Mehdi Khalaji: How the Iranian Revolution Changed the Role of the Shia Clergy. One of the biggest gifts to Shias was Mongol invasion that gave Shias opportunity to assert themselves and form Safavid empire after 2 centuries. (From 10:18), Safavids Persianized Islam and distinguished themselves from Muslim world. Persianized Shiism is different from Lebanese, Iraqi, Turkish Shiism because Persian Shiism has pre-Islamic elements. (From 11:24), in order to maintain power equations, Iranians needed alliances with European powers (Portuguese, Dutch, French) and they had to create a powerful Shia clergy inside Iran. (From 19:20) Shiism recognizes pluralism of Ayatollahs. (From 33:00), about 1/3rd land of Iran is religious endowments. After revolution, Ayatollahs became businessmen, and lost contact with people. (From 36:00) Iran's leader, supreme justice, minister of intelligence, guardian council are all have to Ayatollahs. (41.48) Interest is forbidden in Islam but in Iran, Supreme Leaders approved it and other Ayatollahs can't say their followers to oppose it. That's how Islamic Republic took away the independence of clergy. Iran is not a theocracy but better call it a religious autocracy because institution of clergy has no say in the legal system, judiciary, public economy and public policies. Clergy became richer but lost its independence after Revolution 1979. (From 49:13s) notion of Velayet Faqih came not from Islamic jurisprudence but from Islamic mysticism. Khoemeni believed in not only Shariah but also inspired by Sufis such as Ibne Arabi. (From 53:30) Tehran is the more erotic city of Muslim world. You won't hear sounds of prayers in Tehran.(From 55:45) Iranians crazy about US. They don't call themselves Middle Easterners and think they are misplaced, and should be neighbor of Switzerland rather than Afghanistan. (From 56:15) Khoemeni's theory that interest of nation trumps over Shariah. (From 58:40) this notion of absolutism and autocracy was not in Shariah but was based in mysticism (that I know what's best for you). (From 1:03:25) Look at pics of Khoemeni, people around him are laypeople but look at pics of Khamenei, people around him are military people. (1:04:10) Real power in Iran is in the hands of IRGC, not clerics. (From 1:08:48) Iran and Israel are natural allies. Since 4 centuries, Iran balanced power equations by allying with foreign powers. (From 1:10:46) Any rapproachment with US would be political suicide for Khamenei.
The learned, quietist teachings of scholars like Shariatmadari were not the only reason Shiite clerics resisted Khomeini. In fact, many clerics felt that the Khomeinist revolution did not go far enough. They had assumed that an Islamic republic would apply the sharia codes in all realms of human activity. However, when these scholars discovered that Khomeini was more tolerant than them regarding women and other issues, they condemned his government for failing to be sufficiently Islamic. (Ayatollah Sayyed Hassan Qommi, who was under house arrest for more than two decades after the revolution, is a leading proponent of this kind of criticism of the Islamic Republic.) In today’s Iran, there are still marjas who find fault with the current Islamic government from this perspective. For instance, Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpayegani has fiercely criticized President Ahmadinejad’s decision to appoint several women as ministers of his cabinet.7
In his speeches and statements, Khomeini chastised high-ranking ayatollahs who disagreed with his principle of velayat-e faqih. He called them “stupid,” “blithering,” “backward,” and “monarchist clerics” who had been “deceived by colonialism,” and were “enemies of Islam and its prophet” as well as loyal to “American Islam” (a phrase meant to describe a liberal and pro-Western understanding of Islam). In 1987, Khomeini stated in an open letter to clerics around the country that “the extent to which your old father [himself] has been agonized by this petrified group [clerics who believe in separation of Islam and state] was much more than any pressure and difficulties by others.”8
"Unlike their Sunni counterparts, Shi'i clergy did not have a "consistent theory of the state," and following the occultation of the Hidden Imam tended to followed one of three approaches to governance:
- "true believers should shun the authorities like the plague."
- "others, however, argued that one should grudgingly accept the state. `If the ruler is bad, ask God to reform him; but if he is good, ask God to prolong his life` - Imam Jafar Sadeq
- "Others wholeheartedly accepted the state - especially after 1501, when the Safavids established a Shi'i dynasty in Iran."
Khomeini on the Rights of Non-Muslim or Women Victims
"Conditions of retaliation,” i.e. under what conditions may a person be killed (executed) as punishment for the killing another:.... (3) Equality in religion, therefore Moslem will not be retaliated for [killing an] infidel, unless a Moslem has a habit of killing infidels.[8D]"Mulcts and Blood Money,” a mulct being a penalty or fine, in this case for killing another person:
.... (3) The amount of mulct which has come in the table is for a Moslem man, but the mulct of a Moslem woman will be half of these amounts, i.e. 50 camels or 500 dinarsSo again to summarize:
(4) A tributary's mulct is 8000 derhams [9D] and the mulct of their women is half of that of their men.[9.1D]
Khomeini On His Enemies
There's Saudi Arabia and the "baseless and superstitious cult of Wahhabism." Muslims "should curse tyrants, including the Saudi royal family, these traitors to God's great shrine, may God's curse and that of this prophets and angels be upon them ... " [3I]"Khomeini has a smaller audience than other pioneer Islamists like the Qutb brothers or Mawlana Abu'l-A`la Mawdudi. Sunni's have proven less than interested in what the "commander of the faithful," Khalifa Ali ibn Abi Talib had to say that proves the need for rule by fuqaha, or for that matter with the whole idea of Marja'-e taqlid or taqlid ("imitating" or accepting religious rulings by living scholars without examining and agreeing with the evidence/technical proof/ijtihad behind the ruling). [6J] Sunni Islamists, or at least salafi, are more likely to quote people like Imam Abu Hanifa who is reputed to have said:
"It is forbidden for anyone who does not know my proofs to make a ruling according to my statements, for verily we are only humans we may say something today and reject it tomorrow."And after the failure of the Islamic Republic of Iran (see "What Happens When Islamists Take Power? The Case of Iran" if you haven't already) even most Shi'a are tuned out."
"* at least 4400 persons, ranging from cabinet ministers to prostitutes from coup plotters to street protestors, were executed by the Islamic regime in the first few years of the revolution.
* Another 3000 and perhaps as many as 6000-10,000 political prisoners were executed in September and October 1989. Most of these were Mojahedin guerillas, but many were nonviolent demonstrators.
Accompanying these executions was a systematic political elimination of the Khomeini's erstwhile revolutionary allies turned opposition. The government banned their periodicals and arrested their leaders. Pro-government Islamist thugs beat their protestors, and smashed and looted their news stands, bookstores, and offices. [5]"
"And the debt of $7.4 billion left behind by the Shah that forced Iran "to bow in submission before America and Britain" ballooned to $30 billion (in 1993). How much "bowing in submission" resulted is unclear, but inability to make repayments did bring plenty of economic dislocations - unemployment from import shortages, massive devaluation, inflation, and lowered standards of living. [8]"
"... But most disastrous of all for Iran, was Khomeini promise that
We will bring forth:
Victory over the armies of unbelief with the power of "true" Islam - If the form of government willed by Islam were to come into being, none of the governments now existing in the world would be able to resist it; they would all capitulate. (Khomeini in exile, January-February 1970.)This theory was put to the test when the Islamic Republic was attacked by neighbor Saddam Hussein's army a year and a half after the revolution started. Within two years Iran had virtually driven the Iraqi army back to Iraq, but the war did not end there. Khomeini spurned offers of a truce, insisting that the Arab nationalist regime in Baghdad must fall and must be replaced by an Islamic Republic. (1982) Despite the fact that America (and other governments determined to resist the spread of Islamic Republics) lined up to give Iraq whatever it needed, Khomeini went for `capitulation` of the Iraqi nationalist regime.
Six years, hundreds of thousands of Iranian lives, and $100's of billions later, faced with the possible collapse of his regime, Khomeini gave up and drank what he called "poison chalice" of peace. [13]"
"The detested Zionist army had secretly come to the aid of the Islamic Republic in its war against Iraq. The nearly friendless Islamic Republic needed help against the Iraqi invaders. The Israelis wanted to ensured the safety of the 80,000-strong Jewish community in Iran and confound their Arab enemies. In the words of British journalists John Bulloch and Harvey Morris:
It was the Israelis who devised and manufactured the huge, lightweight polystyrene blocks which the Iranian assault forces carried with them to build instant makeshift causeways across the shallow Iraqi water defences in front of Basra; it was Israel which kept Iranian planes flying in spite of a lack of spares; and it was Israeli instructors who taught the new young Iranian commanders how to handle troops, how to move their forces about and how to exploit the openings made by the fanatically brave young volunteers who died in their thousands in the human-wave assaults. Above all, it was the Israelis who involved the Reagan administration in the Iran-Contra affair. For all the speeches of Iranian leaders, the diatribes against Israel, the denunciations at the Friday prayers, there were never less than about a 100 Israeli advisers and technicians in Iran at any time throughout the war, living in a carefully guarded and secluded camp just north of Tehran; they remained there even after the ceasefire. [157a]
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