Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Olympian Indicators

Ah!! Olympics and Pakistan. A long road ahead.

It appears that nations of the sub-continent have neither developed an industrial base nor a modern culture. They have been unable to provide necessary services to their citizens as well. India, much touted as an emerging economic giant, has been totally exposed at the Olympics. It has been shown that Indian economic growth is spotty and lacks the vitality of an emerging economic power. It is neither here nor there: it has the ills of both Socialist and Capitalist systems and none of the benefits both types of society offer.

Pakistan’s situation is even worse. It is still stuck in the old feudalistic mode or at least it is still in the grip of feudal culture. A few girls in sleeveless clothes on TV and billboards are not reflective of the prevailing culture. The elites have ignored their own people and have kept all the goodies for themselves.

On top of it, general anarchy, ensuing commercialisation and absence of government writ have made the situation worse. Encroachment of public lands by the needy and the powerful has left no space for young and aspiring athletes to play any kind of game, for pleasure or for professional development. So there are no places for the runners to practice like the Africans. The Pakistani youth has the worst of all worlds. With this backdrop, it should not be surprising that we are nowhere in the world Olympics.

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