancing. He also explained that in spite of this, it is common that all private tv channels in Afghanistan broadcast such music programmes.
The Commission for Media Complaints and Violations has also accused Amroz TV for broadcasting “happy and entertaining songs” during Moharam — the lunar month in which the martyrdom of Imam Hossein took place.
Other sources said that Fahim Kohdamani’s arrest appeared to be linked to letters which clerics sent to President Hamid Karzai accusing Amroz TV of failing to respect "religious values" in particular after he broadcast music on 7 January 2009, the day of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, regarded by Shiites as the Third Imam.
According the general attorney’s office, he was arrested because of a letter from the Commission for Media Complaints and Violations of Ministry of Culture which claimed that Amroz TV has been broadcasting some music programmes which allegedly “are against Islam values and Afghan culture”.
Najibullah Kabuli, president of Amroz TV and an Afghan parliament member, said to Freemuse’s Afghanistan correspondent Samay Hamed that there are “political issues behind this action, and that music is just an excuse”. Najibullah Kabuli said that the Commission for Media Complaints and Violation generally is calling Western and Indian music ‘against Islam values’, and that the ministry is advocating against certain music video clips with dancing. He also explained that in spite of this, it is common that all private tv channels in Afghanistan broadcast such music programmes.
The Commission for Media Complaints and Violations has also accused Amroz TV for broadcasting “happy and entertaining songs” during Moharam — the lunar month in which the martyrdom of Imam Hossein took place.
Other sources said that Fahim Kohdamani’s arrest appeared to be linked to letters which clerics sent to President Hamid Karzai accusing Amroz TV of failing to respect "religious values" in particular after he broadcast music on 7 January 2009, the day of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, regarded by Shiites as the Third Imam.
Sep 6, 2009: On August 2, the Basra provincial council passed a decree stating that "anyone selling liquor, drinking in public, making or importing alcohol in Basra" would be fined five million dinars (4,270 dollars).
"Our decision is based on the constitution, which bans anything that violates the principles of Islam," Basra's deputy governor Ahmad al-Sulaiti said.
The constitution stipulates that "Islam is the state religion and the fundamental source of legislation," he said.
Two days after the Basra authorities voted for the ban, officials destroyed one of the dozens of liquor shops there -- a warning of things to come if the ban was not heeded.
"This decision is the work of some religious factions who are dangerous for the Christians," said George Nasser George, a 58-year-old labourer.
Many people remember the chaos that erupted across Iraq after the 2003 US-led invasion that toppled dictator Saddam Hussein, Islamist militants held sway over the streets of Basra and the province of the same name.
Over a two-year period, more than 100 liquor shops were destroyed and dozens of Christians killed by Islamist militias, forcing half the 5,000-strong Christian community to pack and up flee, many to the autonomous Kurdish north.
For the Basra vote, the sole Christian city councillor -- Saad Butros -- was absent when the decision was passed by Sunni and Shiite factions, including supporters of Shiite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
Two councillors representing the secular Iraqi National List of former prime minister Iyad Allawi voted against the ban.
For Christian councillor Butros the authorities should have focused on resolutions addressing security and infrastructure problems rather than on the alcohol ban.
"The majority of Shiite parties who control Basra want to impose their religious ideas, rather than take decisions that serve the interests of the (whole) population," he said.
9 Sep 2009:
Vigilantes patrol the major avenues outside the shrine to demand that any women in the area are in full compliance. Nawf al-Falahi, a women's activist, says one of her acquaintances living in the neighborhood was recently stopped by the self-appointed morality police.
"She and her husband were stopped at a checkpoint at the edge of Kadhimiya. The men around the checkpoint refused to let her pass. They ordered her to go back home and get a shawl to put over her head and shoulders," al-Falahi says.
"Now she keeps a shawl in her handbag and wears it to go in and out of her own neighborhood safely."
Men, too, are targeted by the tighter dress codes. They can no longer wear shorts or tight tops in public, and must have loose trousers and shirts.
Oct 25, 2009: Twelve people accused of promoting satanism have been arrested in northwest Iran, a newspaper reported on Sunday.
"A number of people in the city of Orumiyeh who engaged in the promotion of satanism through underground music and the production of blasphemous video clips were arrested," the daily Resalat quoted senior police official Kheibar Tiba as saying.
The socially conservative Islamic Republic said last year it would crack down on "indecent Western-inspired movements" such as rappers and satanists.
25 Nov 2009: Politicians in the past tried to harness Nasiriya’s music. Nowadays, militiamen harass its musicians.
“The Baath regime wanted us to glorify [its leader] Saddam Hussein. We do not know what the current authorities want from us,” Asmer said. “We are terrified if we sing.”
Asmer also says he is confused by edicts, issued by a variety of clerics, against the use of certain musical instruments, “One of them bans string instruments, another does not allow drums or wind instruments.”
However, he says it is hard to gauge the severity of the ban because several supposedly proscribed instruments are used in religious recitals, for instance during the Shia festival of Ashura. “Did the religion change?” Asmer asked. “Why is everything forbidden or potentially forbidden?”
Interviews with Shia clerics in Nasiriya uncover conflicting views of the musicians.
Sheikh Hakim al-Salihi, an ally of the anti-American Shia cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, says singing “is the devil’s pipe and ruins the soul of prayer”.
“Singing is forbidden by Sadr,” he said. “We are a Muslim community and have to take care of our religion and the rules of God. Every sinner should be punished and every pious person rewarded.”
Tahsin al-Baqaa, a Shia cleric not affiliated to any of the major parties, says singing was regarded as haram, or sinful, by most scholars but “did not necessitate killing”.
“In fact, those who harm singers are extremists that have abandoned the core message of Islam,” he said, adding that “persuasion and guidance” must be used to convert any singers who continued to defy religious doctrine.
Ahmed al-Fartoissi, another cleric, maintains that there had not been any new fatwas, or edicts, against singing or musical instruments.
He says “ignorant extremists” had targeted singers, as well as other public figures, in order to make a political point. “The clerics are not responsible for the persecution of singers and lyricists,” he said.
The threat of violence has forced many musicians to keep a low profile or altogether abandon their art. Though public performances are out of the question, some singers occasionally perform at private homes, where their hosts can guarantee their safety. Very occasionally, they may attend all-night singing soirees in remote locations outside town.
6 July 2010: Iran has unveiled haircuts that according to officials are in line with Iranian and Islamic principles. The new haircut models approved by Iran's Culture Ministry are aimed at preventing haircuts deemed "Western" among Iranian youth.
In November 2010, security forces began shutting down bars, nightclubs, and shops selling liquor, claiming that they were unlicensed businesses. In January 2011, the head of the provincial council introduced a new ordinance on alcohol citing Islamic Law. That led to a new wave of raids on bars and clubs, including the Iraqi Writers Union, showing that the security forces were not just going after regular alcohol sellers, but intellectual organizations as well. Those moves eventually ended. Then in September 2012, they began all over again. Just like before, local authorities claimed they were targeting those selling alcohol without a license. This included the Cinema Club, the Ashurbanipal Cultural Association,the Iraqi Writers Union, and the pharmacist club. The Baghdad Brigade carried out the strikes in the Karrada and Arasat neighborhoods of the capital. The Office of the Commander and Chief, which Premier Maliki is the head of, claimed the action was taken because of a court ruling. A spokesman for the judiciary however, denied any such order had been issued. A security official claimed the real person behind the raids was General Farouk al-Araji, who is the director of the Office of the Commander in Chief. Right afterward, a parliamentarian from State of Law said he was going to introduce legislation to ban alcohol sales in all of Iraq. It’s hard to believe that the Baghdad Brigade, General Araji or the Office of the Commander in Chief were not working for Maliki in this situation.
7 Dec 2010: The Iraqi Ministry of Education has banned theatre and music classes in Baghdad's Fine Arts Institute, and ordered the removal of statues showcased at the entrance of the institute without explaining the move, but some of the students mull religious reasons as the real motive.
“Prohibiting theatre and music in the institute for its so called “violation” of religion is only an individual opinion touted by some people hailing from religious parties, but it is contradictory to the opinion of most religious clerics and scholars,” said Dhaya al-Shakarchi, a writer and a politicians, told
Students have also fears that the ban will extend to include other arts such as photography, directing, sculpting, and drawing.
“Those individuals have a mentality
that is against the spirit of creativity, art, freedoms, and even
happiness in society, because they misunderstand religion, and if they
went back to religious references, they won't find consensus that these
arts are of violation to religion, “said al-Shakarchi.
Some religious parties have also opposed reviving the Babylon Festival that used to occur every summer in Iraq’s Hilla province, an hour drive from Baghdad, saying that music and dance are prohibited while observing the birthday of a religious figure which coincided with the festival's timing.
Religious parties have also closed down clubs. This snowballed in protests by Iraqi intellectuals to condemn tightening of freedoms, and one conspicuous slogan appeared during their marches was “Baghdad is not Kandahar”.
"The zealously banning of freedoms won't be long in Iraq. There are Iraqis that reject such moves," al-Shakarchi said, adding, "the voices of intellectuals, and freedom and creativity lovers will be louder to reject all of this."
Some religious parties have also opposed reviving the Babylon Festival that used to occur every summer in Iraq’s Hilla province, an hour drive from Baghdad, saying that music and dance are prohibited while observing the birthday of a religious figure which coincided with the festival's timing.
Religious parties have also closed down clubs. This snowballed in protests by Iraqi intellectuals to condemn tightening of freedoms, and one conspicuous slogan appeared during their marches was “Baghdad is not Kandahar”.
"The zealously banning of freedoms won't be long in Iraq. There are Iraqis that reject such moves," al-Shakarchi said, adding, "the voices of intellectuals, and freedom and creativity lovers will be louder to reject all of this."
14 Dec 2010: In the sacred Shiite city of Najaf, where women hide themselves behind dark robes and head scarves, 15-year-old Ban wears the wrong kind of black.
Najaf was a rude awakening. Neighbors didn't say hello to Ban and her older sister, Dina, the way people did in Baghdad. The girls missed their friends.
They felt closer to death in Najaf. Whenever a relative or friend died, the body was brought to the city's vast cemetery for burial, and her parents greeted the mourners. "My mom doesn't like black because so many people died," Ban says, pushing her bangs from her eyes.
At first, her schoolmates would tease her because she wore sandals to class, not shoes like the rest of them, and because her mother, not her father, drove her to school. Students would jeer, "She's a Baghdad girl."
Her teachers forced Ban to wear a head scarf. In her second year, it got worse: The school also ordered her to wear the dark gown called an abaya.
"The ayatollahs go overboard," she says angrily. "Everything is haram [forbidden]. Nail polish. Makeup. Everything is no, no, no."
23 Dec 2010:
A few days ago, hundreds of billboards appeared, unannounced, across Baghdad, the Iraqi capital.Nezar Hussein, a 30-year-old filmmaker, translates the messages: "Baghdad won't be Kandahar," "Music is the universal language, "Say no to separating boys and girls in school" and "Religion for God and country for everybody." On all the signs, the messages are preceded by the headline "Liberty First."
The billboards are simple, white with black Arabic script.
"It's a just a simple little message ... it doesn't have to be complicated," Hussein says. "It's the first time to see that kind of campaign in Baghdad."
The messages reflect the growing alarm over recent measures to banish music and dance from the curriculum at Baghdad's Fine Arts Academy, remove statues at the college deemed indecent, and shut an annual arts festival in Babylon (in present-day Babil province, about 55 miles south of Baghdad) and an international circus in Basra.
29 Dec 2010: A noted celebrity in Azerbaijan has abandoned her career as a dancer following a visit to the holy Shrine of the third Shia Imam Reza in Iran.
“I know for getting closer to God, it is necessary to quit my profession and I have made a determined resolution to do this,” Fatima Fatalieva told Azerbaijan's Trend news agency after returning from the shrine city of Mashhad in northeastern Iran.
7 Jan 2011: Men armed with steel pipes last week raided a Christian social club and vandalized liquor shops in Baghdad, raising fears of a creeping fundamentalism as Iraq's new government gets to work.
....Colonel Jabbar Ali Hamed, the chief of the local police in the part of Baghdad where the raids occurred, said the raiders were from the Baghdad provincial council and police had been ordered to assist them in enforcing laws against alcohol sales. "Our duty was to protect them," he said.
12 Feb 2011: In another sign of its ever more improvisational approach to governance, the Iranian regime has outlawed Valentine’s Day. “Symbols of hearts, half-hearts, red roses, and any activities promoting this day are banned,” announced state media last month. “Authorities will take legal action against those who ignore the ban.”
7 June 2011: Last year, with a Shiite-majority government, local officials in Baghdad reintroduced a Saddam Hussein-era law that banned Muslims from selling alcohol and required anyone selling alcohol to have a liquor license -- essentially banning the sale of alcohol.
At the time, officials said the crackdown was aimed at regulating alcohol sales, much like other countries.
But in January the head of the Baghdad Provincial Council, Kamil al-Zaidi told The New York Times, "We are a Muslim country, and everyone must respect that."
During the same period, al-Sadr -- an ally of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Shiite-dominated government -- railed against liquor stores and nightclubs, going so far as to issue a fatwa, a religious opinion, asking his followers to support the ban and stand against those who want to be "immoral like the West."
But when tens of thousands of demonstrators, inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, took to the streets across Iraq to protest corruption and lack of personal freedoms, Baghdad officials rolled back the law.
Within weeks, attacks began against liquor stores.
Since March, at least 25 stores in Baghdad have been bombed, an interior ministry official told CNN. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media.
Most of the liquor stores targeted were owned by Christians or Yazidis, the official said.
29 June 2011:
علامہ مرزا یوسف حسین نے کہا کہ پیپلز پارٹی کی مقامی قیادت کی انہی کوتاہیوں اور نااہلی کی وجہ سے آج گلگت بلتستان میں دیگر قومی جماعتیں قدم جما چکی ہیں، غذر میں گورنر کی چھوڑی ہوئی نشست پر شرمناک شکست اور اسکردو میں جنرل ریٹائرڈ مشرف کا تاریخی جلسہ ظاہر کرتا ہے کہ اگلے انتخابات میں پیپلزپارٹی پس منظر میں چلی جائے گی۔ اس موقع پر اُنہوں نے کہا کہ روندو کو سب ڈویژن بنائے جانے کی خوشی میں شکرانے کے سجدے ادا کرنے کی بجائے رقص و سرور کی محفل سجا کر بے راہ روی کی انتہا کر دی گئی، یہ ہم سب کے لئے باعث شرم ہے۔ اگر آج شیخ غلام محمد مرحوم زندہ ہوتے تو وزیراعلٰی سید مہدی شاہ کو ایسی محفلیں سجانے کی جرات نہ ہوتی۔
2 July 2011:
قائد بلتستان علامہ شیخ محمد حسن جعفری نے کہا ہے کہ شہید قائد آغا ضیاء الدین رضوی کے قتل کے مبینہ ماسٹر مائنڈ کی گرفتاری خوش آئند ہے، تاہم ہماری اپیل ہے کہ اُن کا کیس گلگت میں چلایا جائے، اُنہوں نے اجتماع سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ ہمارے ملک کا عدالتی نظام انتہائی غیر موثر اور غیر منصفانہ ہے اور قوانین میں پائی جانے والی پیچیدگیوں کے باعث دہشت گردوں کو رہائی مل رہی ہے، اگر عدالتیں مجرموں کو سزا اور مظلوموں کو انصاف فراہم کرتیں تو ملک بھر کے حالات پرامن ہوتے۔ اُنہوں نے کہا کہ حکومتی سرپرستی میں روندو میں ہونے والی رقص و سرور کی محفلیں قابل مذمت ہے اور آئندہ ایسی محافل کا انعقاد کیا گیا تو بھرپور مزاحمت کرینگے۔ اُنہوں نے کہا کہ سرکاری افیسران جب ملکی و غیرملکی مہمان آتے ہیں تو ثقافت کے نام پر شراب و کباب کی محفلیں سجاتے ہیں، ہم اُن پر واضح کرنا چاہتے ہیں کہ اس طرح کی محافل ہماری ثقافت نہیں بلکہ اسلام کے اُصولوں کے مطابق زندگی گزارنا ہماری ثقافت ہے۔
3 August 2011: Last Friday hundreds of enthusiasts used plastic pistols and empty bottles to play in the ironically named Garden of Water and Fire for hours and, to the surprise of many, without police interference. But the event – organised on Facebook – prompted criticism from conservatives when pictures of it emerged online days later.
The head of Tehran's morality police, Ahmad Roozbehani said: "A mixed-gender event took place on Friday ... They had been asked to bring water pistol toys, which most of them had in hand ... they acted against social norms."
Speaking to the semi-official Mehr news agency, Hossein Sajedinia, the city's police chief confirmed the arrests, blaming the participants for behaving "abnormally" and disobeying Islamic principles.
Iranian MPs also condemned the water fight, spreading the debate nationwide. Hossein Ibrahimi, a conservative MP, said such events would spread "corruption" and were "shameful".
The Guardian has learned that some of those held have not been released, including a university student.
The arrests of the organisers and participants of the event came after conservative websites urged the regime to identify those behind the water pistol fight.
Organised on a Facebook page called "Tehran's water pistol fight", the event attracted more than 14,000 people and prompted pages promoting similar events in other cities such as Isfahan and Karaj.
17 August 2011: The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance decided that some parts of the epic poem "Khosrow and Shirin" by Nezami Ganjavi needed reworking, despite the fact that the book-length masterpiece has been a classic of Iranian literature for 831 years....But one objection reportedly concerns the poem's reference to the heroine Shirin embracing a male body. That the body is that of her murdered husband and the embrace is a key to understanding her suicide at the end of their tragic love story seems not to have mattered one bit to the censors.
23 August 2011:
Mufti Muhammad Rafi Usmani, Mufti Muhammad Naeem, Chairman Ruet-e-Hilal Committee Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, Mufti Shahid Obaid and Maulana Ibtsam Elahi Zaheer in their written response clearly said that non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and welfare organisations run by artists do not qualify for Zakat and Fitra.
The scholars claimed that artists spend the money to make their offices instead of doing welfare work. The head of Jamia Naeemia said that NGOs that are involved in spreading “anti-Islam” activities in the country such as “obscenity” should not be given any money, while Mufti Shahid Obaid of Jamia Ashrafia not only barred zakat and fitra to artists, but also usher and hides of sacrificial animals.
26 Sep 2011: During July and August, there were at least 30 attacks against Iraqi alcohol shops, with about five occurring in the southern port city of Basra and the remainder in Baghdad, according to an interior ministry official, who said the figures may include multiple attacks against the same shop.
2 Oct 2011: The young woman, whose name and age has not been disclosed, jumped to her death over the weekend of September 24-25 from the sixth floor of a building. The apparent reason? -- escape from a raid being conducted by security forces against a mixed-gender party she was attending. Fun mixed with fear of arrest and charges proved to be a deadly cocktail.
Ghaemi from the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
believes Iranian authorities are to blame for her death. "These raids by
security forces and police to people's homes are clear human rights
violations and attacks into people's private lives," he says.
Sadly, the Mashhad woman's fate is not unique.
figures are unavailable, but Ghaemi says there have been numerous cases
of young people who have been killed while trying to escape police
forces at party raids.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic republic, made clear that in his eyes fun was not compatible with Islam.
are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in
Islam," Khomeini, who never laughed or smiled in public, was once quoted
as saying. "There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious."
13 Nov 2011: Lebanese Shiite Cleric Sheik Hassan Ghandour: Singing Is Prohibited in Islam
4 Dec 2011:
The Public Relations Division at Iran’s Ministry of Guidance and Islamic Culture announced it has banned a weekly newspaper for the “provocative” topics it discusses and the “indecent” behavior of its female journalists.
A ban will was imposed on the weekly newspaper Sokhn Tazah, which is published in the central province of Kerman and specializes in culture, society, and the arts, for violating public morality, said the head of the ministry’s Public Relations Division, Ahmed Saeidi.
“Throughout the past years, we have noticed that the paper is publishing provocative topics and we have warned them several times,” he said.
According to Saeidi, the paper tackles issues that are not stated in its official papers and constantly criticizes government polices. This led the Revolutionary Court to issue an order to shut it down.
“According to the complaint filed at the court, the paper’s editor-in-chief, Batoul Hashemi, is charged with spreading lies and inciting public opinion through publishing topics that promote the practice of corruption. She also published stories that threaten national security,” said Saeidi
Hashemi, he added, also allows the publishing of stories and photographs that violate public decency.
Another reason for banning the paper, Saeidi explained, was the behavior of the journalists working there.
“The journalists in the paper are known for not abiding by the veil and for wearing too much makeup that exceed that permitted limit.” The conference was attended by the imam of the province’s capital, Kerman, who is the representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in the province. His presence was seen as a clear sign of the supreme leader’s consent to the procedure of banning the paper.
25 Jan 2012:
دوسری جانب جانب پنجاب اسمبلی کی رکن ساجدہ میر نے کہا ہے کہ موسیقی کی تقریبات ہمارے کلچر کا حصہ ہیں اور یہ پہلے دن سے ہمارے تعلیمی اداروں میں ہوتی آئی ہیں لہذا ان پر پابندی برداشت نہیں کی جائے گی۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ لڑکیوں کے کالجز میں مینا بازار لگتے تھے جن میں لڑکیاں لڈیاں بھی ڈالتی تھیں اور دھمال بھی پیش کی جاتی تھی، یہ سب ہمارے کلچر کا حصہ ہے جب کہ اس کے ردعمل میں آئی ایس او پاکستان کے ترجمان سلمان عابد کا کہنا ہے کہ وہ مینا بازار صرف گرلز کالجز میں ہوتے تھے جہاں مردوں کا داخلہ سختی سے منع ہوتا تھا اب جو میوزیکل شو ہوتے ہیں وہ کالجز میں نہیں بلکہ عام ہالز میں ہوتے ہیں جہاں پروفیشنل گلوکار آ کر پرفارم کرتے ہیں اور ان میوزیکل شوز میں لڑکیاں اور لڑکے اکٹھے ہوتے ہیں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ پاکستان اسلامی ملک ہے اور اسلامی ملک میں ناچ گانے کی ممانعت ہے، یہ استعمار کی سازش ہے کہ نوجوان نسل کو سیکولر بنا کر ان کے ذہن سے روح محمدی نکال دی جائے اور نوجوانوں کی سوچ کو مفلوج کر دیا جائے۔ سلمان عابد نے کہا کہ ساجدہ میر نے اسلامی شعائر کا مذاق اڑایا ہے اور ان کے اس بیان سے لگتا ہے کہ انہیں دین کی سوجھ بوجھ ہی نہیں۔ سلمان عابد نے کہا کہ اسمبلی میں دیگر اراکین کی اس معاملے میں خاموش بھی افسوسناک ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ اہم تعلیمی اداروں میں ایسے پروگراموں کی مذمت کرتے ہیں اور اگر حکومت نے اس کی منظوری دی تو اس کے خلاف ہر سطح پر مذمتی تحریک چلائی جائے گی۔
13 Feb 2012:
امامیہ سٹوڈنٹس آرگنائزیشن پاکستان کے ترجمان سلمان عابد کا کہنا ہے کہ ویلنٹائن ڈے غیراسلامی ہے اس کو منانا استعمار کی اقتداء کرنے کے مترادف ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ یہودیوں نے ایک مخصوص سازش کے تحت اپنے بے ہودہ ایام مسلمان ملکوں میں داخل کر دیے ہیں اور میڈیا کے ذریعے ان کی اس انداز میں تشہیر کروائی ہے کہ ایسے لگتا ہے کہ یہ ہماری ثقافت کاحصہ ہیں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ جو قومیں اپنی ثقافت کو فراموش کر دیتی ہیں وہ راستے کا ایسا پتھر بن جاتی ہیں جن کو ٹھوکر مارنا ہر راہگیر اپنا حق سمجھتا ہے۔ سلمان عابد نے کہا کہ ہمارے نوجوانوں کو ایسے ایام منانے سے گریز کرنا چاہیے، ایسے ایام منانے کے پیچھے استعمار کے مخصوص مقاصد ہوتے ہیں جن کے حصول کے لئے وہ مختلف ذرائع استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ انہوں نے میڈیا سے مخاطب ہوتے ہوئے کہا کہ میڈیا کے ذمہ داران کو استعمار کا آلہ کار نہیں بننا چاہیے بلکہ گلوبل ویلیج کے نام پر نہ خود گمراہ ہوں نہ دوسرں کو کریں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ یہود و ہنود نے کبھی ہمارے تہوار نہیں منائے بلکہ ان دنوں میں یہ کہہ کر کہ یہ مسلمانوں کے تہوار ہیں الگ ہو جاتے ہیں لیکن ہمیں مجبور کیا جاتا ہے کہ ہم ان کے تہواروں کو منائیں۔ نیا سال، ویلنٹائن ڈے اور کرسمس تک ایسے تہوار ہیں جو عیسائیوں سے زیادہ ہم مناتے ہیں۔ سلمان عابد نے کہا کہ ہم نوجوانوں سے اپیل کرتے ہیں کہ وہ استعمار کی سازشوں کا شکار نہ ہوں بلکہ باشعور ہونے کا ثبوت دیتے ہوئے ان تہواروں کا بائیکاٹ کریں۔
13 Feb 2012:
امامیہ اسٹوڈنٹس آرگنائزیشن پشاور ڈویژن کی جانب سے جاری پریس ریلیز میں کہا گیا ہے کہ اگر مسلمان اپنی تہذیب و تمدن اور رسومات کو صحیح طور پر اپنا لیں تو مغربی یلغار کے شکنجے سے جان چُھڑا سکتے ہیں
ان کا مزید کہنا تھا کہ اگر اس مغربی تہوار یعنی ویلنٹائن ڈے کی روک تھام نہ کی گئی تو ہمارے باعزت معاشرے کی بنیادیں کھوکھلی ہو جائیں گی اور نافرمان اور بے حیاء نسل کے سوا ہمارے ہاتھ کُچھ نہیں آئے گا، اس موقع پر سیکرٹری اطلاعات حسن جان نے کہا کہ ویلنٹائن ڈے غیر اسلامی اور بے حیائی پر مبنی ثقافت ہے جو اسلامی روایات کے خلاف اور اسلامی اقدار کے منافی ہے۔
1 April 2012:
اپریل فول مغربی کلچر کا شیطانی حربہ
24 April 2012:
صاحبزادہ فضل کریم نے کہاکہ عالمی ایجنڈے کے تحت قوم کو ناچ گانے پر لگایا جا رہا ہے، دینی طبقات مغربی و بھارتی تہذیب اور عریانی و فحاشی کے خلاف زوردار آواز اٹھائیں کیونکہ سوچی سمجھی سازش کے تحت دینی اقدار اور اسلامی ثقافت کو تباہ کیا جا رہا ہے۔انہوں نے کہاکہ مسلم لیگ ن میں جنرل پرویزمشرف کے قریبی ساتھیوں کی شمولیت کے بعد مسلم لیگ ن جنرل پرویزمشرف کی روشن خیالی کی راہوں پر چل پڑی ہے، کبھی خواتین کی میراتھن ریس اور کبھی ناچ گانے کی محفلیں سجائی جا رہی ہیں اور قوم کا پیسہ میلوں ٹھیلوں پر اڑایا جا رہا ہے۔
25 June 2012: Two Iranians have been sentenced to death for persistent consumption of alcohol under the country's Islamic Sharia law, which forbids the use, manufacturing and trading of all types of alcoholic drinks.
The two, who have not been named by the authorities, have each previously been lashed 160 times after twice being arrested for consuming alcohol. Being convicted for the third time makes them liable for the death penalty.
30 June 2012:
حضرت آيت الله مکارم شيرازي نے يہ بيان کرتے ہوئے کہ افسوس اج بہت سارے لوگوں نے پردے کو ہلکا سمجھ رکھا ہے کہا : يوروپ ميں ہر پانچ بچے ميں سے ايک بچہ نامشروع پيدا ہوتا ہے اور اس کي بنياد بے پردگي ہے ، پردہ معاشرے کو سلامتي فراھم کرتا ہے اور خاندانوں کي چہار ديواري گرنے سے محفوظ رکھتا ہے ?
30 June 2012:
حضرت آيت الله مکارم شيرازي نے يہ بيان کرتے ہوئے کہ افسوس اج بہت سارے لوگوں نے پردے کو ہلکا سمجھ رکھا ہے کہا : يوروپ ميں ہر پانچ بچے ميں سے ايک بچہ نامشروع پيدا ہوتا ہے اور اس کي بنياد بے پردگي ہے ، پردہ معاشرے کو سلامتي فراھم کرتا ہے اور خاندانوں کي چہار ديواري گرنے سے محفوظ رکھتا ہے ?
4 July 2012: Local authorities requested that the audience at Ehsan Khaje Amiri's pop concert be segregated by gender; however, because families and group bookings could not be separated, it was subsequently cancelled. Singer Khaje Amiri later said, "These days participating in a concert is harder than hosting one."
9 July 2012:
علامہ غفران سیالوی نے محکمہ اوقاف سے اپیل کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ اولیاء اللہ کے عرس کے موقع پرسرکس، میوزیکل شوز، ڈھول کی گونج میں چادرچڑھانے جیسی حرکات پرفی الفورپابندی لگائی جائے وگرنہ محکمہ اوقاف کیخلاف احتجاجی تحریک چلائی جائے گی۔ مزارات پرحاضری کے طریقہ کارکے حوالے سے ہم ڈاکٹرمحمداشرف آصف جلالی اور دیگرجیدمفتیان کرام کے فتوے کی مکمل حمایت کرتے ہیں اوراس فتوے کی روشنی میں مزارات پراصلاحات کے خواہاں ہیں۔
3 Sep 2012:
پرنسپل جامع بعثت اور ایم ڈبلیو ایم کے مرکزی سیکرٹری شعبہ خواتین نے کہا کہ اگر ہم چاہتے ہیں کہ ہم امام زمان (ع) کے سپاہی بنیں تو ہمارے رہن سہن ہمارے اطوار اسلوب بھی اسی طرح کے ہونے چاہیں۔ ہمارا طرز زندگی بھی امام کے سپاہیوں جیسا ہونا چاہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ امام خمینی (رہ) ثقافت اسلامی کی سخت تاکید کرتے تھے اور مغربی تہذیب کو معاشرے کے لیے ناسور قرار دیتے تھے۔ اسی لیے انہوں نے نوجوانوں کو امریکہ اور روس جانے سے منع کیا تھا۔
علامہ مظہر کاظمی کا کہنا تھا کہ علامہ اقبال مغربی تہذیب پر شدید الفاظ میں تنقید کرتے تھے اور ان کی تہذیب کے پیروکاروں کو گندے انڈے کہا کرتے تھے اور کہا کرتے تھے کہ ان کو اس معاشرے سے نکال باہر کرنا چاہے کیونکہ مغربی تہذیب اس معاشرے کے لیے نقصان دہ ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ثقافت پہچان ہوتی ہے اور جو ثقافت چھوڑ دیتا ہے دراصل اس کی پہچان ختم ہوجاتی ہے۔
4 Sep 2012:
Late on the night of Sept. 4, Iraqi soldiers raided nightclubs with warrants for closure signed by the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces. Soldiers ransacked the nightclubs halls and violently forced customers to leave. According to eyewitnesses, some customers were severely beaten. One of the victims, who is in a hospital in central Baghdad suffering from bone fractures and bruises, told Al-Hayat that "soldiers threw him and his friends from the top of the nightclub stairs to the corner of the street."
The next day, MP Ali al-Allaq, chairman of the Endowments Parliamentary Committee, spoke of a draft resolution to prevent access to alcohol. Moreover, in his Friday sermon in the city of Kerbala, Sader Din Qabbanji, a senior leader in the Supreme Islamic Council demanded that the law of "propagation of virtue and the prevention of vice," be implemented, praising the security services actions.
The raid on nightclubs targeted specific areas of Baghdad, such as Karrada and nearby neighborhoods. Security forces raided the clubs of “Al-Mashriq, Ashurbanipal Cultural Association, in addition to the Iraqi Writers’ Union club and the pharmacist and filmmaker clubs.” It is known that a number of these clubs are affiliated with Iraqi Christians. However, a large number of these clubs’ clients are Muslims.
...It is worth noting that many political parties hung banners on the walls of Karrada city, demanding the closure of these clubs. This is not to mention that people have been incited to “banish those who drink alcohol,” and “castigate the young people who are not dressed according to the Islamic teachings.” The scenario of closing nightclubs and banning musical events is once again being played out in Baghdad.
...The Baghdad-based Iraqi central government issued a decision in early September that banned female travelers who are not dressed according to Islamic teachings from entering al-Kadhimiya city.
...It is worth noting that many political parties hung banners on the walls of Karrada city, demanding the closure of these clubs. This is not to mention that people have been incited to “banish those who drink alcohol,” and “castigate the young people who are not dressed according to the Islamic teachings.” The scenario of closing nightclubs and banning musical events is once again being played out in Baghdad.
...The Baghdad-based Iraqi central government issued a decision in early September that banned female travelers who are not dressed according to Islamic teachings from entering al-Kadhimiya city.
8 Sep 2012:
نجف اشرف کے امام جمعہ حجت الاسلام سيد صدرالدين قبانچي نے اس ھفتہ نماز جمعہ کے خطبے ميں جو حسينہ فاطميہ کبري ميں منعقد ہوا تمام نائٹ کلب اور شراب خانوں کے بند کئے جانے کا مطالبہ کيا ?
انہوں نے اس مقامات کے بند کئے جانے کے سلسلے سے حکومت کے فيصلے کي قدرداني کرتے ہوئے کہا: بغداد ميں نائٹ کلب اور شراب خانوں کے بند کئے جانے کے حوالے سے حکومت کا فيصلہ قابل تحسين ہے اور اميد ہے کہ حکومت اس فيصلہ پر ثابت قدم رہے گي ?
حجت الاسلام قبانچي نے مزيد کہا: افسوس بعض سيٹلائٹ چائنلز ازادي کے بہانے اس پروگرام کي مخالفت ميں مصروف ہيں اور ايک نيا فتہ پھيلا نے کي کوشش کررہے ہيں جيسا کہ اس کے پہلے بھي ان چائنلز نے شھر مقدس کاظمين ميں پردے کے لازمي کئے جانے پر اسي رويہ کو اپنايا تھا ?
11 Sep 2012: On September 4, security forces raided 10 venues ranging from alcohol stores to bars to clubs. Behind them, they left smashed bottles, bruised bodies, and new fears Iraq could be heading toward an Islamic state.
The raids, some of the most violent in recent years, targeted places the soldiers claimed were selling liquor illegally. But the owners say they have licenses and, in some cases, the establishments were well-known meeting places for Iraqi intellectuals.
29 Oct 2012: A belly dancer stirred a wave of anger among Shiites in Egypt as she appeared in an Egyptian movie raving to a song praising Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad and the wife of Imam Ali, highly venerated in Shiite Islam, who called for banning the movie to screen in theaters.
Baha Anwar Mohammed, spokesman of Egyptian Shiites, has condemned belly dancer Dina for her performance in the film “Abdo Mouta” to be offensive and highly disrespectful to the People of the House (Ahl al-Bayt), the family of Prophet Muhammad, particularly important to Shia Muslims.
Baha was quoted by Egypt’s al-Sabah newspaper as saying that the country’s Shiites will file a complaint to the general prosecutor against the film demanding to ban it from screening as it insults prominent Islamic figures.
Shiites believe Imam Ali and the rest of Ahl al-Bayt as prophet’s successors. Baha called on Egypt’s Al-Azhar Islamic School and its Grand Mufti to condemn “such abuse” to the prophet’s family.
Dina, the belly dancer, denied her performance in the movie was meant to offend Islamic prominent figures.
Although the song “Virtuous Mother of Hasan and Husain” praises Fatima, the fact that a belly dancer dances to it was seen as highly inappropriate.
9 Dec 2012:
مجلس وحدت مسلمین پنجاب کے رہنما سید اسد عباس نقوی، رائے ماجد علی، مظاہر شگری، سنی اتحاد کونسل پاکستان کے مرکزی راہنماؤں پیر محمد اطہر القادری، طارق محبوب، محمد سعید رضوی، مفتی محمد حسیب قادری، الحاج سرفراز تارڑ، محمد نواز کھرل، صاحبزادہ محمد داؤد رضوی، آئی ایس او پاکستان لاہور ڈویژن کے صدر عابدحسین، ناصر علی، شیعہ علماء کونسل کے نائب صدر علامہ حافظ کاظم رضا و دیگر رہنماؤں نے اپنے بیان میں کہا ہے کہ چیف جسٹس انتہائی فحش ترکی ڈرامے ’’عشقِ ممنوع‘‘ کا فوری نوٹس لیں۔
19 Dec 2012:
ترکی میں اچھے ڈرامے بھی بنتے ہیں لیکن ہمارے چینلز ان ڈراموں کو ہی پیش کرتے ہیں جن کا موضوع شادی شدہ عورت کا اپنے عاشق کی خاطر اپنے شوہر سے خیانت یا پھر عشق و عاشقی شیطانی ہوا کرتی ہے
دوسری جانب اجنبی مرد اور عورت کے باہمی تعلق میں اس قدر آزدی دیکھائی جاتی ہے جیسے ہم کسی بھی طور برداشت نہیں کرسکتے لہذا پیمرا سمیت سول سوسائٹی کو ان ڈراموں کیخلاف متعلقہ ادارے سے بات کرنی چاہیے تاکہ غیر اخلاقی اس سیلاب کو روکا جاسکے واضح رہے کہ عرب ممالک میں ترکی کے بہت سے ڈراموں پر پابندی لگادی گئی ہے جن میں سے ایک عشق ممنوع نامی ڈرامہ بھی ہے
21 Dec 2012: Bareilly: An organisation of Sunni Muslim clerics here have termed as `haraam` the uploading of photos on the internet for matrimonial purpose and on social networking sites.
The fatwa issued by Madarsa Manzar-e-Islam of Dargah Aala Hazrat came in response to a question posed by a man from Kanpur.
He had asked whether it was appropriate according to Islamic laws to post pictures on matrimonial and social networking sites.
Syed Mohammad Kafeel replied that this action would be considered
`haraam`. However, he said bio-data could be posted on the internet
without photo.
of Shahi Jama Masjid Mufti Khurshid Alam said a fatwa of Mufti Azam
Hind was already available in which he has termed photos without
necessity as `haraam`.
He, however, said a photo can be used for passport and other application forms wherever it is necessary.
30 Dec 2012:
آئی ایس او نیو ائیر نائٹ کو ’’شب دعا‘‘ کے طور پر منائے گی، عابد حسین
31 Dec 2012:
سربراہ پاکستان سُنی تحریک محمد ثروت اعجاز قادری نے کہا ہے کہ پاکستان سنی تحریک نیوایئرنائٹ کو ملک گیر"شب دعا "کے طورپرمنائے گی۔
1 Jan 2013:
ملک کے دیگر شہروں کی طرح پشاور میں بھی امامیہ طلباء نے نیو ائیر نائٹ کو شب دعا کے طور پر منایا اور یونیورسٹی کیمپس اور یونٹس میں دعائیہ تقریبات کا انعقاد کیا گیا۔ اس موقع پر آئی ایس او پشاور ڈویژن کے محبین انچارج سید علی نے کہا کہ نیو ائیر نائٹ جیسے غیر اسلامی تہوار کے ذریعے بے حیائی، فحاشی اور عریانیت کو فروغ دیا جا رہا ہے۔ نئی نسل کو اسلامی تہذیب و تمدن سے دور کرکے مغربی کلچر اور غیر شرعی رواج کی طرف راغب کیا جا رہا ہے۔ سکولوں، کالجز، یونیورسٹیز میں دین اسلام کی تعلیمات سے دور طلباء و طالبات نیو ائیر نائٹ جیسے غیر اسلامی پروگراموں میں شرکت کرکے اخلاقیات کا جنازہ نکال رہے ہیں۔, however, said a photo can be used for passport and other application forms wherever it is necessary.
30 Dec 2012:
آئی ایس او نیو ائیر نائٹ کو ’’شب دعا‘‘ کے طور پر منائے گی، عابد حسین
31 Dec 2012:
سربراہ پاکستان سُنی تحریک محمد ثروت اعجاز قادری نے کہا ہے کہ پاکستان سنی تحریک نیوایئرنائٹ کو ملک گیر"شب دعا "کے طورپرمنائے گی۔
1 Jan 2013:
ملک کے دیگر شہروں کی طرح پشاور میں بھی امامیہ طلباء نے نیو ائیر نائٹ کو شب دعا کے طور پر منایا اور یونیورسٹی کیمپس اور یونٹس میں دعائیہ تقریبات کا انعقاد کیا گیا۔ اس موقع پر آئی ایس او پشاور ڈویژن کے محبین انچارج سید علی نے کہا کہ نیو ائیر نائٹ جیسے غیر اسلامی تہوار کے ذریعے بے حیائی، فحاشی اور عریانیت کو فروغ دیا جا رہا ہے۔ نئی نسل کو اسلامی تہذیب و تمدن سے دور کرکے مغربی کلچر اور غیر شرعی رواج کی طرف راغب کیا جا رہا ہے۔ سکولوں، کالجز، یونیورسٹیز میں دین اسلام کی تعلیمات سے دور طلباء و طالبات نیو ائیر نائٹ جیسے غیر اسلامی پروگراموں میں شرکت کرکے اخلاقیات کا جنازہ نکال رہے ہیں۔
Feb 5, 2013: The Muftis of the Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband in the Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh have endorsed the fatwa issued by Bashiruddin Ahmad,the Grand Mufti of Kashmir. All India Jamat-e-Raza Mustafa, representing the Barelvi Sunni Muslim sect have also supported the fatwa against rock band Pragaash, formed by three Kashmiri girls. The Barelvi School has however condemned the threats being given to the girls and their families by the radical Muslim organisations.
8 Feb 2013:
محمد شکیل قاسمی صوبائی رہنماء جمعیت علماء پاکستان نے عدالت عظمی ٰ میں ایل پی جی کوٹہ کیس کی سماعت کے دوران چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان اور مسلم لیگ ن کے رہنما خواجہ آصف کے مابین ویلنٹائن ڈے کے حوالے سے مکالمہ بازی پر تنقید اور ردعمل کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ویلنٹائن ڈے مغربی دنیا کا ایک ایسا تہوار ہے جس سے معاشرے میں بے حیائی اور بد کرداری کے فروغ میں مدد ملتی ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ویلنٹائن ڈے کی دین اسلام میں کوئی گنجائش نہیں ہے اس لحاظ سے ملک کی اعلی ترین عدالت میں ویلنٹائن ڈے کی باز گشت اور اس پر خوشگوار مکالمہ بازی پاکستان کے اسلامی اقدار اور شعائر کے منافی ہے۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ اسلامی ملک کی عدالت عظمیٰ کے اہم ترین منصب پر فائز ہونے کی وجہ سے چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان کو ایسے امور کا خیال رکھنا چاہئے۔ انہوں نے چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان سے اپیل کی ہے کہ وہ اسلامی ملک کے قاضی القضاۃ ہونے کی بنا پر پاکستان میں ویلنٹائن ڈے منانے پر پابندی عائد کریں۔ دریں اثناء جمعیت علماء پاکستان کے کارکنوں نے فیصلہ کیا ہے کہ وہ 14 فروری کو مغربی دنیا کے بے حیائی اور بیہودگی کو فروغ دینے والے تہوار کے مقابلے میں ملک بھر میں ’’یوم شرم و حیا‘‘ منا کر اسلامی معاشرے کے نوجوانوں کو بے حیائی اور بیہودگی پر مبنی سرگرمیوں سے دور رہنے اور شرم و حیا ء کی دینی اقدار و احکامات کو اجاگر کریں گے۔
13 Feb 2013:
ویلنٹائن ڈے کو حجاب ڈے کے طور پر منایا جائے، آئی ایس او پشاور
13 Feb 2013:
وفاق المدارس الشیعہ پاکستان کے جنرل سیکرٹری مولانا محمد افضل حیدری نے ویلنٹائن ڈے کی ترویج پر اظہار تشویش کرتے ہوئے اسے غیر اسلامی، غیر شریفانہ ثقافت کا مظہر قرار دیا ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ آج مغرب اپنی بےحیائی و بےعفتی سے نالاں ہے مگر یہاں مخصوص طبقے، عظیم اسلامی تہذیب و ثقافت اپنانے کی بجائے ’’ویلنٹائن ڈے‘‘ جیسی غیر شریفانہ رسوم کو ترویج دینا چاہتے ہیں۔
14 Feb 2013:
ادارہ صراط مستقیم کے زیراہتمام ویلنٹائین ڈے کو یوم حیاء کے طور پر منایا گیا۔ انہوں نے کہا پاکستان ایک اسلامی ریاست ہے، ویلنٹائین ڈے مسلمان بہن بیٹیوں کی عزتوں کو ختم کرنے اور بے راہ روی کی طرف لگانے کا ایک طریقہ ہے۔
14 Feb 2013:
THE theocrats who run the Islamic Republic of Iran are no great fans of Valentine’s day. A letter sent to Iran’s customs offices informed staff that this “decedent Western custom” was a “sacrilegious cultural inroad from the domineering capitalist system with the aim of weakening the Iran’s ... fundamental family values.”
They have little time for moony merchandise. “Printed material containing roses, hearts or any form of promotion of Valentine’s day is forbidden,” said another letter issued to Iran’s printers. “Whoever violates this order will be subjected to prosecution.”
Despite the government’s best efforts, the romantic holiday has in recent years found a place in the hearts of many Iranians. A brisk trade of imported teddy bears, candy and cards has grown to meet their demand. Even the residents of Qom, Iran’s most holy city, have taken to the holiday, fretted Jahan News, a website close to the Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.
“We have lookouts to tell us when amaken [commercial inspectors] are coming,” says one shop keeper. “If they find un-Islamic products they put a seal on the door and close us down.” A last-minute customer takes some heart-shaped balloons to the counter. “Last year I came home and my wife had cooked dinner and had heart shaped chocolates for me,” he explains. “She’ll kill me if I don’t buy her something for her this year.”
Some conservative commentators hope they can lure Iranians away from Valentine’s day and get them to celebrate the anniversary of the marriage of Ali, the first Shia Imam, to Zahra, Muhammad’s daughter. Alas for lovestruck Iranians, it is not until October.
16 Feb 2013:
جعفریہ پریس – روزنامہ جنگ مورخہ 2/10/2013 اور 2/12/2013 میں شائع ہونے والے مضمون ”کیا رقص و موسیقی حرام ہیں” پر تبصرہ کرتے ہوئے شیعہ علماء کونسل پاکستان کے مرکزی رہنماء اور معروف عالم دین علامہ شہنشاہ حسین نقوی نے کہا ہے کہ جب رقص و موسیقی کی دنیا سے مغربی ممالک پریشان ہیں، رقص و موسیقی کی ترویج میں ایسا مضمون آنا حیران کن ہے، انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ کھانا، پینا، جنسی تسکین وغیرہ کی طرح اگر اور جذبہ بھی طبع بشر میں سے ہے تو اس کا ہرگز یہ مقصد نہیں کہ اس پر بے مہار ہونے کی صورت پر شریعت کی لگام نہ لگائی جائے۔ علامہ شہنشاہ حسین نقوی نے کہا کہ کھانا پینا اگر مزاج و طبع بشر میں ہے تو کیا ہر چیز اور ہر وقت کھانا پینا جائز ہو جاتا ہے؟ بس ہر چیز کے نفع نقصان کو تولنا اور وزن کرنا ضروری ہے۔ شیعہ علماء کونسل پاکستان کے مرکزی رہنماء نے کہا کہ ویسے بھی لہو و لعب پر مشتمل محافل تمام فقہاء کے نزدیک حرام ہیں اور انہیں بھی یہ سب روایات و واقعات معلوم ہیں۔
علامہ شہنشاہ حسین نقوی نے کہا کہ وہ روایات اور واقعات جنہیں اس مضمون میں ذکر کیا گیا ہے وہ اس موسیقی سے متعلق ہے جو حرام نہیں ہے اور یہ تشخیص دینا اور استنباط کرنا کہ موسیقی کون سی حرام ہے اور کون سی حلال و جائز ہے فقہاء و مجتہدین کا کام ہے۔
1 April 2013:
مذہبی حلقوں نے پنجاب کی نگران حکومت کی طرف سے بسنت کی اجازت دینے کی شدید مذمت کرتے ہوئے مطالبہ کیا ہے کہ بسنت منانے کا فیصلہ واپس لیا جائے کیونکہ بسنت غیراسلامی تہوار ہے اور اس کی وجہ سے کئی جانیں ضائع ہو جاتی ہیں۔ علما نے کہا کہ نگران حکومت الیکشن کرائے، سیکولر ازم لانے کے لیے بے قرار نہ ہو۔ سنی اتحاد کونسل کے رہنماؤں نے کہا کہ بسنت کی اجازت منسوخ نہ ہوئی تو شدید احتجاج کریں گے۔ مجلس وحدت مسلمین کے احمد اقبال رضوی نے کہا کہ بسنت پر پابندی عدالت کے حکم پر لگائی گئی تھی، موجودہ نگران حکومت کو عدالتی احکامات کی پاسداری کرنی چاہیے۔
6 April 2013:
ایسا ہر کھیل جس سے وقت کا ضیاع، مال کا ضیاع اور نقصان کا قوی اندیشہ ہو جائز نہیں ہے بسنت ایک خونی کھیل ہے لہذا کسی صورت میں بسنت کا منانا درست نہیں ہمارا مطالبہ ہے کہ نگران وزیر اعلی پنجاب نجم سیٹھی بسنت منانے کا فیصلہ واپس لے۔ یہ بات جامعہ نعیمیہ کے ناظم اعلی مولانا راغب حسین نعیمی نے خطبہ جمعہ میں بسنت کے خلاف یوم احتجاج کے موقع پر خطاب کرتے ہوئے کہی۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ نگران حکومت الیکشن کرانے آئی ہے یا بسنت۔ سنی اتحاد کونسل پاکستان کے مرکزی فنانس سیکرٹیری اور تحفظ ناموس رسالت محاذ کے نائب صدر علامہ پیر محمدا طہر القادری نے جامع مسجد محافظ ٹائون میں خطاب کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ پتنگ بازی پر پابندی ہائی کورٹ لگا چکا ہے نگران وزیر اعلی اپنے فیصلے پر نظرثانی کریں تاکہ کوئی قیمتی جانوں کا ضائع نہ ہو۔ انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ اسلام میں کسی فضول کھیل تماشہ کی اجازت نہیں ہے جن کھیلوں سے معاشرے پر مفید اثرات پڑے وہ جائز ہیں لیکن اسلام اور پاکستان میں شیطانی کھیل کی ازجات کسی صورت نہیں دی جا سکتی لہذا سپریم کورٹ کافرض بنتا ہے کہ وہ پتنگ بازی پر ازخود نوٹس لیتے ہوئے پتنگ بازی پر مستقل پابندی عائد کرے تاکہ کسی شہری کی قیمتی جان ضائع نہ ہو۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ پتنگ بازی کی اجازت کسی صورت نہیں دی جاسکتی کیونکہ پتنگ بازی ایک شیطانی اور خطرناک کھیل ہے جبکہ ماضی میں کئی قیمتی جانیں پتنگ بازی کی نظر ہو چکیں ہیں۔
19 April 2013:
Last week, a Disco in the city of Istanbul has launched by some unfortunate programs in the opening ceremony.
At the beginning of the opening ceremony, in which some of the officials of the city of Istanbul were also present, the Dua of opening (Iftitah) were read.
Another offensive program of this ceremony, was dancing of the women while their veils (Hijab) on after reading the Dua.
After the dancing, a veiled Malaysian women started singing and playing music, the actions that are totally prohibited in Islam, according some verses of the Holy Quran itself.
Since a long time ago, America has always tried to publish the American Islam, an Islam in which you just need to keep the superficial shell of religion like wearing Hijab and some of the main rules of the religion such as Jihad or negating the rule of imperialism on your country, are being completely ignored.
14 May 2013: On the evening of May 14, 2013, dozens of people had gathered in front of a small shop in Baghdad to buy alcohol. Rabie Square — a vital commercial center in central Baghdad — was filled with the sounds of cars and shoppers as unidentified assailants emerged from four-wheel drive vehicles and opened heavy fire on alcohol vendors and workers, the majority of whom were Yazidi youth.
In a phone conversation with Al-Monitor, an officer on the federal police force said: "A group of armed assailants emerged from four vehicles in the Ghadeer neighborhood in eastern Baghdad. They entered a shop that sells alcoholic beverages and opened fire on those in the shop using guns fitted with silencers. This resulted in 12 people being killed, 10 of whom were Yazidi."
Owners of alcohol shops, who refused to disclose their identities, said that they do not receive official permits from the Iraqi Ministry of Tourism, but they are forced to pay "sums of money to Iraqi army units to provide protection."
The work being done by the Ministry of Tourism — headed by Minister Liwa Semsem, a Shiite leader affiliated with Muqtada al-Sadr — is unclear, and the ministry's official website lacks any regulations or guidelines for those wishing to register alcohol shops.
It seems that some soldiers have cautioned owners of alcohol shops that they may issue orders to shut down alcohol storehouses and prohibit the sale of alcohol.
On April 9, 2012, security forces attacked nightclubs and shops selling alcohol in Baghdad and shut them down after owners and patrons were assaulted based on charges that they were working without official permission.
On the night of Sep. 4, 2012, Iraqi security forces raided recreational clubs in Baghdad. Security officers presented an official statement signed by the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces ordering their closure, and soldiers and members of the security forces destroyed everything in these clubs and violently expelled their patrons.
During a press conference attended by Al-Monitor last year, Ali al-Alaq, a Shiite member of the parliamentary Religious Endowments Committee, called for legislation to combat alcohol.
It's worth mentioning that Sadruddin Qabbanji, a Friday preacher for Shiite Muslims in the city of Karbala, urged the Iraqi government to follow [the concept of] "the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice," and stated that what the Iraqi army did was "correct."
The Lalish Center, a civil society organization concerned with defending the rights of Yazidis in Iraq, said in a statement Al-Monitor received via email, "It's interesting and worth noting that (the attacks against alcohol vendors) occurred in an area that is heavily fortified by the security services."
The center clarified that "the militants carried out their crimes in cold blood, after storming a police security checkpoint. They did not kill any police officers, they merely tied them up and then attacked a number of shops that employ Yazidi workers, whose economic conditions force them to risk their lives to provide for their families."
As I was writing this story, eyewitnesses told Al-Monitor that the security forces had ordered all shops that sell alcohol to close. Al-Monitor's source said that soldiers told them they were preventing them from [selling alcohol] to limit armed attacks on the lives of shop owners.
7 June 2013:
تحریک منہاج القرآن ضلع راولپنڈی کے امیر حافظ عبدالرؤف عباسی نے کہا ہے کہ محبت و سیرت رسول (ص) سے انحراف کے باعث ہماری انفرادی و اجتماعی زندگیوں میں پریشانیاں در آئی ہیں۔ بھارتی چینلز کے ذریعے ہندوانہ رسوم ورواج تیزی سے ہمارے معاشرے میں فروغ پذیرہیں۔ ہماری نوجوان نسل کا ایمان خطرے میں ہے۔ نجات کے لئے گھر گھر محبت اور تعلیمات رسول (س) کی محافل سجانا ہوں گی۔
July 2013:
On July 5, it was reported that gunmen in SUV’s stormed several clubs, bars, and cafes telling everyone to leave or they would be beaten. The government reacted by issuing a number of contradictory justifications. Baghdad authorities claimed that certain cafes had been banned. The police elaborated that they were using underage females as waitresses. A spokesman for the Baghdad Operations Command followed up by saying that it had received orders to close certain cafes, and the Interior Ministry said that the establishments could re-open as soon as they stopped using young help. On the other hand, the new Sadrist governor set up a special committee to prosecute the owners. Several Shiite politicians came out in support of the attacks. One told the press that the businesses were a disgrace and an insult to the Iraqi people and Islam, and that the government needed to regulate them more. A member of the Baghdad provincial council said that the closures were necessary to protect the families of Karrada. A Fadhila lawmaker called for an investigation, not into the attackers, but rather one owner that killed and wounded two of his assailants. He held a press conference to call for all businesses that served alcohol in the country to be closed, especially since it was Ramadan. A State of Law legislator seconded his opinion, while another claimed the bars and clubs were angering the public, and were unIslamic. A member of the Sadr bloc in parliament believed that closing the establishments was allowed under the constitution, and that it was the duty of the government to enforce these limitations. Another follower of Moqtada stated that the new Sadrist government of Baghdad was behind the closures, but that was quickly denied by another Sadrist who said that the movement was not trying to create a religious government in the capital. Other parties were not so happy with the turn of events. An Iraqi National Dialogue Front member blamed militias for the attacks, and implied they had the support of the government. A Kurdish Coalition legislator said that the attacks were a failure of the state to preserve law and order. A tribal group in Baghdad also condemned the attacks saying that the security forces should deal with any violations, and the Human Rights Ministry said that these assaults were a violation of the rule of law, and was the work of political parties. Three weeks later Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was forced to respond stating that the authorities were responsible for enforcing the law, and that militias and gangs were not accepted. He went on to claim that people had been arrested for the assaults, and the incidents were being investigated. Vigilante justice like these assaults is nothing new to Iraq. Since 2003, various groups have taken the law into their own hands over a number of issues. Businesses that are considered sinful and breaking religious law have been targeted for years. The fact that so many Shiite politicians came out in support of the actions showed that they have widespread support amongst the elite, and will continue with impunity despite Maliki’s comments about the rule of law.
19 July 2013:
Suddenly, and without warning, the local Baghdad authorities decided, on the eve of July 17, 2013, to ban youth-oriented cafes operating in the center of the city. The authorities organized, with the cooperation of gunmen and volunteers, a campaign to shut down these cafes under the pretense that they were “incompatible with traditions and morals,” despite these cafes only serving tea and coffee at the end of the fasting day during the month of Ramadan.
Baghdad’s former governor, Salah Abdul Razzaq, who is a member of Iraqi Prime-Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Islamic Dawa Party, had led throughout the past years continuous campaigns to close nightclubs and shops that sell liquor in Baghdad. These were attempts that a broad spectrum of citizen defenders of the civil state considered a violation of public freedoms.
But, the new campaign that began in the Karada neighborhood of Baghdad’s commercial center seemed unusual and coincided with unknown people hanging posters signed by the “Karada clans” on the walls of closed cafes, claiming that their closure was a popular demand. The move was accompanied by the governor of Baghdad forming a special “emergency unit” tasked with prosecuting the owners of these cafes, and the local police affirmation that the closures were because the cafes employed underage females.
The spokesman for Baghdad Operations Command, Saad Maan, stated, “Orders were issued to close cafes that employed underage females as waitresses,” and “The Interior Ministry had carried out those orders pursuant to laws aimed at preventing the exploitation of minor female workers.”
A few months ago a carbon copy of the Karada incident occurred in the Kadhimiya neighborhood (north of Baghdad), where religious parties organized, in the name of “clans and notables of Kadhimiya” a campaign to bar non-veiled women and young men with long hair from entering the neighborhood under the pretense that theirs was a “holy city” because it contained the shrine of Shiite Imam Moussa al-Kadhim. The same neighborhood was previously the scene of a horrendous killing campaign targeting young emo music lovers who were accused of being homosexual. via
30 July 2013: In an interview with Al-Monitor, Sheikh Mahmoud al-Jayashi, the director of the Sadrist movement's Special Office, denied that the party was involved in any way in these attacks. He confirmed that the movement had stopped all military activity since August of 2007. Since these operations often occur in areas with an overwhelming Shiite majority, it seems very unlikely that the perpetrators are Sunni religious parties, which do not have the capability to operate in such a professional manner in Shiite areas.
Based on this information, accusations have been directed at the religious militias backed by government agencies, most notably Asaib Ahl al-Haq. This group split from the Sadrist movement and, unlike the movement itself, maintained good relations with the ruling State of Law Coalition. A source close to Maliki, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Al-Monitor that the prime minister, during a meeting with leaders of Asaib Ahl al-Haq and in response to their claims that the government was not halting practices that violated Sharia law, said that they could not do so officially, but that Asaib Ahl al-Haq could pressure these violators from time to time.
Furthermore, the government's silence and its neutral stance toward violations of the law and civil rights present a huge challenge to the State of Law Coalition and the Islamic Dawa Party, in particular. The latter still maintains its calls for implementing Sharia, which is one of its goals in the party's founding statement.
5 Sep 2013:
وحدت مسلمین پاکستان شعبہ خواتین کی ذمہ دار سکینہ مہدوی نے تاکید کی :
حجاب میں چہرے کا کھلا رکھنا فتوٰی اور ڈھانپ لینا تقوٰی ہے ۔
نیوز ایجنسی کی رپورٹ کے مطابق، ایم ڈبلیو ایم پاکستان نے حجاب کے فروغ
میں جماعت اسلامی اور تحریک منہاج القرآن پاکستان کے ساتھ مشترکہ جدوجہد
کا اعلان کیا ۔
سکینہ مہدوی نے لاہور میں حجاب سے متعلق تصویری نمائش کے موقع پر میڈیا سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہا: حجاب صرف عورت پر ہی نہیں بلکہ مردوں کی نظروں کا بھی حجاب ضروری ہے۔
انہوں ںے یہ کہتے ہوئے کہ حجاب نے عورت کو وقار عطا کیا ہے تاکید کی: دنیا میں ایسا ماحول پیدا کیا جائے کہ کوئی خاتون پردے کے بغیر گھر سے باہر نہ نکلے۔
ایم ڈبلیوایم پاکستان کی سرکردہ رکن نے اس بات کی خبر دیتے ہوئے کہ ایم ڈبلیو ایم جماعت اسلامی اور تحریک منہاج القرآن کے ساتھ مل کر سرکاری دفاتر میں حجاب کے لئے قانون سازی کے لئے جدوجہد کریں گی کہا: پاکستان اسلامی سرزمین ہے جہاں اسلامی کا قانونین کو بالا دستی حاصل ہونا چاہئے ۔
ذکیہ نقوی نے اپنے بیان میں اس بات کی جانب اشارہ کرتے ہوئے کہ حجاب میں چہرے کو کھلا رکھنا فتوٰی ہے مگر مکمل ڈھانپ لینا تقوٰی ہے کہا: حجاب کے سلسلہ میں عورتوں ہی نہیں مردوں کی بھی ذمہ داری ہے کہ وہ اپنی بیویوں اور بیٹیوں کو حجاب کروائیں اور اپنی نگاہوں پر بھی حجاب قائم رکھیں ۔
23 Sep 2013:
ممتاز عالم دین اور ماہر تعلیم مولانا محمد رضا عابدی نے ’’اسلام ٹائمز‘‘ سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ ترک اور بھارتی ڈراموں نے ہماری ثقافت، کلچر اور خاندانی نظام کو تباہ و برباد کر کے رکھ دیا ہے۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ ہم سرحدوں پر تو ایٹم بم لے کر کھڑے ہو گئے ہیں لیکن دشمن کو ہم نے ٹی وی کے ذریعے اپنے گھروں میں لا بٹھایا ہے، جس کا نتیجہ یہ ہے کہ ہمارے بچوں کو انبیاء اور آئمہ اطہار کے نام تو نہیں آتے لیکن ہندؤں کے بھگوانوں کے نام، ان کے رسوم و رواج اچھی طرح ازبر ہیں۔
11 Oct 2013:
امام جمعہ والجماعت مرکزی امامیہ مسجد اسکردو، بزرگ عالم دین، حجتہ الاسلام علامہ شیخ محمد حسن جعفری نے اپنے خطبہ جمعہ میں شگر میں یو ایس ایڈ اور اے کے آر ایس پی کے تعاون سے گذشتہ رات منعقدہ محفل موسیقی کی شدید الفاظ میں مذمت کی اور اسے امریکہ کی جانب سے اسلامی اقدار کو زک پہنچانے اور علاقہ میں فحاشی و عریانی کو تقویت پہنچانے کی سازشوں کا شاخسانہ قرار دیا۔ علامہ شیخ محمد حسن جعفری نے خطبہ جمعہ میں کہا کہ یو ایس ایڈ بلتستان میں منافرت پھیلانے، مذہبی اقدار کو ملیامیٹ کرنے، علاقہ میں فحاشی و عریانی کو عام کرنے اور بےدینی کو راج کرنے کی امریکی پالیسی پر کاربند ہے اور اسی پالیسی کو عملی جامہ پہنا رہی ہے، عوام ان معاملات میں ہشیار رہیں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ یو ایس ایڈ بلتستان میں غیر شرعی اور غیر اخلاقی تقریبات سرانجام دینے سے باز رہیں۔ ملک کے دوسرے خطّوں اور بلتستان میں فرق ہے، یہ خطہ بلّاد اہلبیت (ع) ہے، یہاں کسی قسم کی غیر اسلامی تقریبات سرانجام دینے کی ہرگز اجازت نہیں ہوگی۔ شگر میں خواتین کی محفل رقص ایک سانحہ سے کم نہیں اور ناقابل برداشت ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ یو ایس ایڈ اپنے اوچھے ہتھکنڈوں سے باز رہیں۔
12 Oct 2013:
گذشتہ رات شگر کے ایک ہوٹل میں
کے زیراہتمام محفل موسیقی کے خلاف مجلس وحدت مسلمین ضلع شگر اور دیگر اسلامی تنظیموں کی جانب سے شگر میں
احتجاجی ریلی نکالی گئی۔ جس میں مجلس وحدت مسلمین شگر کے عہدیداروں آغا طہٰ شمس الدین، شیخ زکاوت نصرالدین اور دیگر علماء کرام سمیت بڑی تعداد میں عوام نے شرکت کی۔ احتجاجی جلسہ کے شرکاء نے اسسٹنٹ کمشنر آفس کا گھیراو کیا اور شگر انتظامیہ کے خلاف سخت نعرہ بازی کی۔ مظاہرین سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے سید طہٰ شمس الدین نے کہا کہ امریکہ اور ان کے حواری مختلف این جی اوز کے ذریعے تقریبات کی آڑ میں غیر اسلامی شعار، محفل شراب نوشی اور محفل موسیقی جس میں لڑکیوں کے ناچ گانے کے ذریعے اس علاقے میں فحاشی اور برائیاں پھیلانے کی مذموم کوشش کی جا رہی ہے۔
انھوں نے این جی اوز کو خبردار کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ وہ ان مذموم مقاصد اور حرکات سے باز آجائیں ورنہ نوجوان اور شگر کے غیور عوام ان شگر کی سرزمین سے بے دخل کر دیں گے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ یہ لوگ امریکہ اور ان کے حواریوں کو خوش کرنے کیلئے کبھی شگر فورٹ اور کبھی سپیس کو استعمال کر رہا ہے، جس کو روکنا سب کی ذمہ داری ہے۔
14 Oct 2013:
گذشتہ روز یو ایس ایڈ اور اے کے آر ایس پی نے کچھ زیادہ ہی دیدہ دلیری کا مظاہرہ کرتے ہوئے شگر میں رات کے وقت سپیس ہوٹل میں شگر ہی کے معروف سیاسی رہنما کی ضمانت سے محفل رقص و سردو کا اہتمام کیا گیا۔ مذکورہ محفل کو زیور کامیابی سے آراستہ کرنے کے لیے موصوف نے اپنے خاندان کے جوانوں کو ذمہ داری سونپ دی اور ذرائع کے مطابق اس بےغیرتی اور بےحیائی کی محفل کی زینت کیلاش اور ہنزہ کی لڑکیاں تھیں جو نہ صرف اپنی آواز کا جادو جگاتی تھیں بلکہ رقص سے بھی سرزمین علماء کے جوانوں کو محظوظ کرتی تھیں۔ اس تقریب میں لگ بھگ تین سو کے قریب مقامی لوگوں کو بھی دعوت دی گئی تھی جبکہ گلگت بلتستان بھر سے بھی مہمانان شریک تھے۔ مذکورہ محفل کے لیے لاکھوں روپے اڑائے گئے، اس جم غفیر کو نہایت ہی پر تعیّش کھانا کھلایا گیا اور محفل سج گئی۔ جیسے ہی سپیس ہوٹل شگر سے سازو سرود کی آواز بلند ہوئی علاقے کے غیور جوان آپے سے باہر ہوئے اور محفل کو روکنے کی کوشش کی۔ مزاحمت پر ان جوانوں کو خوب زدو کوب کا شکار بنایا گیا تو ہوٹل سے باہر بیٹھے ہوئے جوان جن میں نوجوان علماء بھی تھے ہوٹل میں داخل ہوگئے اور محفل کو روکنے کی کوشش کی تو فریقین باہم دست و گریبان ہوگئے۔
ایک طرف تین سو سے زائد اجتماع جبکہ دوسری طرف دو درجن کے قریب جذبہ ایمانی سے سرشار جوانان لیکن جوان خود پر لاتوں، گھونسوں، مکوں اور کرسیوں تک کی بارش کے باوجود میدان میں ہی رہے اور انتظامیہ بھانپ گئی کہ ان سے مقابلہ ممکن نہیں۔ انہوں نے بجلی بند کر کے محفل رقص و سرود کو تاریکی میں بدل دیا۔ اسی تاریکی میں ان خواتین سمیت دیگر مہمانوں کو چور دروازوں سے نکال کر گاڑیوں میں بٹھا کر اسکردو شہر کی جانب چلتا کر دیا جبکہ دیگر لوگ بھی ایک ایک کر کے بھاگ نکلے۔ دوسرے روز شگر کے علماء اور تمام مذہبی تنظیموں نے شگر کے اس افسوسناک اور شرمناک واقعہ کے خلاف احتجاجی ریلی نکالی۔ احتجاجی ریلی میں یو ایس ایڈ اور اے کے آر ایس پی کے خلاف شدید نعرہ بازی کی۔ مظاہرین نے اے سی آفس کا گھیراو کیا اور یوا یس ایڈ اور اے کے آر ایس پی کے پروگرامات پر پابندی عائد کرنے کا مطالبہ کیا۔ادھر اسکردو میں بزرگ عالم دین علامہ شیخ محمد حسن جعفری نے اپنے خطبہ جمعہ اس محفل موسیقی کی شدید الفاظ میں مذمت کی اور اسے امریکہ کی جانب سے اسلامی اقدار کو زک پہنچانے اور علاقہ میں فحاشی و عریانی کو تقویت پہنچانے کی سازشوں کا شاخسانہ قرار دیا۔
4 Dec 2013:
The website for Ansar-e Hezbollah has published an op-ed attacking President Hassan Rouhani for allowing a large number of mixed-sex pop music concerts to take place and for his lax approach to Iran’s film industry, which according to the article has threatened Iran’s religious and cultural values.
Farhadi’s previous film, “A Separation,” which was about a divorce and revealed a deep class and religious divide in the country, won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2012. Some hard-liners were so enraged by the movie that they even complained that a picture of Leonardo Da Vinci, part of the set design of the living room from the movie, was a picture Baha-ullah, founder of the Bahai’ faith, which is not recognized in Iran. On the music concerts taking place in Iran, the article asked, “Mr. Rouhani, do you know how many of these concerts your administration gives a license to perform every day and night?” The op-ed claimed, “The shamelessness, the nudity, the makeup and the [gender] mixing makes it more like a European concert than that of a revolutionary country. Is it planned that these concerts will continue like this? Is it appropriate for an Islamic and revolutionary country to hold such concerts?” Rouhani was also criticized for saying in his 100-day report, “If a bad film is made, the people can not watch it.” The article questioned how someone who knows the law (Rouhani has PhD in the subject) could say such a thing and whether he would apply this logic to the Health Ministry and bad food and put the responsibility on the people to avoid it. The article argued that it is the job of the administration to prevent immoral movies from being produced and entering the cinemas in the first place.
7 Dec 2013: Shia militias suspected of attacking 12 liquor stores in Baghdad on Saturday, killing 9 people, mostly Yazidis.
31 Dec 2013:
محمدثروت اعجازقادری نے حکومت سے مطالبہ کیا کہ نیوائیر نائٹ کے نام پر ہونے والے اخلاق سوز پروگراموں پر پابندی لگائی جائے۔ اسلامی ملک میں نیوائیرنائٹ کے نام پر بیہودگی برداشت نہیں کی جا سکتی۔ انتظامیہ ناچ گانے کے پروگرام روکنے کے لیے اپنی ذمہ داریاں پوری کرے۔ انہوں نے قوم سے اپیل کی کہ نئے سال کا آغاز رقص و سرود کی بجائے دعاؤں اور نوافل سے کریں۔ نیوائیرنائٹ کے نام پر ہونے والی رقص و سرود اور شراب و شباب کی محفلیں اللہ کے عذاب کو دعوت دینے کے مترادف ہیں۔ ایسی محفلوں کا اہتمام کرنے والے اسلامی تہذیب و ثقافت کا مذاق اڑانے سے باز رہیں۔
31 Dec 2013:
اے ٹی آئی کے رہنما نے مطالبہ کیا ہے کہ حکومت نیوائیرنائٹ کے نام پر ہونیوالے اخلاق سوز پروگراموں پر پابندی لگائے۔ انہوں نے اپیل کی ہے کہ قوم نئے سال کا آغاز رقص و سرود اور ہلے گلے کی بجائے دعاؤں اور نوافل سے کرے اور بیہودہ پروگراموں سے دور رہے کیونکہ نیوایئر نائٹ کے نام پر رقص و سرود کی محفلیں اللہ کے عذاب کو دعوت دینے کے مترادف ہیں۔ اخلاق سوز محفلوں کا اہتمام کرنے والے اسلامی تہذیب و ثقافت کا مذاق اڑانے سے باز رہیں۔ سرکاری انتظامیہ ناچ گانے اور ہلے گلے کے پروگرام روکنے کے لیے ریاستی طاقت استعمال کرے۔ اسلامی ملک میں نیوائیر نائٹ کے نام پر بیہودگی برداشت نہیں کی جا سکتی۔ انہوں نے کہا ہم نے 1300 سے زائد دستے تشکیل دے دئیے ہیں جو چھوٹے بڑے شہروں میں شراب و کباب رقص و سرودکی محفلوں کو بروز قوت روکیں اور غیر شرعی حرکات سے منع کریں گے۔
11 Jan 2014:
اسلام ٹائمز۔ پاراچنار سٹی میں منشیات اور کرپشن کے خلاف تحریک حسینی کے زیر اہتمام ایک پرامن واک کا انعقاد کیا گیا۔ جس میں سینکڑوں کی تعداد میں لوگوں نے شرکت کی۔ واک تحریک کے صدر مولانا منیر حسین کی قیادت میں تحریک حسینی کے مرکزی دفتر سے شروع ہوئی، جس نے کشمیر چوک پہنچ کر جلسے کی صورت اختیار کر لی۔ جلسے سے تحریک حسینی کے صدر مولانا منیر حسین اور دیگر رہنماؤں نے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ پاراچنار میں فحاشی پھیلانے کی کسی کوشش کو کامیاب نہیں ہونے دیں گے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ حکومت سے ہمارا مطالبہ ہے کہ وہ خود ان کارندوں پر ہاتھ ڈالے، ورنہ ہم خود ہی کاروائی کرنے پر مجبور ہونگے۔
انہوں نے پاراچنار شہر میں موجود عیسائی برادری کو متنبہ کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ نشہ کی تیاری ترک کر دیں، ورنہ ان کے خلاف آہنی ہاتھوں سے نمٹا جائے گا۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ عامل تعویذات تعویذ اور گنڈوں کی شکل میں خواتیں میں فحاشی پھیلانے کی کوششوں میں مصروف ہیں۔ ان سے ہماری گزارش ہے کہ وہ یہ پیشہ ترک کر دیں، یا کم از کم خواتین کو بغیر محرم کے اپنے پاس آنے سے منع کریں، ورنہ ایسے عاملوں کے سنٹروں سے تمام وسائل و اسباب اٹھا کر لے جائیں گے اور انکے مراکز کو تحریک کی مہر لگا کر سیل کر دیں گے۔
21 Jan 2014:
منکر حجاب مرتد است
حجه الاسلام علی طهماسبی در خطبه های نماز جمعه شهرستان فسا با اشاره به روز 17 دی ماه روز اجرای توطئه کشف حجاب به دستور رضا خان پهلوی اظهارکرد: کشف حجاب یکی از توطئه های بزرگ غرب برای از بین بردن روح معنویت و بندگی از میان مسلمانان است.
وی افزود: مردم ایران به خاطر اعتقاد راسخ به اسلام و به ویژه مکتب حیات بخش تشیع توانستند دیانت خود را حفظ کنند.
امام جمعه فسا تصریح کرد: کسانی که حجاب را منکر می شوند مرتد هستند و باید به این واجب الهی که وسیله ای برای سالم سازی و پیشرفت جامعه از نظر مادی و هم از نظر معنوی اهمیت داد.
12 Feb 2014:
جماعت اہلسنّت پاکستان کے راہنماؤں مفتی محمد اقبال چشتی، پیر سیّد شمس الدین بخاری، علامہ فاروق خان سعیدی، صاحبزادہ محمد عثمان غنی، پیر سیّد خضر حسین شاہ، مولانا شیر محمد نقشبندی، علامہ پروفیسر عبدالعزیز نیازی نے اپنے مشترکہ بیان میں مطالبہ کیا ہے کہ ویلنٹائن ڈے جیسے اخلاق سوز تہوار پر پابندی لگائی جائے۔
14 Feb 2014:
امامیہ اسٹوڈنٹس آرگنائزیشن پاکستان کے مرکزی سیکریٹریٹ سے جاری ہونے والے ایک بیان کیمطابق مرکزی جنرل سیکرٹری تہور عباس حیدری کہنا تھا کہ ویلنٹائن ڈے کا اسلامی تہذیب و ثقافت سے کوئی تعلق نہیں، اس طرح کے تہوار اسلامی اقدار کے خلاف ہیں، نوجوان نسل کو مغربی ثقافتی یلغار سے نبرد آزما ہونا چاہیئے۔ انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ ویلنٹائن ڈے جہاں ایک غیر مذہب کی ثقافت کو رواج دینے کی چال ہے وہاں نوجوان نسل کو بےحیائی کی طرف دھکیلنے کی ایک سازش بھی ہے۔ آئی ایس او کے مرکزی رہنما کا کہنا تھا کہ پاکستان ایک اسلامی ملک ہے، اسلامی ملک میں اسلامی اقدار کی بجائے مغربی ثقافت نوجوان طبقہ کیلئے زہر قاتل ہے، نوجوان نسل کو اسلامی تعلیمات کا پرچار کرنا چاہیئے۔
“A couple of years ago, the police issued a circular to all dress shops that said that female mannequins must go on display with only half a head or no head all,” explains Farzad, the young sales assistant, who looks bored and leans against the doorway of the boutique. “We didn’t want any trouble, so we exchanged the female ones for these headless ones.” Male mannequins, however, have not met the same fate.
When asked in January 2014 about his views on the use of mannequins to “attract customers”, prominent fundamentalist cleric Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi declared them to be against sharia law. “It is forbidden,” the sharia authority replied, “and the income from it is polluted as well”. This constituted the harshest statement from a religious authority in Iran regarding the use of mannequins.
Shirazi is also known for being a Holocaust denier and for his condemnation of the practice of keeping dogs as pets, stating that it is an undue imitation of the West that will produce “evil outcomes”.
The grand ayatollah is not alone in his opposition to display-window dummies. Some of the most powerful political and religious figures in Iran equate the display of mannequins with promoting “Western” or “alien” culture, “inappropriate clothing and nudity” and “sexual arousal”.
4 Feb 2014:
اسلام ٹائمز۔ تنظیم اہلسنت کے مرکزی امیر پیر محمد افضل قادری نے کہا ہے کہ پاکستان میں غربت و افلاس، بےامنی اور تباہ حالی اﷲ کا قہر ہے، حکمران اور پوری قوم سچی توبہ کرے، نوجوان نسل کو جہنم کی جانب دھکیلنے والا ہندو کلچر، مغربی ثقافت، فحاشی اور بے راہ روی کا خاتمہ مسلمانوں پر فرض ہے۔ ان خیالات کا اظہار انہوں نے کراچی پریس کلب کے سامنے احتجاجی مظاہرے سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ طالبان کے خودکش حملہ آوروں کو جنت کے ٹکٹ دینا فساد فی الارض ہے۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ مخلوط نظام تعلیم، فحاشی و بے راہ روی اور نوجوان نسل میں لادینیت و الحاد پھیلانا بھی انتہاء پسندی ہے، فحاشی و بےحیائی کی انتہاء پسندی سے ایمان برباد اور آخرت خراب ہو رہی ہے، ہندو کلچر و مغربی تہذیب کی یلغار سے دہشت گردی کے رحجان کو بھی تقویت ملتی ہے۔
26 Feb 2014: Some have even been labelled Satanists.
Rock, rap, metal and some pop songs are banned, Bolour explains from a noisy café near Broadcasting House. Women are not allowed to sing in public either. Only songs approved from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance are allowed. It's restrictive and repressive.
'Underground music comes from a layer of society we [in Iran] didn't hear about before. They talk about drinks and drugs and sex, just like any other generation,' the presenter and producer says.
8 April 2014:
سرکاری سطح پر ہندوانہ رسموں کا اہتمام افسوسناک ہے، مولانا مجاہد عبدالرسول
21 May 2014: Hadi Sharifi, Iranian regime media activist: Men have the right to rape unveiled women.
24 May 2014:
29 May 2014:
قراقرم یونیورسٹی اسکردو کیمپس میں مخلوط غیر اخلاقی تفریحی پروگرام ناقابل برداشت ہیں، آغا علی رضوی
مجلس وحدت مسلمین پاکستان بلتستان ڈویژن کے سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ آغا علی رضوی نے اپنے ایک بیان میں کہا ہے کہ کسی بھی تعلیمی ادارہ میں غیر اسلامی و غیر اخلاقی پروگرامات کا انعقاد ناقابل برداشت ہے۔ تفریح کا حق تمام تعلیمی اداروں میں موجود طلباء کو ضرور ہے لیکن مخلوط، غیر اسلامی تقریبات بالخصوص رقص و سرود کی محافل کی اجازت نہیں دی جائے گی۔ بلتستان جیسے مذہبی خطے میں مخلوط تفریحی پروگرامات، تعلیمی اداروں میں دینی اقدار و ختم کرنے اور غیرت دین کو ناپید کرنے کی سازش ہے، جسے کامیاب ہونے نہیں دیں گے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ قراقرم یونیورسٹی اسکردو کیمپس کے حوالے سے ہم شدید تحفظات رکھتے ہیں۔ مذکورہ ادارہ میں اگر مخلوط تفریحی پروگرام بالخصوص غیراخلاقی محافل کا انعقاد ہوا تو تمام تر ذمہ داری کیمپس انتظامیہ اور اسکردو انتظامیہ پر عائد ہوگی۔
8 April 2014:
سرکاری سطح پر ہندوانہ رسموں کا اہتمام افسوسناک ہے، مولانا مجاہد عبدالرسول
21 May 2014: Hadi Sharifi, Iranian regime media activist: Men have the right to rape unveiled women.
24 May 2014:
Iranian actress Leila Hatami has apologised for kissing the Cannes film festival president, Gilles Jacob, on the cheek, an act which angered religious authorities in Iran and saw calls for her to be publicly flogged.
Ms Hatami, currently a juror at Cannes, was photographed giving Mr Jacob, 83, a peck on the cheek at a ceremonial event last week.
In the Iranian interpretation of sharia law, a woman is not allowed to have any physical contact with a man outside of her own family.
She was condemned by the Islamic Republic for presenting “a bad image of Iranian women” to the world and a group of Hizbullah Students filed a complaint with the judiciary demanding that Ms Hatami be punished, the Tasnim news website reported. The maximum sentence is 50 lashes.
29 May 2014:
قراقرم یونیورسٹی اسکردو کیمپس میں مخلوط غیر اخلاقی تفریحی پروگرام ناقابل برداشت ہیں، آغا علی رضوی
مجلس وحدت مسلمین پاکستان بلتستان ڈویژن کے سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ آغا علی رضوی نے اپنے ایک بیان میں کہا ہے کہ کسی بھی تعلیمی ادارہ میں غیر اسلامی و غیر اخلاقی پروگرامات کا انعقاد ناقابل برداشت ہے۔ تفریح کا حق تمام تعلیمی اداروں میں موجود طلباء کو ضرور ہے لیکن مخلوط، غیر اسلامی تقریبات بالخصوص رقص و سرود کی محافل کی اجازت نہیں دی جائے گی۔ بلتستان جیسے مذہبی خطے میں مخلوط تفریحی پروگرامات، تعلیمی اداروں میں دینی اقدار و ختم کرنے اور غیرت دین کو ناپید کرنے کی سازش ہے، جسے کامیاب ہونے نہیں دیں گے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ قراقرم یونیورسٹی اسکردو کیمپس کے حوالے سے ہم شدید تحفظات رکھتے ہیں۔ مذکورہ ادارہ میں اگر مخلوط تفریحی پروگرام بالخصوص غیراخلاقی محافل کا انعقاد ہوا تو تمام تر ذمہ داری کیمپس انتظامیہ اور اسکردو انتظامیہ پر عائد ہوگی۔
1 June 2014:
عروۃ الوثقی یونیورسٹی کے سربراہ نے سرگودھا میں ایک مجلس میں خطاب کے دوران کہا کہ اِن دنوں پاکستان میں ایک موضوع چھیڑا گیا ہے کہ ایک ٹی وی چینل نے اہلبیت علیہم السلام کی شان میں گستاخی کی ہے اور ملتِ پاکستان کے مختلف طبقات روڈوں پر نکلے ہوئے ہیں ۔ یہاں پر پہلا سوال یہ اٹھتا ہے کہ کیا اس ٹی وی چینل نے پہلی دفعہ گستاخی کی ہے یا اس سے پہلے بھی گستاخیاں کرتا رہا ہے؟ دوسرا سوال یہ اٹھتا ہے کہ کیا اسی ایک ٹی چینل نے گستاخی کی ہے یا اس کے علاوہ دیگر چینلوں نے بھی گستاخیاں کی ہیں ؟ ممکن ہے کہ اس کے علاوہ بھی بہت سارے ٹی چینل ہوں جنھوں نے گستاخی کی ہو اور اس نے بھی بارہا گستاخی کی ہو۔ سب سے بڑی گستاخی یہ نہیں کہ ایک فاحشہ کو چینل میں بٹھا کر اس کے لئے وہ کلام بے جا طور پر پیش کر دیا جائے جو اہلبیت علیہم السلام کی شان میں بیان کیا گیا تھا ۔ اسی سال ۱۳ رجب جشنِ میلادِ امیرالمومنین علیہ السلام کی مناسبت سے ایک فل سائز کا اشتہار لاہور میں پہنچا جس میں تمام فاحشہ عورتوں اور گلوکاراؤں کے نام لکھے ہوئے تھے کہ یہ ملک کی نامور گلوکارائیں ہیں اور یہ جشنِ میلادِ مولائے کائنات علیہ السلام میں آکر گائیں گی، ناچیں گی اور بھنگڑا و دھمال ڈالیں گی۔ کیا یہاں مولا علیہ السلام کی توہین نہیں ہو رہی ؟ یہاں پر کسی کو احساس کیوں نہیں ہو رہا؟ یہاں پر بھی بولنے کی ضرورت ہے کہ مولا علی علیہ السلام مقدس ہستی ہیں اور اس کا مقدس دن نامقدس اور پلید لوگوں کے اختیار میں کیوں چلا گیا ہے؟ وہ اس دن کے تقدس کو کیوں پامال کر رہے ہیں ؟ اگر ۱۳ رجب کا جشن منانا ہے تو وہ لوگ شایانِ جشن ہیں جن کو یہ جچتا ہے کہ اس مقدس جشن میں آسکیں، جب طوائفیں، گلوکارائیں اور رقاص آکر جشن میں شرکت کریں گی، کیا یہ توہین نہیں ہے؟
14 July 2014: Shia militias kill 25 alleged prostitutes in Zayouna, Baghdad.
4 August 2014:
A concert has been cancelled in the city of Uromiyah, north west Iran, because men and women were to attend on the same day. The regime's ministry of culture told organizers they should have sold the tickets for women on the first day of the event and for the men on the second day.
4 Sep 2014:
امامیہ سٹوڈنٹس آرگنائزیشن پاکستان شعبہ طالبات کی مرکزی صدر فاطمہ خان نے عالمی حجاب ڈے کے تناظر میں لاہور میں طالبات سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ عورت کا پردہ استعمار کے منہ پر تمانچہ ہے، کسی قوم سے بہادر با پردہ انسان ساز عورتوں کا فقدان ہو تو وہ معاشر یا قوم شکست و تنزل ہوجائے گا۔ اگر پردہ نہ ہو تو عورت اپنے آپکو گناہوں سے دور نہیں رکھ سکتی اور نہ ہی گناہوں سے اجتناب کر سکتی ہے۔ پردہ عورت کی محافظت کا ضامن ہے، پردہ عورت کی حقیقی شخصیت، مقام اور عظمت کا ترجمان ہے۔ حجاب سے مراد اسلامی وقار اور نسوانی شخصیت کو تحفظ فراہم کرنا ہے۔ آج کی عورت اور جوان بہن کے لئے صدر اسلام جناب خدیجہ ع جناب بی بی فاطمہ (ع) اور جناب زینب (ع) نمونہ عمل ہیں۔ انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ پاکستان میں موجود عورتوں کے لئے پردہ وہ ہتھیار ہے جو وہ استعمار کے خلاف استعمال کر سکتی ہیں اور اسی پردہ یا حجاب کی بدولت انقلاب اسلامی لایا جا سکتا ہے۔
15 Sep 2014:
The governments that came after the 2003 invasion have been a mixed blessing for the arts crowd. Musicians are paid more now than under Saddam Hussein — but as Shiite Islamist parties dominate the political arena, there's more emphasis on religious music, and less tolerance of concerts during the holy months of Ramadan and Muharram.
But it's because of the new threat of the Islamic State — stern extremists who conduct beheadings and forbid music — that Wasfi has returned to conducting. He wants to strike a blow for civilization.
18 Sep 2014: A group of six Iranians is sentenced to six months in prison and 91 lashes for releasing a music video in which they dance along to Pharrell Williams’ hit song “Happy”
14 Nov 2014:
Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad-Ali Alavi-Gorgani has met with a group of members of the organizers of a conference on the knowledge of danger of music to culture. This movement says that in order to reform society, it is necessary that society knows the dangers of music.
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani stated that one way to reform society, especially the youth, is to prevent them from getting caught in the dangerous trap of musical instruments and Islamically unacceptable music. “[Forbidden] music leads to destruction of society,” he stated.
“We have the responsibility to explain the correct path on the subject of music. If people choose the wrong path, we have no responsibility upon them. Our responsibility is just to show society the correct path,” His Eminence added.
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani warned individuals and the media against the broadcasting and playing of unacceptable music, saying that it harms the dignity of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian nation. “Music is often broadcasted during ceremonies. This music is not befitting to the dignity of our nation and people,” he said.
The revered source of emulation stated that according to verses of the Holy Quran and narrations from the Prophet Muhammad and the Ahlul-Bayt, specific types of music are impermissible. Since the time of the Prophet until now, people have been trying to make forbidden music, singing and dancing permissible and lawful, but Islam clearly states that music is forbidden.
One of the many narrations we have states: “In a house where music is played, God does not bestow his grace on the inhabitants of that house.”
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani stated that some think that the reason that music is only forbidden in Islam due to its pleasing melody or only due to its lyrical content, but it is due to both of these things, as well as music’s negative effects on the emotional, psychological and physical states of both individuals and society.
It should be noted that in Islamic law, specific types of music are forbidden. Forbidden music is that which has a great influence on one’s heart and mind, both due to its pleasing melody or captivating and illicit lyrics. Music is like an intoxicant as it makes one forget their surroundings and one does not know what is happening to him or her.
17 Nov 2014: Lebanese authorities have banned the screening of a film depicting the 2009 post-election "Green Movement" protests in Iran, organisers of a local film festival said on Sunday.
"'The Silent Majority Speaks', the admirable visual essay of filmmaker Bani Khoshnoudi, has been censored in Beirut," a statement from the Cultural Resistance International Film Festival organisers said.
"The film was to be screened tonight... At noon, the Censorship Committee served notice to the festival's organisers that it was banned for 'insulting a foreign country,'" the statement added.
"The organisers of the festival protest this ban, which risks depicting Lebanon as a backwards and unenlightened country in the eyes of the international community."
Lebanon's Censorship Committee is part of the General Security agency and monitors all films before screening in the country.
General Security is regarded as close to Lebanon's powerful Hezbollah movement, which is allied with Iran.
8 Dec 2014:
وحدت نیوز(کراچی) امام بارگاہ دربار حسینی برف خانہ ملیر میں خمسہ مجالس عزاسے خطاب کرتے ہوئے مجلس وحدت مسلمین صوبہ سندھ کے سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ مختار امامی نے کہا کہ ثقافت کے نام پرمعاشرتی بے راہ وری کا پرچار قابل مذمت فعل ہے ، چہلم امام حسین ع سے قبل اس طرح رقص و سرور کی محفلیں ایام عزا اور سندھ دھرتی کے تقدس کی پامالی تصور کرتے ہیں
18 Jan 2015:
ترجمان جے ایس او پاکستان نے بیان کیا : اجلاس میں اراکین کی باہمی مشاورت سے یہ فیصلہ لیا گیا ہے کہ ملک میں پھیلتی ہوئی بے شرمی و بے حیائی خاص طور پہ ویلنٹائن ڈے کے نام پرپھیلائی جانے والی بے حیائی کے سد باب کے لئے ایک ہفتہ کی مہم چلائی جائے گی جسے حجاب آگاہی مہم کا نام دیا جائے گا ۔
انہوں نے کہا : یہ مہم ہر سال منائی جائے گی جس میں پورا ہفتہ مومنات میں حجاب کے حوالے سے لٹریچر تقسیم کیا جائے گا اور ملک بھر میں اس مہم کو فروغ دیا جائے گا،
8 Dec 2014:
وحدت نیوز(کراچی) امام بارگاہ دربار حسینی برف خانہ ملیر میں خمسہ مجالس عزاسے خطاب کرتے ہوئے مجلس وحدت مسلمین صوبہ سندھ کے سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ مختار امامی نے کہا کہ ثقافت کے نام پرمعاشرتی بے راہ وری کا پرچار قابل مذمت فعل ہے ، چہلم امام حسین ع سے قبل اس طرح رقص و سرور کی محفلیں ایام عزا اور سندھ دھرتی کے تقدس کی پامالی تصور کرتے ہیں
18 Jan 2015:
ترجمان جے ایس او پاکستان نے بیان کیا : اجلاس میں اراکین کی باہمی مشاورت سے یہ فیصلہ لیا گیا ہے کہ ملک میں پھیلتی ہوئی بے شرمی و بے حیائی خاص طور پہ ویلنٹائن ڈے کے نام پرپھیلائی جانے والی بے حیائی کے سد باب کے لئے ایک ہفتہ کی مہم چلائی جائے گی جسے حجاب آگاہی مہم کا نام دیا جائے گا ۔
انہوں نے کہا : یہ مہم ہر سال منائی جائے گی جس میں پورا ہفتہ مومنات میں حجاب کے حوالے سے لٹریچر تقسیم کیا جائے گا اور ملک بھر میں اس مہم کو فروغ دیا جائے گا،
21 Jan 2015: Six thousand satellite receivers and dishes have been destroyed in a stadium in the city of Shiraz, according to reports by Iranian news agencies that posted photos of the police action, in the latest phase of Iran's ongoing war on banned satellites.
The dishes were decorated with slogans highlighting all the ills and threats that Iranian officials claim satellite channels bring into society.
"Rule of Satan on Life," read one of the hand-written slogans.
Others included "Enemy of Islam," "Enemy of the Family," "Spread of Prostitution," "Drug Addiction," "Lies," "Insecurity," and "Death to Zionism."
Iranian authorities regularly crack down on satellite dishes by raiding homes, dismantling their equipment, and fining the homeowners. Iran also jams foreign broadcasts.
30 Jan 2015: Shia militias doomed an Iraqi’s attempt to replicate Paris’s ‘love locks’ bridge in Basra
30 Jan 2015:
جعفریہ اسٹوڈنٹس آرگنائزیشن طالبات پاکستان کی مرکزی سرپرست سیدہ سدرہ نقوی نے فیصل آباد سے جاری اپنے ایک بیان میں کہا ہے کہ فروری کے مہینے میں ملک بھر میں ویلنٹائن ڈے کے نام پر بے حیائی و بے راہروی کے مظاہرے کئے جاتے ہیں، نوجوان طبقہ محبت کے نام پر شریعت کے احکام کا مذاق اڑاتا ہے، لہذا جے ایس او طالبات پاکستان نے 9 تا 15 فروری ہفتۂ حجاب منانے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے اور اسے حجاب آگاہی مہم کا نام دیا ہے
2 Feb 2015:
اس مرجع تقلید نے اس بات پر افسوس کا اظھار کرتے ہوئے کہ بعض خواتین کا لباس اسلامی تعلیمات سے ھماھنگ نہیں ہے کہا: اسلام کا کہنا ہے کہ خواتین چہرے اور گٹے تک ہاتھوں کے سوا تمام بدن کو نامحرموں سے چھپائیں ، مگر یہ لباس ایسا ہو کہ دوسروں کی توجہ کا سبب نہ بنے ۔
حضرت آیت الله نوری همدانی نے مزید کہا: ھرگز خواتین کا لباس تنگ نہ ہو یعنی ایسا نہ ہو کہ ان کے بدن کا اتار چڑھاو معلوم ہوجائے نیز رنگ اور نازکی کے حوالہ سے بھی بدن نمایاں نہ رہے ۔
2 Feb 2015: The supreme leader’s representative in Fars Province, Asadollah Imani, has called for greater restrictions on music in Shiraz.
Imani, who is also Shiraz’s Friday Prayer Imam, said there should be restrictions on music performances and the teaching of music, similar to those imposed in the holy cities of Mashhad and Qom...
The announcement is the latest in a string of clampdowns on music across Iran. In early January, a group of protesters calling themselves Hezbollah Umah called for concerts by folk band Lian to be canceled in Bushehr and Shiraz.
“We are not against art and music,” Imani’s official website stated. “We have held dozens of meetings with artists and have supported them as much as possible. But propagation of music and performing concerts on a daily basis is another thing altogether.”
He criticized the increasing number of music centers opening in Shiraz, and asked the Public Cultural Council audience: “Is it right to have both genders attending these centers, and playing music together?”
7 Feb 2015: The performance of a female singer in the album titled I Love You, Oh Ancient Land, which was released on January 27, is at the source of the controversy.
claim that the album includes solo female singing, which has been
banned in Iran since the 1979 revolution and the establishment of the
Islamic republic. Conservatives claim solo female singing spreads moral
Several clerics have reportedly criticized the album, including two senior ayatollahs from their base in the holy city of Qom.
reported earlier this week that Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani and
Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi had spoken against the album in their
religious classes.
[by women] should not become normal through any means, we will stop
it," Nouri Hamedani was quoted as having said on February 4. Makarem
Shirazi reportedly said: "The Culture Ministry tramples on religious
values and there are complaints one after another against
the ministry."
the ministry."
13 Feb 2015:
وفاق المدارس الشیعہ پاکستان کے صدر آیت اللہ حافظ ریاض حسین نجفی نے ویلنٹائن ڈے کے نام پر بے ہودگی اور بے حیائی کی مذمت کرتے ہوئے حکومت سے مطالبہ کیا ہے کہ بسنت کی طرح اس غیر اسلامی رسم کے نام پر پبلک مقامات اور تعلیمی اداروں میں ہونے والی مخلوط تقریبات پر بھی پابند ی عائد کی جائے۔ علی مسجد جامعہ المنتظر میں خطبہ جمعہ میں دینی احکام اور اقدار کی اہمیت بیان کرتے ہوئے انہوں نے کہا کہ شریعت نے فقط ان کاموں سے روکا ہے جو انسان کے لئے نقصان دہ ہیں، ان کاموں کو کرنے کا حکم دیا ہے جو فائدہ مند ہیں۔ انہوں نے مغربی ثقافت پر سخت تشویش کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے سرعام اظہار محبت کو شرم و حیا کے منافی اور اخلاقی اقدار کی پامالی کی سازش قرار دیا۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ نوجوان اسلامی تعلیمات کا مطالعہ کریں، اپنے لئے ماڈل ویلنٹائن نہیں، حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم اور ان کی صاحبزادی سیدہ فاطمة الزہرا سلام اللہ علیہا کو قرار دیں۔ حافظ ریاض نجفی نے کہا کہ والدین کوچاہیے کہ اولاد کو شرعی حدود سکھائیں اور ان کی سرگرمیوں پر نظر رکھیں کیونکہ انٹر نیٹ، موبائل فون اور میڈیا پر آنے والے بیہودہ پروگراموں کی وجہ سے نوجوان بے راہروی کا شکار ہو رہے ہیں، نوجوان نسل کو بھی مغربی ثقافت کی بجائے اسلامی احکامات کا مطالعہ کرنا چاہیے۔ انہوں نے علما پر بھی زور دیا کہ وہ اپنے خطابات اور خطبات جمعہ میں عوام کی رہنمائی کریں۔ وفاق المدارس الشیعہ کے سربراہ نے میڈیا سے بھی اپیل کی کہ غیر اسلامی تہواروں کو نشر کرنے کی بجائے اسلامی تعلیمات کو فروغ دے کر لوگوں کی رہنما کرے۔
14 Feb 2015:
فحاشی برائی کی اصل جڑ ہے، فحاشی کے خاتمے کیلئے ملک میں حیاء کا کلچر عام کرنا ہوگا، ویلنٹائن ڈے اسلام کیخلاف مغربی تہذیب کا اہم ہتھیار ہے، قوم ویلنٹائن ڈے کا بائیکاٹ کرے۔ ان خیالات کا اظہار سنی تحریک کی خواتین رہنماوں نے سُنی تحریک خواتین ونگ اسلام آباد کے زیر اہتمام ویلنٹائن ڈے کے خلاف احتجاجی مظاہرہ کے دوران کیا۔ جس کی قیادت سُنی تحریک شعبہ خواتین کی صدر محترمہ اُمّ احمد رضا نے کی۔
14 Feb 2015: #Iraq: demonstrators in Najaf attack a store for selling Valentine's Day stuff
16 Feb 2015:
12 March 2015: BAREILLY: Nearly 100 maulanas and muftis came together and passed a fatwa at Thirya Nizawat Khan town area and Mohanpur village of Bareilly district, warning people that weddings that see bursting of firecrackers or band-bajas will not be solemnized by maulanas. The 'nikah' will not be read at such ceremonies by the cleric, the fatwa has warned, adding that families that defy the fatwa should be boycotted by local people.
Mufti Mohammed Jameel Khan, one of the muftis issuing the fatwa, told TOI, "Music and dance are against Islam, and this matter was discussed at a meeting last week of maulanas and muftis of Thirya Nizawat Khan town area and the adjoining Mohanpur village. Despite music and dance being considered a 'sin' in Islam, people spend vast amounts on these at weddings. The expense can easily be avoided. Besides, the loud music inconveniences people who are sick or students who have examinations to study for."
25 April 2015:
کراچی(اُردو پوائنٹ اخبار تازہ ترین۔ 25اپریل۔2015ء)موسیقی ، ناچ گانا، اسلام میں حرام ہے اور جنت کے راستے کی رکاوٹ ہے،مسلما ن خود بچیں اور اپنے اہل و عیال کو بھی اس فعل سے بچائیں۔ ایسی سرگرمیوں سے انسان وقتی دکھ بھولتا ہے فراغت میں احساس جرم مزید بڑھتاہے۔ یہ باتیں دعوت اسلامی کی مرکزی مجلس شوریٰ کے نگران مولانا محمد عمران عطاری نے دعوت اسلامی کے عالمی مدنی مرکز فیضان مدینہ میں مدنی مکالمے کے دوران اپنے بیان میں کیں۔
انہوں نے کہاکہ موسیقی و گانے سے بچنے والے جنت میں حضرت داؤد علیہ السلام سے زبور اورحضور ﷺ سے قرآن پاک کی تلاوت سننے کی سعادت حاصل کرینگے ۔انہوں نے کہاکہ بزرگان دین کی صحبت اختیار کرنے سے میوزک و کھیل تماشوں سے جان چھوٹ جاتی ہے۔ مسلمانوں کو بسم اﷲ الرحمن الرحیم ولا حول و لاقوۃ الا بااﷲ کا ورد کثرت سے کرنا چاہئے۔اس موقع پر انہوں نے نوید سناتے ہوئے بتایا کہ معروف گلوکار ظفر اقبال ظفری گانے سے تائب ہو گئے ہیں اور اب وہ دعوت اسلامی سے منسلک ہو چکے ہیں اور امیر اہلسنت علامہ محمد الیاس قادری کے ہاتھ پر بیعت کر چکے ہیں
1 May 2015:
ایرانی نماد غیرت در جهان
Iranian symbol of ghairat in the world
نماینده ولی فقیه در آذربایجان غربی با تاکید بر این مسأله که مردان ما نباید نسبت به پوشش و حجاب همسران خود بی تفاوت باشند، گفت: متاسفانه مشاهده میشود که برخی از آقا دامادها عروس آرایش کرده خود را سوار بر جلوی ماشین کرده و با سر و صو رتی باز در خیابانها بوق میزنند و توجه مردان نامحرم را به تماشای عروس خود جلب میکنند.
The representative of the Wali Faqih in West Azerbaijan, emphasizing that our men should not be indifferent to the veil of their wives, said: "Unfortunately, it is seen that some of the lady's ladies dressed in a bride dressed up in front of the car, The street sirens hang on the streets and attract the attention of non-Muslim men to watching their bride.
وی کم رنگ شدن غیرت در بین مردان مسلمان را از نشانههای تهاجم فرهنگی خواند و افزود: در شبکه فاسد فارسی وان اعلام کردند که مردان ایرانی غیور هستند اما ما پخش برنامهها و سریالهای مستهجن این غیرت را از آنان خواهیم گرفت.
He called the lack of ghairat among Muslim men a sign of a cultural invasion, adding that in the corrupt Persian speaking network, they announced Iranian men were ghairatmand, but we will be distributing the pornographic programs and serials to take this ghairat away from them.
امام جمعه ارومیه ادامه داد: اگر مرد نامحرمی از شما بخواهد که همسر خود را آرایش کرده و به او نشان دهید تا تماشایش کند و یا اینکه از دیوار خانه شما بالا بیاید و بگوید که برای دیدن چهره همسر شما آمدهام چه حسی خواهید داشت؟ آیا عصبانی ئ غیرتی نمیشوید؟ پس چرا تحت تاثیر تبلیغات بیگانگان عروس خود را به تماشای تمام مردان نامحرم شهر میگذارید؟
Friday prayer leader Urmia continued: If an unholy man asks you to make your wife and show him to watch, or to come up from the wall of your house and say that I have come to see your wife's face, how would you feel? Do not you get angry? So why, under the influence of the propaganda of your bride's foreigners, you watched all the men of the non-Muslim city?
5 May 2015: Iranian shopkeepers are banned from displaying female mannequins sans a hair-covering head scarf, or ones that highlight bodily curves.
12 May 2015:
علامہ عارف حسین واحدی نے اپنے خطاب میں پاکستان میں جاری مغربی اور غیر اسلامی ثقافتی یلغار پر روشنی ڈالتے ہوئے کہا کہ فحاشی اور عریانی کو بی انتہا ہوا دی جارہی ہے، چینلز والے تو یہ سمجھ رہے ہیں کہ اپنے چینلز کی ویزیٹرز بڑھانے کیلئے انہیں یہ فحاشی اور عریانی نشر کرنی چاہئے ۔ یہ ہمارا ، ہمارے دین کا اور ہمارے ملک کا ثقافت نہیں ۔ نوبت یہاں تک پہنچ چکی ہے کہ اب اسکولوں میں بھی ڈانس کی بھی ایک مخصوص ٹائمینگ رکھا جا رہا ہے جس میں لڑکے اور لڑکیوں کو ڈانس کرنے پر مجبور کیا جا رہا ہے ۔ جس وطن عزیز کو لا الہ الا اللہ کے بنیاد پر بنایا تھا آج اس میں سکولوں سمیت دیگر تعلیمی اداروں میں ڈانس سمیت دیگر غیر اسلامی ، غیر ملکی اور مغربی ثقافت کوسیکھانے کی خبریں سننا کیا ڈوب مرنے کا مقام نہیں ؟!
19 May 2015:
State-run reactionary groups disrupted a concert in the southern Iranian city of Mahdasht under the pretext of being a “mixed” event. State-run ‘Parsine’ website covered a speech delivered by the city’s Friday prayer leader stressing, “These concerts have no limits. Soon, they won’t be satisfied with this either and they will be saying women must come to sing for us too.”
(State-run Parsine website – May 19, 2015)
11 June 2015: Shia cleric, Shahanshah Naqvi explain the history of Dhamal and another Shia cleric Allama Nasir Abbas oppose dance and music in the name of today's dhamal
حضرت شہباز قلندر کی دھمال کی کیا حقیقت ہے؟
مگر افسوس آج اس دھمال کی آڑ میں بے حیائی کا ناچ ہو رہا ہے
جو کہ تعلیمات اہلبیت کا کھلم کھلا قتل عام ہے
علاوہ ازیں بعض مزارات پر عام دنوں میں بالعموم اور اعراس کے مواقع پر بالخصوص ناچ گانے بھنگڑے دھمال اور دیگر خرافات کا باقاعدہ انتظام ہوتا ہے۔ اس قسم کی تقاریب اگرچہ علاقائی ثقافت کی علامات بھی بن چکی ہیں لیکن بزرگانِ دین کے ساتھ ان خرافات کو منسوب کرنا بذاتِ خود اپنی ثقافت کے برعکس ہے۔ ان اعمال غیر شرعیہ کا ارتکاب قطعاً ناجائز اور نامناسب ہے۔ تعلیمات تصوف و طریقت کی کھلی مخالفت کا موجب ہیں اور اللہ تعالیٰ کی ناراضگی کا سبب بھی۔ اس لئے جہاں تک ہاتھ پہنچے ایسے امور سے اجتناب کرنا چاہیے اور اگر حکومت اور انتظامیہ سے ہو سکے تو بزور طاقت و قانون ان حرکات کی ممانعت ہونی چاہیے مزاراتِ مقدسہ پر بعض دیگر قباحتیں بھی ایک عرصے سے جڑھ پکڑ چکی ہیں جن سے اگر شرک نہیں تو اشتباہ شرک ضرور ہوتا ہے دیکھنے والوں کو بدگمانی کا موقع ملتا ہے اس سے کفر اور شرک کے دروازے کھلتے ہیں اور انسان ثواب کماتے کماتے عذاب کا مستحق ٹھہر جاتا ہے۔ ان غیر شرعی امور میں نوراتیں ماننا، منتیں مان کر کپڑوں وغیرہ میں گرہیں لگانا، مزار کا طواف کرنا اور وہاں سجدہ کا ارتکاب کرنا بطور خاص قابلِ ذکر ہیں۔
on June 16 and 17, 2015, social clubs under Yezidi management on Baghdad’s al-Saadoun street in the al-Karrada district were attacked by armed groups. According to both eyewitnesses present at the scene and businessmen who work in the area, groups of men wearing police and army uniforms entered the facilities of the Mashreq Club and the General Headquarters of the Writers’ Union, destroying furniture and equipment and assaulting workers and staff.
Prior to the June attacks, men armed with silenced handguns killed five Yezidis in liquor stores in Baghdad’s Bab al-Muadham neighborhood. The government has taken no action in response to these attacks.
2 July 2015:
سنی اتحاد کونسل پاکستان کے چیئرمین صاحبزادہ حامد رضا نے کہا ہے.. جو لوگ سارا سال مختلف چینل پر ماڈلنگ، موسیقی، رقص اور دیگر معاملات میں مشغول ہوتے ہیں وہ دین کے ٹھیکیداد بن گئے ہیں، غیر عالم دین پر تبصرے کر کے دین اسلام کی بنیادی اساس کو مجروح کر رہے ہیں اور عوام کو دین کا غلط مطلب و متن بتایا جا رہا ہے یہ سارا عمل مغربی و ہندوستانی سازش کے تحت ہو رہا ہے۔ اُنہوں نے کہا کہ کراچی میں بارش کا نہ ہونا اور گرمی کی شدت سے مسلسل ہلاکتوں کا سلسلہ ایک طرح سے اللہ کا عذاب ہے، اگر امت مسلمہ نے اپنے گناہوں سے توبہ نہ کی تو عنقریب ہے کہ آسمان سے مزید بلائیں اور مصیبتیں نازل ہوں۔
31 July 2015: During the night of July 18, Iraqi forces raided several Baghdad nightclubs and attacked and arrested the club owners and workers.
The Iraqi Interior Ministry apologized July 20 and released the detainees in an attempt to avoid domestic and international criticism.
Liwaa' Smaysem, the former minister of tourism and antiquities in Maliki's government and a member of the Sadrist movement, faced a wave of criticism in December 2014 when he described Iraq’s monuments as “idols,” the religious idea upon which Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi justified destroying a large number of Iraqi antiquities in Mosul.
24 August 2015:
اگست 2015 روزنامہ کے ٹو میں جشن آزادی کے حوالے سے گرلز کالج سکردو میں منعقدہ تقریب میں طالبات کو ثقافتی لباس میں ٹیبلو پیش کرتے ہوئے فخریہ انداز میں دکھایا گیا ہے اور تقریباً تمام مقامی اخبارات میں ان جواں سال لڑکیوں کا یہ ثقافتی شو چار عدد جوڑوں(مرد و زن ) یعنی زوج و زوجہ کی شکل میں پیش کیا گیا ہے۔
اگرچہ بلتستان میں راجاؤں نے بھی تفریح طبع کے نام پر لڑکوں کو لڑکیوں کا لباس پہناکر رقص کرانے کے شواہد ملتے ہیں جس میں ناموس تو نہیں صرف ناموس کا ” لباس ” پامال ہوتا تھا لیکن اب تو خود ناموس کو ہی جھونکنے کی کوشش ہورہی ہے۔
سرزمین آل محمد بلتستان میں” جدت پسند ی اور مغربی ثقافت ” نہ صرف سرعت سے پھیل رہی ہے بلکہ سرکاری و غیر سرکاری ادارے ،بین الاقوامی این جی اوز ” مقصدیت” کے ساتھ پھرپور انداز سے پھیلارہے ہیں اور ہماری نوجوان نسل شعوری یا لاشعوری طور پر اس یلغار کا حصہ بنتی جارہی ہے۔
وحدت مسلمین گلگت بلتستان کے ڈپٹی سیکرٹری جنرل ڈاکٹر علی گوہر...
21 August 2015:
When the statue of the poet Abu Nuwas was vandalized on July 5, it sparked a new round of intense political and social conflict in Iraq between conservative forces represented by some political parties and religious currents and secular forces that reject religious and political currents' interference in citizens’ civil choices.
Ali al-Husseini from Babylon told Al-Monitor that he is “surprised by the hype regarding the statue of the poet holding the glass of wine in his hand.” Although he does not call for the demolition of the statue — as, according to him, any such decision should be made by the municipal authorities — he believes “Its presence was not appropriate in a Muslim society in Iraq, because it provokes Muslims by manifesting drinking alcohol, which is forbidden in Islam.”
Husseini’s opinion is shared by many conservatives who are keen to apply the teachings of religion, prompting a great number of secular intellectuals — such as poet Hussein al-Qassed and writer Hamad al-Maliki — to accuse conservative parties of being behind the damage to the statue and seeking to remove it.
Poet and writer Hadi al-Husseini told Al-Monitor, “This powerful conservative force is seeking to eliminate a lot of the monuments and statues in Baghdad because they do not fit with its ideology.” Although he refused to identify those he described as “conservative” — as did every person who spoke to Al-Monitor in this regard — he did mention two incidents: the 2012 demolition of the statue of Baghdad founder Abu Ja’far al-Mansur and the theft of the statue of former Iraqi Prime Minister Abdul Mohsen al-Sadoun in July 2003.
10 Sep 2015:
Baghdad: "Two liquor traders were killed as they were attacked by silenced pistols near their home in Baghdad Al-Jadeeda area "security source said............
23 Sep 2015:
اسلام ٹائمز: کیا واقعی خواتین کے تعلیمی اداروں میں مذہبی پروگرامات پر پابندی اور این جی اوز کو کھلی چھٹی دے رکھی ہے، اگر ایسا ہے تو یہ بہت خطرناک ہے۔؟
شفقت غازی: بلتستان میں موجود سرکاری تعلیمی اداروں میں ہر طرح کے مذہبی پروگرامات کی اجازت نہیں دی جاتی۔ ایک بات آپ سے شیئر کروں کہ اس سال آئی ایس او چاہ رہی تھی کہ گرلز کالج میں ایک مذہبی پروگرام ہو اور خواتین نے ہی اس کا انعقاد کرنا تھا، لیکن پرنسپل صاحبہ نے صاف یہ کہہ کر انکار کر دیا کہ یہاں مذہبی پروگرامات کی اجازت نہیں ہے، جبکہ اسی مہینے میں ہم نے دیکھا کہ بدنام زمانہ امریکی تنظیم یو ایس ایڈ اپنے لاو لشکر سمیت پروگرام کرنے میں مصروف ہے، اس کے علاوہ غیر ملکیوں کو بھی وہاں پر دیکھا گیا اور ریڈ کریسنٹ والے بھی لڑکیوں کے درمیان تقریب میں دیکھے گئے۔ یعنی تمام ان اداروں کو اجازت تھی، جنکی فنڈنگ باہر سے ہوتی ہو، کوئی یہود و نصاریٰ جس کی پشت پر ہوں، جنکے نزدیک محرم و نامحرم کی تمیز نہ ہو، جنکے اہداف میں سے ایک جنسی مساوات ہو، ان سب کو اجازت ہے، لیکن اللہ رسول، قرآن، دین، تزکیہ سے متعلق پروگرام کرنے کی اجازت نہیں دی جاتی ہے اور یہ یقیناً خطرناک ترین امر ہے۔ اس سلسلے میں ہم میکانزم بنا رہے ہیں اور بہت جلد پلان چاک آوٹ کرنے کے بعد کسی بھی غیر ملکی این جی اوز کو خواتین کے تعلیمی اداروں میں گھسنے نہیں دیں گے۔
1 Oct 2015: “When I used to dance and sing I felt free,” says Karima Muhsen, a 42-year-old gypsy woman living in the area of Fawar, about 20 kilometres southeast of the city of Diwaniya, capital of the southern Qadisiyah province. “And I used to teach my daughters the art of dancing and singing. But now we are no longer allowed to dance and sing. I am getting old and I can no longer work – I can't even beg in Diwaniya's streets,” she complains.
Muhsen is one of Iraq's gypsies, or Romany people, known locally as Kawliya. It is hard to know how many gypsies are living in the country – estimates range between 6,000 and 20,000. But what is known is that after 2003, when Iraq became more religiously conservative thanks to the end of the regime of secular, nationalist dictator, Saddam Hussein, the gypsies were forbidden from earning their living from dancing and singing.
5 Oct 2015: The pimps whom Layla encounters are women, but behind them is a tangled hierarchy of armed men: corrupt police, militias that profit from the sex trade, and militias that brutally oppose it. On the morning of July 13, 2014, the bullet-ridden bodies of twenty-eight women and five men were retrieved from two apartments, said to be brothels, in a building complex in Zayouna, a neighborhood in eastern Baghdad. I saw the bodies a few hours later, at the city morgue, laid out on the floor. Morgue workers blamed the religious militias, singling out the pro-Iranian Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, one of the many armed outfits proliferating in Iraq. Other groups of suspected prostitutes have been found shot dead, but the Zayouna incident was the largest killing in recent years, and it prompted at least fifteen neighborhood pimps whom Layla knew to flee with their girls to Iraqi Kurdistan. Layla often visits apartments like the ones in Zayouna, posing as a retired pimp. As a cover, she sells the madams abayas that are intricately embroidered with colored crystals and diamantés; they serve to identify women as pimps, rather than prostitutes, at night clubs.
A month earlier, Layla had been at a club called Memories, in the heart of the capital, when a group of militiamen entered and fired off a number of rounds, killing several prostitutes and capturing others. Layla, who fled through the kitchen, watched as young women were dragged by their hair into cars. Six are still missing, she said.
“Sex fuels militias, because it is a source of money,” Layla told me. “There are two options facing pimps—either they work with the militias or the militias kill them.”
Mohammad and Layla hesitated when I asked if I could enter the club. Inside, I would be as vulnerable as any other woman there to the men who show up. “Any girl they see at a night club, they grab and take,” Layla said. “Even if you go in with a policeman, somebody higher than him—a militiaman or somebody—will take you if he wants.”
5 Oct 2015: The pimps whom Layla encounters are women, but behind them is a tangled hierarchy of armed men: corrupt police, militias that profit from the sex trade, and militias that brutally oppose it. On the morning of July 13, 2014, the bullet-ridden bodies of twenty-eight women and five men were retrieved from two apartments, said to be brothels, in a building complex in Zayouna, a neighborhood in eastern Baghdad. I saw the bodies a few hours later, at the city morgue, laid out on the floor. Morgue workers blamed the religious militias, singling out the pro-Iranian Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, one of the many armed outfits proliferating in Iraq. Other groups of suspected prostitutes have been found shot dead, but the Zayouna incident was the largest killing in recent years, and it prompted at least fifteen neighborhood pimps whom Layla knew to flee with their girls to Iraqi Kurdistan. Layla often visits apartments like the ones in Zayouna, posing as a retired pimp. As a cover, she sells the madams abayas that are intricately embroidered with colored crystals and diamantés; they serve to identify women as pimps, rather than prostitutes, at night clubs.
A month earlier, Layla had been at a club called Memories, in the heart of the capital, when a group of militiamen entered and fired off a number of rounds, killing several prostitutes and capturing others. Layla, who fled through the kitchen, watched as young women were dragged by their hair into cars. Six are still missing, she said.
“Sex fuels militias, because it is a source of money,” Layla told me. “There are two options facing pimps—either they work with the militias or the militias kill them.”
Mohammad and Layla hesitated when I asked if I could enter the club. Inside, I would be as vulnerable as any other woman there to the men who show up. “Any girl they see at a night club, they grab and take,” Layla said. “Even if you go in with a policeman, somebody higher than him—a militiaman or somebody—will take you if he wants.”
29 Oct 2015:
امام جمعہ والجماعت جامع امامیہ مسجد گلگت آغا سید راحت حسین الحسینی نے کہا ہے کہ زلزلے اور قدرتی آفات ہماری بد اعمالیوں کا نتیجہ ہیں، لہٰذا ہمیں اپنے اعمال اور کردار کو درست کرتے ہوئے اللہ اور بنی اکرم (ص) کے بتائے ہوئے اصولوں اور تعلیمات پر عمل پیرا ہونے کی ضرورت ہے۔... انہوں نے کہا کہ معاشرے میں فحاشی اور بدکاری عام ہوچکی ہے، جس کے نتیجے میں ہم سب قدرتی آفات کی زد میں ہیں
3 Nov 2015:
Two Iranian actresses were recently banned from acting in any productions in the country by the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. Why? The women published images on social media of themselves without a hijab, or headscarf. One actress also posted photos of herself with bare shoulders and an exposed midriff.
18 Nov 2015: In a statement issued on November 18, Makarem Shirazi's office said the senior ayatollah had "major objections" to some of the books that have been published, and also to some movies and music that have been released.
The Culture Ministry has been accused of allowing solo singing by women, which has been banned since the 1979 revolution and the creation of an Islamic republic. Jannati has said that the "rumors" are spread by those giving false information to senior clerics and lawmakers.
In February, Makarem Shirazi and Nouri Hamedani criticized a newly released album of traditional music that included female singing.
29 Nov 2015: A high-profile performance in Iran by the Tehran Symphony Orchestra was cancelled at the last minute because it was due to feature female musicians, its furious conductor said on Sunday.
3 Dec 2015:
28 Dec 2015:
چیئرمین تنظم اتحاد امت پاکستان محمد ضیاالحق نقشبندی کا لاہور میں اجلاس سے خطاب میں کہنا تھا کہ نوجوان نسل کو نیو ائیرنائٹ کے موقع پر خرافات سے بچانے کیلئے ضروری ہے کہ اس رات نوجوان نسل کو رکوع اور سجود میں لگانے کی کوشش کی جائے تاکہ نوجوان نسل خوف خدا اور عشق رسول کی لذت حاصل کرے، آج کی نوجوان نسل کو گمراہی اور گناہ کی لعنت سے بچانا وقت کی اہم ضرورت ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ امت کو ایسے نوجوانوں کی ضرورت ہے جو اللہ کی بارگاہ میں رونے اور گڑگڑانے والے ہوں جبکہ یہود ونصاریٰ کی ہمیشہ کوشش رہی ہے کہ امت مسلمہ کو خرافات میں مبتلا کر دیں تاکہ امت مسلمہ جدید دور کے جدید تقاضوں سے روشناس نہ ہو سکے۔
31 Dec 2015:
پاکستان سُنّی تحریک علماء بورڈ نے اپنے اعلامیے میں کہا ہے کہ نئے سال کے آغاز پر قوم خصوصی عبادات کا اہتمام کرے، نیو ائیر نائٹ کے نام پر منعقد ہونے والی رقص و سرود کی محفلیں اللہ کے عذاب کو دعوت دینے کے مترادف ہیں، اس موقع پر محافل رقص و سرور کی بجائے محافلِ حمد و نعت اور قیام اللیل میں استغفار اور نوافل کا اہتمام کیا جائے،
6 Jan 2016:
12 Jan 2016:
خواتین کے موٹر سائیکل چلانے سے معاشرے میں بے راہ روی پھیلنے کا شدید خطرہ ہے، پیر عبدالماجد نقشبندی
19 Jan 2016: Iran’s culture ministry has decided to censor the use of the word “wine” and the names of “foreign animals” and dignitaries from any books published in the Islamic Republic.
The new rules are designed to protect Iranians from what the regime calls a “cultural onslaught” by the West.
3 Dec 2015:
A group of artists and musicians has written to the Governor of Khorasan Razavi, calling on him to cancel the ban placed on all music concerts in Mashhad, the provincial capital.
Qods online reports that the signatories maintain that such a ban will lead to the "separation and alienation of the young generation from their local artistic and cultural values."
For years, an unwritten rule has restricted concerts in Mashhad on the grounds that it is a religious city holding the shrine of the eighth Shia Imam.
28 Dec 2015:
چیئرمین تنظم اتحاد امت پاکستان محمد ضیاالحق نقشبندی کا لاہور میں اجلاس سے خطاب میں کہنا تھا کہ نوجوان نسل کو نیو ائیرنائٹ کے موقع پر خرافات سے بچانے کیلئے ضروری ہے کہ اس رات نوجوان نسل کو رکوع اور سجود میں لگانے کی کوشش کی جائے تاکہ نوجوان نسل خوف خدا اور عشق رسول کی لذت حاصل کرے، آج کی نوجوان نسل کو گمراہی اور گناہ کی لعنت سے بچانا وقت کی اہم ضرورت ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ امت کو ایسے نوجوانوں کی ضرورت ہے جو اللہ کی بارگاہ میں رونے اور گڑگڑانے والے ہوں جبکہ یہود ونصاریٰ کی ہمیشہ کوشش رہی ہے کہ امت مسلمہ کو خرافات میں مبتلا کر دیں تاکہ امت مسلمہ جدید دور کے جدید تقاضوں سے روشناس نہ ہو سکے۔
31 Dec 2015:
پاکستان سُنّی تحریک علماء بورڈ نے اپنے اعلامیے میں کہا ہے کہ نئے سال کے آغاز پر قوم خصوصی عبادات کا اہتمام کرے، نیو ائیر نائٹ کے نام پر منعقد ہونے والی رقص و سرود کی محفلیں اللہ کے عذاب کو دعوت دینے کے مترادف ہیں، اس موقع پر محافل رقص و سرور کی بجائے محافلِ حمد و نعت اور قیام اللیل میں استغفار اور نوافل کا اہتمام کیا جائے،
6 Jan 2016:
A professional Iranian soccer player has been jailed after photographs published on social media showed him together with several women not wearing the Islamic hijab, as required by Iranian law.
Sosha Makani, a 29-year-old goalkeeper who has competed with Iran's national team, was arrested on January 4 and jailed following a complaint by private plaintiffs, Iranian media reported.
The Mizan news agency, which is affiliated with Iran's judiciary, quoted a judiciary source as saying that one of the plaintiffs had withdrawn his complaint.
But the source added that Makani will remain in jail pending an investigation for "publishing pictures that lead to the spread of corruption and prostitution in society." Jan 2016:
خواتین کے موٹر سائیکل چلانے سے معاشرے میں بے راہ روی پھیلنے کا شدید خطرہ ہے، پیر عبدالماجد نقشبندی
19 Jan 2016: Iran’s culture ministry has decided to censor the use of the word “wine” and the names of “foreign animals” and dignitaries from any books published in the Islamic Republic.
The new rules are designed to protect Iranians from what the regime calls a “cultural onslaught” by the West.
3 Feb 2016: A mob attacked a car carrying Fatemeh Motamed-Aria as she was on her way to the screening of the film, “Yahya Did Not Stay Silent,” in Kashan, a city in Iran’s Isfahan province, on January 29.
Motamed-Aria caused an uproar among Iranian religious conservatives when she attended the 2010 Cannes festival without a head scarf.
The day after the attack, Kashan’s Friday prayer leader called for a “day of mourning” in protest against Motamed-Aria’s appearance.
The many limitations on women in Iran’s film industry have been well documented in the past 37 years since the Islamic Revolution. But the attack in Kashan has even shocked government and industry officials not known for their defense of female artists.
Day of Mourning
The following day Ayatollah Abdolnabi Namazi, Kashan’s Friday prayer leader, declared Motamed-Aria’s presence in the city “a great calamity” and called for a day of mourning on Friday, February 5.
“Everyone should know Kashan’s place in the history of Shiism,” said Namazi. “Kashan has no tolerance for immoral gatherings.”
Namazi rejected the legitimacy of the event’s permit issued by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and even called on the Judiciary to arrest and punish the officials who stood their ground and prevented protesters from stopping the event.
He also accused Motamed-Aria of having “a history of removing her hijab,” adding that “Her clothes appeared so [inappropriate] that they tried to hide her in the street so no one would see her in that condition.”
In September 2009, Motamed-Aria was prevented from leaving the country to attend the Oscars in the US to discuss the state of Iranian cinema. Her ban was seen as punishment for her support of Iran’s Green Movement, which grew out of peaceful protests against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s disputed 2009 presidential election.
In 2010, Motamed-Area attended the Cannes Film Festival without wearing a hijab over her head. The government reacted by banning her from working, which lasted until President Hassan Rouhani’s election in 2013...
In previous years, several female actors have been reprimanded for the way they have dressed at events abroad. Two officials called for actress Leila Hatami’s prosecution because she shook hands with the 84-year-old head of the Cannes Film Festival in 2014.
A year earlier the Oscar winning director Asghar Farhadi was publicly scolded by hardliners for shaking Madonna’s hand when receiving an award at the Golden Globes.
A year earlier the Oscar winning director Asghar Farhadi was publicly scolded by hardliners for shaking Madonna’s hand when receiving an award at the Golden Globes.
Golshifteh Farahani, who moved to France in 2009 to pursue her acting career, told the BBC in an interview that before leaving Iran, she was told by Intelligence Ministry interrogators that she was no longer wanted in the country.
“They told me, ‘You are our problem. You should not be in this country,’” she said.
“They told me, ‘You are our problem. You should not be in this country,’” she said.
11 Feb 2016:
ویلنائن ڈے کے حوالے سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے ممتاز عالم دین علامہ محمد رضا عابدی کا کہنا تھا کہ اسلام میں ایسے کسی دن کی کوئی گنجائش نہیں، اسلام تو دین ہی محبت اور اخوت کا ہے، اسلام تو ہر روز انسانیت سے پیار کرنے کا حکم دیتا ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ محبت کے نام پر سال میں صرف ایک دن منانا بیوقوفی ہے، ہمیں ہر روز یوم محبت منانا چاہیے اور اس محبت کا اظہار اپنی بیوی، بہنوں، بھائیوں اور بالخصوص والدین کیساتھ کرنا چاہیے۔
13 Feb 2016: Sign in Najaf, Iraq: "To celebrate St. Valentine means you're a follower of Jews & Christians."
13 Feb 2016:
Valentine's Day has been banned in Iran, with authorities telling citizens to not support "decadent western culture".
Police officers have told business leaders that they are not to sell gifts or cards that would be typically exchanged between loved-up couples on February 14.
And restaurants and coffee shops were warned "to avoid any gatherings in which boys and girls exchange Valentine’s Day gifts".
13 Feb 2016:
پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کی رکن پنجاب اسمبلی و ناظمہ جامعہ سراجیہ نعیمیہ نبیرہ عندلیب نعیمی نے پیام حیا سیمینار سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ خواتین اسلامی روایات پر عمل پیرا ہو کر ہی اپنے حقوق کا تحفظ یقینی بنا سکتی ہیں، حجاب کے رجحان کو عام کرنا وقت کا سب سے اہم تقاضا ہے، حیا کے بغیر زندگی نامکمل ہے، عورت کا حسن نمود و نمائش میں نہیں، بلکہ سادگی کے کلچر کو اپنانے میں ہے، دنیا بھر کے مسلم ممالک کے حکمران ویلنٹائن ڈے جیسے فحاشی پر مبنی ایام پر پائندی عائد کریں، ویلنٹائن ڈے سے بے حیائی پر مبنی ایام مسلم معاشرے میں کسی اعتبار سے مستحسن نہیں ہو سکتے
13 Feb 2016:
وفاق المدارس الشیعہ پاکستان کے صدر علامہ حافظ ریاض حسین نجفی، نائب صدر علامہ نیاز نقوی اور سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ محمد افضل حیدری نے ویلنٹائن ڈے کے نام پر بے ہودگی اور بے حیائی کی مذمت کرتے ہوئے حکومت سے مطالبہ کیا ہے کہ بسنت کی طرح اس غیر اسلامی رسم کے نام پر پبلک مقامات اور تعلیمی اداروں میں ہونیوالی مخلوط تقریبات پر بھی پابندی عائد کی جائے، اسلام آباد میں اس پر پابندی قابل تعریف اقدام ہے، وفاقی حکومت پورے ملک میں اسے غیر قانونی قرار دے۔ لاہور میں نوجوانوں کے وفد سے گفتگو میں انہوں نے کہا کہ شریعت نے فقط ان کاموں سے روکا ہے، جو انسان کیلئے نقصان دہ ہیں، ان کاموں کو کرنے کا حکم دیا ہے جو فائدہ مند ہیں، کلچر کے نام پر مخلوط محفلیں قابل مذمت اور اسلامی تعلیمات کا مذاق اڑانے کے مترادف ہے، والدین، اساتذہ اور علما کو نئی نسل کو بچانے کیلئے کوششیں کرنے کی ضرورت ہے۔
علما نے مغربی ثقافت پر سخت تشویش کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے سر عام اظہار محبت کو شرم و حیا کے منافی اور اخلاقی اقدار کی پامالی کی سازش قرار دیا۔ ان کا کہنا تھا کہ نوجوان اسلامی تعلیمات کا مطالعہ کریں، اپنے لئے ماڈل ویلنٹائن نہیں، حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم اور ان کی صاحبزادی سیدہ فاطمة الزہرا سلام اللہ علیہا کو قرار دیں۔
14 Feb 2016:
پیر اعجاز ہاشمی نے کہا کہ ویلنٹائن ڈے کے نام پر بے حیائی بڑھتی رہی اور علما خاموش رہے تو یہ تباہی ہوگی، مذہبی طبقات کو مشترکہ کاوشیں کرنی چاہیں۔
15 Feb 2016:
ممتاز عالم دین مولانا اظہر حسن کررڑ کا "اسلام ٹائمز" سے گفتگو میں کہنا تھا کہ یہ غیر اسلامی، غیر اخلاقی اور بے راہ روی کی جانب نوجوانوں کو گمراہ کرنے والا دن ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ہماری اپنی مشرقی روایات ہیں، جن میں تہذیب اور احترام ہے، مگر چند نودولتیے مغرب کی اندھی تقلید میں وہاں ہونیوالی ہر سرگرمی کو امپورٹ کر لیتے ہیں، جو درست فعل نہیں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ بھارت میں بھی اس دن کی حوصلہ شکنی کی گئی اور ویلنٹائن ڈے منانے والے جوڑوں کو پکڑ کر ان کی شادیاں کروا دی گئی تاکہ وہ بے راہ روی کا شکار نہ ہوں، تو ہمیں اپنے مذہب کی تعلیمات کو فالو کرنا چاہیے نہ کہ ہم مغرب کی اندھی تقلید شروع کر دیں۔ مولانا اظہر حسن کا کہنا تھا کہ ویلنٹائن ڈے کے حوالے سے کسی بھی مذہب میں کوئی روایت نہیں، مسیحی بھی اس کی مخالفت کرتے ہیں، ہندو بھی اسے نہیں مناتے تو ہماری نسل کیوں اس طرف راغب ہو رہی ہے؟ اس کا مطلب ہے کہ اس کے پیچھے کوئی ہاتھ ہے جو بالخصوص مسلم نوجوانوں کو گمراہی کی جانب دھکیلنے کیلئے ایسی من گھڑت تقریبات کا انعقاد کروا رہا ہے۔
16 Feb 2016:
On Jan. 25, flyers calling for bans on singing and makeup were plastered throughout Baghdad on cement barricades, near security checkpoints and on the walls of the Zora Gardens that families in Baghdad frequent. This seemed to be an organized campaign against liberties, and it led to great controversy in the media, social networking sites and Iraqi society as a whole.
Questions abounded about the motives of said campaign and what party stood behind it. However, the perpetrators’ failure to identify themselves does not mean they were unknown to most Iraqis: They are supposedly religious conservatives who treat with disdain any ideas not in line with their views.
....."Some incidents are also perpetrated by security forces charged with enforcing the law and protecting liberties under the constitution. On July 20, a video clip emerged showing a security force storming night clubs in Baghdad, an act that led — along with similar such incidents — to widespread condemnation on the part of civil movements and leftist parties.
Some clerics publicly endorsed this type of behavior, such as Shiite Sheikh Ali al-Yassiri from Babil, who told Al-Monitor, “It is our duty to enforce Islamic law by closing down clubs where singing and dancing take place.”
Islamic factions have been conducting such anti-civil rights and anti-secularism campaigns since 2003, when Saddam Hussein’s regime was overthrown.
In July 2004, liquor stores, beauty salons and music stores were attacked in Baghdad by anonymous people. Clerics issued supportive statements, such as Hassan al-Tai from al-Sadr city in Baghdad who told the BBC, “Those who consume alcoholic drinks must be flogged, and those selling such drinks must be cautioned, prior to their stores [being] razed to the ground.”
So why have such social clubs, particularly nightclubs, proliferated since 2003 despite the harassment they are subjected to?
Shaykh said, “Organized crime gangs in Baghdad have become venture capitalists that invest in clubs, as some members thereof admitted on satellite TV channels.” He said gangs that control clubs are paying off armed individuals not to attack these same clubs."
in March 2010, when a hand grenade was tossed by unknown assailants inside a billiards hall that served alcoholic drinks in Basra's al-Shaar neighborhood, injuring eight people. In 2012, Iraqi activists said that governmental and religious authorities were standing against some youths for imitating the Western lifestyle because they “threatened Islam and social ethics.”
Feb 23, 2016:
Two of the band Confess, Nikan Siyanor Khosravi, 23, and Khosravi Arash Ilkhani, 21, are believed to have been arrested on November 10, before being held in Iran's notorious Evin prison by the Revolutionary Guards.
The state's Revolutionary Guard, officially called the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, is a branch of the its military that enforces its strict religious code.
The pair run their own record label and their latest album, released in October, included tracks named 'Teh-Hell-Ran' and 'I'm Your God Now', both of which would likely rankle with the state's hardline Islamic leadership.
Tara Sepehri Far, a researcher for Human Rights Watch, said the pair likely faced up to five years in prison for "insulting sacred beliefs".
She said: "Iranian musicians, especially the ones who play non-classical western music, are navigating a minefield.
"Due to severe censorship, most of these groups are performing underground.
"Anything from the content of their lyrics to the style of the music they play might violate unwritten regulations that musicians are expected to adhere to by various authorities."
Feb 23, 2016:
An appeals court has sentenced Iranian filmmaker Keywan Karimi to one year in prison on charges of “insulting the sacred” and “spreading propaganda against the regime,” reducing his initial sentence of six years’ imprisonment.
Keywan Karimi, 30, said on Monday, February 22 that his prison sentence was reduced to one year, but he is still to receive 223 lashes as stipulated in the original sentence.
“I have no intention of leaving the country and I shall service the sentence,” he said, as quoted by the Times of India. “Even when I am in prison, I will make films.”
After almost two years of hearings, Karimi was found guilty on the propaganda and insult charges in connection with his documentary about political graffiti in Tehran, Writing on the City. The film, which according to his lawyer had not been publicly screened, looks at how graffiti has changed in Tehran in recent years, particularly in response to political and social events.
Karimi was also sentenced to receive lashes as punishment for having “illicit relations” because he shook hands with a woman to whom he was not related.
8 April 2016:
Street posters assert that the Islamic headscarf, known as hijab, is a must for all women — including Christians — in Iraq. Some clergy warn men against shaking hands with a woman, saying it brings God’s wrath. Others caution against singing, calling it a sin.
demands are not only made in areas controlled by the Islamic State
(ISIS), but also in districts of Baghdad run by the pro-Iranian Shia
militias. Residents said they worry Shia religious groups are adopting
hard-line policies and could impose an uncompromising interpretation of
the Quran and sharia law.
Some posters address
Christian women outright, urging them to wear the hijab, following the
footsteps of the Virgin Mary, whom tradition has it wore a head cover.
“The hijab is ordered by God, so you should obey Him,” read a placard on a wall of a Baghdad church.
Yalda, a Christian Iraqi housewife in Baghdad, said the “message of the
radical Shia groups to religious minorities and secular people is
either you follow our rules or there is no place for you with us here”.
A poster in Baghdad read: “Allah’s wrath will befall upon any man who shakes hands with a strange woman.”
banner quotes a revered late Shia imam as saying: “Singing is hypocrisy
and it will lead only to poverty.” Such ideas are almost identical to
the interpretations of Islam held by ISIS, which controls large sections
of land in Iraq and Syria.
ISIS recently repeated its
call for banning alcohol, saying it would punish traders and consumers
who are found with liquor in their possession. Local governments in
many Shia provinces have also made trade and consumption of liquor a
Shia gunmen frequently attack liquor stores in
Baghdad, sometimes near checkpoints manned by police, who in turn
ignore the attacks.
Baghdad-based human rights
activist Ziyad al-Ajeely said the posters promoting strict
interpretations of Islam were a sign of the weakness of the state and
pointed to Shia Muslims being radicalised, just as Sunnis were.
posters send a frightening message to minorities and average people
that the state is helpless in the face of the extremists,” said Ajeely,
who also heads the Baghdad-based Journalism Freedom Observatory. “These
banners are no different from some raised in ISIS-held territories,” he
said, explaining that proved the “foes have similar mentalities”.
Ministry spokesman Brigadier-General Saad Maan said an investigation
showed that the posters were the outcome of “individual acts”, vowing
to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Human rights
activist Kamil Amin said the people behind the posters belonged to
religious groups and parties that are part of the government. “Part of
the government is violating the constitution that safeguards personal
freedom and the rights of the minorities,” he said.
7 March 2016: The regulations, issued by the state council for the Islamization of universities and educational centers, declares that "holding concerts and independent musical programs is not a priority for universities and is not allowed."
But it adds that only "fine and valuable Iranian music" that "strengthens national identity" and is in line with "Islamic norms" can be played while emphasizing that promoting music is not part of universities' mission.
The regulations also say that music played at university concerts should encourage commitment to "moral, social, political, and revolutionary responsibilities."
It also says that music should not create "excitement that is out of the norm" or provoke "lust."
Lyrics that encourage "promiscuity," "despair and hopelessness," "superficiality," and "neglect human dignity" should be avoided, according to the regulations as published by the news site
The new restrictions come several months after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei strongly criticized university concerts and mixed student camps as very wrong.
In a July 2015 meeting with a group of students, Khamenei quoted approvingly a student as saying that "university is not a place for concerts."
"Sending students to mixed camps and holding concerts in universities to, in our minds, create joy in the student environment, is among the most wrong deeds," Khamenei was quoted as saying by domestic media.
In September, the semiofficial Mehr news agency quoted Khamenei's representative at universities, Hojatoleslam Mohammad Mohammadian, as saying that "universities have been told that they don't have the right to hold concerts."
Several concerts have reportedly been canceled at universities in recent months, including a music festival that was due to be held at Tehran's Sharif University in February. March 2016:
مجلس وحدت مسلمین پاکستان کے مرکزی سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ راجہ ناصر عباس جعفری نے یوم پاکستان کے موقع پر اپنے ایک پیغام میں کہا ہے کہ دو قومی نظریہ کے نام پر معرض وجود میں آنے والا ملک عملی طور پر نظریہ پاکستان سے انحراف کا شکار ہوچکا ہے۔ جس کے باعث بہت ساری مشکلات ہمارے دامن سے لپٹی ہوئی ہیں۔ اسلامی اقدار اور روایات کو دانستہ طور پر فراموش کیا جا رہا ہے۔ پاکستان کے قیام کا مقصد دین اسلام کی بالادستی کو یقینی بناتے ہوئے اپنی زندگیوں کو اسلامی قوانین کے مطابق ڈھالنا تھا، لیکن بدقسمتی سے اسلامی اقدار کو مغربی افکار کے ہاتھوں یرغمال بنا دیا گیا ہے۔ ثقافت کے نام پر ہندوانہ کلچر کو فروغ دیا جا رہا ہے، جس سے چھٹکارا حاصل کرنے کے لئے مسلمانانِ برصغیر نے الگ ریاست کا مطالبہ کیا۔
8 April 2016: Mashhad Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Alamolhoda: "Bad hejab is a sin worse than embezzlement." #Iran
26 April 2016:
جامعہ عروۃ الوثقٰی لاہور میں جشن مولود کعبہ و جامعہ عروۃ الوثقٰی کے چھٹے یوم تاسیس کے سلسلہ میں عظیم الشان تقریب کا انعقاد کیا گیا، جس میں ملک کے طول و ارض سے شرکاء کی بڑی تعداد شریک ہوئی۔ اس موقع پر جامعہ عروۃ الوثقٰی کے بانی و مدیر اعلٰی استاد سید جواد نقوی نے اہم خطاب کیا
مولا (ع) کو بھنگڑے ڈالنے والے نہیں چاہییں۔ نہج البلاغ میں انبار کے لوگوں نے جب ترجل یعنی دھمال ڈالی اسقبال کے لئے تو فرمایا اس سے آپکو کوئی فائدہ نہیں، البتہ تم اس دنیا میں اپنے کو زحمت و مشقت میں ڈالتے ہو، اور آخرت میں اس کی وجہ سے بدبختی مول لیتے ہو، وہ مشقت کتنی گھاٹے والی ہے، جس کا نتیجہ سزائے اخروی ہو اور وہ راحت کتنی فائدہ مند ہے، جس کا نتیجہ دوزخ سے امان ہو۔
3 May 2016:
وفاق المدارس الشیعہ پاکستان کے سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ محمد افضل حیدری نے لاہور میں مال روڈ پر ایک سیاسی جماعت کے جلسے میں خواتین سے بدتمیزی کی مذمت کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ خواتین کو شریعت کے مطابق مخلوط محفلوں میں شرکت کی اجازت نہیں، حقوق کے حصول کیلئے جلسے میں جانا اشد ضروری ہو تو اسلامی حدود و قیود کیساتھ پردے میں عورتیں شریک ہو سکتی ہیں، جن کیلئے بیٹھنے کا علیحدہ انتظام ہونا چاہیئے۔ لاہور میں تربیتی نشست سے خطاب میں علامہ افضل حیدری نے کہا کہ شریعت کی روسے مخلوط تعلیم کی بھی اجازت نہیں تو سیاسی جلسوں میں مردوں کیساتھ شرکت تو دور کی بات ہے۔ سیاسی جماعتوں پر کارکنوں کی اخلاقی تربیت کی ضرورت پر زور دیتے ہوئے انہوں نے کہا کہ نامحرم مردوں اور میڈیا کے سامنے خواتین کا ڈانس غیر اسلامی اور بے حیائی ہے، سیاسی جماعتوں کو شریعت کا لحاظ رکھنا چاہیئے کہ جلسے میں آنیوالی خواتین بھی کسی کی مائیں، بہنیں اور بیٹیاں ہیں اور اس ناطے سے وہ قوم کی بیٹیاں ہیں، جن کا احترام اور عزت ہمارا قومی فریضہ ہے، سیاسی رہنما اپنے کارکنوں کو حیا اور شرم سکھائیں کہ ان کی بداخلاقی پر مبنی حرکتیں اسلام اور پاکستان کی بدنامی کا باعث بن رہی ہیں۔ ان کا کہنا تھاکہ شریعت محمدی نے عورت کو پردے کا حکم دیا ہے کہ وہ کنیزان زہرا و زینب بن کر جلسوں میں آنے کی بجائے، انتخابات میں ووٹ ڈالنے جائیں۔
16 May 2016: Iranian authorities have announced a new crackdown on models
who post images of themselves online without their hair covered.
State television reported Monday that officials particularly targeted
the picture-sharing application Instagram as part of an operation it
called Spider II.
It said authorities arrested eight people out of some 170 people
identified as being involved in modeling on social networks including 58
models, 59 photographers and makeup artists.
19 May 2016:
This week, Iranian state television showed the confession of an Iranian model, Elham Arab. Tehran prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi berated her throughout the broadcast, accusing her of promoting fashion modeling through her Instagram page. Arab was one of several fashion models arrested in recent months in Iran. Iran’s cyber police accused them of being involved in an international pro-modeling conspiracy involving US model Kim Kardashian and Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom.
27 May 2016: TEHRAN
— More than 30 college students were arrested, interrogated and within
24 hours were each given 99 lashes for attending a graduation party that
included men and women, Iran’s judiciary has announced.
The punishments, which were believed to be part of a wider crackdown
by a judiciary dominated by hard-liners, were meted out in Qazvin,
about 90 miles northwest of the capital, and were carried out in record
time, Mizan, a news agency affiliated with the judiciary, reported on
Thursday, citing the city’s prosecutor.
Qazvin prosecutor, Esmail Sadeghi Niaraki, said that more than 30
female and male students — the women were described as “half naked,”
meaning they were not wearing Islamic coverings, scarves and long coats —
were arrested while “dancing and jubilating” after the authorities
received a report that a party attended both by men and women was being
held in a villa on the outskirts of Qazvin.
29 May 2016:
Iranian authorities have arrested eight people involved in allegedly producing "obscene" music videos.
Mizan Online, a news agency controlled by Iran's powerful judiciary, quoted Tehran prosecutor general Abbas Jafari Dowlatabadi on May 28 as saying that the eight were arrested last week in Tehran. They were not identified by name.
He said the videos were "broadcast on a famous anti-revolutionary television channel," an apparent reference to a foreign-based channel in Persian. Dozens of Persian-language television channels, all based outside Iran, are broadcast on satellite.
Dowlatabadi said a special court for media and culture will review the case and consider raising charges against the eight.
There were no details on the content of the videos. In Iran, it is considered "obscene" and un-Islamic if a woman is filmed singing without a headscarf or together with a man.
30 May 2016:
50 Kilos of Tart Cherries was pulled from cinemas across the country after Tabas Friday prayers Imam spoke out against the screening insisting that the film is “destroying revolutionary values”. The criticism of the senior member of the clergy resulted in the withdrawal of the film’s screening permit by the Ministry of Culture.
Fars News Agency reports that Hojatoleslam Ebrahim Mohajerian told worshippers gathered for the Friday Mass Prayers on Friday May 27 that as soon as he realized the film was screening in Tabas, he contacted the guidance ministry branch in the city to express his concerns.
The film had also drawn fire from Iran’s Hezbollah forces which led to a reaction from the Minister of Guidance Ali Jannati earlier this month who said: “50 kilos of Tart Cherries was in no way appropriate and if I had known about its content I would never have permitted its production or screening.”
6 June 2016:
Two musicians and a film-maker have begun three-year jail sentences in Iran for the online distribution of underground music.
The three men, who have been described by Amnesty as prisoners of conscience, were summoned to serve their sentences last week after an appeals court upheld their conviction.
A three-minute trial in 2015 found brothers Mehdi and Hossein Rajabian, 26 and 31, and their friend Yousef Emadi, 35, guilty of “insulting Islamic sanctities”, “spreading propaganda against the system” and “illegal audio-visual activities” for the distribution of music unlicensed by the cultural ministry.
They did not have access to lawyers during the trial, activists said.
8 June 2016:
عامر لیاقت کی پنجتن کے ناموں کی توہین، ناچ گانا اور ڈانس ہوتا رہا
23 June 2016: 13 musicians and artists killed in Pakistan since 2008
25 June 2016: Dog lovers in central Iran are in uproar after authorities began confiscating their pets in an apparent crackdown on the “vulgar Western culture” of canine ownership, Iranian media reported Saturday.
“Keeping and caring for dogs is haram (forbidden) according to religious leaders,” Boosaidi told the Fars news agency on June 19.
“If we find out that anyone is keeping and caring for dogs and so is promoting vulgar Western culture, we will deal with them firmly.”
Dog confiscations in the town began three days later, Shahrvand reported. It did not give precise numbers, but said a number of families had lost their pets.
19 July 2016:
قائد ملت جعفریہ گلگت بلتستان آغا راحت الحسینی نے کہا ہے کہ استعمار اور اقوام عالم کی نظریں گلگت بلتستان پر ہیں اور سوچی سمجھی سازش کے تحت گلگت بلتستان سے اسلامی ثقافت کو ختم کیا جارہاہے۔جس کی نتیجے میں فحش سرگرمیاں تیزی سے پھیل رہی ہے ۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ غیر ملکی بالخصوص مغربی سیاح غیر اسلامی ثقافت کیساتھ ملک میں داخل ہورہے ہیں۔مغربی ثقافت نے ایسا ماحول بنا رکھا ہے کہ عالم دین کے بچے بھی پاکستانی لباس پہننے کیلئے تیار نہیں۔
.....ان کا کہنا تھا کہ بلتستان میں حد تک لوگ دیندار نظر آتے ہیں۔لیکن اسلام آباد میں بلتستانی ثقافت کے نام پر غیر اسلامی ثقافتی سرگرمیوں سے افسوس ہوتا ہے۔
20 July 2016: An Iranian official says a kindergarten has been shut down in the capital over a mixed-gender swimming pool.
welfare department official for Tehran Province, Ebrahim Ghafari,
announced the temporary closure in a July 19 interview with the
hard-line Tasnim news agency, which earlier this week published a critical report that included photos in which young children in boys' and girls' swimsuits could be seen together in a pool.
24 July 2016: Iranian authorities have destroyed 100,000 satellite dishes and receivers as part of a widespread crackdown against illegal devices they say "deviate morality and culture".
Mohammad Reza Naghdi, the head of Iran's Basij militia, oversaw the
destruction ceremony in Tehran on Sunday and warned of the impact that
satellite television was having in the country.
truth is that most satellite channels... deviate the society's morality
and culture," AFP news agency reported him as saying.
"What these televisions really achieve is increased divorce, addiction and insecurity in society."
Naghdi said that a total of one million Iranians had already voluntarily handed over their satellite dishes to authorities.
26 July 2016: Up to 150 people have been detained in Iran after the morality police raided what has been described as a mixed-gender party near Tehran.
Afshin Naghouni, an Iranian-born painter based in London, was badly affected by one such incident in the years after the revolution. He fell and was left paralysed after escaping to the roof of a residential block, when the morality police raided a party he had attended. His ordeal was the subject of a 2014 documentary film called Out of Focus, made by the Iranian film-maker Shahriar Siami.
In recent months, 35 students were detained and subsequently flogged in Qazvin province, 62 were arrested at a mixed-gender party in Bandar Abbas, 23 were held at a party in Kerman and 70 were detained at a party in a restaurant in Tehran.
30 July 2016:
سید ریاض حسین شاہ نے مزید کہا کہ قیام امن کیلئے صوفیاء کی تعلیمات کو اپنانے اور پھیلانے کی ضرورت ہے، صوفیاء کی تعلیمات سے امن، محبت، اخوت اور رواداری کا درس ملتا ہے، ملک کو لبرل ازم نہیں صوفی ازم کی ضرورت ہے، صوفی ازم ڈھول ڈھمکے اور ناچ گانے کا نام نہیں بلکہ شریعت کی پابندی کا نام ہے، صوفیاء کے آستانے رشد و ہدایت کے مراکز ہیں۔
24 August 2016: Iran Warns, Detains 450 Social-Media Users, Citing 'Immoral' Posts
27 August 2016:
One of Iran's most famous classical singers, Shahram Nazeri -- who has previously been nicknamed "Iran's Pavarotti" -- almost had to cancel a concert with his son Hafez in the religious city of Yazd last week.
"A group of religious people wanted to cancel the concert. But Shahram and Hafez Nazeri decided to hold it anyway," a representative for the duo told AFP.
She said protesters tried to disrupt the show.
"Loudspeakers could be heard outside the venue reciting prayers during the concert."
30 August 2016:
مجلس وحدت مسلمین پاکستان کے مرکزی ڈپٹی سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ احمد اقبال رضوی نے کہا ہے کہ عالمی طاغوت اپنی پوری طاقت اور وسائل کے ساتھ امت مسلمہ کے خلاف برسرپیکار ہے۔ اسلام کی حقانیت اور عظمت رفتہ سے خائف یہ مذموم طاقتیں عالم اسلام کو منتشر اور بدحال دیکھنے کے لئے بے قرار ہیں۔ طالبان، داعش، النصرہ اور اس جیسی دیگر تنظیمیں عالمی استکبار کی پیداوار ہیں، جن کا مقصد اسلام کے روشن چہرے کو بدنما کرکے دنیا کے سامنے پیش کرنا ہے، تاکہ مسلمانوں کی ساکھ اور اسلامی تشخص کو تباہ کیا جا سکے۔ انہوں نے کہا مسلمانوں کو اسلام کی حقیقی تعلیمات سے دور کرنے کے لئے مختلف محاذوں پر تیزی سے کام جاری ہے۔ ثقافتی یلغار کے ہتھیار سے مغربی اور ہندوانہ کلچر کا فروغ، ٹی وی پروگراموں کے ذریعے پرتعیش رہن سہن کی ترغیب اور روشن خیالی کے نام پر بے راوی کی طرف مائل کیا جانا سب اسلام دشمنوں کی چالیں ہیں، جن کا مقصد اسلامی معاشرے کو اس کی بنیادی قدروں سے دور کرکے تنزلی کی طرف دھکیلنا ہے۔
9 Sep 2016: Sayed Ahmed Al Qubanchi, a cleric from #Najaf condemns a poetry fest will be held on #Eid Holiday in Najaf. A "sinful, corrupt act" he says\
Oct 2016: Shia militias break musical instruments at a wedding in Tikrit and ban weddings in Muharram
16 Oct 2016:
TEHRAN: Iranian media says authorities have detained 11 members of a "modeling and decadence network."
The semi-official Tasnim news agency said Sunday that the network was involved in producing and publishing pornographic pictures on social media. It said authorities shuttered three underground studios used for the purpose.
The report said the 11 people detained were "key elements" of the network, which was active in the southeastern city of Zahedan.
The report said more people were apprehended, but released shortly thereafter.
Several people suspected of modeling on social media were arrested in May.
Iran blocks several websites and polices social media to enforce conservative Islamic values and curb Western influence.
16 Oct 2016: TEHRAN- #Ayatollah Bojnurdi: Hosting World Chess Championship is anti-Islamic Claim that Imam Khomeini lifted ban on chess is #Zionist lie.
17 Oct 2016:
A Muslim woman who was sentenced to 40 lashes for wearing a miniskirt has revealed how she has become a bikini designer in a snub to her persecutors.
Tala Raasi was just 16 when a party she was attending was raided by a militant group called the Basij, who consider themselves defenders of Islam.
She said that despite not finding any drugs or alcohol, they did uncover foreign videos, satellite TV and 90210 posters - and Tala dressed in a short skirt, tight top and wearing nail polish and make-up.
The group of teenagers were taken to Tehran's notorious Vozara detention centre and sentenced to 40 lashes for each of the girls, and 50 each for the boys.
18 Oct 2016:
Authorities in Iran say that they have dismantled what they refer to as a "modelling and decadence network" and have arrested 11 people. Local media say that the network are suspected of publishing pornographic images to social media. Iran's semi-official news agency Tasnim reported that the 11 who were apprehended were "key elements" of the alleged organisation. The report added that police had shut down three underground studios that were used by models to produce photographs, which were then posted on social media.
.... According to reports in August this year, around 450 users of social media apps, including Telegram, WhatsApp and Instagram, were facing trial after being arrested, detained or summoned in the country. The Centre for Investigation of Organised Crime, which is tasked with monitoring social media to find evidence of immorality or subversion to defend the Islamic Republic against internal and external threats, was believed to be behind the arrests.
Iran is believed to have some 7,000 agents involved in preventing acts deemed anti-social in the Islamic Republic – which can be as simple as not wearing a headscarf. The covering of the head with a hijab has been mandatory for women in Iran since the 1979 revolution where conservative Islamic ideals were implemented on the nation.
And on 12 May this year Minoo Khaleghi, an Iranian woman elected to parliament was prevented from taking up her post amid claims she removed her headscarf while on holiday outside of the Islamic Republic. Khaleghi was one of 18 women to win seats in the Majlis at the recent general election and was accused of uncovering her hair while in China and Europe.
21 Oct 2016:
25 Oct 2016: BREAKING: #Assyrian man, Nazar Elias, was murdered today in #Basra southern #Iraq. Nazar is from #Baghdeda & owned an liquor shop. (1),-the-first-victim-of-Iraq%E2%80%99s-anti-alcohol-law-38990.html
25 Oct 2016: "Nazar Elias’s murder is not the only case of violence caused by the anti-alcohol law,” the sources told AsiaNews. “In Karrada, Baghdad, someone blew up a shop selling alcohol."
25 Oct 2016:
27 Oct 2016:
2016: Iranian mullahs oppose concerts in Mashhad, Yazd, Shiraz, Zanjan.
2016: In 2016, Freemuse registered 30 serious violations on artistic freedom of expression in Iran, including 19 artists behind bars, the prosecution of six artists, persecution of or threat to four artists and attack on one artist. Iran also carried out nine acts of censorship, for a total of 39 violations on artistic freedom of expression in 2016
18 Jan 2017:
21 Oct 2016:
اسلام کے نام پر وجود میں آنے والی مملکت خداداد پاکستان کے تعلیمی اداروں میں مذہبی پروگرامز پر پابندی جبکہ فحاشی و عریانی پھیلانے والوں کو کھلی آزادی قابل مذمت ہے۔بعض این جی اوز کے اشارے پر تعلیمی اداروں خاص کر قراقرم یونیورسٹی میں بے پردگی کو پروان چڑھایا جارہا ہے ۔یوم حسین ؑ پر پابندی کا مطالبہ کرنے والی قوتوں نے کبھی بھی فحاشی و عریانی کے پروگرامز پر پابندی کے حوالے سے بات تک نہیں کیا۔حکومت اس ناجائز پابندی کو فوری ختم کرے اور تمام تعلیمی اداروں میںیوم حسین ؑ کے انعقاد کو یقینی بنائے بصورت دیگر اس پابندی کو خاطر میں نہیں لایا جائیگا۔
مجلس وحدت مسلمین کے رہنما محمد الیا س صدیقی نے کہا ہے کہ گلگت بلتستان میں سوچے سمجھے منصوبے کے تحت نوجوان نسل کو بے راہ روی کی طرف گامزن کیا جارہا ہے ۔اپنے مذموم مقاصد کی تکمیل کیلئے لادین قوتوں نے سکول،کالجز اور یونیورسٹی کو ہدف نشانہ بنایا ہے جہاں آئے روز ثقافت کے نام پر فحاشی کو پروان چڑھایا جارہا ہے
25 Oct 2016: BREAKING: #Assyrian man, Nazar Elias, was murdered today in #Basra southern #Iraq. Nazar is from #Baghdeda & owned an liquor shop. (1),-the-first-victim-of-Iraq%E2%80%99s-anti-alcohol-law-38990.html
25 Oct 2016: "Nazar Elias’s murder is not the only case of violence caused by the anti-alcohol law,” the sources told AsiaNews. “In Karrada, Baghdad, someone blew up a shop selling alcohol."
25 Oct 2016:
Baghdad – Iraqi media outlets reported on Thursday, that five persons were either killed or wounded in a bomb blast that targeted a liquor store in central Baghdad.
Al Sumaria News stated, “Today, unidentified gunmen attacked a liquor store near the national theater in Karada area, in central Baghdad, using a hand grenade, killing one person and wounding four others, as well as inflicting material damage to the shop.”
“Security forces rushed to the area of incident, and transferred the body to the forensic medicine department and the wounded to a nearby hospital,” Al Sumaria added.
27 Oct 2016:
Iranian police on Wednesday launched a campaign demanding a ban on buttonless coats for women, saying the latest fashion trend was considered “un-Islamic.”
2016: Iranian mullahs oppose concerts in Mashhad, Yazd, Shiraz, Zanjan.
2016: In 2016, Freemuse registered 30 serious violations on artistic freedom of expression in Iran, including 19 artists behind bars, the prosecution of six artists, persecution of or threat to four artists and attack on one artist. Iran also carried out nine acts of censorship, for a total of 39 violations on artistic freedom of expression in 2016
Female artists in particular face discrimination, with specific rules on how they can perform publicly or even record privately, including not being able to share a stage or sing with men. In provinces such as Isfahan no women musicians are allowed on stage.
Artists are often charged with and sentenced for “insulting the sacred”, “propaganda against the state” or “spreading depravity”. Iranian courts use the “assembly line” method for prosecuting artists and other citizens, and barbaric methods, such as lashing, to punish convicts. On 5 November 2016, Iranian singer Amir Tataloo was sentenced to five years in prison and 74 lashes after being found guilty of “spreading Western immorality”.
18 Jan 2017:
An Iranian bodybuilder has been arrested after publishing selfie of her muscles on social media which were deemed to be 'nude'.
The woman, who is accused of breaking the Islamic Republic's strict rules on nudity, has been locked up in prison because she was unable to post bail of two million rials (£50), according to the Mizanonline news agency.
She has not been identified but it is thought she may be Shirin Nobahari, one of two women who took part in an international competition and were reported in September to have been warned about selfies which they posted afterwards.
19 Jan 2017:
Head of Hormozgan Province Department of Justice announced that 32 managers and users of the instant messaging service, Telegram in the province have been arrested on charges of publishing profanity.
22 Jan 2017:
Kurdish band Dayrak Khatoon was banned from performing at the International Festival of Tribal Music in Kermanshah, in western Iran, due to the band including women who also sing solo, reported Kurdistan Human Rights Network on 22 January 2017.
The organisation reported that a critical article was published in Marsad News accusing the band of “undermining” Islamic values.
27 Jan 2017: #Ayatollah Yazdi today: #Islam does not forbid music;it only bans disseminating it when there is risk music could make people forget God.
27 Jan 2017: 13 "unmarried men &women" arrested in night raid at private home on Caspian Sea. for "putting #Islam in danger", Islamic Police announces.
19 Jan 2017:
Head of Hormozgan Province Department of Justice announced that 32 managers and users of the instant messaging service, Telegram in the province have been arrested on charges of publishing profanity.
Telegram is one of the only social media services that is not blocked by the Iranian government; however, conservative factions have repeatedly called for tightening of state control over its usage by the public.
The 32 detainees are being accused of “inciting sexual misconduct and creation of immoral content as well as false profiles” while some of them were attracting as many as three thousand viewers.
22 Jan 2017:
Kurdish band Dayrak Khatoon was banned from performing at the International Festival of Tribal Music in Kermanshah, in western Iran, due to the band including women who also sing solo, reported Kurdistan Human Rights Network on 22 January 2017.
The organisation reported that a critical article was published in Marsad News accusing the band of “undermining” Islamic values.
27 Jan 2017: #Ayatollah Yazdi today: #Islam does not forbid music;it only bans disseminating it when there is risk music could make people forget God.
27 Jan 2017: 13 "unmarried men &women" arrested in night raid at private home on Caspian Sea. for "putting #Islam in danger", Islamic Police announces.
27 Jan 2017: The head of the Public Security Police of East Azerbaijan Province announced that 16 models have been arrested and 5 trade units were sealed off.
On 26th of January 2017, the state-run Fars News Agency reported that Mohammad Hassan Pasha stated:"the agents of the department that supervises public places in cooperation with the Iranian Cyber Police have identified and exterminated the modeling and fashion industries in Tabriz. Some 16 people who together promote the fashion of Western culture in cyberspace were identified, arrested and sent to the Judiciary officials after the case was filed."
The police official said:" during the inspections of 15 clothing units, 10 units received notice and 5 of them got closed according to the Article 27 of the guild system law."
2 Feb 2017:
6 Feb 2017:
یوگا درحقیقت نوعی
شیطان پرستی است
Yoga is a kind of Satan worship
موسوی نسب در صفحه 41 کتاب گنجینه اسرار یوگا می گوید: "معتقدم آنهایی که یوگا را ورزش می خوانند، به فرهنگ خیانت می کنند تا دشمنان ملی را شاد کنند!"
Mousavi Nasab on page 41 of Yoga Treasures Book says: "I believe that those who practice yoga, betray culture to please national enemies!"
وی همچنین معتقد است ادیان الهی از جمله اسلام ناقص هستند و این آیین یوگا است که به کمال رسیده است و در صفحه 48 کتاب گنجینه اسرار خود می گوید: "تمام ادیان از جمله اسلام و مسیحیت متناسب با زمان و شعور انسان، هر یک درک خاصی از عملکرد ذهن داشته اند که اغلب نارسا بوده و موجب اختلاف است!"
They also believe that divine religions, including Islam, are incomplete and this is the yoga that has come to fruition, and on page 48 of its Treasury of Secrets, it says: ": "All religions, including Islam and Christianity, are proportional to human time and consciousness, Each has a certain understanding of the functioning of the mind, which is often inadequate and contradictory! "
7 Feb 2017:
In the past 2 days, 12 musical instruments stores were bombed in #Basrah . Islamic Groups suspected
12 Feb 2017:
#Karbala Provincial Council approves motion preventing women from visiting the city "without scarf" as it disrespects the "holy" city. #Iraq
13 Feb 2017:
2 Feb 2017:
Iranian “morality police” attacked a 14-year-old girl and hit her in the face as punishment for wearing ripped jeans on the street.
6 Feb 2017:
یوگا درحقیقت نوعی
شیطان پرستی است
Yoga is a kind of Satan worship
موسوی نسب در صفحه 41 کتاب گنجینه اسرار یوگا می گوید: "معتقدم آنهایی که یوگا را ورزش می خوانند، به فرهنگ خیانت می کنند تا دشمنان ملی را شاد کنند!"
Mousavi Nasab on page 41 of Yoga Treasures Book says: "I believe that those who practice yoga, betray culture to please national enemies!"
وی همچنین معتقد است ادیان الهی از جمله اسلام ناقص هستند و این آیین یوگا است که به کمال رسیده است و در صفحه 48 کتاب گنجینه اسرار خود می گوید: "تمام ادیان از جمله اسلام و مسیحیت متناسب با زمان و شعور انسان، هر یک درک خاصی از عملکرد ذهن داشته اند که اغلب نارسا بوده و موجب اختلاف است!"
They also believe that divine religions, including Islam, are incomplete and this is the yoga that has come to fruition, and on page 48 of its Treasury of Secrets, it says: ": "All religions, including Islam and Christianity, are proportional to human time and consciousness, Each has a certain understanding of the functioning of the mind, which is often inadequate and contradictory! "
7 Feb 2017:
In the past 2 days, 12 musical instruments stores were bombed in #Basrah . Islamic Groups suspected
12 Feb 2017:
#Karbala Provincial Council approves motion preventing women from visiting the city "without scarf" as it disrespects the "holy" city. #Iraq
13 Feb 2017:
اہلسنّت پاکستان کے مرکزی امیر صاحبزادہ پیر سید مظہر سعید کاظمی اور
مرکزی ناظم اعلی علامہ پیر سید ریاض حسین شاہ کی اپیل پر جماعت اہلسنّت کے
50 مفتیان کرام نے ویلنٹائن ڈے کیخلاف اجتماعی شرعی اعلامیہ میں کہا ہے کہ
ویلنٹائن ڈے غیر اسلامی، اخلاق سوز مغربی تہوار ہے۔ اعلامیہ میں کہا گیا ہے
کہ یہ تہوار عریانی، فحاشی اور بے حیائی کے فروغ کا سبب ہے اس لئے مسلم
نوجوان اور پوری قوم اس مغربی تہوار کا بائیکاٹ کرے، اسلام کے بیٹے اور
بیٹیاں اسلامی تہذیب و ثقافت اور دینی و مشرقی روایات کے منافی ویلنٹائن ڈے
کو مسترد کر دیں کیونکہ ویلنٹائن ڈے منانا شیطان کی پیروی اور اللہ کے
عذاب کو دعوت دینے کے مترادف ہے۔ اعلامیہ میں کہا گیا ویلنٹائن ڈے کے نام
پر عریانی و فحاشی کا فروغ اسلام دشمن طاقتوں کی سازش ہے۔
20 Feb 2017:
20 Feb 2017:
The Iranian National Chess Team dismissed 18-year-old Dorsa Derakhshani for appearing at the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017, which ran from January 23 to February 2, without the Islamic head scarf that became compulsory in Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Her 15-year-old brother, Borna Derakhshani, was banned for playing against an Israeli opponent at the same event.
20 Feb 2017: Director of Babylon Antiquities receives death threats for organizeing music concerts & other "unislamic" activities
The Director accused figures in the legislative authority of issuing those death threats & threats of attacking the site with mortars
Babil Gov. says there is no attempt at curtailing civil liberties, and there is only a "block" on certain activities rejected by the society
22 Feb 2017:
20 Feb 2017: Director of Babylon Antiquities receives death threats for organizeing music concerts & other "unislamic" activities
The Director accused figures in the legislative authority of issuing those death threats & threats of attacking the site with mortars
Babil Gov. says there is no attempt at curtailing civil liberties, and there is only a "block" on certain activities rejected by the society
22 Feb 2017:
Ruet-i-Hilal Committee chairman Mufti Muneebur Rehman has said that mixed dancing of men and women or dhamal has nothing to do with the teachings of the saints.
One day a week should be fixed for women`s visit at shrines during which men`s entry should be strictly prohibited, he said while speaking to journalists at the residence of a Jamiat Ulemai-Pakistan leader here on Tuesday night.
Mufti Muneeb said that ringing of bells at Lal Shahbaz Qalandar shrine was also against the teachings of saints.
22 Feb 2017:
مرکزی جماعت اہل سنت سندھ کے امیر مفتی اعظم سندھ مفتی محمد جان نعیمی نے کہا کہ مزارات مقدسہ سے چرس، افیون، ناچ گانا اور ڈھول جیسی خرافات بند کی جائیں،مزارات پر مخلوط نظام کو ختم کیا جائے،ان خرافات کی آڑ میں دین اسلام کو بدنام کیا جا رہا ہے،
23 Feb 2017:
مزار کا سجدہ، طواف اور مرد و عورت کی مخلوط دہمال حرام ہے
مزار کا بوسہ ناجائز ہے
جب تک ایک چادر بوسیدہ نہ ہو جاے دوسری چادر نہ ڈالیں
18 March 2017:
Someone shot a video of the romantic act that went viral on social media, prompting a virulent reaction against the young couple. The man was made to apologise on video, which was posted online, and a local organisation threatened further humiliation, promising that it will make him and his lover do squats in public.
Shakeel Raza, secretary, Raza Academy, which forced the apology, told TOI, "We only made the couple realise their mistake and asked them to apologise for whatever they did publicly."
21 March 2017: Allama Ashraf Jalali, a leader of Pakistan Ahle Sunnah wa Jama’ah and secretary of Sunni Ittehad Council, said that the prime minister had not only blasphemed against Islam but also demeaned the ‘ideological foundations’ of Pakistan.
27 March 2017:
expulsion [female] singers from#Babylon Historical Festival,#iraq, under pretext singing is incompatible with Islam!!!
27 March 2017: #Iraqi artist Hamsa Majid questions decision to ban cultural activities in ancient city of #Babil
31 March 2017:
One day a week should be fixed for women`s visit at shrines during which men`s entry should be strictly prohibited, he said while speaking to journalists at the residence of a Jamiat Ulemai-Pakistan leader here on Tuesday night.
Mufti Muneeb said that ringing of bells at Lal Shahbaz Qalandar shrine was also against the teachings of saints.
22 Feb 2017:
مرکزی جماعت اہل سنت سندھ کے امیر مفتی اعظم سندھ مفتی محمد جان نعیمی نے کہا کہ مزارات مقدسہ سے چرس، افیون، ناچ گانا اور ڈھول جیسی خرافات بند کی جائیں،مزارات پر مخلوط نظام کو ختم کیا جائے،ان خرافات کی آڑ میں دین اسلام کو بدنام کیا جا رہا ہے،
23 Feb 2017:
مزار کا سجدہ، طواف اور مرد و عورت کی مخلوط دہمال حرام ہے
مزار کا بوسہ ناجائز ہے
جب تک ایک چادر بوسیدہ نہ ہو جاے دوسری چادر نہ ڈالیں
3 March 2017:
3 March 2017:
March 2, a group of women staged a rally in Mashhad, Iran's second
biggest city, to show their support for wearing full hijab. The women
marched through the holy city in niqab, which covers not only the head
but the face. In Iran, it is compulsory to wear an Islamic headscarf,
but it is less common for women to cover their faces completely.
most of them members of the clergy, also took part in the rally, as did
children. Girls who participated wore hijab, even though it is not
compulsory until puberty.
9 March 2017: BIRJAND- Mullahs and theology students in S. Khorasan province stage sit-in, protesting against "incursion by #American #Islam" into Iran.
9 March 2017:
S.Khorasan striking mullahs and theology students cite "mixed sex colleges" and musical concerts as examples of invading "#American #Islam."
13 March 2017: Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi said a husband and wife were charged because they "provided alcoholic drinks, and encouraged corruption and debauchery by holding mixed [gender] parties."
14 March 2017: Wassit Provincial Council bans women from waitering jobs in the province.
...Wassit Provincial Council Chairman Mazin Al Zamily says waitering jobs for women were banned because they are "inappropriate"&"unacceptable"
17 March 2017:
نوازشریف کے ہولی پر دیئے جانے والے بیانات اور امیرالمجاھدین علامہ خادم حسین رضوی صاحب کے جوابات۔
9 March 2017: BIRJAND- Mullahs and theology students in S. Khorasan province stage sit-in, protesting against "incursion by #American #Islam" into Iran.
9 March 2017:
S.Khorasan striking mullahs and theology students cite "mixed sex colleges" and musical concerts as examples of invading "#American #Islam."
13 March 2017: Prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi said a husband and wife were charged because they "provided alcoholic drinks, and encouraged corruption and debauchery by holding mixed [gender] parties."
14 March 2017: Wassit Provincial Council bans women from waitering jobs in the province.
...Wassit Provincial Council Chairman Mazin Al Zamily says waitering jobs for women were banned because they are "inappropriate"&"unacceptable"
17 March 2017:
نوازشریف کے ہولی پر دیئے جانے والے بیانات اور امیرالمجاھدین علامہ خادم حسین رضوی صاحب کے جوابات۔
18 March 2017:
Someone shot a video of the romantic act that went viral on social media, prompting a virulent reaction against the young couple. The man was made to apologise on video, which was posted online, and a local organisation threatened further humiliation, promising that it will make him and his lover do squats in public.
Shakeel Raza, secretary, Raza Academy, which forced the apology, told TOI, "We only made the couple realise their mistake and asked them to apologise for whatever they did publicly."
21 March 2017: Allama Ashraf Jalali, a leader of Pakistan Ahle Sunnah wa Jama’ah and secretary of Sunni Ittehad Council, said that the prime minister had not only blasphemed against Islam but also demeaned the ‘ideological foundations’ of Pakistan.
27 March 2017:
expulsion [female] singers from
27 March 2017: #Iraqi artist Hamsa Majid questions decision to ban cultural activities in ancient city of #Babil
31 March 2017:
Members of Iran’s morality police are pressuring women into wearing the veil inside Christian places of worship.
Visitors reported being lectured on whether or not their hijab was “appropriate” as they entered the Christian sanctuary, part of the Armenian Orthodox Church.
31 March 2017:
Iran has banned some of its women players from billiard sports competitions for a year for violating the Islamic codes of conduct at a tournament in China, sporting authorities announced.
Since the 1979 revolution, Iran has required women to wear the Islamic headscarf in public. T-shirts and jeans are banned for women attending billiard sport competitions, according to the website of the Iranian federation, which could not immediately be reached for comment.
31 March 2017: All members of #Iran women's snooker team banned for 1 year for wearing loose hijab during visit to #China (But China has just banned hijab)
3 April 2017: Tribal regulations in Nassiriyah for Facebook posts. Includes fines up to 10mil IQD and exile for posting inappropriate pictures of women
7 April 2017:
19 April 2017: #Ayatollah Hamadani: Male & female students in same university is recipe for debauchery. (You've a sewer for a mind,smells from 3000 miles)
23 April 2017: GONABAD-Islamic Security cancels concert of pop-star Fereidun Asrai after mullahs complain about lack of separate seating for men and women.
26 April 2017: Star soccer player, Shiva Amini, kicked off national women’s team in Iran for not wearing hijab.
9 May 2017:
Police sources revealed that the party was shut down soon after a religious leader contacted the station house officer by phone and asked him to stop the event and report him back. The cleric introduced himself as Mujahid Abdul Rasool, President of the Sunni Tehrik Lahore division.
31 March 2017:
Iran has banned some of its women players from billiard sports competitions for a year for violating the Islamic codes of conduct at a tournament in China, sporting authorities announced.
Since the 1979 revolution, Iran has required women to wear the Islamic headscarf in public. T-shirts and jeans are banned for women attending billiard sport competitions, according to the website of the Iranian federation, which could not immediately be reached for comment.
31 March 2017: All members of #Iran women's snooker team banned for 1 year for wearing loose hijab during visit to #China (But China has just banned hijab)
3 April 2017: Tribal regulations in Nassiriyah for Facebook posts. Includes fines up to 10mil IQD and exile for posting inappropriate pictures of women
7 April 2017:
of runners took part in Tehran's first-ever marathon on Friday, but
many women were outraged to find they could only run a short distance in
a closed-off stadium.
men ran through Iran's capital in the morning, women were allowed to
run just 10 kilometres (six miles) in Azadi stadium in the afternoon --
with no male spectators or officials permitted.
19 April 2017: #Ayatollah Hamadani: Male & female students in same university is recipe for debauchery. (You've a sewer for a mind,smells from 3000 miles)
23 April 2017: GONABAD-Islamic Security cancels concert of pop-star Fereidun Asrai after mullahs complain about lack of separate seating for men and women.
26 April 2017: Star soccer player, Shiva Amini, kicked off national women’s team in Iran for not wearing hijab.
9 May 2017:
Police sources revealed that the party was shut down soon after a religious leader contacted the station house officer by phone and asked him to stop the event and report him back. The cleric introduced himself as Mujahid Abdul Rasool, President of the Sunni Tehrik Lahore division.
“This illegal event, which is taking place there right now, must be stopped. Otherwise, you will be responsible and you may lose your job.”
When contacted, a senior police officer confirmed that the “police had to shut down” this event because Sunni clerics threatened assault on the partygoers. “It had caused worst traffic mess in the locality. So, the management was asked to close down the event at the midnight.”
18 May 2017: Iraqi child singer Tara Moneka is forced to flee the country with family after receiving multiple threats from militias
20 May 2017: #Iran: Regime authorities have arrested 63 Iranians at a party amid a crackdown on behavior deemed to be un-Islamic. …
20 May 2017: Head of #Iran ’s Interior Ministry's State Elections Committee: More post-election celebrations not allowed #IranElections2017
22 May 2017: Iranian female football fan arrested in stadium after posing like a male fan to enter and watch the games:
23 May 2017: Four days after Rouhani is reelected, a classical Persian music concert is cancelled by his Ministry of Culture.
23 May 2017: Iranian soccer player, Mohsen Forouzan, suspended for his model wife's photo without hijab
8 June 2017:
18 May 2017: Iraqi child singer Tara Moneka is forced to flee the country with family after receiving multiple threats from militias
20 May 2017: #Iran: Regime authorities have arrested 63 Iranians at a party amid a crackdown on behavior deemed to be un-Islamic. …
20 May 2017: Head of #Iran ’s Interior Ministry's State Elections Committee: More post-election celebrations not allowed #IranElections2017
22 May 2017: Iranian female football fan arrested in stadium after posing like a male fan to enter and watch the games:
23 May 2017: Four days after Rouhani is reelected, a classical Persian music concert is cancelled by his Ministry of Culture.
23 May 2017: Iranian soccer player, Mohsen Forouzan, suspended for his model wife's photo without hijab
8 June 2017:
The Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has arrested dozens of boys and girls who were on a leisure tour and mountain hiking near the town of Sepidan, in Iran’s Southern Fars Province.
The state-run Javan news agency on Tuesday, June 6, quoted Lieutenant Colonel Ruhollah Rostami, a commander of the local IRGC in Sepidan Garrison, as saying that some 90 boys and girls who were taking part in a mixed-gender tour and mountain hiking were detained.
The state-run Javan news agency on Tuesday, June 6, quoted Lieutenant Colonel Ruhollah Rostami, a commander of the local IRGC in Sepidan Garrison, as saying that some 90 boys and girls who were taking part in a mixed-gender tour and mountain hiking were detained.
11 June 2017: #Iran Public Sports Federation issues a call banning Zumba, says its against Islamic text.
27 June 2017: Women caught with “bad hijabs” in Mazandaran Province, northern Iran, will face criminal prosecution and their vehicles will be impounded, warned a local prosecutor on June 27, 2017.
27 June 2017: Women caught with “bad hijabs” in Mazandaran Province, northern Iran, will face criminal prosecution and their vehicles will be impounded, warned a local prosecutor on June 27, 2017.
A local judge in Fars Province has meanwhile declared that women caught without a proper hijab will be forced to take a daylong “educational” course.
5 July 2017: Afghan Shia mullahs oppose cultural festival in Jaghuri and Bamiyan
11 July 2017:
30 July 2017: Two Yazidi young men working at alcohol shop were killed in #Baghdad according to local reports.
9 August 2017: TEHRAN, Iran (@AP) — #Iran's state TV is reporting that authorities have detained 64 youths at a pool party in central Isfahan province.
10 August 2017: Six arrested in Iran for 'teaching Zumba' and 'promoting a lack of hijab'
24 Sep 2017:
الخبر الثاني ما قاله نائب الأمين العام لحزب الله، والمسؤول عن ملفّ الانتخابات النيابية، الشيخ نعيم قاسم، في خطبة عاشورائية، طلب خلالها من الأهل منع أولادهم عن معاشرة من يختلطون بالفتيات أو يستمعون إلى الأغاني، ومنع الفتيات من استعمال فيسبوك وتويتر وواتساب، وعرّج على السخرية من “المعلّمات المطلّقات”، باعتبارهنّ “مليئات بالمشاكل ولا يستطعنَ تقديم النصائح للطلاب”.
Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, who is responsible for the file of the parliamentary elections, Sheikh Naim Qassem, said in an Ashura sermon, in which he asked the parents to prevent their children from cohabiting with girls or listening to songs, and preventing girls from using Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. Ridiculing "divorced female teachers" as "full of problems and unable to give advice to students."
25 Sep 2017: Mufti of the Houthi militia in Yemen, Shams al-Deen Sharad al-Deen, has issued a fatwa (religious edict) which forbids the use of the internet “because it leads to corruption.” The Mufti called on internet investors to pull out.
Armed Houthis responded to the fatwa and forcefully implemented it in Qabal village located in Hamdan district of Sanaa governorate.
30 Sep 2017:
Rahat Husaini (#Shia cleric) asks for exemplary punishment for drinking, nepotism & immoral activities in Gilgit
23 Oct 2017: 3 female hairdressers arrested in Zahedan. Accused of secret modelling activities and promoting corruption.
5 Nov 2017: Movies by Iran's legendary filmmaker Kiarostami, Harry Potter series, Bergman among CDs confiscated by Iranian police for being "vulgar"
27 Nov 2017:
5 July 2017: Afghan Shia mullahs oppose cultural festival in Jaghuri and Bamiyan
11 July 2017:
تنظیم مشائخ عظام پاکستان، چیئرمین صوفی مسعود احمد صدیقی نے کی۔ کنونشن
میں میں تمام مذاہب و مسالک کے رہنمائوں، علماء، مشائخ اور مرد و خواتین،
کمیونٹی ورکرز نے شرکت کی۔.. انہوں نے ان معاشرتی برائیوں کو پاکستان کی
ترقی کی راہ میں سب سے بڑی رکاوٹ قرار دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ ہم اسلامی جمہوریہ
پاکستان ہیں اور بحیثیت ایک اسلامی ملک ہمارے دین و مذہب میں ان شیطانی
رسومات جیسے ویلنٹائن ڈے، اپریل فول بالخصوص مخلوط نظام تعلیم اور کرپشن کی
کوئی گنجائش نہیں،
30 July 2017: Two Yazidi young men working at alcohol shop were killed in #Baghdad according to local reports.
9 August 2017: TEHRAN, Iran (@AP) — #Iran's state TV is reporting that authorities have detained 64 youths at a pool party in central Isfahan province.
10 August 2017: Six arrested in Iran for 'teaching Zumba' and 'promoting a lack of hijab'
24 Sep 2017:
الخبر الثاني ما قاله نائب الأمين العام لحزب الله، والمسؤول عن ملفّ الانتخابات النيابية، الشيخ نعيم قاسم، في خطبة عاشورائية، طلب خلالها من الأهل منع أولادهم عن معاشرة من يختلطون بالفتيات أو يستمعون إلى الأغاني، ومنع الفتيات من استعمال فيسبوك وتويتر وواتساب، وعرّج على السخرية من “المعلّمات المطلّقات”، باعتبارهنّ “مليئات بالمشاكل ولا يستطعنَ تقديم النصائح للطلاب”.
Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, who is responsible for the file of the parliamentary elections, Sheikh Naim Qassem, said in an Ashura sermon, in which he asked the parents to prevent their children from cohabiting with girls or listening to songs, and preventing girls from using Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. Ridiculing "divorced female teachers" as "full of problems and unable to give advice to students."
25 Sep 2017: Mufti of the Houthi militia in Yemen, Shams al-Deen Sharad al-Deen, has issued a fatwa (religious edict) which forbids the use of the internet “because it leads to corruption.” The Mufti called on internet investors to pull out.
Armed Houthis responded to the fatwa and forcefully implemented it in Qabal village located in Hamdan district of Sanaa governorate.
30 Sep 2017:
Rahat Husaini (
23 Oct 2017: 3 female hairdressers arrested in Zahedan. Accused of secret modelling activities and promoting corruption.
5 Nov 2017: Movies by Iran's legendary filmmaker Kiarostami, Harry Potter series, Bergman among CDs confiscated by Iranian police for being "vulgar"
27 Nov 2017:
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has issued a fatwa declaring that women are forbidden to ride bicycles in public, Iran Students News Agency (ISNA) reported on November 26.
In response to a religious inquiry, Khamenei also said it is prohibited for women to ride bicycles in the presence of strangers and those who are not their immediate family.
8 Dec 2017:
Ayatollah Sobhani, a Shia Marja, has said women entering stadiums is corrupt and not compatible with their modesty...
12 Dec 2017:
Ayatollah Hasan Mamdoohi: Some movements of men are very stimulating for women. Women see men's soccer the same way men see women's soccer. Watching men’s wrestling by women is forbidden and is an Israeli plot.
8 Dec 2017:
Ayatollah Sobhani, a Shia Marja, has said women entering stadiums is corrupt and not compatible with their modesty...
12 Dec 2017:
Ayatollah Hasan Mamdoohi: Some movements of men are very stimulating for women. Women see men's soccer the same way men see women's soccer. Watching men’s wrestling by women is forbidden and is an Israeli plot.
زنان در ورزشگاه با دیدن بدن مرد تهییج میشوند
حسن ممدوحی، عضو جامعه مدرسین حوزه علمیه قم در گفتوگو با ایران درباره
حضور زنان در ورزشگاهها گفت: در حج کسی به این مسائل توجهی ندارد، اما در
ورزشگاه و هنگام مسابقات فوتبال یا کشتی، وقتی زن به بدن لخت مرد نگاه
میکند تهییج میشود. اصلاً مگر میشود زن و مرد در گوشهای باشند و هیجانی
به وجود نیاید؟ اکنون بسیاری از زنان اروپا و امریکا معترض آزارهای مردان
هستند. این طور نیست که اگر زن و مرد را در اختیار هم قرار دادیم، دیگر
مسأله عادی شود. یک ذره رها شوند، مشکل ایجاد میشود. اکنون همه رو به
ضلالت میروند و کسی نمیفهمد صراط مستقیم کجاست؛ هرچه به این مسائل دامن
بزنند وضع بدتر میشود. در صورت ورود زنان در ورزشگاه، آیا میتوان سلامت
کار را تأمین و تضمین کرد؟ اگر شرایط به گونهای باشد که زنان و مردان
محفوظ باشند، ممکن است، ولی باید توجه کرد که برخی حرکات مردان برای زنان
بسیار محرک است. درست مانند اینکه مردان به فوتبال زنان نگاه کنند. برای
زنان هم همین است. ما اصلاً موافق نیستیم که مسابقات کشتی در تلویزیون پخش
شود و خانمها آن را تماشا کنند. واقعاً حرام است. آیا درست است که خانمها
کشتی بگیرند و مردان نگاه کنند؟ متقابلاً برای بازی مردان هم این حکم جاری
است. اینها به طور قطع برنامه اسرائیلی است که گاهی ما گرفتار آنیم.
21 Dec 2017: At two separate night parties held to celebrate an ancient Iranian tradition, 230 young boys and girls were rounded-up and detained in the capital city, Tehran.
Young people had gathered to celebrate Winter Solstice, Yalda (the birth of God of Light, Mithra), on December 21, the longest night of the year when the security forces stormed the mixed-gender parties.
Meanwhile, chief of 110 “sohada” police station, Esma’il Afshari said on Thursday night that two 22-year old boys were arrested while busy drawing shapes and signs of Devil worshipping cults on a wall in his precinct.
“Under interrogation, the two admitted being attracted to Devil worshipping cults through social media”, Afshari maintained.
22 Dec 2017:
Residents in Iraq's Shiite holy city of Karbala have denounced a local decision that could soon see salesmen in trouble for displaying female mannequins in anything but Islamic clothing.
25 Dec 2017:
A 10-year old Iranian girl summoned to disciplinary committee after she appeared without hijab in a gymnastics tournament in Malaysia. Head of Gymnastics Federation said she participated in her private capacity.
29 Dec 2017: Allama Jawad Naqvi (#Shia cleric): Just like Yazid, Saudi Crown Prince is also a liberal who has allowed women to drive, play, sing and dance. Just like Yazid, he has declared war on Ayatollah Khamenie, Hussain of our times.
11 Jan 2018: BANDAR-ABBAS- Islamic Security arrests 21 pop-singers performing in "underground" illegal concerts attended by mixed audiences of men & women whose mingling threatened Islamic values, Islamic Proescutor announces.
Jan 2018: Female artists in Iran banned from peforming
13 Feb 2018:
ویلنٹائن جیسی بے ہودہ رسموں کے باعث خواتین کیخلاف جرائم کی شرح میں اضافہ ہوا، علامہ نیاز نقوی
جنرل مشرف کے دور میں عورتوں اور مردوں کی مشترکہ ” میراتھن ریس“ سب کو یاد ہوگی جب قومی خزانے سے ” دوڑ میرے لاہور“ کے نہایت مہنگے اشتہارات اخبارات میں شائع کئے گئے جبکہ قرآن میں واضح حکم ہے کہ عورت زمین پر زور سے پاﺅں مار کر نہ چلے۔
6 Jun 2018:
Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi blames cyberspace for causing child rapes in Tehran school, protests in Kazeron, divorces in Iran. Warns youth that Christians defeated Muslims in Spain by promoting relations between boys & girls, and giving them free wine.
22 Dec 2017:
Residents in Iraq's Shiite holy city of Karbala have denounced a local decision that could soon see salesmen in trouble for displaying female mannequins in anything but Islamic clothing.
25 Dec 2017:
A 10-year old Iranian girl summoned to disciplinary committee after she appeared without hijab in a gymnastics tournament in Malaysia. Head of Gymnastics Federation said she participated in her private capacity.
29 Dec 2017: Allama Jawad Naqvi (#Shia cleric): Just like Yazid, Saudi Crown Prince is also a liberal who has allowed women to drive, play, sing and dance. Just like Yazid, he has declared war on Ayatollah Khamenie, Hussain of our times.
11 Jan 2018: BANDAR-ABBAS- Islamic Security arrests 21 pop-singers performing in "underground" illegal concerts attended by mixed audiences of men & women whose mingling threatened Islamic values, Islamic Proescutor announces.
Jan 2018: Female artists in Iran banned from peforming
13 Feb 2018:
ویلنٹائن جیسی بے ہودہ رسموں کے باعث خواتین کیخلاف جرائم کی شرح میں اضافہ ہوا، علامہ نیاز نقوی
جنرل مشرف کے دور میں عورتوں اور مردوں کی مشترکہ ” میراتھن ریس“ سب کو یاد ہوگی جب قومی خزانے سے ” دوڑ میرے لاہور“ کے نہایت مہنگے اشتہارات اخبارات میں شائع کئے گئے جبکہ قرآن میں واضح حکم ہے کہ عورت زمین پر زور سے پاﺅں مار کر نہ چلے۔
6 Jun 2018:
Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi blames cyberspace for causing child rapes in Tehran school, protests in Kazeron, divorces in Iran. Warns youth that Christians defeated Muslims in Spain by promoting relations between boys & girls, and giving them free wine.
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